The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, March 02, 1911, Image 1

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/>» f Hamrick Pharmacy^ Condensed Statement Of The PIRST NATIONAL BANK OP THE PEOPLE’S POPULAR PAPER AND THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY CARROLLTON. CARROLL COUN TV, GEORGIA. THURSDAY. MARCH 2 1911 V . CARROLLTON. u o At the close of business Feb, 28th, 1911. ASSETS LIABILITIES. Loans and Discounts $273,3',S.98 Capital Stock ... $100,000.00 U. S. Bonds 100; 000.00 Surplus 100,000.00 Bank Building 130,000.00 - 161,213.25 Redemption Fund £. r Undivided Profits... .... 10,309.47 Circulation Cash and due from banks 5,000.00 (54,363.74 Dividends unpaid.. Circulation 270.00 100,900.00 - 472,692.72 472,692.72 SOUND ADVIC Start A Bank account MBte' Copyright 1909, by C. E. Zimmerman Co.—No. *15 If you were to ask advice of every cuccessful man in the world, the first thing that each of them would tell you, is start a bank account today, You respect the opinion of successful people in other matters, why not in this one of such vital impor tance to you, especially when the advice is so easy to follow, THE PEOPLES BANK CAPITAL $60,000 SURPLUS $6,000 J. R. ADAMSON, Puesident. JNO. M. JACKSON, Vice-Pres. G. C. COOK. Cashier. THEY CAN’T DO IT There isn’t a drug store in the country that can beat us in the quality of any goods we sell. We won’t handle anything but the best, the new est and the freshest g(x>ds. And we have about everything that any drug store has. If by chance we haven’t got what you want, we will get it for you-and in a hurry too. But the chief point is this: The grade and cla3S and quality of every toilet article or prepreation, every drug or chemical, everything and anything in our stock is positively the besi and freshest. The best goods made cost no more than inferior grades, so insist on the best. Trade here and you get the best. S. W. Corner Square. 7* Carrollton, Georgia. IB. IF.IBO'X'IKIIIsr ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Call and See About Borrowing Money. Loans Made on Farms and'City House andLots. Board of Trade Stands By Suit Against Central Carrollton, Ga., Feb. 28, 1911. The Carrollton Board of Trade met pursuant to the call of the President and minutes read and adopted. Report of .committee to appoint delegates to the Southern Commer cial Congress in Atlanta, Ga., March 8th, 9th and 10th, reported that delegates had been appointed, and that report was submitted and adopted. The chairman called upon Judge James Beall to preside while he stated the object of the meeting, stating the same to be to explain the history of a suit brought before the Interstate Commerce Commis sion by certain shippers of Carroll ton, and also brought in the names of the Carrollton Board of Trade and the Mayor and City Council of Car rollton, Ga. He stated briefly that Col. Edgar Watkins had been em ployed to .bring the suit; that the sull had been brought; that a ma jority of the Directors of the Board of Trade had signed Jan instrument of writing authorizing the suit to be brought in the name of the Carroll ton Board of Trade, and showed the instrument spoken of. He stated that the expenses and fees in this case were subscribed by the shippers interested in the suit, and that in making their subscription the Board of Trade was relieved of any finan cial responsibility in the case, the shippers binding themselves to pay it all. He called upon the body to say whether or not they would stand by the shippers of Carrollton in this suit or would repudiate it, and a motion was made by I Judge W. F. Brown as follows; That the Carroll ton Board of Trade do hereby ratify and endorse of what has been done relative to the bringing of said suit. The motion was unanimously carried There being no other business to come before the meeting it adjourn ed, and after the meeting of the Board of Trade the Board of Direc tors elected the following gentlemen to membership, which membership becomes effective upon their paying the dues, R. ,W. Jackson and Rev D. A. Sox. C. E. Roop, President, R. W. Adamson, Secretary. , “March 17th 1911” This date will be a red letter day for Carroll and the surrounding coun try- Why? Because the Georgia Educational Train is to be here that day with a corps of expert farm specialists who are prepared to tell us how to do work in the most scientific way. Here is an oppor tunity for our people to study the latest and most approved methods of producing crops and handling stock. Here you will see the best make of farming implements and have explained to you the proper way to use them. Here on that day will be given a free course in scientific farming by the foremost teachers in the state. You will only have to lose one day to take this course. It is brought to your home town and you are urged to come and get the benefit of it. Many men travel long distance and pay board fqr weeks to learn what you can get here at the loss of only a few hours time, it is worth a,, tuat otners pay fur it, surely you can afford to come here and get it for nothing. It is hoped the people of this section will turn out and greet the train and its scientists with the most rousing reception it has yet been given. Let the people of Carroll show that they are abreast with the most advanced in this line by being on hand when the train pulls in. EVERY FARMER As well as every business man should have a bank account. WHY? Your money is safer in the bank than anywhere else. Paying your bills by check is the simplest and most convienient method. Your check becomes a voucher for the debt pays. It gives you a better standing with business men. Money in the Bank strengthens your credit. To Those Desiring Banking Connections With An Old Established Bank, We Extend Our Service. We carry sufficient burglary insurance to cover all cash oil hand. Hamilton $$ank Carrollton, Ga. ■: '-a Week of Prayer For Home Missions Week of Prayer for Home Missions to be observed by Woman’s Mission ary Society of First Baptist Church beginning March 5th, 1911. SUNDAY AFTERNOON Sunbeam Program—Mrs: H. R, Robinson and Mrs. R. H. Fitts. MONDAY AFTERNOON The American Crises—Mrs. J. M. Stephenson, Mrs. E. W. Reeves. TUESDAY AFTERNOON Our Port Missions— Mrs. W. F. Parker and Mrs. J. T. Moore. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON The City—Mrs. L. Z. Dorsett and Mrs. T. E. McEwen. THURSDAY AFTERNOON The Call of the West—Mrs. W. G. Brown and Mrs. C. E. Smith. FRIDAY AFTERNOON The Youth of the Mountains—Mrs. F. M. Camp. The services will 1 be held in the church, and everybody is invited. S e n s a t ioN \k7 AHA/I Glin We are flattered. Our fond est hopes are even surpassed, and it is proved to us that our lady cus tomers appreciate our efforts in having the very finest and the lat- test creations in Toilet accessories for them. We added the “Empress” Toilet Articles to our stock because we recognized their superiority over any line that we had, and the way our customers are praising the “Em press” shows us we are correct. We take this means of advising you that our second shipment is promis ed us Friday, so we promised all or ders by ; Saturday. A few more dainty souvenirs of the line for the ladies who call. If you can’t come, Hello 73, and we’ll send em to you. Remember, we want you to see, whether you buy or not, and if you buy, our personal guarantee is back of every sale in our store. That is the “Hamrick way" of doing business Try it. “The Leader” “Hamrick’s” Laymen’s Rally Meal flanking tferviee The Executive Committee of the Carrollton Association, in correspon dence with the Laymen’s Committee of the Georgia Baptist Convention has arranged to hold a Laymen’s Rally with the First Baptist Church of Carrollton on Sunday, March 19h. Mr. A. B. Caldwell, of Atlanta, will speak at 11 a. m. and 3 p. m. on the Laymen’s Movement. Repre- senatives from all the churches of the Association have been invited, and the occasion promises to be one of far-reaching importance in this section of the state. Everybody is invited. At night Mr. Caldwell will speak on the great work of the Ponce de Leon Sunday School. The completed banking service is the service that appeals to all interests, and to all classes. To the busiuess man with an active account, to whom general expediting of business, unfailing courtesy and perchance accommodation—means very much. To the legal custodian of funds, seeking an abso lutely safe repository for funds entrusted to his care. To the widow, who finds a bank account so handy in the systematizing and in the arrangement of her financial affairs and as an active encourage,- ment to thrift. This is the universal service we ate offering. Are you interested in such a perfected banking service, designed for your convenience? 'Citizens flank Carrollton, Ga ■W. SHOWING WHITE GOODS. LACES AND EMBROIDERY WHITE GOODS. New lot of ladies Neckwear at Jackson & Griffin’s. Linen Lawn Handkerchief Linen 45 in Linen Pillow Casing 90 in Linen Sheeing 36 in. Linen Waisting 36 in. checked linen Waist ing. 36 in India Linon 40 in. White Lawn. Persian Lawns 50 in. Lingere Lawn 36 in. Pajama Checks 36 in. Indian Head 36 in, Bleached Drilling Plain Nainsooks Checked Nainsook Plain Flaxon Checked Flaxon White Madras White Poplin Checkad Dimity. White Pique White Swiss Long Cloth Lonsdale Cambric 1 Mercerized Waistings Etc. LACES Mechlin Lac es Valencenes Laces Silk Laces Hexagon Laces Linen Laces Lace Bands All Over Laces Persian Laces Persian Bands | See The Bargains in Laces On Bargain Counter. EMBROIDERY Embroiders Flouncing Corset Cover Embroidery Nainsook Embroidery Mull Embroidery Swiss Embroidery Embroidery Bands Embroidery Shirt Waist Fronts. Embroidery Insertions Matched Sets In Dainty Designs m Don’t Fail To See Our White Goods, Laces and Embroidery. r*P.