Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, January 04, 1860, Image 4

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WsfzsjEg'tziHt'- —haaailMaf ilWMiriEgßKrJEgKiagKai ItUiecllWons idvcrtisciuctits. DR. ITODS’ / khmShl wire. biiters, -Vre pnro tu-d unadulterated wi h Barberry, Solomon’s Wild Cherry Tree Bari, ■UwrlK’ Flowi rs, and Gentian Ur. IV-’s • Hh. Ul ■ fe ;-’ ‘ |§g| ■Pfrftctitv.'. F\Vest 23i Str-.-C, Bittuus in my ■ere n tonic is required Bused, mid cheerfully Suable .gfanJly -'A*di- Hid.B. s-iya, h -rr- rs Mail oth-.r rv: a---. Ike nt. S- She w ■ BtyspWss ■ “■" ■ Bf ;■ i \ S S-*v;W “ : - ■ - p . ■ w ■A ■ v* ---• |ii “oi* Idveptiwmeats. ; i] l ‘ r ■ - ‘ KA Fb Bb M H ■k | W E L E Y, , H B:>a.‘<si:s, Spr-Gi.AS- Q ■l'-iff-F ‘ n’ ■F"£ Bpjswoir* Repaired in (ho K • (m-.: Giazi%\ wmL- BY ‘ * Mpjwagwon. %’ Tt - 1 ‘ v ’■’ t :T htuiseveral yetitw |HtWfl£i-. ’■;:: i>ti3!.i'n-.'!y is tlowvpre ■cute in thebe;;:. ty K ■> i rehronaJHiterifeWW b X t i ‘■• s'£&[■’ ’ n at.) :s.-. '•V>h l*W ‘—-tv. ■b: WHisi.y ; f ? * # u 1 lajpu- lid n, MBS it ha? been. A.\*i') Vc-Vi.N T.Sll V, ■■•jfok, far 111, :.’ ‘,•••?, rsi/so- tm Tut: Fait, Bf,- ‘’ V:litA<'-..r^She i t- i” s, sßi. irr v.'rsSffm att.'s.a- Khavo b’C^L^f .Jforgidtbnjßtif.Vi owa Bis, have stwfetfy>fe-'afj<;ufco l in the Rs if just vetu.TicdtVom prtiKV’ ft traver •1 laud. Sure ■. :y ■■ ■ t ippitei-u ‘ 1. .• Eton, critical rbauggsy| run* and -ly - peptic Tdflb— to 4HBt t*’ ,ur w'licli the pliyaician ltaaeQ d ‘r Nervous A familiar to mcdkfti'wffftjMn ct>:ußPb df* rts partition of iron’ wort sa'utmy. 6,-r, unlike th” ul I ‘ r ’ W ‘ W ly aperient e.'eri'ni wfß .’ e cVcl ‘<>? era- withoitf ever beini ’■[MUc or infli-W rad.- frc. -.’ la It is this lal'Cr ‘otl'-yi'C v-Ptf. rtme.ty for P:io, upon Mob HIP-ur , • ... t , <••.,. - aiiis'ii . : !■-. . tendency which farm jjgjkL *^!S In “".wf. nr j etc !T. of those. Übclyltt ~’fc .r , titiraM& nit -n infr id. for the moat hr.lritpa! cases, tifo ati tidetit CoETIVKNK'S. . M *4 1 1 ••• fc-.l nS#ri ; - traced t . Dyaentnry, ccnGrlWed, cmnclotfng nWsfontly innl : -f tits cfltots Igive txwn -BKjy nn.l us'nm,shig.. I t tho local p>it4s ; liiss ofJtlceft snd erfMabj debil itating cough, a*:4 remifterft ticcttc. imiir.rie incipient<JoS*omj>rfifb, t : is rritSA.n. r.fp laved tho alarm ofTricnds ad phricDn*;Njwr>jrel very gratifying end interesting i>inr,ce|jggP>jiP In Scrofulous Tuberoti!n**s, lilts trrfmHßciftii. has had far more than the “ood ei njd cautiously balanced, preporations of iciWBF v. Hlioy* onv of their well fcnov a Imlutitic*. • .*1 The attention of firtialos cannot beifko coriSdentJp iniited to this RSitasDv an% e.sstoßA|®i !p rgses eg;, enliarly affecting them. jtt a ■ In Rheumatism, both chrome and ftlflamaterv—in the latter, decidedly—ffihaa l>o*b in varinhlv well ropotded, both as nlleytafftig pain ani reducing the swellings and attffbossSDf the joints and muscles. 111 Intermittent Foyer'-. it must r~ Jpeai-iiy he a’ great remedy and ’A” restorative,mv||its prog-i ress in the new scUlenwii s pf the ‘.Vest, vtfll proba-; blv be one of high reno n and hseftilncas. No remedy has ever discovered in the whole history of medicine, i®h prornp*, hap py, an ! fully complete digestion,- 1 l*t,W acOTdttiyft of strength, with an unusual dlspei*:!R r alJE : vb and choerful ercrefcc, immediately. il*v !■ tsr .Pot up in neat flat mcldlJfcsi.cus pic'e 50 cents per bes ; *? r eaieliv druggists and ooalers. Will he sent tree to any address bn receipt of thn price. Alt letters, ,or levs, etc., ahuutd be ad dressed to *, _■ 1 - n. n. . Srnm, N. Y. Ortchu 1.: (,:) *’ * SOIL-LIFT^^LOV/’ a suffine T*i o.ifmKtif afc'a depth cf twelve inriic , <jj%c Soil- Llftinpr Flow follows, dis inteenting ■i- ii‘"f there v.’.'.i i ■ X i :<iy even inches and will find thst they hve that represented- on the : r tpauw ska of this Piow. icitie horstf thfnncfvpt’the sole and trore dart-like in its figure,•*►# •tltnintble implement for cultivattnre will do the work of more than fiJay -fe’ with hoes. With the corn crop rim close alongside the corn, awl to thwfafl depth of twelve inches when j.-Aut three inch es high, and before the mils npmpy the space between the rows; this willjifi {be soil, move every coni plant with th&f*oil, for so slight a distance as not to saporate tfip- particles front the routs, yet so completely tocsraitigtbo tnsss that the plant may ho with the fin gers. This is nt tee thyftrvrh -- Itivation thsu tn be obtained by onPbu-vfe-l iiaeiugs, leav ing the soil in better tilth and catting of no I roofs. More than tycnfy thousand of thestkl |I 3m I'Uivfiih. ‘ One ilNn3ft‘!l%.if. -.-... T wo -J*W H “ wptn ciiftif... m 1 . L \ \... a r vi. :% KliseAiincoiifi Adyei'SisciucSi^ A Novelty iu the Art H'eritl ? PfiOTOfiRAPHY UPON PORCELAIN. Secured by letter? patent in the United States, England, France* an.l Belgium. THE AMERICAN PIIOTOBRAPIIIC POKtK LAIN COMPANY, No. JBI Broadway NewYork, f 1 having secured theirrovel and Ingenious invention by Americjin and European patents, are fully prepar ed to execute all orders for. \ Miniatatv Likeness of Persons on china, presenting aH the attractive and advantageous fca* litres of ordinary photographs the brillancy and finish of a water color drawing, and a hitherto unat taiiiid quality of durability, by being rendered as iOßjierishable aa tbe natural prop* rtics of the articles open which they are transferred. As (he patented process of tho Company enables the reproduction of Photographs not only on plain surfaces, but upon pueh as are round or of ony de gree of irregularity—portraits can be reproduced with faultless accuracy, andyielicacy of delineation, upon Porcelain wares of any description and dimen sion used as articles of luxury or of household utili ty, such a! Urns, Vases, Breakfast cops, Toilet Arti cles, Ac.; thereby securing-faithful portraits .and famishing a unique and exquisite style of of *. tides in dotnos'it use, In order to famish facilities for the gratification of the popular fnste, and to meet the wants of those pat rons of the Fine Arts desirous of haring Portraits’ on Porcelain, the Company have imported from Eu rope a collection of superior porcelain goods, inuriu, factured to their own order, which they sell at cost prices. Ar *‘ie American Company are owners of the patert right, and consequently the only persons authorized to use (he process, they have determined in order. To afford People in every section off the an opportunity to possets Portraits on China, -to make the following proposition to ■ Residents in the Country, who arc unable ; I to visit personally, the Atelier and Galleries in New York. Persons sending a photograph, nmbrotype, or dagnerreotype to the office of the Company in New York, accompanied by Five Dollars, Wi)l roccive-in return by express, free of other charge, A richly ornamented Breakfast Cup and Saucer, With the portrait ti'an.ffei red thereon. Ily transmitting a daguerreotype ami Ten Dollars. .W-- uvßiiljl £s v i # ‘4l they will secure in like manner. ’ A handsome French Vase or Ton'd Arti cle. with fhc portrait rrpnrdaced by tho patented process. Hy sliding a pair ( f daguerreotypes and Fifteen Dollars. .thdijt ivjll receive in r. turn ‘jPnir of rich Senes Vases, irjtn Hie executed equal to miniature pain fingi; and, in like manner, portraits can be repro duced On porcelain wares or “Vases/f no y quality of finish. ranging in price £from TScCnty to Ouc Hundred. Dollars the pair. N. H, — He pni lii ular in writing Iheudilress, town, county and 8-ate distinctly. ,A iletters to Ik- addrawed to Manager, American Photographic Porce lain Co.,’ f 781 Pr a ’wy, M • Nsiv Fokk. .'ini O-tubcr 17lh.lSi)0. :-f 7~ - PLUMB & LEITNER. Dn/ggit ts Sf Apothecaries. v ‘ 212 Hear fi f/ra Broad . Post Street. - °^ e ■Zf ‘ MWKTA -SEOKSIA. . ‘,V I o‘fnlly invite the attention of Merchant*. Plate rs, prod Ftiysiriai's, to oar large amt weji ns apr’eVl stock of C&4isH{rain;! Slf'tiiciiics 1 - CIIEiUCALS, DRUGS, 7 ; • PAIX-'PS, OILS, 4.rui cit olh<articl- sin our line. We feel assured that notion?-ho the -S uith cm olf-r a stock superiipr toquya-in Gshiiinkhsss am>V’i;ritv, am, Okmciai Pnsria ATiosa being made iu strict accordance w ilh the Korin ulna r T the } Uwtted States PSt^riattcoimin, f fril’cihe BEST MAT Pill A IS, and hv THE \ TROPES WEIGHTS and MEASURES. i ‘ Ourst'vlc of DENTAL AND SUR(?ICAL 1 RfSTItL MENTS is full, anti our arrangemonts (with tho best manufacturers, for procuring Hhppllefl at the shortest notice, is unequalled, i *. we are Agents for tho best brands in the • ftmsttry^'f White Lead And Zinc White. || T\ie Finest PcrlMMicry nl Choicest FOR THE TOILETTE In jagkt'variety may always be found in our ofocka \Vo keep always on hand a large stock of tho JiiVt Jiramls of FRENCH AND'GERMAN GLASS, For wjn-Cws, ‘Pictures, Frames, See., Ac. FBEBJJ \GARDEN, GRASS AND l -\FIELD SEEDS, From the ASa.t, (1 rowers in Largs Quantity , at the Proper Season. Fooling tKinSdent that we can furnish our customers wmh tlie best articles, on reasonable terms, we resmeetihUy solicit onlcrs and pledge ourselves to fill theui with fidelity and dispatch. -If any artfelc shanld not prove to be pre yiscly as r(j|rcscn!ed, we shall feel thankful to have it returned at our expense, and tlie mon ey will be ref unded. i PIUS BA LEITNER. Augusta,'Sys. September 2G, 1860, -ly. 4 DAfIS & BROTHER WE would i inbract the present opportuni ty return our thanks to our many friends-lor the sympathy ex pressed'aw manifested for us on account of ourmisforftino of the 20th of March last, and would infoiinthein, that we have built a com modious store on tho corner where we have done business for the last fifteen years and now ofEsr for sale a complete stock of staple and (auoT Dry Goods, embracing all the latest styles and designs of Calicoes, Delaines, Pop lins, Saps and Debaizcs, Cloaks, Shawlsand Dust*#, Table and Towcll Linens, 111 ck and rfrojJillpmcapun of all widths, Boots and ST among which we would call especial AjPjffitin to our Double Sole Russet Brogans, Nplo expressly for us. W e have crlsrged tjflff stock, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Hollow, Wvre and Cibckcry Ware. Hardware, Iron, PCist fcui Plain Skecl, Sugar, Cotfi-e, Sal', Bag g ng Rope, Molasses. Saddles, Bridles, Traces Ac., In Short our stock embraces whatever fifteen years eapeiicocc and close observation | have taught us the wants of tha peoples de- 1 tiittmli, • * f inslly w hatever we have is for Ssle as low ! be bought In any market. | DAVIS h IHIOTHRIT ! [nrvt'-a.Wu ‘let. )H. W 1 fjati 26-lyl HE SURE TO CALL AT MASSEY & LANSDELL’S liaise il lAMIgU I v \. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oil *; Tarnishes, Pt cut Medicines, &c. % - Main Street, Greenesboro’, geergia. HAVE IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE: 10,000 LBS. WHITE LEAD, FROM TO 10 CENTS; 2000 ■ SNOW WHITE ZING; 500 GALL’S. LINSEED OIL; 200 MACHINERY 200 a SPERM 200 “ LARD too • COLD PRESSED OASTOII OIL; 40 SWEET 200 • SP’TS TURPENTINE; 200 < 05 PEIMIT. ALCOHOL; 100 BURNING FLUID; 109 “ COAOII-BODV VARNISH; 100 “ ‘ JAPAN JOO “ BLACK JAPAN; 40 •• PIANO VARNISH ; 100 “ COPAL 100 •* LEATHER • 100 - ASPHALBUNE VARNISH; 100 “ TRAIN OIL; 200 - KEROSENE “ 10 OASES CONCENTRATED LYE ; 200 KEROSENE LAMPS; 20,000 CIGARS; 100 OZ. QUININE; 10 “ MORPHINE; PERFUMERY IN LARGE QUANTITIES, And almost everything else belonging to the Drug business, all of, which we offer at ATLANTA PRI CES, and to wholesale purchasers we will sell Drills Medicines. &c., at AUGUSTA RATES—freight ad ded. Every article warranted To be what it is Sold For. And, as we are having manufactured for us, several new brands of Lead in largo quantities, we can offer greater inducements in quality and price than over before offered in this market. Call and examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we fell confi dent we can give satisfaction. [Feb. 16, 1860. BY catling at Massey & lAHsdell‘s Drug Store and Examin ing some samples of Cure WHITE LEAD w e Uiiuk you will be conviuced at ouce that it is a BETTER article tbau the Union Lead, and can be sold for LESS MONET. WILEKE YOU (JAN BUY GOODS CHEAP. DeWitt k Barrett’s, R-tTVIUfi HARROW. PATENTED 2ND MARCH ISSB The f ir*t premium Harrow of (he em pire ami (irevH Mountain States. The Harrow that Ims taken the premi um', at every State and County fhir where it has been exhibited and Tested. I wish to inform the citizens* of Greene and tho adjiniifiig Oounuts, tTiat I have bought thc -STATES RIGIII ’ to ultove Harrow ; s and that T amnienafactur ing them at ’ ‘ ’ }>E X FIE L D and EORGI A, I have fifty nearly finislieil. I will soli the, Harrow at §15,00, or the “Farmers Right” for five Dollars Any one who can make a plough stock, can make one of these Harrows, as they are very simple in construction, except the centre piece of iron which is cast, it however costs but two Dollars and twenty five cents. A gen tleman who has used this Harrow says, I would state for the benefit of the fanning community, that it is the most simple and complete pulverizer that ever was invent ed, I have one in use on my farm (two miles from Anbnrn.) and I testify that it will do more work in one hour than a com mon Harrow will int.wo, I tested tbo Har row in hard soil, and in corn subble ; and I find it comes up to your statement to tho very letter &0., Any person wishing to purchase a row, can take it on his plantation and if it does not suit he may return it, and i will charge him nothing. It is tho very thing for leveling the ground, and breaking clods, consequently is iuvaluablc in put ting in wheat. JAMES M. LANKFORD. October 24th 1800. — ly. NOW IS TIIE TIME TO COMMENCE FORMING CLUBS FOR THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, ASH COMIC PICTORIAL Phunny Phellow!!! A Splendid Premium TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER!!! TIIE NEW YORK WEEKLY AND riCTORALPIIUNNY I’IIELLOW . ONE YEAR FOR TWO DOLLARS!!! OIIK T It MS TO CLUBS. 1 copy one year... .$2, and the Pictorial Phun ny Phellow one year. 2 “ “ ....$3, and a premium. 4 “ “ $6, “ 6 “ “ ft. “ 8 •’ “ —sl2, “ 10“ “ ..,.sls, “ 12“ “ ....$lB. “ Send for a Specimen Nunil-er, wltieli is furn ished free, and contains full particulars of PKKkfIDMS. STREET * SMITH. Kiutokh anu PKorsiKTossor tiik NKW YOltK WEEKLY. 22.1 Beckman Street, N. Y. Novemljor 7th 1800.—w3in. Fifty cants par 100 lbs. will be paid (or all buttes delivered to the subscribers. .TAR. L. BROWN. JOHN C. REIT), Oii KhIKEA! V. HAWP! C lit I,R\! UK IS tutors. This medicine has been TH V^U,U ,MN,i ‘ TliIKn . TRSTPIMind l-ltovni BEHhPI by thm ybai.-s experience to oe cue only ckktaix, SAFFand ucuaiu.k rent edyforall bowel dehanofments, diajikihrc Disen (cry, Cramps, Cains, Cholera, Cholic, Ac now before the public. One or tvro doses of 20 drops, will c.iire the most severe cramps in the stomach in 20 minutes. A single d.-sc c f ten cures the Diarrhoua and it nevei'’constipates the U>wels. One dose will satisfy any oi-o of its tiorita. Price only 25 Cents.’ ‘ Prepared by Trad, ife Stow, -Cl IW,w.erv, N York. And sold in U eonesboro bv A F.artsdcll. [apr. 11th, ’tin-iv ’ J June 1 Ith 1860. , v '^ v DR. J. S'. Ssrciigihcititig forUlal & Blood Purlftor. T!1 B WBKATKSTUKMEJJV I \THE WOJS IAS. • 1,, I It is strictly a scien tific ami Vegetahle com ponml, procured by tho |Sg| distillation of Roots, Herhy amt Bark. Yol j&g WSSI. A low Dock, Blood More MllgsSnrsnparilla, Wild Cher After taklllg ry, ai]dT)i!ulelioii enters it* compound. Tho entire active remedial principles of each ingredient is thor ooghfy cx'ractcil by my method ol diddling, pro ducing a delirious, exhilarating spilif, and the most iNFALLim.K Tcmcdv for renovating tho discaso<i sys tem, and restoring the sick, sutTdringand debilitated INVALID to HBALTH nild STBKKOTH. mcJLcaii's Strcngtheninii; Cordial WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE LIVER COMPLAINT. DYSPEPSIA, Jaundice, Chronioor Nervous Debility, Diseases ol the Kidney, and all Diseases arising; from a Disorder ed Liver or Stomach, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Inward Piles, Acidity or Sfrkncss ol the Stomach, Fulness ol Blood to the Head, Dull Pain or Swimming in the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Choaking; or Suf focating; Feeling when lying’ down, Dryness or Yel lowness of the Skin and eyes; Nigrht Sweats, Inward Fevees, Pain in the Small of the Back, Chest or Side, sudden Flush of Heat, Depression of Spirits, Fright ful Dreams, Laogror Despondency or any Nervous Disease, Sores or Blotehen on the Skin, and Fever and Ague—or Chills and Ft vrr. Over 2ft Million of fiottlcg Have been sold during the last six months, and in no inatar'chas it failed to giving entire satisfaction.— Who then, will suffer from Weakness or Debility when McLean’s Strengthening Cob dial will cure you. No language can convey an adequate idea of the immediate and alinoat. miraculous change produ ced by taking this Cordial in thediseaseed, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by exeess, weak by nature, or impaired by sickness, the relaxed and unstrung organization is restored its pristine health and vigor. married Persons Or others conßciou*uf inability from whatever euiwu will find McLean’s Strengthening Cordial a thorough regenerator of the ayatem; and all who may have in ured themselves by’improper indulgence*’ will find n this Cordial u ccitain and speedy remedy. To The Ladies, McLean’s Stk.ncthkninu Cordial la a sovereign and speedy cure Tor iNcjpiarer v -Nsum-iioN, whites, Obstructed or Difficult Menatration, luscuntinenre of Urine or Involuntary Discharge thereof, Falling of the Womb, Giddiness, Fainting and all Diseases in cident to Female*. TIIEKK IS NO MISTAK ABOUT IT. Suffer no longer. Take it according to Directions. It will Ktimulnie, strengthen, and invigorate vou and causo the bloom ofbenllh to moodt yourcheek again. var bottle ia wAßKAirrao to r.iva satisfaction FOR CHILDREN. If vour children are sickly, puny, or afflicted. Me Lean's Corpial will make them healthy, Inis ml robust Delay not amomrnt. try it, and von will heconviuerd IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE. Caittiow.—lll-ware o( Druggists or dealers who trier try lu palm off upon you some Hitter, or sarsaparilla trash, which they can buy t'heap, by saving it ia jnM as good. Avoid such men. Ask fur McLean'. Strengthen Cordial, slid lake nothing else. It ja the oaly remedy Ihnt will purify the blood thoroughly, and at the same lime*-!ronglbrn the systetn. One Uhleapoonliil taken erery morning laating, is a certain preventive fur Cholera, Chilia and Fever, Yellow Fever.or auy preuslent ditense. It Input oil in large h-tn-s. ‘ I’riee only #1 per Udlle,uF*fa pottles *{, J. II M-i.k.lN, Hole IVoprieL-r nt this Cordial, Alao It- Lean's Volennlr Oil l.timml Si. Louis Ml For ..Is by Ilsssry snd LrnwUtl. ‘ I'nt.'iit Mt'tlit'illhS, ayrr’s Ague Cure, v fob THK SI'KKbV CURE OF Intennitteut Fever or Fever and Ague, Re mittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache, or Bilions Headai.Sc and Bilious Fevers; indoed for the whol> Class of Diseases originating in biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria cf miasmatic countrios. No one remedy is louder called for by tha tt< ‘'t sitics of tho American people than a sure ami safe cure for Fever and Ague. Such u remedy we are now enabled to offer, with a perfect certainty that it will eradicate the disease, and with assurance, found ed on proof, that no harm can arise from its ne m any quantity. > - “ •,. ‘ That which protects from or prevents Otis disor der must be of immense service in the communitk* where it prevails. Prevention is I Hitter [than • jur the patient escapes the risk which ho must . in violent attacks of this baleful distemper. efouE” expels the miasmatic poison of Ft -a xyr> Aon* from the system, nnd provents tb- i velopment of tbe diseaso, if taken on the first re proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not the best remedy ever vet discovered for this cla ot complaints, but also tbe cheapest. The large q tity wo supply for a dollar brings it within of every body; and in bilious districts, where Futbu ■ ANB Ague prevails, every body should liavo it, and use it freely, both for cure and protection, ft is; turned this price will place it within the reach of all’ - tho poor as well ns the rich. A great superiority I of this remedy over any other ever discovered for’ o„d certain cure of Intcnnkteirts is, ine-t the spceo_, . -- conseqaentll’ it* it conimiiJ ? 10 Dninine o. . whut produces no quinism or other m.tnnoHS e...,,.. ever upon the constitution. I Those cured by it art, left as healthy as if*hey liad never bad the diseaso. ‘ Fever and Ague is iiot ulono tho consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disorders arise from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Bheumatism, Gout, Headache,Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitation, Painful Af fection .of the Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and Derangement of the Stomach, all of which", when originating in this cause, put on tho intermittent type, or become periodical. This “ Cube ” expels the poison from tho blood, and con sequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants, uml persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occasionally, or daily, white exposed to the infection, that will ho excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Iloncc it is oven more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Intcr mittonts, if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. ~ * . Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, nre so composed that disease within the lunge of /heir action can rarely withstand or evade them. Their penetrating properties'search, nml cleanse, and invigorate every portion of tile human organism, cor recting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. Asa consequence of these properties, Ilia invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy re stored |,y a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the c.very-day complaints of every body, lint also many formidable nml dangerous diseases. The agent b Mow named is pleased to ,*.-.. '-i. „ r ,- American Almanac, containing ,'crtirtcales of Hear cures and directions for tlieiruse in tbe following complaints: Co.-tipenes*, Heartburn, lh nhwhr. arising from it sardereil Stainorb, Nausea, Initigrstio i, J’a.v in anil Aforbiil Jnavtiou of the. liotr •'ls, Platulency, I.os* of Appetite. Jietmlirr, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of tho body or obstruction of its functions. They u'e-nn.excellent alterative for tbe renova tion of tilt’ blood’ and tile restoration? of fnnu. and sfrength n; the system debilitated by disease;. Be qiue to call at Mascy. & LansdellV an and price their goods before purchasing elsewhere! Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,. tor tub r.t-rin etrvr.rov Cougln, Colds;Tnfluoiizia, HbracAt'r,.;, Croup, 8.-onciiti.i, liicipiont Consumption, and for the relief of Conrajnptlve Patients in ad vMfcod stagei e.'lhj Discvc. So wide is Hi’ fu!-.! of,i{s u a fiiltios ‘, mu! so tiiuner mis me ('4Si'S of in mw, that nimo-t i-n-ry ki'ctioff of eijtl ‘Vhjfimii in [kisuii.s publicly knoivii, nln iiavcbrpu j —d from alarming nn<l fvi-n d--spi'rot<- itiai-n.a-suf.tUv Iprij. by ii - use. U'hen. <•>'•<* tried, it.s super i-iity vr cv- it uiber- in-'dieino sf its kin.l is too; rit toosi i-pi- iit-seTvatimi, .in f wlii-ao its virtiu-s aktiotni, tUu public no longer Aeait.s:-- what nntidotc to entpluy for tin-distressing imd dangemiM affections of tlie piiliuoiniry orgims >hal mu ineident to onr climnf--. While imiiiy in f-rior renv-iios thrust apinn tin- eomnnmity ham idled and !>--i ii ills, arde.i, !ly ; Im i gaittul friends by every trial, eouferred benefit; no lie- ntfiicteii th*y ran never forget, and prrxlnred cures too i-iinteiou*. anil too remarkstdc to be iiiry-'li- n. > l-BXIPAKEIr BY.; DS. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWF.I.L. MASS'. Ftir sjiUi J.H'.mhv • nd i). VVhifu P J iiuj*. |* ... I.• jflf'-S v. ~/&m& M4HHOOD. _ rjjtfeSfrW L.IIOMI.OST. IXMV ltl> l (MM:!i. Just published m a SrifluJ Jjj/trr/opc, A LkCTUB Ron TIIK N A I IIMKsTIIKATNKNT am iiaiuual CUU K (IF SI’EU SI ATott U IIOH A , #f S’ .i- ill WM & ll AiaA.S* X uiit Drbilitv. Nur v.uu kh I/ * % <<utitar> kniir-iuMi, producing ImpoKnry, Cor u ami Mei.ial a.t| I’bycicui l> btiiiy. By HOB J. rrJI.VF.R Yt l ) L. M I). Thr important Iwrl iltui ibc u I'm * itMi|tii!(s r*f H'll abiw may be < ls ctu-tl iriN-tciT wHlii.ul u>Ur nul mt dicil-’t’d or iho (birjirmis upplicaln >• ul c nr ir, iiijitritmitil*. irrd’Vi !*d bmjt#i. *.* •*- pirjcil (1* vici’H, is Ikk cl* m ly f’c it” t-H* *t il> *% cufitrly iifw an* huci* v* h>l • * * -niri'l, -r * ‘lhptud by Ihu erlrtiratni aiitbut j 01 iy *a| Ui’Mm:, ly ineatia of which cv# ry one is pir.M- il tijniirliiitinif perfectly, and at the least possible ►*. llmtf Iy a i tliiig all nrivoftisn! no^tiuii‘s ot ilu!(iy. This lec ture will prove a boon to tlioiiati< H ami tlioiiraiuU Sent unde.r seal tunny r* rT- p u. on IK receipt of two rlttntpr. Iv ato.n r/*ii |)ll. (-H. J. 0. KLINE. M I)., 4-SB Ft,*. Av ... . N v York. Pei Box 4588 ---Ami! 11.1.''tin lv. A. SISA VV U:iHigr:ictiir<‘i’ sintt Ilcnlcr in all KINDS OF F UKNITU RE. MAIN S*rKF.F,r, MADISON, OA„ RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the publicgcnerally, that h is nusv receiving his ‘ SPRING STOCK OF FUiINITUiI from New York aad P.uladclpliia, which, together with big LARGE STOCK UI Home ill aina fa <-In re<L makes his Assortment tlic most desirable to make se lections from, in iho up country. His Stock consists ol a Lirge Number of 1111 It AIIS ranging from #2B to $75 Rosewood, Mahogany, mid Painted Wardrobes ; Rosewood and Mahogany Marble top Waslistanda ; Jenny Lind Tall Post ami (’ullage Bedsit ads; some very hsndsonteCenlre and Sofa Table*, also Blackr- Waluut Extcntion Tables, It), 12, If and Id feet long.! QUART33TTS, by the Set or single one; llat Stands, and Towel! Racks; several Dozen of Mahogany Parlor Chairs;! Mahogany Rorkersof the different Sizes; Large and \ Small Curled Maple Uockers, with Cane Seat and Baek; Curled Maple Parlor Chairs, and also the (Vlebrsileil Col (age Chairs. A large number of Popular Cottage llcdfdead* with or without the Excelsior Spring Bed. attached’ as tlie purchaser may desire. The SPRING BED is offered at the VERY Low Priee of SIX DOLLAKN. Also, -in band, GILT and ROSEWOOD MOTJh I) y s s Os different sizes, which can be ent and put loveth er in FRAMES ol anv size, at almrt notice. N. 11. Sofas'in-I Mahogany Itocking Chairs riEIPAIPBTA I SIJORf ft) I ICE, and Ml --liter FUltVlfllltie Repaired with Neatness end D-.pslelt *1 he sulisrrl In-r ret urea his sincere thanks fur Ihetilarral natron age heretoforebestowed u,,-,, him, and respectfully olb*ll 8 4 uoriDmuiiiori of lly * S \ KS era * * t *' t * ur ** o,t will hr HMdr on CAKII leZTl! , w‘.‘.ro “.“a * mU ••>*- Msilison