The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, November 14, 1918, Image 3

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TBS OABROIiL FREE/ :, CARROLLTON, OARROLL COONTY, GEORGIA Charter No. 5264 Reserve District No. 6 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL RANK AT CARROLLTON, IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON NOVEMBER 1, 1018. RESOURCES. Loans iml discounts, including rediscounts, (ex cept those shown iu b and c) 523.033.14 Notes And bills rediscounted (other than bank acceptances sold) (see Item B7ii) 25,712,07—25,712 07 Overdrafts, unsecured U. S. Bonds (other than Liberty Bonds, but in cluding tA S. certificates of indebtedness): U. 8. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value)...A a. 100,000.00 U. 8. bondstand certificates of indebt edness pledged ns collateral for State or other deposits or bills payable 25,000.00 U. 8. bonds raid certificates of indebt edness own^d and unpledged 35,000.00 — Liberty Loan Liberty Loan Ronds, 3 1-2 and 4 1-4 per cent, unpledged 5,480.15 Liborty Loan Bonds, 3 1-2, 4, and 4 14 per cent, plod Ad to securo State or other deposits Jr bills payable 30,000.00 Payments nctunllx made on Liberty 4 1-4 per cent bonds of the Fourth Liborty Loan onviod..... 2,000.' Stocks, other than /federal Reserve Bank stock Stock of Federal RAserve Bank.(50 per cent/ subscription) \ Value of banking houac, owned and Unincumbered Real estate owned otner than blinking houi Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Ban! Cash in vaults and not amounts due fro/ tionnl banks A Net amounts due from banks, bankors, nii/l trust companies other than included in It/lms 13, 14, or 15. , L Checks on other banks *n the samo ci ■ as re porting bank (other tharn Item 17) Total of Items 14,-15, IB, 17, and 18.i.38,827.42 Checks on banks located butsido of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items Redemption fund with U.\S. Terasnjcr and duo from U. S. Treasurer I J—.T. War Savings Certificates n^d Thrlfjf Stamps ac tually owned. TOTA L Liabilities. Capital stock paid in.. Surplus fun,I Undivided profits.. Loss current expenses, intoi^st and taxes paid k 7,760.35—r Circulating notos outstanding....i.i Net amounts due to banks, banUcrs, and trust companies (other than includci\ in Items 31 or . 32) /- Total of Items 32 and 331 V— 4,014.56 b V** Dejsand deposits (other than hank deposits) sub- ,, . Met to Reserve (deposits payablA within 30 Harris Bi/7: dnys:) . \ Umpire/, - Individual deposits subject tjo check...L 5. F. I ‘•^-iCertiflcntcs of deposit duo i/i less than 30 days T’raviAr, f vh pother than for money borrowed) A. Bobif'^4 y Certified checks j V Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subejet to Reserve, Items ^4, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41 334,406.57 p n „«nu *' ii'ime deposits subject to Reserve (payable After riuislh, / oq day8 or BU bject to 3j) days or more uotico, ' '-Lpostal savings^)-->-.t- ■ ' V gate's of deposit (pthcr than for moiVey WHAT^f rowed I -V • UAt n - Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, . items 42, 43, 44 anil 45 60,516.21 „ A Vgills payable, other thaji with Federal ResorvA Mrs. Id/ Bauty including all Obligations representing! the distil)* money borrowed, other than rediscounts most industri ous payable, with Federal Reserve Bank in all tills bro ' / Her son, Dr. T OTAL r ..45,815.02 Moore I i-s< W. L. A, > 904.11 3,000.00 1,092.13 811)993.05 100,000.00 100,000.00 38,054.07 100,000.00 4,014.56 323,290.11 8,777.93 191.35 2,147.19 60,516.25 (20,000.00 55,000.00 811,892.05 lita, 6 to 10 sire, LOCAL NfcWS <r— MiSe Clifford Cit.wart Aid Miss' Elqiso Herrih Bpent Monday fufr TtifiSdayjin Atlanta Mr. and^D*. 'J V |I. Cow art. Mr. and Mrs. T<Jn Robertspil, H of Romo street, gave a eix o’clock diqnei on Thursday.' Those!invitod wore Miss Clifford Cowart, Mfcs Loo Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Noel ITcnflee and Mr, Grady, Midlebrooks, Mrs. W. A. Coleman is visiting lief daughter, Mils, cjove ^iingsbery’, Franklin, N. C. Children’s 50c; 10 to 14 size? john w. Baskin & co. Miss Mattie Witt PoweVh and Mrs. J. A. Ganftnon nudjehildron, of Oriffin, came in Wednesday and will spend the remainder of the meek with hotnofolks. Mrs. IV. L. Mcfflure, of_ Atlantiq is visiting relatives Merc. Mrs. Alice Taylor spent the week end with relntivi Mr. Jim Colei* from Honduras days here. Mr. W. T. lie sitiou witli tin Co. and left Mo idny to enter upon duties there. The. Kritchfiel ;l-Kadeil Company h very generously (tendered their Saturday matinee to the United War Work drive; Everybody remember the date and ffb, Saturday aftorpoon, November the 16t(ri Miss Katie Durden, of Atlanta, spent, the week-end It home. MT. ZION an oamo in Tuesday o(ud will spoiul sovefal ! riu has accepted a po LaGrange Hardware I On last Friday afternoon no whole troop hit the trail Bridges. Several amusing happened while cooking as one hoy putting red Hit to make it hot, nnoth start hs fire with n flashli] roasting himself instead toes, another frying his the egg, while one boy ed an egg threw tho shell into his fry- ing pan and the meat of J he egg on the ground. Supper over, we, sat/around a blar ing campfire made of logs and chunks and told tales anil ji*cs till time to take up the five mile Jike for home. Next regular meetifcg will he held at tho court house at l o'clock on next Monday, In the urxt few meetings Ive will take up the ItuiU- of signs, sig- uuls and .symbols. GEORGE SMltHf Scout Scribe. for many monf Local Exorn^ county, ■tow- " .(ties for rediacuuiits, including thoso with Kleral Reserve Baiik (see Item Id) - \ Total contingent liabilities (57a, b, and c) V 25,712.07 25,712,07 now in t STATE, OF GEORGIA, County of Carroll, as: I ClTah. A. Lyle, Cashier of tho Tibovc-namod l»nk, do solemnly^ swear that tlie above .statement is truo to the bst of life knowledge nml belief. CHAS. A. LWjE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mT'^-^RRECT—Altest: this 13th day of November, 1918 J. A. MANDH^ILLE, j; ri. McClellan, I l. o. mamdetille, Notarv Public | W. E. JOHN8C Directors. M jft —V r’yj Mr. G. F. Fowler and family mcivint to Bremen last \ week. We regret to give up this family, but hope their stay' in Bremen will lie pleasant. Miss Ester Rc lertson left to visit her broth r, Earl, in Atlanta.. Messrs. Zeb Mo ris and Ray Earntat have rrttiirned to school nt Athens, Tenn.l Mrs. Alsie Mose and son, Lafayette, spent the wcek-ei d in Carrollton. . Miss Pearl Garr -tt, of Eureka, spent Saturday night ritli Miss Georgia Creel. Misses AlJie Cri el and Rosa and La- vnda Gammon cut' rtained the Epworth League members t the home of .Mr. and Mrs..3. L.-Gar moil Saturday oven in spent Sunday, in IN MEMORY Our hearts wore maile soil when the Deatli Angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Quillian Hitjpslev and claim od their little ilarliifc Vornon. Wi can’t understand wliil we had to give him up so early, heiijg only two yenvs and n half old, but (foil had a purpose in it all. We would say (A the father and mother, trust in Inin who iloetli all things well. Wo kaow that your home will be lonely withilit little Vernon, but only think of him/ns n little nngel heaven, dlls little rcmallis were laid to rest at Salem, service! being conducted by Rev. T. A. Bonne: • A precious one ’roin us is gone, A voice we oved is stilled; \ place is vnen it in our home, Which never 'an be filled. * MRS. W. B. NIXON. Miss Dora iarrolltou. j. mg. Miss Della Elitre Bremen. Mr. R. R. Bishop and spent Saturday in Missos Ruth.BoAertson and Leo Richards.fed J be JSpwor -Sunday evemig.-- After' the proL Mr. Horry Butskale v ffpve a list of? sol dier boys (Ltaigu i members) names. The members Of t io League took the names and wilt wlito each boy a let ter. Thousand! of women hppllcatlon of Mother’s tratlnc external remedy, r . for expectant mothers, that tny at the crisis Is avoided i Boh tho months prscedinstl from nerve bearing-Oow Mother's expectant __ nature In the t and no woman tare a helplni less pain and less. The period : restful nights. By the use of Is kept soft mother* say your health i riod of expe.. them nfterwari, dfieM Regulator Company, Building, Atlanta, Georgia, hood Rook, and - rr, * n “ h» once, ,, hy the the pens- especially md suffer it In addl- crlsls are free stretching and sral discomfort possible for the ilr actually aid to be performed, fleet to give no- mean Infinitely - crisis will be a repose and friend tl :he skin erienced RIGHT GLASSES—right in quality, appearance, accuracy and adjustment. WRONG EYES—^vrong in focus, power, strength and clearness. We rescue wrong sight by furnishing right glasiei J.D. HAMRICK. M.D. Eye Specialist great bargains Coats. BASKIN & CO. CARD Of THANKS We wish to thn ik our friends for the kindnesses shown cd; also for the lugs tendered us uid sympathy ejcteml- benutiful floral offer- during our boreavc- ment in the doatl of our mother, Mrs. Nancy Cook, who foil nsleep in Jesus on of all good gift with the same b of sorroiv, MRS, A CUT THIS OUT—IT IS WORTH MONEY• DON’T MISS THIS! Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c t) Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield A^iCh eago, Ill., writ ing your name anV iddrcss clearly. You will rcceivo in ret sn a trial pack age containing Foley's lltkmy and Tar Compound for coughs, lolds >ml croup Foley Kidney Fills an I Foley'Cathnr tic Tnblets. s » PLEASANT HILL Mr. and Mrs. C; C. Turner were the guests of the - loiter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jol n Broom, of Flow share, Sunday. Mr. O. T. Burkt and family visited his parents, Mr, at d Mrs. J. II. Burks, Sunday. ■Mr. and Mrs. Be mur’s sister, Miss rollton, spent 8u Mrs. J. H. Coopei Mr. and Mrs. H J. Cooper and litth Dora Irene, of in of Villa Rica, wen Smith and the for- iallie Smith, of Cnr- dav with Mr. and visitors in our co Mr. W. O. Join iiig at Now Ilopt Mr. and Mrs. 1 nor with Mr. niu Sunday. Why fuss Ing and fancy you can to us and back perfec and faultlessljlroned? The cost Is so satisfaction si great, that you realli can’t afford to attenfot the work yourself. n EAL LAUHDRY CHAS. FONG, and Belle Robins Bertha Jennings ! unday. Mr. and Mrs. .1 rollton, were th the evening of Ti esday, November 5th, 1918, We will vor treasure in our hearts tho cxprcsi ions of sympathy, the swoet lplhistrati ns, and tho loving kindness shown l s, and may the Giver reward ench of you essiugs in your hours P. MeKOWN, MISS E JNA COOK^ - JWIUILT u£6QB ' . And Her Gr Grandchild reii. ;e teache IINATION A special e^inina/oii for teachers’ license will bo liMd/i the office of the Superintendent \binday, . Novombcr 11th, beginning iyf \bie o’clock. Tho examination is fcfr theSienefit of those who were provi*ntially\indered from attending tho ^uminer espiniuatioii. HATLEY, V./D. WHATLEY, Supt Nov. 11th, 1918. It CHURCH NOTICE On iiext Sunday i orning, Noveriibor 17'th ( Rev. J. R. All lersou, of Atlanta, president of the (: eorgin conference, will preach at the Methodist Protest- aut-church, both me ruing nml evening. The public is cordia ly invited to come Mr. Julian Dardi n, who has been upending several daj i with his mother, has returnodw to Foil Williams, Maine umunity Sunday, ings attended nieet- Saturday. L. Long took din-. Mrs. Lee Williams Miss Ruth Brus|rcll dined with Miss Sunday. R. Turner and lit - i. Turner’s parents, Broom of Plowshare, Kathleen Stalling! Mr. and Mrs. 1 tl Doris visited A Mr. and Airs. John Sunday. Rev. Hiram Be itright, of Wayside, t this place and din- Alrs. Percy Parker attended meeting ed with Mr. and Sunday. Alisses Altu AfAr'd Turner, Floronc n dined with Atiss B. F. Dial, of Car- guests of Mr. and Airs. ff..H. Cooper Sunday. Masters John Turner and Horn with e FOl" HARRIS A^-W-WRing forthnstmas A rin& is ffSlesrt feift and it must be niected with care. This is\ task for the head. 1 le selection of aW-W-W infechdwsthat the brain s well at the heart hps >een at wfek. W-W-W: n&s are of reW worth. Tl iy are honestly and artis ically pat to- ’ feether, I: artistic beauty —in solid y of workman ship—in ndurinft quali ties—they have no equal. In sellin&tli se masterpieces of the jeweler art we know what wt are sell ifc. In design and workmansh 9 they are tha equal of £ r costlier rin|s. And beside they are substan tially fcuan iteed against sat- tinfc troubli ---loss, loosening We buy, sell, repair cycle?. Come in difference betweeji the other makes. SPECIAL “CAkRYAWAY” KIRBY’S NOVEMBER 18 TO 25* INCLUSIVE 48 lbs. White Creskp^our $3.15 5 Gallons Oil 80c 1 lb. Can Peaches.../..A. 10c 1 Can Soup... / \ 13c 1 Van Camp Milk / \ 1 Van Camp Milk/. \ ...Guaranteed. 2 Plugs Red Jay Tobaoeo3F EL * harper 5 lbs. Argo Stareh...... r .. t ..;..^ T0 ^ 7) ‘ :r80f Six 8c Boxes Matches. One 8c Box Washing Powdei 3 Octagon Soap.. One 25c Package One 6 lb. Crigco.. Bring us y. Ighwoy Arso- bc built From Missouri Just received a \ar load of fine Missouri nuiles. There are no bet ter mules tb be found ori the market. If you want to buy or trade mules f* J \ come fo /our barn and lf^ok them over. TATSON BROS. ADVERT * SE IN THE FREE PRESS