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Editor and Publisher. s
<|)rofc ,'iimnf & fin- dank
Join *i. btishki. \^2>,
Will promptly attend to all business entrusted to
him. dec 17, ’BO.
Dm. :v i*.
Tenders his professional services to the surround
in'' country. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and the dis
cuses of women a specialty.
Feb.l3th, 1880. ly
ntm iui> i
Gainesville, (Ja.
l'ronipt and faithful attention given to all busi
ness placed in his hands.
>NT/v HI YfTTvg Ik
I J&. V,
V Jg)#% 1 J h^li
m v ttM
%■ - ill
L c
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•0l& ‘S9A!U>J ‘SAfJOJ ‘SUQOCS§ P©P|d- jaA S?S
hxoos ‘ecHEOTTOH
Maysville Shoe Factory.
"We manufacture all kinds of SHOES; mens*
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most popular styles, and
11 arrant our If 'uric Equal to
any Goods on the llcirhet.
AVc have experienced workmen. employed, for
both coarse and line work. As wc defy competi
tion in quality, ju ices and service, w'o hoj>e to
have the pleasure of supplying you with Hoots and
Maysville, Ga.
also keep constantly on hand a select
,stock of Groceries and Provisions. Racon, Lard,
Sugar. Coffee. Syrup. Dry Goods. S.c.. &e.
Sermon by Rev. T. DeWift Talmage.
Moreover, his mother made him a little coat,
and brought i f to him from year to year, when
she came up with her husband to offer the yearly
sacrifice. 1 Samuel ii., 10.
The story of Deborah and Abigail is very
apt to discourage a woman’s soul. She says
witiiin herself, “ It is impossible that I over
achieve any such grandeur of character, and
I don’t mean to try asthoughachild should
refuse to play the eight notes because she
cannot execute a “William Tell.” This
Hannah of the text differs from the persons
I just now named. She was au ordinary
woman, with ordinary intellectual capacity,
placed in the ordinary circumstances, and
yet, by extraordinary' piety, standing out
before all the ages to come, the model Chris
tian mother. Hannah was the wife of Klkanah,
who was a person very much like herself—
nuromantic and plain, never having fought a
battle or been the subject of a marvelous
escape. Neither of them would have been
called a genius. Just what you and I might
be, that was Klkanah and Hannah. The
brightest time in all the history of that family'
was the birth of Samuel. Although no star
ran along the heavens pointing down to his
birthplace, I think the angels of God stooped
at the coming of so wonderful a prophet. As
Samuel had been given in answer to prayer,
Klkanah and all his family, save Hannah,
started up to Shiloh to offer sacrifices of
thanksgiving. The cradle where the child
slept was altar enough for Hannah’s grateful
heart, but when the boy was old enough she
took him to Shiloh and took three bullocks,
and an ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine,
and made offering of sacrifice unto the Lord,
and there, according to a previous vow, she
left him ; for there he was to stay all the days
of Ids life, and minister in the templo. Years
rolled on, and every year Hannah made with
her own hand a garment for Samuel, and took
it over to him. The lad would have got along
very well without that garment, for I suppose
he wa3 well clad by the ministry of the temple ;
but Hannah could not be contented uuless
she was all the time doing something for her
darling boy'. “ Moreover, his mother made
him a little coat, and brought it to him from
year to year, when she came up with her hus
band to offer the yearly sacrifice.”
Hannah stands before you, then, in the
first place, as an industrious mother. There
was no need for her to work. Elkanah, her
husband, was far from poor. lie belonged
to a distinguished family ; for the Bible tells
us that he was the son of Jeroham, the son of
FHihu, tho non of JollU, the SOI! of Zupll.
“ Who were they ?” you say. Ido not know ;
but they were distinguished people, no doubt,
or their names would not have been mention
ed. Hannah might have seated herself and
her family, and, with folded arms and dis
heveled hair, read novels from year to year,
if there had been any to read ; but when I
see her making that garment, and taking it
over to Samuel, 1 know she is industrious
from principle as well as from pleasure. God
would not have a mother become a drudge or
a slave ; 110 would have her employ' all the
help possible in this day in the rearing of her
children. But Hannah ought never to bo
ashamed to be found making aeoat for Samuel.
Most mothers need no counsel in this direc
tion. The wrinkles on their brow, the pallor
on their cheek, the thimble mark on their
finger, attest that they are faithful in their
maternal duties. The bloom and the bright
ness, and tho vivacity of girlhood have given
place for the grander dignity, and usefulness,
and industry of motherhood. But there is a
heathenish idea getting abroad in some of the
families of Americans; there are mothers
who banish themselves from the home circle.
For three-fourths of their maternal duties they
prove themselves incompetent. They arc
ignorant of what their children wear, and
what their children eat, and what their chil
dren read. They intrust to irresponsible
persons these young immortals, and allow
them to be under influences which may
cripple their bodies, taint their purity, or
spoirtlieir manners, or destroy their souls.
- rom the awkward cut of Samuel's coat, you
know his mother, Hannah, did not make it.
Out from under flaming chandeliers, and off
from imported carpets, and down thegranite
stairs, there have come a great crowd of chil
dren in this day, untrained, saucy, incom
petent for all practical duties of life, ready to
be caught in the first whirl of crime and
sensuality. Indolent and unfaithful mothers
will make indolent and unfaithful children.
You cannot cxjiect neatness and order m an}-
house where the daughters sec nothing but
slattcrness and upsidc-downativencss in their
parents. Let Hannah be idle and most
certainly Samuel will grow up idle. Who are
the industrious men in all our occupations
and professions ? Who are they managing
the merchandise of the world, building the
walls, tinning the roofs, weaving the carpets,
making the laws., governing the nations,
making the earth to 'quake, and heave, and
soar, and rattle with the tread of gigantic
enterprises ? Who arc they ? For the most
part they descended from industrious mothers,
who, in the old homestead, used to spin their
own yarn, and weave their own carpets, and
plait their own door-mats, and flag their own
chairs, and do their own work. The stalwart
men and the influential women of this day,
ninety-nine out of a hundred of them, came
from such au illustrious ancestry of hard
knuckles and homespun. And who are these
people in society, light as froth, blown every
whither of temptation and fashion— the ped
dlers of filth} r stories, the dancing-jacks of
political parties, the scum of society, the
tavern-lounging, the store-infesting, the men
of low wink, and filthy chuckle, and brass
breastpins, and rotten f&sociations ? For
the most part, they catne from mothers idle
and disgusting—the scandal-mongers of so
ciety, going from house to house, attending
to everybody’s business but their own, be
lieving in witches, and ghosts, and horseshoes
to keep the devil out of the church and by a
godless life setting their children on the very
verge of hell. .The mothers of Samuel John
son, and of Alfred the Great, and of Isaac
Newton, and of St. Augustine, and of Rich
ard Cecil, and of President Edwards, for the
most part were industrious, working mothers.
Now, while I congratulate all Christian
mothers upon the wealth and the modern
science which may' afford them all kinds of
help, let me sav that every mother ought to
be observant of her children’s walk, her chil
dren's behavior, her children’s food, her chil
dren's looks, her children’s companionships.
However much help Hannah may have, I think
she ought every year, at least, make one
garment for Samuel. The Lord have mercy
on the man who is so unfortunate as to have
had a lazy’ mother!
Again, Hannah stands before you as an
intelligent mother. From the way in which
she talked in this chamber, and from th&
way she managed this boy, you know she
was intelligent. There are no persons in a
community who need to be so wise and well
informed as mothers. Oh ! this work of cul
ture in children fortius world and the next!
This child is timid, and it must be roused up
and pushed out into activity. This child i3
forward, and he must be held back and tam
ed down into modesty and politeness. Re
wards for one, punishments for another.
That which will make George will ruin John.
The rod is necessary in one ease, while the
frown of displeasure is more than enough in
another. Whipping and a dark closet do not
exhaust all the rounds of domestic discipline.
There have been children who have grown tip
and gone to glory without ever having had
their ears boxed. Oh ! how’ much care and
intelligence is necessary in the rearing of
children ! But in this day, when there arc
so many books on the subject, no parent is
excusable in being ignorant of the best mode
of bringing up a child. If parents knew
more of dietetics there would not be so many
dyspeptic stomachs, and weak nerves, and
inactive livers among children. If parents
knew more of physiology’ there would not be
so many curved spines, and cramped chests,
and inflamed throats, and diseased lungs as
there are among children. If parents knew
more of art, and were in sympathy with all
that is beautiful, there would not be so many
children coming out iit the world with boor
ish proclivities. If parents knew more of
Christ, and practiced more of Ilia religion,
there would not be so many little feet al
ready starting on the wrong road, and all
around us voices of riot and blasphemy would
not come up with such ccstacy of infernal
triumph. The eaglets in the eyrie have no
advantages over the eaglets of a thousand
years ago; the kids have no superior way of
climbing up the rocks than the old goats
taught hundreds of years ago ; the whelps
know no more now than did the whelps of
ages ago—they 7 are taught no more bv the
lions of ILiu Oeacit ; but It Is a SUainu that in
this day, when there are so many opportuni
ties of improving ourselves in the best man
ner of cultivating children, that so often
there is no more advancement in this respect
than there has been among the kids and the
eaglets and the whelps.
Again, Hannah stands before you as a
Christian mother. From her praj'ers, and
from the way she consecrated her boy to God,
I know that she was good. A mother may
have the finest culture, the most brilliant
surroundings ; but she is not fit for her du
ties unless she be a Christian mother. There
may be well read libraries in the house ; and
exquisite music in the parlor; and the canvas
of the best artists adorning the walls ; and
the wardrobe be crowded with tasteful appa
rel ; and the children "be wonderful for their
attainments, and innopent mirth; but there
is something woeful looking iu that house, if
it be not also the residence of a Christian
mother. I bless God that there are not many
prayerless mothers—not many of them. The
weight of responsibility is so great that they
feel the need of a divine heart to sympathise.
Thousands of mothers have been led into the
kingdom of God by the hands of their little
children. There were hundreds of mothers
who would not have been Christians had it
not been for the prattle of their little ones.
Standing some day in the nursery, they be
thought themselves, “ This child God has
given mo to raise for eternity. What is my
influence upon it ? Not being a Christian my
self, how can l ever expect him to become a
Christian ? Lord help me !” Arc there anx
ious mothers, who know nothing of the infi
nite help of religion ? Then I commend to
them Hannah, the pious mother of Samuel.
Do not think it is absolutely impossible that
your children come up iniquitous. Out of
just such fair brows, and bright eyes, and
soft hands, and innocent hearts, crime gets
its victims—extirpating purity from = the
heart, and rubbing out the smoothness from
the brow, and quenching the lustre of the eye,
and shriveling up, and poisoning, and putre
fying, and scathing and scalding, and blast
ing, and burning with shame and woe. Every
child is a bundle of tremendous possibilities;
and whether that child shall come forth in
life, its heart tuned to the eternal harmonics,
and after a life of usefulness on earth go to
a life of joy in Heaven ; or whether across it
shall jar eternal discords, and after a life of
wrong doing on earth it shall go to a home
of impenetrable darkness, and an abyss of
immeasurable plunge, is being decided by
nursery song and Sabbath lesson, and even
ing prayer, and walk, and ride, and look, and
Lfrown, and smile. Oh! how many children
in glory, crowding all the battlements, and
lifting a million-voiced hosana, brought to
■God through Christian parentage. One hun
dred and twenty clergymen were together,
and they were telling their experience and
their ancestry ; and of the one hundred and
twenty clergymen, how many of them do vou
| suppose assigned as the means of their con
i version the influence of a Christian mother ? i
; One hundred out of the one hundred and j
| twenty ! Philip Doddridge was brought to !
j God by the Scripture lesson on the Dutch tile j
of a chimney fireplace. The mother thinks;
she is only rocking a child, but at the same j
time she may be rocking the fate of nations. j
rocking the glories of Heaven. The same
maternal power that may lift the child up
may press a child down. A daughter came
to a worldly mother and said she was anx
ious about her sins, and she had been praying
all night. The uiuther said: “Oh, stop
j praying! 1 don’t believe in praying. Get
j over all these religions notions I'll give
i you a tlrc3s that will cost S3OO, and yon may
wear it next week to that party.” The daugh
i ter took lhe.dre3S, and she moved in the gay T
■ circle, the gayest of all the gay’, that night;
and sure enough all religious impressions
| were gone, and site stopped praying. A few
months after she came to die, and in her
| closing moments said : •* Mother, I wish you
would bring me' that dress that cost $500.”
The mother thought it a very strange request,
I but she brought it to please the dying child,
j “ Now,” said the daughter, “ mother, hang
j that dress on the foot of my bed,” and the
I dress was hung there, on the foot of the bed.
(Then the dying girl got up on one elbow and
1 looked at lie: mother, and then pointed to
j the dress, and said : “ Mother, that dress is
the price of my soul!” Oh, what a momen t
ous thing it is to be a mother!
Again, and lastly’, Hannah stands before
yon the rewarded mother. For all the coats
she made for Samuel, for all tho prayers she
offered for him, for all the discipline exerted
lover him, she got abundant compensation in
i the piety, and tho usefulness and tho popu
| larity of her son Samuel; and that is true in
j all ages. Every mother gets full pay for all
I the prayers and tears in behalf of her chil-
I dren. That man useful in commercial life ;
that man prominent in a profession; that
master mechanic —why', every step he takes
in his life lias an echo of gladness in the old
heart that long ago taught him to be a Chris
tian, and heroic and earnest. The story of
what you have done or what you have writ
ton, of the influence you have exerted, has
gone back to the old homestead—for there i3
someone always ready' to carry good tidings
—and that story makes the needle in the old
mother’s tremulous hand fly quicker, and the
flail in the father’s hand come down upon
the barn floor with a vigorous thump. Pa
rents love to hear good news from their chil
dren. Do you send them good news always ?
Look out for the young man who speaks of
his father as “ the governor,” the “squire,”
or the “ old chap.” Look out for the young
woman who calls her mother her “ maternal
ancestor,” or the “ old woman.” “ The eye
that mocketh at his lather, and refuseth to
obey his mother, the ravens of the valley
shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall
eat it.” God grant that all these parents may
have the great satisfaction of seeing their
children grow up Christians. But oh 1 the
pang of that mother who, after a life of
street-gadding and gossip-retailing, hanging
on the children thefipperies and follies of the
world, sees those children tossed out on the
sea of life like foam on the wave, or nonen
tities in a world where only bravery and stal
wart character• can stand the shock! But
blessed be the mother who looks upon her
children as sons and daughters of tho Lord
Almighty. Oh! the satisfaction of Hannah
i"n seeing Samuel serving at the altar; of
Mother Eunice in seeing her Timothy learned
in the Scriptures. That is the mother’s re
compense, to see children coming up useful in
the world, reclaiming the lost, healing the
sick, pitying the ignorant, earnest and useful
in every sphere. That throws anew light
back on the old family Bible whenever she
reads it, and that will bo ointment to soothe
the aching limbs of decrepitude, and light up
the closing hours of life’s day with the glories
of an autumnal sunset!
There she sits, the old Christian mother,
ripe for Heaven. Her eyesight is almost
gone, but the splendors of the celestial city
kindle up her vision. The gray light of
Heaven’s morn has struck through the gray
locks which are folded back over the wrink
led temples. She stoops very much now tin
der the burden of care she used to carry for
her children. She sits at home too old to find
her way to the house of God ; but while she
sits there, all the past come3 back, and the
children that forty years ago tripped around
lica arm-chair with their griefs, and joys, and
sorrows—those children are gone now. Some
caught up into a better realm, where they
shall never die, and others out in the broad
world, testing the excellency of a Christian
mother’s discipline, Her lust days arc full
of peace ; and calmer and sweeter will her
spirit become until the gates of life shall lift
and let in the worn-out pilgrim into eternal
spring-tide and youth, where the limbs never
ache, and'the eyes never grow dim, and’ the
stair of the exhausted and decrepit pilgrim
shall become the palm of the immortal ath
lete !
Cotton Picking by Machinery.
Cotton picking by machinery has long been
a dream of the Southern planters. The risk
of planting revolves about the picking season.
The bolls open irregularly, but they must be
plucked when at a certain stage of
ripeness, or be lost in whole or part. 8. R.
Cockerill, Vice President of the Mississippi*
Valiev Planters’ Association, believes he has
arrived at a solution of the problem. lie says
it is a fact that the bolls will continue to ripen
and open in due time if the plant is cut up
by the roots and stacked. There is no
practical difficulty in separating the cotton
from the bqll by machinery, if the stalks can
be gathered and fed at one time. The ap
paratus for this process has been invented
and works well. But everything depends ou
the truth of Mr. Coekerill’s assertion that
cotton in its last stages will ripen in the
Cash vs. Credit.
People who buy for cash always buy cheaper
than those who buy on credit. They buy
also more closely, and select more carefully.
Purchases which are paid for when made, arc
limited more exactly to the purchaser’s wants.
There is nothing like having to doubt the
money out when the article istoughtto make
people economical. The amount of indebted
ness incurred is not much considered when
the pay day is far ofT. Real wants arc few
and can be gratified for cash. llow much of
anxiety, how many heart burnings, disap
pointments, and regrets would be avoided if
this rule was strictly adhered to ?
About $7,500,000 has been expended on
the Mississippi river, aside from the jetties,
since the formation of the Government.
How they Live.
In a thoughtful mood a bov one flay
His father asked how printers live !
“ My son. why do you talk that way?
l)o you them something wish to give ?”
“Oh no !” replied the boy’quite grave.
“ I 011I3* wondered how they live.
Since you for two years nothing gave
To pay for receive.”
The boy thus to some purpose spake ;
The father, mindful of his sin.
Resolved at amends Unmake,
And sent the printer’s moteiV in.
Mother’s Empire.
The light, the spell-word of the heart.
Our guiding star in weal or woe.
Our talisman—our earthly chart--
The sweetest word that earth can know.
We breathed it first with lisping tongue
When cradled in her arms we lay ;
Fond memories round that rfttmc arc hung
That will not. cannot pass away.
We breathed it then, we breathe it still,
More dear than sister, friend, or brother;
The gentle power, the magic thrill,
Awakened at the name of Mother.
Yankees in Russia.
Hating the Germans, looking down on the
French, and disliking the English, the Rus
sians seem to reserve ajl their good-will for
Americans. With them “American” or
“ Yankee” is the synonym of indomitable
cnerg}', of intrepid enterprise, of wonderful
ability, and of frank truth tolling. They call
their own ablest engineers, inventors -and
discoverers “ Yankees” by way of compliment.
M. Gablochkolf, the inventor of the electric
candle, and Col. Prjevalsky, the bold Asiatic
explorer, arc sample Russian Yankees.
Once I was talking with a Russian friend
about the possible destiny of our globe.
“ There is no need of worrying ourselves about
the fate of the globe,” he said, “ for there can
be no serious danger for her so long as she
has on board our transatlantic friend. If a
collision with some other planet should
threaten her, the Yankees would at once rig
up a rudder, sails, or some other device, and
get her out of the scrape.”
The Russians aro particularly charmed
with the democratic manners of Americans.
These appeal to a characteristic national
trait of the Russians themselves. They
despite from the bottom of their hearts all
pretension, arrogance, and walking on stilts.
That is why tho Russians stretch friendly
hands to the people across the ocean, in spile
of the abyss that lies between their Govern
ment and that of the Union.
My personal experience is that American
citizens in general, and American business
ineu in particular, aro warmly welcomed in
Russia. On the part of tho Czar’s Govern
ment there is not the least fear that they will
inoculate the Russians with republicanism.
Once I asked a Colonel of gendarmes whether
he had any apprehension of dangerous results
iroin the close relations of the Russians and
the Americans. “ Not the least,” he an
swered, promptly. “ Y’our citizens are too
sensible and practical to be dangerous to our
G overnment. To imagine a practical Yankee
indulging in theorizing with idle Russians
would be to suppose the most improbable of
all improbable things.”
The Russian capitalists and business men
in general arc apparently glad to have Ameri
cans come here, and closely observe their
ways of doing business. They prefer to invite
American engineers to Russia instead of
sending their engineers to study in America.
— St. Petersburg letter.
Spanish Murders and Brigandage.
In Spain there is not much actual murder,
but there is rampant brigandage, which only
stops short of murder providing it can rod
without it. Even in Madrid it3elf, in one of
the finest and most frequented streets, a
member of the Senate was, only two years ago,
kept prisoner in his own bedroom and threat
ened with death until lie paid the ransom
demanded of him.
Bauds of robbers, as is only too well known,
haunt the mountain districts even in the
neighborhood of the capital. The brigands
are said to have friends in very high places;
they exercise a terror which prevents quiet
people from daring to give evidence against
them ; they walk out of prison if they are put
into it, and when they hold land they pay to
the Government just the amount of taxes that
they think convenient.
Justice again is slow in most countries, but
in Spain it scarcely moves at all. Every
process is secret, and everything is carried on
in writing. The pile of papers heaped up in
reference to the murder of Gen. Brim ten
years ago mounts up and up ; but it is not
even yet thought high enough, and a trial
seems as far off as ever. The Government
is as unable as any one else to insure a speedv
conviction, and if it really wants to get rid
of notorious criminals, it shoots them on the
pretext that they are trying to escape.
Something Inside a Pig.
Said Edward Everett once, “The common
people will always understand a speaker who
understands himself and uses simple lan
guage.” But some speakers seem to possess
the incurable faculty of always shooting over
the common people’s heads. The story is
told of a city minister who, after preaching
for a friend in the country, was told by the
“ You have given 113 a very good sermon,
with one exception, and that is, you used some
words our people don’t* understand.”
The former thought the latter was certainly
mistaken, and asked what single words he
had used that all could not easily unders
“Why,” replied the other, “you said
4 felicity’ instead of 4 happiness.’ Now, all
oar people know what * happiness’ is, but a
great many of them, I arn sure, do not know
the meaning of * felicity.’ ”
As tfie preacher doubted this, the country
minister said : “ There comes one of our
plain, sensible farmers t we will ask him.”
And as the farmer came up lie said : “We
were just speaking about a word—the word
4 felicity can you tell us what is its mean
ing ?”
“ Why, yes,” said the farmer ; “ certainly
I know what 4 felicity’ is ; it is something
inside a pig, though I don't know exactly
what Baptist.
r'" ? - SI.OO for Six Months.
\\ Cuv\\v.tvv\ws.
Austria has a petroleum region one cighth
the size of that of the United States,
The first census of the United States was
taken in 1700. The population was 3,929,-
Russia this year is importing grain, tallmv
ami wool, the very things with which she has
been accustomed to supply half the would.
The Scientific America}), estimates that
more than $35,000,000 was brought into the
United .States last year by foreign immigrants.
Over 25,000 tourists are reported to have
visited the Yosemite Yalley since its discovery
in 1855, and it is estimated that each of them,
on an average, left SOOO mi good money in
A couple of Cincinnati servant girls liavo
recently fallen heirs to a fortune estimated at
from sßo,o(Xfc to SIOO,OOO. The property
comes through an aunt who has deceased in
An English doctor says that in large cities
night air is often the best and purest air to be
had in twenty-four hours, and that fully one
half of all the diseases alliicting humanity are
occasioned bv people.
M. dc Lesseps counts on Italian laborers
to dig the Panama Canal. They bored the
Mounts Ccnis and Gothard tunnels, and are
considered the most steady, frugal, and in
telligent in such undertakings.
The cultivation of cinchona, which lias been
proceeding satisfactorily for some time past
in Jamaica, has now reached a stage that will
shortly enable that island to become one of
the chief producers of this valuable commodity.
The manufacture of brick is one of the most
important industries of Macon, Ga. Tho
material furnished by tho land below the city
in the Oemulgee swamp, and a tract extending
across the Brunswick Railroad, is said to be
unexcelled in the world for purity and firm
At Princeton, 111., two couples went sleigh
riding. A bottle of whiskey was frequently
passed around, and the sport was further
enlivened by the firing of pistols. They were
found lying in the road, the two men insensi
ble from drink, one girl dead from a bullet
wound, and the other badly wounded.
A clergyman’s daughter at Napa, Cal.,
went to a circus. On the following Sunday
her father preached on sinful amusements,
and used her case as an illustration. In tho
Sunday-school that afternoon he said that sho
was impenitent, and moved her expulsion ;
but a rote being taken all the pupils voted .
to retain her. - *
Bayard Daily, of Logansport, Ind., shot his
betrothed wife, Annie Beckly, last month,
because she refused to give him a dirk with
which to kill a rival. She was given up to
die, but surprised everybody by slowly re
covering ; and a few da} r s ago, as soon as sho .
could stand on her feet, she was married to
the man who had so nearly murderod her.
Man’s inhumanity to man was well illustrat
ed in St. Louis the other day, when Win.
Fanning, a Superintendent on the Missouri
Pacific Road, was run over by one of the trains
of that route. Mr. Fanning was not liked by
his employes, and after the great wheels had
crushed his legs nearly off from his body, and
he lay on the ground in liis death agony, the
inhuman men stood around looking at him
and refusing to lend a helping hand in his
removal from the track.
The irrepressible conflict erop.3 up again
in Washington, I). C. Two colored students
from Howard University attended a lecture
in Providence Hospital on Sunday, together
with white students from the Georgetown
College and from Columbia University. The
white students thought tho negroes were
patients on whom operations were to bo per
formed, but when they found that they wore
students they arose amt left the room. Some
of the physicians uphold the white students.
Rudalp Chapman, a little negro boy, found
a box in a vacant lot in Washington the
other day, and carried it home to his father,
who opened it and saw that it contained
valuable jewelry. The Chapmans are very
poor, there was not much to eat in the house,
and the children needed bread. But Mr.
Chapman did what all white men would not
do. lie sold some ragg for 25 cents, and with
the money advertised tho treasure in his
possession. It proved to be jewelry stolen
from Col. Roger Jones, of Pennsylvania
Avenue, two days previous.
What is known a3 cut glass Is glass with
incisions and ornaments with smooth surfaces,
appearing as if cut by a sharp instrument.
The cutting of the glass consists entirely in
grinding away successive portions by holding
them upon the surface of wheels of stone,
metal, and wood, which are made to revolve
rapidly. The first or rough cutting is some
times given by wheels of stone, resembling
grindstones. Afterward wheels of iron arc
used, having their edges covered with sharp
sand or with emery. To prevent heat by fric
tion small streams of water are applied. The
last polish is given by brush.
The United States is the only country
that has materially reduced its debt iu tho
past fourteen years, except the Netherlands,
which owed in 18G5 above $411,000,000, and
lias reduced it to $390,000,000. We have
paid off the astonishing sum of nearly $1,100,-
000,000, or have reduced our debt from
$2,056,000,000 to $1,880,000,000. We owe
less than Franco, Great Britain, Spain,
Austria or Italy. The Italian debt is larger
than ours by $50,000,000. France has the
largest debt-in tho world, or $3,027,000,000.
It costs to run our government, including tho
payment of interest, $300,000,000 a year, It
costs Germany $14,000,000 more than us;
Franco $107,000,000 more; Great llritain
$100,000,000 more, arid Russia $211,000,000
more ; and our expenses, omitting war ex
pensos, are almost precisely the same as those
of Italy, or $207,000,000. The United States
is, therefore, the most economically admin
istered country in the world, and with lar^i
debt-paying ability.