The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, April 12, 1923, Image 1

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>,v* To tlio Hon. Chas. E. Roop, Judge of tiro Superior Court, Carroll County: We, the Grand Jury, empaneled and sworn for tlio April Term, 1923, beg to submit theso our general presontmonts: We recommend that Kitty Rodgers, col., of Bowdon, bo placed on the pau per list and bo paid $7.50 per quarter. Also Cilff and Addio Wyatt bo paid $5.00 each per quarter. Also Mrs. I/ula CIny be paid $5.00 per quarter. Through our oommittoes, wo liavo ex amined the books and records of the various county officers and found them correctly and neatly kept. We find only olevon N. P. dockots re turned for examination. Wo find a few discrepancies, including the omis- son of dates and extension of amount of cost. The cloven dockets returned were as follows: J. T. Norman, T. M. Ham rick, J. E. Matthews, W. B. Embry, R. H. Crawford, J. T. Hearn, J. A. McAlister, T. D. Glenn, Jno. Couch H. C. Jones, and T. N. Davis. Wo recommend that all magistrates present their books of record to the Grand Jury on the first day convenod, and those failing to do so by the sec ond day, shall be summoned to appear before the Grand Jury and show cause why same should not be presented. We have received various reports of county officials. We attach such re ports hereto and make them a part of our Teport. We recommend that these prcscut ments, including tlio reports of the va rious county officials, be published in The Carroll County Times and Carroll Free Press, and that the sum of $15.00 be paid to each for publishing theso re ports. We Tecommcnd that theso present ments, with tiro officers reports, be made a part of the records of the court. Wo recommend that the proper county officials engage some competent paThy or company to check the tax digest for .4- teal estate, not returned, provided thoy will do this work for a percentage of the delinquent taxes collected. Wc recommend that all bniliffs in the county make search immediately for personal property upon Toccipt of fl fas from the Tax Collector. We recommend that the speaker of the House of Representatives be urged to appoint one of our Representatives as chairman of one of the important Agri cultural Committees. Wo recommend that our Representa tives introduce a bill at the next ses sion of the Georgia Legislature to in crease the salary of the County Commis sioner from $1800.00 per year tc $2,400.00, and that he ho allowed an expenso account of $25.00 per month. We recommend, wherever it is possi ble for the Commissioner to do so, that he have the road overseers fix such places and bridges so that all mail car (Continued on Page Eight) “Mother and Dauglitor Week” will bo observed throughout the continent, promoted by the International Sunday School Council of Religious Education through the various State and Provin cial Associations, and tlio National board of tlio Young Women’s Cliristinn Association, from Sundny, May 13th to Sunday, May 20th. Snuday, May 13th, will bo “Mother’s Day” and so observ ed in practically every Sunday School in North America. The purpose of observing “Mother and Dauglitor Week” by the Sunday Schools is three fold: 1. To help the mother to a bettor understanding and appreciation of her daughter. 2. To load the girl into a moro wholesome appreciation of her mother and the homo. 3. To lead both mothers and daughters to regard the church -and church school as necessary to the finest development of their lives, and to secure their co-operation iu the work and sup port of the church. A most attractive program for the week’s observance may be scoured freo upon request of the Georgia Sunday School Association, 917 Hurt Building, Atlanta. Programs, with appropriate stories and readings, will nlso he fur nished to all who write for them to the above address. Suggestions for the week’s obscrv nnec include the following: Sunday. May 13, Mothers’ Day. Monday, May 14, Daughters Day Abroad (Foreign missionary emphasis). Tuesday, CJ&ss Night. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting Thursday, At Homo ‘Night. Friday, Mother-Daughter Banquet. Saturday, Good Cheer Day. Sunday, May 20, Daughters’ Drt> at Sunday School. Bowdon Commercial Club Enjoys Sumptuous Supper " The Bowdon Commercial CTuli* ch joy^- ’***' cd a sumptuous supper at the Royal Hotel on last Thursday night. Business of interest locally was trans acted during the business session which followed. Officers for another j^ar On last Friday tlio city hall a preliminary contest was hold from among the pupils of Carrollton High School. This contest was held to no- loct representatives to attend the an nual district meeting to bo held at New- nan in the near future. »• The list of winners is as follows: V • MUSIC. 1st—Mary Alexander. . 2nd—Margaret Griffin. ‘ • 3rd—Mary Griffin. * v .. READY WRITING—Girls 1st Myrl Griffin. 2nd—Mary Tompkins. 3rd—Helen Morrell. Ready Writing—Boys. 1st—Sanford Smith. 2nd—Edwyno Martin. 3rd—Gcorgo Stevens. RECITATION. 1st—Caroline Cheney. pnd—Martha Lovvorn. 3rd—Gwvn Toney. DECLAMATION. 1st—Julian Harris. 2nd—Sanford Smith. 3rd—Perry Copelnnd. PENMANSHIP—Girls. 1st—Virlyn Merrell. 2ud—Katie Mae Adams. 3rd—Myrtie Portwood. Penmanship—Boys. 1st—Aliaz McPherson. 2nd—Reeves Gaston. 3rd—Lawrenco Griffin. Program for General Meeting Good Samaritan Association Following is the progrnm for General Meeting of the Good Samaritan Asso elation to be held with Liberty church on the fifth Snuday and Saturday before in April: Saturday Morning. 10:00. Devotional services led by, M. Campbell. 11:00.' Sermon, by Rev. G. lleccM qne kotir. tout ion is directed to our missing page, in which a different word )Ma will be purposely omitted each for thirteen weeks. At tiro end kirtccu weeks $50.00 in cash prizes be given away to the winners of "greatost number of correct sw,ow. am for Decoration Shiloh Church May 13th Beet at the cemetery at Mr. W. A. Johnson’s at 8:30. Memorial and welcome address by Rev, G. N. Adorhold. After which the following ones will plsep flowers on the grnvcs: jrfrs. J. T. Burr, Mrs. Fnnnio John son, Mr. Hoyt Roberts, Miss Ruth John- sott, Mr. John Stallings, Miss Carrie Johnson, Mr. Jcsso Motes, Miss Madge Stallings. March to tlio church. Rev. John Colo tb’ideliver the memorial address, aftor which tlio graves there will be docora- ted|. Mr. F. M. Harden to conduct the song service. Rev. Davis and Rev. J. L. Wil inms to deliver the 11 o’clock sorvico. 18:00 o’clock. Dinner. Afternoon singing. Everybody invited. COMMITTEE. Thi OakT Grove Canning ' r Club Holds Meeting m ' aiming club met lost Friday nf April 6th. First wo had tho ijfcd by Mrs. Whatley, then the rom tho memlbers on tlioir sow- gardening, . had a yeTy interesting talk by isboU, onq of'the teachers from M. school, which was very •y,.all the members, ub—3 Hon. E. T. Steed has returned from Now Orleans whoro ho was called last week to tlio bedsido of his brother who was serously ill at that time. Judge Steed spent several days, and tho con- ition^qf his brother having improvod 10 retuAiod homo. Congregational Meeting At Presbyterian Churc Tho members of tho Carrollton Pres byterian church hro requested to at tend a congregational mooting imme diately aftor Sunday morning proaching sorvico, April 15th, 1923, for tlio pur- poso of authorizing an increnso of sal ary of Aur pastor. C. K. HENDERSON, JR., Clork of Session. Sunday School Convention of Carrollton Baptist Association On Sunday, April 29th, tho Sunday School Convention of Carrollton Asso ciation will hold an all-day mooting with Oak Grovo Baptist church. All Sunday Schools in Carrollton As sociation arc- oxpect'od to send represen tatives. NOTICE, B. Y. P. U.’S The regional B. Y. 1*. TJ. convention will tneet in Barnosville on April the 18th and 19th. Every union in Carroll county is expected to bo represented. Let me-urgo upon every union to bo rep resented. PERCY SMITH, County President. Tlio Public Speaking Department of tlio Junior High School of Bowdon will present “Borrow Monoy,” a drama in four acts, at the city hall audito rium, April 18th, nt 8:30 o’clock. Tho price of admission will be 25 and 35 cents. All school children 15c. program for Whiteaburg ' ^Christian Endeavor Society Tlio Endeavor meets Sunday night with tho following program: Jasper Mark, Leader. Song. ■ i Topic; “now Can Wo Be Ttuly Ed ucated?” ' Prayer by Miss Ruth Hines. Leador’ sreading—Proverbs 4:1-9. Lcndor’s talk. Song. Talk by Ruby Merk. Talk by Clovis Reeves. Biblo reading by Carl Hines, James Merk, Edison Kilgore. Prayer by Mrs. Parks Rooks. Song. Talks by Bernice Stevens and Hn.ry Love. Recitation by Jcssio Hines. Talk by Mrs. Parks Rooks. Thoughts: Lewis Stevens and Alma Hines. 1’uIk by Ireno Mork. Paryor by C. C. Tumor. Motto rend in concert. Quotations by Dolly Kilgoro and Tom Stovons. Report of the Information committee by Mnrlowq_Robinson. / Song nnd the mizpah benediction. Commissioner Broom I* Convalescing Commissioner J. A. F. Broom, who has been quito ill several weeks from flu find pneumonia, is convalescent, MONEY! MONEY! Our conneetions always' have unlim ited money to loan good men, on good farms and good titles, on boot terms and lowest rates. Come to see ns. tfnc R. D. JACKSON dt SON. were elected as follows: Dr. W. oL. Brooks, president; Mr. W. O. Barrow, first vice president; Mr. H. J. Reiijles, second vice president; Mr. R. K. Pi^ts. secretary and treasurer. The name of tho organization vtas cl/anged to Chamber of Commerce to conform to other similar organizations and to cnnblc affiliation with State nnd National chambers of commerce. Tho club officers arc planning an ac tive industrial campaign and hopp in the near future to locate several new industries hero. A full line of Legal Blanks; also Church Letters acn always ho found at the Freo Press office. Co-Operation Is The Slogan Of Tod ay The Georgia Cotton Growers Co-Operative Asso ciation, The Farm Bureau and all the AGRICUL-; TURAL PROGRAM of CARROLL COUNTY, POUL TRY, HOG and LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATIONS, THE FEDERAL LAND BANK, JOINT STOCK LAND BANK and FEDERAL INTERMEDIATE BANKING COMPANY, are all WEAPONS in our hands to fight the battles of the Farm to VICTORY. Through these mediums we see complete reilef to AGRICULTURE, without which, no business can prosper. CITIZENS BANK 19 NEWNAN STREET CARROLLTON, GA. Savings Department—Real Estate Loans & Commer cial Department. i:30. “How and Where Is the' cd to Salvation,” by J. C. Boyd. 2:00. “When Does tho Holy Ghost Come, Before or After Baptism?” by Rev. J. T. Layton. Sunday Morning. 10:00. “Does the New Testament Teach Tithing?” by Rev. T. F. Con nell. 11:00. Sermon by some one. 1:30. “Does the Soul Sin After it is Born of God?” by Rev. L. J. Hines- Icy. 2:00. t‘Did Jesus Give the Commis sion to Preaeh to Any Ono but His- Church?” by Rev. C. L. Matthcfllp. 2:30. Does tho Bible Teach ithht Christ Will Reign a Thousand Ycarg on EaTtli with tho Saved; and If So, Will tho Sinner Have a Chance to Bo Sajved Then?” by Rev. J. Robert Cole, i HATCHERY MAY BE LOCATE® IN CARROLLTON SOON Mr. B. H. Haynes, agriculturist for Mandevillo Mills, Mr. C. B. Ingram, county agent, and Messrs. George Gray and H. H. Alexander are visiting in Birmingham and community this week nvestigating hatcheries in operation. Theso men compose a commitfceo from the Carroll County Farm Bureau and Carroll County PoultryvAssociation who joiutly are making extensive and in tensive investigation of tho subject of hatcheries already in operation. Ve meet vfriiy' fhfee weeks. RUTH ALLEN, Cor. Sooty. BANKRUPT SATE OF LAND In the District Court of the United ' States for the Northern District of\ Georgia. Northern Division. — IN BANKRUPTCY. < In tho Matter of W. H. S. Howard, Bankrupt. No. 8810—-In Bankruptcy. Pursuant to an order granted by the Hon. Eugnco Spradlin, Rofcroo in Bank- 1 ruptcy, on April 2nd, 1023, will bo sold before the court house door at Carroll ton, Ga., within tho legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, on Tuesday, April tho 17th, 1023. subject to a loan of two thousand dol lars made by John Haxlcock Mutual Lifo Insurance Co. to said bankrupt, under deed September 25th, 1922, the following property, now in possesion of said bankrupt, to-wit: 56.2 acres of lot of land No. 259; 2.70 acros of lot No. 275; 75.30 acres of lot No. 27G, and 70 acros of lot No. 278, al in tho 7th district of Carroll county .Georgia, and morefully doscribcd in deed from stud bankrupt to said eompany recorded Oc tober 16th, 1922, in deod book 2S, page 174, in tho office of the clerk of tiro Superior Court of Carroll county, Geor gia. Sale made subject to confirma tion of tho court. At Carrollton, Ga., this April 5th, 1923. J. B. SPRADLIN, Trustee. A Priceless Asset When the Assets of this Bank are set forth in its statement, there is one valuable asset that is never mentioned. It is the priceless esteem and good will of the people. We feel greatly obligated to the friends of the Bank for their constant support and patronage and Invite you to join our happy family on the same basis as we are serving our present customers. Is just as essential when you write to friends as it is when you are with them. YOUR STATIONERY should be just as correct as your, dress or your man ners. -ft M Our stock is complete and you will find in it only that which is correct. ', • HORTON’S Jewelry—Cut. Glass—-Books——Stationery Sound Advice On Financial Matters Financial troubles, of one kind or another, pop up in every man’s life. And, most of the time, if he re- iles on his own decision, he gets himself into greater difficulty than out ofi it. It is at such a time that he needs—Sound Advice. That is what we are here for. No matter what your difficulties or doubts, if they pertain to financial mat ters, come to us. We’ll give you prompt and cour teous service. The First National Ban L. C. Mandeville, President Chas. A. Lyle, Vice-President and Cashier G. L. Stewart, Asst. Cashier; M. A. Sandifer, Asst. Cashier.