The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, April 06, 1911, Image 1

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■ •H'.- mmm, Bwbh. THE PEOPLE’S POPULAR PAPER AND THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY ~ CARROLLTON. CARROLL COUNTY. GEORGIA. THURSDAY, APRIL 6 1911 The farmer of today enjoys any number of luxuries and conveniences that were unknown but a few years ago. The telephone, free rural delivery, better educational facilities improved farm machinery, all have played a prominent part in making life on the farm pleasant. But a bank account, one on • which he can draw his personal checks, is a convenienca almost indespensable to the modern farmer. By means of his check book and check he is able to keep an accurate on all business transactions. Such a record is important to the farmer, and the First National Bank gives special attention to the caring of farm ers’ accounts. With ample capital and convenient banking facilities we can sere you to your complete satisfaction. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CARROLLTON. Capital $100,000.00 surplus $100,000.00 Our Finacial Policy It is our desire and aim to aid and assist the entire community, but we wish to call special at- tenti9n to the fact that even unable to accommodate everybody, that we loan and take care of our De positors It is from the benefits we derive from our depositors that we make our profits, and we feel under special obligations to them. It will be to your advantage to do business with She (Peeples flank CARROLLTON, GA. CAPITAL $60,000 SURPLUS $6,000 ]. R. Adamsou, Pres. Jno M. Jackson, V-Pres G. C. Cook, Cashier. Have yon registered for the premiume being offered by the Peoples Bank. Notice elsewhere in this paper Statement of the Condition of the Citizens Bank Located at Carrollton, Ga., at the close of business March 7th, 1911. resources Loans and Discounts $142,468.0* Overdrafts U 205 22 Furniture and Fixtures 2 500,00 Due front Banks and Bankers Capital Stock Paid In »50,000.0» Surplus Fund 12,500.00 Undivided Profits, less cur rent expenses A taxes paid 2,685.111 In the State. 5,000.02 Due from Banks and Bankers In othei states 7,028.24 Individual Deposits subject to check 06,000.86 Currency 1,021.00 Silver, Nlckles and PennieB.. 650.00 Total $100,074 44 LIABILITIES Certified Checks Cashier’s Checks 8,187.78 Totol 160,074.4 4 STATE OF OEORC1A. Carroll County. • , . , Before me came A. K. Snead, Cashier, of Citizens Bank, who being duly sworn, savs that the above and foregoing ftntement Is a true condition of raid Bank, ns shown by the books of file In said Bark. \. K. Snead, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 14th, dny of March 1011. Lewis S. Sims, C. N. P. Fcathe Beds A Happy Occasion There is no one of her citizens that Carroll County delights to honor more than Judge Sampson W. Harris both, because of his long and varied services rendered his county during the civil war and since, and his fid elity to every duty entrusted to him. Hence we are glad to chronicle <he fact that he was the recipient of a handsome silver loving cup, pre sented by the members of the ba- of Coweta Judicial Circuit. It was a deserved and splendid compliment tojthe man who has the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens as few men have. . Leading members of the bar from LaGrange, Grantville and Newnan were present and together with members of local bar gathered at the residence of Judge Harris on Wednesday evening of last week to celebrate his 73d birthday. We hope to have the presence and wise counsels of Judge Harris with us for many years yet to come. Organization Soon to be Effected The meeting at the M. E: church South, on last.Sunday afternoon*was a most interesting one. The address of Messers Snead, Roop, and Adams, were of a high order, as was the paper of Dr. Camp which was read by Mr. Bickford. After the address and the reading of the paper it was moved to organize an order, or an association, for the promotion of the general welfare of our city. 7 It was further directed that the Chairman appoint a committee to draft Con stitution and By-Laws and to nom inate the officers of the organization and to prepare and publish the pro gram of the next meeting. This committee has already been appoint ed. It is intended to hold another meeting at an early date. Look out for the announcement. Whitesburg Church Revival to Begin the Methodist. at 11 Special Revival Services will begin at the First Methodist Church the first Sunday in May. Rev. J. M. Bass of the South Georgia Conference will assist the pastor. Mr. Bass is the Conference Evangelist of his Conference and one of the most suc cessful evangelists in the church. All denominations and the public generally are cordially invited to at tend these meetings. Mr. A. W. Stapleton of Macon Ga. will lead the singing. Mr. Stapleton is an able lealder of gospel songs and a fit sup plement to his strong preacher asso ciate. Caurch Notice Bro. Thos. W. Lingle Ph. D. of Davidson N. C. will speak at the Presbyterian church next Sunday at 11 oclock a. m. on “Education" &. at 8 oclock p. m. he will lecture on “Mission Work in Brazil,” where he j to J 101168 ferr y 18 - Yes the "Chattachoochee Bridge" question has bobbed up in this com munity again. It is rumored here that Carroll and Coweta Counties have at last decided to build an irom bridge across the Chattahoo chee river between here and New nan. The reason the bridge was not built last summer it seems, be cause Coweta County wanted to build it at Pope Jones’ ferry while Carroll County wanted to build it lower down the river near the R. R. Bridge. We hear that the bridge can be built at the lower place for two thousand dollars less than can be built up at Pope Jones’ ferry, But Pope Jones has lots of money and influence and so can pull things his way in Coweta County. The lower ferry, though near the R. R. bridge is the best place by far for the proposed bridge not because will save the taxpayers some two thousand dollars on the bridge itself but it will save Carroll County probably ten thousand dollars in years to come because the road to the lower place will be so much bet ter and eisier worked than the road lived for a number of years. Dr. Lingle has been head with pleasure andprofit elsewhere, and we are fortunate in having him come to Carrollton. Everybody is Jcordially invited to both services. W. E. Dozier T. A. J. Majors In Pistol Duel. A short time ago some men were arrested, charged, it is said, with playing a game of poker in the rooms of J. Q. Smith, a lawyer, during his absence. Editor Majors, in commenting on the affair in his paper, made some remark about Smith, said to have reflected on his character. This was taken up by L. H. Foster, a friend of Smiths, who in turn wrote a very abusive card of Majors, which was published in the last issue of the Messenger. On the day after the publication of the paper, Foster, it is said’ in company with a young man named Hudson, was walking down the street near Majors’ office, when Ma jors suddenly stepped to the door for himself, as he was going to fire. He then, so it is stated, fired two shots at Foster, who immediately pulled his pistol and fired three at Majors. Majors fired three in ex change, when finding his supply exhausted he retreated into his of fice and bolted the door. Neither man was hurt. Mr.,Majors formerly lived here but for the past several years he has lived at Douglasville, going to Cairo, Ga., about a year ago, where the fight occured. Important Notice The Fair of this Town, under the In order to get my beds advertis- * * u w-i . • . ed ih every locality, I will lor the i m»najement of Mr. H. K'otz .^get Hair Goods. I am stopping at the Dixie House Hugh H. Hendrick is up and able to be out this week after a severe attack of lagrippe. Rev. W. W. Kelley left Sunday for Cullman City, Ala. where he goes for a few days to look after his farm ing interests near there. Mrs. Bird Parks, of Newnan, visit ed in Whitesburg last week. Mrs. Bob Jones spent days lately as the guest brother at Auburn, Ala. several of her Miss Keith, of Newnan, spent Mon day and Tuesday here, the guest of Mrs. Tom Jones. Tom Jones visited Newnan Wed nesday. Grady Jones spent Saturday night and Sunday visiting homefolks Bremen. The Whitesburg Band is doing nicely no,w and will give a concert in about two weeks at the School Building. A small admission fee and called to Hudson to look ouv-^l be charged order that the members of the band can finish pay ing for their instruments, pay for the lights to practice by, pay their Band master etc. Jewell Jones has been quite sick since last Saturday, but is better to day. Jeff Aldridge is in town today taking the tax return for his father in-law, who we regret to hear down sick. You Often Hear People Say of a Man “He has money in the Bank," and the people speak of him with respect as one who is getting along in the world. It is a good thing for your standing to have money in a bank, and it is easier than you think especially as the CarVollton Bank Carrollton, Ga., is desirous of you doing business with them and will aid you in every reasonable way. Capital $100,000, Surplus and profits over $65,000 IB. iFLIBO'Z'IECIIsr ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Call and See About Borrowing Money. Loans Made on farms and'Ciiy House andLots. Mr. Bob Dukes was in Whitesburg Thursday. r n , v . f , ; ting ready for a Spring Opening Sale, j on Newnan St., with a complete line the next 60 days ship one feather 6 A ! Hair Goods, consisting of Howard Watkins and Jack Strick land came down from County Line Tuesday. J. H. Lipscomb and W. F. Edge- bed weighing 361bs„ and one pair of | which will start on Saturday April j of Human Hair Goods, consisting of. worth were in Carrollton attending ... dftl , nllfor , in nnl 8th. and we were informed they are I Switches, this week - pillows weighing 61bs„ all for $10.00 . , • ,, ■ nrirps Curls, etc - Also old switches remod-j ineverv denartmem Ovrind toThe ^ eled. Combings sterilized and made j fact that these low prices will only' int0 s witches - £ I( ] I J 1 . pt a ^ I1U0n Excursion Fares via mat mese low prices wm on y . - or j ers ’ Bobbing childrens; Beds ship^las for ten days the public will • do g" specialty. Phones 350 and 33: well to reap the benefit of it and at- a spe ^ Mrs Nannie D G uy. cash with order, f. o. b. Covington, Ga. All live new feathers, made of the best A. C. A. ticking, ped anywhere in the U. S. A. Order today. If beds are not as advertis ed we wih cheerfully refund your pnoney. Buy from the manufactur- Central Of Georgia Railway s,er and save middleman’s profit, ail piers given special attention. Re jrence, Bank of Covington. Ad 3ress D. C.Martin, the manufactur Covington, Ga. 4t. [llse Kyanize for kitchen, dining uns, sleeping rooms, and bath Dm floors. Easy to apply and jars like' granite. Carrollton Hardware Co. tend this Opening Sale. Daily shipments of merchandise I is being received at^The Fair consist ing of Mens’ and Boys’ {Clothing;! Ladies Wear, Skirts, Linen Suits, Wanted. All the suckling calves and year- Dry Goods and Shoes for the whole p family. Watch for the Opening Sale Sat urday April 8th. Pittsburg Perfect fencing, electric wield, all kinds and sizes. > Carrollton Hardware Co. Let us know what you have and"where you live. S. V. Moore and Robert Warren (Stogner, Ga.) Bowdon, R. F. D. No. 3 Fresh garden and field seed in both package end bulk. Paiker &. .Wood. To Jacksonville, Fla, account Con ference on Education in the South to beheld April 19-21, 1911. Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes Sri( them on Hook at Heurself ■ in Stein-Bloch Smart Springy Styles. Business and For mal Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats, They Fit, They are Stylish and They Save You Money $15 to $25 To Jacksonville, Fla., account Southern Baptist Convention, to be held ay 17-23, 1911. For complete information in re gard to total fares, dates of sale, lim its schedules, train 'services, etc., apply to nearest ticket agent. F. J. Robinson, Asst. Gen. Pas. Agt te'ivv...