Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, May 09, 1860, Image 4

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Tl Wcftd and lie F fewer—A Domestic Opera. Lauta —lt's really provoking, you will go on smoking, The smell'* never oat of these curtains of oars, And the money, good lack, 0 I you spend in tobacco Weald bay me such loves, dearest Hen ry, of flowers. Henry—My dear, yoa are joking, 1 can’t give op smoking, Without it I should not be able to do ; And as for the flora yoa talk of, dear Laura, Believe me, 1 care for no flower, love, bat you. Learn—lt’s really provoking ; Henry —My love, you are joking; Law and s You will go on \ .., .. . . Haary- { I can’t give up ) •® ok * a 1 Math —What is to be dene I Laara —l might have suck roeee; Henry —Some folks bare flne noeee; Laura and t And marriage I Henry- i A husband f n * 9< "* Math — Oomplianee a due. Henry —My child, leave eff vying j 1 meant cot denying One innocent pleasure that sweetly be guiles, Aeeept this small absque, love, end beaten to deek, love, Tour tables with flowers, and your fea tures with smilee. Laura —o Henry, my darling, fergive my slight snarling, You’re really too good to me, Henry, by for; Butnow my behaviorsball merit yourfevor, Do let your own Laurakins light yonrtegar. ft Both —Tn fatnre united we’ll live, and de lighted To please one another by words and by • v deeds, And often shall Henry’s gift-Flowers be requited By Laura’s presenting ber darling with Weeds. Punch. Tbeagbtlessness of Mankind. Astonishing fact, that all that mankind acknowledge the greatest they care about the least; as, first, oh the summit of all Sreatncss, the Deity : ’Tie acknowledged la reigns over all, Hie presence always here, prevails in each star, observes us as awful Judge, claims infinite regard as su premely good—what then ? Wby, think nothing at all about him ! There is Eter nity ! Yon have lived porhapsthirty years: you are by no means entitled to expect so much more life; at the utmost you will soon, very soon, die I What follows ? Eternity—a boundless region ; inextin guishable life, myriads of mighty aDd strange spirits; visions of God ; glories, horror*. Well, what then? Why, think nothing at all about it! There is the great affair, moral and religious improvement. What is the true business of life t To grow wiser, more pious, more benevolent, more ardent, more elevated in every noble purpose and action—to resemble the Di vinty. It is ackowledged. Who denies it? What then ? Why care nothing at all abont it. Sacrifice to trifles the ener gies of the heart and the short and fleeting time allotted for divine attainments 1— Such is the actusl course of the world. What a tiring is mankind !— Fatter'* Life. Obcrlla gensation. On Monday, 4th icst., a negro arrived at Oberlin,Ohio,]the head-quarters of aboli tionism and treason, and begged refuge and uroteetion, claiming that he was a fugitive Rom Kentucky. As some suspicion ex isted as to his being a genuine fugitive, he was taken before Mayor for exami nation. The Mayor, after a close exatni .nation did not decide whether the negro was a fugitive er uot, and declined having anything further to do with the case. The nagro left the Mayor’s office, but had no sooner reached the street than be was seised by a gang of negroes, some thirty in all, who stripped him and cowhided him until the blood spirted from his facts back und breast in torrents. He wee then re leased and told te leave town at once.— Accordingly he started, but the black brutes, not satisfied with whipping him almost to death’s door, pursued him for two miles with clubs and atones and hide •us yells—The ringleader in this brutal affair was one Evans, a buck negro, and •ne of the notorious Obarlin rescuers.—Bo •ays the Cleveland (O.) Plain Dealer. Thi Gbnics of Napoleon tw a Sbb •lAKT — How a Company teas Saved. -W• have been informed by an officer of the U. 8. aimy ot a most remarkable instance of ingenuity and pretence of mind in a Ser geant of the army, which oeenrred a few weeka ago, by which he saved hit own life and that of hit party. A sergeant, with about twenty-fire soldiers, bad been tent ont tome milea from Fort Defiance, New Mexico, to guard tome stock which were •ant to grace, when, unexpectedly, they fonnd that the party was surrounded by about fonr honored hostile Navajo Indians. The brave and skillful sergeant took posi tion on an eminence, and, by a volley from the long-shooting rides of his party, at first drove off the savages, who. however, soon rallied, and ware preparing te storm the little party on’ all sides. The sergeant, in taxing his brain for an expedient by whieb to eonvey intelligence of the desperate peril ia which his party was placed, took a single dog whieb had accompanied the party, fattening to bis collar a note written with a pencil, informing the commander at the fort of his situation, took a tin cup in whieh ha put soma pebbles, which were •enfined with a pieee of cloth over the top, fastened it with a string to the dog’s tail, and started the dog loose, knowing that he wculd, in his affright, ran to the fort. lie dashed with hie greatest speed to Fort De fiance i the note waa discovered and read. Straightway a party waa sent to the rescue and arrived jnst in time te save the livea of the trlinle party. Thia sergeant jn-tly mer its a commission, which wo hep* will be a warded him by the President.— Kmtnsky ru*. Depositions appear in the papers of one hundred and seven Chinese who bed been kidnapped end secreted on beard the American ships Messenger, Pio neer and Governor Morton, and tba barque lfcaay KWhrter. bslwaghtg Be the Ctamd Duchy of Oldenburg. These coolies were intended to be carried to Cuba, and there subjected to au eight years’ engagement as laborers. Is California Beer Poisonous? This question is now attracting as much attention as the aalt-peter question did some years ago—some taking the affirma tive and others stoutly maintaining the negative. Among the latter, we notice a communication from Prof. J. Darky, of Ala., a distinguished chemist, who has analysed the California moss, and says that it is nothing more or less than yeast—that there is no sense in drinking the yeast, and that the beer is perfectly harmles. On the other hand, it is maintained that numerous deaths have occurred in some sections of the country in consequence of the moss adhering to the stomach and grow ingso rapidly as to produce suffocation ! > We would be greatly obliged to the doctors and chemists if they would settle this question one way er the ether. —J th an* Watchman. A Substitute fob Prb.sbivis.-A lady writer in an exchange communicates the following bit of information obtained where she ‘‘teok tea laat A dish of what I took to be preserves was passed me, which, npon tasting, I was surprised to learn contained no fruit. The ease with which it was prepared, and the trifling cost of its materials, are not its chief recommendations for unless my tasting apparatus deceived me, as it is not usually wont to do, it is emphatically a dip top substitute tor apple sauce, apple butter, tomato preserves and all that sort of thing. Its preparations are as follow: Moderately boil a pint of molasses from five to twenty minutes, according to its consistency, then add three eggs thorongbly beaten, hastily stiring them in, and continue to boil a few minutes longer, then season with a nutmeg or lemon. Organization of a Telegraph Company. —The Missouri and Western Telegraph Company was organized on the 15th by the election of 0. M. Stebbins, president and treasurer ; Edward Creighton, gener al agent; and Robert C. Clowey, secretary and superintendent. Among the corpora tors of this company are Chas. M. Stebbins. of St. Louis; Isaac R. El wood, of Roches ter, and J. H. Wade and Anson Stager, of Cleveland. This company contemplates the immediate construction of a line to Omaha, Nebraska, and Council Bluffs, lowa, extending to the Pike's Peak gold region, and it is their design to push for ward their northern and southern exten sions as fast as possible. They will be prepared to connect with a Northern or Southern line to California, or both, if two are built, as is most likely to be the case, thus Converging aH the lines west of the Mississippi, at this point, making St. Louis the great distributing centre of telegraph business between the Atlantie and Pacific stations. A Buenos Ayres letter in the New York Journal of Comrfierce says: “The death of Washiogton Irving has called out many appropriate and eloquent articles in our South American periodicals. Some of them are truly beautiful. His faithful delineation of Spanish character and scenery, and his evident delight in ranging among the castles and courts of knightly times, have cultivated an affec tion for him wherever the language of the cavalier is known. Asa writer here says: The muse of history is crowned with cyp ress.’ “Ratifications have been formally ex changed with Paraguay, by which that government guaranties the treaty between the Confederation and Buenos Ayres. “JosephS. Priest, esq., formerly of New York, has been selected by Gen. Cushman as his secretary of legation to the Confed eration. Mr. Priest is a fine Spanish and French scholar. He is an acquisition to the legation. It is important that the se cretary, as well as the ministei, be identified with the United States.” Rome and Neee England —“ Rome,” says Hawthorns, “is not like one of our New England villages, where we need the permission of each individual neighbor for every act that we do, every word that we utter, and every friend that we make or keep. In these particulars the Papal despotism allows us freer breath than our native air ; and if we like to take generous views of associates, we can do so, to a rea sonable extent, without ruining ourselves.” A Child Palled to Pieces hy a Quack Doctor. A most shocking and revolting case of human butchery occurred in the town of Iroudeqnoit on Friday night last, the facts of which, as elicited before Oeroner Blocs, are as follows: John Bnnsonisa laboring man, and works for Mr. David Forrest, on hie farm in Irondcquoit. He lives with his wife and children in a small shanty upon the land of Mr. Forrest, on Bay street, abont two miles from the city. On Friday night last, Mrs. Brunson manifested the signs which usually precede the advent of breathing humanity, and a young man by the nan e of Holloway was dispatched to the city for a physician. Having no par ticular direction, and being iguorant of the location of respectable practitioners, he unfortunately called upon one George Hauck, who lives in North street, where be has a doctor's sign out, the messenger recollecting the sign from the fact that he had delivered a load of wood there. Hanek proceeded to the bonse and com menced operation*, the details of which are too revolting foi publication. Suffice it to say, according to his own testimony and that of others, after he bad operated in a most brutal manner for a long time, during which the poor woman suffered tho most intense agony, and beseeclfed those around to kill her, Hanck, at the sugges tion of Forrest, procured a small rope, and. placing it round the neck of the child, he and Forrest palled npon it until it passed through, severing the head of the body, and leaving the woman still unde livered. ‘I, The “Dr” then sought to,.remove the head but conld not, when he tied the rope to one of the arms and thurtock away the body. Leavirgmattars in.this position, he eame to on# “Dr.” Adam Miller, with whom he returned and with whose assis tance ha removed the head. Haaek wae emnerMed te fail—X/slmmw Tbfm SUacellsuieous Advertisemruts. •. .. ■ ■■ KIcCOBD, HORTON Ot WALTON, WHOLESALE DKALESS IX Groceries Generally. Cor. Broad and Campbell Streets. AUGUSTA, GA. z. m’cord, j. w. hortox, bobt. WALTOX, JR. Augusta, Ga., March 28th, 1860-6 m. SOUTHERN DRUG HOUSE. SPSJJaS & HIS ST, BTILL OCCUPY THKIB OLD STAND, Opposite thb Plaxtab*’ Hotbl, Mo. 316, Where they Constantly keep on hand one of THIS LARGEST STOCKS 111 THE SOUTHERN COUNTRY! Comprising Every Article in the Drag and Fancy Goods Trade, ALL 07 Which they will sell AT NEW YORK PRICES. Price Before Yoa Bay. Augusta, Ga., January 10th, IS6o. , PLUMB & LEITNER. Near Post Office Corner, Broad St. Augusta, Georgia. WHOLESALE DEALERS I.X Pare Medicines, Chemicals, Drags, Paints, Oil, Glass, Perfumery, Brashes, Pine Toilet Articles, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Warranted Garden Seed Sye., tfc. Our stock is perhaps the most complete in the city, and our articles for purity are not sur passed by those of any concern. Sept. 28~ly. PLUMR k LEITNER. NOTICE. J. W. WINFIELD, Having purchased the intarwst of fk J. T. PORTER in the HAIi Jgggk NESS Business, will continue to keep and have made to order, Everything in his Line. He will also keep a Few Northern Harness for those who want a Cheap Article- He warrants all work done at the Shop. Repair ing done upon reasonable terms. Those who want anything in his line would do well to call on G. W GROGAN. Agent Greenesboro, Feb 22, 186<>—ly. FAIN MILLS! FJIHE subscribers have for sale MONTOOMERY & BRO’S., Celebrated Wheat Fans, That will clean a bushel per minute. Also, TAPPLIN’S Horae Powci* and Threshers, Inquire of J. CUNNINGHAM, or HOWELL NEARY. N. B.—t ‘ustomers wanting grinding done must have it in the Mills the first of the week. Greenesboro, April 18,1860-ts, J. C. FOR SALE. K Barrels of Rectified Whisky ; • f t 26 Barrels, Old Rye Man. iig.hcl.; 20 “X Whisky; *0 “ XX “ 20 •• XXX 20 Baskets Pearl Champaigne j 15 v Muimn,* “ 160 Boxes Tobacco, of different brand*; by ALSO, 250 Barrels Rectified Wbiskev ; 46 *• White Whiskey.” Aucualv Apr 26.1860 M. L ALLEGED. NATHAN A. HOBBS, CARRIAGE MAKER, PRNFIBLD, GEORGIA. HAS just received Urge and splendid as sortment of light Rockaways, Top and no Top Buggies, Carriages, Iron Axle Wagons from one horse to sir, all of which are of the very best make. He is bettor prepared- for the repairing of Carriages. Buggies, Ac., than any man in Greene or the adjoining counties. Sales made-on tbegnost reasonable terms. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere August 3d, IBS!My * rXiRNcnTcET THK Books of onr Store and Harness Shop are in the bands of Jas. W. Winfield, to whom payment must be made; our means are to limited to give longer indulgence, our Cred itors are wanting their money.— We therefore give each, and all, fair notice that after a reasonable time, we will use the most effectual means to wind up our Books. . We hope therefore you will save us trouble and yourselves expense. WISFIELD A PORTER. Feb. 22d 1880. 6m. Copartnership Notice. THE subscribers have this day formed a copartnership under the style of WAKEFIELD, MURRAY & CO., For the purpose of transacting a general Mer chandise Business FANCY A STAPLE DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS. CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, JAMES I. WAKEFIELD, WARHAM N. MURRAY, JAMES P. McCALL. Greenesboro’, Ga’, February 15th, 1880-tm. DIARRHffiA! CRAMUP! CHOLERA! LlVt. DKOJ’s. This medicine has been THU NSVF.R FAILING TRIED, TESTED and PKOVED REMEDY by TEN TEAKS experience to ot. Lit: 111, O.KTAIN, SAFE and RELIABLE rem edy for all bowel derangements, diakkikea, Bison tery, Cramps, Pains, Cholera, Ch'lic, Ac. now before th* public One or two doses of 20 drops, will cure the most severe cramps in the stomach in 20 minutes. A single dose of ten cares the Diarrhoea and it never constipates the bowels. One dose will satisfy any one of its merits. Price only 25 Cents. Prepared by Tkalj. A; Stow, 48 Bowery, N York. And sold in ‘ireenesboro by Mansey A Lansdell. [apr. 11th, 0"-ly. TO CONSrMPTIVES AND M’RYOIS SUFFERERS. THE subscriber, fur Several > ears a resi dent of Asia, discovered while there a simple vegetable remedy—a sure Cure for Con sumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and Acrvotts Debility. For the benefit nf Con sumptives and Kerrovs Sufferers, he it willing to make the same public. To tbmv who desire it, he will send the Pre scription, with full directions, (free of charge); also a sample of the medicine, which they will find a beautiful combination of Nature's simple herbs. Those desiring the Remedy ean obtain it by return mail, by addressing J. E. OUTHRERT, BOTANIC rfrrSICIA*. So, m Broadway, IT. I. BLANK* of all kinds neatly printed at ftp it effort notice. BE SURE TO CALL AT MASSEY & LANSDELLS. imms & urasiiL, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, • Varnishes, Patent Medicines, &c. Main Street, Greenesboro’, georgia. HAVE IN STORE AND TO AHRIVE: 10,000 LBS. WHITE LEAD, FROM.7* TO 10 CENTS ; 2000 •• SNOW WHITE ZING; 500 GALL’S. LINSEEI) OIL; 200 “ MACHINERY 200 “ SPERM. 200 •• LARD 100 •* COLD PRESSED CASTOR OIL; 40- SWEET 200 “ SP’TS TURPENTINE; 200 • 9 5 PER CT. ALCOHOL; 100 “ BURNING FLUID; 109 COACH-BODY VARNISH ; 100 JAPAN 100 *• BLACK JAPAN; 40 “ PIANO VARNISH-; 100 “ - COPAL 100 “ LEATHER - 100 •• ASPHALBUNE VARNISH; 100 ■“ TRAIN OIL; 200 - KEROSENE “ 10 CASES CONCENTRATED LYE; 200 KEROSENE LAMPS; 20,000 CIGARS; 100 OZ. QUININE; 10 “ MORPHINE; FERFUMERY IN LARGE QUANTITIES , And almost everything- else belonging to the Drug Business, all of which we offer at ATLANTA PRI CES, and to wholesale purchasers we will sell Drugs, Medicines, &c., at AUGUSTA RATES —freight ad ded. Every article warranted To be what it Is Sold For. And, as we are having manufactured for ns, several new brands of in large quantities, we can offer greater inducements in quality and price than ever before offered in this market. Call and examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we fell confi dent we can give satisfaction. [Feb. IG, 18G0. WHERE YOU CAN BUY GOODS CHEAP. BY calling at Massey & Lansdell’s Drug Store and Examin ing some samples es Pure WHITE LEAD we tbiak •you will be convinced at once that it is a BETTER article than the Union Lead, and can be sold for LESS MONEY. A SPLSKBIIO STOCK! At Lowest Prices! HEMIY J. 41SB0BYE, Watch-Maker, Jeweller, AND • OPTICIiN No 236 BROAD STREET, under the U. 8. Hotel, and opposite the City Bonk. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA., Keeps on hand a select and beautiful assort ment of Goods, consisting of WJkTGH&E, JKWKLEY, SILVER <L PLATED WARE, TkLBSCOFBS, SURVEYORS COMPASSES, SPV-GIAS ES, for Mountain Use, and in short every thing useful in his line of business particularly SPESOTAOIaES. . IN GREAT VARIETY. Fine Watches and Jewelry Repaired in the best Manner. [March 28, 1860 ly. GreataAttraction. The Farmer’s sal mi. fJNn subscriber is the Agent for the sale of Gor- A ham's Improved Patent GRASS-HOPPER PLOW, the heat, lightest, cheapest and most convenient of any now in use. It is the most easily constructed, the strongest to weight, and adapted to any kind of plow or soil. He proposes to’sell County, State. Shop, or Individual Rights. Patent obtained Dkc, 6th, 18r,9 JAMES S. WILSON, Bairdstown, Jan. 19, 1860.-ts. Traveling Agt J. s. & #/. a- WEM*£, MANUFACTURERSOF Saddles, Harness, Trunks dec , dec es, 11 ,\*VE permanently estaolished i -tl themselves in the Town of Pen- They arc ’n receipt of a Fiue Lot of Materials. and will constantly keep on hand a good assortment of Wagon. Coach and Buggy Harness of THEIR OWN and the NORTHERN MAKE. EF” All JOBS put np in the most work manlike manner of,the best material ty Repairing done at the shortest no tice. [Sep. 4,1858-ts. COPPER LICIITNING ROD COM. PANY. AUGHTSTA, Gru ol- WE are now prepared to furnish this cele brated Rod to all who taay want a good and cheap Rod—which has eight times the con ducting power of new Iron. For particulars see circulars. Orders solicited and attended to promptly. Agents wanted in all parts of the State. Protect your Elves and Property. J. F. Zimmekman, Esq., is our authorised Agent at ireeneshoro. for soliciting orders Ac. atthat place, at his establishment a mode! of the Rod can be seen. S. E..OL.ARKE, S. T. A G. S. November 21, 1859-flin. rMtJb MANHOOD, QjSjgjjy HOW LOST, HO'.V RES OKED, Just published in a Sealed Envelope, ON THE NATCBE, TII*TM*>T AND HADICAL Ct'Bfe OF Spckmatmbbhoka, or Semina’ WeaSnemi, Hrxu , Dt'btitly, NerroUrlu-M and lavoluntarr Eutitwiyur, indneioe Imp-incv mod Mrr.lml an Physical Inca pacity. Rt ROB. J. CULVER (ONM D. Author of “The Greeu ft-ok.” etc. The worlri-renowncd author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly prnvra from hia own eip-riencr trai the awful coneequeticea of eell-abu.© may be effect <*•ll y removed witboot Medicine and without dan* gnroua Sureical operaliona, bougie*. iaalrntnenta, rinm or eortliala ; pointing out a mode ol cure at ooca certain and effectual, by which every uff-rer, no matter what bia condition may be. may cure himaeli cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon U> tnouaandß and thouaanda. , Sant under aeal to any add rata, roar-VAip. on the . receipt of two poatage atampa, by addrcasing DR. SP J.C. KLIKE.iI T> .* T irat Avenue. Wcw j turrit, rial Wet 4WS -Anrtl 11. t” fy. Beware of Mineral Poison*. DR. J. DO VUE DODS’ CELEBRATED VEGETABLE MEDICINES, HIM IMPERIAL WOE RITTERS? For ihe cure of Incipient Consumption, Weak Lungs. Weak Stomachs, Indigestion Dyspepsia, General o> Nervous Debility, Piles, and all diseases requiring a Tonic, are unsur passed. They are made of a pure Sherry Wine and aside from their medicinal properties, they are a most wholesome and delightful Beverage. His ftramfy Cathartic, Is a sure remedy lor Costiveness, Liver Com plaint and Dyspepsia. They are pleasant to the taste; sure in their operation; and as a Cathar tic. entirely, effectually, and poeidrtly super cede the ue of , so nauseous and disagree able to the taste. His Imperial din Ritters, Act .n trie Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary ('r gnns, and ares superior remedy for Dyspepsia, cennected with Liver Complaint in all its forms. Far Female Obit actions, They are truly valuable, made of pure Holland Gin, pleasant and agreeable to the taste, and may be well termed a necessary FEMALE COMPANION. His Cathartic Syrup, For Infants, Children and Delicate Females, is certainly one of the most desirable and valua ble Medicines in the world. It is a perfect subetitvte tor Calomel, acting on the Liver, re moving all obstructions in the Bowels, curing Costivencss, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Al though it is as sure and effectual in its opera tions as Calomel, yet it is so delicious to the taste, that children will cry for it, and it is ar. rentle, innocent and harmless as the dews of Heaven. Thousands of mothers throughout the land will bless the discovery of this valua ble Medicine CHARLES MTDDIFIELDAf 0., Proprietors, 649 Up 651 Broadway, N. Y. And sold by Druggists generally. SOLD ALSO, BY C'rabbe & Weaver, Greenesboro, Ga. Plumb & Luther, Augusta, ,v Hunsicct <fc Taylor, Atlanta, “ January 12, 188-lv. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by Special Endowment for the leliij nj the Inland Distress’ , afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. TITF oward Association, in view of the awful destruction of human life caused by sexual diseases, and the deceptions practiced Upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by quacKS, Several yea s aeodiiected their con sulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of tl.eir name. to open a Dispensary for the treat ment of this class of diseases, in,nil their forms, and to give Medical adtie gratis to all who *p dy b, lettei vjth a description of their con dition sage, occupation, habits of life, Ac). and in eases ol extreme poverty, to furnish Medicine j ,ree of chat ge, It is ne*dless to add that the lsroi iat-.on oromandstbi highest medical skill of the age, aid wi 1 furnish the most approved modern treatment The Directors of the Asso ciation ir> their annua! Report up.f! the treat* ment of -extiai diseases, cypres-- the highest satisfaction with the success which has attended the labor of their Surgeons in the cure of aem nal weakness, diseases of the Kidneys and Blad der, Ac and order a continuance of the same j tdan for the ensuing vear. Valuable reports on Spermatorrhoea, aud oth r diseases sexual Organs, and the new reme dies employed in the Dispensary. ent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes free of charge Two or 3 Stamps for postage will Leacceptable. Address. Dr J Hocghtox, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South 9th ! st., Philadelphia, Pa By order of the Diree- 1 tors EZRA E HARTWEIJ., President. I o**. FMBfHH.Ii, Sec'ry. [nov. 19 ‘Ho\y Patent Medicines, Ac. i/cver and Ague, front vvV !i mankind fuller over a large part of the glotie, i- liu con* qiii'lliv of a diseased action ill tho system, indued by tin* poisonous miasm of Vegetable dVeav. Tills exhalation is evolved bv the aetion of solar heat on wet soil, and rises with the watery vapor from it. While the suit is below the horizon this va por lingers near the earth’s surfuee, and the virus is taken with it through the lungs into the Idood. There it acts as nit irritating poison on the internal viscera and excreting organs of the body. The ,‘i\ > r heroines torpid and fails to secrete not only this virus, hut also the bile from the blood, liotlt tjio virus an 1 the bile ttceutnniatc in the circulation, and produro violent constitutional disorder. The spleen, the kid neys, and the stomach sympathize with tho liver, and become disordered also. Finally, the instinct of our organism, as if in an attempt to expel the tioxiotls infusion, concentrates the whole blood of the laxly in the internal excretories to force them to east it oat. The blood leaves the surface, and rashes to the cvn md organs witli congestive violence. This is tho Chill, lint in this effort it fails. Then the Fever follows, in which the lilood leaves the central organs and rushes to tho surface, as if in another effort to ex pel the irritating poison through the other great ex cretory —the skin. In tills also it fails, and the sys tem abandons the attempt exhausted, waiting for the recovery of strength to repeat the hopeless effort another day. These are the tits or paroxysms of )*- vku am) Ague. Such constitutional disorder will of course undermine the health if it is not reimmsL We have labored to tiud, and have found, an aa-- iidoto. Ayer’s Ague Cure, which neutralizes this malarious poison in the lilood,. and stimulates the liver to expel it from the body. As it should, so it does cure this afflictive disorder’ with perfect certainty. And it does more, or rather’ does what is of more’ service to those subject to this infection. If taken in season it expels it from the sys tem as it is -absorbed, and thus keeps those who tree’ it free from its attacks; keeps the system in health although exposed to tho disease. Consequently it not only cures, tint protects from, the great variety of af fections which are induced by this malignant influ ence, such as Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb, or Masked Ague, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Head ache, Bilious Fevers, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, (lout, Blindness, Karaehc, Catarrh, Asthma, i Palpitations, Painful Affections of the Spleen, Hys terics, Colie, Paralysis, and Painful Affections of tho Stomach and Bowels, all of which, when arising from this cause, will be found to nsstnno more or less the intermittent type. This “Ague Cure’’ removes tho cause of these derangements, and cures the disease. Tills it qeoomplishesbv stimulating the exerctorie* to expel the virus from the system; anil these organa by degrees lxvome habited to do this their office of their own accord. Hence arises what we term accli mation. Time may accomplish the same end, but often life is not long enough, oris saerilieed in the attempt, while this “ Ague CI'KK ” does it at once, and with safety. We have great reason to believe this is a surer as well as safer remedy for the whole class of diseases which are caused by the miasmatic infec tion, than any other which has been discovered; and it lias still another important advantage to the pub lic, which is, that it is cheap as well as good. PREPARED IVY Be sure to call at Massey & Lansdell’s and price their goods before purchasing elsewhere! l>li. J. G. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS, rater. One Dollar t-Eit Bottle. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral lias won for Itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lffhg Complaint, that it Is en tirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been employed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this sec tion, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the host it ever hue been,, and tlmtait may lie relied on to do for their relief ail it lias ever been found to do. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For all tho purposes of a Purgative Medicine.. Foil CoSTIVENIiSS; ron the Cure op DrsrgntA; Fott Jauspice; Fob the Curb ok Indigestion; Foil Headache; For the Cure ok Dysentery ; For a Full Stomach; For tub Cure op Erysipelas; For The Piles; For the Cure ok Scrofula; For all Suhofulous Complaints; For mu k Curb ok Rheumatism ; For Diseases ok the Skin; For the Cure ok Liver Complaint; For Dropsy; For the Cure of Tetter, Tumors, and Salt rheum.; For Worms; Fob the Cure ok Gout; For a Dinner Pill; For the Cure of Neuralgia; For I‘uuieying the Blood. The v nre sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive ran te, ke them pleasantly, mid being purely vegetable, no harm cun arise from their use in any quantity. Priea 25 cants par Bax; Five Boxes for SI.OO. firent numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, Stales, men, und eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remis in'-, but. our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The agents In-low named furnish gratis our American AumanaC in which they ure given; with a!-o full deseripti.uis of the above complaints, and the treatment tiint should be followed ftlr their ourr„ 1 id not he put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Dent and AVer's, and take no others. The sick want the lame aid there is for them, and they sltould hare it. All our Remedies are tor sale by For sale, by J. Henry Wood, Greenesboro. and D. Hightower. White. Plains. ]tp.l .-’BD-iv. NEW MEDiCAITSALT.~^~ For Inflammatory Diseases Only. |Ar. Coggswell’snew medical salt, instead oi I Y'being a remedy for all ills, has but one aim ! and accomplishes but one thing, to wit: Sub-’ dues Inflammatory diseases whatever be its form or locality. This it does by equalising the circulation,’ thereby removing the soli cause of inflammation, , Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Fits. Colds,Fevers Inflamed Throat, Lungs and Liver, Female Diseases, Erysipelas, Bronchi?!, Pleurisy, thma, Dyspepsia, Venereal Diseases Gout, Scrofula. Canker, ar.d all other forms of In flammation are easily cured by the New Salt, rphe New Medical Salt is no Cure-All,’but •’ does just what it claims to do— no more, noj less—equalizes the circulation byremov ing from the system all arterial and venous obstructions. If latitudes have tried the virtues of the New Salt, though but lately discover ed and introduced. Witness the testimonials and certificates of cure. ( A 11 who have used it acknowledge a bent fb I -''■from it. An acquaintance of cure was cur- 1 ed of a Revere case of Neuralgia in less than a | week.—[Norway (Me) Advertise t. Vour valuable medicine is nobly fulfilling in my -*• case, all the promises which you made for it. A few doses also relieved my mother of a rush of blood to the head. J. P. GILLIGIIASI Phil, [nflamatory Rhumatism runny complaint Th* ■•first package did the work effectually as not a. vestige of Rhumatism isleft. G. If. DUNCAN. T know it is good for rheumatism—removing it ■*■ in a few hours. lam now trt jng it for Scrof ula and have received bt nr fit S. LESING, I tried it for Aneurism ol the abdomen Aorta.. •In ten days the pain was gone. T. W. FITZIMONS. Philadelphia. VC c speak by the Book. We have tried it, ” It hascomplet. control over inflammation. —[Jacksonville (Va.)New F-ra. Bronchitis,Canker, Rheumatismand Neuralgia been cured by it -[Jcffe. (Ind)Democrat Many more would testify if necessary.—Des ■•"•criptive Circulars, w ith testimonials may ba obtained from Druggists whohave this valuable medicine for sale. DR. COGGS WELL’S ANTIPHLOGISTIC SALT Price, $1 Chrcmc Packages, $2lO. W. L\ TAILOR A CO. Gen’l Agcnft Montgomery, Ala The New Medical Salt is for sale by all Drug gists. [joe-14. ’69 Iv Job Work of all kinds neatly done at this office on short.notice. DM, COGUSWELL’S NEW MEDICAL SALT.