The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 20, 1923, Image 1

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1C PAGES ■ * V trrTinw SECTION ONE 1 a PAGES * W SECTION ONE CARROLLTON, GA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1923 BOWDON OIL MILL DESTROYED BY FIRE WEDNESDAY NIGHT On Wetlupsilny night about 7 o'- -loi-.k the oil mill at Bowilon was dc- troved by lire. Carrollton lire depart ment was called for assistance, and tlio i.ig fire truck responded quickly and did wbat it. could to save the mill and tocp the lire from sporading further. AN ORDINANCE Bo it ordained by the Mayor and . ity Council of Carrollton, Georgia, and it is further ordained by the authority aforesaid as follows: Permission is hereby granted to all persons to shoot, lire, blow off in any manner, discharge any lire works in any part of the City of Carrollton, Geor gia, after the hour of ten o’clock, P. \f„ on the 241 h day of December, 192S, and it is further ordained that such liring and discharging of fire works -hall cease after ton o’clock P. M. on thn 25th day of December, 1923. Any person violating tho above shall upon corfvlction thereof be punished as proscribed in section 203 of the Code of -aid city. This the 17th day of December, 1923. INCREASE IN TAX RAISE DEFEATED In a very, quiet election Wednesday held for the purpose of ascertaining the opinion of a majority of the citizens of Carrollton as to whether or not an increase of 2 1-2 mills should be levied for school purposes, the question of a ‘‘raise” was defeated by about 32 ma jority; 252 voting “No,” and 220 vot ing “ Yes.” Sunday, Dec. 23rd, 1923, is Knight Templar Day at the Tabernacle Baptist Church ST. JOHN’S DAY The members of Carroll Lodge Xu. (19, l-\ A. M., are earnestly urged, and all Master Masons in good standing are cordially invited to meet in the hall in regular communication at 9 A. M, December 27th, for the purpose of ob serving tho time-honored custom of cel ebrating St. John’s Day. HARItY MOORE, W. M. E. A. MERRELL, Sec. SHOWER FOR MRS. WILLIAMS Free State Lodge Meets Thursday Night, Dec. 27th Free Stato Lodge Xo. 384, F. & A. M., meets in regular communication next Thursday night, and it is expected rhat the FgHowcraft degree will be con ferred. Members of Free State Lodgo are urged to bo present,* promptly at -oven o'clock, and all qualified brethren arc cordially invited to bo present. TltOS. R. LUCK, W. M. W. ,T. ALDRIDGE, Scetv. One of the most enjoyable social events of the season was a miscellaneous shower given for Mrs. Monroe Williams, a recent bride. The shower was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Harris on R.' F. D. Xo. 4. A largo number of friends and relatives were present and the gifts were many and valuable. A most delicious sweet course was served. The club girls, in their beauti ful white uniforms, wore in chargo of the dining room, which was most artis tically decorated in the Christmas col ors. ' A GUEST. The pastor and members of the Tab ernacle Baptist church cordially invite nil Masons to attend the Christmas ser vie , Sunday, December 23rd, 1923. The Sir Knights are requested to ap pear in uniform. It is the purpose of the church and the Ancient Order of I-'ree Masonry to honor the Xew Horn King of the Christian religion. Since Masonry is profoundly Chris tian and particularly so in those aspects of it set forth in the Commandery Lodge, it will be of interest to all Blue Lodgo Masons and also all Royal Arch Masons to anile in honoring the Christ of oar Faith on the above named dale. The morning subject will be ‘‘The Mlssionie Hope. ’ ’ Hpoclal music by the Templar Quar tette. The services will be profoundly de votional and seasoned with that cour teous hospitality always found at the Tabernacle church. JOIIX J. MILFORD, Faster. EXHIBITORS AT FIRST POULTRY "SHOW H. 11. Alexander, Carrollton, Ga. i A. W. Alexander, Carrollton, tin. A. & M. School, Gonolu, (In. W. W. ami Mrs. Leila Baskin, Car nllt^n, Ga. Alts. Joel Pmrnhnm, < arrolltoii, Ga. Jojih Chappell, Carrollton, G i. C. »I. Dougins, Carrollton, Ga. J. ;AV. Duncan, Carrollton, Ga. Macon CARROLL LEADS STATE IN COTTON PRODUCTION l'rior to December 1st, Carroll county had ginned 21,1187 bales cotton; Burke (onuty second, 21,11(1; Bulloch county third, with 13,010 hales. I-Tniiklin, 12,- 105; Sumter county, 12,103. H. v 5\ Fleming, Defioto 1 ’ark, G.| $. Cray, Carrollton, < In. Cray, Clem, (5a. M« p. \V. 11, Hansard, Cn rrollt V. KHarris, Carrollton, Ga. 0.1 tHydo, Carrollton, Ga. |V. Hay, Carrollton, (In. ITT. Jobes, Banning, (In. EJT. Jackson, Carrollton, (I HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE The II. M. Tvtis home on Depot street is for sale. This is a splendid 8-room house with nil modern conveniences, in cluding furnace heat. For further par ticulars apply lo Mrs. H. M. Tyus. 20 dectfne. BANKS TO CLOSE Tho Banks of Carrollton will dose December 25tli and 2fitli for the hoii- Uavs—Tuesday and Wednesday. There will he a. white receptacle at tho front of tl/o Baptist Tabcruaclo Sunday. All who wish may place m it a contribution or packago wrnppod white which will be distributed among deserving people. You are vltod to hear tlie Masonic sermon at 11 o’clock by Dr. John Milford. 11. Jennings, 7JH Broadway, Ma nut,fin. .L X'. Johnson, Carrollton, Ga. OwS. King, Douglnsville, Ga. Mfs. Joo Martin, Carrollton, Ga. (Vjji. Mhsdcn, Clem, lit. 2. J.’M. Morrell, Carrollton, Ga. I. IF. Morris, Carrollton, lit. 3. WjjA. Nixon, Carrollton, Ga. Carrollton, Ga., lit. L 804 Oak St., Macon, Ga. Mrs. A.'O, Stipe, Carrollton, (in. Eiljiesl Smith, Carrollton, Ga. Wj H. Farmer, Carrollton, lit. 4. J. 01. Turner, Carrollton, Ga. lll-W. Taylor, Cuthhert Ga. vIb. Toney, Garrullton, Ga. S.*D. Wright, 1125 17th St., Colum bus, ffia. i Mjps AlfiV Williams, Villa. Rica, Ga. .- ^Villlnms, Carrollton, Ga., lit. 1. SCHOOL CHILDREN TO HAVE LONG HOLIDAY Schools will dose Fridnv fa everal da Wj A. Jtixon, ('a WI.K. Kinney, •AJO. Babv, 804 I bo teachers wilt leave for their r-e speolivc homes Friday and Saturday. II is tin* opinion of many educators Hail a week more vacation during the holiday season does not interfere with the-year' RWnrk of tin- pupil, for white the Christmas spirit is in the air then little else thought of by tho ohiI liren. Moreover, the longer holiday po nod brushes the cobwebs from ninny a pupil's mind and lie returns to school with more pep and u clearer mini!, lie I - lor tilled ter th<‘ several month’s grind before the summer vacation period. A.jtE, Wright, Orchard Hill, Cm. Irri Zntuicl'y, Carrollton, Ga. F )• jjTQR SALE.—1923 model, in goOi iipfition at bargain.—O..S, Mil ler, Bolltmi, Ga. It The New Store JACKSON’S BASEMENT Just received nice lot-of Apples, Or anges, Nuts, Cocoanuts, Candies, etc., for Christmas. BOB SMITH DIED IN ATLANTA HOSPITAL Mr. It. L. Smith, who was carried to Atlanta a week ago Tor an operation, died Wednesday evening. His 1 body was brought to Citrrollton Thursday morning and carried to his homo on College si rent, where tho fnnernl ’will bn held at 10;30 o'clock A. Mi, Friday morning, conducted -by Dr. Gilbert Dobbs, pastor of Hie First, BnptJst church. Interment will be in tho city cemetery. V Mr. Smith was 53 vrfiiK old and had resided in Carrpllton ninny vonrs. Besides his wife, lie is survived by I wo sons, John ami Robert .Smith; one I’lauglit.or, Mrs. Otis Scott; also one - aster, Mrs. R. Ii. Fletcher, and one brother, Howard Smith, " At one lime in life Mr. Smith had swallowed a pin and the operation per- farmed was to remove this substance which had rusted and for tho past few weeks was causing him phin. The bereaved family lias the deep- '. i si sympathy in tlioir sad bereavement. ■' That Belled Buzzard Is Seen Again On last Friday some neighbors and myself were killing hogs at a branch near my home, one mile nortlionst of Tyus, when our aitifiitiou was drawn by tin- jingle of a small bell seemingly in Hie air. On looking up we saw a buzzard Hying very low with n small liell attached to its neck. II passed di rectly over us which gave us a plain view of the bell which appeared lo be about ouu inch in diameter and 2 incites long. H. K.’bARXES. Mrs. Henry Norris Died Wednesday Night Mrs, Henry Norris died Wednesday night at her homo on Dixio street from piloumimlfi, after an illness of sovoral weeks. The burial will take place Friday nt. (Stripling's Chapel. FARM FOR RENT Good two-horse farm, near Griffin, Ga., on public road ,lialf inilo from rail- read town, with good schools anil churches. Good farming land, running water, good buildings. Terms very ren- Nouublc. Address J. B. CARVER, 708 W. Taylnr St., Griffin, On. ,20dcc2ts 11 Christmas Shelf Goods, Canned Goods, Tobacco, Snuff,'Corn Flakes, Post Toasties, Cof fee, Sugar, Lard, Flour. Come to see us. JACKSON’S BASEMENT E. L. Turner, Manager Thanks to one and all for your gener ous 1923 patronage. We, want to serve you in 1924. Holmes Bus Line & Soda Fount Phone 400—Old Carrollton Bank Stand If our wish for you comes true you will have the full joys of the happiest Christ mas you have ever known not only now but on through the days of a Bright/Pros perous, Happy New Year. ACCEPT OUR THANKS for your very generous patronage dur ing 1923 and give us the continued pleas ure of your 1924 business. Chero-Cola Bottling Company Pat Phelan, Manager 1923 1924 TO YOU Good Wishes To Our Friends Our Sincere Appreciation i ft I 5/ The same old wish, for there is none better; ACCEPT OUR BEST CHRISTMAS WISHES Our friendships are our greatest asset, and the spirit of. the holidays, with its time-honored customs, provides' opportunity for us to greet you! •- In the same old way, for there is none finer; Expressed with a sincerity 'that is genuine, to our loyal friends and cus tomers We like to come in the gladsome holiday Wa- son to express the pleasure we have deriviftd from our business dealing^ with our !$rge num ber of patrons. % : We extend our most cordial greetings and best wishes for your peace, prosperity and hap piness, and for those whose happiness depends upon you. First National Bank A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR It is a pleasure to do business among such a people as we have here and we assure you that we appreciate your business- . '!! • ’ JOHNSON DRUG CO. We wish you the happiest and best Christ mas you ever experienced. And may .1924 bring you 366 days of bright, happy, prosper ous days. % -1 j* ! ? 1