The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, January 18, 1923, Image 1

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VOL, XXXVII. NO. 7—ESTABLISHED 1886 C. A. Meeks Publisher SUBSCRIPTION, $1.00 PER YEAR CARROLLTON, GA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1923. MR. C. W. McLENDON CAPTURES FOUR-POUND HAWK THIS WEEK ! AUTHORITIES SAY THAT j GREATER LAW RE- ! SPECT IS NEEDED | ANKERS SEE BENEFIT TOPARMERS OF SOUTH IN RECENT RULING ATLANTA HAS NEW SEN SATION IN REGARD TO SPRING ST. VIADUCT DOUBLE-HEADER BASKETBALL G^ME HERE FRIDAY NIG CARROLLTON WINS FROM BURWELL IN LAST FRIDAY’S GAME Mr. (,'. M. McLondon, who resides on Carrollton rfd .'1, was in town Thurs day with a largo lion hawk, which ho and his son had captured the day be fore. In shooting at the hawk to kill it tho shot-went a little wild of the murk, glnuciug one wing, which for tho time being rendered it unable to fly and they at once put it into captivity. Prom tip to tip of wings it meas ures fifty inches; its claws measure ono and one-fourth to ono nnd onc- half inches in length. Tho hawk woighed four pounds and is commonly called tho rabbit or hen hnwk. Mr. McLendon docidod to donato the hawk to Grant's Park, in Atlanta. Friday night, .Tup. 19th, the Car rollton Athletic Club will tac-klo two teams, playing both Mt. Zion and Tal lapoosa in one night and for ono price of admission. This will be a Hercu lean task ns both teams are far above tho average. ' Mt. Zion lias a last team uuu one which defeated Harris High Scliortl by practically the same score that C. A. C. did. Tallapooso has an all-star team that las not been defeated this year, hav ing won six straights. The following was taken from the Atlanta Constitu tion qfter their game with Douglas- ville: ^‘Tallapoosa’s basketball team won its sixth ^straight game Saturday by oeating Douglasvillo 33 to 9. Tallapoosa haB an exceptionally strong team, haVing threo men in Mc- Kissick, Hofidon and Smith who star >h every game they play. Those boys would star on any toam, at any time or" place. Tho Tallapoosa people are very proud their baskotball team this year and they ^consider this team a splendid ad- vortiseftnont for their hustling little The Tlarrollton Athletic Club won an exciting game of basketball from Bur nell last Friday night on tho new High school court by the scoro of <14 to 24. The Harwell team was made up of phy sically largo men, each Burwell player being taller than his opponent, but what C. A. C. lacked in height they mado up for in team work, passing, nnd goal shooting. Carl Davis was tho individual star of the game and accounted for 21 of his team’s 44 points. Itobinson play ed well for Burwell at center and got the. tip-off practically every timo. Tho game started off liko a runaway for Carrollton and at tho ond of the first quartor (’. A. C. was on tho big end of a 20 to 4 score. In the second quarter Burwell got going nnd scored 8 points to only 4 for Carrollton and the half ended 24 to 12. Tho second half was practically a repetition of tho first. THE LADIES IMPROVEMENT CLUB ccptancos drawn to finnneo domestic Rtorago' of commodities ponding kuting. Officiuls of the federal reservo board have explained to bankers of this sec tion _,thnt tho six months limitation mnr- Tho Ladies’ Improvement Club, of Bowdon Junction, will moot with Mrs. Staples on Jan. 23, which will be Tuoi day after tho third Sunday. Mrs. II. M. Ernest, Pres. Irene Creel, Booty. bunch and linviug the viaduct con structed by the bridge commjttco of council nnd C. B. Kauffman, city engi neer of bridges and estimates, if those charges prove to be truo,?’ Mayor Sims declared. “I will not seo tho pooplo’s money wasted on a bridge that will not stand up.’ ’ Tho charges boeume public through a lottor written by Enginoor Kauffman to W. G. Cooper, chairman of tho Vim 1 duct Commission. This letter had boen irioorporalfid . in tho tontatlvo annual report of the City Engncorlng Depart ment to Council but was eliminatod from the filial report on "tho advleo of City Attorney, James L. Mnyson, it is said. The city attorney gavo ns a reason for advising tho elimination of tho letter from the annual report that lio regarded it ps a rather severe criticism by -one city official of other offi cials, and *ho didn’t think it bolongod in a city document. W. A. Hanscll, Chief of Construction, jlcelnrcd tliiW (Hr charges nmdo by M*. Kauffman were absolutely true, but lie luul agreed to„tlip elimination* of ttto letter. £rom’ tho jeport becniiso he thought it \\£fj'a was as far as tho board could go under existing law. Various bills arc pend ing in congress, however, to mnko ac ceptances with much longer maturity eligible for re-discount by tho reserve bank*. It is pointed out that tho ruling has rightly been regarded as a liberal ono nnd yrill greatly facilitate tho opera tions of co-operativo associations. It is based upon tho principle long recog nised by tho federal rosorvo board, it is stated, that tho carrying of agricul tural products for such periods as are rtrasonabty nceossnry in order to ac complish orderly marketing is a legi- VTT.T.A MCA ELECTS OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1923 In tho city election hold Jan, 4tli, 1923, for city officials the following wpro olectod. For Mayor, B. P. Rob ertson. Council,' S. C. Connolly, I. -A. Mnrchman, F. G. Daniell, W. P. Hosterloc, J. W. Wilson. For Clerk. W. Carrollton lias pTayod fix'b games so Jar and won thorn all so it will bo a light to tho finish on the part of both teams to k^cp their fbcordB clean. ■yiio first gamo of tho doublo-licndor -will start promptly at seven fifteen nnd the price of admission will bo 15 nnd 25 centB. There will bo a box supper at, Camp school houso , Saturday 1 , night, Fresh Fish nnd Oysters Friday and Saturday. Call tolophono 341 or como down to 47 Depot St., WE DELIVER.— Eldred 0. Bass, 1 Creek Jan. 20th. v Music furnished froo, everybody in vited to como, and bring you money. JONES DRUG CO Olfambers, g. i escrvi is. credited with having tlio title of the “Farmer's Friend,” hnving for many years mado a closo study of his neods nnd pointing them out to tho various member banks in tlie district which the bank covers. His name lias geen frequently mentioned as a possible successor' to W. P. G. Harding, the present head of tho federal reserve' board at Washington, whom it has been reported may not bo reappointed. Announcement has just beon mado here thut tho handsome new home of the Nashville (Tcnrn) branch of tho- Federal Reserve Bank of Atlnnta has been opened. The opening was mark ed with imnosing ceremonies and was PILLOWS K. C. Liquid Meat Smoke Special This Week The same careful housekeeper who insists upon having her linen laundered at Fegular intervals sometimes overlooks the PILLOWS. Whereas, according to the laws of sanitation and hygiene, pillows should be cleansed just as regu larly. Any month is a good month to cleanse your pil lows, but now, when folks generally are making all sorts of "resolutions” seems a particularly fitting time to begin. Send your pillows to us, and if they are in first class good ticking, we will send them back to you within a very, few days, fresh and sweet and abso lutely sterile. However if the ticking is not in good condition, we will have to take them at the owngjf ? s “WE WASH ’EM ALL” '} Tie packages well. Don’t forget it. Mandeville Mills Laundry TELEPHONE 577 CARROLLTON, GA. BOY SOOUT ACTIVITIES 20 Mule Team Borax J. D. Sewell, Clydo Boynton, Walter Vaughn, Frank Bass pf Troup 1, and ' '"W Henderson^ Troup 3, were merit badges at mooting of Honor'Friday night in Trade JONES DRUG CO Court; Hoard rooms. J. D. Sewell was awarded Eagle scout badge, the first to be grantod in Mo- Intosh council tils year. Scout move ment has only teen organized less than a year. Older pooplo nro urged to take an interest in tho Scout movement. epli A. McCord, cliairman of tho board, John K. Ottlcy, president of the Fouth National Bank of Atlanta, who is a director of tho federal reservo bank. So rapidly lias been the growth of the Nnslivillo branch that new and larger quarters became necessary. The new building is an imposing structure of three stories done in limestone. The Nashvillo branch serves that portion of Tennessee which is in the Sixth fed eral reserve district. _ Power Of Suggestion THREE-LEGGED CALF Mr. n. A. Chandler is tho owner of a three-legged calf, being minus tlio right front leg, nor has it any shoulder. Tho calf is about a week old and runs and plays like other calves. Mr. Chandler resides on. Carrollton Route 4, about six miles east of town near Wax-sido church. We Have a Few 1923 Calen dars For Our Customers And Friends Who Have Not (Received One. CALL AT ONCE. CHICKENS, PRUDOCE Wanted, Chickens, all kinds produce. Best market, price paid. PHIL C. ASTIN. Suggestion is a great power in business. Your connection with a good strong bank like this one. invariably suggests financial stability. Furthermore, you can profit by the co-operation, information and advice we can give you from time to time. Large or small we want your account—we want your friendship—we want an opportunity to serve you. Commercial and savings accounts solicited, Makes Good ^EveryPoint ALWAYS [whites I NO BLOT NO LEAK NO 1 SCRATCH We also make REAL ESTATE LOANS on long term basis and have unlimited supply of funds to lend on this plan. Let’s get acquainted, YOUR ACCOUNT IS CORDIALLY INVITED The First National Bank L. C. MANDEVILLE, Pres. C. A. LYLE, Cashier Carrolllon, Ga„ CITIZENS 19 NEWNAN STREET CARROLLTON, GA, WILEY CREEL