Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, July 04, 1860, Image 3

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Blae.kbenj TFiVw.—The following fc-1 reipt for making blackberry wine,#will in I nil onset* prove good. The berries should ! be placed m a vessel, at.darell masked— let them ferment for t*flve hours. then strain ‘toff, and to every three quarts of juice add three pounds ol brown sugar and on quart of cold water, stir it well tngetli. et . BfHr >d and ferment, taking off the froth often until fermentation ceas- i < s, w licit will last About eighteen orttven-i ty hours; the lit,.,iff then must be careful- ‘ v strained, taking out all sediment; place * ie wine then in large demijohns or jugs, * tight, let it thus remain until the , Following March when it should be care- : fully poured off and bottled for use, sod will be found e ,ual to tlie bes old Port wine, and much more healthy for inva lids. S i!ud* and Summer Sour*.— Phj Biolog ic*1 ’ research establish the fact that acids promote the separation of the bile from the hlood, which is then passed from the .system, thus preventing fevers, the pre vailing diseases of summer. All fevers are ‘bilious,” that is, the bile is in the j blood. Whatever is antagonistic of fever! is cooling. |t i s ~ common saying that j fruits are “cooling,” and also berries of ev- i ery description ; it is because the acidity] ‘which they contain aids in separating the 1 bile fiorn the blood. Hence the great yearning for greens and lettuce, and sal ads, in the early spring, these being eaten with vinegar; hence, also, the tasto for sojiiethings oir, for leinotiades.ym an attack i ‘of fever. But, th is being the case, it it: I easy to see that we ntdilv the good t-fii-rts ; of fruit a lid berries in proportion as we eat fhetn with sugar, or even with sweet ntilk, “M- cream. If we eai them in their natural state, fresh, ripe, perfect, Jt is almost im possible to eat too many, or eat enough to hurt us, especially if we eat them alone, and not taking any liquid with them what ever. Hence, also, is butter-milk, or even common milk piomotive of health in sum mer-time. Sweet milk tends to biliousness in sedentary people ; sour milk is antag onistic. The Greeks and Turks are pas sionately -fond of milk. The shephaicis use rennet, and milk dealers alum to make it sour the sooner. Buttermilk acts like watermebuison the system.— ltall's Journ al of Health. Lasr oh Dying.—“lf 1 liar] strengtli et][)ttg;li to lioltl a juju,” saiil VViliiatn rlitti ter, “i would write how easy and delight* iul it is to di —“tin* very expression,” adds tier uacltt, “witi-dt another friend of mine made use of on Iter death bed, a few years ago.” The same words have so of. ten been uttered under similar ciicunistui;- ces, that we could fill pages with instances which are only varied by the name of the speaker.*’ “If this Ite dying,” said Lad) Glenorchy, “it is the easiest tiling imagin able.” “1 t bought that dying had been move difficult,’, said Lou s Xl V. -I did not stippo.e it was so sweet to die,” said Frauds Suarez, the Spanish theologian. An agreeable surprise was the prevailing sentiment with them all. They expected tl“][ stream to terminate in the rinsh of the torfeut, and they found it was losing itself in the gentleaUcifrrent. The whole of the faculties seem sometimes< and on the placid enjoyment. The day Arthur Murphy died, be kept repeat ingft-onl I’ope: “Taught half by, reason, half by mere decay, To welcome uc-aih, and caituly pass away.” Nor does the calm partake of the sens). liveness of sicknest. There was a swell in the sea the day CV'liidgwond breathed his lust upon the element which liad been the scene of Iris glory. Captain Thomas expressed a fear that he was disturbed by the tossing of the ship. “N t. Thomas/’ lie replied, *-I am now- i-i a state in which nothing in this world can disturb tup. more. Lam dying, and am sure ifim-ist he eotu-ol story to y on. and all who love mr, to bee how comfortably t am coining to my. clld.” ty The Store of R. W. Carpenter, of our town, wa.; broken into on Tuesday liiglit, and r cousiderahle amount ot goods abstracted therefrom. The window was Irnred through yith a large augur several times, making a hole huge enough to ad mit the Land, so as to remove the key from the bolt that fastened the window. The goods stolen consist in part of watches, cutlery, nnd fine dry goods. The rogue was evidenely well acquainted with the .locality and arrangements of the store, as that was the only night f or some time that someone did not sleep in the store. — AV befiffin Slur, A Cluing. —Tl.o Central (Sandersviih ) Georgian, ol the 27th tilt says: \Ve understand that .fudirc Holt suspen ded the “business of the Court oit Saturday morning last, to gtvo an opportunity to OoL B. 1). Evans, on behalf of the; local bar of Saud-eisville, to present a silver headed cam- to General L. A. Jernigan, the late clerk of the Superior Court, as a testimonial oi tho appreciation held by the members of the local liar of his servi ces ns clerk. The. stick Inis engraved >p ou it ao open book altd a pen, w-ith this in scription : “Presented hv the Local Bar to General L. A. Jeniigan. 28ye;irs Clerk of id Superior Court, Waxliingtoti county. Accept,mcr us G“P. Jnknso The commit tee to inform the candidates of their nomi nation, appointed by the National Demo cratic Convention, waited on Gov. Hers cliel V. Johnson, on Monday night, 2Stli, at the National Hotel, Washington, where he received them in the large (lining room of the hotel, which was crowded with la dies and gentlemen He nec-pted the nomination, endorsing the platform in ev ery paiticular, and declared that the South would sustain tbe principles laid down in it. In his opiiiiou the doctrine of nomin tervention was a necessity to the perserva tinn of the Union. Religion*.—’!' he Herald, Thomson (Ga.) of tho 20th ins’.., states -. We are in the midst of an infant revival nf religion at the Methodist Church in this place, which promises to be a “rime of re freshing from the presence of the Lord.” Several ha*e joined the Church nnd some professed re.igion, and the me...tiers gener* ally are filled with renewed xeal and de votion. Prayer ineetivga are hold every day at 9 o’clock, A. M . and preaching a? night. Ma ster City.— Tit* city of Jeddn. the ‘ tho capital of Japan, ia said to be, with! • #t except*, t, th* largest city in the world. I —lt contain* I.AOO OriO inhabitant* The Joy of Doing Good. t * lerp ’ s a jwy in doing gaodt The selfish never know, A draught so deep, so rich and pure, It sets the lieirt aglow; .A draught so exquisitely rire It thrills the soul with bliss, And lifts it to a heav’nlier world, Or makes a heaven of this, ! D'. Perry * Vermifuge ur “Head Shot, for Worm*." —-There is pet lisps no dis ease to which Child rest are exposed so j common and fatal as Worms. The symp toms which indicate them are as follows*: Countenance pale, tongue wtritely furred, grinding of the teeth, fetid breath, stutn arh hard and swelled, was irtgof the flesh, sickness and pains in the stomach, bowels either too costive .or too loose, great fret fulness, unnatural craving for clay, dirt or chalk, colic, tonvulsions. fits, &c. The “Dead Shot” will in a few hours clear the system of every Worm, Although prompt and certain in its opetafion, and not un pleasant to the taste, it is perfectly safe i a,l 'l adapted to the tenderest age. | Prepared and sold hv A. B. &D. Sands. I Druggists, 100 FuTfon Street. New York. | . Sold also by J. Henry Wood, and Drug- I g : st geuerallv. ; ’ “■ =s fePi-ClAl. NO l k.LS. Georgia State Lottery. As certain malicious persons, who are intcr | esled in other Lotteries, have circulated reports j that the Lotteries of .eurgia were illegal alter | June Ist, 1800, we heteby caution the public not to be deee ved by any’ such reports. The Georgia State Lottf.rv, for the Benefit of the Monticella Union Academy, of Georgia, is Au thorized by a Special Acf of the Legislature, and the Charter of the same lias not been re pealed, or the sale of Tickets in any wav in!er lcred, and wo shall continue to Draw the same Daily, until the Ist day of May, ltKKi. tejjr- L.-.‘k at the Splendid Schemes in anoth er column, McKINXEY & CO., June 13, 4t. Managers, Savannah, <n. figr The renders of the Weekly ute ii quea> and toauiice u-e B‘lvertis. uieii l , in uuoili.r coiamc, of Dr- J. blivetsDoas’ luipert..! Wine Hitter--, for nule in Gn t rie,boro by Crubtie utui Weaver.— Till y imve ittecutly been listed ml | proved by „nc of the li si Pnyaiciit’ a in the. Mouth, and although they have breti but few weeks he lore the peopl.ol Geor-ris, yel you can hear tie ir priire fiom ait si'e tion- of Ihe State, Read ihe cent ral a verlis. merit A Curd to the Suffering The lb v, ri ilium • osokove, while laboring ■ t missionary in Japan, was cured of Con sumption, w hen all other means had failed, by a recipe obtait id f on. n learned physician re suJis gin the great city of J ddo. This rec ; po cured great ntintbefs who wete >iifTering from Consumption, lb.onct it S, So-eTi lost, Cotip hr, and Colds anu iie deoioty ami nervous depres sion caused by these disot dors. Desirous ol ben film g others, I will stud this recipe, w hich i have brought home witn me, to all (:*>ue< if it, tree oi charge. Address i'tv. U tt.i.iAM ( o eiKovE, 23b Bal ic-stieei, B eioklen, N. Y. April iff. 1 60 8 o’ - S*.*e What Ayer’s Sarshpai ilia does for Derangements of the Live. ST tt** Caosstno. Talladega Cos , Ala ,9iu Aug. 69 D.,. J. 0. Av. Lowell, Mas* Sih: I lake my p*-n toK-H you wlmt your ?arrapa ril|. and Gallia tie Pitta have done lor me. I had been asst cu-d wnli Liver Complaint tor rig years, du • i-ig evljH h I was neeer wedl, siiuj rnui-h of the lime very sick -My ! ver was sole so the touch, and die Doctors sdd w-ea eongeslion I fufli-r'd tioin seven eo-tiveness and DiarrhiMa uttirnaiely. My skier was flainuy and onheiittny; my eyes and sk 11 often v-! low. Oc.mioimlly 1 nail a i orai-ion# appeute, tint geuerallv none at all. A dieadftd sensaiion- of < p prera ui on niv sti lmrli. with languor and a gloomy senmlion of stckn*ss a I • ver. ki pi me in anguish V u cannot know lum lum'li I *eiffeied fn in an inde -cribahl. let-ling of dispess Tin- long cootinuaxp-e ot this conninoo, wrthnui reia-f, V-on worn me *At so rtiai I * ev-r ex, enedro he be*tf r; hut ri in ihe Chris it,, Advocate, of yonr, 1 ei ill in -ncid lafeii-g it w iih nretisi. ual sir.all rlof. s ut v-*or IMIs, lor g’llau the lei*,-Is as you diner. Fmm •lie li st ie had more rlli’cr upon my nisi rder than I slipnosed anythin-.- emd'l 1,-ire. I regnineu my h -al-h rapirJly, and now good heu tli and-sirti..yth as ary ou er morn iil i> the-‘Dispenser ot ail pood’* sh \v - l>'esa : nea on you J.iiiN W Stott. Papa red by J .Dil C AVF.R and CO I. well Mass. 50,033 I'ojkici already Sold. EVERYBODY’S LAWYER Alsli) COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, BY FttiiAK CROSBY, OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAIL It Tells Yo i Ilow to daaw up f*AUT>fEi(siiiP I’APEkS umi giViSg. lor ms I r AGUE JOINTS of ail R lids, o .s'ai-e, Ltttse& riiul Dec turns. It Tells Y iu clow todriw up Jlo oh Mort gages Ajjid mts. rowe is t Attorn ey, -Vo tea iuii Bills oi Beckon ye l,e- Ceijils and lieleases. ft Tells You i. claws tor me Collection cl Jjjb s, with ttie Statues o, Limitu ttou, ami a-UoUnt ami kina ot rnp eiiy Exempt born Execution m eve ry M:t. It Tel's Youifow tutu ike an Assignment prop erly, w-to tortus tji Compo id u with Creditors, r.iul tiiu JosvlctiU Laws nl ii> ty state. ft Telle You tie • iegtl ■ attons betw en Guar dian Wai and. Master and Ap pe,ntice. *ml EuiUo'd u"o tenant. It Tells You t list out s itnus Libel an e Alan tier, aunt >- law as to Mart Inge Jjoteer, the H’t/i’s Right in Pr<p— erty Dixorce ati 1 Alimony ft Tel's You I V Laut tor Meckmi s Liens in t-v rv e, aidt e Eaturalizato n Elue n this cmuitrv, and tow t cninp y wilti Ihe MUtie. It Tells You The aw otu ceinii g Pivsion* aid ’row t> obtain one, an tne Pre- Ez. mptiou “Laws t*> Public L-mds. It Te'ls Yo • Ui •ia *- ter Patents, wttn iu dt <tf nroc dure itt “i.tritiingitne, w-nh Intefe'enres, Assignments and Ta ble Lins. It Tells You II w to n nke your Will and how to Al ninister on an Estate, with the law and the r (j iiti-mentaTbcri ol in tvoi y Stats It Sells Y-u Tin- meaai ig of Low Tr/nt in general use, and ix;uanin to v-u Ihe Legislative, Executive and Jwli einl Powers •> tom me Genetal and State Gorrri.meats Tt Tells You Ilow to hep oat of Law by show • ing how to do your irii'inee b-ga y thus sartug a vast tinrvint of prop ertv, ana v< x itmus litigation, by its timeit c insultation. Single copies - ill he sent by mail, postage paid, to Erery Partner, Etery Mechanic, Every Man of lias usees ami Etery body in Ecery State, on receipt oi SLOd, or in law style bind ing at $1 26. 81009 A YEAR’SST?.!’.'."- where, in *el|,ng tbe atrore taoik, as our terms II all such are very Merab for t-ittpjn copies of the Book, or f r terms | tosgestw, with other lubiruiatton, apply to or • sddrtsa E. POTTHR/Tubliaher, No, 617 JUmoHn S'r*'t Thi vdelphia, t’s. J sly (th, l wit. . . - ala. Legal Advertisements* GEORGIA Okeevf. Cointi . —Whereas, thi j estate of Jesse F.riclrj-.lati! of said county [ dee’d, is unr*preeniel: These are therefore to cile and admonish all; an-1 singular the; kindred and creditors of said i decease!, so t.e and appear at the Court of O’- I dinarv to be held in and for raid i.uuwfy on the I first Monday in August next, to sh'.w cause (if any they have) why the administration df| said etfa’e. with the Will anntSxed. sir mid not I then bo vested in the Clerk of the Superior | Court or in gome,other fit and proper person, in term-* of the otaute in such case mgde and provided. Given under my hand at Once in Greenes boro July 2nd 1860. EUGENICS L. KING, OrIV. * * GEORGIA, f- kekne Covnkt.- -Whon-as, Issae A. l''ilba os, A !rn riislr*or debonie non of the estate of Josetih tirimes, deoes ed, petitions the Court of Ordinary of sai l county •or Let’e r s Dlun’ssorv: These are theiefrre to .'ite ar.d ndmen'sh all r>e’sons coheerned, to show cause (if any they hsvl why sail Adodnistrator’ should not he dis -harged at the Court of Ordh-arv to he h< Id in nnd for said count- on the ftf-t Monday to December next. Given unde.” mv hand at i fflee in Greenesb-wo, Jiine"4t 8 60, EUGENICS r. KING, Ord’y* Georgia, Gueexe Cointv. —wise..eas. Is ac A. Wj| iants, dmin K’rator upe>. the estate of Mrs. Harriet L. Grinvs, dec a-o-P petitions the. Court of Ordinary of said count) for Letters Di-rniS'Ory. Thi-se ere toer’i-forO to cite and adthonish a'l persons concerned, to show (if anyf they tiave) why said Administrator should not he lisiTia'ged at the Court of ttsdinary to be held in and for said ri6unty, on the first Mom) v in December next.-. Given under niv hand wtoffije in Gacenes’io-o, this June 4th lbfid. EUGENICS L. KING, Ord’y. KORGIA, Gkxesk County. - Win reas, S rnuel If A Howell, Aihriinifitr.iior neb n snon,-*nli itn- Wili eniH xiO, upon the e-iaie of McKinney lluw-ftl iteceased, |et ti ni-the Cooil of O.ilirti r\‘ o! sail! cootiiy lor L tiers it suiG.-un : These are ihe* efoi-i incite anil admeniah all nn<l iir'giiUr ‘tie kimlreil amt ered'rors of Saul *leri aveii io B'iuw c oise (it any they Ir.v ) > h. tain A ‘mini-traior sliouM not b (fiac.trrrgc I at His Court of O dinarv to h hel-i in and tor suit! county on ;he first Monday in Nuveii.b’ r next. Gi en under my lnnd al ntTice in Grrenr-sboro, April 2 id, IS ill ‘ . EUGENI US L RING, O d'y. j f 1 SORG A. Greene County* - W!ier< i.s FrMlur i . * i.Y C. Fuller, 4dmiiiiMtrtor upon thcr fsinteot .S irt*’i U tY ° i,J * dec-istd, p- the C >urt of Or •}nry of fcaiu i!"iJiii: for Li tfc:? D siniwy : TUW nre ilor.>forp t‘> an ' { !l am! >in;jii ! a# kifoLed nid • o 40.v f aus** (if any th y havr) Wi." 811 ' 1 tnfor mItoIiWI H>ti b*- ut ° nary o b“ h< 1.1 in aofi for said coun'y on tI.C n.. Monday in October next. Given un V’ my at r.^i'c *'n Ts'^neaboro Ma c‘. 15th. 1860. EUGENI Us L KTNG. Or )\v. G KOH’il G-iKKNIM DUNTY- - Whe!'*(jD?, l>l G M‘f* * *i on, E*‘“ n*/> r and Mary En cuirix of the U-l Will and T- stiun* n* ol Nithan Aikinepn, and r . Tieti'ioo.s ihe Court o O and nary, of said coun'v f'r L flismiKo *y : Tiie-ie are therefor <o and admonish a't persons <*once n- and, to di’io v cause. Hf ; iV they have) why s ; >id Executor and E\”Ctifrix-hemit! not he diHchuvgred the Court of ()-• ‘imry to be h 1-1 in and forbid Ct-i'n iv on iftr* first Mondav in Ansrust nxt. Given cinder tov hand •. ..ffj •.* iq (J.r Jan utKv -IO#!). 16') * EUGRXins L RING, Ord y. GEORGIA GgkkneCouuiy— W N choias M Jo ca. Adtninid-riior u. on ’hecs'Htrof Jefße Jonee dec., pciitionft the Court us O diti ir}’ ol skid county tor L *tr rs Dismi-po* v : To, gc a'c therefore to c iteaiid SdlffOYiteb n!f persons c ncern*d, to show cause —if any they have—why said Administrator ph uld not be dipchurjjcd the C arr ol Ofdinaty t be h*fd in and fur aiifl com ty o*i the fi’si Monday in ncx- Given tinder ny hand a* fS’ *•; Jsn ti*ry 10. h, HftO EUGENICS \. KING. Only. Notice. GEOR “ IA, obeene County.—Will be spltl befi're the C'*urt House doe * ir> Oroenos* Lord on the in riod of the land tieLm <51112 to the estate of Lit ‘felon Mapp, deceased, ndioining the lands; of Jas. Jaeksou and AViley The portion to be sold contains between 2U and ? 0 acres. Sold bv viitur. of an order of ihe Court of Or d nary. LUCItKTU MAPP. June sth, Admr'vi. I— - ‘ T - ■■ -■ - - NOTICE. f TAWO mmt?u> uftr •’•’.te. t.-wit: On ihe fiiy.t l Mjiidny in Augus* nc";!, I shall najily to the Cau-t ct’ Ord,nary ot’ G-eeue e-ouniy, Getij gia, for leave t > welt :J1 •,!; veal estate to the estate of WjU'.am F. Luekio, late of siiiii vjounty- ileceased. ELLIOT 150 M DE'J, Mnv ‘2o. ’oo. Adm’ •. of AY. F. dee.- NOTICE. GDORGIA, Greene .County.—-All*peraons indebteil to William F. Luokle, late of said county deceased, are requested to make imme diate payment, and all having claims against sa.d deceased will present them duly proven to the undersigned within t-he time proscribed bv taw. ELLIOT G. BOWDEN. * May 25, ’CO. Adm’r. of W. F. Luckie, doc’d. NOTICE. fTVvo months after date, to-wit: Oil the first 1 M.mday in August next, I shall apply tit the Court pf Ordinary of G eenc county, Geor gia, for leave to sell all -the real estate belonging to the estate of George Crutchfield, JAM£3RyiUv, May 2G. 180'Jv- Adm’r. of Geo. Crutchfield. NOTICE. rjTWO months after date, tu-wlt: On the first 1 Monday in August next, I shall apply to the C mrt of Ordinary of Greene county, (>eor gia, for leave to sell nil the negroes belonging to the estate of Peter Clark, late of said county deceased. JAMES Adm’r. May 29‘h. 186 ft. of P‘ Clark, dee’d CLOCKS. WATCHES j 1 fi 111 -i : O : TITHE undersigned would respectfully ft X inform the citizens of t is icin y and the public in general, that he hgs it■ turned to Drecnesboi’o, and will constantly keep on hand a well telec ted stock of Clock*, Watches & Jewelry, and will soil lower that; ever. Call in and try b in. B®, Clocks, it atehes and Jewelry, also, uei’aired as heretofore nt the old stand. J. P. Alk LSTItOJI. Gr G* , M ir 30. 186). ts. MA T TIN GS AT REDUCED FRZCES. 4-4 WHITE M\TTI\G, $9,00 A Ri).L S-4 White .Matting, §lO, a Roll. * .* e-4 White Matting, sls a Roll (40 YARDS IN EACH ROLL) The Above are CASH Prices. Urikti Mtt fbJr Bttcrdcrl to. JAS. G. BAILIE A BRO., **New Carpet Su. AuguNtß, Oi, J • ?T, 9m , Mturllamous Adveitisemeiits. i ‘ ’uONFEOTIOXERiEST J. P. WILSON, BEGS leave to inform the citizens of Green esbom’ and vici uty, that bo bus open and : CONFECTIONERY > At the 01,1 St;*ul of D. . where he will keep on hand overything in hi line, lfif Stock consists in part, of CANDIES. Fanr.)- and Plain ; NETS of all kinds; . RAISONS. FIGS. DATES. PRUNES, SALMONS, LOBSTERS, SARDINES, TICKLES, SNUFF. ORANGES., LEMONS. &c., &e. &c SEGARS of all qualities; CORDIALS of difTercut kinds; LEMON-SYRUP. SODA WATER. PORTER, ALE. &e. All of which In; will sell vary low fur C ASH. Grecnesboro’. June fitli, 18C0. - wifJ IKanufactii*'* v ••* Dealer in ail KINDS O F FURNITU RE. MAIN ST It KET, MAUI SOX) CA. Respectfully mfrms m* fi- tu.tsrm-’ ‘b ruibli ti.iv, tl-at )• is- 1 SIMUNG STOCK OF FUiINITttKE fnm N* V *.k •><) P i|fi*.icliliirt, vvnich, u.vrt ibcr witli h*s LARGE STOCK i t Ilosac M imtfactiued. rnak ’S bis Assoi tnicnt tlit; niosi iKsirable tomik> pc* ledi jus from, in ihe up country. His Stock cottsie’s ot r h rue Nutiib* r ut BiJISCAIi’S ranging front to SAS R-•gewqmt, Miih-'giiny, and P.iinttd Wardn.lieit; R >s* \vo 1 an) Ma Ok'uiiy Marble lop Wa-tui bi ds ; .1 n> Lt’rni TuM Pt and H dsft ff<‘B ; sonic vt r y hand-oineUeu re and SVa I abb s, hlm* B!h< • Waiuu* Exti-itmo Tables, 10, 12. 14 <od M Teel lum: by the Set i aidurHf dm ; lint StaMtl-*, and Tow* i Rucks; B**v ml f) z n u Mahgi* v P,r| r CASH'S: Muf)dir-+iy R I’ k ra ot tho ditfvr* nt S z s; Ltri/p aid Small Curie<i Al tple R t k< rs, with Can*’ Seut am &ick; Cur U-d Miplt* PixMor Cfiatra, nut id-o ih Cel?l)rated Cottage Chairs. A lar-yc number ol P.>pul<*r Coitagre with or wi th out tiie ExcclsfOr S'pnng’ H-** 1 , nil.chrd aa the puichaser muv tlcsirc. The SI RING RED is oilercd at ihe VERY Uyw P. ice of SIX DOLLiSS. i\nc, on hand, GILT ar* i R(>SL\VOOD Oi ddTcrml *. z.s, which can -*t atiU pul tojfjt. - er in FRAMES of anv s:z ,nt e'.Oi i ‘ c *’ N. H.-~STiii3 and iM i-uvyny Rickini ChUtr# 33.* lEJEugLX 1 EJEugLXS 3 JE3 T* AT SHORT TO I’ll E ami a l uti.. r FURNITURE Repair\a! i&h Nato a? and li. I h*- *ub-cii b* r return k tiifc siiitvie tiiurks for the lib* ral put ion a>*e hcr*tofore b gT.rwcd a pan him, and rcspCc: fully so**’ i*>t conti* ii ti.m ol file a tint*. h Liberal Bedaetlon will be made on CASH SAIiLS. - Furieiurij H.ix .1 V"il dvfivirs I it Ite Madison r)ep>f, to .*.m u;i or I v i <h.i r- a*, fiet* of e*i:tfifp.— Onh i.t at horn , ap f from abr a*, rcs’ roiudly a.i i.nt* and. June 6 l, 1889 7 p. Corni Corn!! \ FINE let us nice White COEN for suit at the h> vest market jr ce. Apply to W. G. Johnson, or the sub -cri bers. “ mtrnA N .% WALKSK. Grpenesboro. April 1 f*h. 1 SfiO-tf. KftUFp-ER, BAUM & 00. tmm ms w iaiiii Under the Augusta Hotel, Augusta, Ga. Would inform their man}* customers that their ‘! ’ r * : -♦ . STOCK OIT RRY-GOODS, And everything belonging to tfieli line is complete now, in every respect. A look flirrtlgTi- mtr Stock and prices will always effect a putcltase, Ours is the O.VLY HOUSE that has a RESIDENT PARTNER in the Northern Markets, whose main’ “business it is to buj tlic latest Novelties as they make their appearance. We are therefore en abled to offer something new every week. OER PRICE’! hardly need any further comment. “Siltaii Profits 811(1 Qllit'k Returns” has always been’ our motto; from the time we commenced bus'ness, and we shall strictly adhere to it OUR MANUFACTORY IN Cloaks & Mantilla^ Is the FlftST and ONLY one established in the Southern States. We only offer but a well made article and save our customers lroui Twenty-Pile to Thirty per cent On) of flm many cheap articles wc sell, wc would name n lew : Colored SILKS, Splendid Quality at <, r > ceuls worth $1 25. “ “ Superb *’ 1.00 ( •- j to. F.ttthtrd SILKS and SILK LAWNS BAfiF.GE UCBKS nt £6 to 8.00” “ 12 to 15 00* COLORED BAREGES at 25 “ •• 50. Fast COLi )RED LAWNS, fine Quali’v nt J2V “ •• 25. ORGAN'DIES. “ at LAWN ROBES; \ at $1 50 and up. LA VILLA CLOTH, n new Traveling Stuff at 121 cfs. Fast Colored I’II!NTS. at Bto 10 ‘• Linen TOWELS, nt 75 ct*. tier dost. I Real STEEL Ext. SKIRTS, 30 Ring* , lt 50. ‘ “ “ ’* 20 •• nt 1 00. Six* MARSEILLE QUILTS. ; t 1 75> 51 \N 1 11.LA S, nt $1 50, 2 50. 3 CO nud up, LUSTERS in nil the different Material* nnff Sqles, etc..ect. Our Stock —Embroideries, Ribbons, ilosi „i*v. I’antalcon Stuf.h. liomespunsetc , tvo offer extreinclv low. ! KAUFFER, BAUM SL CO. •ry 20. IRCO ly tiSDEII AVOUHT4 UOTEI.. A ( GUSTA. Q.\ itlieellaiieiiK Advcrlltrutfiils Ijj v cl JI7F9BO.V’B Mountain Herb Pills. AR'ivk. we present you with a perfect likeness m* T***nr. a rHiief of n trirbe *f the sirai*jce AxVr N>•., that him and his |H*o|de in our I'amphlets and AhiiKuac*—tt* l>e had sfratia. from the ,A pent * for these Pills. The inventor and manufacturer of “Judwm’s Moun tain Jlerb Pills.” lias spent the jfieater |ii t oi Ids Us* h* tm veil lift, having visile*! neariy every eomdry in iftv woild ]|e spent over six years atpong ih& litdiain F the Koeky Mountains and of Mexico, and it was thos tlct the ■’ MoCNTAIx Hkkh Phj> t * were Hsd*vrred. .V. >• r Jnterestintc account of his adventures there, you v. ?1! . • : in )tir Ahnanae and Pninptdet. It is an establisheti fact, that all diseases arise f,# t,t IMPiHR UhOOD! Tbe blood is the life! anti when any foreigner tnd . - V'.v matter gets mixed with it. it da nt Jnc* dist-ih,i} .* .. every organ of the body. Kvery nerVe feels the j> and all the vital orgnmi quickly complain. Tin* sh.-j. will not digest the final perfectly. Tlic liver icums Jt; ar<yele a siilliciency of bile The action *1 ihe !>•■'!. i.v weakened, and so Ihe circulation ia fcihie. ‘ihe Lu k* become cloeged with tbe poisonous matter j t, cough—a tut all from a Might* imputity al tbe /fi-rot. ;u I head of lifiw-tbe Hlood I As if von hud thrown * ear?U. for instance, in a pure spring, from u-hiv.h ran f tiny milM. in a few minutes the whole course of the stream mcotnes disturbtsi ami discolored. As quickly does impure b!oid fly rvery pad. ar.d Ie no i:s Isdiind. All Ihe passages WedPOi GbulrucL and, and ui; the obstruction Is removed, the lamp soon l*c> ot*t These pills n<t only purify Ihe blood, but itgeo *j’ , **** th(* secretions of the body; they me, tUeref* re, us.: n„;4. ns a OUHE FOR BILIOUS JMSEASrSf, l.lrer Coinplnlnt, Sick Headache. &c. Tliis’ A:, x fii'i SliMlicine expefa from tbe blond the hhhlcu Mid-.... u, ease, and renders all the fluids and secretfofifi puie flueifl, clearing nnd resirscilatimr the vitallbrgans. Pleasant indeed, is it to ua, that wo are -,hh to | within your reach, a medicine like the “Hounta.v !!r. . Pli.W.” ibat will pass directly to the efllicted j • through the blood and fluids of the body, and the sulTerer to biighteu with the flush id bean It s :.H liealrli. Jtnlsoil's Pills ore the Pest Petneily in ix’if ence for the following Coiiipitiinlt: It'seel Cemylainls, Ih-liHlij. fiipyjfiti H’l'cf.v/v*, C"Uch* t hhvr awl Afjvf, Liver CtUnj.liuuff CohU, I'i'mnle CtmjiUiiiUx J.wuei w t> i'j. Chest IH.'patej, llmthulies, C ilietne.*, JwH esli in, sSbme awl firerti, Vjiq'eitriai Influenza, ,Secondary ,S ‘tjUtp lUaniuta, Inflammation, hani. Ihtqisy, * * * ♦ •< ♦ GREAT FEMALE MEDICIrr ! Females who value health. Kborild never lie wiih. i>| tliese Pills, ihey purify Ihe bhnid, remove ohvh iu*! t of all kinds, cleanse the skin of all pimples and I h ielics 1 nod bring tho rich color of health to Ihe pale tin eh". IfJ* The Plants nnd Herbs of which the** Pills sjc made, were discoveied in a very surprising way airterg < the Texucans, u tribe ff Aborigines m Mexico. tUjt'ihs A!i7*aiiac *f <ur Agent, and you will read wjlh drligitt. the ver >‘ hitercating account it contains of the *- (iRr_A JlEiudxir ’ <>i’ Olim-r.-r, Th.; Mountain llei-l VitU ore pvt Iff it- , llraiilifn! Wranar.’ PL* to omlaint 40 ntol llnuil al VS renii jiec Isee Alt t.ei.have the sfyvalSn e 11. L. JI'DSoX i’- CO., on each list. B. £i. JTO3O2T, & Cos., . SOI. li 1> It OVUIIO TOH R, No. 60 Leonard Ktreot, A’ u iv rot; k . tar for sale nv Oki-i* hkciuxe i.E.vii.r.*'. -e FOR SALK BV J. Henry Wo,>i. Greentsboiii, i. V. I'latt & v> . 11. Ward, Lcxingf.or, Gn. .Inn* H.. IfWO. v —l-. MJgr.eliaitrou.) Advci lisCfenents, LOOK! -Startling- FACTS! ! GHAND ACHEME YOU JUNE, I&GO. i GEORGIA STATE LOTTErA. HI v2i.ir4.TfEY Ct CO., Eanogee*. I \uthor'-z.-4 by spec .ft Act of tlrr 1 3 'Sfi--.urc £ VjVxAx.* A Jl iiA -4 li-i hJr* 1 More i ?!<::> i j ;. Pf zr so errrit hvo Picket*. ! GApr^Au^ tif.&csil only #l4> i Hai-.vss, Qi-.v.;uh-, and Ftun-fs i.v Piwrvr.TtoN. To li-z BrawnEacft Ssturtfayia 1860. In tli© City of Savannah. Georgia. < L s*- 7;. :,i ft.. Dr.i.• r Jut 3 ft, Ifcfift. <i* 73 t-'iii. l i.r. e n June 10, ISlio. i'hts- 7V • • (■• i-i;’ -. Jun -‘-3, C"as-i7ft, ha 1 EvniMme -■ 1 4uo Atagß'fcciil hrcio, 1 T'a. o!'S-.OHifis (- ‘-i.n.jO-'f f. I .-Ml •.>&IX>9 I “ ‘i'.’i l- ■ H-.' 1 | ).’■ -* ,'i'K) am 6if 1) t. “ i 0 HOO is ii - i;.> | 2 -j;) ;.m M.O I “ SHOO i„ SOI I 2 -• It) ~,{. i,i 0 l -t .iil-'l )* 4.0 -0 j 2 * i !ft a.s 4CO l “ • 3'!f; 3 run I fio • vio ore ~ !>(,'< t -• 2,:>;i.i , 2.H.-2 ; I,■ •• I ]n 11 0 I <• I-SXI is 1..-.0.1 t -SVO • S3 nr. 95 ft t “ Lit) >m. !, 0) - “ “ S.-IIU s bull . A T’J-tftO.JC TM ATK > 15?,iI 5 ?,i IV* |- is k ii’"} i* % u. > t.a >u tia ” ku ... iil ‘(J.dfcii i 11l Sr.^tljCiO WILL RE Dll \WN 1 ESS ; (N : 1 CmDwtfl w V uric AC s I hr sol.: if it,, f,.;. lo' ti > ii i- hr :i-l;; t- M Ifeafi-w! “ -* 111 lili -* .1 “ “ 10 Q “ I.V “ •’ 17 :ii - 7 “mis : A SPLENDID drawing on Ti|e Three Sumner liiur! Which takes ;i!ace on .-v. ‘V TV ‘av Situr. ■ - it a v in'rsco.r t t's|i't’ rj-iv... 01 U'-. s roo l nt t.-Oft T *• wf 4 lift t 1 ■ of 3 ikK> t •• ..! 1,7. -2ft 1;-| -• Ilf ,'7'K) ,r T.Oft.i •I > • 111 17A Are 7 ftllil sft * -of 125 am r'i’f'l’ 25:)-- <.f si’ r SH.72ft (it ■’ <-f .VI air 320 V 6ft “ or an am 1 ‘!*?) 61 “ lit Ml an, 1.2(1 5.672 “ „f 1-1 .: o 4*6.3.0 A, 221 ■■ ol (, ;tte Ul.lvO 34 112 P i.”- \ -1 r ‘ - 5i11.40l 20 XVJ®? TinSiors C Sl.ltii s in PiojMii linn. IN ,OT DM *!NG TICKETS 0 : CWRTIfi- CAl’fiS. K sis * to* i'ii: 1y in rnr (i.:,'rvi tor th irhcasalrtfri-.-tlphn nf vrha*ti tt - y r i.) be (nr. ivniiluO liv ii t >: mail. Pa cans, i-i van ‘t-.#ve lick u • tiding i 1 tiny fi jru'.-e t!]- r 1,1 iy ft 1 ilia; ale. llu’ i'it *1 it lit .v a rtila. .... a.. I p. ia -s a ii! fi,. not io trure'll if ‘-s niiitlrdi t'e'i- (*!i C t(i .f, mt (iir. Ail oru-inti 1 .inn . -11 a* iy rit J'ni.jii l . O dor.* ‘ir T'lsvii Or Crrii !r he M -if ‘<.* ft: y. pr.— , I( , bflilireol. 1 115 iJcKI'>NKY - *r. f.y N >ve .16 r ‘2 IT 9ly fi tvar Ita H037?3T33H’3- BITTERS, For the cure of Pyttprp.nit, In I iff ration, A'rw^ca, I'ltUnJtfH-y. Ism* of Appetite, or any Lilian* Compitn’afM arhi/ij from a morbid hit idiom of the- Stomach, or L'a'icr/n, producing Craft p* Jbt/HeitSfi'y, Colic , Cholera Morbus, dr. In view oi the fact that every nrinlmr of the limnnn finally is more or less sutij'-cted to .Jaime of the a'novif complaints, bf-udea in numerable other conditions in life, which, by- the ussistuice of a little knowledge or exercise of common sense, they may be at l. bo 10 regulate their habit* of diet, and wilti the assistance of a good tonic, secure per manent health. Ia order to accomplish thi* desired object, the true course to pursue ia, certain y, that which will produce a natural state of filings at t he least ha*aid,of vital strength amt life ; for this end Dr. jjoateUor has introduced to Hits country a preparn tion railed MOSTETTKH’S .STOMACH BITTERS, which at this day is not. an- ■ medicine, but one that lias been tried for years, giving ratisfaction to nil who bnv* used it. The Hitters operate powerfully upon, the stomach, hcivols and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus by the simple*process of strengthening nature, enable the system to triumph over disease. Diarifxea, dysentery or flux, so ! generally contracted by new settlers, and caused principally by the change of water and diet, will be speedily regulated by 11 brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent when lakcn in all its various forms, than any other; the cause of which limy always be attributed to derangements of the diges tive organs, can be cured without, fad hr using KOSTETTER’S STOMACH l!lf- TKUS as per directions on the bottle. For tliis disease every physician will recom mend Bitters of softie kind, then whv not use an article known to Ire infallible t Every country have their Bitters ns a pre ventive of tfiseasc, i- .1 strengthening of the system iu genera., and -among them all there is not to be found a more healthy people than the Germans, from whom tin* preparation emanated, based upon scientific experiments which has attended to advance the destiny of this great preparation in the medical scale of science. FEVER AND AGUE. This trying and provoking disease, which fl*c* !(• relentless jrr;*sp on the l>ody of man, reducu.„ _’.m to a mere ahadow. in a short space of tiw*s and rendering him physically and mentally ut*eles>, can defeatod and driven from the faidy by the nse of IIOSTETTEK'J RENOWNED RITTERS. Further, any of ihe ;Dor* stated dineascß can not lie contracted when exposed to any* onlinaiy conditions producing them, if ts lUticrs are aed as per directions. An Jas it neither create* nauseti nor offends the palate, and rendering uuueces •ary any change of iict dr interruption to usual pur •utm, hut promote* sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is thus removed as speedily as Is con sistent flfßb the production of a thorough and perma nent cure. For Persons in advanced- years Who arc suffering fi om an enfeebled constitution and h'firrn Imdy, these Hitters are invaluable as a restore* Ure of rtreiiyth and and needs only to triew to be appreciated. And to a mother while nur%, * these lh:u?rs are indispensable, especially where the mother's nourishment is inadequate to the demands of the child, consequently hcr f strcn;rth ntnt yield, and hTe it is whfcre a gtxnT tonic, sudi as HoU- ttcr's Btnpwh TilUer* is neeiled to lniart temporary eircngtli and vigor to tire svstem. Ladies sh -uld by all meant try this remedy for ail coses of doi/iiity, nnd lefore o domy, ask your physician, a ho, if he is acqua ! nted with the virtucj’ of the Hitters, will recommend U*e!r use in aH cases of weakness. GITIU.V,—Wo caution tin; public against using any of tin; many imitations or enun terfuils. but usk fur's C i.i.ruii-nt n Stciacu Bitteb*. ahi* 1 hat,Licit boll)* bn* the words “ £)r.. c.iir’a Sftniißch BiU.rt” blown ‘ s oi*; shle nj the tarule, sml stninpul on tbe tncUUie ciifj oovi-ring th* cork, and observe that our aaft>grv; b eigna into is on tire label. IP* Prepared ar.d v,:U fc> lICSTKTTLB k SMI I 11, riltsUoigli, Pa., tod til'd by all BraggisK, grotem, tiul dealers gsserslly throaghoßt (hi foiled Slate*, C&Mda, SostS latrlea and Ceimatty. SCO Vlb & MEAD, Sfcff OKbKA.AO, 1,A,. Vt l. o|tkitlt* Ageuta, jF.-.ri .-i:in GrtoneiJHro bv J. II W/iut, W >,it 1 I*.ill's, lj T. It, Iligblownr.'AwftP'SD ij'|