The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, March 08, 1923, Image 1

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wm C. A. Meeks Publisher VOL, XXXVII. NO. 13—1 iBLISHED 1386 =»* SUBSCRIPTION, SI.00 PER YEAR CARROLLTON, GA., THUI iY, MARCH 8, 1923. WIND STORM VISITS CARROLLTON TUESDAY AFTERNOON A rain and wind storm passed over Carrollton about 4 o’clock Tuesday affornoo?.., A small portion of roofing was blown fsoin thoTabormvclo church, about 10(1 tquoro feet blown off tho Consolidated Warehouse, tho oloctric sign of Mooro Jc Cloin’s was blown from tho top of their building. Mr. Pat Powors’ barn was blown down. Out in tho country ioino small tenant houses and out liousos in tho path of tho storm wero damaged ct. blown away. Carrollton Loses Game To Lineville, Ala., Aggies Advertising Club To Meet on March 9th . Tho noxt rogular mooting of Tho Ad vertising Club >of Carrollton will bo held Friday Match 9th, at seven o’ clock at Tho High School Cafeteria. Tho club has arranged a Very attrac tive program; Mr. Preston S. Awk- right, President, Georgia Railway and Power Cowpany nnd David W. Wobb, 'President Fourth District Associntod Advertising Clubs of tho World, will bo tho principal speakers. Other features of tho program a good supper, plenty of inusic nnd etc., all members are urged to come and bring their wivos and Bwoothoarts. Carrollton lost anothor close game last Saturday night to the Linovillo Ag gies of Linovillo, Ala. This team claims tho championship of Eastern Alabama, not having lost a gamo to any. team in their soctlon. CARROLLTON BANK MERGED WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK E. M. Strickland Appointed Agent For F. S. Roaster Co. Tho F. 8. Royster Guano Co., has ar ranged .jritli Mr. E. M. Strickland of Carrollton to soil their goods this sea-, son, and wo oall your attontion to their advertisement in this- issue. NOTICE:—On Saturday March 10th, 1923 I will liavo 30 pigs from six to eight woeks old on tho Public Squaro in Carrollton, for salo and a fow Duroc Shoats. J. T. CAMP. . Tho Anal score was 42 to S9. In the last throo games Carrollton has lost two by a margin of throo points and ono by only two points which soems to indicato that hard luok is camping on tho trail of tho local quintet. Osborn, tho lanky forward of Lino- vino, was tho particular bright star of the gamo, shooting fio loss than 28 of his tennis total Bcoro. For Carrollton, WeemB Buskin played a groat gnmo get ting six field goals and a foul for a total of 13 while Cliarlio Tanner led his tenm In scoring with 18 points including four field gonls and ten freo throws. This gamo drew such an enthusiastic nudlcnco that it was decided to play another gamo next Saturday night witn ono of tho strong toams from Atlanta, tho proceeds to go-to tho Carrollton High School Annual. ■ f Carrollton Crajnpr, f. (1) Tannor, f. (18) Raskin, c. (13) Sneq4, g. Aldp, g. (5) , ; ) i Lineville Osbb'Ai, f. (28) Rogifi, f. Moiilfpws, c. (10) ItsdhJ g. CaWifll,, g. Substitutes; for Carrollton—Scuddor for Akin,Hanson (2) for Snead, Cope land for Tannor. For Linovillo—In gram (!) for Regan, McCain for It- son. Rofereo, K. Walkor (Mercer) Dllton Will Play iWest End Park Team Here Saturday Night Dr. Lyons, Famous Radio Preacher Coming Here FOR SALE—Best Grade Whooping Creek sand. W. J. SHADINGER, Car rollton R. 3, phone 2804. 8mch2t-pd FORESIGHT you wouldn’t think of going on a long trip without first knowing that your gas tank was filled. Foresight in business demands that your banking connections should be chosen with the future require ments of your business in mind. We, therefore in vite your account knowing that we can best serve you at ail' times. THE PEOPLES BANK Safety and Convenience After banking hours on last Saturday nnd boforo tho opening of tho banks 1 on' Monday morning, tho. Carrollton Bank was merged into tho First National: The entire assets of .tho Carroll ton llank were transferred to tho First Nationnl Bunk, nnd t|^o First National Hank assumed all tho liabilities of the Carrollton Bank certificates, accepted for tho deposits in that Bank at dato of closing nbout two years ago. Not only wero the contracts drawn and sig ned, but the records, bills receivable, notes, currency, etc., of the'Carrollton Bank wero moved from the Bradley building into, the First National B; This merger was complotod without ♦lie slightest interruption or ineonvflit; ienco to tho depositors and customers of tho Carrollton Bank. Tho Carrollton Bank and tho First Nationnl Bnnk arc tho two oldest bnnlci in tho county. Their consolidation is a step in tho right direction in tho bank ing business. It will bo recalled thal a short time ago tho Merchants Planters Bank, of Bowdon, Gn., wal merged will tho Goorgia State Bank. The financial strength acquired by these' mergers inspire confidence nnd safety, The entire asBctk of both banks notr stand for tho payment of tho certificate! issued by tho Carrollton Bank. Wo arc informed that tho First Ni tionnl Bank will honor nil chocks dr, by depositors of tho Carrollton Boflg on tholr..chocking account on Carrol’ ton Bnnk checks until they can bo okj changed for First National Bank chooki and pass books. It would bo liaTd to cstimnto what th< ro.-oppning of tho Carrollton Bank, moaa't to this community; and thi who undertook tho taskj dosorvo t' walso nnd commendation jot our peoj Rut for their efforts tho Carrolli Bank depositors would bij'O'o rcce: nothing. If kliowo after-all’that backs arc the safest plsctj tp.k'ccp money. No ono should .tQ J1 ry a,bank account. Every ono knows that ft national bi means safety and security; Tlio tionnl Banking LaiA guarantee that But unquestionably t^iia Old reliable in stitution will derive groit benefits from this merger, for those interested in tho Carrollton Bank, stockholders, deposi tors nnd certificate holders, will natur ally and properly give it their support nnd patronage. pthcr good basketball gamo is on enu for Saturday night when Car fn plays ^the West End Park team Atlnnta. This team is fully as as any tenm which has played |this year and Carrollton will put longest quintet on the floor that It played under tho local colors, pkotball is just beginning to take ag hold in Carrollton and all who ; witnessed tho recent games have very enthusiastic in tholr pfaiso la gnme. Tho attendance has been paging steadily and cvcryono is that tho season is ubout to end. rroliton will probably start the with Floyd Akin nnd Cliarlio Tnn- |t. forwards, Weems Baskin at con- iind Milton Raskin and Dean Sc.ud- lt guards. As nblo substitutes thoy Jfrnvc Jolinio Cramer, .T. B. Hanson, ad Griffin, Perry Copeland nnd Roevcs. This is a mixed tenm ^osed of playors from tho C. A. C. tigh School teams. |te gnmo will bo played nt tho new School auditorium, will start nt i-thirty, nnd tho admission will be. Ints for nil school children nnd 25 for othcrB. All of tho proceeds Id expenses will go to the High bl Annual. Everybody como, onjoy bxciting gnmo, and; help out a |y cause. Rev. J. S. Lyons, D. D. pastor of tho First Presbyterian church of At lanta, known throughout tho South ns the Famous Radio Preacher, enjoying perhaps tho widest popularity nnd a mighty host of invisible hearers, mado possible by the radio, will bo in Car rollton on Thursday evening, March 15th, nnd will preach a ttho Prosby- torl.'ia church at 8 o’clock in tho in terest of tho Stewardship of Llfo and Possessions. Dr. Lyons is woll known in Carrollton, having boon hero bo-j fore, nnd is known by tho radio fans of tho city. All nro very cordially in vited to hear Dr. Lyons/ not only Presbyterians, but tho Congregations of tho other churches. CARROLLTON MINISTER# FORM ORGANIZATION. ON LAST MbNDAY Then on Friday following which Is the 10th, Dr. William Huck, of At lanta, chairman of tho Stownrdshlpy Oommittoo of Atlanta, Prosbytory, will bo hero with his “Flying Squadron” in the interest of tho Progrcsivo Pro- qrnm nnd tho Every Member Canvass. All tho members of tho church are requested to bo presont. On last Monday morning March 5, nt ten o’clock tho ministers of Carroll-, ton met in confcrcnco nt tho Metho dist church with Rov. J. P. Edwin, acting ns chairman for tho purposo oif organizing a Minister’s Association. Thoso presont woro: Rev. J. P. Er win, pastor of tho Methodist church, Rov. Gilbert Dobbs, pnstor of tho First Baptist church, Rev. W. L. Hambriok,V pastor of Baptist Tabernacle, Rev. J. ,' W. Bolton, pastor of the Christian church nnd Rev. K L. Barber, pastor of tho Presbyterian church. Rov. ,T. P. Erwin wns elected chair man of thin organization, nnd Rev, E. L. Bnrbor, SoCtetnry. All pastors.", of the city nnd local pastors Tosiding in tho city, nro included in tho mem-it borship of the organization. Tho purposo -of tho organization is 1 ' to strengthen tho bonds of brbtliQrliod nnd fellowship among tho ministers and Christian pooplo of Carrollton, and to discuss nnd solve together tho prob lems of church work, and also to build up a moro solid front for tho cause of" In Po 1 tnn A f fl fill.‘ * THE LADIES IMPROVEMENT CLUB JRCH PAPER IN DOUBT AS TO RIGHT EASTER The Ladies Club of Bowdon Junction will moot with Miss Irene Crool on Mnrch tho thirteenth. All tho members are urged to bo prelont. Mrs. II. M,, Earnest, ProBidont. Miss Irono Creel, Socrotary. righteousness in Carrollton. At eadt-i mooting a popor is to bo presented t>y '• ope of tho ministers, on somo Bubpecl of tntorost in cqnnoction with tho pa* tor’s work. Dr. Dobbs was asked to present the first paper at tho nOxtj’L mooting on tho subjoct of “Christian ' 1 I/nlty. The. Vi'*- Deaths And Funerals EVANS—Mrs. Annio Evans, aged 81 years, died at her homo in Whitosburg Sunday last and wns buried Monday in the city;femotery. WATSON—Glenn, the five weeks old son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Watson, pass ed away on Tuesday at their homo on Dixie street. Funeral sorvicos woro hold at tho homo conducted by Bov. John P. Erwin, after which tho body was laid to rest in the city cemotory. WANTED—All good singers and lovers of good music, who road this to consider it a personal invitation to como to Beulah noxt Sunday afternoon Mnrch 11th.—O. L. HAMMOND. * at Carmel, Mich., March 5.— her or not April 1st is tho correct n which to celebrate Easter is the ion raised this year by the Blount el team, which asks for clorgynions ons. astronomical and ecclesiastical all ies are correct in their deductions, 8tli should have boon designated ster day this yoar, and not April this paper says. Easter day this according to 1923 colanders, oc- n the samo day as tho Paschal full While tho authorities of old do- lihnt it must como on tho Sun- tho full mom. Thd World almanac states that if the full moon falls on Sunday, then Easter day is the noxt Sunday. Profossor do Morgan is quoted in the “Catholic on- celopedia” as stating that Easter Sun- dn, which ocfcurs after tho first full moon following the 21st of March. And. this year the first full moon following the 21st of Mnrch will bo on April 1st, at 8:20 a. m., according to almanac. If April 8th is tho correct day for celebrating Eastor, then the Greeks nro the only ones who will bo following rules maintained for ages. FOR RENT—Two horso farm on main road for rent to good man who knojvs how to fight tho boll woevil nnd mnk a balo of cotton to tho aero with plen ty of liolp in tho way of fertilizer nnd calcium nrsonato. To tho right man we will furnish stock and ront on halvos. C. M, TANNER ORO. CO. tlmo of tho mooting w*» - for Monday mornihg after each flratJ^aV Sunday. Tho hour will bo ton o’clock 1 if*** Rev. ,T. W. Bolton will conduct the | votlonnl part of tho noxt mealing* All the - ministers of Carrollton ■ aril asked to bo prosont. ' FOR SALE—Ooldon Buff Orphing ton Eggs $1.50 per 15, can fill all order! at onco, J. T. JONES* Carrollton, Ox WANTED—Industrious enpablo man 25 to 50 years. In Carroll county han- illoloeal trado delivering Rowleigh’s Good Health Products direct to homo. Largest, best, fastest, Belling line. Pro ducts cu timo, lowest wholesale, no ad vance ib pricos. No experience, prac tically no capital needed. Wo toach you to manage yoqr own permanent, pro fitable business. Largest, strongest Company, 'gives most co-oporation. Writo age, occupation, references. W. T. Raleigh Co., Dept. 1202, Memphis, Tenn. 8mch3t c CKocolate Drinks ;; *♦4 At our Fountain we serve everything the best we .;; '.7 know how, but, we take special ptins to serve the most delicious CHOCOLATE DRINKS. Chocolate Milk, plain 54 Chocolate Milk with Ice Cream 10c Chocolate Ice Cream Soda ,.15c New England Chocolate Soda... 10c Chocolate Milk Shake. rW Chocolate Egg Flip ; ISc Chocolate Malted Milk 18c .Chocolate Egg Malted ’Milk 20c 1 Carrollton Drug Company First National Bank Building SES ' Do you know that nine-tenths of the business of the United States is done by some form of check? This convenient condition is possible because the banking system of this country has been placed on' such a SAFE BASIS that corporations and indi viduals have faith in it. The welfare of the banks depends in a large measure upon maintaining this CONFIDENCE. Why You Should Identify Yourself With This Bank— 1. Because we give your business personal at tention. A checking account with this bank is an absolute ly safe proposition. Your money is SAFER than , it is in your own pocket and your check is as good as your mqney in any business transaction. We shall be pleased to have you open a checking ac count with us. You will find your account to be a means to safety and convenience. 2. We make your interest our interests. 3. We are in a position to handle your business to the best advantage to your seslf. 4. You run no risk whatsoever—our deposits are guaranteed. 5. We can save you money. The First National Bank We Entreat You to Become One of Our Large Family of Depositors and Patrons. L. C. Mandeville, President Chas. A. Lyle, Vice-President and Cashier 1 G. L. Stewart, Asst. Cashier; M. A. Sandifer, Asst. Cashier. BANK OF ROOPVILLE Roopville, Ga Carrollton, Ga. Make Use of Your Bank DON’T get the idea that your home bank is only for the purpose of loaning money. Your bank is just as necessary to your community as your grocer or dry goods store. Deposit your money in this bank and pay your bills by check. Disduss all your financial difficulties with us and any advice that we can give you. will be given cheerfully. CITIZENS BANK 19 NEWNAN STREET CARROLLTON, GA. :. n