The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 22, 1910, Image 8

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■... m THE CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARROLLTON, OA. JUST 2 MORE DAYS Of shopping before Christmas and we are going to offer inducements throughout the house to make these two days the Biggest Days of our business history. Our store is chock full just such goods as you and all of your family and friends are in need of just at this time, and the prices are fixed on the merchandise to force quick and easy selling. Below we print a small Mist of suggestive articles for gifts. There are numerous articles here space doesn’t permit us to print. We have ample sales force to serve iyou with courtesy and pleasure. Come in* and lets show you. For Ladies and Children. Linen Handkerchiefs, Neatly Boxed Kid Gloves-Go’f Gloves Sweater Coats, Mufflers Auto Scarfs-Silk Raincoats Caracul Coats, Ladies and Children Coat Suits, Silk Petticoats Fur Sets or odd Fur pieces Silk stockings, Buster Brown hose Leather Handbags, velvet bags Mesh bags New velvet belts, assorted colors Wool Blankets, cotton blankets White quilts, table covers Table damask, napkins to match Ready made kimonas-shirt waists Lace curtains, linen towels Rugs, art squares Persian waist patterns, allover nets Silk Umbrellas Holiday Ribbons for tieing packages Bearskin cloaks, caps t.o match Bedroom slippers Evening Dresses Talcum puff boxes Hat pins, belt pins, hat pin holders Fancy catchalls, lace collars, jabots For Men Lounging robes. House slippers Combination boxes, silk sox and ties silk suspenders neatly boxed H. S & M Full Dress suits Meyers kid gloves golf gloves Scarf pins and link sets noyden shoes, stetson hats silk or linen handkerchiefs Suit cases, bags, trunks Plush lap rohes Full dress white vests, dress shirts Top coats, cravenetted overcoats pajamas, night shirts Umbrellas, walking canes There are many articles to be found in our large and well assorted stock that will make a'sensible and much appreciated gift for Father, Mother, Brother sister, H' tn °r Her. Our salespeople will take special pleasuae in showing you and we will gladly wrap weigh and mail your pickages for you. LET US SERVE VOL A. J. BASKIN CO “YOUR STORE” i . / Georgian Appointed Associate Justice Washington, D. C. December— President Taft sent to the senate on Monday last the following nomi nations. For chief justice of the supreme court of the United States, Edward Douglas White of Louisiana, now associate justice. For associate justice. Willie Van Devanter of Wyoming and Joseph Rucker Lamar of Georgia. Two of the places went to south era men and democrats. Justice White was immediately confirmed by the senate, and Judge Lamar •was confirmed on Thursday. 1 Senator Terreli of Georgia, who as governor in 1903, appointed Judge Lamar to the supreme court bench of the state, strongly recam- mended the Georgianto the President and will have the pleasure of voting for his confirmation for a place on the highest judicial tribunal in the United States. Senator Bacon, Representatives Howard, Brandy, and Bartlett also exerted themselves to the ut most in behalf of Judge Lamar. The latter’s salary as an associate justice will be $12,500 a year. He has a life tenure of office, and his position in some respects will be higher than that of President of the United States. The position of chief justice of the supreme court is one that Presi dent Taft would gladly take in ex change for his present trying office, He has always wanted a place on the bench, and did not want to be president. His is a case in which Fate played havoc with a big man’s plans and purposes. Yet Jhe, a re publican, names a democrat and a former Confederate soldier to this coveted position. Georgians who have practiced before the supreme court, say that Justice White has undoubtedly the strongest legal mind on the bench. The whole ;Georgia delegation was pleased beyond measure at the hon or accorded to two democrats by President Taft, and the confirmation of the appointments by a republican senate.—(By John Corrigan. Wash ington Correspondent, Atlanta Con stitution.) In Memory. Again the death angel has visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Sticher, and took from them their beloved daughter, Sleta Sticher, the twelfth of Dec. 1910. She was ten years, eight months, twenty days old. She was ill only a short time, God saw fit to take her home where there will be no more pain nor sor row. Sleta had gone to school only one week this term. She was loved by her school mates, friends and all who knew her. We feel that she is not dead; but sweetly sleeping in the arms of Jesus. Sleta told her mother that she did not know how she was suffering, but she was alright Mother, father, brother, sisters, and grandmothers weep not for your beloved daughter and sister for she is out of all her suffering, will escape a lots of temptation and trials. She has gone to walk the streets of shining gold: but live in hopes of meeting her some sweet day beyond the vale of tears. We know you miss her. She has paid the debt we all must pay, we know not the day nor the hour when God sees fit for us to go he will call us home. We can sympathize with the grieved ones. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. S. E. Wilson at the Hinesly Grave Yard where she was laid to rest. Dearest Sleta. thou hast left us Here thy loss we deeply feel; But ’tis God who has bereft us He can all our sorrows heal. 240 Acre Farm foi Sale or Ren Located between Rockmart and Draketown and containing over 100 acres of good bottomland, upland is mostly good strong redland, 2 public roads through the place and near schools and churches. These bottom lands will make ideal stockfarms. Will sell on terms or will rent on Lb*, halves to good croppers able to run two or three horse crop each, about ,, six horse crop open. Address Box 227. Austell, Ga. 4t