The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 20, 1923, Image 7

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LARGE ATTENDANCE AT FIRST POULTRY SHOW LAST WEEK Over 1900 People Visit Show During First Two Days Carroll’s first annual Poultry Show opened on Depot street on Tuesday, December 11th, with approximately three hundtod of some of the finest birds in this section of the country. Not only was Carroll county repre sented, but birds were in the show from as far away as Columbus, Macon, Grif fin and other points. During the first day about 900 people visited the show hall and 1,000 visited it the second day and the third day was a record breaker with 1180 visitors. Favorable comments could bo heard from many visitors, Tho Jersey Black Giant, Leghorn, Orpington, Plymouth Rock, Rhode Is land Reds and Wyandottes were well represented. Other popular breeds wore represented in smaller numbers. This show was a credit to Carrollton and Carroll county and we feel very proud of tho fact and trust that this shall bo made an annual event with,ono hundred per cent improvement for next year and from year to year. Those fostering this movement should bo congratulated. And sinco there were so many cb-operating agencies, it would be difficult to designate every ono. However, mention should bo made of tho Times and Free Press and Mr. Geo. Gray for creating sentiment for tho show. Mr. Gray has given un- stintingly of his timo and experience. Others active were Mr. C. B. Ingram, the efficient and active County Agent, Mrs. V. D. Whatley, the Home Demon stration Agent, the Carroll County Poultry Association, Mr. N. V. Davis •of the A. & M. School, and Mr. E. E. Twiggs of the Trade Board. The greatest thanks are to those who made the show possible by their con tributions. This act is only ono of many so characteristic of tho local and enterprising individuals and firms of this community. With such a spirit Carroll and Carrollton will never fail. PRIZE WINNERS Tho prizes have been awarded and well distributed both locally and abroad. The details of tho prize win ners arc as follows: SWEEPSTAKES WINNERS Sweepstakes Pen—White Leghorns, Runny Acres Farm, H. H. Alexander, Prop., Carrollton, Ga. Sweepstakes Hen—Whito Plymouth Rock, 8. D. Wright, Columbus. Sweepstakes Cockerel Barred Ply mouth Rock, Goldworth Farm, Felix Williams, Villa Rica, Ga. Sweepstakes Pullet—White Wyan dotte, H. P. Fleming, Macon, Ga. SINGLES AND PEN WINNERS Jersey Black Giant. lBt Cock—A. E. Wright, Hill Crest Farm, Orchard Hill, Ga. 2nd Cock—A. E. Wright, Hill Crost Farm, Orchard Hill, Ga. 1st Hen—A. E. Wright, Hill Crest Farm Orchard Hill, Ga. 2nd Hen—A. E. Wright, Hill Crest Farm, Orchard Hill, Ga. 1st Cockerel—A. E. Wright, ffill Crest Farm, Orchard Hill, Ga. 2nd Cockerel—A. E. Wright, Hill Great Farm, Orchard Hill, Ga. 3rd Cockerel—C. L. Masdon, Clem. 1st Pullet—O. E. Wright, Hill Crest Farm, Orchard Hill, Ga. 2nd Pullet—Mrs. W. B. nansard, Car rollton, Ga. 1st Pen—A. E. Wright, Orchard Hill. Ancona. 1st Pen—C. L. Masdon, Clem, Ga. Langslian. 1st Hen—Ira Zachary, Carrollton. 1st Pullet—Ira Znchery, Carrollton 1st Cockerel—Ira Znchery, Cnrrollton. 1st Pen—Mrs. W. B. Hnnsnrd, Carroll ton, Ga. Leghorn (brown.) 1st Hen—J. D. Williams, Carrollton. 1st Cockerel—C. Hyde, Carrollton 1st Pullet—C. Hyde, Carrollton, Ga 1st Pcn-pC. Hyde, Carrollton, Ga. 2nd Pen—J. D. Williams, Carrollton. Leghorn (white.) 1st Cock—. lst Hen-John Chappell, Carrollton. •2nd Hen—J. W. Duncan, Carrollton 1st Cockerel—J. W. Duncan, Carroll ton, Ga. . „ 2nd Cockerel—Sunny Acres harm, H. H. Alexander, Prop., Carrollton, Ga. 3rd Cockerel—Mrs. A. W. Alexander, Carrollton, Ga. lst Pullet—John Chappell, Carrollton, Route 5. ., 2nd Pullet—Mrs. A. W. Alexander, •Carrollton, Ga. 3rd Pullet—Sunny Acres Farm, H. H. Alexander, Prop., Carrollton, Ga. lst Pen—Sunny Acres Farm, H. u. Alexander, Carrollton, Ga. 2nd Pen—John Chappell, Carrollton. 3rd p en _w. II. Kinney, Carrollton. Minorca (Black.) 1st Cockerel—c. M. Douglas, Carroll ton, Ga. n 2nd Cockerel—C. M. Douglas, Car rollton, Ga. « ■ Tr 3rd Cockerel—W. H. Farmer, Jr., Carrollton, Ga. 1st Pullet—W. H. Farmer, Jr., Car rollton, Ga. 2nd Pullet—W. H. Farmer, Jr., Car rollton, Ga. 3rd Pullet—W. II. Farmer, Jr., Car rollton, Ga. Orpington (Buff.) 1st Hen—A. C. Rnby, Macon, Go. lst Cockerel—A. C. Baby, Macon. 2nd Cockerel—A. C. Baby, Macon. 3rd Cockerel—Mrs. Joo Martin, Car rollton, Ga. lst Pullet—A. C. Rnby, Macon, Ga. 2nd Pullet—Mrs. Joo Martin, Car rollton, Ga. 3rd Pullet—Mrs. Joe Martin, Carroll ton, Go. lst Pen—A., C. Rnby, Macon, Ga. 2nd Pen—Mrs. Joe Martin, Carroll ton, Ga. Plymouth Rock (Barred.) 2nd Hen—Goldworth Form, Felix Wil- Williams, Prop., Villa Rico, Ga. 2nd Cock—Goldworth Farm, Felix WillinmB, Prop., Villa Rica, Ga. lst Hen—V. B. Toney, Carrollton, Ga. 2nd H6n—Goldworth Farm Felix Wil liams, Prop., Villa Rica, Ga. lst Cockerel—Goldworth Farm, Felix Williams, Prop. 2nd Cockerel—V. B. Hay, CaTrollton. 3rd Cockerel—J. H. Turner, Carroll ton, Ga. lst Pullet—Goldworth Farm, Felix Williams, Prop. 2nd Pullet—Goldworth 'Farm, Felix Williams, Prop. 3rd Pullet—V. B. Toney, Cnrrollton. 1st Pen—Goldworth Farm, Villa Rica. 2nd Pen—J. H. Turner, Carrollton. 3rd Pen—Goldworth Farm, Villa Rica. Plymouth Rocks (Partridgo.) 1st Cock—G. S. King, Douglnsville. lst nen—G. 8. King, Douglnsville. 2nd Hen—G. S. King, Douglnsvillo. lst Pern—G. S. King, Douglnsville. Plymouth Rocks (White.) lst Cock—8. D. Wright, Columbus. 2nd Cock—W. A. Nixon, Carrollton, lst Hen—S. D. Wright, Columbus. 2nd Hen—W. A. Nixon, Carrollton. 1st Cockerel—8. D. Wright, Colum bus, Ga. 2nd Cockerel—8. D. Wright, Colum bus, Ga. 3rd Coakerel—8. D. Wright, Colum bus. 1st 'Pullet—8. D. Wright, Columbus. 2nd Pullet—8. D. Wright, Columbus, lst Pen—W. A. Nixon, Carrollton. R. I. Reds (S. C.) 1st Cock—A. II. Jennings, Macon. 2nd Cock—H. II. Jones, Banning. 3rd Cock—W. W. and Mrs. Loiln Bas kin, Carrollton, Ga. lst Hen—W. W. and Mrs. Delia Bas kin, Cnrrollton, Ga. 2nd Hon—A. II. Jennings, Macon. 3rd Hen—W. W. and Mrs. Leila Bas kin, CaTrollton, Ga. lst Cockerel—A. H. Jennings, Macon. 2nd Cockerel—H. H. Jones, Banning. 3rd Cockerel—W. W. and Mrs. Leila Baskin, Carrollton, Ga. lst Pullot—W. W. and Mrs. Leila Baskin, Carrollton, Ga. 1st Pullet—H. H. Jones, Banning. 2nd Pullet—W. W. and Mrs. Leila Baskin, Carrollton, Ga. 3rd Pullet—Mrs. Joel Burnham, Car rollton, Ga. lst Pen—Mrs. Jool Burnham, Car rollton, Ga. 2nd Pen—W. W. and Mrs. Leila Bas kin, Carrollton. 3rd Pen—H. H. Jones, Banning, Ga. Wyandottes (White.) 1st Cock—H. P. Fleming, Macon. 1st Hen—II. P. Fleming, Macon. 1st Cockerel—H. P. Fleming, Macon, lst Pullet—II. P. Fleming, Macon, lst Pen, R. D. Gray, Clem, Ga. Display. lst Rhode Island Reds-—W. W. and Mrs. Leila Baskin, Carrollton, Ga. :ml Barred Plymouth Rock—Gold- worth Farm, Felix Williams, Villa Rica. 3rd Rhode Island Reds—H. H. Jones, Banning, Ga. Eggs (Brown.) 1st—Mrs. Leila Baskin, Carrollton. 2nd—Mrs. W. G. Mitchell. 3rd Mrs. Leila Baskin, Carrollton. Eggs (White.) 1st—T. 8. McLendon, Carrollton. 2nd—T. 8. McLendon, Carrollton. 3rd—Hill Crest Farm, Orchard Hill. CARROLLTON, R. 7 M Edgar Matthews and daughter, MCjl ILv vis, and Miss Beulah Cook went to Carrollton last Wednesday shopping. Miss Floris Brock spent Saturday night with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hudson announce tho birth of a baby boy. Master Clarence MatthewB spent last Baturday night with Master Walter Brock. Mr. Charley Dean went to Mande- villo Sunday afternoon calling on friends. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Akin spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Evans, near Mandcvillo. Miss Alma Matthews spent last Sun day with her cousin, Miss Floris Brock. Mrs. Grady Brock went to Carrollton Monday to do her Christmas shopping. The third Sunday and Saturday be fore are regular meeting days at Pleas ant View. Rev. Cole is tho pastor for tho coming year. Rev. Cole filled the pulpit on Saturday but Sunday School and preaching was rained out on Sun day. Jones Drug Company Ready To Serve You Three More Shopping Days Why Delay? Select Today Shop Early in the Morning. Open Evenings Xmas Gift Stationery The big 4-in-l $2.00 box with four colors—Pink, Blue, Canary and White. Priced, the box $1.00 Other Gift Stationery 50c to $1.00 Mavis Perfume Gift Sets The $2.00 Gift Set $1.75 The $3.00 Gift Set ;...""I"$2.75 Mavis Toilet Water i.oo Small Toilet Water 25<? Double Compact (New) $2.00 Eveready Flash Lights 75c Vivadou Vanity Size Narcisse Perfume $1.00 Gillette Safety Razors 75c Melba Man’s Gift Set Melba Perfume Gift Sets Contains Shaving Lotion, Man’s Talcum for the face, ~ __ Styptic Pencil and Toilet $1.75 PflCed $1 .75 tO $3.50 Soap. con L’ORIGAN) > Contains: 1 Art Jar Talcum. 1 Box Coty Face Powder. GIFT SETS) 1 Large Bottle of Perfume. 1 Big Size Toilet Water. Priced for quick selling at $15 Cutex Manicure Sets The Small Set 60c The Five Minute Set $1.00 The Boudoir Set $3.00 A Good Hot Water Bottle $1.50 Pearl Handle Nail Files 35c CHRISTMAS TAGS, SEALS, RIBBON, AND RED, GOLD, AND SILVER TWINE, HOLLY PAPER. Big Pink Pow der Puffs 25c Melba Silver Double Compact.... Garden Glow Double Compact.. Garden Glow Single Compact Garden Glow Compact Rouge... Armand Compact Powder $1.50 $1.50 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Garden Glow Perfumes : 50c Garden Glow Toilet Water $1.00 Three Flower Toilet Water $1.50 Three Flower Perfume $1.50 Mavis Toilet Water $1.00 Big, White, Pink Ribbon-tied Baby Rings and Blue 25c WHITE IVORY COMBS, HAIR BRUSHES, Three Flower HAND MIRRORS, HAIR RECEIVERS, POW- Perfume Sets DER PUFFS. only Child’s 25c Nothing More We Can Tell You. A Look-by You is Better Than a Talk by Us. Jones Dru. any L.i || - —■