The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, November 29, 1923, Image 7

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I ■ • '■ MB OA&&OLL mB PRESS, GARB OLLTON, OABBOLL OOUNTT, OA. Do you patronize Home Industries? Those of you who have been making your purchases away from Carrollton should think before doing so again. Think who sympathizes with you when you had sickness at home? Think who when you needed help badly? Most surely not the strangers far away? Legal Advertisements NOVEMBER 10 2 s M T w T F s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 NOTICE ADMINISTRATRIX ’ S SALE GEORGIA—Carroll County. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, granted at the June Term, 1923, will bo sold at public ■outcry before tho court house of said ■county, to the highest bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday in December, 1923, ■within the legal hours of sale, tho fol lowing property, to-wit: Store houso and lot at Veal, said state and county, tho lot containing one-half acre, moro or less, tho same being the McLendon store houso and lot. This store houso and lot held sub ject to a security deed in favor of tho Lovvorn Grocery Company, Bowdon, Georgia, it being agreed however, that tho same be sold freo of liens and an administrator’s deed executed to pur chaser and the holders of security dcod taking tho purchaso price and cancell ing deed of record. Also, a vacant lot in the City of Car rollton, and being known and described in the plan of said city as lot No. C of the Mnple Street Addition, ns shown by plat of said property recorded in tho ffieo of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in Deed Book “II,” Fo lio 641, to which said plat reference is •made for complete description. This last described property is hold subject to a security deed in favor of tho Bank of Bowdon, but by agreement the name will be sold freo of this lien, tho • Bank of Bowdon taking the purchase price and cancelling its deed of record. Also, stock of general merchandise located in a store house nt Veal, said state and county, containing dry goods, groceries, shoes and such things as are usually carried in a country store. This stock of goods will bo sold in bulk at the store house at Veal at 2 o clock l • M. on the first Tuesday in December, 1923, and prospective purchasers are invited to examine said stock prior to the day of sale. T „„ Sold ns tho property of C. L. McLen don, late of said county, deceased, for the purpose of paying debts and dis tribution among tho lioirs-at-law. Inis November 6tli, 1923. L. R. McLENDON, Admr. tober, 1923, as evidenced by three cer tain notes and a condition that said security deed cover any and all other indebtedness duo said Citizens Bank of Carrollton, Georgia, by the said John H. Moore. And it is expressly provided in suid securliy deed that in default of the payment of said notes, or any por tion thereof, that said principal having failed to pay snid notes at maturity, and the same being now past duo, said deed convoying tho following de scribed property, to-wit: tho somo ly ing and being in tho 5th district of Carroll county, Georgin, and consisting of all of lot of land No. 199, except fifty acres in the southeast corner and eighteen and one-half acres in the northwest corner, containing ono hun dred, thirty-four and one-lialf acres, moro or less; also, tho northwest fourth of lot of land 198, containing fifty acres, more or less; also forty-soven acres of lot of land 187, being all of the west half of said lot that lios north of the Spring road; all of the aforesaid lands containing in the nggregute two hundred and thirty-two acres, more or less, and being tho place where tho said John II. Moore resided at the time of the making and delivering of this se curity deed. This dcod is given sub ject to a prior lien of the Georgia Loan &■ Trust Company, Macon, Georgia, to securo an indebtedness of $7,500.00, ns evidenced by a security deed recordod in Deed Book No. 16, folio 306, and this deed to said Citizens Bank, recorded in Deed Book 23, folio, 452; and. Whereas, default, has been'made in the payment of said notes and intorost, and tho holder of said notes in accord ance of snid security deed has demanded payment of tho principal sum with in terest, which has been declined. Now, tne snid Citizens Bank of Car rollton, Goorgin, by virtuo of tho power of sale contained in tho snid deed, nnd pursuant thereto in order to enforce the payment of the amount due on said principal, being $2,177.95, together with interest accrued to dato of sale, on tho first Tuesday in December, 1923, from tho maturity of said notes ut the rate of eight per cent will for tho satisfac tion of said indebtdncss and the cost of advertising and expense of the sale, sell before the court house door in Car rollton, Georgia, between tho legal hours of sale" on the first Tuesday in December, 1923, all tho equityi of said Citizens Bank, Carrollton, Georgia, in the nbovo described lots or parcels of land to the highest and best bidder for cash and will execute to tho purchaser a deed to snid land, in accordance with the terms in snid security deod. This Novembor 8th, 1923. CITIZENS BANK, Carrollton, Georgia, By A. K. Snead, President. BANKRUPT NOTICES In the District Court of tho United States for the Northern District of Georgia. Northern Division. — In Bankruptcy. No. 9680. In tho Mattor of Leonard J. Taylor, Bankrupt. * To tho Creditors of said Bankrupt, of Waco 1, in tho County of Carroll, said District; Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of November, 1923, tho snid Leonard J. Taylor was duly ndjudgod a bankrupt; nnd that tho first mooting of the creditors of tho snid bankrupt will be hold at tho office of tho Reforee in Carrollton, Gn., at tho hour of 9 A. on the 1st day of December, 1923, at which time tho creditors of tho said bankrupt may attend, provo their claims, examine the bankrupt, elect a trust-00 and transact such other busi ness as may properly come before such mooting. At Carrollton, On., this tho 19th day of Novembor, 1923. EUGENE SPRADLIN, Roforeo in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of tho United States for the Northern District of Georgia. Northern Division. — In Bankruptcy. No. 9667. In tho Matter of Ulyssess II. William son, Bankrupt. To the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, of Carrollton, Gn., R. F. D. No. 3, in tho County of Carroll, said District: Notico is hereby given that on tho 17th day of November,! 1923, tho said Ulyssess H. Williamson was duly nd judgod a bankrupt; nnd that tho first meeting of tho creditors of the suid bankrupt will bo held at the office of tho Referee in Carrollton, Ga„ nt tho hour of 9 A. M., on the 1st day of De cember, 1923, at which time the credi tors of tho said bankrupt may attond, provo their claims, examino the bank rupt, elect a trustee nnd transact such othor business as may properly come bo- foro such meeting. At Carrollton, Gn., this tho 19th day of November, 1923. EUGENE HPRADLIN, Referee in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia. Northern Division. — In Bankruptcy. No. 9598. In tho Matter of William S. Arthur, Bankrupt. To tho Creditors of tho said Bankrupt, of Bowdon, Ga., R. F. D. 3, in the County of Carroll, Baid District: Notico iB lioreby given thnt on tho 23rd day of November, 1923, tho said William 8. Arthur was duly ndjudgod a bankrupt; nnd that tho first meeting of the creditors of the snid bankrupt will bo hold nt tho office of tho Referee in Carrollton, Ga., at tho hour of 9 A. M., on the 14th day of December, 1923, at which timo the creditors of tho Baid bankrupt may attend, prove their claims, oxamino the bankrupt, elect a trustee and transact such other business as may properly come beforo such moot- In the District Court of ths United States for the Northern District of Georgia. Northern Division. — In Bankruptcy. No. 9681. In the Matter of Charlie C. Talley, Bankrupt. To tho Creditors of the said Bankrupt, of Roopville, Gn., in the County of Cnrroll, snid District: Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of November, 1923, tho said Charlie C. Talley was duly nljudgcd a bankrupt, nnd that tho first meeting of the creditors of tho said bnnkrupt will be held at the offico of tho Boferoo in Carrollton, Ga., ut tho hour of 9 A. M., on 'the first dny of December, 1923, at which time the creditors of the snid bnnkrupt may' attend, provo their claims, examino tho bankrupt, eloct a trustee and transact, such other business as may properly come beforo such moct lug. At Carrollton, Ga., this tho 19th dny of November, 1923. EUGENE SPRADLIN, Referoo in Bankruptcy, In ths District Court of tho United States for tho Northern District of Georgia. Northern Division. — In Bankruptcy. No. 9692. In tho Mattor of Henry G. Ospps, Bankrupt. To the Creditors of the said Bankrupt^ of WinBton, Gn., in tho County Douglas, said District: Notico is hereby given that on tho 20th day of November, 1923, the said Henry G. Capps was duly: adjudged a bankrupt; and that the first mooting of the creditors of the said bankrupt will bo held at tho offico of the Referee in Carrollton, Ga., at tho hour of 10 A. M., on the 14th day of December, 1923, at which timo tho creditors of tho said bankrupt may nttend, provo their claims, examine tho bankrupt, elect a trustee and transact such othor business as may properly como before such ffleet- ing. At Carrollton, Ga., this tho 23rd day of November, 1923. EUGENE BPRADLIN, Referee in Bankruptcy. mg 23rd day At Carrollton, Ga., this the cf November, 1923. EUGENE SPRADLIN, Roferoo in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia. Northern Division — In Bankruptcy. In tho Matter of John F .Nrmnn, Bankrupt. To tho Creditors of tho said Bnnkrupt, of Carrollton, Ga., R. F. D. No. 4, in the County of Carroll, said District: Notico is hereby given thnt on tho 17th day of Novembor, .1923, the snid John F. Norman wns duly ndjudgod a bankrupt, and thnt tho first, moqting of the creditors of the snid bankrupt will be hold at tho offico of tho Refcreo in Carrollton, Ga., at tho hour of 9 A. M., on tho first day of December, 1923, at which time tho creditors of tho said bnnkrupt may attend, provo thoir claims, examino tho bankrupt, eloct a trflsteo, and transact such other buBinoss as may properly como before such meet ing. At Cnrrollton, Gn., this-tho 19th day of Novembor, 1923. EUGENE SPRADLIN, Reforee in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia. Northern Division. — In Bankruptcy. No. 9608. In tho Mattor of Wm. T. Grainger, Bankrupt. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt, of Cnrrollton, Ga., in tho County of Car- roll, said District: Notico is hereby given that on the 24th day of Novomber, 1923, tho snid Wm. T. Grainger wns duly adjudged a bnnkrupt, nnd thnt the first mooting of tho creditors of tho said bnnkrupt will be held at the offico of tho Referee in Carrollton, On., at tho hour of 9 A. M., on tho 8th day of Deeembor, 1923, at which timo the creditors of tho said bnnkrupt may attend, provo their claims, oxamino tho bnnkrupt, eloct tiusteo nnd transact such other business nr may properly come before such meet ing. At Carrollton, Gn., this tho 27th dny of November, 1923. EUGENE SPRADLIN, Reforee in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia. Northern Division. — In Bankruptcy. No. 9699. In tho Matter of Rolf B. Bock, Bank rupt. To tho Creditors of tho snid Bankrupt, of Bowdon, Ga., Tt. F. D., in the County of Cnrroll, said District: Notico is hereby given that on tho 23rd day of Novembor, 1923, the snid Rolf B. Bock was duly ndjudgod a bank rupt, nnd thnt the. first mooting o£ tho creditors of tho said biuikrupt will be hold at tho offico of the Roforeo in Carrollton, Ga., nt tho hour of 9 A. M., on tho 14th day of Docomber, 1923, at, which timo tho creditors of tho snid lvinkrupt, may nttend, provo their claims, oxamino tho bankrupt, eloct a Uusioe and transact such othor business ns may properly como beforo such mooting. At Cnrrollton, Gn., this tho 23rd day of Novomber, 1923. EUGENE SPRADLIN, Roferoo in Bankruptcy. NOTICE NOTICE ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE EORGIA—Cnrroll County Bv virtue of an order of the Court of rdinary of said county, granted at the ctober Term, 1923, of said court, will e sold at public outcry, beforo the niTt house .door of snid county, to the ighest bidder for cash, within the le al hours of ■ sale on tho first Tuesday , December, 1923, the following prop- r Lot t of'land No. 106 in the 6tli district f said stato and county, containing 32 1-2 acres, moro or less. Also the allowing located in the town of Villa ,ica, said state and county, to-wit: Town lots Nos. 79 to 99, both inclu ivo, on the south side of Ha “ r V* treet in said town, each being 50 by 75 fe S t; lot No. 78 on the south side of aid street in said town, being 259 by 00 feet; lots Nos. 64 to 74, both in lusive, on tho north side of Hamrick treet in said town of Villa Rica, each eing 50 by 200 feet;lot 75 on north ide of said'street, containing one acre; jt No. 77 on north side of said stroot ontaining two and one-tenth acres; »t No. 30 on south Bide of street lend- ag from Villa Rica to Temple; tots jog. 31, 32, 33 nnd 34 each being 50 by 00 feet and located on south side of ’emple road in snid city; and lot No. 6. All of said described lots contam- ng 23 acres, more or less. The city iroperty above described being more lofinite'ly described in a plat of same mown as the Subdivision ol Villa Rica ,nd recorded in.the Clerk’s office if nid county in Book "JJ , Fo1 . 10 S9 ?' 93, to which said plat reference is made or description. , « « Willis -Sola as the property of C. H. Willis, ate of said county, deceased, for tho mrpose of paying, debts and ^stribu- ion among the heirs-at-law. The city iroperty wm be sold m groups of lots or iv single lots, aB will be announced at lale. This November 6th, 1923 MRS. REBECCA WILLIS, Administratrix. SALE OF LAND GEORGIA—Carroll County. By virtuo of an agreement among the heirs- at-lnw of A. J. Ward, late of said county, deceased, will be sold before the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in December, 1923, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: All of lot of land No. 132 in the Fifth land disrict of said county, ex cept the south fifty acres of said lot now owned by J. A. Holton, the land to bo sold containing 152 1-2 acres, more or less, nnd known as the Jack Vnrd home place and being situated one mile south of Lowell on the Bowen’s Ferry road. The heirs-at-law, being the children of said deceased, are all twenty-one years of age and will execute to pur chaser a warranty deed in fee simple to said property. B. R. WARD, Agent for Mrs. Viola Cash, Mrs. Kate Echols, Mrs. Lou Helton, G. R. Ward, A. M. Ward, L. W. Ward and H. G. Ward. Nov. 8, 1923. 8nov4tpd Public Sale of Land SALE OF LAND 1EORGIA—Carroll County. Whereas, on me 7th day of December, 9«2 John H. Moore made and executed o Citizens Bank, Carrollton, Georgia^ deed to secure an indebtedness of Si177*85, due on the 15th day of Oc- Will be sold before the court .house door in Carrollton, Ga., on the first TJpesdnv in December, 1923, within the legal hours of sale, the following prop erty, to-wit: One house and lot in Lowell, Ga., same being 1.23 acres of land with dwelling house, barn and othor out buildings. This is a fine place for doc tor or any one wishing to go into the mercantile business. Also, at the same timo and place, will be sold 23.7 acres of good cotton land, same -being about one-fourth mile from stores at Lowell. This property is well located, being in a good community, near school nnd churches. To be sold separately and as a whole, to the highest bidder, for cash. G. W. NIX. E. D. NIX. Mules For Sale I new kavt a plenty of frerh young mules in my barn on Romo street. If yo» wait to buy or trade, see me at moo.—J. M. Johns#*. novSkf This Beautiful Book On Request “FLORIDA” AND HOW TO GET THERE Many Splendid Trains VIA Southern Railway System ROUTE OF Royal Palm, Ohio Special, Suwanee River Special, Atlanta-Jacksonville Ex press, Kansas City-Florida Special. Ju W J 'V- ut* m, E§ ■ 1 A;.;. Iv-'