Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, April 04, 1860, Image 3

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The next Ky. State Fair will be held at Bowlingreen, commencing Sep. 13. The Dadeville Banner *aya Mr. L. Da venport, of that couuty recently shot a wild turkey which, after being dressed, weighed eighteen pounds and a quarter. ty* John Bell Browillow, charged with killing James W. Reese, at Emory and Henry College, underwent an examination lest week, at Abingdon, Va., ana was balled in the aura es $-3,000 to appear at the next - court Richard Taylor, son of President Tay lor, is one of the delegates to the Charleston Convention from Louisiana. A letter writer says that he is wealthy, looks very much like his father, and is strongly oppos ed to Douglas. Can't Keep Up! —The Chattanooga Ad vertiser, of the 15tb inst., says: —The Etowah Iron works of Mark A. Cooper, at Etowah, Ga., are doing a driving busi ness, and making money tor the enterpri sing proprietor. We learn that the works have orders for two months ahead—can’t manufacture as fast as demand. Good.—* At the Printer’s Festival at Cleveland; on Franklin’s birth-day (17th ult.,) the following was ibe fifth regular ‘toast: “The Editor and the Lawyer.—The Deed lk satisfied with the copy of the for- Vtner. hut requires the original of the latter.” •CP” Undoubtedly the oldest man in the ■world says the New Orleans Crescent, is Capt. Viraux, of Belgium. .He was born on the 9th, of November, 1709; and is con sequently 150 years old. He entered the army in 1830, at the advanced age of 121 years, and remained in the Service until recently, when he was put upon the pen sion list. A Good Answer. —A young lady in a Sabbath School a few mornings since ask ed her class: “Uow soon should a child give its heart •to. Got! ?” One fittle girl said, “When thirteen years old;’’ anothci “Ten;” another, “Six.” At length the least child in the class •spoke: “Just as soon as we know who God is*.” Could there be a better reply ? Cure for Lisping. — A rapid and emphatic recital of the following is said by a pro vincial pqper to be an infallible cure for lisping: Hobbs meets Snobbs and Nobbs ; Hobbs bobs to Snobhs and Nobbs ; Hobbs nobs with Snobbs and robs Nobbs’ fobs. That is, says Nobbs, the worst of Hobbs’ jobs and Snobbs’ sobs. The Wheat Crop. —Travellers in Wes tern New York report the growing wheat ns promising and apparently safely through the winter. From tiie Western States the limited information we have is unfavorable. Ifi Wo quarter have we Uoticca other -than fluttering accounts thus far, unless we ex cept the latc-sowu wheat in a part of Ken ■ducky. The Legislature of’New Jersey has pas sed a law.ainl it has been signed by the •GoV'enrbr,,which in effect does away with ■the railroad monopoly so long enjoyed by ‘the Camden and Amboy Company. It ‘leaves some questions to be decided by the ’Courts, and if the constitutionality of the law is sustained, there will, no doubt, soon ihecqinpefing lines of railroad between New .York and ‘Peiinst lvnnia. Florida llusm. —'Vo have been shown by Mr. C. Temple a tine sample of Flor ida Roski, msnnittctured by Temple & ‘Brother, at Cutup Yulee, near Waldo. This neslu wasinadeMi February unusually -early in the season, and is quite transparent. W<*t;it rule island that the rosin from the Distillery of the . Messrs. Temple, was the (first sold in the market thisyear, and brought a very good price .—NewnansclUe Dispatch X'.wtoH Superior-Court. —This court is atill in session. The case of Richard Aaron, for the killing of Jas. Reynolds, was decided last week, the Jury finding a werdict-.ofVoluntary Manslaughter. Coun cil for prisoner moved for anew trial, but the Judge refused to g.ant it, and the case will be carried up to the Supreme Court. There has been tome excitement caused by a rumor that the prisoner would be forcibly ..liberated The Young Guard, volunteer ed thfir services to guard the jail, which was accepted by the Judge, and the boys ..are having a little foretaste of thedutiesof camp life !—Cocingtvn Times Mareh ‘2oth Grafting- -New French Mode. —Cut -;tke grafts at the usual period—save them ■for future use, and when time and leisure .come, take a subject—any tree, any bark— cut a bit of bark with a little of the wood, with a knife as keen as a razor ; then cut the bud as exactly as possible of the same sixe with a hit of the wood ; fit the bud to the stalk, and tie it lightly over with wool or yarn (on account of its elasticity), ap ply all over it, with a small brush collodion. This immediately forms an elastic skin ever itho whole, and perfectly excludes the air, ■which, by all other modes of grafting, is ■.notperfectly excluded ,M*isis the .whole secret. We think it would . best to cut .out of the subject a-bud, auu u. lira bud to it hat spot exactly*— Ex. ty An Arkansas editor got married re cently, and has since become very enthu siastic. Hear him: There is not in lliis wile wsM happier lire, T-isn to mi by UK’ stovepipe an l your wile : Tssle tiie ws ts of her lip- in'* mo.n.ot ot • , And twist the cut’s tail abe jump uu JT-ur knee Gambling in Louisiana. —A hill to li cense gambling is before the Legislature of Louisiana. .The New Orleans papers OVusure it very strongly. The Picayune invß : ’The adm*BMoiiß made by the friends of the bill to legalise by licensing gambling houses in this city, should .be fatal to the measure. Whenever the State provides by law tor fbe legal existence of any prac r nice or business, it elevates them iuto legit * itnate and honorable employments. Alt's Well that Ends IFW/.—Hans Dor slimmer, a German flute player, while ser enading* young countrywoman a short . time since, in Grahatu avenue, Biooklyn, N. Y wee assailed by a jealous rival, who struck him on’ the head with a club so violently as to frad.ure the skull and ei * danger bis life; whereupon tin*a re •!d E ill had him taken into tlia haute, nursed im tenderly, and inatvw-d hitn as soon s# ht was conscioulfcdU. to the sfcsfrfu es kh* Vital snug Miscellaneous Advertisements. MeCOBD, HOBTOSf * WALTON, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries Generally. Cor. Broad and Campbell btveets. AUGUSTA, GA. Z M’CORD, IW. HORTON, ROBT. WALTON, JR. Augusta, Ga., March 28th, 1860 6 n. X SPLENDID STOCK! At Lowest Prices! HE\RY J. OSBORYE, Watch-JKaker, Jeweller, AND OPTICIAN No. 2;:6 BROADS Tit KET, under the U. S. Hotel,and opposite ibe Ct ■/ Bank. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA., Keeps ou hand a -eUct and beautiful assort ment of Goods, consisting of WATGH&S, JEWS LEY, SILVER St PLATED WARE, Telescopes, Surveyor's <’ompasses, Bpv-Glas ks, tor Mountain U,e, and in short every thing useful in his line of business psrtiou arty spbotaolbs, IN UREA I’ VARIK IY. Fine Watches and Jewelry Repaired in the h-st Manner. [Ms, oh 28, 1860 Iv. #SO REWARD. Ravaway from mv plantation on the 22d <> July last, my Negro man FRANK. He uabiul Kso> 36 .vats old, ot dark roiofnex’on, about s-x <eet hign, end weighs about 180 I’OOhria or’ more. H s (hough! tobe rangiiigb ttveenGreenes boro and L * rei cea’ Mill on th- Oconee river. I will give be -b'vp. rewar to nuy one why will’ I dye him in ibe Greene County J it ->r deliver him lone. WM ROWLXNDSa. Ma-eb 14lh 1960 ts Copai'iiicrsliip Notice. THU .-UtiM-fbejs have tills da\ formed a ■i.iirti’ r-hip under ‘be ,-t,’ l o f WAKEFIELD, MURRAY & GO., For the pii’ iio o of transacting a g-ueral Mei eh mdi-e IV sim ss FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOOD*. CLO TilIN H \ I’", GAPS, ROOTS and SHOES, JAMES I. iVAKEFIEf.D. v- ARIIWIN MURRAY, JAMS’ P. McOAIJj. Oeef-nevboro’ (’ ■ ’ F -brivir 15th. 1 4m, NOTICE. \I.L those ind *ud 10 tiif uuii r ignr-d ichn donut wish to rt*c him s*tld out by the Sheriff, will please call aii i settle at fh** na* li*=t opo- rinmi y G II THOMPSON. Grrnirohoro, Feb , *2Bih, 1860, TO THE ITBMT Ever since my “ Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps” tiie purest and 4> *si Gin for medical purpose.-•-be came fully Appreciated throughout thecouuiry, i have been constantly solicited by (liugtnsta, po:hr*< aiies, and large numbers .f liie ntosi eiuioent physicians, in all parts f tiie Union, 10 ad i to ny Gin iti.p -ria* lions, pur* Braudits atid Winea, ami to botde thrin the same us lam ami have been doing with il“ Schnapps; to seal with my seal and give my ceitti este guarantying their umioubtt and purity, f fttiould loriir vg6 have *-n n avoredto comply with • he. flaUvriag rrqm sie, but 1 louud it impossible to do so,especially in rekrad to tire important articles of B’audv, Poit and Aiadeiia Wines, owing to the hiarh prices in Europe, occasioned by abort grape crops for some yeir*. Happily tor the sweeps of my new en terprise, ihc grape crops for the lastand the previous years were abundant. Another point in mv favor is this : the duty now on Fr nch Brandy is 70 per cent. lee<j than ii was when my fri’ ude to solicit meti r urniabpure Brandy and Wines. These favoring ri/cuinstances have enabled me to commence anew ntv rprh*e. 1 have concluded to import C’ g'iac Brandy and Wines to bottle th’ in for medical as well as tor private u*e. I am well aware, from the bitter es peri* nee. the vile attacks, the misrepresentation of motives and eumity of detlers and mixers of bad articles which I met wiih and conquered in ihe case of my Schnapps, before it obtained it-i present proud pre-eminence over all oth*r G*ns, lhd be new enterprise will be attended with equal opposition, more trouble and involve an immense outlay of capital. Three difficulties and ex penses will be much nr iuer, because I efiall have to encounter the audenmit v ot countless thou sands who are engaged in ihe liquor trade, and mak iog fortunes by tiie manufacture of inlamoua imita tions of **! andy** made frem their use being alike destructive to healthy human life, and ofcmirse speedy death to the feeble invalid, •r those in whose bt halt eminent physicians have urged upon me the importation of a pure, lnvigorat ing article of Brandy. lah *!! do so, in *pite of all >ppoeirton, even that of the dealers and pellets ot the stuff in bottles called ••Brandy,**of which millions of bottles are annually sold, and which is uo beutir than the worst of poisons. I am perfectly willing and well satisfied to embark tn this new enterprise, and h-*ve no learn, no doubts about the most ultimate succ ss foj mys* If and the druggists and app thec'ri(‘s in the tbeirty thr* eStates if they will heartily cooperate trith me in my t ff .ris to drive ou of use the vilest of compounds, c illed ‘Brandy,** and replace it wiih the pure, unadul.erat e.d at tide, which I wil faithfully and truly supply. Thesirtuesof pure French Brandy need n t tt Ik told. The Braudy imported by me I will bottle, sesl with my seal, my’labei, and a id my c*trifi< ae that it ts of the first quality, and pure and unadulterated a> when it bfi th distillery in France. I will state* my reputation as u man, my standing as am* rct nit, and my tn*d ctiVMinercial integrity, that what I piedg* auf certify to wi*h my s a;, ny label, tntl my etnificate is corr ft, atid cam ta. rclictt upn by purchasers in an v sect ion of the Union to which uv Brandy may be sent I have madea* <ang •nents with *hebent Br udy m*nntacturrs in France with those wh hav a w .fl-l wi<ie renown as th- Brandy erport**r. I h ive selet'eea four eminent firms who wilt ship me their Brandies I shall noi ot-sig nate the rtcl. # t>y any oth-r name than Wo ll'e G ■inline Cos na<* B uidy. II I were to do th rwi**e it would he ns ‘leS’*, f>*r th* n unnrinciplrd pers w*->o r* inos-antly engose*! *n th mfiricu* trs'ic f imtbitii gati arti la, w uld soon unfi nvd idopt my u s a cl * k uti br which o u l h—r comp Mivt**f t oisons toe v r i c vile lmpooin n | •* n’ mir pr.-pared IO r CHV- rule oi *lrr> f .r tV.ICs Genuine C’*tr'MC Brandy vhlros and tome. No •r 2 HeaverStre t. Pri -s wid le g.vtn’ to pe sot: ! •;-pi*cat:on, or in rep Y !• letters. I ttpscircul*r | lia-e ’hus tar ar tT*-n na tly abo pure Cignar Urntdy ; 1 a’- * w • c*.’ our * r v ti ti ftorh<*r 1 <|i*r*a dw, r I airt prepared *< sup y rd sfr ‘.I tiit. c* IL- * imp ted mid Uottied bv u* ; no Ir hs- Sc ** Whiskt f * T- erMiri’y *n ■ g • u‘u n* s ‘ tt - k*- Dime t article*, imp-ut and ftr‘ned*r.| use/ \ wdl .is. rnaeAntv with n? at. mv lab I; .nd mv certifi a * I ■•i all !• iup t’he purest od i>**Mad* ta,’ •Pt*rt,* and *BherA'* Wit es for Medical pn p* s.~ T . ae I sis** guaranty with my seal, n? label, rnif ny ce* tiftestr. In c nckrion p* rmit tn ‘ o add that 1 .hall l>r hp pv to h- nr fr*u* hos** b-*t thie circular reaches, am; w or fMCUidavy in>e** et it r:*y . ff'C . *n th* cotnh nati*n f i!c!* s t -at I viozngti to supply S wul sr.y person viak New York e*p cuatiy 14 D ugtyist, Apothecary or Ih.ysician- Ib*it bv mus hi pv to rec*'*re * (wtuunUl cad Tberr is n* pnporicr wh p wm* s more arum -tp* rietiC sd knowfe * of the ii|*orlit g bqutr n w ini trade thau I do, I have b.’Su engaged in it oVet •h>riyyeaa. I n*f raet some facts correc ed wub my nc* mapritn fnr the particular* iaformaiton of'thoe* c*cced with the pnciu*eo* salc ot medicines I I am favorvwt with the visit ot *ny-aiicn,or by friend* to whom thev giro letters of intr.>duct:on l O.s, thel can see wh their own eyes, and teat my uutbfulnta* n? tber ,wn obs* mtioa. ‘I rvspret f ullf crave fr this Circular siia its con taots, near* fid and attentive perusal. I an, reap*cfuMv, %our obedient servant, TDOLCIIO WOLFE. 18, M At! Braver Street, Nnr York. W HOI.ESai.e agents J. D.GRIEFF k 0.. X< W Orleans, la. ft. J. St J. JOXF.ft. Mobile, Alo. HUNICUT * TAYLOR. Adanta. Ga. IIFVI LAND. CHICHEftTH. Cos sta RAGLAND k fit ROIL Columbus, tia. -.i IIOtXK.MII a 00. Savannah, Go. 0. FOLLIN. Charleutm, ft. O tnwns'Y rrv t* Loyal Advertisements* GEORGIA, Greens CocxTr.—Wheren*, Etlijt C. Bowden applies for L*ttera of A lmihis:ration upon the estue of William F. Luckie deceased : These are therefore to cite and adn>ni>h, all and singular the kiudred and ere itors of said deceased, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in May next, to show cause (if any they have) why said Le ters should not then be granted. Givvn un ier my band n ffi • in .Gre* n iboro, Apm2nd, 18 JO. EUGENIOB L KING. O d*y. GEORGIA, Grkknb Countt.— Wtureaa, the es ta e ol J rim II duellings, late of said county deueaied, is unrepresented: These are there lore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors ol said deceased; to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be I • and in anu forsaid county,on the first Monday in Mav next, to show cause, (if any thvy have) why the adminis tration of said estate Should not then be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court, or in some other fit and proper person in terms of the law.- G'V. n Cinder my hand at uffi e m Greensboro, Apr,l 2nd, 1860. EUGENICS L KING, OniV GEORGIA, Greene County. Whereas, S-.muel A Howell, Administrator Oe b-.n e nou, with th Wilt ennexed, upon ihe estate of McKinney Howell dtcea.setl, [c t titn< the Cotirt of Gruiuary ol said county tor L‘tters dismissorv : These are therefore o cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to snow cause (il any they hav ) a hv said Adminii-traior should not b** disc.mrge 1 at the Court of Ordinary to b- held in and lor said county on the first Monday in November ucxk Gi en under my band at office in .Greenesboro. Apr*l2 and, 1 S'.itl EUGENICS L KING, O-d’y. GKOUGIA, G ceknk C*<unty —Whereas, Greens >1 •me, Guardian o M .ry Ann E R -id (foritn r iy ii-f v Aim E K ridall) petitions this Court foi L* tUrs Di>tnis*ebiv ; !• is therelore ordered (bat all pet*sonfi concerned, be and at pear at the •Court of Oi dinary to be hold in and tor said county ou the first Monday in May next, to >how c use * v if any they have) why said Guardian should not then be discharged. Ordered (uriher, that a copy of ibis rule be pub lished for l -riv days in terms of the law. A true extract trom th* mina’- fl *,f said Court at March Term 1860. EUGENICS L KlNG,Ord*y. Cv EORG A, Gukknb County. - YVhereas, Freder -8 ir C. Fuller, Administrator upon the state ot Sarah D W i||m, deceased, prtiih'ns the Cou* t of Or <bn <ry of said county fur L iters Dismiss,)?y : Tficse are therefore to cite and adtnoni-h, all and singu'a’ tr*e kitntted and creditors of said rleceased. to *sbow rails, (if any th y hare) why said Admiois- I'Minr idimitri ii"t be <1 is charged, at •heCmirt of n*ry n b* field in and • r aul county on the firs’ \1 ‘td-iy rn O M,b r next. Give o.i *e r,y ei * et c.ffi ein G r eenPfthnro, Ma c r,.h IS6> F.UGENIU- L KING. Ord*y. Cl EOR il \ G-iKKNfi 1 1 >i:\tv X” <i on, R*.- iitor .ml Vlarv Ailfoi nii, Ex Culnx ol ihe I -i Will and T. xiain* m of Nillifin Aikin-on. il . . net!films the Court of O d.naty of siiJ county fi i L tttos DfxiniEEoiy : ’/ Tnen> are tticretoff 10 cite amt aHmonish a'l roiicern ti, to hliow cause, (if any they b) wfiy s.irt Exerotor unit Exf-icotrix shonM of>t tie at the Coart of OHlnarv io he Ir-t-i tn ari'l lor said Conn tv on th. first Monday in Aio/ust next. Given uofti rmv han't ti in-- i,. G*'neahoro. Jan nan 10th. l -6 i EUGENIOS L. KING. Ord v. GEORGIA GkkbnkCouutv—whereas, Nicholas M. Jo .es. AdininHirator uroo the estate of Jeeai S Jones die., petitions the Court ot Ordinary ol sai county tor L tt is Disrui aory : Tin si are therefor, toriteand admonish aii persons c uerroerf. I*l ehosi cause • if any they have—vvhv said Administrator should not he dischartred at thi C urt tll Ordinary to he held in and fir asid coni ty o’ ihe firsi Monday iri Auno-t next. Given under iny ham 1 ui office in Greeneshnre, Jan ui ry 10ih, IsOO EUGENI US L KING.Ordy. GREEXE SHERIFF’S SALK. %1” ill be sold efore ilie Court It use door in tl e ? v cily ol Gr eiKgooro, on the firot Tuesday in Mav next, l.ei-. een itie U-rfal hours of sale, the following property to wit: One Go'd M’airfi and Guard Chain ; two Gold Bienst Pir s ; on< pair Ear Rings, one set Coral Reads, ene Goid Penttil case, one Cross Breast Pin, one Provis ion Box, two ft .xes and Contents, one b x ol Itacon, two Ma trasses, one lot Bed Clothes, one lot gined'Cotton, two Jars and Contents, one lot unfinished Harness, one Mahogany tolding Tabic, two Chairs, f-ix f.inen Caiobiit Harikercbiefs, twelve TcaNapkins, two and one tbuith yards Table I inen, eight Linen Towels, and one oid Carpet, all levied on as the proper ty oi Ttios. E. Price to satisfy a ti la bom Grcme Superior Court—Thos. stock., Aycnt vs. Thus E. Price 0. C. NORTON, Sb’ff. Also, at the same time and place, will he sold one and a tiaif acres of Land, more oi less, adjoining laid of R. Halbert and others —levied on to satisfy a fi fa from Greene Si pdrior Court in favor of John Ci spple v.- Thos. E. Pt ice and John E. Jackson H. H King and Jasper N. Copelan, Securities. Prop erty pom-ed out by essrs. King sil I'opelan March 3<, 1860. 0. C. NORTON, Sb’tf. Also, at the same tune and pl ica, will be soil twelve acres of Land, move or less, adjoin ing lands of A. B. Snarp ■, Samuel Patrick and O’ hers—levied on as the property of Jo n E„ Fine') to satisfy a Justices Ouu t ti fa froth the l-ffith Distr'Ct G. U., in fsvor vs the Kxe< utoro o. T. Janes, l> c’d.. vs. J. M. Poiterand John E. Finch. Levy made and returned to nie by Li-vi Mays, Constable. March 30. 1860 C. C. NORfON, Sh’ff. NOTICE. G GEORGIA, GasxNK Cocntt —All persons in Ut'Un ii to ftiuniae Merritt, tare ol saiiJ c unt\ tier , are r. quested io m*ke iuuue.'iate p min nt, ai tl all tin sc ha.iiie oaims agamsi hitu, to poeeni th. u. ouly piuvin ton.- uudersigmd. JA>. Eb ■ E HRI TT, Ex’r. • Thomas Men ill’ dec. Greenesb .n>, February Hih, 1-60. YK NAKED HVUGED AND FORLORN DOWN FROM YOIK GARRETS HASTE. CLOTH-ING AND ‘ Gents’ FurnisUing Goods! Ci vBBK & WE WEB hav.- just recciv. and nd *re daily r’ c- i me the laigest and Hr - selected stock oi ( LOTIUNG anti (iLN TLKMLNS FURNISHING GOODS t ver ofl’eieil in tins liiM-ki-t. consistin- <d nil ilt'scnpiions ami k nils of Hats, Cups, Boots, Prhort, Coats, I < n/.r, Pilots. Shirts, Hosiery. Ip • 4 r - A LSO, A fini’ lot < f CIGARS. TOBACCO. WALKING CAN US. K’l C.. ETC. ti’itich they arc offering at. the lowest fir- Ldf* Give us n call h< pArchasiue elsewhere, arid we pi< raise. Ton shall be suited. (AlarcL 21. JtfiO-tV. UR. U. A. (OR DENTIST, HAS rekuriitii to t>ieeiusb’>r fin the purpose of practicing Dr.xr s tkv, and would iepeciftrtty intoe aii who mav requite Denial Op-raiions (o giy. ‘•im a oall, or persons so dcsirii g mat be vii. ted at tbeir residi nces. Dr. C., hopes, by the character of his operation., hi* reasonable pri or*, ant* his gentienianli treatment ol all vlio mav favor h.'n with a cal', to ineri’ and obtain a fair share of ihe openin g pelf im 6in th). h*-ctinn A superior quality of loath lit nsL-. OS, Tooth /’ Vilftt he , Itplssn* ti‘i lii 1 h fW” Vo Charge f , X •tllb at'OM *0 ‘ advice. Dentlstasgpplled wllb Tft’lb, I’cll. Inattu ■MU, tiold-Piair, hr. Ddf isliiT 7'H^6/WWtb miscellaneous Advertisements. GREAT EXCITEMENT!! GRAND SCHEME FOR APRIL, iB6O. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY. McKINNEf & CO. Managers. Authorized by spec al Act of the Legislature 25,828 PRIZES. More than one Prize to erery two Tickets. CAPITAL PRIZE,S6O,OOO. Tickets only 810 Halves, Quarter®, and Eights in Proportion. To be Drawn Each Saturday in 1860. In the City of Savannah, Georgia. Class 60, to be Diawn April 7, 1860. Class 67 to be Drawn April J 4, 1860. Class 68, to be Drawn April 21, 1860. Class 69 to be Drawn April 2*, 1860. Magnificent Scheme. 1 P’*.of6 i,00(5 is #6O 000 | sotl o>o arf #5.000 1 “ 20,0001. 20,0 U() | 10 “ 500 are 5.000 l *’ 10 000 ia 10.000 I 2 “ 400 are buu 1 5 000 ia 5 (KM I 2 “ 301 are ti(K> 1 • 4IKKJ ia 4,000 | 2 •* 2IK) are 400 t “ 3 ia 3 000 | 50 •• 150 are 7.5'K) I•• 2.01H1 IS 2,0U0| 10) “ lull are 10 0 0 1 ’ 1-600 is 1...0U I 100 •< 95 are 95- 0 1 “ 1,100 ia 1,100- 100 “ 85 are 8 500 APPROXIMATION Plll/.ES ‘ii 41S c'l'lZos auiuuuung t 0.... $212)140 ‘>,).(528 Prizes Amtlng to $306,010 WILL BE 1)B \ WN THIS MONTH. CaßTincaaxs of Packaofs will be sold at the fol lowinsr r tee v-hii'h is ibe risk : Certificate of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets s'6o •> “ 10 Halt “ :>0 ” “ 10 Quarters “ 15 “ ■ 10 E gbib “ 750 LOOK AT THIS! *A SPLENDID DRAWING ON The Three Number Plan ! Which takes place on every Wednesday and Satur day iu 1860. I Capital Prize of s'i.7 000 1 Pi xe of. 4,500 ” 1 “ of 4 001 1 “ of 3,000 l “ of 2,171.20 - to-1 •• of #7OO are 7,ouu 40 “ of 175 are 7 000 60 “ M of 125 are fi.250 259 “ of 80 20.720 Oy of 60 are 3,200 6', “ of 30 are 1921 64 “ of 20 are 12 0 5,632 “ of 10 are 66,3 0 28 224 “ ot 5 are 141,120 34 412 Prizes Auiountins to $281,431 20 Whole Tickets $5, Shares in Proportion. TN OKPERTNa TICKETS OR CERTIFI CATES -Enclose the money to our address for the •ickewordered, on receipt of which they will b* for warded by first mail. P.irfjiaaerfl can have tickets ending in any fijrure they may deirnate. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing; All communications strictly confidential. Orders for Tickets or Certificate!*, hv Mail or Ex*, press, .to be directed to McKINNEV and CO. November 2. 18’9 ly Savannah, Ga. HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, Itir th*. oure of Dyspepsia, IndiyoitiMi, Kauseti, Flatulency, lose of Appetite, or n’-’J Bilious \ Complaints arisiny from a morbid inaction of the Stomach or Dowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morljus, dte. In vi. w of the fact that every mernlier of the human family is more or lrs9 siibjt oted t aome of the above complaints, besides in numerable other conditions in life, which, by the assistance of a little knowledge or exorcise of common sense, they may be alii* so to regulate their habits of diet, and with the assistance of a good tonic, secure per manent health. In order to accomplish this desired object,, the true course to pursue is, certain y, that which will produce a natural state of things at the least hazard of vital strength and life: for this end Dr llostetter has introduced to this country tion called HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, which at this day is not anew medicine, hut one that has been tried for years, giving satisfaction to nil who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels- and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus by thic simple .process of strengthening i nature, enable the system to triumph over > disease. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally contracted by new settlers, and caused principally by the change of water and diet, will be speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent when taken in all its various forms, than any other; the cause of which mav always be attributed to derangements of the diges tive organs, can be cured without fail by using HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BIT TERS as per directions on the bottle. For this disease every physician wili recom mend Bitters of some kind, then why not use an article known to lie infallible t Every country have their Bitters as a pre ventive of disease, ami strengthening of the system in general, and among them all there, is not to be found a more healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation emanated, based upon scientific experiments wh'ch lia* attended to advance the destiny of this great preparation iu the medical scale of science. FEVER AND AGUE. This Crying and provoking diseases which fixes its relentless grasp on the hody of man, reducing him to a mere shadow in a short space of time, and rendering him physically and mentally useless, can te defeated and driven from the body l>y the use of UOSTETTEK’d RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, any of the above Stated diseases can not lie contracted when exposed to any ordinary conditions producing them, if the Bitters are used as per directions. And as it neither creates nausea nor offends the palate, and rendering unneces •ary any change of diet or interruption to usual pur suits, but promotes sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is thus removed as speedily as is con* sistent with the production of a thorough and perma nent cure. For Persons in advanced years Who are BufitriDg from so enfeebled coiutilutiou and Infirm tod?, theae Bitten are invaluable as a restora tive of strength and visor, and needs only to he tried Io lie s|*precisted. And to a mother while norain,, • theae Bitten are Indispensable, especially where the ‘ mother's nourishment is inadequate to the demands of the child, consequently her strenyth must .yield, and here, it is where a rood tonic, such ss Hostetler's stomach Bitten is needed to impart temporary strength and viyorto ibe system. Ladies should by all means t-y this remedy for all cases of debility, and before so dolor, ask your physician, who. if he ia acquainted With the virtues of the Bitters, will recommend their oae in all eases of weakness. CAI TIO.V —We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or coun terfeits, but ssk for Hmrmu's Cxllbuatld Stomach Bimtaa. ami see that each bottle has the words “ Dr. J. Huntettrr's Stomach Bittm” blown on the side of the buttle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signa ture is 00 tiie label. CT Prepared sad Mid I; HOST UTTER it SMITH, ntuhirgh, Pa., sad Mid by all Dmaflst*. (refers, aad dealers (fae rally Ureagbeal Ibe t'alted Males, Caaads, heath America aad firnaaay. *. . v- HOD VI L A MS AD, NEW OKI.MKt, LA.. WbelsMls Ageate. | For sale in reaneeboro sv J H. Wood, Whits 258. ‘ DRY GOODS. 258. No 238 Broad Street Augusta Georgia. . —— : o:0:0 : Entirely New Stock! Call and Examine Before Purchasing Elsewshere. Our Stock comprises all the Beauties and Aoreltics of DRESS GOODS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, MANTILLAS, fcC. Also, A general Assortment of STAPLE AXD FAKGY ARTICLES. All of which we are offering upon the most Accommodating terms. AN EXAMINATION WILL SATISFY. t Respectfullyy &c., April 4, l'6o-2m. KEAN & CLARK. DIRECT IMPORTATION Olf KEW ASD KLBSAKT BPRISB DR Y-GOOOD9. HflV &~T®BILEIf Beg to call the attention of the Public to their New and Elegant Spring Stock of Dry Goods. Which they are now receiving, purchased on such favorable terms as to warrant them in a (sor ing their friends and customers that thev can save them at least from Fifteen to Twfcn*y-Five Per Cent. On all fine and imported Goods. T e question may naturally arise, how is it possible for them to do soV In answer to tb’= ‘her vis’ ii to he disiinrtv r< m*inhered, that theirs is the .ONLY ROLES IS GEORGIA Thai keeps an experienced CuK-tiasev•, all da\ s in the year in the Northern Markets, with the Cash in hand to pick up BAKU AINS, wherever they are offered. And in addition to this, lact, that we re now import ng directly from Europe—buying goods in many instan ces much ch“aper than the Northern ‘ Jobbers” can have ‘hem from importers. When these tacts are remembered, it will be easily perceived that they buy Goods f”n> ftt,> vpi ‘< fir. nd n many cases FIFTY PER CENT. LESS Than the same class of goods can be uugut .or v, nen tne Nm toern Mark ( ts are crowded (with Bcuthetn and VVestern Merchants, laying ip six month's supplies. Theirs is Strictly a Cash House rhey buy and sell for C \SH ; and to save the feelings of all on this subject who might feel hurt on a refusal to open accounts with the n. They Distinctly state that they open accounts with no one, hot even IF THEY WERE WORTH A MILLION. his is another fact that will be a predated by parties paying out money, and desirous of ►naming the best va ue for the same, as they will perceive that we will not have to make the •ssesof bad debts on good cash paying customers. ___ GRAY & TURLEY, 115 Congress-street, opposite tlie Pulaski House Savannah, Vpi-H 4, ISGO-lv. and tinder tle United States Hotel Augusta, Ga. y ENV CARPET store. . JAMI3S G-. BAlXiim eb BJROTJtIJBB. Direct Importers ol’ all kinds of CARPETINGS. Mailings in ail Widths and Colors Manuf i €arpctliiiiing ? liiiported Door Mats Hugs, Floor Oil Clotlis, Window Shads, Curtains, Curtain Materials, Cornices, Bands, Loops, &c- WALL PAPERING IN GREAT VARIETY, dl of which we will sell at the lowest market prices. Terms cash. Patronage solicUt-A 203 BItOAD STKEET, AUGUSTA, GA, And JAMES O BAILIE, 234 King Street, Oharlegto*. Carpels made np with dispatch. fmar. so. 1860-ir. PROFESSOR if APES’ Nitrog(!ni(>d Snpnrphospliatp OF LIME. Pa ‘p vi i,. i> vkmlrk. 1859. PRIOR to he rear I 47. Sui>erpti*Hphafe Pud b-e” made in by treating burnt b *ncn with -olphuiic acid, ai.d by ‘.tie loriiiMiioti ot sulph ite of une, thus abstracting one atoinof linn* fiom the bot e-*, i soluble pttos,>hate had been formed I * 1847, J J *1 p*rt m de a aerie* of exp< riments, thus: he found, lolytirally, that Peruvian Guano coot lined the nee* *deary elements for inuriu the growth of ntanta, but Mt in the right relative proportions to eac h other.— H** instituted a e* ties of exp* riments, practically, by . oicdi he pn.ved that one hundred pounds of burnt Mines, treated with fifty-iex potman ol sulphuric acid ifty *-x pounds of P nivi**. f *•*• *nd tw * • jounris of sulphate ot ammonia, formed a mixture ev • y w.y superior to P- fuviuii Guano, and it woul. ot ex ite tbs soil, but would continually add to its nil! y. He had found that one cartel of blood, fresh from he animal, ni’X and with a cord ol O'gntiic matte*, Aould, by l< rineutation, pr**chice a manure i qual to s .rd * f,well totted stable manure. He further found t at seventeen barrels <f-blood, when dried, woul*> .take one batrel, and that blood couid be procur* and at omparativelv little cost, in c* rtain sections; that i .mid lie dri* and by cocking and pressing so us to pro* uce a dry powder, amt bv adding to the ab v anied ingreiii- me an equal weight of dried bullock* dood, a manure is formed one hundbed poVnds liich arr -quitl in pw* r and lasting effect to oxt iundred . n eiguty fivk i'ounds of the best Peru /•an Guano. *"*irre h >*• off r*d hi* invention to the farmers o •he country, s>* me fi ty lompariiee have imuat and ttiis nicle u ♦••e** vur.ou* nam<*, and f*r the tu;*p*ise ot rendering it more p pulm*, have traduced Prof. .Vlapts • *ll s . i e. r uiuio gto make tlial ol a superior tuiility. E v ery year presents new imitators of this triicle, woo hi ttiubicture an inferior article, using e mineral phosphates a basis, inst* ad of th* calcin and bom sol iiiihih. N* twi'hstanditig all this, thr • in nd for Ma e<*’ Nilrogeuistd Supcrpho-phate ol ij in'* has doinile*, Peruvian flumo.contain* an excessive amount of nun mia. ih-t only u-eol w Id* li is to render water pab e til di-t*tving a l*rger tini>*ui*fof tne inorganic • ifistouents if the soil, or as s**M*eiites called loan * sin * xcitaot The market eardem-rsof New Utrecht iintiei* ed roriie year* ago by using two hundred eight of sMMuo to the a*e; they are now compelled . use twelv# Hundred w-tgol to pr.,duc** the *ame ef c.t, an*t *he r laud Is evidently tin v# fished t y its se, while tl* >#c * bo have used h* Nttrogroiaod Su- Hfi'ph -spirn e oIL *oe, have steadily found their s*i!# be hiitoov* and, an instead ot requiring more, they quire hs fertilising material •* t yea*. And tins ■* u**lieu arty tru*- ofC -tton *nd T"barc* lauds. AutO'g *h** advantages arsing Iroui the use of Ni ogentw'd bup* rphosphste are me following.;-It car i*s no w ed seed to the a**i ; it prevents rust, and in* ires the perf* cling of pla is; thus, when used on * linn, the tmlls and n**t f<s!ft snd, as by the experience Mr. L >uias, Col. Divis, nd Col. Good win, and mb s, it gives h gr at t weight per sere of Colton. For Vh*at, it has si* a*bly pr vd itself to be superior to Peruvian Gu**o; when in contact wi ll s**#*l, u to> *•( Mtr fti a* flu* s tha Peru? an G <nno; and i* applies the de ic* nev of Pli<pha'S n L ;, * and oth -t ingrediants, produced by excessive reaping of grain and undue pas tagH The report* of lire farm of the inventor, of the A i ericsn |usitu< t * and * uif null tears of oilier luwtitu *t ms, who have visited it, si t*o iyh it i manured *r. I tifely with IhU ier’iiis* r. pro’.e ibsl *<# *on*ire h yet ha ous and wliicm pro iu* e n vq isl smount if profit. The Am<nc*n I stituts hsva juat awsr-'td tbsft | tillver M dai •* F4* as*r M*pe, Pr ibt* >t f*ro 1 s*r t slur I Pne Aub<*ciimr Ims been Mppmuitd hule Ageni m Augusta for the sale of the above fertiliser, and guas* antbcs that its constituents are the materials slat* <4 ibove, and nothing vl*e. Planters desiring more formation, will pleas*Bend lor our Cirrular, ing Tesiiui'Uiials, nnd the articles by Dr Eoderlin r wtiich c mstitute the best treatise on Pnosphata cur written. . Price Ton, in Ansrunta. J. A. QUIMBY, No. 113 Bi-oad Sirpf*, n*-xt dwr to, “Conalitmioo. mlmi” ffi. h J:m 12 ‘m. ■ “DENTI ST R Y. mi. nvtf. jftoRGJiM, Surgeon and Mccdianieal Dentist. Pcnjield, Georgia, MTOCI.D i . . citi/. i Orrrne and ad / jomii.g couulie., that he in p< epnred to perform Y operation periaminp’ to Ilia profeasioh, with nrat .. arvl <•!► patch, fl -wi l ina rl from one io an an • -n'*. rtorahi ity r fort anrf maatieatin;, will compare with any, either o this ro. airy or Europe. Ii lahie intention lopltaea. Anv rail from ihr country shat may be tendered im will meet with prompt attention. He refer* t* Dr John B. Murphy of Home. —Feb. 39, 18(0. jajies a. Tones, . farcbouse & Com. Merchant.. 3lrliitosli Street Auirusta.Cta. f7A7"jM. attend person*l)v tr> the attic and Vt atorng;. ol Cottok, Bacojc, Grain, nd ill other PitODUCE onsiffned to him. Alo t* the receivioif and forsr<lirg of goods. Per onnl attention given to the Ailing of Order* for Btgt'ine.Ropt and Fetidly euppliee. .... Liberal advances made on produce ha Store. (."Ot. FAIR NOTICE. fPHE Bo k<> of onr Store and Ifarnrsg Shop I are in the hands of Jas. W, Winfield, to whom payment rauA be inide; our meeno are too limited to ttiv* loneer indulgence, our Cre ditors ate wanting their money.— We therelere |Hve each, and all, fair -notice that after a reasonable time, we will use the most efiVctua) menns to wind up our Books. We hope therefore you will save u trouble and yotirseltre* rxpebse. Feb. 32d 1860. Cm. WINFIELD k PORTER. . * .. ftVANO! GVANOM DAVIS Md BROTHER are Agtnte for the eel* es Amkkicas Ovaxo, toe tMm Fertiliser known, which they will sell si ft*,On per Ton. Call and gj-i • peinn* let end see the entire.-* and eerttflrstes. J.n 96th. Irdo ts. I)AVIA snrt BHOTHER. ~r^5SP~ ‘|t anderigne<l tiering determine** ta mere I Wr*i offer* hi* LAND lor tele, rot eU'injr es /ire Uu> dret and F- *t> One Arte*, lying la SiNsr untf, ne*r Onion>) •arrvainterf hy retry eaa-