Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, June 20, 1860, Image 4

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* Romance of Real Life. The most extraordinary trial is about to come before the Tribunal. One of the highest families of France is attacked, in its purity of lineage, by a series of circum stances of the most whimsical kind. Some thirty years ago a lady*and gentleman con fided their baby-heir to the careful tend ing of a nurse—as is the case as much as ever in France. This nurse, being the wife of the gardner of theii chateau, was in the enjoyment of the greatest confidence and esteem,*nnd had fully justified it by many yeirs’ service as a lady’s-main in the family. The child remained with her while the gay another went to the Eaux and other places, and was, therefore, but seldom seen by the parents, save during the few short weeks in which they made the chateau their abode. On ODe of these unexpected visits, the nurse, who had bedizened the little heir for the meeting with its tender mother, had seated herself at the door of tho cottage, placing the infanton the stone bench beside her. In the agitation of beholding the gay carriage and out-riders at a distance approaching the cottage, the woman jump ed up so suddenly that it seems she scut the poor infant rolling off the bench with such violence that, in the fall, it broke its arm in two places! The terroi of the poor creature can easily be imagined, but the husband came to her rescue with the proposition of showing their own child to the lady-mothor; and, by the time the nurse would be sent for to the chateau, all would go right, tho accident be owned, and no notice would be taken. The woman consented —she huddled on the embroidered cap, she fumbled over the embroidered cloak —and, by tho time tbe carriage had drawn up to the door, she pre sented herself, although still pale ana trem bling, with the baby in herarms. Instead of the customary pmiling indifference, how ever, with which she and her charge had been usually greeted, a cry of angiy hor ror burst from the mothcr-“Or/Yt<fo Dicux ! •hat a filthy little object! How lean— how dirty—how ill cared for!”—and, in a Eet, she seized the infant in her arms, and eforc the poor stupified nurse could ex postulate, tho carriage had driven off, and the woman was standing, open-mouthed and alone, on the threshold. The husband endeavoured to console lier with the hope that, on the morrow, all would be right.— The screaming heir was quickly attended to by the village doctor, and, by dawn the next day. the good man had walked to the chateau to explain the disaster ; but what was his consternation on learning that the lady had only visited the chateau for the night cn passant, and that she had already started by the rail way foi Germany, carry ing with her the child, and full of anger and disappointment against the nurso for Iravlng allowed her dear baby to get so dir ty, lean and brown ! Hero was a dilemma ! But the husband, who seems to have been the great comfort er, came again to her rescue, and advised her to romaiu perfectly quiet until the fam ily’s return. But the family did not return for years; and the children grew up eacli out of Ilia degree ; and not till the death of the nurse, about three months ago, did the tiuth come out, Before the priest and no tary, on lior dying bed, did fho swear to the tale; and theroby docs the titled lieir of a great family become plain “Jear.,” and plain Jean from the ranks of the army in Africa become the heir of a proud line.— The gentleman thus attached is well known in England, having been secretary of the -French embassy in London for some years, and has only been latelj’ removed to a higher position. Berryer is appointed to -the pleading of his cause, and Marie has undertaken that of the unrecognized no bleman.—Paris Correspondent of Phila delphia Inquirer. The Key to the Weather. A letter of M. Conninck to the Courtier des Halles is exciting great attention in France. It will be remembered that Mar shal Bugeand proclaimed the discovery of an ancient Spanish manuscript, in which the natural laws which govern the atmos phere were so clearly laid down that noth ing was loft to chance, and projects could be made with the greatest security. These calculations, based upon 50 years’ experi ence, comprising 600 revolutions of the moon, had enabled the author to foretell the weather to a nicety, and tho Marshal, struck by the confidence with which the theory was broached, after taking some little trouble to practice the same rule of calculation, found it unerring likewise. M. de Conninck now comes forward with Ilia experience also, and at length wo can boast of possessing a key to the pranks of the moon, which will henceforth render 4hem completely harmless. This it is: The weather, eleven times out of twelve, is exactly the samo during the whole moon as on the fifth day if on the sixth day it resembles the fifth; and nine times out of twelve it is exactly the same as the fourth day if the sixth day resembles the fourth. This rule, says M. do Conniuck, is found invariably eight months in the year. The exceptions have hitherto been October, Fobmary, March, and April. Tiibrr is Nothing New Under the Son.—l think tho following facts will be interesting to your readers at the presont time, when the rifle is the topic of the day. The carbine with which Hamilton of Both wellhaugh shot the Regent Murray, in 1570, is preserved at Hamilton Palace, it has a brass barrel, the same length as the Enfield rifle, and the bore is of the,same diameter, and what is most singular, it is rifled nearly in the same manner as the Enfield. The power of this rifle appears to have been great, for “tho ball after pass ing through the body of tbe Regent, kill ed tbe horse of a gentleman who was rid ing on thq other side. ’ Church Matic. —“Few people,” says the New York Evening Post, “are aware of the large sums of money paid by some of our city churches for their music. A cultivated choir cannot be obtained for less than a thousand dollars a year, and many of our churches go beyond doublo that figure. Most of our resident musical tal ent, and especially tbe numerous lady vo calists, who occasionally sing at concerts, titc members of the various church choirs; and many an industrious musical young lady hi this way adds a comfortable sum I to her income. Edward Ererrtt ha* inn completed his sixty-sixth year. Miscellaneous Advertisements. NOTICE “ DR. N. F. POWERS, having been burnt out has had to get an office elsewhere.— He is now st ving in tbe house formerly held by Dr. Latimer. Dr. P. solicits the patronage of those who may grant it, and who are willing to pay for it. TE NAKED RAGGED AND FORLORN DOWN FROM YOl'R^ GARRETS HASTE. CLOTHING AND Gents’ Furnishing Goods! CIRABBE & WEAVER have just received ) and are daily receiving the largest and best selected stock of CLOTHING and GEN TLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS ever offered in this market, consisting of all descriptions and kinds of Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Coats, Vests, Pants, Shirrs, Hosiery, Sfr,. S(c. A LSO, A fine lot of CIGAR£, TOBACCO, WALKING CANES, ETC., ETC. Which they are offering at the lowest liv ing prices. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, and we piornise, you shall be suited. [March 21, 1860-ts. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS! Will. SHEAR HXS received his Summer Supplies, embra cing a splendid assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS! Among which arc — French Orgindies and Organdy Robes, of new and elegant styles; French Printed Lawn: and Jackonets, of new and beautiful styles ; Rich Paris Silk and B-ircgo Flounced Robes; Rich Fancy, Plain Black, and Black and Purple Grenadine Flounced Robes ; Fancy Summer Silks and Plain Black Silk Grenadines ; Ladies’ Lace, Silk an 1 Barege Mantillas, of the latest styles; A large assortment of Articles for Ladies’ Traveling Dresses; ‘ Ladies’ Barege Anglaise Suits of beautiful styles ; *A full assortment of Goods for Lad es’ Mourning Apparel; Cambric, Jickonet, Nainsook, Muil, Swiss and Tarletan Muslins; Jackonct and Swiss Insertings and Edgings, and Worked Muslin Bands ; Ladies’ Embroidered, Hem-Stitched and French Lawn Handkerchiefs; Ladies’ Rich Lace and French Embroidered Muslin Collars and Underslecves ; A complete’ assortment of Ladies and Misses’ Hosiery, of the most approved make; A large supply of Ladies’ Hoop Skirls, of new and most approved styles ; With a large assoitment of STAPLE GOODS,. For Family and Plantation Esc. All of which will be sold at low pri es. The attention of the public is respectfully invited to the assortment. June 13, 18G0-tf. Good Times have come at Last! Two Thousand Three Hundred and Eighty Prizes! $lO. OOO.’ FOUR CAPITAL PRIZES! a. j. FORTY-EIGHTH MAGNIFICENT CASH, WATCH £ LAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION. WILL BE DRAWN AT FRANKLIN, IND., MONDAY AUGUST 6th, 1860. Cash Prize of SSOO in American Gold. Horse, Buggy and Harness, S4OO. Splendid Rosewood Piano Fort Valued at $360 3C3 GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, All in Hunting Cases from 818 to 8250 272 Prises in American Gold, $2,50, to SSOO. 200 ACRES OF FARMING LAND. 419 Sets Solid Silver and Double Plated Ware. Patent Self-Winding and American Spring Watches, Gold and Silver Vest Chains, Bracelets, &c., &c., Ac. Number of Prizes, ----- 2,180 Value of Prizes, $17,600 Tickets Limited to - - <- - - 16,500 DRAWING TAKES PLACE MONTHLY. Every Ticket-holier receives a printed list of drawn numbers, free of charge. fg* All drawings take place in public, su perintended exclusively by the Ticket-holders. REFERENCES. I take great pleasure in referring all who are anxious for information respecting my honesty business promptitude, &c - , to any of the coun ty officers, Postmasters, Express Agents, Justi ces of the Peace, Merchants, Representatives and Senators of Johnson county, or any of the numerous Agents in the various parts of tbe Union, who have attended iny drawings. As the above named are personally acquainted with me, and most of them have attended my numerous drawings, I will request all who wish to satisfy themselves of the safety of their investment to write to any of the above gentle it en. Agents Wanted in every locality, to whom the most liberal Inducements are offered. AUXI’KIZEB PROMPTLY PAID. Single Ticket®, fit Six Tickets 86 A. jT ALEXANDER, Franklin, Johnson Cos., Indiana. June 18th, 1860 a 6m. BI.AMK6 of all kind* neatly printed at ihisi'fllce, st ooct notice. miscellaneous Advertisements. McCORD, HORTON & WALTON, WHOLESALE DEALERS IS Groceries Generally. Cor. Broad and Campbell Streets. AUGUSTA, GA. Z. m’cORD, ). W. HORTON, KOBT. WALTON, JR. Augusta, Ga., March 28th, 1860-6 m. SOUTHERN DRUG HOUSE. SPKARS & EIGHT, STILL OCCUPY THEIR OLD STAND, Opposite the Plantebs’ Hotel, No. 316, Where they Constantly keep on band one of THE LARGEST STOCKS IN THE SOUTHERN COBNTRII Comprising Every Article in the Drug and Fancy Goods Trade, ALL OF Which they will sell AT NEW YORK PRICES. Price Before Von Buy. Augusta, Ga., January 10ih. 1-60. PLUMB & LEITNER. Near Post office Corner, Broad St. Augusta, Georgia. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Pure Medicines, Chemicals, rug s, Paints, Oil, Glass, Perfumery, Brushes, Fine Toilet Articles, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Warranted Garden Seed Bfc., Sfc. Our stock is perhaps the most complete in the city, and our articles for purity are not sur passed by those of any concern. Sept. 28- ly. PL UMB & LEITNER. FAN MILLS. T | ’HIE subscribers have for sale MONTGOMERY & BRO’S., Celebrated Wheat Fans, That will clean a bushel per minute. Also, TAPP LIN’S Horse Povvcis and Threshers, Inquire of ‘ J. CUNNINGHAM, or- HOWELL & NEARY. N. B.—Customers wanting grinding done must have it in the Mills the first of the week. Greenesboro, April 18,1860-ts, J. C. SOUTHERN RIGHTS. MUCH has bean said of late about South ern Rights and Southern Trade, espe cially since the Charleston Convention, You can now, “show your faith bv your works.” J. W. WINFIELD, Offers for sale HARNESS of all kinds, made in this city', out of the best Southern material by a Southern man and he will give a Southern war rantee, for all work done in Ms shop. He is prepared to make, to order, anything from a throat-latch of a Bridle to the finest Carriage Harness. ®®f”Call at his shop in front end of Brother Copelan’s Livery Stable and you will be waited on by a Southern man. U*. W. GROGAN. Greenesboro, May 15. [feb.22-ly] Agent. FOKSAXiZS. W F? Barrels of Rectified Whisky ; 4 O 25 Barrels, Old live MmvmgOicla ; 20 • X Whisky; 20 “ XX “ 20 “ XXX 20 Baskets P arl Chamraig-ne; 15 “ Mu mm,s “ 150 Boxes Tobacco, of different brands ; by ALSO, 250 Barrels Rectified Whiskey; 15 “ White Whiskey. Augusta. Air 25,1860 M. L ALLEOUD. COME ONE, GOME ALL! BEING 'desirous of reducing try Stock of Goods, 1 take this method of informing my friends and the public generally, that I have on band, a well assorted stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., Ac: which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest, and persons buying for cash will do we 1 to look at my stock before buying elsewhere, as the Goods most be sold bv August next. Call and see them A ysord to the wine is sufficient. VYM. 0. SMI I K. Greenesboro, April 18tb, 1860-3 m. NATHAN A. HOBBS, CARRIAGE MAKER, PEXFIELD, GEORGIA. HAS just received a large and splendid as sortment of light ays, Top and no Top Buggies, Carriag Ax e Wagons from one horse to six, a. 1 oi which arc- of the very best make. lie is better prepared for tbe repairing of Carriages, Buggies, &c., than any man in Greene or tbe adjoining countieß. Sales made on the most reasonable terms. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere August 3d, 1859-ly FAIR NOTICE. THE Books of onr Store and Harness Shop are in the hands of Jas. W. Winfield, to whom payment must be made; our means are 100 limited to give longer indulgence, our Cred itors are wanting their money.— We therefere give each, and- all, fair notice that after a reasonable time, we will use the most effectual means to wind up our Books. We hope therefore you will save us trouble and yourselves expense. WINFIELD & PORTER. Feb. 22d 1800. Cm. DAVIS & BROTHER WOULD inform their friends and the pub lic that they have been driven by ‘‘the fire” to Mr. Norton’s store where they offer for stle at the lowest market prices, their usual assortment of goods consisting in part, of Bonnets, Trimmed and Untrimmed; Neo politan, Marsailes, Chip and Straw Flats; French Lace Mantillas and Points, with and without capes; Colored and Btack Barege Shawls ; Jackonct, Organdie and Barege Robes, from four to ten Flounces, from $2 to sl2 ; Printed Lawns and Muslin from 121-2 to 60c; Nansook, Jackonet, Muil and Swiss Muslins, Plain and Striped, from IS to 50 cents; Wrt. Collars, Muslin Trimmings, TFrt. Bands, Twisted Silk Mitts, Linen, Cambric, Plai i,) Hemstitched and Embroidered Handkerchiefs, from 10 cts. to $3 00; Hosiery, Hoop Skirts, from 50 cts to $2 60; Hats of all kinds; Boots, Shoes, Clothing; Hardware, Hollow Ware. Iron, Steel, Nails, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Sait; in short what ever the wants of the people demand. All of which we will sell as low as can can be obtain ed in any market Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on us we hope our friends will take tho trouble to visit us at our new location, where we will supp’y their wants on as favor able terms as any house in tbe city. DAVIS A BROTHER. Greenesboro, April IS, iSfi'i, [jn 26-It| I BE SURE TO CALL AT MASSEY & LANBDELLS. msm h uiSiiiLiL, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN’ Drugs, Medicines, chemicals, Paints, Oils, j Tarnishes, Patent Medicines, &c. . Main Street, Greenesboro’, georgia. HAVE in store and to 10,000 LBS. WHITE LEAD, FROM 7£ TO 10 CENTS ; 2000 “ SNOW WHITE ZINC; 500 GALL’S. LINSEED OIL; 200 MACHINERY 200 • SPERM 200 LARD 100 COLD PRESSED CASTOR OIL; 40 “ SWEET 200 “ SP’TS TURPENTINE; 200 95 PER CT. ALCOHOL; 100 *• BURNING FLUID; 109 “ COACH-BODY VARNISH ; 100 “ JAPAN 100 “ BLACK JAPAN; 40 “ PIANO VARNISH; 100 “ COPAL 100 •• LEATHER •’ 100 • ASPHALBUNE VARNISH; 100 “ TRAIN OIL; 200 • KEROSENE 10 CASES CONCENTRATED LYE ; 200 KEROSENE LAMPS ; 20,000 CIGARS; 100 . OZ. QUININE; ■ 10 “ MORPHINE; FERFUMERY IN LARGE QUANTITIES , And almost everything else belonging to the Drug Business, all of which we offer at ATLANTA PRI CES, and to wholesale purchasers we will sell Drugs, Medicines. &c., at AUGUSTA RATES—freight ad ded. Every article warranted To be what it is Sold For. And, as we are having manufactured for us, several new brands of Lead in large quantities, we can offer greater inducements in quality and price than ever before offered in this market. Call and examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we fell confi dent we can give satisfaction. [Feb. IG, 1860. K WHERE YOU CAN BUY GOODS OH EA I*7” BY calling at Massey & Lansdell’s Drug Store and Examin ing some samples of Pure WHITE LEAD we think you will be convinced at once that it is a BETTER article than the Union Lead, and can be sold for LESS MONEY. #SO REWARD. RAUAWAY from my plantation on the 22d of July last, my Negro man FRANK He is about 85 or 30 years olii, of dark complexion, about aix teet high, and weighs about lbl) pounds or more. He’S thought lobe ranging tv tween Greenes boro and LiwrtrnQOi?* Mill on iho Qconce river. I will give the above rewrd (o any one who will ludgu him in the Greene County Jhi or deliver him to me. WM. ROWLAND Sa. March Uth 1860, ts. A SFLSIBIB STOGKI At Lowest Prices I he\ryl7osbormv, Watch-Maker, Jeweller, AND OPTICIAN No. 236 BROADS TRI-ET, under the U. 8. Hotel, and* opposite Ihe City Bank. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA., Keeps on bund a select and beautiful assort ment, of Goods, consisting of WATCaEJSS, JKWKIaRY* SILVER & PLATED WAKE, Telescopes, Surveyor's Compass i-S, Fpy-Gcas es, tor Mountain Use, and in short every thing useful in his lino of business particularly SPBOTAOIiBS, IN GREAT VARIETY. Fine Watches and Jewelry Repaired in the best Manner. [March 28, 1860 ly. J. S - & If. *f. BJittJy WEMjIj, manufacturers of Saddles, Harness, Trunks dee., Ac est TJ AVE permanently established JjL themselves in the Town of Pen nfiield. They are in receipt of a Fine Lot of Materials, and will constantly keep on hand a good assortment of - Coach and Buggy Harness of THEIR OWN and the NORTHERN MAKE. BF* All JORS put up in the most work manlike manner of the best material Repairing done at the shortest no tice. [Sep. 4,1858-ts. COPPER LIGHTNING ROD COM. PANY. AUQUSTA, Grja> ~- WE are now prepared to furnish this cele brated Rod to all who may want a good and cheap Rod—which has eight times the con ducting power of new Iron. For particulars see circulars. Orders solicited and attended to promptly. Agents wanted in all parts of the State. Protect your Lives and Property. J. F. Zimmerman, Esq., is our authorised Agent at Greenesboro. for soliciting orders &c. atthat place, at his establishment a model of the Rod can be seen. S. E. CL ARKE, S. T. & G. S. November 2 i, 1853-6 m. rmtm. MANHOOD, HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED, Just published in a Sealed Envelope, ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND EADICAL CURE OW Spermatorrhoea, or S-ininal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and Involuntary Emission*, inducing laipuUoAv and Denial end Physical Inca pacity, Bt ror j. cclverton. m and. Author of “Tb* Green Book,” etc. The world-renowned author, in this admirable lecture,clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of sett-abuse maybe effect ually removed without Medicine and withont dan gerous Surgical operations, bougie*, inatrumeota, riogs or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition rusy bo, may oore himaell cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture wilt prove a boon to thousands and thousand*. Bcnt under seal to any address, roar-said, on the receipt of two postage stamp,, by addressing DR. i Cll J C. KUNE M D . First Areoue, New | Turk. Feat Q,,( —April 11. ISAd-lf., ‘ DIAICKIHEA! CHAMP! CHOLLKA! LIKK DKOrs,’ This medicine hns been THK NEVER FAILING TRIED, TEST! D (it'd PROVED by ten yea its experience to Oe llje onl y CERTAIN, SAFE and HEI.IAHI.K ri m edy for all bowed derangements, ihaiiiukea, Disentery, Cramps, Pains, Cholera, Cholie , &c. now before the public. One ov two doses of 20 drops, will cure the most severe cramps in the stomach in 20 minutes. A single dose ne ten cures the Diarrl oea and it never constipates the bowels. One dose will satisfy any one of its merits. Price only 25 Cents. Prepared by Tram, & Stow, 48 Bowery, N York. And sold >n Greenish ,-o by Massey & Lansdell [ppr. 1 lth, ‘6"-ly. DR. jTh. IMCcLB AN*S Streugthening Cordial A Blood Fus ilier. THE GREATEST REMEDY IN HIE WORLD. tMost llglitftil Cordial tide and Vegetable com pound, procured by the oSfcfj distillation of Roots, 191 Herbyand Bark. Yel-gli'J low Dock, Blood root, *' ;i ’ Before taKlßtSaraaparilla, Wild Chi-raft-'! till. f)i. ry, and Dandelion enters its compound. T active remedial prfneiples of each iugredieut *s oughfy extracted by my method of dist.lliog ducing a delicious, exhilerating spirit, amt the <■ infallible remedy for renovating the diseas* o sy tem, and restoring the sick, suffering and debilitated INVALID to HEALTH and STRENGTH. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE LIVER COMPLAINT. DYSPEPSIA, Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases nl the Kidney, and all Diseases arising from a Disorder ed Liver or Stomach, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Inward Piles, Acidity or Sickness ot the Stomach, Fulness of Blood to the Head, Dull Pain or Swimming in the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Choaking or Suf focating Feeling when lying down, Dryness or Vel lowness of the Skin and eyes; Night Sweats, Inward Fevees, Pain in the Small of the Back, Chest or Side, audden Flush of Heat, Depression of Bpirila, Fright ful Dreams, Langor Despondency or any Nervous Disease, Sores er Blotches on the Skin, and Fever and Ague—or Chills and Fiver. Over a Million of Hollies Have been sold during the lust six niunths, and in no instance has it failed in givingentire satisfaction.— Who then, will suffer Irom Weakness or Debility when McLean's Strengthening Cordial will cure you. No language ca-i convey an adequate -idea of the immediate and almost miraculous change produ ced by taking this Cordial in thediseaseed, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by exeess, weak by nature, or impaired by sickness, the relaxed and unstrung organization is restored to its pristine health and vigor. Married Persons Or others conscious of inability from whatever cause will find McL-an’a Strengthening Cordial a thorough regeucrator of the system ; and all who may have in ured themselves by improper indulgences, will find n this Cordial n certain and apeedv remedy. To The Ladies, McLean’s Stbnotiiencvo Cordial la a Sovereign and spe- ly cure for INCIPIENT C NSUMPTI >N, WHITES, Obstructed . r DilO nit M-nstraiion, lus<- ntinrn e o’ Urine or Involuntary Di-c -*r erp.-f, Falling of the Womb, G* do ill--*, F -Min~ and all Diseases in cident to F- males. THERE IS NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. Suffer no long* r. Take it according to Direction*. It will s'imolaie. strengthen, and invigorate vou and cause ifce bloom of health to moudt yourcheek again. EVERY BOTTLE IS WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. FOR CHILDREN. If your children are sickly, punv, or afflicted. Me Lean’s Corpial will make them healthy, fat and robust Delay not amoment. try it, and vou will be convinced IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE. Caution.—Beware ol Druggists or dealers who may try to palm off opon you some Bitter, or sarsaparilla trash, wbtcb they can buy cheap, by saving it is just sa good. Avoid such men. Ask for McLean's Strengthen Cordial, and lake nothing else. It is the oalr remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly, and at the same tbe system. One Übleepoonlul taken every morning testing, is I s certain prereotiy; for Cholera. Chills and Fever, ; Yellow Fever, or any preualeot disease. It is put up in large bottes. Price only 9 1 per bottle, or six pottle* #5. J. 11. McLEAN. Sole Proprietor of this Cordial. Also McLean's Volcanic Oil L<ment. Principal Depot on the corner ~l Third and Pm* S.t, St. Loui* M. K-r slr h y \|***y sad Lined* II I Patent Redioiucs, Ac. Fever and Ague/ from which mankind suffer over a large part of tho globe, Is the consequence of a diseased action In tho system, imlucevl bv the poisonous miasm of vegetable (teeny. This exhalation la evolved by the action of solar heat on wut soil, and rise* with the watery vapor from It. While the sun is below tho horizon this va por lingers near the earth’* surface, and the virus is taken with it through the lungs Into tho blood. There it acts a* an irritating poison on the internal , viscera and excreting organs oritlie body. The liver Is-comci torpid and fails to secrete not only this virus, but nlso the bile from tbe blood. Both the virus and the bilo accumulate in the circulation, and produce violent constitutional disorder. The spleen, the kid neys, and tho stomach sympathize with the liver, and lic'oomc disordered also. Finally, the Instinct of our organism, as if in an attempt to expel the noxious infusion, concentrates the whole blood of tho body in the internal cxcretorlcs to force them to cast It out. The blood loaves tho surface, and rushes to the cen tral organs with congestive violence. This It the Chill. But in this effort, it foils. Then the Fever follows, in which the blood leaves tho central organ* and rushes to tho surface, as If in another effort to ex pel the irritating poison through the other great ex cretory—tho skin. In fhis nlso it fails, and the sys tem abandons the attempt exhausted, waiting for the recovery of strength to repeat tho hopeless effort another day. Those nro tho tits or paroxysms of Fs vek and Ague. Such constitutional disorder will ’ i our so undermine tho hcnlth if it is not removed. We have labored to tlnd, and have found, an aa- Ayor’s Ague Cure, l which neutralizes this malarious poison in the blood, - and stimulates the liver lo expel it from tho body. As it should, so it does cure this afflictive disorder with perfect certainty. And it docs more, or rather docs what is of more service to those subject to this infection. If taken Jn season it expels it from the sys tem ns it is absorbed, and thus keeps those who use it free from its attacks; keeps tho system in health although exposed to the disease. Consequently it not only cures, but protects from, tho great variety of af fections which are induced by this malignant influ ence, such as Remittent Fever, Chill Fever. Dumb, of Masked Ague, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Head ache. Bilious Fevers, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitations, Painful Affections of the Spleen, Hys terics, Colic, Paralysis, and Painful Affections of tho Stomach and Bowels, nil of which, when arising from this cause, will bo found to assume more or less tho intermittent type. This “Aoiib Curb” removes tho cause of these derangements, and cures tho diseaso. This it accomplishes by stimulating the cxcretorio* to expel the virus from the system: and these organs bv degrees become habited to do this their office of their own accord. Hence arises what we term aerti mut.'on. Time ptnv tho same end, but often life is not"long enough, or is sacrificed in the attempt, while this “Astra Cons” does it at once, and with safety. Wo have great reason to believe this is a surer as well as safer remedy for the whole clast of diseases which are caused by tho miasmatic iafec tion, than any other which lias been discovered; and it has still another important advantage to tho pub lic, which is, that it is cheap as well as good. PREPARED HY DR. J. C. AYER ‘k CO. LOITF.I.Jo MASS. Price Ox it Dollar per Bottle. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of overy variety of Throat and I.ung Complaint, that it is en tirciy unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of i:s virtues, wherever it has been employed. As it lias long been in constant use throughout this sec linn, wo need not do more than assure the peoplo its qnalitv is kept up to the iiest it ever has been, and that it may lie relied on io do for their relief all it lias ever been found to do, Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For all tho purposes of a Purgitivo Medicine- Foil Costivehkss; For run Gore or Dyspepsia; Foil .lahndiok; For the Curb ok Indigestion; For Headache; - For the Core or Dysentery; For a Foul Stomach; For tub Cure ok Erysipelas; For The Piles; For the Cure or Scrofula; For all Scrofulous Complaints;; For the Cure or Rheumatism; For Diseases or the Skis; For the Cure or I.iver Complaint;• For Dropsy; For the Cure or Tetter, Tumors, and Sai.w- RIII'UM : Foit Worms: For tiie Cure or Gout; For a Dinner Pill: For tun Cure or Neuraloja; For Purifying the Blood. They nre sugar-coated, so that tho most sensitive can take the in pleasantly, and living purely vegetable, nr* harm cun arise from their use in any quantity. Price 25 coats yir Bax; Fivo Boxes for $1.00: Great numbers nf Clergymen, rhvsieinns, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these reme dies, but our space here will liot permUtho insertion of them. The agents is luw named furiiTsli gratis our American Almanac in which they nre given; with, nisi) full descriptions of the above complaints, and. the treatment that should lie followed for their cure. Do not be put oil’ by nnprmekifcd dealers with other* preparations tliev make. nioHwprofit on. Demand Ayer’s, and take no oihers, The sick want the best. aid there is for them, nnd they should hare it. All our Remedies are for sale by For sale by J. Henry Wood, Grcrntshoro.anY’ D. Hightower, White Plains. ]ip.l .-’flO-ly. TO CONSUMPTIVES AX I) NERVOUS SUFFERERS. FJ’IHE subscriber, for several years a resi * dent of Asia, discovered while there, a conic vegetable remedy—a sure Cure for (Jon sumption. Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,-, and Xerrous Debility. For the benefit of Con sumptives and Nervous Sufferers, he is willing j to make the same public. • jr To those who desire it, ho will send the Pre serin tion, with fu’l directions, (free of charge); ; ; also a seunple of the medicine, which they will i find a beautiful combination of Nature’s simple • herbs. Those desiring tho Remedy can obtain i it bv return mail, by addressing J. F,. CHTHBER7, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, No. 4‘t9Brondwny, X. T. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by Special Endowment for the J tlief <J the t-id and Distress - ,ajflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. f IAHF oward Association, in view of tho JL |a>iftil destruction of human life caused by sexual diseases, and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by quacKH, several years agodiiected their con sulting Surgeon, as a charitable aet worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treat ment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give Medical adtie. gratis to all who apply by letter with a description of their con dition (ape, occupation, habits of life, Ac), and in cases ofextreme poverty, to furnish Medicine jreeftf.charge, It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest medical skill f f the age, and will furnish the most approved .node'r treatment The Directors of the Asso ciation t.i t’o-ir annual Report upon the treat i‘>ito! exuai diseases, express the highest I Hi-faction with tin- success which has attended ibe labor of their Surgeons in the cure of sem util weakness, diseases of the Kidneys and Blad der, Ac and order a continuance of tbe same plan for the ensuing year. Valuable reports on Spermatorrhoea, aud oth er diseases of sexual Organs, arid the new reme dies employed in the Dispensary, •■ent to ths afflicted in sealed letter envelopes,free of charge Two or 3 Stamps for postage will beacceptable. Address, Dr J Skh.lin Uoueiitox, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South oth st., Philadelphia, Pa by order of the Direc tors EZRA E HARTVVELL, President. Geo. Fairchild. Kcr.’ri/. fnov. 19 ‘59-ly’ Job Work of all kinds neatly done; at this office on short notice. Be sure to call at Massey & LansdelTs and price their goods before purchasing elsewhere!