The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 20, 1923, Image 6

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THE CARROLL FREE PRESS, OARR OLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, OA. THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 1923 m STATEMENT FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OF CARROLLTON h’qujipmcut Incidentals Below is :t condensed statement of the city’s financial operations for tlie yoar ending September 30, 1923, which is taken from the Audit of Drowry Au dit Co., and is presented nt the request of the Inst Mayor and Council for the information of the public. J. L. THOMASSON, City Clerk. Condensed Statement of the City of Carrollton, On., for the Municipal Year Ending September 30, 1923, as Submitted by Drewry Audit Com pany, Atlanta, Qa. RECORD OP RECEIPTS: General Government. Current Taxes ♦59,04(1.03 Back Tax uud Fi fas 2,237.59 Business License 7,710.95 Halo Ocm. Lots.... 236.25 Water Works D# partment 1,000.00 Unclassified Re- ceipts 727.20 $70,957.02 I Police Department. Fmes and Forfeit ures •— 1,610.75 Street Tax 1,778.00 $ 3,388.75 mils Payable. I, 0 an 800.00 $ 800.00 Sal. and wages . 1,882.21 Equipment 64.50 Repairs and Su] 523.85 Incidentals 3.10 Streets and Sldowa Sal. and wages.. . 2,861.47 Materials 391.80 Maintenance of stock and equipment 661.02 Incidentals 48.85 Permanent Ini- provements 354.61 Lights s Public Schools Donations and relief Total Receipts ti. C. Cook $26,500.00 G. L. Stewart $48,131.41 ♦75,145.77 1 otal Deposits $74,631.40 Balance in Cash on hand 514.37 $75,145.77 (Verified.) DISBURSEMENTS BY WARRANT: General Government. Salaries of Mayor and Council 900.00 Salaries Clerk, Treasurer and Attorney 1,613.00 Supplies 171.59 Hquipment 356.78 Incidentals 1,062.54 ♦ 4,104.01 Public Buildings. $ 6,359.64 Sanitary Department. $ 2,473.66 School Bond Fund Unclassified Sinking Fund Ac count School Bond Fund $ 4,317.75 1,679.87 19,999.24 20.14 10,325.12 1,102.30 18,602.58 TOTAL $74,592.17 SINKING FUND ACCOUNT. Debit. Sale of Honda $ 6,000.00 I’rem. on Bond* 210.00 $ 6,210.00 Sale Bonds 1,000.00 Int 30.67 $ 1,037.67 Amt. Transfer- ed from Gen. Fund 18,602.58 Total Receipts - $25,843.25 Balance on hand Sept. 30, 1923...„ 1,097.42 WAYSIDE SCHOOL NEWS Improvements .... 338.19 Wquipmont 53,15 Repairs and Bup. Insurance and In- 930.78 cidontals 551.69 Police Departmec fcal. and wages.... Maintenance of 3,438.66 prisoners Transportation of witnesses and 130.60 prisoners 102.25 ••applies 26.35 Incidentals 30.20 Fire Department Sal. and wages.... 3,810.90 Gaa and Oil 12.00 Repairs and Bup. 372.67 $ 1,873.81 $ 3,734.05 TOTAL STATISTICS Credit. 10 Bonds Matur ed $10,000,000 Interest paid and collection expense 15,990.11 $26,940.67 TOTAL $25,990.11 Balance on hnnd 8cpt. 30, 1923.. Acct's. payable Sept. 30, 1923.. Bills payable Sept. 30, 1923.. $ 950.56 $ 1,891.05 15,873.88 Our school closed Friday, December 14th, until after the holidays with the following program: Song: “Santa Claus is Coming.” Dialogue: “Christmas”—by Weems Young, novice Boatright, Cordelo Craw ford, Winnie Reese, Bill Horsley, Mil dred Muse, .1, B. Boatright, Mary Noll Boatright and Cyril Williams. ‘‘Welcome Christmas’’--Newell Craw ford. ‘‘The Stocking’s Christmas”—Eu nice Young. ‘'ging Out”—Mozolle Boatright. ‘‘Annie and Willie’s Prayer”—Mil dred Crawford. ‘‘The Shiniest Dime”—Mary Boat- right. ‘‘At Christmas Time”—Cecil Hors ley. “The Two Little Stockings”— Christine Crawford. “Christmas Day”—Ida Mae McDow ell. ‘‘Jos Hollow Out Amen”—Challenge Horsley. “Santa Clans and the Mouso”—Flo- rone Horsley. “Tho Empty Stocking”—Garland Young. Dialogue: “Christmas Quotations” by Challenge Hofsley, Kirby Bryan, Os- iner Crawford, Frank Boatright, Chris tine Crawford, Mary Boatright, Flo- rono Horsley, Alice Bryan, Bromer Wil liams, and Eunice Young. Song: “Snnta Claus” PREACHING AT TYUS AND VEAL CHRISTMAS Rev. John T. Layton has accepted an invitation to preach at, Tyus Baptist church Saturday, December 29th, at 11 o’clock, and nt Veal Sunday, December 30th, at 11 o’clock. Baby chicks from woll seloctod and inspected flocks. Populnr broeds. Place orders nt once. Buy at homo and know what you oro gotting. Visitors welcome at all times.—Fourth District A. & M School--N. V. Davis. ISocttfnc Total Acct’s. und Bills pnyablo Sept. 30, 1923 $17,764.93 WATER WORKS DEPARTMENT. Operating Account. Balance on hand Sept. 30, 1923.... $ 1,008.60 Receipt*. Water Sales $14,205.24 Water Taps 75.90 Sewer Tape 61.00 Sundry Sources.... 137.26 Total Receipts.... 14,539.40 $16,548.00 Disbursements. -abor $ 4,855.98 Material 4,781.95 Power 2,286,26 Gon. Expense 382.71 Freight 378.84 Mandcvillo Mills Ext 1,000.00 New Pump 120.00 Totnl Disburse ments 14,824.74 Ralanco on hand Sept. 30, 1923.. 723.26 TOTAL THE BUSINESS THAT SERVICE BUILT Merry Christmas To You t We all welcome the season when the feeling of love abounds and unselfishness finds expres sion in gifts that are given and kind words that are spoken. It is fine to think of giving instead of receiving. How fine it would be if we could have the spirit of this glorious season with us al ways. May it come to you this Christmas and remain with you all the days of 1924 is our ear nest wish. Permit us at this opportunity to give thanks to all our loyal friends for the business entrusted to our care in 1923. Favor us with a continuance of your patronage and we will never give you cause to regret it. Harris Hardware Co. “The Winchester Store’* $15,648.00 gi | Helpful Hints j Gifts That Cost Little But Mean Very Much Three more shopping days before Christmas! The choicest selections are going fast—come in and see for yourself. Rain or shine, don’t delay another day, as you may wait too late to get the thing you want. Here are a few gift suggestions: American “Needle Etched” Glassware.. Pyrex Transparent Oven Dishes. Candles and Candle Sticks. Flower Bowls (blue, green and gold.) Buffet Sets (blue, green and gold.) Colored and Crystal Colognes. Continetal Ultra Plate: Vases, Bon Bon Dishes, Baskets, Bread Trays, Sandwich Trays, Wait- ers, Etc. i - 2? Bronchial Asthma Imported Japanese Flowers. HARRIS HARDWARE CO. THE WINCHESTER. Bronchial asthma, or expiratory dyspnoea, is a chronic af fection of the bronchi characterized by great difficulty in breathing, recurring at intervals, accompanied by wheezing sounds, a sense of constriction in the chest, and sometimes cough and expectoration. It is caused by an impingement of nerves of the eighth or ninth intervertebral zone, interfering with the motor function, producing the muscular contraction, and calorific, bringing about the hyperaemia and swelling. There may be chills, depression, vertigo, bronchial or thoracic oppressions, or nervous symptoms. Nocturnal attacks are very common. The patient awakes with a distressed feeling of a lack of breath, and great oppression in the chest. Wheezing sounds accompany the labored breathing, and the face becomes cyanosed. This is the expiratory dyspnoea, as the air is pre vented from escaping by the contraction of the smaller bron chi. This may last a few minutes, or several hours. The pulse is rapid and small, face is covered with perspiration, and when the attack is over, the patient falls into a deep sleep from the extreme exhaustion. Patients suffering with this incoordination usually develop an asthmatic hump, or marked prominence of lower cervical and upper dorsal vertebrae, and sometimes a barrel-shaped chest with prominent sterno-mastoid muscles. Adjustment of the subluxated vertebrae restores normal transmission of motor and calorific function to the bronchi, and thus the cause is removed, and the attacks cease. If you are suffering from this malady ,see your Chiropractor at once, and have the cause adjusted. Lamar S. Brown Chiropractor