The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, February 02, 1911, Image 1

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W- ac-y ' ®h* fflarrnU 3m IfrxtmL THE PEOPLE’S POPULAR PAPER AND THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, OEORCUA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2 1911 Why You Should Bank WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CARROLLTON. We co-operate with those who patronize this bank in every manner permitted by best and conserative banking methods. We assist by extending credit when credit is due, by advice, by counsel, giving the customer the benefits of our knowledge and experience and taking an active interest in his welfare. We have safe deposit boxes for rent. Three sizes: $2.00, $3.00 and $5.00. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CARROLLTON. WE ARE GROWING GROW WITH US. The reason that this institution is making steady and substan tial gains is because the officers and directors are lending their full moral and matesial aid to its upbuilding. A careful study of the needs and requirements of its cus tomers is the constant vigilance exercised by this bank. By endeavoring to |do more than we promise and always seeking to serve our customers every interest, we are not surprised to find relations existing both profitable and pleasant. THE PEOPLES BANK CAPITAL $60,000 SURPLUS $6,000 J. R. ADAMSON, Puesident. JNO. M.JACKSON, Vice-Pres. G. C. COOK. Cashier. IB. F.BOTKI1T ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Call and See About Borrowing Money. Loans Made on Farms and'City house andLots. West Building Phone No, io5 ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© ©©© § HEAR Dr Robert ParkeR Miles Dramatic Lecturer a———————————— o o o o o o o o o SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Monday Evening, Feb, 6th, 1911 8 P. Me Management Alkahest Lyceum System. All Ready For the A & M Fair The old year is gone and only its memories are left. We are now just entering upon the new year with its hopes and expectations. Let us stop a moment and take an invoice of our present condition, and see where we stand, how happy is the results, we find that we of the Fourth District possess a section of country unsurpassed anywhere, we have an ideal climate. Our natur al resources are varied and unlimit ed. Our rock ribbed hills are seam ed with gold and other valuable minerals. Our forest abound in every kind sufficient to supply all our needs. Our streams furnish ample water power to light our cities and turn the thousands of whirring spin dles that change the raw products from our fields and forest into the manufactured article. The sources of our district not only supply our needu at home, but contribute large ly to foreign demands. We find that Carroll County, the home of the A & M Fair, is appro- riately called the banner county of the state, watered by the Chattahoo chee, the Tallapoosa and their trib utaries, our varied soil yields in quick response to the plowshare every product familiar to the tem perate zone. Here King Cotton reigns supreme, the golden wheat locks the sunshine in its bearded sheaf, and ripening com bids de fiance to want and need. Our hills and valleys are peopled with over 30,000 thriving, happy prosperous souls. Plenty everywhere proverty a thing unknown. No where has agriculture made greater strides in progress than here. Our farmers are intelligent and progress ive, using their brains as well as their hands, they have studied im proved plans and methods, they have transformed the fields of weeds and waste into fields smiling with plenty, land that once produced one-half bale now produce a bale, and land that once grew ten bushels of com twenty-five bushels. We have bet ter implements, better mules, better horses than ever before. The scrub cow and the piney wood rooter have all. disappeared from the scene, and in their place we have the jersey and the hobtein cow, and the berk- shire and poland china hogs. Truly we are wonderfully blessed. Then is not this the ideal place for the District Fair. The object of the Fair is the advancement of the welfare of all the people. Let us one and all determine fo make it a brilliant success. Many of you con tributed heartily and nobly toward the success of the two preceding fairs and we feel confident that you will try to do even more this year, but we want every part of our sec tion to be represented. We want every farmer to feel a personal in terest and to begin preparation at once to make an exhibit, and let us not criticise and condemn if evey- thing does not go just as we want it but let us work together in booming in a broad, liberal way and success will be ours. Nextweek you will find the list of premiums for all agricultural products which we are making as liberal as possible. Please clip these lists and file away for reference. List for premiums in live stock etc, will soon follow. The work is now on. All ready for the October Fair. No Near-Beer for Carrollton. At a recent meeting of the Board of Trade the opening of a near beer saloon by some out of town party was brought before the body. That the sale of near beer in this city would meet a chilly reception is indexed by the following resolution prepared by Rev. J. McD. Radford, unanimously adopted by the Board of Trade: “Resolved, That this Board of Trade expresses its condemnation of any effort to open a near beer sa loon in our city, that the matter be referred to our Committee on Legis lation with instructions that they co-operate with the Mayor and council in their offort to prevent the opening of any such saloon, and that this action be published in both our Carrollton papers.” Bass-Smith. On last Friday morning at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bass, Miss Irene Bass, of this city, and Mr. Claude Smith, of Nashville, Tenn., were quietly mar ried, Rev. J. M. Dodd performed .the ceremony. Mrs. Smith is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bass, and has many friends here who regret to see her leave but who wish her well in her new home. Mr. Smith is a promi nent young business man and is to be congratulated on his choice of a bride. ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© CORN AND OATS We can save you io per cent, on all Feed Stuff, ~ W.D. BASS &. SON Card of Thanks We, the wife and children, and other near relatives of Charles H. Merrell desire to publicly express our earnest appreciation of the kind and unremitting attention to our loved one by the many unselfish friends who “ministered unto him” during his long illness, both by their loving calls and words of cheer, and substantial assistance. We feel sure that such actions are never lost. Even “a cup of cold water” given in the spirit hath its reward. May all these dear friends and neighbors hear the welcome plaudit, “well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter into the joys of thy Lord,” is our earnest prayer. Mrs. Annie Merrell and children, and other relatives. EVERY FARMER As well as every business man should have a bank account. WHY? Your money is safer in the bank than anywhere else. Paying your bills by check is the simplest and most convienient method. Your check becomes a voucher for the debt pays. It gives you a better standing with business men. Money in the Bank strengthens your credit. To Those Desiring Banking Connections With An Old Established Bank, We Extend Our Service. We carry sufficient burglary insurance to cover all cash on hand. |Carrollton flank Carrollton, Ga. For Miss Gilbert. Last Wednesday afternoon at the Halcyon Club Mrs. R. H. Fitts enter tained at Dominoes for Miss Gilbert., of Smyrna, who is the guest of Mrs. A 0. Haile. There were four tables and a number of interesting games were played. At the end of the games coffee and sandwiches were served. Among the out-of-town guests were Miss Gilbert, of Smyrna, and Mrs. F. M. Long, of Jasper, Ala Preaching Again .Come out and hear Evangilist E. L Shelnutt at the Christian Church Feb. 5th. p. m. For two Sundays he has preached at this place and all his hearers were interested and in structed. The hour of three has been chosen so as to give all an op portunity to attend without interfer ence with other services. We are fortunate in having this gifted preach er with us while he is spending a few weeks in our city. Meal flanking tferviee The completed banking service is the service that appeals to all interests, and to all classes. To the business man with an active account, to whom general expediting of business, unfailing courtesy and perchance /accommodation—means very much. To the legal custodian of funds, seeking an abso lutely safe repository for funds entrusted to his care. To the widow, who finds a bank account so handy in the systematizing and in the arrangement of her financial affairs and as an active encourage ment to thrift. This is the universal service we arc offering. Are you interested in such a perfected banking service, designed for your convenience? Citizens flank Carrollton, Ga FOR SALE—A few prize-winning chickens. White Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds. Eggs from either the Rhode Island Reds or White Leg horns: 1st pen, per setting $2.00; 2nd pen per setting $1.00. Loyd H. Griffin. For Sale One 15 h. p. Engine and one 15 h. p. Boiler, good as new. Can be seen at Drakes Shop, Whitesburg, Ga. Address W. J. Chatham, 4t Rt. 1, Whitesburg, Ga. - " - -• Jackson & Griffin Jackson & Griffin One-Fourth Off On Mens Youth’s Boys’ and Children’s Suits, Overcoats and Cravonettes. FANCY COLORS, BLUE AND BLACK $10 values reduced to 7.50 $12 values reduced to 9.00 Notice To Teachers An act of the Legislature approv ed Aug. 13,1908, requires the public schools of this state to observe Georgia Day (Feb 12th) and when this day falls on Sunday they shall observe the following Monday. Therefore, the teachers of Carroll County will have their exercises on Monday Feb. 13th. I have written for programs, and teachers will please call or send to my office for same. J. S. Travis C. S. C. 13.50 values reduced 10.15 15.00 value reduced to 11.25 16.50 values reduced 12.40 18.00 values reduced 1350 20.00 values reduced 15.00 22.50 values reduced 16.85 25.00 values reduced 18.75 27.50 values reduced 20.65 Overcoats in all lengths and colors, extra long with convertable collars. SUITS in beautiful shades, dark mixtures or blues and black. Boys and childrens Cloth ing reduced in same proprtion. Nothing Charged at These Prices.