Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, June 27, 1860, Image 3

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Literary Homni. B> M. C. B. * Someone lias said, the two resources left for a woman disappointed in love, are -worsted work, and literature. Sire may drown her grief in an inkstand aud shake •t from the point of her pen in dolorous strains, or if she eschew literature, may . Penelope like, stitch it into canvass or knit it np in German wool, and ‘ split zephyr.” may find a Lethe in a font of type —a riepSuthe, in worsted dahlias and roses.— Aloses in the bull rushes, which I saw wrought trpon canvas, did n t repre sent alone, the Hebrew lawgiver in bis osier bark, but represented so inanv ruin ed Lopes, and disappointed aff-ctions. Thore were stiched in with the distorted infant, days of tears and nights of weep ing: y outli’s rosy dream of love was cov ered up in the crewel- waters of the Nile. And she who had accomplished this elab orate piece of deformity, found, I doubt not, that labor earnest, patient labor, was theTjest balm for an uaquiet heart. She had learned life’s hardest lesson “to suf fer and be stilland had found as the old Minister in his wooing, “not happiness but blessedness.” Viewing it in this light, surely it was a fail or picture than Raph ael’s pencil ever traced. But some . there are, sensitive, high strung natures, who can never brook dis appointment with any degree of patience ; who cannot bury tbe dead love with an every day routine of duties. Such can never “School their hearts to think Life’s round of duties is enough,” must work with brain as well as Bands. Literature is the natural resort of such, and out of the two fold fires of disappointment and anguish, have aiiseu some of the brightest geniuses and most suecssful authors. Far bo it from me, to assert that every woman who has attained distinction in the field of literature, has come into it through this fiery ordeal, but doubtless a greater portion have. It re quires no ordinary degree of courage for a woman to leave the retirement of her heaven-nilotted sphere, uud become a competitor for literary distinction, to tilt for honors ifi an arena where no more knightly'chivalry is shown to li r than one of the other sex ; she can never screen a defect behind hei feminity, or wear a coat of mail invulnerable \o the arrows of criti cism. A literary woman must em brace ambition, instead of love; be soothed with the clarion tone of fame, instead of fireside joys and children's prattling notes. To give up herself, not ’ to jne “to love, honor and obey until death do them divide,” hut to a world ; and it claims time, talent, all,*as*its duo Her joys and sftrrows are no-lunger her ow i:— no grief too sacred for public comment. She whose heart is sausiled with tliis, should have no other lies. Her domestic duties would too ofwsn conflict with lite ary aspiration, and the hint of her, too fVeqiu-ntlv. I fear, tinge the utmost pbere <d4ier family ci-ele. ‘Thesepattern wites on tlnifty arts possess, fvive Dial of weaving— li.riiie Fiess; Write Lvties, heedless of their scorching buns, Dress I’p ti.clr Sounds, but neglect their sons. Make dainty doughnuts from Faruasian wheat Ami fancy stockings for poetic feet; WhiLe’husbands,—-ilutse who love their coffee lr>t. Aud like no that doesn't boil the pot. w ish oli|*A[>ihi, just To placate his life, Had. t“i fiis uvvit, a liieraiy wife !” But yet, there are brave, and gifted wo men who tiave walked this trying, path, some from climee, many more from neces sity. without loosing one whit # of their womanly, tender nature, but have, made so: themselves names which shall he en rolled in their country's* history. Surely the meed of fame is wortlrlv wen by such. And yet oh ! happy wife and mother, ”e.lvy not your iunowned aial perhaps more gifted sisters, “When home born joys shall nestle round your hearts Like swallows round you roof, and bleud their sweets, . Like and wj’ tangled flowers in one bed,” thank heaven that necessity has never loade you a literary woman. From'.lre Austin Gazette we extract the follyqjjring: We are-able to say that the wheat crop of Texas is the largest of any past year. We have many letters fiotn Northern Texas, in which the crop is spoken of as far exceeding.the yield of past harvests, tl'i this section our farmers have done w ell. We have heard of cases where thirty “bushels of wheat to file acre have been ►cut. It is one of ottr most reliable crops. The experience of this and several years goes to show that in our particular region we have a country which will am ply remunerate the farmer who gives his exclusive attention to grain crops. Wheat, batluj', and oats, can all be. cultivator, -'•with astonishing yiidds and great cert do ty- 1) ep ploughing in the fall, and tlior ougli preparation f the ground, seldom tail to bring good crops -of these grains. Attar thi, year, we think that farmers will turn their attention chiefly to this cultiva tion. The corn crop is not a: productive, nor as reliable. We have naturally a splendid stock range, and grain crops Could be used to much better advantage for horses, mules, est ~ than corn. If our farmers will adapt themselves to the coun try, wp ntay expect to sc., a rapid progress in its improvement. This season w ill he generally produc tive, and in future wn think the change the crops winch will he made, tyill ren der it one of the most prosperous c->mmu- 1 sitieain the State. rsf- ‘ Charity.-—Charity embraces the wide j circle of all possible kindness. Every Cl act is chanty; your smiling it: your her'* face is charity; an exhortation ■ of your fellow man to virluoiisdeeclsisequal ! to almsgiving; your putting a wanderer iti the right road is charity; your assisting! the blind is dharity ; your moving stones j uud thorns from the road is chanty ; vuur givii;g water to the thirsty is charity. A mail's gomt wealth heieafter iathe good he does in this world to tils fellow-man. When j lie dies, people will aay, “What property’ has lie left behind bite V’ Bat the angels j witlssh. “What good deeds has he sent* Wcr* h imV -Irri,< Run For It. —Run for it! for he that will have heaven must run for it. The devil, law, sin, death ana hell, are all ma king after thee ! Run for it!— Runyan. Energy of mind is necessary in order to do good in the world, because it is to be ex pected that wise and benevolent designs will be opposed with, energy. The great est and best purposes have been the most vigorously opposed. Sands’ Sarsaparilla. —Health and long life may be attained by keeping the blood pure, and the liver, stomach and bowels free from all morbid secretions, end dele terious accumulations. In the worst cases of Scrofula and other diseases, cutaneous, or eruptive, arising from a vititated, or in flamed condition of the blood, the wondet fully purifying qualities of this celebrated extract, and its prompt action upon the vital fluid’havc earned for it undying fame. Numerous certificates frojn per sons of tbe highest respectability are the best evidei ce of its great value in the cure of diseases for which it is recommended. Prepared and sold by A. B. Sc D. Sands. Druggists, 100 Fulton Street. New York. Sold also by J. Henry Wood, and Drug gist- generally. ItIAKKIED. On Wednesday evening the 20th inst., -by Uev. Homer llendee. Fbedebic C. Fit.ler, Esq, and Miss Julia .11 Nicxfl.on, noth of this place. On Thursday evening 21st int., by It. JVfe.ib ony. Esq., l)r. *. F. Harris and it. Tappax, a)! .f vt h-'te Plty bPinClAl, NOtleiiS. ’ - Georgia State Lottery. , As certain malicious persons, who are inter ested in other Lotteries, have circulated reports that the Lotteries of Georgia were illegal alter June Ist, 1800, we hereby caution the public not to he dece ved by any such reports. The •ieoroia State Lottery, for the Beifefit of the Moniicello Union Academy, of-<>corgia, is Au thorized by a Special Acf of the Legislature, and the Charter of the same has not been re pealed, or the sale of Tickets in any way inter fered with, and we shall continue to Draw the same Daily, until thg Ist day of May, 1865. Look at the Splendid Schemes in anoth er column, McKINNEY & CO., June 13, It. I Managers, Savannah, Ga. tr&~ The renders of the Weekly arc n quean and to nonce tne adveriis. meiD, in HUothtr column, of Dr J. linvceDoan’ Imperial Wine Huteit, fur dale in Greene*boro by Crabbe and Weaver.— They have recently been tested and approved by one of ihe lirat Pny&icm sin the South, and although they have been but h w woeks be oie the people of Georgia, yet you can hear their praise from all see* tiond of the Stale. Head the central avertimment A Card to the Suffering. * The IteV. V\ ILL! am (, s i>SGRoVE, while laboring a missionary in Japan, was cured of Con sumption, w hen ail other means had faded, by a recipe obtarntd a learned physician re s'dir.g in the great city of Jcddo. This recipe cured great numbers wbo were suffering from Oonsun.ption, Kmnchit s, Soie Tor oat* Coup lit, and Colds and the debi ity and nervous Utpies smr* caused by thdse disorders. Desirous of hen* fitting oth< rg, I will ser and this itripe, which 1 have brought home wim iii-, to ail wh* net i it, in*e ot charge. Ad h r as Kev. William t o.okovis, liliO Bai ic-stiect, Brookl;3tt* M. Y. April IS, 1 60 G.j Svc WEiat Ayer’s Sarsagmiilladoes lor £>ol of tiie Lsive. St tt’j l rossing. Talladega Cos., Aia ,9 •:i Aug. ’69 Da. J. C. xVyeu, L;weil, Mas* Sir. I ‘*ke my p• to you what y*ur Sareapa rilln Mnd'G't that fir Till* huv*t done ur me. 1 had been affl cted with Livt-r Complaint Jor cox years, du >ing which I whs ni“-tr vvil, and much of the time very wick My i ver was suit* to the much, and the Doctors a*id w* ronsrertuou I *ufT‘r*<l Irotn ievere co-tivenei* and Oiarri.o* a ultimately. My skin was clammy amt unhealthy ; my * yea and skin often vel low. o’caeiotiully i tiad a vor riouf appetite, hut ntiur ut all. A flteadful seneation of op**on tuy stomach, wnh languor and a gloomy t*eriaaiioti of tc'kn*ft all .ver, k p me in anguish.— V tioanno* k; ow tow much I sufTered an inde sci tbalilr tet itstresß Vfhe loiie cootinuarce of thia condition-, w-ithou’ relief, tad w orn me out no *bat I rev- r expected t-. he beet* r; hut reading in the Otirsatian of vnur Saraajparilia, 1 com c* and takit.g it with orc*Bi> nal B*n all dosre *J vour Pll#, to the fow ela aa .you direct. F'om •he ft it hs<f more upon u.v dia. rder than 1 supjMtsen nuythii e toul i have. | recainan ,my b'-al h rapidly, aud now after ebven wreke. enjoy as tfuod health l|id 8t as any other man. May the ‘ Dispenser of all jiood” shower b!efe*nge on you. * J*:hv W Stott. ! Pcpared bvj DR C AVF-R and CO. L well Maes. ~ — , J. “ r~zmm A L IF A YS “GE T THE BE's T.” TCjOFI iS THE TIME TO -1A SL'BSvKIHf Fi.,l AM! CIRCULATE MOGUL'S UfiltAL XLW-YoUh£lt, VVhich ha.- lor in, Yih:k hr. mi intiuu,sted ihv put oi a- ). ‘ey ions Motto, -Excelsior ’and ‘aniGtilu <>:j -i tK • Proyraatand improvement,” •s to ui.-lti al > uipit lots in bolt. Me it and UfUAli’ i., ai, b ccn v tbe itcknow led ;ed < 11A Vlr’iuN It’ iIIEhUUAL I‘KESS! r As an Hoitiinltinal, Lneiary ain Family uas iu gO, on uiniV.Ut and. *lai kio excei n bdtti Cmito us aid Appe irnac —Em, is tie ■St I ate- l, and i*As n t ftic en Corps oj‘ Edit -O‘S Eptcial Lonii iltotors. H.tu a. le l.i i i.ts in v-rioq. pm, ot tte Union. Hi Hi., n Pi i<tc As an I J,.0. nat, it is va iiat.o uti l attractive, cunu.uii g uni .ms BCitaUfu! aud CoslZy 4. ugmyings. i i-.u . li. 1 u lalu n .ii A. t • ultme, ll'.rll— u. in ,ii•A. A c itecttii*, (E . iti lijjb l K-IUI i i.l lit ■ gliMt In Mi iside L. Cat s,.- p is, ai h ui h i'"i urn b• i imp ete fiummaii m tm- if. ■at Important Xeic*, vs it h r. liable Utpom >J’ rfic Mar Eta. Combi;, ng it •naliV F *UI r. s, li. sui|.| .siiig itie Aev, l ikei btcnuiu tac Favome r- aaui i. n iuk Farmer, Qartlcoltarist and Familf. aßhiu liur*. aoktui Hedges no sup rt. r t ■ eith lt.V, l SelUilitsb iT leiU'Hilty, tUj eauivsta.iu t Ueptiicenl advucac., of I tie Tigßt and 00. doui nation of aro ig, c'.to-ne .1 mis Model \V eeKlj? I • the riglu-lt ii.king c.a.-sis in b. in .own *nd cmetre. Ail who d.sire a live paper, hie ■ lives up to it* professions by *i aciiUJ seeking the U .-l ll.ltlCsls l isroailels. are couiially u.vifd to ttj Moon's Rura. Y.rkir The Eleiv-nth Volume, For 18C0, Wit? in m 3uper or st) e,—*itti urn l‘ pe and otocl uuiut siinn aof “I’roge-sand Imp -v -.uenl.” Is AMtMii Terms render it the Cheap si Journal of its clast and * oitby a iH-cei. in,, aseo National Ciiculatinn. Tt'imv dec.—l tic R iral is published -reck-. i>. e*Ci l umber comprising Light D-'iibls Qu rv > Fag.s (f ity ooiiimi,-) -with Title Page, InUex, Ac., at close of tutilms at nnl) •a * )ear —mt’ Great x duction and Kxtraoid.nary luductments to Club* aud Local Ageuia A gents wanted. hT dptcii uaw*. Sbov-B ID, In ttcenHni*, Ac., sent free r- all appliraots. W> snail ha glad to furuhih “tha documents** u> any and all pcraoria dair< us ot tranlmni o- circulating tba “Fusslnior” Rural and Family Weekly of | Ameriea. Addrca* D. D T VOARK, R-vcheat- r, N. T. 1 Legal Advertisements- ____ Georgia, greise CocNEY.---wherpaa, Isaac A. Williams, Administrator de honu non of the erMts of Jo-tenh Grimes, decea ed, petitions the Conrtof Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissorv: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause (if anv they have) vrhv sai 1 Administrator should not he discharged at the Court of Ordmarv to he hr Id ir and for said countv on’ the first Monday iii December next. - Given under my hand at office in Greenesb >ro, June 4t ’866, EUGENI US f. KING, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Greene County.—Whereas, Is ac A. Wii tarns, dminis'rator upon the estate of Mrs. Harriet L. Grimes, dec-ased petitions tbe Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause (if any they have) why said Administrator should not he discharged at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county, on the first Mond yin December next. Given under niv hand at office in Gnecnesho-n, this June 4th 1860. KU6ENIUS L. KING, Ord’y. EORCH V 2*sksx Ci'UNTr.— VVherea-, S muel Or A Hiiweil, Aihiis:iwtr.:*r de b.-nia noh. will,, lie Will ennexpH, ‘'P.qn the e*tau <>f • ‘''•Kinney Howell deceased, l eMiona the Court of Ordinary ol said county fur /riieee are therefor* incite and admonish all and ♦insular he kindred and < redif'r* of Hrtid *terra?ed to sow cause (it any they htv ). h said Administrator should not be discharge 1 ai'tWCouvt f O dioary to b* held in and lor said county on the first Monday iu N’v#inb r next. Gi*en under my band at nflicr* in Grrenusboro, April 2 id, 18i50 EUGEaVIUS L KING, Ord f y. r'l F.ORG A, Greens County. Whereas, Freder • ir. C. Fuller,* ATdluitiisfrafor upon the estate of Smih D WUlis, deceased, petitions the Court of Or din try of said county for Letters Dismissory : These are therefore to citp and admoni-h, all and singular tti\inflred end creditors of said deceased, 10 *how cause (if any ih y have) why said Adminig. trator should not be discharged, at the Court of Ordi-, nary to be held in'and for said coumy on the first M*duy in Octobwr next. Given uri'te iny tan t at in O r eeneshoro, Ma c 6h I9#rt. * L KING. Ord’y. G EORiil \. G.IKKNK DounFy Whereas. Ihhc Mhr * ri on, Executor and Mary Aikn=on, Ex cutrix of the I *st Will and T’ Siam-m of Natha'n Atkinpon, d* r . petitions the Court of Ordinary of said courjiy f"r Letters Disrniss jry ; These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concern and, to show cause, (if miy they hare) wrhv said Executor and Executrix should not be discharged at the Court of Ordinary 10 be h-*ld in and for said coun* tv on the first Monday in August ppxt. Given under mv hand nt office in GreenepHom, Jan* uarv 10th, l c 6o ‘ EUGENICS L. KING, Onl v. GEORGIA, Gheenk CouOty.—Wiiereas, Nicholas M. Jo tea. Ad Indus'raior upon the estate of S Jonee dec., petitions the Court of Ordinary of said county for Lett* rs Dismissory : Th*s- are therefore to rite and admonish all persona concerned, to show cau=e—if any they have—why said Administrator should not he dischnr</ef a the C urt of Ordinary t be held in and fur said county the-first Monday in next. G ven under iny han*t h office tn Greeneshoro, Jan uary 10th, 1960 EUGENICS L KING. Ord y. Kotict*. -rr GEORGIA, Green:: Couxir.—Willbeaold before the Court House door in Greene.s boroou the first Tuesday in August nexf, a por tion of the land belonging to the estate of Lit tleton Mapp, deceased, adiotning the lands of Jas. Jackson and Wiley Wrijrht. -Tile-portion to be sold contains between 20 and o 0 acres.? - Sold bv virtue of an order of the Court of Or dinary. LUCKETIA MAPP, June sth, 1860. Admr’x. Sale. BY virtue of an ordar from the Court of Or dinary of Greene county, will bo sold on tne first Tuesday in July next, at the court-house’ door in Spring Place, Murray , eountv, between the legal hours of sale. One. Lot oil Laud con taining one hundred and six!v acres, known aud distinguished as lot number two Lun lrqd. and thirty-nine [239] in the iiftth District aad 2nd Sect! u of originally Cherokee, now Murray county. Sold as part ol‘ the real estate of Nan cy Gresham, deceased. Terms on day of sale. STERLING A. GRESHAM, May 14th, 1800. ‘ ‘ Adm’r. Notice. *4 LL persons indebted to the estate of John 11. deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons har ing claims against pis estate are requested io present tlfem to the undersigned duly proven. FREDERIC C. FULLER, Greensboro, May 14, ‘GO-Gt. Adm’r.’ notice! ~~ rpWO months after date, to-wit: On the first X Monday in August next, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Greene county, Geor gia, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of William F. Luckie, late of said county deceased. ELLIOT C. BOWDEN, May 25. ’CD. Adm’r. of W. F. Luckie, dee. NOTICE. /T DORGIA, Greene County.— All persons vX indebted to William F. Luckie, late of said county deceased, are requested to make imme diate payment, and all having claims against said deceased will present them duly proven to the undersigned within the time prescribed bv law. ELLIOT C. BOWDEN, ‘ May 25, ‘6O. Adm’r. of W. F. Luckie, dec’d. NOTICE. VJT wo months afterdate, to-wit: On the first X Monday in August next, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Greene county, Geor gia. for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of George Crutchfield, deceased. JAMES BURK. May 26. 1800. Adm’r. of Geo. Crutchfield. soticeT FfTWO months after date, to-wit: Oa the first 1 ‘onday ifi August next, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Greone county, (>eor gia, for.leave to sell all the negroes belonging to the estate of Peter Clark, late of said county deceased. JA' ! ES SMITH, Adm’r. of Pet- • Clark, deo’d CLOCKS. WATCHES AND 11 wjjlj n THE undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of t is .icini y and the public in general, that he has <nart>9 Heturned to Greenesboro, and will constantly keep on hand a well selec ted stock of* Clocks, Watches A Jewelry, and will sell lower than ever. Call iu aml*try him. BSU Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, also, kepaired as heretofore at the old stand. J. P. AUfeSTUOM. Gr*en-horo' t Ga , M.v 30. 186 •. * ts. w • F. M. JEFFRIES, OF Augusta, Ga., will viaitGreenoabom’, on the 11th inst., for the purpose of making Pictures. Those wanting LIKENESSES of them waives or friendk will da well to give him a mil. ll* will rentis until ahoui tbs tenth of Juty. Persona winking PHOTOGRAPHS eon be! aeomnmodateJ —June 7, wSt. miscellaneous Advertise men is. ’ COXFECTIOXERIEs7 _ ’ J. P. WILSON, BEGSdeave to inform the citizens of Green esboru’ aud v ciaitv, that he has opened a CONFECTIONERY At 4 he Old Stand of D. McDonald where ho will keep on hand everything in his dine, His Stock consists in pan, of CANDIES. Fancy and Plain ; NUTS of all kinds ; RAISONS, FIGS, DATES. PRUNES. SALMONS, LOBSTERS, SARDINES, TICKLES, SNUFF. ORANGES. LEMONS, &c., &c. &c SEGARS of all qualities; CORDIALS of different kinds; LEMON-SYRUP, SODA-WATER, PORTER, ALE, &c. Allof which he will sell vary low for CASIir Gracnesboro’. June 6th, 1860. wtf. A . SHAW Manufacturet* and Dealer in all KINDS OF FURNITURE. MAIN STREET, MADISON, GA., USPECTFULLY informs his friends nnd the £ pnlHic Ma* i now leceiving hu* SPUING SIOCK OF FURNITURE fr-un Nt*w Y"k a and P ilf‘i>lph>a, which, ug iher with his LARGE STOCK of Home !Ylanufactttrc<l, malc*'B hia Assortment the ?uut d> sirabie tnmake sc leciiona from, in the up coUntr/. His Stock consist* ot L i*ire Nufnbt.r of BUREAUS ranging from td R'Sewood, Mahogany, and Paint'd Wardrobe? l * R >st wqikl and Mahoffnny Marble top Waehsiat.ds; J< uuy Lind Tall Pont and Cottage BedsUairt*; some very iNuidMnneCentre and Sofa Tables, alt Black Walnut Exteiitum Tables, 10, 12, 14 nd IG feet iocar. Hy the Bet or eiutrle Hat Stand*, and Towel Racks; *v-ral D z*n of Mahogany P<trl r Cnairs; Mahogmy Rucker* of the different‘Sis**; Ltr*feai.d Small Curled Mp!e Rucker*, with Cane Seat and liaek; Curled Maple Parlor Chairs, nnd also the Celebrated Cottage Chairs. A large-mi iu her of Popular Cottage Bedsteads, with or without the Excelsior Spring Bed,’ Attached, as the purchaser mav desire. The SPRING BED is offered ut the VERY L<>w Price of SIX DOLLARS. Also, on hand, GILT and ROSEWOOD mol r L l K 6 S Os different - z *!, which can be cut and put togeth er in FRAMES ol any six , at short notice. N. ll.—S.das .4rid Mahog.iny Rocking Chairs r AT SHORT KOriCE. an.! all other FURNITURE Repaired’with Jleainee*and Di-patch. ‘Hie subscri ber returns his atnceie thanks for the liberal p.itron- heretofore bi-stowed uuou him, and respectfully A libera! Reduction will be made cn CASH SALKS. Furniture Boxi’d and delivered at the Madison Depot, to go up or and >wn the road, free of charge.- Ordt r-i at hOiuc, an i iwui ahr ad, res; ecifully so licit* and. Jane 6 h, 1360 7 n. Corn 1 Corn! i A FINK lit of nice M hite COEN for sale at the lowest market price. Arplvto W.G. Johnson, or the sobicri bi-s. ‘ BROWN & WALKER. Greeneboro, .April 1 Üb, 1 RfiO-tf. .- KAUFFER, BAUM & CO. U*IIT mi SMI Bill Under the Augusta Hotel, Augusta, Ga. Would inform tlieir many customers that their STOCK OK DRY-GOODS, Ami everytliing belonging to theii line is cosnpleto now, in every respect. A look threngh our Stock and prices will always effect a puichase. ‘Ours is the OXLY HOUSE that has a RESIDENT PARTNER / in the Northern Markets, whose main business it is to buy the latest Novelties as they make their appearance. We are therefore en abled to offer something new every week. OUR PRICES hardly need any further comment. “Small Profits and Quick Returns” has always been our motto, from ~ the time we commenced business, and we shall * strictly adhere to it OUR MANUFACTORY 1^ Cloaks & Mantillas, Is the FIRST 4nd ONLY one established in the Southern States. We only offer but a well made article and save our customers from Twenty-Five to Thirty per cent. Out of the many cheap articles wc au!l wv. would name a few y Colored SILKS, Splendid Quality Rt 76 cents worth $1 25. “ “ Superb “ “ 1.00 i 50 Fnnjnr.l SILKS and SILK LAWNS 37* “ - &2 'i. BAREGE ROBES *t. SC to 8.00 “ 12 to 15 00 COLORED BAREGES at 25 ** •/ 60 . Fast COLORED LAWNS, fine Quality at J2J “ <• g,V ORGANDIES, at “ •• LAWK ROBES, at 21 50 and np. LAVILLA CLOTH, * new Traveling Stuff t 121 cts. Fast folorcd PRINTS, ‘ at Bto 10 “ Litie*! TOW ELS, at 75 eta. per do*. Real S TEEL Ext SKIRTS, 30 Ring* hi tl 50< * “ “ ’’ 20 “ at 1 00. Large Size MARSEILLE QUILTS. „t l 75. MAN TI LLA S, at SI 50, 2 60,- 3 00 aud up. TESTERS iu all the different Material* arm Style*, ate.,act. r Onr Stock—Lmbroiderie*. Ribbons, Hosi;ry, Pantaloon Stuffs, Uoaiespuns eic„ we offer extremely low, KAUFFER, BAUM £ CO. . Miy SO. 1860 ly. hNDER AUGUSTA HOTEL. AI’GUBTA/OA. illiMellaneoiis Advertisements. A MOIiRTAW HERB wf Ilcrbs, Harks aud Roots JO VERSUS ffSj Poisonous Minerals and Drugs, in I MOTHERS TAKE HEED! ® tUj Ho y*m when oWrrinu the unenv actions rs M your children, consider that it nmy be more nj™ Jy tlmu a mere (. hnlin that nfllicts them ? In nine ciistts out of ten. the Cfttise of the little suffer- iS&p 1 II J ♦*’ ’ enguiah is WORMS, and should U at once PHk looked tn. MUll Q HEADS OF FAMILIES & !>o not let your children suffer, when we present % Jl WSON’S WORM TEA K A SAKE ANT) I.T.EASANT CURE FOR WORMS. KU How much better and safer would it be to Jmjk it always in the hou<e. A little delay fj‘ill wlwn ft child iit taken ill may often be the cftu*e j ks ;. of its death, while acting: without delay, and Sv hy viving the VOU.XT.i f.V HERtt TT.A imme PjjW diately. yon will not only save die child a long; UjjH| Jr and tedious illnes-*, and yourself much expen.-e. |Ji;h hut also feel happier in kunwing that you have Ir done your duty, and perchance xared its life. FT'lk This medicine is combined purely of NiilT % HERBS AND ROOTS i • NOT A PARTICLE OF P|jj S 2Calomel ov JRituralß M IS USED IN IT. ||| No mote filthy Vermifuge will be u*ed hy 1,-ve who once utwi thi Tea. The only active trine i‘*** if , ‘‘ l other Vermifuges aud Worm fj II Kilter* ja EHCL nY. W\ fC IVE NO Wl JP O X o i iljM t ‘‘ r Bd” F'inpTe, Safe, Vegetable Medicine. This Worm Tea was discovered in an unusual MJfI jt K wav among th* Wilds of Northern Mexico-- A* * |j: j full account of it you will find in our Almanacs. Jwh A>k. f>r the •• il€*c\te ts Tula A/m- nor,” of the pi'll Agent, and when you have read it. send’ it voUr m ighbora. that tliuv tn;v lso know of and bt * Clir ° d bV OBKAT * REM ' Er ’ Y ! l^v .iuoson’s woniu tea y KILL SAV ORMS, Mk Sever Ilarmp—is rkasant to Tate, GET A PAtilfiß-PRICE 25 tts. .. 08-EPVE —‘Always find the Name and Signs- rafK lure of H. L. .11:1 S-)\ it CiK. and the portrait Pjjjl of T-X’eco. 011 each package of tliia Worm Tea. ‘jjie! rf’j B. L. JUDSON & CO., sh) OLE PROPRIETORsjI 50 li'ionard New Vork. \Vori,t T*a 1 Ht.UI by u>,. ) y nil FOR SALE BY J. Henry ‘ r n/ l. Greenesbor;', >. V. latt & vv . qj_ Ward, Luxingthn, G. June 6th. 1860. —lv. Miscellaneous Advertisements. | LOOK! sTarTling FACTS! GRAND SCHEME l'OKt JUNE, 18<0. |GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY. McKINNEY a CO., Manager*. Authorized by spec al Act of the Legislature 25,828 PRIZES. More ttxan one Prize, to every two Tickets. CAPItTIPRIZE > S6O > OOO. Tickets only 81© Halves, Quarters, and Eights in Proportio*. To be Drawn Each Saturday in 1880. In the of Savannah. Georgia. Class 74, to be Dtawn June 2, 1860. 01*811-76 to be Draw n Junq 9, 1860. Class 76, to be Draw n June 16, 1660. Class 77 to be Drawn June 58, 1660. Class 78. to be Drawn Jm e 80. 1840. Maguiiiceut Scheme. 1 P’z ol 6 i.OOU is S6O 000 | 6 nt 1 OuO are }6 000 l “ 20,000 is 20,000 j 10 •• 600 are 6 000 l “ 10.01HJ is 10,000 | 2 “ 400 are 1 “ 6 00(1 is 6,000 | 2 *• 30) ate 600 1 •* 4 000 i, 4,0<0 | 2 < 200 ars 400 l •• J 000 is 3,000 | 60 •• 160 are 7.600 1 “ 2,000 ia 2,000 I 100 •• 100 are 10 0 0 1 •• l'soo is 1,600 | 100 95 are 9 600 1 “ 1,100 is 1,100- 100 85 are 8 600 APPROXIMATION Phl/ES d5 418 Prizes aoiouming to £212,140 9-5.828 Frizes Ams lug to $866,040 WILL BE DRAWN THIS MONTH. CnsTipiCAar.s or Packaoks will be sold at the M* lowiny rates hirh ia ihe risk : Certificate ol Packages of 10 Whole Tickets S6O “ “ 10 Hall •• ” •* 10 Quattri* “ It “ “ lOEgliih !H LOOKATTHISI A SPLENDID DRAWING ON The Three Xumber Plan ! Which takes place on every Wednesday anil Satar day in 1660. 1 Capital Prise of Qi3.t>oo 1 Prise of ‘ 4.600 1 “of 4 000 1 “ of 3.000 1 “ of V'! S# 10 •• us 4700 are 7 iski 40 of 17.5 art 7 000 50 “ of 126 are ,250 259 “ of 80 are 20,720 64 of 80-are 3,200 61 “ of 30 are I.9SM 64 “ of 20 are 1.2-0 6.632 “ of 10 are A6 SCO 28,224 “ 01/’ 5 are 141.U0 34,412 Prises Amounllne to $281,491 22 Whole Tickets S3. Shares in Proportion. IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFI CATES Em-loae the money to our address tor the lickeis or.lered, on recc pt ot which they will be lor. warded by first mail. Purchasers can'rava ticket* ending in any figure tht jfcrnay disigjnaie. ‘l’ll* list of drawn numhera and prises will be sent to purchasers Immediately after (he diawing. All cmnniunlcatiuns strictly confidential. Orders for Tickets or Certificates, hy Mail or Es pies-, iu be directed to McKINNEY and CO. N.ivamber 2. 1859 ly Savannah, da. HOSTBTTHSa STOMACH BITTERS, fVr Me car* of PytprpsCi, Indljtailon, A'nusaa- Pl.Uulenci/. Lora of Apptiite, or nny BUtor* Compininta. tiriaino fr,-n a morbid ttuu-Uon of Me Stomach or Boic-d*. pro'.ltadoj dranpe I>yamtcry, Colic, Cholera, In view of the fact that every number of the human family is more or less eiihj’ et'd ‘• some of tlie above complaint*, besi.loe ia numerable other conditions in life, wlttefa, by the assistance of a little knowledge or exercise of common sense., tlwv may Ia- abn so to regulate tdeir habits of diet, and with tile assistance of a good tonic, secure per manent, health. I:t order to accomplish th>* deeired object, the true course to pursue j, certainty, that which will produce a natural itate of things nt the least hazard of vital strength and life : for this end Dr. Hostettnr has introduced’ to this country a prepan. tion called HOdTETTEE'S STOMACH BIT.TERR, wliicti at tliis .lav ia not a srw medicine, but one that has ta-on tried tor years, giving satisfaction to all who hare used it The Bitters operate powerfully uiaw lire stomach, bcwels anil liver, rex tori be them to a healthy and vigorous action, aul tints by the simple process of strengthening nature, enable the system to triumph oerr disease. Diarrhoea, dysentery or fiuz. tm generally Gprrrraeted by uew settlers, so-l caused f.rineipally by fee change of water and diet, will be speedily regulated by * brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia. • disease which is probably more prevalent when taken in all its various forms, than any other; the cause of which may always be attributed to derangements of the diges tive organa, can be enred without fail hy using HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BIT TERS as per directions on the bottle. For this disease every physician will recom mend Bitters of some kind, then why no( use an article known to be infallible t Evety country have th/ir Bitters as a pre ventive 6t disease, r J strengthening of the system in genera., and among them all there is not to be found n more healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation emanated, based upon scientific experiments which has attended to advance the destiny of this great preparation la the medical scale of aeienca. FEVEE AND~AGUE. This tirins and provoking disease, which tsm Se rdtn Ueu grasp on the bod/ of man, rd<Mu.„ _Je la a mere shadow In a abort spaas of time, and rsodwtef him physically and menially useless, can be defeated and driven from tbe body by the use of liOfiTBTTKK’* BKNOWNED BITTKRB. Farther, any of tbs abase rtatsd diseases can not be cootiactad when exposed te eny ordinary conditions producing them, If the tllltsu an need as per directions. And as It neitbar areataa nausea nor offends the palate, and rendering unneese eery any change of diet or Interruption to usual par suits, but promotes sound sleep and healthy digestion the oomplaint ia thus removed as speedily as to oow detent with the production of a thorough and perma nent cure. For Persons in advanced years Who are suffering from an enfeebled consUtutlon and Infirm body, these Bitten are Invaluable aa a reatoiw five of strength and vigor, and needs only Is be Iris* to be appreciated. And to a mother while nunbifp Ibeae BlttersVe Indispensable, especially whan tha Bother’s nourishment to inadequate to the demand) of the child, consequently her strength must yield, and here tt to where a good tonic, puch as lloaMtoVr Stomach Bluest ia needed lo Impart temporary tonoglk and vigor to tha system. Ladies should by all means toy this remedy for all cases of debility, and before se doing, ask your physician, who, if he to aoqua'atsd with theektaes of the Bitten, *3l recommend (Uto an In all caeca of weakness. CAUTION.—We caution the public againaf using any of the many imitations or coun terfeits, but ask for Howrrnui’s Celibsatmi Stomach Bittkm, and see that each bottle baa the words “Dr. J. Hoststter'a Stomach Bitter*” blown >n the aids of the bottia, and •tamped on the metallic cap covering tha cork, and observe that our autograph signa ture is on the label. CT Prepared aad retd hy WMTFTTO i SMITH, Plttibargb, Pa. t and laid hy Dragglsta, grsccra, aad dcalen Kdoanßy thraighaat tba Caltad SUtat, Caaada, lawk Asartca aad ffernaay. 100 VIL A MCAD, NBW UKI.EAIka, U-. Whalawl* Agents. For m 1 ia : r. •a :.b< ro bv J. H. Weod, Mhtt Plfiißi, HyT D llif M< war (Aiif,7't-ly l