The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, November 14, 1918, Image 1

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1. XXXIII |l gym- r little occur- BY C. A. & RALPH MEEKS CARROLLTON, GA., THI MANDEVILLE MILLS AND CARROLLTON BANKS SUBSCRIBE $4,000 DEATH HAS CLAIMED MR. WILLIAM P. COLE The County Chain tail for the United War Work Campaig i is hilarious ovef the donation of $4,00 ) niadu Wednesday by the Mandoville [ills ami the four banka of Carrollton. Wednesday moritii g, Mr, ,T. A. Man- dovillo, Captain of tl u Carrollton Team, proposed to the Cou ity Chairman that the Mandevillo Mills would give $2,000 if tho four banks ol Carrollton would give $2,000. Accordiigly Presidents L.s C. Mandoville, of t! e First Notional, J. T. Bradloy.-of the Carrollton, A. K. Snead of the Citizens and G. W. Flem ing of tho Peoples Bs nit met tho Coun ty Chairman and ac opted the goner- oils proposition of Ci itain Mandevillo, each bank gave its ; oportionate part according to its caplt 1 stock and sur plus. The County Chaims n is grateful in the nnme of the Unitoi War Work Cam paign to all these bi sinoss men whe give strength and stab ity to the ilnan- eial interest of our pei pie, It is earnestly hopi d auil believed 1 diers or sailors discovered by s; th Bureau of Wi a campaign of deney who are dropped from that thoy aro dier before he that all tho business i: on of our good county will give their loral and lirtu rial aid. Carroll county can u >w easily raise $12,700, which is a fiftj per cent over subscription, if EVER f MAN, WO MAN AND CHILD. IN JTHR COUNTY DOES HIS DUTY. Tho A. & M. reported $200 some days ago, tho Carrollton $850, aud the county iug over tho so! J Mr. W. P, Cole died at his home on Maudcvillo avenue late Wednesday af ternoon after a short illness. Mr. Cole lmd bean in declining heulth 'eminent aliowan for moro than n year, and a few days ago suffered a stroke of nppoploxy. The deceased is survived by his wife, who was Miss Callio Reid, and the fol lowing children: Mrs. J. II. Reid, Mrs. •T. O. Buckalew, Misses .Belva and Chari- sic Cole, and Messrs. W. II., Grady and Horace Cole, all living in this county, and three sisters living in Arkansas. Mr. Colo was in his sixty-fourth yonr, and before his health gave way years ago, was one of CnroUtou’c load ing lawyers. At one time he represent ed Carroll county in the legislature. All his lifetime was spent In tho up building of Carrollton and Carroll coun ty. He was a member of the Primitive Baptist church. On Thursday evening his remains were accompanied a largo delega tion from Carrollton to Ins last resting place in the eometory at Old Concord church, this county, where an immenso crowd of pcoplp from all walks of life' gathcrod to pay this last tribute. The services at the grave were conducted by Rev. J. M. Bagwell. The many beautiful floral offerings completely covered tho grave. The beroaved family has the sympa thy of a largo circle of friends. THOUSANDS I GETTING , SOLDIERS’ ALLOWANCE IN FRAUDULENT WA1 Washington^ Nlv, 8.—Thousand!)' cases of frauduleiff: acceptances of | intended for Soil pendents, have been eial investigation ol Risk Insurance, amf roHCcution and roer.vl cry has been instituted. As r. rcsiill it was announce! today that about out-l third of tho -y>0,000 claiming deperi| reiving checks, will'd) o roll when it is showil ot dependent on a sol; ntcred the service: There are hindrsds of cases in wliic women, not 4ie wives of soldiers sailors, aro releiving allotments ami town nee chccJ s, having, been namod hjl the men as t eir legal wives, while thi| real wives g without government aid Scores of at ornevs are understood tJ bo under i vestigation for liavinj charged mor than, $3, the legal linki] for aiding p rsons in getting nUotiUen or allowance remittances. All porson who receive and ensh checks to whicl they are not itrictly ontitlcd by law ail to in* cut _( f from their remittance! forced to re ay the sums they receive! fraudulently and prosecuted if crimiiu| intent is sh wn. ill NOTICE TO TEACHERS AND SCHOOL PATRO! Public Schools d Btricts aro go- top right along. Let M. DODD. " AWAKENS AS HE IS PRONOUNCED DEAD IAS PA LDIERS GES VERSEAS IjL overy Carroll; county soldier get a Chris turns package, v-o boon provid d for all Bed and they»to authorized ect and mail the... gifts, Also be secured at Carrell.-, ol from, a ' dp 1 nclics sa ring the ollton arid tea, packed and mailed, t who have no soldiers kteu* to Mnd gifts, but ^Kiout (abcls. So if ^Bpome to those who, will not send packages, labels to-tho Bod Cross B^fl^gtnckagcs will will ijdi^ra wl who indness for tho this their nobly done Wayeross, Ga., Nov. 9.—When the coroner and hia jury appeared at the jail a few mornings ago to hold an inquest over tho remains of a negro who had died during the night, some excitement was created, when, as the words, "Wo, tho jury, find that this negro died from natural causes,” wuiu being pronounced, the;, tuigro opened one eye, peered at the crowd about him and said; ,-. -i,*-. ‘‘You ntilte folks jes don't want 'htfm ’ even hrterlbe’s vile a(u J .t ilaiir > 'I am Jan ms * tuipr' v. * ' TJic Public Scliools (wdfite) of Carrol countv will open Nov/nbcr 25th close December 20th/for Chrlstn AH scliobh —white And colored- open .Tuniunw 6th, /919, and closeJ Marcli 28th. IChe * miner term will gin July 7th amk/lo’se August 29th.;? ' The colored sdkpols will not until January 6tii, nH9. By order of tfio Board of Educg L. ft. SMITHv Praali V. h. WHATLE*! Carrollton, (aa„ Nov. 7, IBIS. 71 ■ The Woman’s Mist THE JEWS TO HAVE A COUNTRY AND A FLAG »ry Society jesday (18th An| vs of prayer. 3 P. M. world war. Do not let a angle foldier be disap | on an equal basis, -Do not let a single foldier be disap pointed who has senj his label nnd made it possible for qs to send him a token of our appreciation. Remember, -no package can be »cnt after next Weduesday, November 20. Carrollton Coifhty Chapter, ' American Red Cross. Washington, D. C., November 6—The Jews will soon have a country nnd n flag according to the reports received hero from Sweden. A call has been is sued appealing to Zionists the world over to work for a free Palestine at the conclusion of the war, whore Jews may have their own country. ‘‘Th* years of martyrdom of the Jow- iw> ^ must be redressed aud they must outer’tnRNIJ«ftguc of free nations . Mrs. j. | |osen, of G(id Bradley. 21,000 IN N. Y. ARE MADE ORPHANS BY INFLUENZA AS TO BOWDON New York, Near. 8.—Health Commis sioner Copclandcstimated .tonight that there arc about 21,000 children in the city who have been made full or half orphans by Spanish influenza. Of the 7,200 families in which a fu ther or mother, or both, had boen vic tims of the disease, the commissioner Tho intelligence lijjis been rccoievd at United Wbr Work 1 headquarters for I a ta ted, about 700 families, with approx Carroll county that tome of our friends iniatcly 2 000 children would need the at Bowdon feel ajferieved that the ^ of the oity names of the Bowjdon District Team observe Monday and ! 19th) afternoons as ; Program, Mojj Hymn. Scripture Ly~ John XV-1<}“” Praycf. Solo—M s - ’ Iohn Ld , *‘Layin< tho Fo 0» ldot k’ u ot Chris-J tian C«- .llsation 1 Airs. Dan Hearn. Pioneers in Education ’ ’ — Mrs. | Cobb. [ . Instrumental Solj)—Miss Olive Brad-1 ley. t * “Pioneers in National Health' Mrs. Copeland. “Our Home Miiionnry Pioneers ofl Beal Democracy ”+-Mrs. Homer Per-" due. Solo—Mrs. Gailbreath. Prayer—Mrs. Byiam. Offering for Retijcment Fund. Hymn. Dismissal. Program, Tuet Hymn No. 352. Scripture Lesson: John XV:14-15. iprere omitted droit tho lotteilhcads lie|jt> raUH MEEKS used in our local strive. No one re-1 CAMP MILLS, N. Y, 0reta this oversight more than the County Chairman, Eev. Jesse M. Dodd, but neither is he nef any other member ,«f the Central Coi ^.Carrollton by requlst of the,. Atlanta office, in anywise tojblarae, for the sim pie reason that wo lmd absolutely noth ing to do with the printing of the sta tionary for Carroll county. We did, — ^ lmH bcen (lcclared their eive ourselves muchjeoncorn to publish “* ’ the names of tho Biwdon Team in the move is not known last two issues of the Carroll County __ - n nc crRVF.D Times and of the ^arroll Free Press. DINNER TO BE SERV Except the namo of the Captain, tho , ny ROOPVILLE SCHOOL names of the Victbry District Team 1 also was omitted. Occidents will oc | On Thursday, November 21st, Boop- Some weeks ago Lieut. Ralph Meek* I and a number of other officers of the aittee, located 126th Fiold Artillery were selected as I an “advance party” and ordered over For some time they have been I at Camp Mills, N. Y., awaiting further orders. The party is tbero now and ‘Friends of God,”J Prayer. 8olo—Mrs. Claude Griffin. “Life Story of M is Mattie Wright” -Mrs. A1 Upshaw, Instrumental Solo —Miss Olive Brad- Signs of Oar Growth Membership, Olt. 1, 1909 307 Increase by Baptism to Oct. 1, 1918 -T. ........222 Incroase by Leticr and Otherwise to Oct. 1, 1*18 L.,. 373 Total Increase for Nine Years 595 Average Annual Increase for Nino Yearn 66 Avorage Montlill- Increase for Nine Years 1 5 1-2 Mombersip Oct. BS, 1918 589 * Wo were rarclylfavorod at both hours last Sabbath in litaving Prof. Chas. As tin at tho organ. lMiss Mary Lou New, our faithful orgAiist, has favored us with some exceptional musical attrac tions of late, for Jail of which wo arc grateful. cKureh servli should be til have many a] Mdn and bar irayer.' ’ -Next week, been set apa| of America as the theme of AMBHICANi: AL IDEALS church the gill Fund. these programs cur even in the best legulated families, ville High School is going to sorve a .. ,. 4 public dinner. Everybody is invited. RINGHURST COMING | The proceeds will go to the school. Ev- " 1 body come and bring your friends and ley. Prayer—Miss Kate Walker. “life Story of Miss Lizzie/Wilson” —Mrs. E. T. Steed, j Duet—Mrs. C. Mi Tanner and Miss Susie Tanner. Offering Rctirmen Dismissal. The suggestions have been prepared \ with a view to promotion of specialj prayer in both private and public during the entire week. It is hoped that it may bo a time of much prayind on the part of every member of the auxiliary and that tho meeting may bo given over largely to thanksgiving and intercession All the ladies in to^u are cordially invited to be with us DR. Vi sweei eight pelinds that was A. M. Sttpvens at the A. Mr. Stcacns has grown ushels of potatoes on less a of groubd. November 17 to 24, baa by Protestant churches ome Mission Week, aid e Week is CHRISTIE TION, OUB NATIOS ND MISSION. In, are toK. building a chudch for the Mexlcl gregntion at Austin, Tcxoa, equipping the Italian Mission at Ensley, Ala., and the purchase of a manse for our Indian Presbytiry Evangelist. A spe eial program is’boing prepared for the. Sunday School an November 24th. Let us make a liborkl offering at that time and help Christianize America. BAPTIST tABBBNACLE Next Sunday shlould and will be the greatost rally day the world has ever known, after the war of almost all na tions has come to a successful end. • >L FAIR Friday nnd Saturday, and 16th,West View sc! fair. Several nice prem! offered and a premlumlllst- has been issued and distributed. \ A small ad mission of 5 and 10 tents will be charged. This fair is under the Lipervision of the Misses Darden who lave had the management of the Wcst|View school for some years. Go to this fair and se$ v(hat canning club girls arc doing right hire at home. Every school or corsmuiaty in Car roll shoud have a representative at this fair. ject beinff appropriate for the occa sion—'ll a. m., anti 7 p. EAT “HOME PRODUCTS” THANKSGIVING DAY COTTON SLUMPED in I hope ti National Tuesday, Novc Carrollton, Ga. Those wishi it by calling^n above What bot/cr Christmas gift can you aive the oil father or mother than good ' A U in the First 1 a do jj(«ious dinner nnd help the on Monday and j Bcll00 j h and 19th, in work ean get POCKET BOOK LOST WANTE1 FOR RE Four-room house on Dixie water and lights. W, T. It pd with eet DS. Lost my old-fashioned pocket book last Thursday either on road from Bur- well to Stognef, or from Burwell to Bowden, containing ton dollars in bills —one five aud fivo ones, also cotton soed and gin receipt from Burwell ginnery signed bv W. W. Smith. Finder notify J. H. SKINNER, Will pay- digger and $3.1 furnished free, farm, 5 miles Stripling’s CU Creek church. day ply tpol for a well a helper. Meals at the McClure rrollton, between ud Whooping 2t-novl4 Tuesday and Wcdncsdaylcotton turn bled nnd tumbled again. | Sit steady, Do not rock the boat. I Tho speculative interest was dom nant, and the farmers land business men of the South sholld keep the gamblers from playing with- bales cotton like they were marbles. Cot- ( mont be carrici ton is north as much no4 as it was a besides the ‘ ‘ Gi month ago. -| The Westminster Society held an in teresting meeting with Miss Clair Hol- dernes last Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Shirley Boykin Invited the society to meet with her in December. Thanksgivng 8( rvices Sunday will conducted by tho pastor. His sub- The prayer melting next Weduesday night, the 20th inst., will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Man- dcvillc. HOMESEEKE AKE NOTICE For the Tl anksgiving dinner, hu manity and the exigencies of war ap peal for a voir itary prohibition. Th? Uunited States food administration is making the ap eal to every family in the country to compose Thanksgiviug dinner solely (f “home products This applies, too, to all hotels, res taurants and pi blic eating places. The purpose is not olely that of food econ omy, but to all vlatc pressure on trans portation facil ies as well. In Georgia 1 iat’s easy; and at the same time in keeping with a state wide pre-war i >irit of pogress, devel opment and "l low tho other fellow.” A “Goorgia products dinner” isn’t new in this sti te; it is coming to bo recognized as in annual feast on a fixed date. Th Federal food adminis- of \ tration this ye r asks that the move- one stop beyond, and We have ten thousand acres of fvm lands for sal), located in Stewart aiu| Webstr count es. We have what looking fo: qualit you acrcai from usually goWl small I provements miles of Bii $100 an acre. Richland la lumbus in as h found anywhere Carrollton on c« Ncwnan and Columbus Richland at four regardless of price, Prices ranging $100 n acre. Several un- farms with good im- from 1-4 to three at from $20.00 to Burwell, Ga., B. 1. . AUTO CRANK LOST Lost on Alabama at’ day, one automobile land car. Please retiir: pixie street railroad c let on Wodncs- nk for Over- John Pope, ltpd TOE SALE I have a Ford Speedster and also a Ford Roadster I will trade for a 5-passege Also have "Ford chassis and Chevrolet Roadster for sale Apply to ROGER dy for sale ody which Ford body aby Grand r trade EKS. irgia products dinner,” all Georgians ierve a Georgia home products Thanksgiving diunor. Already planF are making for the United States fc do for the starving innocents of thole enemy nations which have laid downkrms, what “we” did for the starving Belgians. Therefore the war cry of qie food administration goes on: “Don’t relax.” Will be glad to sliiw you abound. If you wont a home, < >me see anersbe con vinced. A few good farn s for rent on sB or for money, clos in. GILL! N-& MUBBAH, ll-14-4tpd Richland, Ga. miles south of Co- section as cau be Georgia. Leave train via arrive at day. JOE HOLM |IN kSUALTY LIST Mr. W. M. Hell tice that bis slightly wounded was wagoner with crossed over in Fel son, is has received no- Joe Holmes, was stober 27 th. He 82nd division and lary.