The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 29, 1910, Image 4

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THE CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARROLLTON, QA. They Must Gil In looking over our Ready-to-We^r Department we find a few more Suits, Cloaks and [Skirts than we care to carry at this season of the year. They must be sold, If you won’t huv at our price, we’ll sell at yours. All new clean Stock and Styles--just right in every particular. These are the prices you have been waiting for. $35.00 Suits for $22.50 30.00 tt 20.00 28.00 it it 18.50 25.00 it <t 18.50 24.00 it «{ 17.50 20.00 <t it 15.00 18.00 it a 13.50 15.00 <t tt 10.95 13.50 t< ti 9.50 12.50 it tt 8.50 Similar Reductions in Wraps, Cloaks and Skirts (Make Quick Selections.) Carrollton, Ga. RoopHardware Co. Roop Hardware Co. B ders Hardware, Carpenters Tools. e Cutlery, Axes, Lanterns. Plows, J . Is, and the best Field Wire Fence. Fine and Medium uites, Old Bids , and Dressers, Davenports, Lounges, Hall Racks, Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, etc. The best line of Cook Stoves, Ranges, and Heaters on the market. { Also Oil Stoves and Heaters, STOVES DINING ROOMl Suites consisting of Sideboards, Buffets Dining'Chairs, DiningTables, China Closets, and also Kitchen Furniture. You will find onr line complete. Stove and Tableware, Silverware and like ware. RUGS Large assortment of Axminister, Orien tal and Floral Rugs, Art Squares, for the whole house. VEHICLES Barnesville Buggies, Carmichael Bug gies. Surreys and Mitchell Wagons. Best line Buggy and Wagon Harness. PAINTS We carry always a full line of Devoe’s Paint for houses and interior work. Also Barn and Roofing Paint. We will offer extra low prices for the next 30 days on all Hardware and >Furniture. CHAIRS For everybody. A line of Rockers, Parlor and Dining Chairs not to be surpassed. Children’s chairs, Go-Carts. ROOFINGS We handle PAROID, the best compo sition roofing made. Also Iron roofing painted and galvanized, valley tin,etc, al News FOR SALE—Pair of nice mules wagon and harness. See J N Hollo way, Mandeville Mills No. 1. 4 Itch relieved in 30 minuites by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails Sold by Dr. J. D. Hamrick. Mrs. Lester McClure and little daughter, of Lafayette are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rliudy. Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Johnston, of Palmetto spent Sunday with Mr. and j Mrs. J. T. Coleman. John Newell will spend Friday in Atlanta. ■ j Miss Pearl Zachery is visiting in | LaGrange. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sims left Monday for a visit to Lawrenceville Mrs. A. P. Travis will spend Fri day in Atlanta. Mrs. T. B. Slade is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lester Slade in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chambers and children returned to Ensly Monday. Mr. Charlie Clemant, of Mercer, is visiting Raymond Robinson during Christmas holidays. George J. Gray spent Wednesday in Atlanta. Mrs. Otho Bledsoe, of Summerville spent the week end here. Miss Belle Hitchcock, of Atlanta, is the guest of Miss Ruby McKown. THANKS We thank you sincerely for your Christmas trade. We sold out, we still have a big stock of drugs etc., Fitss Drug Store Mrs. J. G. Cheney and Mrs. L. M. Turner will go to Atlanta next week to attend Mrs. R. H. Dobbs house party. We are glad to see Mr. Grady Reeves out again after his long spell of sickness. vy- On account, of the Xmas holidays we follow the usual custom and issue only a half sheet this week. Mr and Mrs B. Chance are visit ing relatives here. The weather during Christmas was the most pleasant we ever saw for the time of the year, and there was less disorder on our rtreets. Mr Owen Perry has returned to Savannah after spending a few days with his parents, Mr and Mrs W. 0. Perry. Mr and Mrs Willis Brown will move to Atlanta the last of this week where Mr Brown has accepted a position. Prof. J. Roe Turner of Stonewall, is spending this week in the city. Messrs Arthur Hanson, George Dozier, Ed Bledsoe, and Douglas Merrell spent Sunday and Monday in Atlanta. Mr E. C. Blalock and family are spending the week in Atlanta. Mr. Earl Martin returned to Tampa after a visit with home folks. Come to see us or phone 80 if in a hurry. Fitts Drug Store. Mr John W. Snead, of Locust Grove, is visiting the family of Mr A K Snead. Mr. C. N. Smith, of Nashville, Tenn., is visiting the family of Mr. J. C Bass for the Christmas. Mr. Claude Chance, of Palmetto, is visiting friends and relatives in the city during Christmas holidays. Miss Lois Hardy, of Senoia, was Miss Marie Bradley’s guest for the Christmas dance Monday night. Miss Hardy returned to her Jhome Tuesday. Messrs Hardaway and Theo and There is an evaporation from the body going on continuallj-, day and night, through the pores and glands of the skin. This is nature's way of maintaining the proper temperature of our systems and preserving the soft ness and flexibility of the skin, and so long as the blood is free from impur ities no trouble will result. When, however, the blood from any cause becomes infected with humors and acids, these too must be expelled, and coming in contact with the delicate fibres and tissues with which the skin is so abundantly Supplied they produce irritation and inflammation, and the -fleet i; shown by Eczema, Acne, Tetter, and skin affections of various kinds, lhese imputities and humors get into the blood through a deranged or inactive condition of the system ; the members whose dutv it is to carry off the waste and refuse matter of the body fail tc properly perform their work, rnd this impure, fermenting matter is left in the system to be absorbed by the blood. The skin is not only affected by poisons generated within the system, but poisons from without, such as Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, Mettle Rash, etc., enter through the apen pores and glands, and so thor oughly do they become rooted in the blood that they are ever present, >r return at certain seasons of each year to toiment the sufferer. Salves, washes, lotions, etc., cannot cure skiu diseases. True, such treatment re lieves some of the itching and dis comfort, and aids in keeping the skin clean, but it does not reach the real cause, and at best can be only palli ating and soothing. A thorough cleansing of the blood is the only certain cure for skin diseases. S. S. S., * gentle acting, safe blood purifier, made entirely of vegetable ingredients >f the forest and field, is the proper treatment. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation, and neutralizes the acids and humors, thoroughly cleansing and purifying the blood, and curing skin affections of every kind. It supplies to the blood the fresh, nutritive qualities necessary to sustain the skin and all other parts of the body, and rids the blood of any and all poisons. S. S. S. cures Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Poison Oak and Ivy, Nettle Rash, and all other skin troubles, and cures them permanently by removing every trace of the cause from the blood. Special book on Skin Diseases and any aedical advice desired furnished free to all who write. TBS SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GAj. I have used your S. S. S., spring and fall, for the past two years, with the result that it entirely relieved me of a form of Eczema which my doctor was unable to cure. My arms, lower limbs, and, in fact, the biggest portion of my whole oody wn* affected, and when 1 first began S. S S. the itching, etc., was wo-se, but I continued the remedy with the res Jt that the dry, itching eruption en tirely disappeared. I think a great deal of your medicine, and have recommended it to others with good results. It is the best blood medicine made, and I can conscientiously recommend it for the cure of all blood and skin affections. CHAS. HORSTMAN. Wheeling, W. V*. HAVE YOU $5, $25, $100 New Hillyer Truit Co. Building. 140 Peaeh'ree St. Reedy May 1, 1911. Or any arount of money that you do not actually need? If so, is it working for you? It takes Money To Make Money, and you will never succeed unless you make your money work for you, no matter how little or how much you may have. You can start a savings account with $1.00 k and deposit or withdraw at any time. We will V- divide our profits with you by paying you 4 per cent. interest compounded January and July. HILLYER TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surplus $300,000.0a “Home of Savings” Nortli Broad and Luckie Sts. Atlanta, Ga. Open S a.m. to 12p.m The^- Carroll Gate P. DR.._ A 0 & BROTHERS Proprietors. The Leading Cafe in This Territory. LOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN We Solicit the Patronage of the People Phone 220. Meals Sent Out. IO NEWNAN ST. CARROLLTON, GA Window panes and putty. Fitts Drug Store. The annual oyster supper and feast of the Presbyterian Church and Sunday School of Villa Rica, was held at the elegant brick resi dence of Mr W. H. Hamrick on and friends partook . Tuesday night Dec 27th. * The many friends of Mr Will C. Russell, formerly of this city but Bradley Davis, of Newnan, came ; now 0 f Birmingham .will be interest over Monday for the Christmas J ed t0 i earn () f i ds marriage to Miss dance. j May Powers of New Orleans, which Among the attractive visitors in j happy event took place last week. Carrollton for the holidays was Miss j phe Christmas was fittingly ob- Wilkerson, of LaGrange, who was gerved by the Western S. S. with the guest ot Misses Elmer and Lufa | Christmas tree Monday night. Al, Boykin for a few days this week. 1 i ar g e and most orderly crowd was Mrs Leonard C Taylor spent Sun- 1 on hand and the event was pleasant Roop Hardware Company Married at the home of the brides parents near Clem, Ga., on Dec. 22, at 3 oclock P. M„ Miss Mae Driver and Mr Benton Haynie. The cere mony was performed by Rev: W. E. Dozier. An elegant supper was served, of which many relatives Mr. A. K. Snead of this city has been named as a trustee of the Industrial School for Mountain Girls at Blue Ritlge, Georgia. This school is the property of the Womans Bap tist Missionary Union of Georgia, and will be directed by twelve trustees. day Newnan. indeed. Mr and Mrs A K Snead entertain- The reception given by the Phiw rthea Society of the M E Church to* the Baraca Class was, one of the most delightful events of the Christ mas season. The singing by Messrs Mullins and Hearn and Madames 240 Acre farm for Sale or R en Located between Rockmart and Draketown and containing over 100 acres of good bottomland, upland is mostly good strong redland, 2 public roads through the place and near schools and churches. These bottom lands will make ideal stockfarms. Will sell on terms or will rent on halves to good croppers able to run two or three horse crop each, about six horse crop open. Address Box 227. Austell, Ga. 4t ed at a domino party Tuesday | Gailbreath and Foster was especial- evening in honor of their attractive i ly fine. The tableaux were beauti ful and the paper read by Mrs. L. K. Smith and address by Rev. W. E Dozier on Bethlehem were highly enjoyed. Refreshments were served. “1 do not believe there is any other medicine so good for w booty guest, Miss Vera Jackson, of Atlan ta, who came down Tuesday to spend the holidays with them. Dominoes were played at four ta bles, aild refreshments were served later in the evening. When one beholds a gifted young man, under the influence of intoxi- ixcmeuy, wnicmisnauuj *ui- cants, he canoot help but think of nip, Junction City, Ore. This re- iflp lee expression Shakesphere puts in j medy is unpurpassed for colds ancPv/ the mouth of one of his characters J coughs. For Sale by Johnson “Oh! what fools these mortals be!" 1 Drug Go or W, L. Worthy. ing cough as Chamberlain’s Cough’ Remedy,” writes Mrs Francis Tur-