Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, April 18, 1860, Image 4

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HDAKQBOCS QLK&JUHaS. *-'■■■■ ■ - ■ - ■ - .* Marriage Ceremony. Ton bromiafa now, yon root moil dare, Vot stand* upon da floor, To lnb dish woman for your Tift. And lub her e berm or 0 ; To feed her well mit soar kront, Peen*. pattemilk and cheese, And in all tings to lend your aid, Dat will bromote her ease. Ye*. And yon roman standing dare. Do bledge your vord, dis day; Dat you rill take roryou husband, Dis man, ant him opey ; Dat yon rill ped and pord mit him, Vasb, iron and ment his cloas, Laugh when he smiles, veep when he sighs, Dos share his choys and woes. Yell, den, I now, vidin dese walls, Vid joy and not vid krief, Bronounce you bote to be one mint, Von name, von man, von beef. 1 pooblish now, dese sacret bants, Dose matrimonial ties, Pefore mine vise. Got, Kate and Poll, And all dese gating eyes. And as de eacret scripture *ay, Vot Got unites togedder Let no man dare assuoder put, Let no man dare tem sever. And yon britokroom dare, here you sktop, 111 not let go your collar Pefln-e yon auswer me dis ting, Dat tsh—Vare isli mine dollar ? An tatftana Obituary Notice. The Aurora Commercial is guilty of the following obituary: Mistur Edatur c Jem bangs, we are •**deseited. He departed this Life last mundy. Jem wos generally considered a gud feller. He dide at the age of 23 years old. He went 4th with out airy struggle; and such is Life. Tu we are as popper grass—mity smart— to Moirer we are gut down like a cowcum her of the grownd. Jem kept a nice store which hit wife now watea on. His vur ■ numerous to behold. Mennv i* the things wo hot at his gmwcerey, and ZlrU W t 0 Btate to th admirun wurld, that he never cheeted. apeshully m the wate ofmarkrel, which wos nice and smelt sweet and his suivivin wife is .he samO'Wa. We never new him to put aandm hisshugar, tho he had a big sand bar m front of his house ; nur wator in his Dickers, tho the obio Hiver run past bis acre. Piece to his remanes 1 poetry. he died in his bed, a great big buk ho red, A prayer he lewdly sed. thep turned ovoro Q 2 nis bed, and durned if he didn’t die—dead 1 He leves a wife, 8 children, a cow 4 hor •ee, a growceroy stoar and tuber quadru. {teds to morn his loss-but in the spa len did aogwidge of the poit, his loss is there •etornal gane. (Pbyvbt—Mr. Nellson an puml • If jou will fetomp the abuv on 2 yure valdr* able colyume, I will be oblegated; send me acoppy as I dont take your payper ■obiter mi nexdoar naybor has tnipw vat un ’ Tores, alluc colly. (Not a Bean.— Etyew stomp the abuv on 2 yore entertainment jurnel, which is at your optshun. send a coppy to J bangs re oiainfld widder, ns she only gits mi ft&yborf papertu rede when Imo dun with'it— loros till death du us part.J Freemaseurj antl Grldironi,. A worthy polico captain of this city,’ once entertained a fancy to become a Freemason, and was proposed and elected. A friend accompanied him to the place of meeting which was in a building, the low er part of which was used as a place of en tertainment. The neophite was left in an apaitment next to tire servant’s room, whilst his friend went up stairslo assist in the opening cere monies. A Gertie maiden, who caught a glimpse of the stranger, resolved to take part in his initiation, and procuring a gridiron, placed it over the raDge. Ii was not long belore the captain, looking inquisitively through tho door, saw the utensil reddening in the Leaf. The recollection flashed through his mind, ol some peculiar ordeals which Ma sonic candidates were made to encounter. “What is that, Bridget?” he eagerly inquired. % “And sure,” replied the Hibernian vir gin, “it’s only the gridiron that I was told to place over the cqals.'’ “Who told you I” asked the eager po liceman. . “And was it not the gentleman who came with you ?” “What could he want of UI” demanded the captain. “And sure, sir, 1 can't tell,” replied BridgetJ; “they are often using it; it be longs to the people above stairs. I always heat it when they want to make a Mason.” This was too much for the excited can tam, and taking to his heels, he soon put safe distance between himself and the lodge. A Dutchman Abroad. Chon, von reckermomper dat liddleplack b £ ed . mit th ® P ftdler ne *t week ? said Mr. Gotlieb to a neighbor. “Yah,, vot of him ? ’ “Noting, ouly I gits sheeted purdy hat.” “So?'’ “Yah. You sea in the vurst piece he is blint mit both lege, ant ferry lame mit von eye. Den ven you gets on him to rite he rares up behint nnt rj- ap P*^ ore e .° vurser as a chackmule. I dinks I date him a liddle riteyeedertay, ant no sooner I gits straddle his pack he gommcnc* dat vay. shust so like a vakin r>am on apoatsteam; ant ven hegitstone waa ao mixed up mit cveryding, I vints mineaelf aitten arount patkyarda, mb his tail in mine haute vor de pridle.” “Veil, rot you going to do mit him ?” “Oh, I rixed him better as cham up. I hitch him in te cart mit Iris tail his heal out to ®*i den I gife him apout a tozen cuts mit a bite cow ; he starts to go, put so soon he ***** pefore him he makes peck wards. Burty soon he atumbles pehind, ant sits down ont his hunches, ant looka like he veal purty shamed mil himself. Den 1 (takes him ont, hitch him de rite vay, aut bony'”* nU ° ff Chu * ll0 * oot “ “ypody’a QT In Detroit, they say there are bat thrae rounds in the ladder of a nekro’s am bition—e baqjo, a boas barber, eurl a white wile. .Uiscclidßcocs Advertisements. I DIcGOBD, lIOBTON 4c WALTON, WDOLESALX DEALERS IS Groceries Generally. Cor. Broad and Campbell Streets. AUGUSTA, GA. a. u’COBD, iW. HORTON, ROBT. WALTON, 18. Augusta, Ga., March 28th, 1860-6 m. SOUTHERN DRUG HOUSE. SPEARS i SIGHT, STILL OCCUPY THEIR OLD STAND. Opposite tus Planter.’ Hotel, Ho. 316, Where they Constantly keep on hand one of THIS LARGEST STOCKS IN THE SOUTHERN COUNTRY! Comprising Every Article in tbe Drug and Fancy Goods Trade, ALL or Which they will sell AT NEW YORK PRICES. Price Before Von Buy. Angusta, Ga,, January lOih, IS6O. PLUMB & LEITNER. Hear Post Office Corner, Broad St. Augusta, Georgia■ WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Pare Medicines, Chemicals, Drugs, Paints, Oil, Glass, Perfumery, Brushes, Tine Toilet Articles, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Warranted Garden Seed Spe., Spc, Our stock is perhaps the most complete in the city, and our articles for purity are not sur passed by those of any concern. Sept. 28-ly. PL UMB & LEITNER. A SPLSjKBID STGG&! At Lowest Prices! IIENrTj. OSBOME, Watch-Maker, Jeweller, AND OPTICIAN No. 2J6 BROAD STREET, under the U. S. Hotel, ad opposite tbe City Bank. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA., Keeps on hand a select and beautiful assort ment of Goods, consisting of WATGHKS, JKWKLRY, SILVEB & PLATED WADE, Telescopes, Sukvevor’s Compasses, Spt-Glas- K3, lor Mountain Use, slid in short every thing useful in hi£ lino of business particu’arly IN GREAT VARIETY. Fine Watches and Jewelry ißepaired in the best Manner. [March 28, 1860 lv, MOURNING GOODS! WILI AM SHEAR HAS received a large supply of ladles* MOURN INC GOODS, among which are— Lupin** Black BOMBAZINE and Black MERINO ES, of the best quality: ‘ Lupin s Plain HUck MousseiaiS Dslain* and hlack Challies Superior Black Mourning Silks; Black English Ca Arsa, of extra Width, for Trimming and Veils; Black Crape and hlack Love Veils; Superior English olack and white Prints and Ginghams, of beautiful styles; With almost every article required Ag Ladies'MocßNi-a Apparel, and to which the (Mention of tbe public is respectfully invited. LADIES’ CLOAKS. WM* SHFAR. HAS just received a few Ladies’ Rich Velvet and Superior Black Cloth Cloaks,—sums of exlra sire,—to which he would respectfully invite tbe at tention of the public. • —jan 19. . NEW Spring Goods wmTshear Has just Received KIKE, FLOpCEDiSILE ROBES, Os New Styles of the Latest Importation ALSO, FrenchaPrinted iOrgaudles. AND ORGANDY ROBES, OF hLiSOiANT STYLES. French Embroideries AND ENGLISH PRINTS, VERY HANDSOME, . AND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Alexandre’s Ladies’ KID GLOVES. With other articles suitable for the present season, to all of which the attention of tbe public is respect fully invited. March 7, 1860 ts. J. s. & //. .4- BARJIWELL, MANUFACTURERSOF Saddles, Harness, Trunks dec., die aft T~l‘ AVE permanently established JtX themselves in the Town of Pen- LmlfL knflield. They are <n receipt of a Fine Lot of materials, and will constantly keep on hand a goot assortment of Wagon. Coach and Buggy Harness of THEIR .OWN and the NORTHERN MAKE. All JOBS put up in the most work manlike manner of the best material Repairing done at tlie shortest no tice. [Sep. 4,1858-ts. COPPER LIGHTNING ROD CONI. PAIHY. AUaUSTA, ajL. WE are now prepared to furnish this cele brated Rod to all who may want a good and cheap Rod—which has eight times tbecon ducting power of new Iron. For particulars set circulars. Orders solicited and attended to promptly. Agents wanted in all parts of the State. Protect your Lives and Property. J. F. Zimmerman, Esq., is our authorised Agent at Greenesboro. for soliciting orders Ac. atthat place, at his establishment a model of the Rod can be seen. S. K. CLARKE, S. T. A G. S. Novembers 1,18f>9-6in. /ftm% MANHOOD, QfcggSgr HOWLOST, HOW RESTORED. Just published in a Sealed Envelope , ON TDK NAIURB, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURS OF Sped* at bhuoda, or Scmit-ai Sexuai Debility. N r*ouruv> nd lovoluautry EuiUaluos, imtacine linpn.i r, and M’ tal amt Physical Inca pacity. BrROB J. CCLVER lON. 51 L>. Auib. r of “The linen B ok,” etc. The worlu-renownsd euihur, in tbie admirable Lecture, elearly provta from hie own experience that the awful consequroee* of sell-abu-e may be eflrct ually removed without Medicine and without dan grrona Muryiral opermtiona, botifiee, inatrumanta, riutra or cordials ; i-oinnn* cot • mode of curs at once oerlain and rffectual, by which every auftrrer, no matter what hi* condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately end radically. Tble Lecture wiU pmve a boon to tbouaaoda and tbooaanda •eat under seal to any addrtaa, puer-ram, on tbe , receipt of twu poetart stamps, by addreeaine DR. I CU. 5.0. KUNE. M D . 480 Firat Araaua, New Twt.N'hatSH —April 11, IS* My. I’ Miscellaneous Advertisements. CARPETS PBtSVSIi BAIZES. WM. SHEAR, HAS received a large an iV*N.| <j J Crossley end Sons Brussels Carpets; Three-Ply, Ingrain and Venetian Cakfeti; Fine All Wool*Cabpets, at very tow prices; Crckb Cloths in patterns and by tbe yard; at nnprecedently low pricea. ALSO, Rich Embroidered Luce and Muslin Ccetains; Window Shapes, in great variety of atylee, at very low prices; Gilt Coenicks and Ccbtaih Banos, a large assortment. W. S. baa an Agent residing permanently in New Vork, through whom he can order, and by Steamers and Express receive Goods with great promptness.— Articles which may not usually be kept in tbe Dry- Goods of Augusta, will be cheerfully ordered for per sons requiring them. Augusta, Jan. 19, 1860. NATHAN A. ROBBS, rjABUOE Maker, Penfield, Ga.—Has just re ceived a large and splendid assortment of light Rockaways, Top and no Top Baggies, Carriages, Iron Axle Wagons from one horse to six, all of which are of the very best make. He is better prepared for the repairing of Carriages, Buggies, &c., than any man in Greene or the adjoining counties. Sales made on the most reasonable terms. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. August 3d, 1859-ly Great* Attraction. The Farmer’s ill 1c The subscriber is the Agent for the sale of Gor ham's Improved Patent CBASS-HOPPER PLOW, the best, lightest, cheapest and most convenient of any now in use. It is the most easily constructed, the strongest to weight, and adapted to any kind of plow or soil He proposes to sell County, State, Shop, or Individual Rights. Patent obtained Dec , 6xn', 13,*9. JAMES S. WILSON. Bairdetown, Jan. 19, 186t1.-tf Traveling Agt. * GREENESBORO m: ills. S” WILL PAY CASH for all good CORN and I WHEAT ;lfere<i at my MILLS i will keep a gmd emipfy of FLOUR, SECONDS. BRAN. SHORTS, MEAL, and a good supply of SCREENINGS from tbe cleanings of ooro end Wuent a hist rate eon* feed , I sarmot make tales for anything BUT“CASH,t as I have no one in keep accounts ; and besides, these re CASH ARTK LES. And I cannot LOAN my BAGS out ot the. Mill. A fine aiticle ol BIG HOMINY constantly on hand, for sale. JOHN CUNNINGHAM. Ore- neeboro, January 12tli IS6O U. BLANKETS. WM. SHEAR. HAS on hand a supply of good and Ml geo Rlakkets, which he will sell at very low prices, and to vvh clu he attention of the public is! respectfully invit’ and jan 19. BI.ANKS of all kinds neatly print-d at tbist'lflce, at snort notice. Hetvare of mistcral Poisons, DR. J. BOVEE DODS* CELEBRATED VEGETABLE MEDICINES. 1 HIS IMPERIAL WISE RITTERS? FOB the cure of lociph-nt Consumption, Weak Lungs. Weak Stomachs, Indigestion Dyspepsia, General or Nervous Debility, Piles, and all diseases requiring a Tonic, are unsur passed. They are made of a pure Sfierry Wine and aside from their medicinal properties, they are a most wholesome and delightful Beterage. Bis Brandy Cathartic, Is a sure remedy for Costivoness, Liver Com plaint end Di spepsia. They are pleasant to the taste; sure in tbeir operation; and as a Cathar tic. entirely , effectually, and positively suj ei cede the use of Pills, ao nauseous anu disagree able to the t&stc. His Imperial Gin Bitters, ‘ Act on the Kidneys, Biadier and Urinary Or gans, and arfea superior remedy for Dyspipsia, connected with Liver Complaint in all its forms. For Female Obstructions, They are truly valuable, made of pure Holland Gin, pleasant and agreeable to the taste, and may be well termed a necessary FEMALE COMPANION. His Cathartic Syrup, For Infants, Children and Delicate Females, is certainly one of the most desirable and valua ble Medicines in the world. It is a perfect substitute for Calomel, acting on the Liver, re moving all obstructions in tho Bowels, curing OostiTencss, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Al though it is as sure and effectual in its opera tions as Calomel, yet it is so delicious to the taste, that children will cry for it, and it is ar. rentle, innocent and harmless as the dews of Heaven. Thousands of mothers throughout the land will bless the discovery of this valua ble Medicine. CHARLES WIDDIFIEED Ot CO., Proprietors, 649 Ip 651 Broadway, A T . Y. And sold by Druggists generally. SOLD ALSO, BY Crabde & Weaver, Greenesboro, Ga. Plumb & Leitser, Augusta, “ Hunmcut A Taylor, Atlanta, “ January 12,1860-ly. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by Special Endowment for the Belief >J the tut.aid Distress• , afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. THF owaru Association, in view of the fa.vful destruction of human life caused by sexual diseases,’ and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by qtiacKS, several years agodiiected their con sulting Surgeon, as a charitable act wOl thy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treat ment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give Medical adtic gratis to all who apply by letter with a description of their con dition (age, occupation, habits of life. Ac), and in cases ofextreme poverty, to furnish. Medicine jree of charge. It is to add that the Association commands the highest medical skill of the age, and wid furnish the most apt rovtc moderr treatment The Directors of the Asso ciation in their annual Report upon the treat ment of sexual diseases, expres the highest satisfaction with the success which has attended the labor of their Surgeons in the euro of sem nal weakness, diseases of the Kidneys and Blad der, Ac. and order a continuance of the same plan for the ensuing year. Valuable reports on Spermatorrhoea, and oth er diseases of sexual Organs, and the nw reme dies employed in the Dispensary, tent to the afflicted in sealed letterenTclope*,frcc of charge Two or * Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, Dr J Sxau* Hocghton, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association. No. 2 South Oth at., Philadelphia, Pa Hy order of the Direc tors EZRA E HART WELL, President Qg n, F"aigPMn.s, .Wry. fnor. 10 ‘I9-Ijrl B£ SERE TO CALL AT MASSEY Jc LANSDELL’S. m%m & umii, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Dnigs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Patent Medicines, &c. Main Street, Greenesboro’, georgia. HAVE IN STORE AND TO 10,000 LBS. WHITE LEAD, FROM 7* TO 10 CENTS ; 2000 •’ SNOW WHITE ZING; 500 GALL’S. LINSEED OIL; 200 •< MACHINERY 200 - SPERM 200 •• LARD 100 •• COLD PRESSED CASTOR OIL; 40 “ SWEET 200 •• SP’TS TURPENTINE; 200 • 9$ FER CT. ALCOHOL; 100 •• BURNING FLUID; 109 •• COACH-BODY VARNISH ; 100 JAPAN 100 “ BLACK JAPAN; 40 <• PIANO VARNISH; 100 COPAL 100 x “ LEATHER •’ 100 • ASPHALBUNE VARNISH j 100 ■ TRAIN OIL; 200 *• KEROSENE “ 10 CASES CONCENTRATED LYE ; 200 KEROSENE LAMPS; 20,000 CIGARS; 100 OZ. QUININE; 10 *• MORPHINE; FERFUMERYJIN LARGE QUANTITIES, / And almost everything else belonging to the Drug Business, all of which we offer at, ATLANTA PRI CES, and to wholesale purchasers we will sell Drugs. Medicines, &c., at AUGUSTA RATES—freight ad ded. Every article warranted To be what It is Sold For. And, as we are having manufactured for us, several new brands of Lead in large quantities, we can offer greater inducements in quality and price than ever before offered in this market: Call and examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we fell confi dent we can give satisfaction. [Feb. IG, 1860. BY calling at Massey & Lansdell’s Drug Store and Examin ing some samples of Pure WHITE LEAD we think you will be convinced at once tbat it is a BETTER article than the Union Lead, and can be sold fer LESS MOSEY. WHEBEYOU CAN *U Y GOODS CHE AP. ~ SELLING OFF AT FIRST COST, OIY ACCOUNT OP CHANGING THE FIRM. / • WILL TO-MORROW COMMENCE SELLIG HIS WELLASSORTED STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, AT FIRST COST!! It is my earnest intention to dispose of my ENTIRE STOCK in a comparatively short time. No one will find fault with the prices, and, as most of the Good* being bought for Cash are very desirable in every family, it will give the public a rare opportunity to buy them FAR BELOW THEE REGULAR SELLING PRICES. COME ONE, OOME AX.I., AND SAVE FROM THIRTY TO FIFTY PER CENT!! J. KAUFFER, Angaria February 5, 1860-B tn. TJNTVEPI THE AUGHTSTA ITO'X'ja ij, AUGUSTA. A _ Patent Medicines, Ac.] AYE XL *IS “ Ague Cure. tuu TUB SUJitDT CURB ur- Intermittent Fever or Fever and Ague, Ro mitteat Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Headache, and Bilious Fevers; indeed for the whole Class of Diseases originating m biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria of miasmatic countries. Xo one remedy it louder railed (dr by the noee*. ities of t!ie American people than a sure and vufo cure for Fever and Ague. Such a remedy we are now enabled to offer, with a perfect certainty that it will eradicate the disease, and with assurance, found ed on proof, that uo harm can arise from it, u.e in anv quantity. That which protects from or prevents thi*disor der must b of immense service m the communities where it prevails. Prevention is better ;than cure, (ar the patient escapes tire risk which he must run iu violent attack, of this baleful distemper. This “ Cub* ” expels the miasmatic poison of Kttvsa amp Aorn from tho system, and prevent, the dc relopinent of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It i, not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also tfie cheapest. The largo quan tity wo supply for a dollar brings it within tho reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where Fbvkb ano Aoue prevails, every body should have it, and use it freely, bdth for cure and protection. It is hoped this price will place it within the reach of all — the poor a, well as the rich. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intennittents is, that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently if produces no quinism or other injurious effects what ever upon the constitution. . Those cured by it re> left as healthy a, if they had never had the disease. Fever and Agne is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disorders arise from iu irritation, among which are Neuralgia,. Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache. Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitation, Painful Af fection of the Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in tho Bowels, Colt?, Paralysis, and Derangement of the Stomach, all of wl/ich, when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. This Cube ” expo’s the poison from the blood, and con sequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants, and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occasionally, or daily, while exposed ta the infection, that will bo excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it is even moro valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter mittents, if they avail themselves or the protection tltis remedy affords. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the range of /heir action can rarely withstand or evndo thara. Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organism, cor recting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. Asa consequence of these properties, tbs invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy re stored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do tin v cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their u ill the following complaints: Conti miens, Heartburn, Headache arising from disordered Stomach, Moiuen, Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Ho**- < is, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite Jaundice, nnd oth-,- Itindred complaints, arising from a lowetnto of t!* body or obstruction of It* functions. They are an excellent alterative for the renova ion of the blood and the restoration of ton* and strength to the system debilitated by disease. Be sure to call at assey & Lansdell’s and price tbeir goods before purchasing elsewhere! Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, * . FOB THE ltAI’lD CUKE OF Cougkt, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, nnd for the relief of Consumptive Patients in ad vanced-stagas of tho Disease. So wide i* the field of its usefulness, and so nuinar ima are the cases of its cures, that nlmot every section of countrv abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by Its use. \\ lieu euee. tried, its superiority over every other mcdir;:-* of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, ami where its virtues are known, the ptiblie no longs.- hesitate wlnif antidote to employ for the distressing fad dangerous affections of the pulmonary organa that are incident lo our eiimate. While many ia t rior remedies thrust upon the community has* Idled and been discarded, this lias gain-il friend* hv every trial, conferred benefits on tin- afflicted thsy an never forget, nnd produced etit’ s too numeruta-. lad too remarkable to be forgotten, FnEPAitr.u nr DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL. MASS. For s\!e by J. Henry Wood, Greenesboro. and D. Hightower. White Plains. ]tp.l.. 6't-iv. NEW MEDICAL SALT! For Inflammatory Diseases Only.. Hr. Coggsweli’s new medical salt, instead of -‘-'being a remedy for all ills, has but one aim and accomplishes but one thing, to w it: Sub dues Inflammatory diseases whatever be its form or local jty. This it does by equalizing the circulation, thereby removing the *ol cause of inflammation. Dheumatism, Neuralgia, Fits. Colds,Fevers ‘‘'lnflamed Throat, Lungs and Liver, Female Diseases, Erysipelas, Bronchist, Pleurisy, As thma, Dyspepsia, Venereal Diseases Gout, Scrofula. Canker, and ail other forms of In flammation are easily cured by the New Sait The New Medical Salt is no CunE-Aix/but ■•■doesjust what it claims to do—no more, nor less—equalizes the circulation byremov ing from the system ail arterial and venous obstructions. Multitudes have tried the virtues of the New -'’-‘Meaical Salt, though but lately discover ed and introduced. Witness the testimonial* and certificates of cure. A 11 who have used it acknowledge a bent ft- i -‘‘■from it. An acquaintance of cur was cur-1 cd of a severe case of Neuralgia in less than a J ee< k.—[Norway (Me) Advertiser. your valuable medicineis nobly fulfilling in my.’ ease, all the promises which you made for it. K fe-v doses also relieved my mother of a rusb t -f blood to the head. J. P. GILLIGIiAM Phil-.. T-.flamitory Rhumatism was my complaint ‘Jibe> package did the work effectually as not a, vistige ol Rhumatism is left. G. IJ. DUNCAN, f know it is good for rl e imatism—removing it* *■ in a few hours. lam now tr> ing it fin Scrof ula and have received S. LESING* i tried it for Aneurism of the abdemei Aorta. In ten days the pain was gone. T. W. FITZIMONft Philadelphia, tire speak by the Book. We Lav tried it, ” ft has coni plot- control over inflammation —[Jacksonville (Va.) New Era. Bronchitis,Canker, Rhenmitigrnand Neuralgia been cured by it.—[Jefle. (Ind)Democrat Vfany more wfould testify if necessary.—Des* *' A criptive Circulars, with testimonials may be obtained from Druggists who have this valuable medicine for sale. DR. COGGSWELL'S ANTIPHLOGISTIC SALT Prica, $1 Chronic Packages, $2lO. W. Is. TAYLOH k CO. ‘ Gen’l Agents Montgomery, Ala. The New Medical Salt is for sate b> ail prog, gists. pue.l4, ’B9 1 v FORSALE. *l l f Herrel* ul HecutiecJ Wln.kjr i I ft 2# barrel*, Old It re MenongsbeU , 30 “X Wbtrky; i •< XX an •< XXX 30 Baskets Peart Cfcami-aigae , || •• Mmihois* ” ISS Boses Tohaoao, of dtfersnt brxnde; hr Ar>aa. r.b t.tH M (. AILBOCD. DK. COGGSWLtL’S MEW MEDltitSAif.