Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, January 04, 1860, Image 3

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,\o w AdvcrliM>iNcnls. Rev. John IV. Reid’s I’lio-pliate, Manu factured at Cireeucshoro’ lift. The subscribers offer to the planters of this and other counties tho new patented Fertiliser ot Itev. Jmi.v W. Rum, which it will te seen from-tho certificates of Dr. Sam’l., It. C. Damki. and Ai.hmht Kixu, all these excellent farmers, togeth er with that of the inventor is superior from the productiveness it communicates to land, and the low terms at which we can supply it, to any other now accessible in market. VVe propose to engage in the manufacture of “Iter. John VV. Reid’s Phosphate” in Greencsboro Ga. and will furnish it $ at the place of manufacture or ship it at the buyer’s expense to any rail road for the reduced price of thirty-fire dollars cash per ton. This fertilizer is the result of mnch pa tient investigation by Mr. Reid, who has been experimenting for several years in pursuit of a cheaper substitute for the present costly manures of commerce. That he has attained the object of his search the experiments recreated in the certificates appended to this notice attest: and to them we invite the serious attention of every planter. The known character ■of the inventor, and the good reputation sustained by the authors of the others must prevent the jmblic from suspecting any fraud in their rccoinmondatiens of this new anamiro. Wejwishjo bespeak orders fur the next •cotton aiul corn crops, and will make in stant provision for tilling every one with which we shall be favored. ‘The earliest applicants shall be first served, and wo so licit those planters who wish to try fertili zers to send us orders forthwith. The sooner they do the better for them and for •is- JAMES L. 15ROWN. JOHN 0. REID, Vert i/irate of J. T. Walker . Phh.o, math Ga. Nov. 9th 1860. 1 herein certify that T have been acting tis overseer for the Rev. John W. Reid, ♦luring the present year and that on the lAtlt of April last L superintended tho planting of about five ae.res of old thin red •upland in cotton, Upon which Mr. Reid’s teitliViKcr was nut at the rate of 200 lbs. to A lie acts*. I left in all, five rows unmanured, •designating them by stakes. The cotton in the manured rows came up two days in •advance of that in the others. At the time Tis our severe drought, commencing about the last of Jane and continuing through tl wo or three weeks of July, the manured cotton had so distanced tho other that the former seemed at least two or three weeks inpidvuneo, and all through tho dry weather it kept its color, and romainod green and’ flourishing, nor did it shed its squares like that to which tho fertilizer had not been applied. About the middle of July, sometime before the cotton had completed its growth, 1 found that in the manured rows each stalk had on it about three, times the number ol bolls and squares ns any one ot those in the rows stacked at lire end—l have kept carefully separate the picking from the two rows of each, and just at this time tho amount obtained from the two manured lias doubled the q 13)1 tity piek<i<l from the other two, and the, disproportion will be still more, in favor •>t the. fertilizer when all tho cotton is gathered in. in conclusion 1 state that nil the rows were cultivated alike plough ed and hoed the same number of times. J.T. WALKER. Certiorate of It. C. Daniel. I'IitMiMATH Ga. Nov. J2th 1860. 1 herein certify that 1 have seen the otton of Mr. Reid which has been spoken of in tho certificates of himself, and of Messrs. Glenn, King and Walkor, 1 think i lie f’eitiliaer of Mr. ltoid increased tho yield o|/the land on which it was put to double its usual amount. 1 La’ e tried (he manure on turnips and find it referable to Rhode’s Phosphate, or any o her commercial manure which I liavojfvor experimented with. UUT C. DANIEL. Certiorate of Dr. Sam't. Glenn. PtUl.ojM (Jo. Ga. Nov. Ist 1860. 1 hereby certify that I have noticed at different stages of its growth some cotton 4iftheßev. John W. Reid's, manured by xi fertilizer, compounded by himself. A fail test was made by putting on about two InUidred pounds per acre, and leaving some rows at different places not maim rod—and although it was a jvery dry season here, and m:inine made hut a poor showing, yet l have no hesitation in saying that the crop was doubled and perhaps will turn out ,111. ire than double the utimnnured part. JBAML. GLENN, M. 1). Certificate of Albert King. Pmi.oMA.TU, Ga. Nov. 9th 1860. 1 herein certify that oij the 12th or 13th .of last July l saw some cotton of the Rev. JohnW. lteid, upon all of which except five rows his fertilizer had been applied. The manured cotton in my opinion was at least three weeks more advanced than that in the rows not manured. It also look ed fresher and greener, nor did it appear to be suffering from the drought like that which was unmannred. And my examination of the same cotton -to-day convinces me. that the rows on which tho fertilizer was put will make -.twice as much cotton to the row ns the others. ALBERT KING. Certificate of lire. John IK. Uriel. Philomath, Ga. Nov. 10th 1860. I certify that the statements of Messrs. King, Daniel. Glenn, Simpson and Walk er, are iu tho inaiu correct. These gentle men only disagree in opinion as to the dif ference of yioltf between tho manured and tiiinmnnrod rows of cotton npon which the experiment with my f<-rlilixer was made. In everything else material, their certifi eatos corroborate each other, and I reaf firm them, particularly the assertion of Mr. Walker my overseer says that the fertili zer was put 7m the Uml at the rate of 200 lbs. to the aero. JOHN W. REI1). Novenilrer 28th W*tio. I>I.OIKS ( ill kinds neatly printed at NO dust 'dice, at snort notice. .few Legal Advcrtiscuicnls. GEORGIA, Gkkkn'b County :-Whero as Mrs. Sabrina Brown and Simeon T. Peck, apply for letters of Administration upon the Estate of Valentine Brown dec’d; These are therefore to cite and admon ish. all and singular the kindred and cred itors of said doc’d. to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the second monday in Jan uary next, to show cause (if any they have) why said Letters should not then lie granted. Given under my hand at of fice in Greenesboro this 3rd day of De cember 1860. •’ EUGENIUS L. KING, Or’dy. NOTICE. GEORGIA, Greene County.—T WO months after date to-wit, on the second monday in January next, I shall apply to the Court ot Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell all tho real estate and Ne groes belonging to the Estate of Mrs. Sarah Walker dec’d. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ad for division. SAMUEL R. WALKER, Ex'r. of Sarali Walker, dec'd. November 9th IS6O. GEOfIGI , Gukkns County-.-Whereas Wil liam 8. Davis, and Goodwin T. Myrick, Executors of the l ist Wifi and Testament of Mrs Sarah W. Rowland, deceased, petition the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory: Thsee are th to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show- cause (if any they have) why said Executors should not be dis charged at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county <-n the second Monday in January i.SGI. Given under my hand at olfiee in Greenei.boro, July sth, 1860 E ;GENIUS L. KING, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Gkeenk County.—-Whereas, John C. Merritt and Thos. J. P. Atkinson Administrators upon the estate of Lovitt. Mer ritt deceased, petition the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory; These are therefore toe to and vtmonish all persons concerned, to o v cause (if any they have) why said Administrators should not he discharged at the Conrt of Ordinary to he held in and for said county on the second Monday in January 1801. Given under my hand at office in Greonesboro. July sth, 1860. . EUGENICS L. KING, Ord’y. GEOiUUA, Ghrkx* Countv —Wlirrcas, William Sip.lcrs, Aininialrator upon the estate of Thomae I. Sanders decM. petitions to the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory; These arc therefore to eile and require nil persons concerned, to Bhow cause, (it any they have) why said Administrator should not he discharged at the Court of Ordioary to he held in and for said county oo I tie first monday in April next, 1861. (liven under my hand at office in Grccnoshoro’ October Ist lsi',o. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord’y. Admiiaistratoi ‘s Sale. By virtue of mi order from tho Court of Ordinary of Greene Conuty, will ho sold on the first Tuesday in February 1861 at the Court House door .in said county be tween the legal hours of sale, all the ne groes of Jesse Finch, late of said County deceased, tour in number. A credit of twelve months will he given to purchasers who must give notes well secured for their purchases. 0.11. SMITH, AdmV with \\ ill annexed of Jesse Finch. December 12th 1860. Giiitrdiau Sale. WILL bo sold in accordance .with an order of the Court of Ordinary of the. County ot Greene, on tin, Ist Tuesday in January next the following negroes he-, lodging to Jeitrey C. Parrott minor. Georg? 47 years old, and his wife Harriet 43 yottrs el I, and two children one of them 5 years old, a.Z'l tno other 2 years old, Sallie a woman 45 Vv : h. 0 old, and Edy a woman 70 years aid* Tortus .?’L the day of sale. * A. A. JERNIGAM*, Guardian for J. C. Parrot, November 7th. 1860. Luemi ft'or Sriic. 1 offer for sale my farm lying in the Ooun ty of Greene, ahoutsix miles from Grcenes boro near Smyrna Church, containing three hundred and seventeen acres. There is on the place a very good dwell ing house and out houses and a good Gin house. One hundred acres of the land is in the woods. There are t hirty acres ol bottom land in cultivation on the placo. It is a very healthy location. Any person de siring a small plantation will do well to call and examine this place before purchas ing olsewliere. Persons looking at the land Can be. shown the placo by calling on John W. Swan. WM. A. MOORE. November 7tli 1860. ts. DRY GOODS! WM. SHEAR, g Would respectfully announce to the public that lie has just received ‘W , Large Additiousil Supplies, &M® em mw m mm t Rich Embroidered and Fancy Dies SILKS: Superior Plain and Figured Black SILKS, Plain and Pig'ircd MERINOS and DELAINES; Fancy Ottoman REPS; French EMBROIDERIES, comprising Valenciennes and Point L ice NETTS, of elegant styles; Ladies’ Cloth and Velvet CLOAKS, of the latest styles; Ladies’ £ynx and Sable Fur VICTORINES, CUFF.S’nnd TIPPET/?; A large supply of Lidies’Nil V IFLS; ffjld Embroidered MUSZANN, for Vidius Evening Die ses; ‘ v A complete assortment of HOSIER’.’; Welsh, Saxony and Nliakcr F L \NNE/,S; Bleached and Brown SHEETINGS and SHIRT!NGN; 124 Linen NUEEIINGS; Irish and Pillow Case LINEN-8; 8-i and 104 Damask DIAPBRN; Damask TABLE GLOT7/N; Damask NAPKINS and DOYLES, Rich Printed and Embroidered TABLE AND PIANO COVERS; MarscillesQUlLTS; Whitney BLANKETS, of Ktra siy.e and Quality;a large assortment ol NEGRO BLANK ETS* Richmond Factory PLAINS and KA’RSEYN; GEORGIA STRIPES; Cotton OSNABURGS; And a Great Variety of Other Articles for % • • Family and Plantation (, all or which will hkpolo AT TIIK LOWEST PRICKS! The public ar - ro.j i l t* 1 all and examine th • assortment. Ne'cuber Uth IBuo—tf. iketv, Lesal Aslvertiscmoisis. GEORGIA, Guuknk County.—Notice is hereby given to all persons having de mands against Walker Lewis, late, ot said couuty deceased, to present them to ine. properly made out, within the time pre scribed by law, so as to show their charac ter and amount. And all persons indebt ed to sd deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment. M. W. LEWIS, Ex’r., of Walker Lewis. November 7th, 1860.—wGw. Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Greene County Georgia at the first regular term after the expiration of two months from this notice for leave to sell the tract of land belonging to the es tate of Samuel B. Daniel, late of said coun ty deceased, said tract adjoining tlie lands of John Colclough, James Watson, estate of William D. Ellington deceased &c., for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN W. REID, Adm’r. of Samuel B. Daniel, dec’d. December sth ] S6o.—2m. Notice. GEORGIA, GheeneCounfy:~Two months after date, to wit on the first monday in February next, 1 shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the Real Estate belonging to the Estate of Joel It. Chi vers dec’d. WM. O. CHENEY. Adm’r. of Joel R. Chivers. Novcjnbcr, 10th, 1800. GEORGIA, Greene County:—Where as, Thomas M, Fambrough, Adm’r. upon tho estate of Martha Wilson dec’d. peti tions the Court of Ordinary of said county, for Letters Dismissory. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause (if auy they have) why said Administrator should notjbc discharged at the Court of Ordina ry, to be held in and for said county on the first monday in May next, 1861. Given under my hand at office in Greenes boro November sth 1860. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord’ry. NOTICE. ALL those indebted to me cither by note or account must call soon and settle, as I am com pelled to have money to pay my debts. Take fair-notice. My Books and accounts may lie found at the old stand, and iu my absence Mr. W r . (iriffiii is authorized to receipt for the same. W. C. SMITH. Greencsboro Nov. 7th, 1860.—ts. GREENE MORTGAGE SALES. Will be sold before the Court House door in the city of Greencsboro on tho Ist Tuesday in March next between the legal hours of sale the following pro perty to-wit: 1 Lot harness and harness leather and harness tools f*and other materials used in the tnaiirJacpire of harness, two stitching Horses;” one Vice, two pieces of Iron, two Buggy whips. Levied on as the property of Jno. D. Thompson, to satisfy a mort gage, fi fa from the Inferior Court in favor of Jno, G, Beasley vs Jno. D, Thompson, property pointed out in said ti fa. JNO. D. ENGLISH, D, S. December 20th 1860. _____ - GEORGIA, Greene County :—All per sons indebted to the estate of Dauiel Mc- Donald dec’d. are requested to make im mediate payment thereof, and all persons holding claims against said tlec’d. will pre sent them duly proven, to the undersigned within the time, prescribed bv law. WM. A. FLORENCE, Adm’r. • with the Will annexed. ol Daniel McDonald, dec’d. November 7th, 1860, —w6w. - ~ IN OTIC {GEORGIA, Greene County : —Two months afterdate, to-"it: on the second monday in January next, duplication will be made to the Court of Orriipary of said county, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate ot Daniel McDon ald, late of said county deceased. WM. A. FLORENCE, Adm’r. with the Will annexed. November 14th 1860.—2 m. GEORGIA, Greene County. ALL persons indebted to James Dunn Dec’d. are requested to make immediate pay ment, and all persons having claims against said deceased will present them duly proven to the undersigned. IIIRAM R DUNN, Ex’r. of James Dunn, dec’d. November Ist, 1860. .tlisccllsiiicous AdwriisriurjHii. $310,000 Worth *f Farms, AND Building Lois, TN THE GOLD REGION OF VIE GINIA (Culpeper County’,) is to be di vided amongst subscribers on the third Wednesday of perry month , Sub scriptions only ten dollars each; onehnlf down, the rest on delivery of Deed.— Every subscriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging iu value from 810 to 825,000. These Farms and Lets are. sold so cheap to induce settlement, a sufficient number being reserved the increase in the value of which will compensate for the ap parent low price now asked. Ample se curity will bo given for the faithful per formance of contracts and promises, ane promises. lift More Agents are wanted to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal in ducements will be given. Some Agents write that they are making 200 dollars per month. For full particulars, Subscrip tions, Agencies. &c., nDply to. Stamp to inclose E. 13AUDER. I’ort Royal, Carolione county, Va. RAMSAY .& I lotol” “ S(m '° Buil<li " g * °iU ,ositn f l*d* Union Bunk, and nearly oppuhiftttS t *J| Jlugusta Georgii^ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Axl> MAXUJ^I Fasliionalilu Rradf-Mailo KIJiM HATS, GAL’S, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS uj , , ./J i ,T Our nothing is WELL MADE, ami is est!.... I : mg superior facilities fur sumta.ti kixc. th-v will be AuguMa, Ga. September 26. iB6O. Uni/ *.. ii i: c ii ill tt dnli it YeS vc t Brussels , ‘Three- Pin c a. ii :p e In New and Beautiful patterns 1 USw&VMI:■ Damasks of all Kinds, Lacs and i&nsM COIiNICS, HANDS’ LOfc^Sßl WINDOW Hour and Table Oil Clothes, Mats, Mat W % * * The Largest Stook ever sale JAMES. G. BAILIE % Ss!Bpf{>fs iiiid Fse:t!c;ai. EiKOAS> STIRVE’SH September, 12th, iB6O. ‘l‘- fMifcar^l K A.UFFER, IJAfC&-Co!W ESTABIJS,TiUD||Te ’ ITS. - Broad StiEdKp ‘177. Under the Augtista Hotej, Alogusta, Ga, * THE UNDERSIGNED WOOED llsPEre/lILTY INFORM Merchants and Healers that thjy lmfgjust"Sohipietetl their arrangements, foi/the filing I fill and ¥ Hjn^i fSeason. Our Stoic has been enlarged to DOUBLETS foxier size, thereby making it the kr ’ Store in the SfAUPJIEORGU f \Our Stock, which for Variety of tho inostlfSirable Goods, is unsurpassed in this State, will, in every respect compare favorite witfl’any house either in Charleston, or any’ other Southern City. It is our intenti)di tir<SttaDlish a regular If*!solesale Jobblm g H ouse, SELLING EXQHJSIVELY FOR CASH. Which, as an old fact, is the only wfy to Buy Goods CHEAP, ilaving a similar es tablishment in New York city', winch our Mr. I.Kaukfbu is manager, it is easy to be perceived that we have Superior Facilities in obtaining the Latest NOV ELTIES as they appear iu market. We would only ask life favor of an’ examination ot our Stock and Prices before going glsewJijro. and we will proveto tho Tradq that we can sell GoodJMHy%Cheap as any other Wholesale House; besides savMgy'our time for further traveling, and many other expenses* —: o : : O : : o : JUST REOBIVEI), Black and Colored GASHMIERS; SATINET, ANS and TICKS- Black and Colored CLOTH ; KERSEYS, OSeWs IDENIMSW ’ Georgia STRIPES, Marlboro’ PLAIDS and STRIPES. “ (ujujnjmS), CALICOES OF ALL Kl§yyj! Mohair, Debeges, Cedestialii LaveKa Clotb, Barogc,Blaines Bombazine, Alpacas, Delaines, Marellas, ALL WOOL Delaines ENGLISH MERUVOS!” Black Brocake SILKS; V Silk ROBES, POPLINS POIIARDS . Fancy and Plain SILKS ; | Hndia and J*i„a Slfe ’ It row n anrt White Sheeting Shirting ‘ Irisli LINENS, Table COVERS, Tablo CLOTHS; DIAPER DAMASKS DOYLES, NAPKINS, TOWELS, BRILLIANTS, Marseilles QUILTS ’ EMBROIDERIES MADIKS AAD HISSES’ IIQ OP SKIRTS! TRIMMINGS, YANKEE ACTIONS; HOSIERY, and GLOVES of all hinds. BED AND BDANKETS, &C., yVC. Our Manufactory of Cloaks and Mantillas. J The only one in the Souther States, iXt FULL OPERAMOm now • and we ve H tre to say Hint we can offer those Artilw BETTER finished, and more suitable-# Southern lAS IE, As (neap as any Korfhcrn Uoiim*, Just give us tho pleasure of an early call, and convince yourselves of the above facts: ‘ KAUfPEE, BAUM A fO, • 1755n0 ifAoroaTStreet Ii K tlllTßtt l’ * naffer ||..t. L Augusta! Ga. ■>*. bai ti ( tnxiiofn.UK ‘ i uii rri:i* a \ August 2.'11. iB6O. |uidy 2*l )8(,ll ts f % T Msscellaneoris Advertisenn Fair Rotic eto Debto^ All those hrfM-Oyfct late firm vis Johnson do not pay upbeforo Mairli C..i:rfc'.3 1 ejjM crimiuati-ii. W We we^H 1 i-1 M .Ml p ; ’ I ■•.I come forward 1 account-*, as I Jun e uMHI system, until! Those who do ltd cait s find their accounts in an Remember I warning to all nonc^trc • G.H.THM/ Greoi.osboro, Jan, fT.'-MI ;| i ’ . levs for flic last year million botlles, find froii Wj^J,'&*■'** stuuly increase in times par t, il isevid/t tliii* <*t'nug tlie coming year the consuinpfmi *'*■>„ ’each ncaror-e million bodies, Thisiijmcnsf iimnuitt could never have been sold fjj t fur the rave < medicinal properties contninyfjfiu ‘he propsru tion, and the sanction of U^c I prondmit physicians in those’ die country where the article is host ltpcyn, who nut only recommend the Kilters todlleir patients, but are ready at.alt times togivelestiinquials to its efficacy in till cares of stomatmio dcrniigcineuis and the diseases resulting tpcrclrom. This is nota temporary primarily, by extraordinary ciforts in the peting tiie qualities of the estimation of an dcslincil to be ns ini® Jinmettcr's^i^B tliesM mil 1 1 “ e.’mlit'.’ of If-’ ■ ■ per .linen- wS •dimil!*!:’. ftir.illg p- ■ ■ ’ ilivigorillmg i i ml rcjttycnalieg deuce of l!iour:u-.' ! .s v ho have experktr “jjfl preparation tvliilehß rangemciii.iami !■ ./aie:. th- advice of pi44J; all ib-le!eri'.ai^B u lor jSje . - Jm MB forgM 9 l-ody nH rate tIS H jHE ■ fp I J I 1 I ■ &shSSh|H ■ BKITTL |M drOEK >e< throughout th© ■