The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, March 16, 1911, Image 1

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HamA*' (Earrnll 3xtt Jpraa THE PEOPLE’S POPULAR PAPER AND THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, GEORGIA. THURSDAY, MARCH 16 1911 S 5264 Statement of the Condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Carrollton in the State of Georgia at the close of business March 7th, 1911 RESOURCES Loans and Discount* $ Overdrafts secured and un secured IT. S. Bouds to secure circu lation .. Banking house, furniture it llxtures Due from National Hanks, (not reserve area's) Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers. Tru*t Companies and Savings link Due I ruin approved reserve agents Checks and other cash items Notes of other Nat. Banks . Kract'onal paper currency, nickels auo couIh ... . Lawful Mo a* y R»-erv- In Bank, viz: Specie 11,'ui.OO Legal-lender N ites .2 0 0.00 Redemption fund with 1. S. '1 reas. Wc of circulation ... 7 £87.89 100,000,0(1 LIABILITIES 289,158.11| Capital Stock $100,000.00 Surplus Fund 100,000.00 Undivided profit* less ex penses and taxes paid. . 11,586.45 Nat.Bank Notes outstanding ML-noon Dividends Unpaid. 270.00 Individual ueposits subject to ch ck 188,850,10 Time certificates of Deposit, ito 904.70 Certified checks 10 00 Cashier checks outstanding. 6,269.93 80.000.C0 6,93:1.71 1.797.08 18.87 (87 80 5 000.00 16 564.90 5.00 ,30 Total *IS2,606.34 Geo. h. West Dead I After an illness of several weeks Mr. Geo, H. West died at an early hour last Saturday at the home of Dr. W. L. Fitts on Dixie street, 1 where he has resided for the past i several months. Mr.West had not been in goodhealth for some time, and had planned to go to a sanitarium in Atlanta during this week, but his spirit was called by a higher power. Mr. West had lived F in this city since early boyhood aud was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He was identified with near ly every enterprise that would tend to upbuild our town and county. I Funeral services wrre conducted, from tiie house last Sunday at 3 p.m | by Rev. Geo. D. Harris, and the in- 1 terment in the city cemetery was attended by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends. Growth of Carrollton Post- office The growth of Carrollton is best shown by the annual receipts of the Carrollton postoffice for several years back which is as follows: For the year ending— March 31st 1897 March 31st 1898 March 31st 1899 March 31st 1900 March 31st 1901 March 31st 1902 March 31st 1903 March 3 let 1904 March 31st 1905 March 31st 1906 March 31st 1907 March 31st 1908 March 31st 1909 Marclu31st 1910 $3,483.97 3,725.51 2,797.84 3,362.29 3,767.25 3,920.11 4.280.78 4,746.88 5.294.90 6.173.90 8,050.06 7,143.92 8,101.00 9,078.03 Statement of the Condition of the Carrollton Bank Located at Carrollton, Ga., at the close of business, 7th, 1910. March STATE OK UE11HUIA. County »( Carroll, s» ... , I. K H Hroilnax. t-neluer of ilia iihnve naiiml bunk, <1o solemnly sw<*ur that the above statement Is true to tile best »( liv kiniwiuiiic* i»m belli)!. E ll Bro Unix, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me tills 15th. any of M irelillill. G.T Spence Notary Bublic. CORRECT—Attest: I, O Mandevillo ) I] (1 Kminer W WKitts Directors. vmu. liSfllSj tWiMOKSHMSi«5»lftai53WJBi:4a»W1^ASSW5.1 SaaCtfiWfgT.iTggMnnHBtAs Statement of the condition of The Peoples Bank Located at Carrollton, Ga., at the close of business March 7th 191c. ;css RESOURCES LIABILITIES Demand Loans .. 108.910 .‘26 Capital Stock Paid in . .... 60 000.00 Overdrufts'securod 7,5tHt.ii3 Surplus Fund 6,0(0 00 ... 6,200.00 Undivided Profits, loss "'ll rrent Furniture and Fixtures .. .. 3,067.07 expenses and Taxes Paid 2,o08 12 I Demand lertifieates. 56.852.76 *2 718.15 v i Currency ... Gold Silver. Xloklcs etc Clearing House... 2.422.00 .. 181) ,00 .. 331.82 .. 711,08 2,91o.3o|Bills Payable,including ttm* Cert ideates representing Borrowed Money Il),o00.< Emory Sharp Dead The death of Emory Sharp will be a sad surprise to his many friends in the city and county. He had been ill only a few days and was not thought to be seriously sick hut a few hours before his death which occured Thursday morning at 2 oclock. His brothers, Earnest, Eugene and Tom Sharpe and his sister, Miss Nelle Sharpe, who reside in Jacksonville, Fla. were immediately notified and will arrive Thursday night. Arrangements for funeral services have not been made up to the hour of our going to press. Emory Sharpe was carrier on route no 9, and was liked very much by the patrons he served and had many friends and relatives in the city who will feel keenly his early demise. The salaries of the office are based on years ending as scheduled above, while the city delivery service is based on receipts for year ending June 30th 1910 $10,165.10 The indications are that June 30, 1911 the receipts will total about $10,500.00. RESOURCES Time Loans . 218,851.94 Overdrafts, secured 11,599.18 Overdrafts, unsecured 1,359.72 Furniture and Fixtures 1,000.00 Other Real Estate . 1,472.76 Due from Banks and Bank ers in the State . 24,948.58 Due from Banks and Bank ers in other States . 32,315.21 Currency . 520.00 Gold . 2,815.00 Silver, Nickles etc 1,077.49 Cash Items 1,477.03 2,441.34 Capital Stock, paid in 100,000.00 Surplus Fund . . 50,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expnses & taxes paid 17,857.54 Due unpaid dividends 924.00 Individual deposits subject BUTTER & EGGS You can get all the fresh country eggs you want at 16c per dozen, and all the fresh country butter you want at 15c per pound at our store. Every egg and every pound of butter guar anteed to be strictly fresh. W. D. Bass &. Son. Clearing House Total 8,330.86 299,878.25 to check Saving Deposits Demand certificates Total 105,937.92 21,473.03 3,685.76 299,878.25 STATE OF GEORGIA, Carroll County. Before me came H. N. Spence, Cashier of Carrollton Bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. H. N. Spence, Cashier, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of March , 1911. W. L. Robinson, C. N. P, We have left half car of New Southern Reversible Disc Harrow. You can bed or break land, cultivate your crop with this harrow, besides it is the strongest and runs lighter Call and let us show you. Carrollton Hardware Co. Hog, poultry and field fencing electric weld "the weld that held” Carrollton Hardware Co. Statement of the Condition of the Citizens Bank Located at Carrollton, Ga., at the close of business March 7th, 1911. RESOURCES STATE OF GEORGIA.Carroll County; Befme meetune G, C. Cook, Cashier of The Peoples Bank who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true con dition of said Bank as shown by the books of file i” said Bank. Sworn to and subscribed befor G. C. Cook Cnsliin. 5 me this 13th day of March, 1011. 11. A. Sims, 0 N . P. I Hill M HI I mil TT "T T~~~ f f' I Condensed statement of the Whitesburg Banking Company At the close of business March 7th, 1911 RESOURCES Time Loans $32 807.51 Overdrafts, unsecured 1.187.6* Banking House; 1,060,25 Furniture and Fixtures ‘.'108 311 Dae from Banks and Bank ers In the state 1,010.70 Due from Banks and Bank ers In oilier states 535.13 Currency 2,535.00 Oold 105. oo Silver, Nickles etc 100.17 3.1)80.17 Total 812,008 82 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in Surplus Fund 3,260.oo Undivided Profits, less Cur rent expenses & Taxes paid l,09l.o7 Individual Deposits lubject to check 10,188.17 Cashiers Checks 321,58 Bills Pnvable, Including Time Gertficutes representing Borrowed Money 7,00o.oo Total 13,008 82 STATE OF GEORGIA, Carroll County. Before me came Jas. A. Kelley, Cashier of the WhlteshurgiBanklng Company, who, being duly sworn, snys that the above and foregoing state ment iia true condition of said Bank as shown hy the books of file In said Bunk. .ias A. Kelley, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me. llils 15th dayof March 1011. M. D. Watkins,N, 1*. it Ex OlTlclo J. P. Loans and Discounts Overdrafts Furniture and Flxturi s mid Bunkers Due from Hunks ami Hunkers l.iothei stales 8U2.103.flfl 0 21 5 22 LIABILITIES Capital Ktoek Paid In $60,000.00 Surplus Fund 12,500.00 Undivided Profits, less cur rent expenses it taxes paid Currency Silver, Nickle and Pennies. :.P2 lndlvldii-1 Deposits subject I to check Certified Checks 1,021 .OOlCasItler’s Checks 660.0011111s Payable. Including Time certificates representing Borrowed Money 818 fig 2.083.31 on, 5o,61 8,137.78 Total $100 071 41 STATE OF GEOHC1IA. Carroll County. Before no earn- A. K. Snead, Cashier, of Citizens Hank, who being duly sworn,snvs that the above and foregoing rtntemont 1s a true condition of mid Batik, ns shown hy the books of file In said Bank. A. K. Hnead. Cashier. Swo n to and subscribed before me, this 1 Ith, day of March lull. Lewis a. alms, C. N. P. First Baptist Church News The Laymen’s Meeting next Sun day, March 19th, at 11 a. m., and 2 p. m., is to be one of the great days in this year’s work. Mr. A. B. Caldwell, of Atlanta, will speak on the work of the Laymen’s Movement at the morning and afternoon ser vices, and on Sunday School work at the evening service. The First Baptist membership will provide entertainment for all who come from the country churches. , The [Week "of Prayer for Home Missions closed with a splendid pro gram Sunday night by the Sun- Jfceams. Everybody enjoyed it, and a contribution of sixteen dollars was made for the Indians among whom the Home Mission Board of the ^Southern Baptist Convention is do ng a great work. At a joint meeting Sunday after-. noon of the Executive Committee of the Carrollton Association and the Woman’s Missionary Union of the Carrollton Association, steps were taken to secure the services of Miss Hattie Roberts as Missionary Organizer for this Association. It is expected that Miss Roberts will be on the field about May 1st. Miss Roberts was reared at Buford, Ga., and is a graduate of the Woman’s Missionary Union Train ing School ;at Louisville, Ky. She is doing some work now in another association. Dress Making I am prepared to do all kind of dress making and will apreciate your patronage. Mrs. C. H. Merrell Phone no 236 31 Cedar St. The Norman, the buggy with mer it. Carrollton Hardware Co. Value in Clothes is best measured by the way they hold their shape and the length of time they wear satisfactorily. Shape that is pressed in with an iron is never permanent, the first weeks wear knocks it out. In OUR clothes the shape is taOored m while the suit is being made and is perma nent, it lasts as long as the garment holds together, That combined with the high quality of the material used is why OUR clothes are such fiue values. They are without except ion the best garments that you can buy for. $15.00 ;to $25.00 Won’t you let us prove it? WILL YOU BE ONE We try to make satisfied customers as they are our best advertisers. Almost every sale we make, is the foun dation for another. Nearly every day someone tells us that Mrs So and So had such a pretty piece of jewelry and she liked it so well. Certainly it came from here. We buy the right goods, We sell them right. When you buv at our store it means SATIS FACTION. We are human—we want YOU to our chain of customer^. To sell you is to sell your friends in the future. To Whom It May Concen. State of Georgia, Carroll County; Personally appeared at Glenn j Holmes’ Fount the undersigned who | this day says that the Sherry Milk served at said fount is the best in town. Hence Merrell, Geo. L. Hamrick, R. Lee Sharpe. Subscribed to before me this 1st day of March, 1911. G. E. Dozier. Hugh Lee Griffin, Chief Dispenser- Bob Bledsoe, Asst. Dispenser- Now the above is the expression of the hundreds of satisfied custom ers, not only of our Sherry Milk, but also Chocolate Milk and all other drinks, creams, sundaes, ices, etc., served at a first class Ice Cream Parlor. When you get ready to paint tha house be sure to get our prices be fore buying for we can save yo money. Everything in the pain line has advanced, but owing to th fact that we bought heavy befor he advance came, we are in posil ion to furnish our customers at th old price. We handle everything i the paint line. Harris Hardware C FOR SALE—A few prize-winnin chickens, White Leghorns and Rhod pte 1 ?? ds b o E ^ 8 from either th Wiode Island Reds or White Lei horns: 1st pen, per setting $2.(M 2nd pen per setting $1.00. Loyd H. Griffin. Be sure and see the Canton die harrow before buying, by so doin you will save both money and troubl Harris Hardware G