The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 28, 1922, Image 8

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THE CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, GEORGIA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1922. Local News Mr. E. Yancey, of Atlantspent Ghristm.-ia with iiis family here. Mr. H. N. Pritchett loft Monday for Decatur,, where he has .accepted a posi tion ns manager of a contract store for the Singer Sewing Machine Company, Mrs. .Annie Morrell and Miss Nora Merrell, of Atlanta, spent the holidays with Mr. Perry Merrell and family. ' Miss Center will leave T'ridav for her home in Athens. Miss Mamie Venzv will he with her parents in LnFayctto, Ain., during tho holidays. Miss Nell Meadows returned Thurs day from Athens, where alto is attend ing school. ^liss Mary Tanner Tctnmed from tvjesloynu College Friday to bo with heir family during the holidays. Judgo W. C. Adamson is spending the holidays at home. No life is bettor than home life to him and thut is why ho wants to be at homo o spend his vacations. Mr. Turner Flournoy is wit); his par ents during the Christmas holidays. Mr. Perdue Kvtle lias returned n 1j 1 =■ :ne in Columbia, 8. C. Mrs. Caroline Worthy and little son i nd daughter, of Jacksonville, Pin., are I ho holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Rovkin. Iloilo Houser is spending in Fort Valley with her Mrs. Etta Carnes and son, of Bir- minghatn, Ala., are visiting relatives in this community. Miss Janott Towers has returned homo to spend the holidays, after visit ing her sister for several weeks in Anniston, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Herron vlsitod their daughter, Mrs. Clark Smith, Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Hall attended pfCfie.hing at .Toshcn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Hall spent Sun day night with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hall. Miss Rosie Lee Towns and brothor, Jesse, of Grifiln, arc at homo with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Towns, for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mall, of Ccn- tvalliatchott, are visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. 8. Hall. We wish to correct a mistako tliat was made in our last week’s letter. It was Mr. U. S. Hall instead of Mrs. that accompanied Mr. J. W. Walker to Rnopvillo. There, will bo a box supper at Be- ihesdo. Now Year’s night. Everybody invited to come and bring boxes, if you can. The contributions will bo given to yiAVi [THE WAY 1 TO HEALTH Cures All Nervous Diseases Georgia Vlavl Co., Atlanta, tin. SOS Tsrtylh Theatre Bldg. Phone Walnut 28S« ITCHING ECZEMA DRIED RIGHT UP •Y THIS SULPHUR Any breaking out of the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly axvercomc by applying a little Mentho- VSulphiir, says a noted skin specialist. Because of its germ destroying proper ties, this sulphur preparation instantly brings ease from skin irritation, soothes and heals the eczema right up and leaves the 6kin clear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the torment and disfigurement Sufferers from skin trouble should get a little jar of Rowles Mentho-Sulphur from any good drug gist and use it like a cold cream. Mins Mary the holidays parents'. CHAMPION is the best tlour sold in Carrollton. Try a sack and if you don’t think it’s tho best you’ve had go to your grocer and lie will return your money. it- Miss Egarioli Strickland is the guest of her parents in Huohannan during the holidays. Master B. M. Long and Mrs. Gene Spradlin spent Thursday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jackson left- Thursday for St, Petersburg, Fla., to spend tho holidays with Mrs. Jackson’s purents. Mrs. Donald Jackson, Sr., left Thurs day for St. Petersburg, Fla., where sho ill he for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Pal Bindley, of Newnnn, spent the week-end with Mrs. J. T. Bradley. Mr and Mrs. H. M. Tyus and Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Fitts spent Thursday aft- ■ mooli in Franklin. CHAMPION flour iH the highest grade obtainable. It’s guaranteed to boat all others, or your monoy back. It Mr. J. J. Strange has routrned from Banks county, where he Bpont the hol idays at the old homestead with his brother, Hon. O. G. Strange. Hon. H. II. Tisingcr has roturnod from Bowdon, whero ho Bpont several days onjoying the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mts. Fred Hill, of Atiantn. attended tho funernl of Mrs. R. B- Mocks here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meeks, of At lanta, wore hero during the holidays. Mrs. Frances Garity, of Atlanta, was hero during tho holidays. CHAMPION Hour is guaranteed to plouse abovo all others. If it don’t do this it won’t eo.; you a cent. It Mrs. Jem Spradlin is spending the holidays in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fleming and little daughter, of Mucon, are expected in Carrollton Saturday. Mr. C. M. DoBter, of Nownan, one of Carrollton’s old residents, passed away Wednesday in Newnan, whore ho has lived for some time. After a visit to Mrs. Hilton Tyus, Mrs. Sara Adams roturnod to Atlanta Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bass are spending a few days in Atlanta with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bass. CHAMPION flour is sold under the highest guarantee. If, aftor trial, yon do not think it’s the BEST your grocer will refund your monoy. It Misses Bill and Nell Miller,, of At lanta, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Loo Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Loo Stewart returned from Atlanta Monday. Mrs. Fannie Gnrity, of Atiantn, spent tho holidays with hor mother, Mrs. Mollio Gaston. Mr, Arthur Aeklin, of Atlanta, has been hero for the holidays. Mrs. Wronnio Martin is spending the holidays with tier (laughter in Star, R. Mr. and .Mrs. C. V. Hendon and Mr. Leopard Hendon, of Atlanta, wore the recent guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hendon, on Austin avenue. Air. and Mrs. E. J. Onvender attend ed tho funeral of their father. Dr. A. J.'.Cuvonder, in Gainesville. -Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nally and chil dren returned Tuesday to their homo in Villa Rica, after a pleasant visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barns and family. Miss Florio Strickland is spending tho holidays with relatives in Tnlla poosa. Mrs. V. I). Whatley, who has been spending the past several weeks in Ath ens, returned home Wednesday. Mrs. T. E. Hughton lias been sick for the past week. Mr. Sam Copeland and family, of Jackson, were called hero Sunday by tho illness und doath of Mrs. Cope land ’s father, Rev. W. W. Hoop. Airs. John AVnre, of Hogansville, is hern with her mother, Mrs. Adamson. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fleming, of Rome, came la Wednesday to visit Mr. George Fleming and Mr. and Mrs. Camp Wiggins. Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Kinabrow left Thursday morning for Piedmont, Ala., to visit relatives. Miss Isabella Fitts is visiting friends at College Park this week. Mr. and Mrs. Slaey Smith are spend ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cadle. They will leave Sunday for At lanta to visit Mr. Tom Smith and fam i)y, and then go to North Carolina, where'they will livo. Mr. Clifton Harris, of Cedartown, is visiting Don Julian Hums during tho holidays, * , , Miss Elizabeth Gaston, of Atlanta, is yisiting Mr. and Mrs. Homer Perdue. iyj ; r, und Mrs. McGinnis and daughter, of Macon, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hearndon, on South street, Mrs. C. H. Stcwnrt has bocn quite sick this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Vaughan arr here for tho holidays. Mr. Frank Sims, of Columbus, spent tho Christmas holidays with his sisters, Mrs. Emma Robinson and Mrs. Bfookin Broadnax. Mr. Ed Stewart, of Atlanta, attend ed the buriul of Mrs. Wiley Stewart. Social News EVENING BRIDE PARTY. A lovely affair of Tuesday evening as tlm bridge party given at the homo Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tyus by the Bridge Club. In Hie living room and dining room, .here the card tables were placed, an fl'ectivo arrangement of bright Christ mas,- flowers were used in decorating. delicious supper was served .pre ceding the game at the small table. Tho place cards were suggestive of Ohrismas. The top score prizes were decks of gold edge playig curds. The guests of honor were tho hus bands of the members of the club and two charming visitors—Mrs. Worthing ton, of Jacksonville, Fla., and Mrs. Adams, of Tifton. Those present were Air. and Mrs. S. C. ' Boykin, Airs. Worthington, Mrs. Camilla Newell, Airs. Alary Bickford, Mr. and Airs. Chip Foster, Mr. an.l Airs. T. A. Herndon, Mr. and Mr It. Pomp Shaffer, Mr. and Airs. B. M. Long, Mr. Hollis Grey, Air. Herman Vaughan, Airs. Adams, Dr. and Airs. C, C. Fitts, and Mr. and MrH. Hilton Typus. ADAA1S-LOWORN. FAMILY DINNER. Mr. and Airs. W. S. Campbell enter tained at a family dinner Tuesday. Christmas decorations of holly and mistletoe and poinsetias wero used in the reception rooms. Those present wero Mr. and Airs. J. ,T. Thomasson, Miss Katie Lou Thomas son, Mr. and Airs. Frank Thomasson, Air. and Airs. Josso Thomasson, and Mr,, and Mrs. Evans Thomasson. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Blodsoo enter tained their grandchildren Christmas Eve at a Christmas troe, which was most beautifully decorated. Thoso pres ent were James ledsoe, Marion Bled soe, Kenneth ledsoe, Lara Bledsoe, of Whitesburg, and Emily Bledsoe. BRIDGE PARTY. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boykin wore- the ordial hosts Thursday evening, when they entertained at bridge in honor of their -aiost, Mrs. Worthigton, of icksbiivillo, Fla. The house was most attractively dee- oratod with holly and mistletoo and lovely bowls of blooming narcissi. Those enjoying tho game were Air. ml Airs. Hap Horton, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Worthington, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Fitts, Mr. and Airs. Boykin, Mrs. Hil ton Tyus. THREE WEDDINGS AND THE SEASON JUST STARTED. 1922 - 1923 May the New Year be a prosperous and fruit ful one, may joy and recompense come to you. May it be our privilege to help add to your success. With hearty good wishes from every member of this Bank to YOU and YOURS for a prosperous Nineteen Twenty-Three. At the Methodist Protestnnt church Victory on last Sunday afternoon Miss Nelle Tisinger was married to Rev. Ooorgo A. Chambers, of Monroe, Ga. The ceremony was performod by Rev. E. T. Stood. It. was a very im pressive and beautiful marriage serv ice. Tho counsel of the officiating min ister was not only instructive to the ojitracting parties, but to any who might bo contemplating matrimony. The ring ceremony was pretty and touching. Before tho marriage Miss Cleo Stone, 1 of Bowdon, sang “O Promiso Me. Mrs. Thos. F. Tisinger, of Atlanta, sang “At tho Dawning.” Miss Pansy Tisinger accompanied at the piano, and played the wedding march as tho contracting parties on tered tho chucrh. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. IV. Tisinger. Sho will .be missed in this community, where she lias geen a loved and efficient teacher Rev. G. A. Chambers is pastor of the ATonroe circuit M. E. Church, South and tho happy couple will occupy the parsonage at Atoaroe. At the parsonage of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, tho new r/ts (.or, Rev. C. X. Weathers, has already performed two marriage ceremonies, December 21. Mr. James H. AIosos married Mrs. Nellie Aloses, both of Alt, Zion. December 24, Air. TJxsury Still, of Springfield, Ala., married Aliss Sue F incher, of Bowdon. Indications arc that there’s follow. Let the good work go on. J. T. n. Carrollton Bank FOR RENT. Best farm on AVhitesburg road, about one milo from Clem, known as Mooro place. Would sell at $40 per acre. We intend building a G-room bungalow on this place at once. At present it has only a 3-room dwelling on it. This is a beautiful, valuablo littlo farin' thnt would make a pleasant home. Th price of the bungalow will bo added ' the price per acre. Wc are anxious co-operate with an extra good ten in using plenty of high grade fertilizer and calcium arsenate, demonstrating that cotton can be made under boll weevil conditions. C. M.-TANNER GROCERY CO. Bowdon, Ga., Dec. 2S.—(Special I Tile Free I'ress.')—The wedding of Mi Thelma Lovvora ad Mr. Charles New ton Adams, of t’ovington, Ga., was beautifully solemnized on Wednesday evening, December 27, at 0:30 o’clock, at the Methodist, Episcopal Church, South, tho Elder Jim Adams, uncle of I lie groom, of Atonrnc, performing the. impressive ring ceremony. Tho improvised altar was artistically formed of Southern sinilax, ferns and I potted plants; green and pink, the j color motif, was used. The electric | chandeliers were shaded, thus easting a soft glow over the bridal party. The altar was provided with several ca thedral candelabra which were lighted during tho ceremony. A beautiful selection of wedding mu sic was rendered by the pianist, Miss Sara Adams, tho sister of tiie groom, befrtro the arrival of tho bridal party. Just before the entrance of the wedding party. Miss Cleo Stone sang sweetly,“I I.ove You Truly,” and “O, Promise Me,” with piano accompaniment by Miss Sara Adams. Miss Virginia Lovvorn, tho cousin of the bride, was the candle lighter, and stood at the foot of the altar with her burning taper, illuminating the path of ( lie bride. The ribbon bearers were the littlo Alisses Evelyn Yents and Evelyn Lovvorn. They carried while atin ribbon streamers, forming u:i sic for the bride and the maid of honor. Littlfc Miss Bcttio May Brown was the petit and dainty flower girl, who strewed from a benutifni pink basket rose petals in the bride’s path. Tho lovely young bride, neeompunie by her sister, Aliss Maud Lovvprn, s n-aid of honor, was mot at the altar by the groom and his best man, Mr. Iver son Adams, a cousin of the groom. Tho bride wore a into model veldyne suit with accessories to harmonize, carrying n shower bouquet of bride’ loses and valley lillios. The maid of honor was gowned in a co9tnmo of black canton crope, trimmed with silver lace. Tho bridesmaids were Miss Elsie Lov vorn and Miss Lillian Lovvorn, of BEAUTIFUL LUNCHEON. Airs. Charles Fitts was the gracious hostess Wednesday, when sho enter tained at a beautiful luncheon in honor of Mrs. Sura Adams, of Tiftou, and Mrs. Carrio Worthington, of Jackson ville, Fla. Tho living room and dining room worn artistically decorated in tho Christmas colors, red and green; ferns and pretty fall flowers also were used. Those .present wero Mrs. Worthing ton, Alrsi^ Adams, Airs. 8. C. Boykiu, Mrs. Hilton Tyus, and Mrs. Fitts. Airs. P6mp Shaffer entertained at one tabic V)f bridgo Tuesday morning in hor lovely apartment. Those play ig were Mrs. S. C. Boykin, Mrs. Carrie Worthington, Mrs. C. C. Fitts ad Mrs. T. A. Herndon. Bowdon, and Aliss Alary Hurst, of Alouroe. Tho groomsmen wero Air. R L. Lovvorn, Air. W. C. Adams and Air. Bob Reaves, of Bowdon. Tho ushers wero Mr. John Adams, of Covington and Air. Odell Yeats, of Bowdon. A pro-nuptial reception was given tho bridal party Tuesday evening by Miss Elise Lovvorn at tho home of hor father, Dr. .T. L. Lovvorn, an undo of the bride. Tiie bride is the lovely, talented and accomplished daughter of Dr. and Mrs L. AI. Lovvorn. Sho is a ’22 graduate of tho Georgia State College. She has a wide host of friends throughout the state and . is popular. Tho groom is a graduate of the Uni varsity of Georgia, and a young man of sterling worth and character., being tho son of Air. G. C. Adams, of Covington and a brothor of Mr. W. C. Adams, of Bowdon. Ho is principal of the Liv ingston high school. Immediately following the eoremony, Air. and Mrs. Adams left for Atlanta and other southern points on their wodding journey. BRIDGE CLUB MEETS. Airs. Ilap Horton was tho charming hostess Wednesday afternoon when she entertained her bridge club and n fow friends at bridge. Chrliistmas bells and boughs of holly were used all through the house und on ach table were dishes of - beautiful rod and green candies. Those playing wero Miss Susie Tan ner Aliss Vivian Broadnax, Mrs. Chip Foster, Airs. Camilla Newell, Airs. Jeff Brock, Mrs. Kenneth Richards, Airs. T. A. Herndon and Airs. Iliiton Tyus. Evans—Stallings. Marriod on last Sunday, December 24, 1922, Miss Ruth Evans and Air. Carl Stallings. The brido is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Evans, of Mandovillc, and the groom is tho sou of Mrs. J. T. Stallings, of near Bowdon Junction. Johnson—Akin. Aliss Willio May Johnson and Air. Lawrence Akin were united in tho holy bonds of matrimony on last Sunday morning, December 24, at Bowdon Junction, Ga. Rev. L, W. Stallings SON BORN TO MB. AND MRS. G. W. HILL Mr. and Airs. George Washington Hill are being congratulated upon the birth of a son in their homo, 570 Park avenue New York City, on Sunday, December 17, 1922. The child will bo christened Percival Smith Hill tho 2nd, after his grandfather, Air. Porcival S. nil! president of tho American Tobacco Company, of which the boy’s fatlic Mr. George W. Hill, is vice president. AIRS. J. T. BRADLEY ENTER TAINS AT FAMILY DINNER Christmas night Mrs. J. T. Bradlo. entertained at a family dinner. The most attractively appointed table had as a central decoraion a larg silver vase filled with roses and nar cisii. Those present wore Mr. and Mrs. F. Boykin, Mr. and Airs. Pal Bradley of Newnan; Mr. and Mrs.Roy Bass, Greenville, 8. C.; and Miss Cnroly Boykin. Sell Your Kodak Prints For $5.00 Pach Be a Photographic Journal ist. ciew proieasion. Learn and earn big money in spare time. 25,000 publications need your work. We teach teach both when and where ._ sell. Particulars free. llif WMMOfif 1NS11IUTE Lrtfayette Building PHILADELPHIA, PA. Moore Glasses And Superior Service Cost No More Than the Ordinary Kind. OUT-OF-TOWN VI8IT0R8 Should cull on Us Immediately upon, arrivnl, allowing u» lulfficleiu time id supply rU-shos, properly and comfort ably fitted. Jno. L. Moore & Sons Master Opticians Over a Quarter Century In Atlanta New Location 77 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga. ENTERTAINS HIS FRIENDS. Master Don Julian Harris gave entertainment at liis home , on College street Tuesday evening in honor some visiting girls. Those present, wero Misses Bill and Nellie Miller, Noll Walker, all of Atlanta; Frances Griffin, of Villa Rica, and Miss Elizabeth Gas performed the ceremony, which was (on The boys present were Air. Clifton witnessed by a largo number of friends. Hnr , iBi of Cedartown; Claude Zacherv Each couple has a large circle oi I li!ai . iffh v . Thompson, Perry Copeland, friends who ttvisli for them long and ; Hubert Griffin.'and Paul Pierce, happy liv<;s The Christmas tree at the school- BOX SUPPER NEW YEAR’S NIGHT, house Saturday afternoon was very good. Afost, of the poople through this sec tion seem to bo enjoying Christmas by hunting and serenading. We wish Tho Free Tress and its many readers a happy New Year. There will. bo. a box supper New Year’s night at Bethesda church. Pro ceeds will go to' seating and furnishing church. Everybody invited. Hriug box if vou ill. Dr. KING’S PIUS ~for constipation^ Purify the blood FOR THE RELIEF .QA) Pain in the Stomach and Bowels. Intestinal Cramp Colic, Diarrhoea - SOLD EVERYWHERE - CARROLLTON DRUG CO. When you arc suffering with rheu matism so you can hardly get around just try Red Pepper Rub and you will have the quickest relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, pene trating heat as red peppers. Instant relief. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub ybU fefct the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Frees the blood circulation, breaks up the congestion-!-) and the old rheumatism torture is gone. Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made froth red peppers,' «psfs' llftle at any drug store. Get a jar at once. Use it for lumbago, neuritis, backache, stiff neck, sore muscles, colds in. chest. Almost instant relief awaits you. Be sure to get tb© genuine, with the name Rowles on each package. HOME STUDY COURSES first Lessons On Appval An Entirely New Plan CHECK THE COURSE IN WHICH YOU ARE INTERESTED Federal Tax Accounting $16.00 Advertisement Writing $16.00 Salesmanship $10.00 Photographer’s Journalism. ....$20.00 Business Administration...... .$25.00 Journalism ..$16.00 Mail Order Merchandising $10.00 We send text and.first 'lessons on approval. If satisfactory you re turn. in live days. If satifiod you keep the course, receive balauco of lessons and .Ray the full tuition foe in cash or installments. Chock eourse or courses and sign here. NAME ... t ADDRESS *T.. MAIL THIS COUPON TO THE WAIHAMORE INSTITUTE Ls/nvotte Building PHILADELPHIA, PA.