The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, June 15, 1911, Image 1

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. t \C^’ P V u Gkrrnll IS THE PEOPLE’S POPULAR PAPER AND THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY CARROLLTON. CARROLL COUNTY. GEORGIA THURSDAY JUNE 15 l911 5264 Statement of the Condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Carrollton in the State of Georgia at the close of business June 7th, 1911 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $1 Overdrafts secured and un secured U. 8. Ronds to secure circu lation Banking house, furniture & fixtures Due from Natlonnl Ranks, (not reserve agents). .. Due from State end Private Banks and Bankers, Trust Companies and Savings Bilk Due from approved reserve agents Check and Cash Items Notes of other Nat. Banks.. Fractional paper currency, nickels ana cents Lawful Mon- y Reserve In Bank, viz: Specie 10,451.2o Legal-tender Notes.. 000.00 Redemption fund with U. 8. Trees. 5% of circulation ... H04.753.18 844.79 100,000,00 80.000.CO 17,011.20 1,958.20 9 051.85 722.28 2.500 00 11,051.20 5g)0l,00 Total $488,831.28 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $100,000 00 Su-plus Fund 100,000.00 Undivided profits less ex penses and taxes paid. . 15.129.80 Nat. Bank Notes outstanding 05,500.00 Dividends Unpaid 270.00 Individual ueposits subject ' to oh- ck .. 139.810 19 Time certificates of Deposit. 28,448.44 Certified checks 68 00 Cashier checks outstanding. * 4,718.79 Total 4488.081.28 STATE OF GEORGIA. County of Carroll, sa 1, E B Brodnax, cashier of the above named hank, do solennly swear that the above statement Is true to the bast of my knowledge and belief. „ E II Brodnax, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me tills 14th. day of Junel911, _ W A Lyle Notary Public. CORRECT—Attest: LCMandeville ) C B Mlmonton > Directors. \V J Stewart ) Citizens Bank located at Carroton, Ga., at the cose of busines June 7th, 191 r. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and Discounts $172,742.87 Capital Stock Paid In $50,000.00 Overdrafts 10 251 07 Surplus Fund 12,600 00 Furniture and Fixtures .... 2.500,00 Undivided Profits, less cur- rent expenses & taxes paid 4 ,892 87 Due from Ranks and Bankers in the state . 1.394.16 Individual Deposits subject . to check 47,880.48 Due Irom Bunks and Bankers iu other states a,250 28 Certified Checks 83,64 Currency 078.00 Cashier’s Checks 1,557.61 Silver, Nickles and Pennies. 248.15 Bills Payable. Including Time rertlilcates representing Exchanges for the Clearing Borrowed Money House 90.08 Total $191,884 60 Total 191,364.60 8TATE OF GEORGIA, Carroll Cou: ty. Before me come A. K. .Snead, Cashier, of Citizens Bank, who being duly sworn, savs that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bauk, as shown by the books of file In said Bank. A. K. Snead, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, thiB |5th, dnyofJuno 1911. Lewis S HIiiih.CK. F. Statement of the Condition of the Whitesburg Banking Co. Located at Whitesburg, Ga,, at close of business June 7th, 19 1. RESOURCES Time Loans 537.899.94 Overdrafts, unsecured 250.89 Banking House 1,000 26 Furniture and Fixtures 2,108 38 Dne from Bnnks and Bank ers In the state . Due from Banks and Bank ers In other states 1,356.53 207.81 Currency . 2.000.00 Gold 4*100 Silver Nickles etc 817 38 Cash Items 791.90 Total 40*422 48 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In 826,000,00 Surplus Fund.. 3.250.oo Undivided Profits, less Cur rent expenses <& Taxes paid 1.824.76 Individual Deposits subject loch, ck . . 11847.72 Bills Payable, Inclnding Time Certflcntes representing Borrowed Money 16,00o.oo Total 40,422 48 STATE OF GEORGIA, Carroll County. Before'me came Jas.AKelley, Cashier of tne Whitesburg Banking Co, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing state ment Isa tiue condition of said Bank as shown by the bonks of die in saidBnnk. Jus. A.Kelicy . Casliter Sworn to and subscribed before me, tilts 2oth day of Marcli 1911. M. D. Watkins, N. 1*. & Officio .l.P. Epworth League The Epworth League met last Sunday night at 7:30 in the Sunday School room of the Methodist church. Many of the members seemed to think that the Chautauqua would interfere with the meetiug, conse quently, the attendence was not so large as expected. However to those present Miss Nell McKown showed H“ r seif a good leader. Miss Anna Lou Redwine will furnish the pro- ior the next meeting. The following committees were appointed by the officers. Second Vice Pres., Miss Nell Mc Kown—Anna Lou Redwine, Alva Lowrey, Mrs. Pierce. Third vice pres. Mrs. West—Alma Bonner, Kate Martin, Mary Lou Bledsoe, Alva Lowery, Hattie Gentry. Fourth vice pres. Miss Redwine Kate Brown, Mary Gentry, Annie Martin. Come, and bring that doleful little neighbor with you; she isn’t half so tiresome as you think she is, at leaBt she won’t be when the Epworth Lea gue is through with her. PROMPT ACTION NECESSARY TO SECURE COLLEGE FOR CARROLLTON Draughon’s Practical Business Anotner advantage will be that College Company has sent its repre- this branch college will keep in this sentative, Mr. C. A. Padgett t o section the money that would other Carrollton to seeif thirty students cqn wise go elsewhere, and this is no be secured for a branch school here, small item for consideration as the If so the college will be opened at money that woyld be spent for board an early date. tuition and incidentals by the num- This will give the young people ber of students required for the of Carrollton and this section an op- school in Carrollton would amount portunity to get exactly the same to several thousands of dollars if thorough business training as they these same students had to go off (i) would get in Atlanta, or any of the to school, ' other 47 big cities in which the jf Carrollton will display its usual Diaughon colleges are locate , and enterpr i ge w ;u (j e on i y a 8 hort at only a fraction of what the cost would be to take the course m any wmie un j,t m • olass WU1 ” e ready of these other places. and the college open for business. B- B. Thomasson Passes Away ' Col B. B. Thomasson who had been in ill health for some several months, died last Monday afternoon at the residence of his father Mr. J. J. Thomasson, on Maple Street. Col. Thomasson was a graduate of the University of Georgia and Yale. He began the practice of law in January 1909 the partner of W. D. Hamrick who died two weeks ago Mr. Thomasson was a young man of splendid business ability and the prospects for a bril liant career were universally pre dicted by friends. He was 28 years of age, and an enthusiastic member of the Elks and Masonic orders, the latter of which had charge of the funeral services from the Methodist churh. He leaves a father, mother, five brothers and three sisters to mourn his loss, and to these we join many friends in extending condolence. J. J. Holloway Slates Position on Election of Senator. First and forepiost I have fav ored all along the election of United States Senators by vot^s of the people. Inasmuch as it is now up to the Legislature to make this choice; I hold it to be the sacred and pa triotic duty of each legislator to en deavor to select the best and most available man who will fill this im portant position in the interest of the people. Considering the fact that it is very probable that there will be several other candidates in addition to those already announced, I think it would be very , unwise for me to pledge my support to any one can didate before knowing who, or how many may be in the race. I want it therefore distinctly un derstood that I desire to go to the Legislature, untramelled, unpledged to any one candidate, and entirely free to do the very best thing I can for the people. I have fixed convictions along these lines, and I would not part with them to be President. Respt., J. J. Holloway Mr. Chas. Hammond Dead. As we go to press we learn of the death of Mr. Charles Hammond, which occured suddenly about noon today at his home three miles west of town. He had not been in good health for some time but was able to get abt^t and had been to town Thursday morning, He leaves a wife and three daughters to whom, we, with other friends, extend our sym pathy. Mr. I. R. Harmon Dead. The many relatives and friends of Mr. J. R. Harmon were made sad when on Wednesday morning the news went forth that he was dead Mr. Harmon had been in failing health for several months and had spent sometime in an infirmary in Atlanta: tout returned home a few days ago. The funeral services were held at the residence on Longview Street, Thursday morning, conducted by Rev, W, E. Dozier, and interment was in the city cemetery. The bereaved ones have our sympathy. Withdraws From Race Considering the fact that my duties as cashier of the Whitesburg Banking Company are such that it will be impossible for me to visit any other part of the county than my own district, I hereby withdraw from the race for the Georgia Legis lature. James A. Kelley. Gen. Evans Selected Adjutant Gen. Clement A Evilas. ane of the most honored Confederate vet erans, will be appointed as Adjutant General by Governor Hoke Smith to succeed Gen. A. J. Scott. Gen. Evans has been serving as a member of the State Pri on Com mission, and his appoint in ent as Adjutant General will create a vacancy on the Commissi' n which Gov. Smith will fill by appointment of Judge T. E, Patterson, of Griffin. Gov. Smith has selected one of Georgia’s most beloved veterans as Adjutant General. Gen. Evans lias been in very poor health for some time, but his host of friends are glad to know that his condition is now somewhat improved. Gen. Scott, the retiring Adjutant General, has made a most capable official, and had the endorsement of practically the entire member ship of the state military fo*- re-ap pointment. Quartermaster General W. G. Obear *will doubtless be re tained. Carrollton Chautauqua Statement of the Condition of the CARROLLTON BANK, Located at Carrollton, Ga., at close of business June 7, 1911 Time Loans . 275,723.95 Overdrafts, secured 10,343.37 Overdrafts, unsecured 3,061.74 Furniture and Fixtures 1,000.00 Other Real Estate 1,472.76 Due from Banks and Bank ers in the State . 180.36 Due from Banks and Bank ers in other States 442.29 Currency 47.00 Gold 3,415.00 Silver, Nickles etc 1,385.72 Clearing House 3,645.27 8,492.99 Capital Stock, paid in 100,000.00 Surplus Fund 50,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expnses &. taxes paid 23,191.46 Due to Banks and Bankers in this state 051.41 Due unpaid dividends 580.00 Individual deposits subject to cheek 66,167.21 Saving Deposits 22,700.77 Demand certificates 7,126.61 BUls payable including time Ceatificates representing Bonowtd Money . 30000.00 Total 300,717.46 Total aQ0,717.4t STATE OF GEORGIA, Carroll County. ■ays Before me came H. N. Spence, Cashier of Carrollton Bank, who being4gly sworn, that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, ao shown by the books of Ale in said Bank. H. N. Spence, daS Sworn to and subscribed before me this I5th day of June, 1911. G. T. Spence, C. N. Dr. George R. Stewart in his two famous lectures Friday and Satur day. Dr. Stewart! is the highest priced lecturer in ihe South. Bob Seeds Radcliffe Bell Thomas Elmore Lucey Mrs. Freda Walker and others will give us their best during the last days of the Chau tauqua. FARMEES DAY Saturday will be Farmers Day— Bob Seeds will lecture at 10:30 a. m. “How God Made the Soil Fertile.’’ This is the lecture that made Bob Seeds famous, and every farmer can make it worth $100 to him— question box and general discussion by the audience and lecturer. Band Concert twice daily. Sunday Chautauqua services will be a great treat. An Unique Entertainment. On Monday of this week invita tions were sent out all over the city inviting the ladies to be present at Fitts Drug Store from 2 to 3 o’clock p. m. on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday the little girls, under 15 years of age, were entertained. Fruit punch was served and each guest was presented with a souve nir, a fan. Misses Christine Fitts, Sadie Mer- rell and Fay Causey entertained the guests with songs and music. Between 200 and 300 guests called on each afternoon. Notice, Special Election Pursuant to an order of Hon. Joseph M. Brown, Govenor of said State, a special election is hereby called, in said county, to be held on Friday, the 23rd day of June, 1911, for the purpose of electing a repre senative to the General Assembly pf Georgia to fill the vacancy in the representation of said county oc casioned by'the death of Hon. W. D. Hamrick. Said election to be held agreeable to the rules and reg ulations governing ordinary special elections. Give under my hand and official signature, this the 31st day of May, 1911. W. J.Millican, Ordinary. ANNOUNCEMENTS I hereby announce my name as a candidate for Represenative for the county of Carroll, subject to the special election called for June 23rd. 1911, to fill vacancy caused by the death of Hon. W. D. Hamrick. The support of my friends is earn estly solicted. This June 1st 1911. Jno. T. Hixon. I hereby announce my name as a candidate for Represenative for the county of Carroll, subject to the special election called for June 23d. 1911, to fill vacancy caused by the death of Hon. W. D. Hamrick. Th» support of my friends will be great ly appreciated. This June 7, 1911 J. J. Holloway. The Free Press is authorized t< announce the name of S. M. Hearn as a candidate for Represenative t< fill the vacancy caused by the deati of Col. W. D. Hamrick. A*.' V v Statement of the condition of The Peoples Bank Located at Carrollton, Ga., at the close of business June 7th 1911. RESOURCES Time Loan!) 147.884,50 Overdrafts secured 1 006,98 Banking House 6,200.00 Fprnltureand Fixtures 8,007.07 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In Surplus Fund ... 4,100.20 87,810.1* Demand certificates 8.450.08 Currency 689.00 Gold 140.00 Silver, Nickles cto -161.40 Cash Items 229,22 1,410.62 TOTAL 100,841 A0 6p .000.00 0,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Current expenses and Taxes Paid 4,086.00 Certificates representing Borrowed Money 06,1 ItajMI.M STATE OF GEORGIA,Carroll County; Befo e mecame0. * ; ook. Oashlor of The Peoples Bank who being duly sworn, snvsthat I he above and foregoing statement is a true con dition of said Bank ns shown by the books « f file 1 said Bank. - G. O. Cook Cashier Sworn to and subscribed before me this 15th day of June, 1911. II. A-. 8fens, c N: F. 33. IF’.ZBO’Y’IKIIILT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Call and See About 'Borrowing Money: loans Made on farms and'Ciy House and Lots. I Hcu %an Wear Shem ylnifwhere Stein-Bloch Summer Clothes are so stylish, they fit so well that they can be worn to any event in the day’s work. A Trifle Listed. Coat and Trousers only. The Perfection o f Comfort Gome and try on. $15 to $25 ... AY: ■