The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, April 27, 1911, Image 1

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agBEi^aggassiasgBszszs^iagfflgigsiiggs rianaricU. Dr 3 D Nov 4, 04 (Earrall Jw THE PEOPLE’S POPULAR PAPER AND THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY CARROLLTON. CARROLL COUNTY. GEORGIA. THURSDAY, APRIL 27 1911 THE NEW DEPOSITOR The NEW depositor in this may be assured of receiv ing direct, personal attention attention and service, for this has been our policy for twenty years. A Bankers' advice and acquaintance is usually value- able, his actual help certainly is. The management of this bank is composed of men having long experience in banking and commercial • affairs, and they are well known for their judgement and influence in the community. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CARROLLTON. Capital $100,000.00 surplus $roo,ooo.oo Our Finacial Policy It is our desire and aim to aid and assist the entire community, but we wish to call special at tention to the fact that even unable to accommodate everybody, that we loan and take of our Deposi tors. It is from the benefits we derive from our depositors that we make our profits, and we feel under special obligations to them. It will be to your advantage to do business with ffhe 9eeple$ Sank CARROLLTON, GA. CAPITAL $60,000 SURPLUS $6,000 J. R. Adamsou, Pres, Jno M. Jackson, V-Pres G. C. Cook, Cashier. iKSEHr'SSEZBEEtEr.E? IB. IF’.IBO'ZTKIXIINr ATTORNEY-AT-LAW all and See About Borrowing Money. Loans Made on Farms and’City House and Lots. \ ormal Opening THURSDAY, MAY 4th. On Thursday, May 4th, I hope to have II the people who may do so, visit my furniture store, and inspect the lines of |urniture, Mattings, Rugs, Art Squares, etc. It will afford me great pleasure to tow you through my stock and quote you je lowest prices possible on anything you |ay wish in my line. Visit this store whether you buy or not J. N. JOHNSON Memorial Day in Carrollton There is no class of her citizens that Georgia delights to honor more, and holds in more grateful rememb- erance than the surviving heroes of the “Civil War,” the men who wore the gray—unless it be the heroic wives and daughters, who so brave ly endured hardships and rendered such splendid and unselfish service duri ig that trying period of our country’s history. It was highly fit ting therefore that such a large gathering assembled in Carrollton last Wednesday “Memorial Day”„to do honor to the dead and to the living Confederate J veterans. The exercises at the Court House were most interesting, the Address by Rev J. M. Dodd was instructive, the music by the A & M band was inspiring, the march to the ceme tery and the decoration of the graves of loved and honored heroes was impressive, and the whole occasion was one which is calcuated to deep en |one’s love of country, and in spire with pariotics [motives. The U. D. C’s deserves high praise for the work they are doing in gath ering “and preserving* the facts of history, and handing down to prosperity true records of the times when passion ran high, and much was said both North and South, that sober reflection, doubtless, would desire to be buried in oblio on. Thanks to a beneficient Provi dence, we are a united country once more, knowing no North, no South, no East, no West, and we honor the heroes on both sides of the “War between the States. ’ the men who honestly be ie/ed th?y were right and were fignting tor principle, for liberty,"for country. “Oh if there be on this earthly sphere, / A boon, an offering heaven holds dear; Tis the last libation Liberty draws, From the heart that bleeds and breaks in her cause.” Let us by all means keep up the good work of preserving the true facts of history, of honoring the dauntless heroes of the Confederacy and their devhted wives daughters, and yet with bitterness to no sec tion and good will to all men every where. Our County Fairs County fairs are worth the time and money. Like advertising, it is sometimes hard to count the actual returns from these agricultural ex hibits, but they bring the goods. Mark that the county with a well established fair of the classy sort is invariably of the highest class. Its farmers are of the best, its live stock is of the finest, its attitude toward progress and the outward evidences of progress displayed give it distinc tiveness and place. Note that every county where a good county fair is an established institution shows better live stock, more interested and more successful farmers than its fairless neighbors. The greatest value of the county fair is its stimulating effect on the agriculturalists who attend and sup port it. It is more than a man ifestation, it is an educator, a stim ulative, a tonic effect. It makes far better farmers, far greater production finer and more valuable stock, more corn to the acre, more money in the bank and in circulation, fewer mort- ages, and a higher citizenship. The j resent is the era of the farm er, He is receiving more consid eration and attention than ever be fore, and he is being looked up to and envied by the city man. In the awakening all over the country, the part taken by the county fair should not be overlooked. They have done much, not only to interest the city man in farming, but they have inter ested the fanner in better methods of cultivation and in better horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and live stock of all kinds. The farmer has visited these county fairs to receive inspir ation that has induced him to breed up, with the result that he ..receives more for the same effort. He also derives lessons of better livmg for himself and family, and anything that makes life on the farm more attractive makes the farm more val uable, and life a constant joy. Carroll County Civic League We desire to direct attention to the ‘ Carroll County Civic League," an organization recently launched, and calculated to accomplish splen- j did results in the way of the devel-! opment and upbuilding of Carroll 1 County. A most interesting and helpful meeting was held last Sun day afternoon at the Methodist Protestant Church, at which quite a number of spirited addres;ei were 1 made on the topic of “Medical in spection of our schools.” It is ex pected and urged that every good and patriotic citizen of our county unite with the League, and s ind a helping hand in the (good work it proposes to do. , The object of the League as set forth in its constitution is the phy sical, moral and social betterment 1 of the whole county [There is an un told amount of good that can be ac complished along this line, if the League is only backed by the unit ed efforts of our good men and women. There >,is a place for it, and a large work for it to do- Carrollton District Sunday School Association to Meet The Carrollton District Sunday School Association will hold its Spring meeting at Striplings Chapel on the 2d. Sunday in May. The program will be published later. Let every school in the associa tion pray for this meeting, and see to it that it has representatives present, Executive Committee. % Finai\A*ures Announced of Georgias Population Washington, April 26.—Population statistics of Georgia by minor civil divisions, including cities, counties, incorporated towns, and militia dis tricts, were announced yesterday by the census bureau. There are 565 cities and incorporated towns in the state, and the table shows the growth of each during the past two decades Below is given some of the figures for this county— Carrollton, 3,297 Bowdon, 541 Temple, 711 VillaRica, 855 Whitesburg, 315 You Often Hear People Say of a Man “He has money in the Bank," and the people speak of him with respect as one who is getting along in the world. It is a good thing for your standing to have money in a bank, and it is easier than you think especially as the Carrollton Bank Carrollton, Ga., is desirous of you doing business with them and will aid you in every reasonable way. Capital $100,000, Surplus and profits over $65,000 I 1.1 Statement of the Condition of the Citizens Bank Located at Carrollton, Ga., at the close of business March 7th, 1911. KESOUROES Loans and Discounts $1412, Overdrafts O Furniture and Fixtures 2 Currency 1 Silver, Nlckles and Pennies.. ,468.0(1 [>.205 22 2.600,00 5,000.02 7,828.24 ,021.00 650.00 848 ..5 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In $50,000.00 Surplus Fund 12,500.00 Undivided Profits, less cur rent expenses & taxes paid 2,085.81 Individual Deposits subject to check 06,000.80 Certified Checks Cashier's Checks 8,187.78 Total 160,074.44 STATE OF GEORGIA, Carroll County. Before mo catne A. K. Snead, Cashier, of Citizens Hank, who being duly sworn, savs that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of i?ald Hank, as shown l>y the hooks of file In said Hank. A. K. Snead. Cashier. Swo n to and subscribed before me, this l lth, day of March loll. Lewis f>. Sims, C. X. P. Dress Well BUBSSSSaBI and You Will Feel and Work Well By dressing well we mean dress like a modern American gentleman. But to do it you need not pay a fictitious price to a tailor. Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes will take care of you, and fit you. TRY THEM ON AT OUR STORE. $15 to $25 Notice to Teachers The annual examination of appli* cants for licence to teach in the pub’ lie schools will be held on the 16th. and 17th. of June. Besides the re gular school texts the only books to be used are Hodges Nature Study and life. The manual of methods, school law and perhaps health talks t oteachers. J. S. Travis, C. S Com