The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 29, 1910, Image 1

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Hamrick Pharmacy X (Earrnil 3xn Praa. % THE PEOPLE’S POPULAR PAPER AND THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, GEORGIA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 29 1910 Condensed Statement Of The , FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CARROLLTON. December 24th, 1910 ASSETS Loans and Discounts $253,86’.96 U. S. Bonds lO0;UU0.00 Bank Building |30,000.00 Redemption Fund £. r Circulation 5,000.00 Cash on t»nd and due from banks 121,477.77 Overdrafts 4,281.40 514,622.13 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $100,000.00 Surplus 100,000.00 Deposits 198,115.38 Undivided Profits 11,843.96 Circulation 101,300.00 Due to Banks 3,362.79 514,622.13 The Citizens Bank will be closed Monday, Jan. 2nd- The annual meeting of tSae Stock holders of this bank will be held in Commercial Club Rooms at 2 p. m. Friday, December 30th A. K. Snead, Cashier. Copyrlaht 1909, by C. E. Zimmerman C0.--N0. 5S The Old Cabinet /Taker Says: That it is no wonder elastic cotton felt has taken the place of all other forms of filling for mattresses and this is the concensus [of opinion of ail those who have spent a night on one of our elastic felt mattresses. They are more reasonably priced than you imagine and if you sleep on ^ one for a single night, you will not be without it for twice the price we ask. When you consider how much of the time you sleep and how much sleep means to you, you will readily agree that [our invitation to inspect these mattresses is well worth your consideration. JS. C.KYTLE Carrollton, Ca. Contest Closed December 24. 1 The Free Press’ Grand Voting! Contest which began in October and closed last Saturday, December 24th | was a hotly contested one from the beginning until the final wind up. Out of the score of contestants nominated by their friends only three had pluck enough to stay in the fight until the finish, and these were handsomely rewarded for their zeal and energy displayed in secur- 1 ing new subscriptions and renewals j to the Free Press. Our Contest Manager, Mr. C. W- Corley, conducted the contest in a straightforward business way and at no time was any partiality shown to either contestant by anyone con nected with this office. That the Free Press is the ‘Peeplaa Paper’ is shown by the interest in the contest displayed by the people all over the county, and the large number of new subscribers added to our already large list, and we may in future put on another, but an entirely different contest Below we publish the standing of the contestants in the final count Mrs. L S. Sims - 532,885 Mrs. E. S. Lyle - 309,845 Miss Myrtie Fields - 75,690 Mrs. Sims was awarded the 1st prize, a fine Piano; Mre. Lyle the 2nd prize, a handsome suit of Par lor Furniture: Miss Fields the 3rd prize, a Ladies Gold Watch. Falls From Moving Train. Last Monday night Mr. Raymond Fleming fell from the platform of the 8:20 train and sustained very severe injuries. He was picked up unconcious and carried to his home in an automobile, and at present is resting easier, but is not out of danger as it is feared that he may have sustained internal injuries. Just how the accident happened is not known, but it is supposed that he boarded the train, when it stop ped at the depot, for the purpose of talking to friend, and in .attempting to ’get off after the train was in motion he Jlost his footing and fell to the ground. New Year Services. First Baptist Church, Jan. 1st, 7 p.m. Subject—New Year Resolutions. As to the Home—Emmett Smith As to the Church—A. K. Snead As to the Town—J. 0. Newell. As to Myself— L. ,S. Sims. Everybody invited. Land Sale Georgia, Carroll County. Will be sold before the court house door of said couuty at Carrollton within the legal hours of sale, .on the first Tuesday in January, to the highest bidder for cash, the east half of lot of land No, 204 in the Fifth District of said county, con taining 100 acres, more or less, sold as the property of several heirs at law of James Jordan; the purchaser to secure the rents for 1911; sold by virture of the authority vested in me as attorney in fact for the several- heirs at law of James Jordon. This December 22nd, 1910. Jerry D. Jordan. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Gainesboro Telhpeone and Telegraph Company in accordance with the law requirements of the Railroad Commission of Georgia, has made application to said Commission for authority to issue $69,000.00 of preferred stock, and $181,000 of common stock. This application has been arraigned for hearing be fore the Commission at its office in Atlanta, Georgia, at the meeting of the Commission to be held Thursday January 5th, 1911, at ten o’clock a m. G;,inesboro Telephone and Telegraph Company By J. C. Bass. Pres. 2ts Installation of Officers Carroll Lodge No. 69, F. & A. M. The installation of officers of Car- roll Lodge 69, F. &. A. M„ took place Tuesday, the 27th inst, at the Masonic Hall. Dr J D Hamrick the retiring Worshipful Master, con duced the installation services in a most beautiful and most impressive manner. Dr Hamrick has served the Lodge as Worshipful Master for sixteen years, and has made a record that any man should be proud of. The Lodge has prospered under his administration as it had never prospered before. Following are the officers installed to serve for the ensuing year: E. A. Merrell W. M., B. L. Garrett, S. W., H. M. Harper, "J. W., B. B. Thomasson, Secty., G. F. Cheney, Treas., W. J. Millican, S. D„ T. A. Hilton, J. D., R. E. Foster, S. S., J. A. Bledsoe, J. S„ R. A. Herrin, Tyler. Program Week of Prayer Services every evening at 7 o'clock from Jan. 2nd to Jan, 26th, 1911. Monday—Presbyterian Church. Topic—Prayer for the Spiritual Arousing of the Church. Services .opened by Rev. J. McD. Radford; Speakers, T. W, Dimmock, W. W. Baskin, H.O, Lovvoin Open Discussion. Tuesday—Central Baptist Church. —Prayer for Religion the Home Services opened by Rev. W. E. Dorter. Speakers, A. K. Sneed, Jno. M. Jackson, J. M. Walker. Open Discussion. Wednesday—Methodist Protestant Topic—Prayer for Religion in our Business life and Relations. Services opened by Rev, J. M. Dodd: Speakers, L C. Mandeville, Sr., Geo. Morris. R. F. Hyatt Open Discussion. Thursday—M. E. Church. Topic—Prayer for Religion in our Recreations and Amusements. Services opened by Rev. W. W. Roop Speakers, C. A. Lyle, Lewis Sims, S. Holdemess. Open Discussion. Friday—First Baptist Church. Topic—Prayer for Religion and the Bible in our Schools and Colleges. Services opened by Rev. R. A. Edmondson: Speakers, H. B. Adams, J. R. Adamson, G. P. Braswell. Open Discussion. It is earnestly hoped that all the good people of our town will join heartily in these services. The above program was prepared by the Ministers Union of our city and all the pastors will co-operate in this movement. Notice Farmers Through January we will run our Oil Mill Ginnery Fridays and Satur days for first half, and Saturdays only for second half of the month. Bring all your cotton during Janu ary as we will close the ginnery for the season January 28th. Mandeville Mills. Prayer Meeting The Young Mens’ Prayermeeting of the First Baptist Church will meet in the Sunday School Room at the First Baptist Church on the first Sunday evening in January at 6:30 p. m. L. S. Sims, Leader. Mules McKensie, Baxter & Peak will be at Bledsoe’s stable this season , at Smith & Vaughan old stand i with good mules and horses for sale, ! See them before you buy. j For Sale Will be sold on first Tnesday in January, 1911, between the legal hours for sale, in front of the court house door at Carrollton, Ga., to the highest and best bidder, one twelve room house with necessary out buildings, situated on a lot contain ing 1 3-4 acres, fronting South St., 224 feet and running back 290 feet to railroad right of way. This prop erty will he put as follows: lot no. 1 containing the residence, said lot being 84x200 feet; lot no. 2 70x200 feet; lot no. 3 70x200; lot no. 4 front ing railroad right of way 212 feet, thence south street along Judge Harris’ line 90 ft, thence east 215 ft, thence north 25 ft. to railroad right of way. If bids on these are not satisfactory to the seller, we re serve the right to put it up and sell it all in a bulk. This property is among the best and most centrally located, and most valuable in the city. Homeseekers and investors, wholesale stores, warehouses or building lots, will find it to their in terest to let i! • )’.v (hem this valu able piece o( property The above is the Judgi J. A. Bess property on South St. Carroilto i, Ga. Barron & Sox, Agents. EVERY FARMER As well as every business man should have a bank account. WHY? Your money is safer in the bank than anywhere else. Paying your bills by check is the simplest and most convienient method. Your check becomes a voucher for the debt pays. It gives you a better standing with business men. Money in the Bank strengthens your credit. To Those Desiring Banking Connections With An Old Established Bank, We Extend Our Service. We carry sufficient burglary insurance to cover all cash on hand. 'Garrdltcn Rank. Carrollton, Ga. APPRECIATION We appreciate the confidence imposed in thia bank by onr customers during the past year. We desire to show our appreciation by giving to you the best service possible at all times. We wish you a prosperous 1911 and hope to merit a continuance of your patron ge. We shall be pleased to serve you. PEOPLES BANK CAPITAL STOCK $60,000 J. R. ADAMSON, Puesident. JNO. M. JACKSON, Vice-Pres. G. C. COOK. Cashier. 33. F.BOYKI1T ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Call and See About Borrowing Money. Lo?sns Made on Farms and'City House andLots. First National Bank Building Phone No, io5 DRUGS HAMRICK’S JEWELRY Happiness and Prosperity Just good old fashioned happiness and prosperity is what we wish you for the New Year. We wish to thank each and everyone of our customers and friends whose patronage has made the year 1910 one of the best years in our history. We trust that, our store service hacked up by right goods at right prices, will merit a goodly portion of your business in 1911. We assure you our never ceasing efforts toward con stantly improving our store, store-service and stock. S. W. Corner Square.