Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, May 02, 1860, Image 3

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We lx* vo received the following litilu ‘work, and upon a casual examination, think it worthy of perusal. The title is as fol lows : ‘•Tts Fvcts oh at Whose door does THE SIN (?) lib 1 Who Profit* by Stave Lahoi t Who initiated the Slave Trade ? What have the Philanthropist* Done!” These questions answnred by Geo. Fran ces Train, author of “Young America A* road,” &c., &c. Price 25 cents. We take the following extracts from the work: “Every extra bale of cotton you (En gland) demand, requires one more slave to produce it. Two millions of slaves pro duce 2.000,000 bales; three millions gives 3,000.000, etc.—one bale to every acre— -4,000,000 acres gives 4,000,000 bales ; and, straege enough, the same analogy applies to slaues. Every extra cent paid on Ameri can cotton raises the price of the slave $100; ten, SI,OOO : twelve cents gives his value. $1,200. ’Tis easy to know the value of slaves by the value of cottou. England is the real master of the slave ; and yet, listen to her moans and groans —her deep, long sighs tor liberty !” “Oat of 814,000 negroes conveyed from Africa to the West Indies during eleven years, Liverpool had the piofit and dis grace of taking 407,000. In round nuni* hers, .£13,000 000 in eleven years ! Ameri cans protested, but in vain. England per severed, as she does still with the opium traffic. Because it paid. — Southern lleco der. Charleston, April 30. 4 P. M.—The ’■Convention met this rooming at 10 o’clock, when several motions were made, and at last a direct vote was taken on the adop tion of Butler’s report, which is simply the Cincinnati Platform, as the platform of the Convention. It was decided by 105 ayes aud 19 nays. Eight motions were made 1 to counter-vote. Calls of order here followed, when Sam uel’s minority nomination platform reach ed, when another net work of motions xe curred Samuel’s platform was finally —ayes IGO, nays 138. The final ’vote is now pending on first section of ; SamuePs Report. The report ic-affinning the Cincinnati platform was ut last carried •by a large majority. Liqnor Excitement iu Minnesota—The -Ladies Turning out in Force. The (people es Minneapolis and St. An thony, Minnesota. have been under a great ‘excitement f<*- a week in relation to the liquor traffic amongst, them. The origin of St was the death of a young man by dcli *vum ‘tremens. On Sunday last Rev. Mr. Nichols preached, in tire Congregational church, WOtrong sermon, in which he ad vised, as we are informed, the citizens to take the “higher law” into theirowi hands for clearing out the liquor sellers, and ut terly exterminating thb .traffic iu Minnea polis. On Tuesday a committee of the Order ift Good Templars, composed entire ly of ladies, waited on the, proprietors of saloons and remonstrated with them in re lation to thd iniquity of their business, and warned them to close up. This was in tire morning; in the afternoon all the saloons were openeu for a “free treat.” and a large nuinbc) of the citizens got seriously drunk. On Wednesday night the Congregational Church, in which Mr. Nichols preached his sermon, was entirely destroyed by fire, and was supposed by the temperance folks to have been kindled by the liquor sellers.— On Thursday a meeting of citizens was held, and a deputation of about fifty gen tlemeii was instructed to wait on all the sa loon keepers, and give them notice that unless they closed up their business it would be closed by force. This duty was performed Friday, and tho saloon keepers ■announced their intention of making a (forcible resistance in case they were moles ted by a mob of she citizens. In themeifti time an association had been formed in St. Anthonv, composed of Americans and -Ger-Htetia. of which k prominent German named John Orth is the leader, for the -purpose if assisting the liquor sellers in •-cnfta they are unlawfully rn floated, and unless a compromise is effected between the parties to five controversy, accues of ..violence will ensue. oii Thursday the judge of probate in Cincinnati decided Unit one Sylvester was eut-itied to the custody oi Mary Nun Butler, his step daughter, seven ■gears ot age. Upon his going round to take the custody, the child, who had been sitting in'the lap of one of the ladies pres ent drew back from him in apparent ter ror, anil in an imploring manner, and in tears, called out to the judge, “Oh, judge, do not give me to linn!” This caused considerable emotion, and Gaffney show ing a disposition to assert the right the Court bad declared in his behalf, several persons gathered around. Mr. Nicholas Longworth, the wine king, iu an excited manner raid, “Let the nob interfere f” but the first man who attempted it was instantly taken bold by the officers pres ent and tbrown out of the room. Mrs. Weightman, with whom the child had been -living, overcome by the excitement of the •proceedings, fainted. The little child .wept bitterly, aud clung to the friends that had adopted it. Many of the Indus wrung their hands and declared and w.ouM j be mined if it left them. Tlic whole was turned into a scene oi .fusion; and the judge, as a matter of ds?- eietion under the eireuihstancee, directed Sheriff Kessler to take the child until further orders. Cultyrr of Cotton in Utah. —The Mor jn-uis. jtis s-tid, are turning attention to tlxe culture (xjfcott.m, and in Washington coun ty three hundred inilea south of Salt Lake City, about five tons were raised the past year. One person raised two hundred pounds of giiyiod cotton on one-fourth of an acre;, npd U Jfi Stated that enteiprising citizens are sending to the Stale for cotton gins to work op the potton so as to bring it into market. Cotton Plant.— B. F. McGilvray, Eu-> has placed upon oar table a-specimen Stglk of Artton having four pell developed leaves, aud say* h he were to inform us tbatJisliiMfieldof fifty seres precisely like U, wxtn one liqmlred and Wry pounds guMtp per acre. with Button seed Mid stable ! AR'inre in proportion, wo would not believe I it. lie asks us to visit bis plantation that’ we may ace the lain truth j Charleston, April 30.—The Minority Non-intervention Platform was adopted this afternoon by the delegates from Ala bama, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louis iana, Florida, Texas and Arkansas, all formerly announced, withdrew quietly from the Convention. The Southern delegates meet to-night for further consultation and future service. Sufferers from Scrofula and ‘crotulous aff-etions, chan up! Wbv wear jour Pim pies, Blotches, Ulcers, Sores ? Why have the life twisted out of you by dyspepsia, rliiimarism and Gout ? Why suffer Syphilitic and Mercu rial diseases to rot the bones in your body, or the fl sh ofTyour bones? why let your sluggish blood drag, and scatter its distempers through vour veins? Ayer’s i’omp Ex’t of sarsaparilla cures these complaints, and cleanses them out of the system. Use it f ithfully and you bring to society a healthier, cleanlier, and far more acceptable member. Baltimore, Aid. SANDS’ Salt Kliuuie Remedy.-Suf teiers fr m cutaneous and eruptive diseas es should at once rasort to this valuable medi cine, which will speedily remove the worst symptoms of these di-tr-.ssing complaints. No remedy has ever done so much for diseases of the skin, whatever form they may assume, as this. No case of salt rhume, ring worm tetter, scald head, barber’s itch, blotchiß, &c., can long wiih-tand its influence. Prepared aod sold by A. B. A D. Sands Druggists, 100 Fulton Street, N. Y. Sold also, by J H. Wood ar.d Drug -ists generally. D urine the summer thousands of suf ferer., from dyse teiy ad diarrhea have been relieved by the use of Uostetter 1 * Bitters ,. am- dicine which is evidently destined to main tain a permanent p ace in the public estimation Bilious diarrhea is one of those diseases which ball! s the skill ot the physician. The medi cine they administer to act upon the bowels never seems to reach the source of the evil.— The difficulty is to get a remedy that will reach all the digestive organs; and g-ve them simulta neously a rush ot vigor, to rid themselves ot this disease. This problem is solved by the Bitters, which never fails to conquer the most stubborn cases. It is ouly fair to say, th&tdu ring the summer season, this medicine ha.- ichieved more cure than any other ever pre suited to the ppblic, and dunng the fall, which that terrible scout ge, the f. verand ague,, is so prevalent, the “Bitters” will gain fresh fame. S"ld by druggists and dealers everywhere. - sis Sac adv rtisemyr-t in - -ib cnleni SPECIAL NOiIILS- A Card tw the Suffering. The Rev. iv illiam i. osgroye, w hiie laboring as a missionary in Japan, was cured of Con sumption, when all other means had faded, by a recipe obtained f-om a learned physician re siding in the great city of Jtddo. This rec-pe cured gieat numbers who were suffering from Consumption, Bronchit s, Soie Ti roat, Coughs, and Colds anel the debt-ity and nervous depres sion caused by these disorders. Desirous of bemfitting others, I will send this recipe, which 1 have- brought home with me, to all w ho need it, tree ot charge. Address Rev. William t OsGßovk, 230 Bal tc-street, Biooklyn, N, Y. April 18, Is6o 3iu The rchders of the Weekly aie r*<juend to nonce tne advertisement, jn an >tlier column, of Dr. J. huvut Dude’ Imperial Wine Bittera, for sale in Gieenecboru by Crabbe and Weaver.— They have recently been uated and approved by one of the ti? t Physicians in the South, and although they have been but few weeks beiore tbe people of Georo-ia, yet you can hear their praise from all sec tions of the State. Read the gemral advertisement. See Wliat Ayer’s Sarsapai ilia does for Derangements of the Lives’. St-'Tt’s Crossing, TailudegaCo., Ala., 9th Aug. ’69. Dr. J. C. Avkr, Lowell, Mass.— Siu; I take iny p*m to tell you what ynur Sarsapa rilla and Cathartic Pills huvt* done lor me. I had been afll cted with Liv**r Complaint for eis years, du ring which I was never well, and much of thetime very sick My liver was 3ore to the touch, aud the Doctors said was congestion I suffered from severe CiMtivenesa and Diarrhoea ultimately. My skin was Clammy and unhealthy ; my eyes and sk n ofren yel low. Occasionally I had a voracious appetite, but generally none at all. A dreadful sensation of op pression on rnv stomach, with languor and a gloomy eon sat ion of sickness all over, kept me in anguish.— You cannot know how much I suffered from an inde scribable feeling of distress The long of this condition, without relief, hart worn me out so that Ii ever expected to be better; but reading m the Christian Advocate, of your Sarsaparilla, I com menced taking it with ucchoi. n&l snail doses of your Pille, to regulate the bowels as you direct. From the first it had more effect upon my disorder than I supposed anything could have. I regained my health rapidly, and now after eh ven weeks, enjoy as good health and strength an ar y other rnan. M<y the “Dispenser ot all good” shew* r blceeinge on you. John W Stott. Pepared by J. DR C AYER and CO L well Maas. Y£ NAKED RAGGED AND FORLORN DOWN FROM GARRETS HASTE. CLOTHING AND Gents’ Famishing Goods! CRAfiBK & WEAVER have just received ■<nd are daily receiving the largest and best selected stock ot CLOTHING anti GEN TLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS ever offered in this market, consisting of , all descriptions and kinds of Hats , Caps, Boots, Shoes, Coats, Vests, Pants. Shirts, Hosiery, iff,. Sfc. A LSO, A fine lot of CIGARS. TOBACCO, WALKING CANES, ETC., ETC- Which they are offering at tbe lowest. Hv | ins: prices. BP Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, and we piomise, you shall be Suited. [March 21, 1860-ts. Copartnership Notice. rriUß subscribers have this day formed a ! y.opkßii- tMlip under the atvle of MURRAY & CO., Pot the propose of transacting a general Mer chandise B-isi.ess FANCY A 8-TAPLE DRY GtiOP 4 *. CLOTHING, H XT’. CAPS, BOO'S and SHOES. JAMES I. tr AKEFIBI D. ‘X.ARHXMN MURRAY, JAMES p. WcCAT.T. Gr-enosboro’. Ga\ F*-brur 15th, 1860-4 m. FAIR NOTICE. T Bo- ks of onr Store ad Hi mess Shop 1 .re Ih the hand-* of Jas. VV. WlnMd, to whom payment must be made; our means are O • limited to give longer indulgence, our Cred itor** are wanting their tn-mey.— VV. therefore give each, and all, fitir notice that after a reasonable time, we will use the moat effectual meant to wind up our Books. We hope therefore you will save ua trouble i and yourselves expense. WINFIELD* POUTER. i Feb, 2id 188'\ * sa. - Legal Advertise incuts* GEORGIA, Ghum Cocxtt.— Whereas, Sitnnel A Huwetl, Administrator de bmi. non, Xilh tjie Will ennextd, upon the estate of McKinney Dowell deceased, pet-dune the Court us Ordinary oi said county for Letters diamissurj : These are ihereibrt to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased (o show cause (if any they have)*b’ said Administrator should not be discharge 1 at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday iu November next. Given under my hand at office in Greeoesboro, April 2nd, 180. EUGENIOS L KING, Ord’y, fN F.ORG'A, Gaeasi Coontt.—Whereas, Freder-; M ic C. Fuller, Administrator upon the estate of Sarah D Willis, deceased, petyi-.ns the Court of Or dinary of said county for Letters DismUeory : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lo show cause (if auy they have) vl'hy said Adminis trator should nut be discharged, at the Court of Ordi nary to be held in and for said county on tbe firai Monday in October next. Given under my hand at office in Oreenesbnro, March 6th. 1880. EPGENIUS L KING, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Gscsni County.—Whereas,lsaac Mor rison, Executor and Mary Atkinson, Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Nathan Atkinson, dec , petitions the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismisaory? These are therefore to cite aud admonish all persons concerned,to show cause, (if any they have) why said Executor and Executrix should not he discharged at the Court of Ordinary lo be held in and forsaid coun ty on the first Monday in Au<rus( next. Given under mv hand at office in Greenesboro, Jan uary 10th, IS6O. ’ . ECGENTUS L KING, Ord y. GEuitG.’ V GaegNS C':' t -’t’TT—W liereas, Nicholas M. Jones, Administrator upC” the estate of Jesse S Jones dec., petitions the Coui't of OfuISWJ of aan county for Lett* rs Dismi-aory : These are therelore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to 6how cause—if any they have —why said Administrator should not be discharged at the Coart of Ordinary to be held in and for said coui ty on the first Monday in August next. (Lvcn under my hand at office in Greeneshoro, Jan : uary iOih, 1860 KUGKNIUS L KING, Ord y ARE YOU INSURED ? Cash Capital and Surplus over Two Millions, FORTY year* of successful experience has placed ‘this reliable Company at the head 01 American Underwriters. Policies are issued upon Merchandise, Store- Buildings, Dwellings, Public Buildings, &c., at equitable rates. Particular attention given to insuring de tached dwelling-houses for terms of three or five years, at very reasonable figures. Refer to Johnson 4 Porter and Davis & Bro. of Gretnesboro, whose stores were burned in the destructive fire of March 27th, and whose losses were promptly adj usted in o-a week t nPTPfI fr a p Apply to WALTER GRIFFIN, Ag’t. April 11-Brn. Greeneeboro’, Ga DAVIS k BROTHER \\f OULD inform their friends and the pub- T V lie that th- y have been driven by ‘the fire” to Mr. Norton’s store where tiiey offer for sale at the lowest market prices, their usual assortment of goods consisting in part, of B -nnets, Trimmed and TJntrisi.tned; Nea politan, Marsailss, Chip and Straw i la-,s; French Lace Mantillas and Points, with and without capes; Colored sna Black Barege Shaw ls ; Jackonet, Organdie and Barege Robes, ftom four to tor. Flounces, from $2 to $!2; Printed Lawns aid Muslin from i? 1-2 to 50c; Nansook, Jack -net, Mud and Swiss Muslins, Plain and Striped, from 18 to 60 cents; W'rt. Coßars, Muslin Trimmings, ffit. Bands, Twisted Si-k Mitts, Linen, Cambric, Plai , Hemst-tched and Embroidered Handkerchief*, from 10 eta to $3 00; / Hosiery, Hoop Skirts, from 50 eta to $2 60 ; lists oi all kinds; Boots, Shoes,Clothing ;• Hardware, Hollow Ware Iron, Steel, Nails, Sugat, Coffee, Molatsuk, Salt; in short what ever the wants of the people demand. All of which we w ill sell as low as can can be obtain ed in any market Thankful terrirs libera! patronage heretofore bestowed on us we hope our friends will take tbe traubl-- to visit us at our tiew location, y here we will supply their wants on as favor able terms as any houac in the city'. i dayis * Brother. Greenesboro, April 18, 860. [jan 26-lyl REWARD. RANAWAK from mv plantation oa the 22d of July last, mv Negro man Iv. He is about Sfior Jfiyeara uld, of uarkcumplexion, ab-ut six leet high, and weighs about 180 pounds or more. He is thought tot-e rangihrgb tween Greenes boro and Lawrences’ Mill on th< Ocons* riser. I will give -he above rewrar-l to any one who will lodge, him in’the Greene Omnty J -il or deliver him to n-e. WM. ROWLAND S*. March 14th 1860. ts. NOTICE. J. W. WINFIELD, H aviso purchased the interest of ftr A J T. PORTER in tb- IIAR NEsS Busrmss’ will cnnjjiioa to keep and have -made to.brder, Everything in his Line. He will also keep a Few Nohtiveiin Harness for those who want a CnEAf Article- He warrants all work done at the Staty Repair ing done upon reasonable terms. Those who want anything In his line would do well to call on G. W GROGAN. Agent Greenesboro, Feb 22, 186 ,, -Iy. DIARHH(E4!CRAP! CHOLERA! LdKi. DhOlis | Th. 4 m?dicine has b6en THE Ntv I K FAILING 1 TIUEU, TESTED and PKOVED RF’-’i-DV | py TK . S tears experience t- i* 1 -t-i ItIAIN, SAVE a°d RELIABLE rfß edy for all bowel derasgemlsts, diabrikea, Disentery, Cramps, Pains, Cholera, Cholic, 4c. now before thepubltc fine or two doses of 20 drops, will cnrc-Abe uiust sever*- cramps in tbe stomach in-20 minutes. A Single dose of ten cures the Diarrhoea ami it n<-veronstip*tes the bowt-ls. One dose Will satisfy any one oi its merits. Price o-uv 25'Cents. Prepared by Tuall-A Stow, 48 _ Bowery. N York. And E'dd in -'reen.-sboro by Mssi) &, Lansdell. • [apr. lltli, ’6'.-“ly. “TO I’ONSCIFfiVES AXD M-ItVOIS SUFFERERS. rffTBE subscriber, fur sevtral wars a resi- X flent of Asia, discovered while there a simple vegetable remedy—* sure Ctm- for Con sumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ccvghs, Colds, and Serrous Debility. Fn> tbe bene ft- of Con sumptives and JfiTTou* Ssficrers,, l.i- n w to make the same publi--. j- To those Who desire H. he will send the Pre scriotion, with fu 1 dirrouorw, {free of charge); also a sample of the medicine, which they will find a beautiful combination --f Nature’s simple herbs. Thoeedes-riog the Bomiyly can obtain it by return mail, b*’ aJlrwuting I J S CUTHBtRr, i BOT \hH'PH VMf IAS, >o. BroadNf. T- New Spring Goods. WILLIAM SHEAR, Has received a very large supply’of iimi & ?mm mu, Suitable for Spring and Summer Wear CQSSI3TISU or Tag CBWCKST SQVBLTIBS 0? THg SEASON IN . LADIES’ DRESS GOODS AMONG WHICH ARC Fancy Spring SILKS, Silk ROBES, with 7, 9 and 11 Volantes; Rich Organdy, Barege and Grenadiae ROBES, with 7, 9 and 11 Volantes; French Printed Organdies and Jaconets, of new and elegarrt styles; Ladies’ Silk, Lace and Barege Mantillas and Lace Points ; French Embroidered Collars and Undersleeves of beautiful styles; Ladies’ MANTILLAS and ROBES, in suits; Ladies’ DUSTERS, and Materials for Ladies Traveling Dresses in great variety of styles; Ladies* and Misses’ Hoop Skirts and Corsets, of new and most ap proved styles; A complete assortment of Ladies’ Mourniug Goods; A large assortment of Staple Articles, suitable for Family and Plant ation use; Also, a large supply of Embroidered Lace Curtains, of extra size and at very low prices. W. S. feels assured, that in Ladies’ Dress Goods, his stock, in re gard to extent, variety, style, quality and cheapness, is not surpassed by any in the City, or in the State of Georgia. The public are res pectfully invited to examine the assortment, [April 18, 1860. 258/ DRY GOODS. 258. KEAN AC ‘ No 958 Broad Street Augusta Georgia. Entirely New Stock! Call and Examine Before Purchasing Elsewshere. Our ecisprises all the Beauties and Novelties of DRESS- GOODS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, MANTILLAS, &C. Also, A general. Assortment of STAPLE AXti PASCY ARTICLES. All of which we are offering upon the most Accommodating terms. &T AN EXAMINATION WILL SATISFY. Rcspectfullyy &c., Apr-- 4. 1-.0-sm. KEAN & CLARK. DIRECT IMPORTATION or MW MB KLBdAfiT SPRIM* DR Y-OOOODS. IBM ftTlllLit Beg to call the attention of the Public to their New and Elegant Spring Stock of Dry Goods. Which they are now receiving, purchased on such favorable terms as to warrant them in assur ing 1 their friends and customers that they can s -ve them at l*-ast from Fifteen to Twen*y-Five Per Cent On all fine and imported Goode. Ti.e question m) naturally arise, how is it possible for them to do so? In answer to this, thev wish it to be distincty renumbered, that theirs is the ONLY KOL'SB US GSGUGtA That keeps an experienced Purchaser, all days in the year in the Northern Markets, with the Cash in hand to pick up BARGAINS, whererer they art- offered. And in atidi in to this fact, that.w. ere now import ug directly from Europe—buying goods n ni-.ny instan ces much cheaper than the Northern “Jobbers” can have -hem -rom in porters. When these tacts are remembered, it will be- asily perceived that they buy Goods from fifteen to twenty-five and in many cases FIFTY PER CENT. LESS Than the same class of goods can be bought for when the Northern M-rk ts are crowded -mb Southern and Western Merchants, laying in tb- lr six month s supplwa. Theirs is Strictly a Cash House They buy and sell for CASH ; and to save the feelings of all on this subject who might feel hurt on a refusal to open accounts with them. They Distinctly stnte that they open accounts with no one, not even IF THEY WERE WORTH A MILLION. This is another.fact that will be a predated by parties paying oui money, and desirous of obtaining the best value for the same, as they will perceive that we will not have to make Hit losses of bad debts on good cash TIIRTjFjY 115 Congress-street, opposite tbe Pnlaski House Sayan nab, April 4, 1860-ly. an d under the United States Hotel Augusta. Ga. ~~NEW CARPET STORE. JAMBS Gk. BAIIjIH Cfc BHOI'HER / Direct Importers of all kinds of C A 1? P E T I JN G S . Mattings in ail Widths and Colors Mannf a CarpetLiiningjlmported Door Mats juigis, Moor Uil tioiliis, \\ mdovv iSiiads, # (Jurtams, Uurtain Alaleriaiu, Cornices, Bauds, Loops, &c. WALL FALJuKLNU liS GREAT VARIETY, Ail of which we wRI sell at the low eet market prices. Terms cash. Patronage .olicitee 905 BUOAD SXttELT, AIGIhTA, GA, And JAMES O BAILIE, 234 King Street, Charleston. ty Carpets made up wflli dispatch, [mar. 30.1860-ly. NOTICE. G GEORGIA. Gacm ConutT —All paraona in ilebtrd ( TtKwiaa Marritt. lata f said countr dec., are rrrjue#t'd looiske imme'liatn pirinant, and aI! t boa# liatin? claims orainat him, to prratnt ih> tn duly ‘prorn lolha tindarsiirnad. J.\WE3 MEKRTTT, T.x’r. n1 Tbo">*a NyfHlt’ difi Gi**Bfab;rp. fcbiuarT |tb. IHD. S NOTICE. \IX Ibnw imbbtcd to the u*drr>ignH whodnunt uiahtoaae him told out by t)>> Mhariff, will plesae call aoi actUa at the caili> at opportunity O. H THOMI'&OX. Crun'aScro. Fib.. M b, 1%60, miscellaneous Advertisements. GREAT “EXCITEMENT!! GRAND SCHEME FOR APRIL, 1860. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY. mcKUNWEV & CO . managers. Authorised by special Act of the . 25,828 PRIZES. More than one Prize to evert/ two Ttckels. CAPITAL PRIZE,S6O,OOO. Tickets only 810 Halves, Quarters, and Eights in Proportion. To be Drawn Each Saturday in 1860, In the City of Savannah. Georgia. Class 66, tobcsDiawn April 7, 1800. Classo7. to bo Drawn April 14, lfiCO. Class tiS, to be Drawn April 21,1860. Class 69 to be Drawn April 2*-, IS6O. Magaitxccat Schama. IP’s ot6 ,000 is §60.000 I sos 1,000 am *6.000 I *■ 20,000 is 20,000 | 10 5OO arc 6,000 1 *■ 10 000 ii 10.000 2 “ 400 ui o BtK> 1 • 6,000 is 6.000 ] 2 •• 300 arc GOO 1 • 4 000 is 4,000 | 2 ■ 200 nrg 400 1 “ 3 000 is 3,000 | 60 •• 160 are 7,600 1 •• 2,000 19 2,000 | 100 100 arc 10 0 0 1 • 1500 is 1,500 | 100 * 96 are 960 1 • 1,100 is 1,100- 100 B5 arc 8 500 APPROXIMATION PRIZES’ 25 418 Prizes amounting t 0.... 8212,140 ‘>5.828 Prizes Amilng to $366,040 WILL BE DRAWN THIS MONTH, Cxbtificabes or Packagks will be, sold at the fol lowing rates which is the risk; Certificate of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets §6O •• •• 10 Halt “ P 0 • “ 10 Quarters “ 15 •• 10 Eighth • 750 LOOK AT THIS! A SPLENDID DRAWING ON The Three Number Plan ! Which taß.,'’ place on cferv Wednesday and Satur day in 1860, 1 Capital Prize of §23,000 1 Prize of 4,600 1 of 4.000 1 *< of *,OOO 1 • of 2,171.20 10 “ of |7OO are 7,000 40 • of 175 are 7,000 60 of 125 are fi.250 259 • of 80 are 20,720 64 of 50 are 3,200 64 t of 30 are 1.920 64 “ of 20 are 1,240 6,632 “ of 10 are 56,3-0 28,224 “ of 5 are 141,120 m - 34,412 Prizes Amounting to §281,481 20 Whole Tiekets $5, Shares in Proportion. IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFI CATES.—EncIose the money to our address for the tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be for. warded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in anv figurethey may designate. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to purchasers Immediately after the drawing. All communications strictly confidential. Orders for Tiekets or Certificates, bv Mail or Ex press, to be directed to McKINNEy and CO. November 2, 1859 ly Savannah, Oa. 4a ___ _ HOSTETrER’3 STOMACH BITTERS, Fbr the cure of Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Nausea, Flatulency. Lot* of Appetite, or any liiliou* Complaints arising from a morbid iruu'tion of the Stomach or Bmcds. producing Cramps Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morleus, So. In view of the fact that every member of the human family is more or less subjected to some of the above complaints, besides in numerable other conditions iu life, which, by the assistance of a little knowledge or exercise of common sense, they may be able so to regulate their habits of diet, and with the assistance of a good tonic, secure per manent health. In order to accomplish this desired object, the true course to pursue is, certainly, that which will produce a natural state,of things at the least hazard of vital strength and life; for this end Dr. Hos tetter has introduced to this country a prepara tion called HOSTETTER’S ST6MACH BITTERS, which at this day is not anew medicine, but one that has been.tried fut years, giving satisfaction to all who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus by the simple process of strengthening nature, enable the system to triumph over disease. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally contracted by new settlers, and caused principally by the change of water and diet, will be speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent when taken in all its various forms, than any other; the cause of which may always be attributed to derangements of the diges tive organs, can be cured without fail by using HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BIT TERS as per directions on the bottle. For this disease every physician will recom mend Bitters of some kind, then why not use an article known to be infallible 1 Kveiy country have their Bitters os a pre ventive of disease, and strengthening of the system in general, and among them all there is not to be found a more healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation emanated, based upon scientific experiments which has attended to advance the destiny of this great preparation in the medical soale of science. FEVER AND AGUE. This trying and provoking disease, which tin He relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him te a mere shadow in a short space of time, and rendering him physically and mentally useless, can be defeated and driven from the body by the use of JIOSTETTEB’i RKNOWNKD BITTERS, further, any of the above stated diseases can not be contracted when exposed to any ordinary conditions producing them, if the Bitten are need as per direction*. And ae it neither create* ■.mm nor offends the palate, add rendering nnneree ■ary any change of diet or interruption to neual par suits, bat promotes sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is thus removed as speedily a* i* coe xistent with the production of a thorough and perm*- y nent cure. - For Fenona in advanced year* Who are suffering from an enfeebled confutation and Infirm body, these Bitten are Invaluable a* a restore Uve of strength and vigor, and needs only to be trie* I* be appreciated. And to a mother while mining, there Bitten are Indispensable, especially where the mother's nourishment la inadequate to the demands ft Uw child, consequently her strength most yield, and bare it Is where a good took, such re Hostetler's gtomach Bitten Is needed to impart temporary stoength and vigor to the system. Ladies should by all means try this remedy for all eases of debility, and before re doing, a* your physician, who, If be I* acquainted with the virtue* of the Bitten, will recommend their are In all care* of weakness. CAUTION. —We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or coun terfeits, bat ask for Hotmn'i Cbumatxd Stomach Bittxhs, and see that each bottle has the words “ Dr. J. Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that oar autograph signa ture is on the label. ET Prepared and Mid hj EOSTETTEB A SB ITU, rutihargb, Pa., aad fold by all Dragging, graters, aad dealers geaeralljr throaghoit the Called Slates Caaada, Keith Aaerita aad Cerauay. SCOVIL & MEAD. NEW OULEAHIi LA- Wholesale AfCBII f For tele in -r< envt,l>uro b- J 11. W 000, W hit w •Plain. bjT. V. Hi){UtJWW.(Aiig,ra#-l)i