Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, July 25, 1860, Image 3

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Tho Mobile Tribune, of Wednesday, contains the following paragraph : We regret to learn that the continued illness of our well-known townsman, Dr. Levert, makes it necessary that ho should seek relief in travelling. His accomplish ed wife and family will accompany him. Their route will he through St. Louis Chicago, and Detroit, to Niagara Falls, and thence to St. Catherine's Well, a fa mous place in Canada. Wc wish them a pleasant journey, and a return in the autumn with the object of it; fully accomplished. . The D *ctor, witli Madame and her two daughters, passed through tins cky yester day taking the river route, by the steam er Vails City, to St. Louis, lie was called upon here, by such of his friends as knew of his presence in the city fora few hours, ■aud received the most cordial good wish es for the perinnuent restoration of his health. Few men havo warms! friends, and none deserve them better.— N. O. P i"c, june, July 13 ih. Supreme Court — Resignation. —We learn from good authority that the Hon. Linton StcpheiiK. one of the Judges of the Su promt: Court of this State, has resigned iiis office to take-effect after the sitting of the Court in Atlanta, lio has presided with ability. B. Y. Martin, Esq., the able and courteous Reporter, lias also resigned. During Mr. Martin’s connection with the Supreme Court as Reporter, lie has given groat satisfaction by the ability with which he discharged- his duties, his urbane manner his polite and courteous treatment to the members of the bar. Wc regret that he has seen fit to resign his position. Hon. J. N. Ramsey, of Columbus, is mentioned in connection with Judge Stephens’ vacancy. Columbus Times. .. ♦ An Ingenious Invention-- The Panolo oi isH.J .Star says : Our townsman, Dr. Franklin Moore., has invented a lounge or l>ds*cad, by which a person can wind it Up, and lie down on Iho conch and it Will run iy means of his own weight a given fiutriWtr hours, with a fan constantly in motion over his face and body, to keep the flies oft', and fan him to sleep by a cool and pleasant breeze. The Doctor lias applied for a patent, and will no ‘baht get Hi— ,\fter swing the models, both ’targe and Small, in operation, We havo no hesitation in saying that it is one of tlio best inven tions of the age, not only for the sick room, but for those who wish to enjoy the luxu ry of a'pleasant nap, by day or night, in a warm climate. Wo shall have one as eoon as we cun get it made. Neglected. Duty. —No •nan has any right *o in in ago his affairs in such a way that his sadden death would bring burdens and loan's on oiluu people. They may be rayo cases where a man really cannot help. ;.u?augle. iioiits, or whore, from expe rience, or lack rtf judgment, he has brought liis affairs into Hiie.!i a state that the inter est of of hers depends upon his life • but lie should mi ike all possible haste to oxtri cite hints ‘lf from such a position. Honor and honesty demand that lie should so comlwct bis business, that his death should cause no one to be, wronged. Atul as to dying, although all men eveiy lieve that all other men will surely die, yet they unite in’ thinking that they them selves “re exerpfjous to this rule; or at least, they act as if they thought so. This is radically wrong. It is every man’s duty in every transaction in lit**, to be influenc ed by the fact tbit at any day or at any li<*itr lie may die. 77/<> Mysterious /),•//,_—'l he, body of Miss-Meßomi, the young lady whoso sud den death we spoke of in our Tuesday’s paper, was ‘disinterred yesterday aftor iiooji, at the. instance of (fomner Eden, who went out to thp Catholic cemetery twit It, n jury, and. Ur. ,1.1). Fish, for the ‘double of holding’ an inquest and having a put o.orteift exannutition. The body wuigjSji a state es decomposition, liowtfVnsrToat it was iinpositdc to discov er whethe} or not there had been any evi dence o| violence, etui the jury returned n daath from it ikuewii cause. Tli'i impression seemed to prevail at the inqUiiat that slie.tell upon some sharp in strument, while itt a state of derangement, produced by a sVi-idrnko several days previous.— Sur. M'O'hig ,\Y//;., July 11. A Mistake Corrected. — One of the New York Dailies say s that the Prince of Wales ‘•is a young man of fair natural abilities, careful and thorough training, good moral character and amiable disposition.” The two latfer tmints wc believe to'bc true ; but as to the, two previous we have better in formation than the Tribune, derived from higher sources than arc accessible to that journal. The heir-aupareut was from his childhood uncommonly dull, mrimprcsstule by such objects ns gonorally gain the at tention of children, liis mental condition was such as to excite great and constant anxiety in his mother’s mind. The Roy- Al Physicians (both those, in Ordinary and Extraordinary.) the first medical in itho Kingdom, wero called m frequent and anxious consultation on the subject . They united in recommending that his father's (German) system of training should be abando'^d, —atul that instead of'cram ming and forcing ins weak intellect, liis guardians should give him light and agree able exercise of mind, as well as of body. This course was adopted , and the icsult is tlfar a child of naturally feeble powers, by good management lias been reared into a youth of barely rospcctable intelligence. — Porter's Spirit Tlio Seguir. (Texas) Mercury of the 27t1 ult., says: The cotton crop of this conuly looks tolerably fair, and with rain in a short time will make half a crop. On sotnc the cotton is- blooming, and even green and thrifty appearance it presents, harbingers a heavier yield than some an ticipate. Mr. Jnhu FTotn, of this county, informs us that oi: of two measured acres of land, in wheat, ue has grnnaried twenty-one • bushels per acre, binding the. wheat as cradelcd without gleaning a particle. J’lie land is common post-oak, and possesses *o natural advantages for ’.be culture nfwheat over that es any in the county, which shows the adaptability ol our soil to the raising of small grain. His barb'y also •yielded most productively, yielding fifty bushels to somewhat less than an aero “f grvuitd. The weight ftl the wheat grow in thin enmity comes up tothc ataio.ard <4 ” beat m-V- .-r httsiel ■ ™ l‘'irc in Cuthbcrt. —Wo regret to learn that a destructive fire occurred iu Cuthbert on Saturday last, by which a large portion of tint city has been placed in ruins.— We append a list of the sufferers, which v. e take from a slip furnished ns from the office of the Cuthbert Reporter : Lennnrd & Jordan, S. Adams, A. T. Atnoss, J. W. Janes, Presbyterian Church, Douglass & Douglass, Charles If oclistatter. Smith A Hicks, John Rhodes/P. (J. l’ack ■ersou, J. B. Key, T. J. Guimario, Mrs. McWilliams,, and othcis who lost liy the removal ?f property. The entire loss cannot be less than 550,- 000, probably more. —Albany Patriot. Character anil Peculiarity trf Salt Lake. —Every reader has heard of Salt Lake, but very few persons know anything of its extent and peculiar nature. A writer speaks thus ; That this lake should be all salt is no anomaly. All largo bodies of water into which streams discharge them selves while they have severally no ot’tlet are, or should be salt. If one such is fresh that is an anomaly, indeed. Lake Utah, probably, receives as rnueh saline matter as Salt Lake, but site dischrges it throng the Sordan and ren a'ns herself fresh ; while Salt. Lake, having no issue, save evaporation, is. probably, the saltiest body of water on earth. The ocoan is,compara tively fresh ; even the, Mediterranean, at Leghorn, is not half so salt. lam told that three barrels of this water yield a barrel of salt. That seems rather strong, yet, its intense saltiness, no one who has uot had it in liis eyes, liis’niontli, his nos trils, can realize. You can no more sink in it than in a clay bank ; but a very little of it in your lungs would suffice to strangle you. You make you!- way in from a hot, rocky beach, over a chaos of volcanic has salt that is trying to the feet, hut at the dcptli of a yard or more, you have a fine bottom, and here the bathing is delightful. The water is of light green color for about ten or twenty rods, then “deeply darkly, beautifully blue.” No fish can live in it no frogs abide in it; few birds are £YCI seen dipping in it, *•’ Janus’ /•.allßVT'Ahiu.a.—The and genuine article!!! Asa Spring and Fall puri fier of the blood, and general tonic for the system it stands unrivalled; acting simultan eously upon the stomach, bowels, kidneys, liver, and the circulation, it determines and carrn-s otf the products of unhealthy secre tions, and gently stimulates while it disinlects and expels irom the stomach and boa els all ihatis irritating, until they are cleansed and restored to a sound and healthy condition. Sole. Agents A. 11. A 1). Sands, wholesale Druggists 100 Fulton street, N, Y. Sold also, by J. il. Wood, and Druggists generally- Mrs. Cleveland's School. UK exercises of this School will be rt JL stHind on Monday the ifoth iust. Urcciitsboro’, July 11th, 18.f>o. —ls. GUNS! GUNS! ’GUNS! * | ’'ll K undersigned has put up :l R h°p for the J_ purpose of Malting and Impairing Double’tians, Rifles & Pistols. ’ I* will do al! work entrusted to me with neat ness mid dispatch, on reasonable terms, and warrant ift * J tag” Give me a Coll. Shop over J. I‘. Auja-tkox ’ Jewelry store. W. MA ttKWALTEU. fVreencsboro’, July 18, 1800. —3m. Plantation For Sale. BEING desirous of moving west, I will sell my Plantation containing 42.) acres, more .if ies, )j ing on the () -fmec Riu-r, s- ven miles west of fiic.nesboro. Said ;i-oitiiion is well improved, with govi-rtew Undoings, i lfcr.j io 200 acres of good liesh land 80 acres of river bo'ton., !or wbieh.l have bton off. red S4O per ::c>e For terns in quite cf the subscriber on the prei is* --v 11 G. MOORE. G’l-ene County, July 9t'i, 188 ). —St. SSOOO Reward gi'tn so any person who will ptve that tite bouse being erected fov U 8 is to he (resented to us free of cost, or that we h ve any partner as merchants, save those cx press and in the sti-h ?f the firm. DAVfS & BROTHER. July lit’, 1 fi' l . Lumber! Lumber!! Lumber!!! TiiF, nbicribcts having recently purchased and fitted up on Dr. Griffin’s plant tion, five (5) miles east of W ondville. one of Messrs. GEO HUE PAGE A CO’S Patent Portable Mills. W til furnish the public with Lumbet in any quantity at Che (|l) Dollar, per Hun dred, CASH. Wc will deliver Lumber at Woodville Depot for per thnusand. -• For fu ther infurmst on address us at Wood ville, Ga. E- B. MOODY 4 CO. July 11th, 1800. 4t. WESTWARD, HO! Bl -in ; dcMrcfiWHlidd'ajtGbod’ Night to my V ve State i -f-er for sale the Planta tion - .oi fi.ur irui - v osr ,of Greenesboro’ On., and . .w-aiog *• “’ acres of good laud. The Crops ot ”!-e . are- very fine, and any person wish't ■ > .so land: a good op- Mftonitf 1 .ted. ’ *>L . AIMU'IIAKL. A; fitr Est. of E. Sevmr-ur. July, 4th iSfirt. — tf. “confectioneries. J. P. WILSON, BEGS leave to inform flic citizens of Grcen>’ and vicinity, tqat ho has opened a CONFECTIONERY At the Old Stand of D. McDonald where he will keep on hand every thing in his line. liis Stock consists in part, of CANDIES, Fancy nnd Plain ; NOTS <f all kinds ; RAISONS. FIGS, DATES. PRUNES, SALMONS. LOBSTERS, SARDINES, PICKLES, SNUFF. ORANGES, LEMONS, Ac., See. Sec. I SEGARS of all qualities : GORDIALS of different kinds; LEMON-SYRUI’, SODA-WATER, PORTER. ALE. Ve. A3 “I which he will soil y>ry low for CASH. ‘ll, cm !>f.Jui.e-fith, 1860. wtf. Af ill nutlr frfftc4 it I.rgnl Advcrtiseiuenu. GEORGT v, Gmkkxk County.-Whereas VV'il- Ham 8. Divis, and Goodwin T. Myriek, Executors of the Hat Will and Teatanieat of Mrs Sarah Vi. Howland, deceased, petition Oourt of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory: These are therefore to c.ite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause (if any they have) why said Executors should not be dis charged at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the second Monday in jAnuary 1861, Given under my hand at: office in, Julv sth, 1860. KoGENIUSL. KING, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Gkbxnk County.—Whereas, John O. Merritt and Thos. J. P. Atkinson Administrators upon the estate of I.ovitt Mer ritt deceased, petition the Oourt of Ordinaiy of said county for Li tiers Dismissory .- These are therefore to c tea and admonish al! persons concerned, to • o v cause (if any they have) why said Administrators should n-t he discharged at tho Conrt of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the second Monday in January 1861. Given under roy hand office in Greenesbnro, July 6th, 1860. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord’y. “eORuI/. Okie Countv.— Whereas, the estate of Jesse Finch, Me of said county dee'd, is unrepresented r , These are therefore to cite film admonit'. U and singular the kindred and creditors of--“aid decease ), to be ar.d appear at the Oourt of Of-- dinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in August next, to show cause (if any they have) why the administration of said estate, with the Will annexed, should not then be vested in the Clerk-ofthe Superior Court or in some other fit and proper person, in terms of the staute in such ease made and provided. Given under my hand at Office in Greenesboro Julv 2nd 1880. EUGENIOS L. KING, Ord’y. Georgia, Greeks cockhy.—whereas, Isaac A. Williams, Administrator de bonis non of the estate of Joseph Grimes, deceased, petitions the Court of Ordinary of sai l county for Letters Dismissory: These are therefore to cite and admonish all I persons concerned, !o show cause (if r,y they have) why sail Adi- ! .aistratot shhuld not be a { t j lc Q Oll rtof Ordinary to be held in and ‘j, said county on the first Monday in lJiftcmber next. Given under iny hand at office in Grcencsbjro, June 4t i 1666, EUGENI US L. KING, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Gukkke Countv, —Whereas, Is ac A. Wil iams. Administrator upon the estate of Mrs. Harriet L. Grimes,-deceased petitions the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory. These arc therefore to c.ite and admonish all persons concerned, to show canse (if.any they have) why said Administrator should not be discharged at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county, on the first Mond yin December next. Grven ( under my hand *t office i* Gaecnesboro, this June 4th 1860. EUGENI US L. KING, Ord’y. GEORGIA, (jrkknk County.—Whereas, Smiucl A Howell, A'lmiiiistralor fie bonis non, with the Will ennexed, upon the estate of McKinney liowell deceased, pet-lions the Court of Ordinary ot suid county for E- tiers d’smitisorv : Tiieae are thetefort incite and admon'sh all and ingular (he kind rod and creditors of said deceased to show cuise (ii any ttiev half ) \hy said Administrator should not be discharged at the Court .of Ordinary to hr held in nnd lor said county on th first Monday in- Xoveiiibrr next. Gien under my hand at office in Orucneghoro, April 2 at, IS.'kO. EtTGENIUS L KING, Ord'y. (1 F.OHGIA, Gwkknk County.— Wherons, Fredcr- J \r. C. Fullei, Atlininistrator upon the state of Sarah !_) Willis, riece.**-d, petition# of Or dit:wy'of -mid cnunty|for l>* tiers Dismissory : Theae are therefore to cite and adtnoni h, all and singu’ar the. kindred and creditors of said der.eiu*-d, to show cause (if any ih* y have) why said Admiuiff trator should not he diftchargred, at the Court of Ordi nary to be held in and ffir said county on the first Monday in October next. Given under iny hnn-1 at o/ficc in Greeneaboro, March Bth. IS6X EUGENIUS L KING, Ord’y. GKORGIA, OitBRNA County.— Wherca*. Isaac Mor rison, Ext*ntor and Mary Atkinson, Executrix of the l ist Will and T v stam* nt of Nathan Atkinson, d’p , petitions Ctiiirt of Ordinary of said county forL-tters Dismiss try : Thcne are therefore to cite and admrititeh alt p*rons concern- il, to show cause, (if any they have) Why siid Executor and Executrix shonld not he discharged at the Court of Or iinnrv io be h Id in and tor said coun ty on the first Monday in Aueusf m*n*. Given under mV hand ♦ in (?>• h ro, Jan twry 10th. l'). • EUGENIUS L .KING, Oh! y. GEO KG lA,Ga kb n E Couuty —WI -eV' ’.s, Nicholas M. J.mea, AdtmuißtraTor u;-on estidcot Jesse S. Jone 6 dec., petitions the C urt of O dimry of said county for letters HismUsor v : Threw are therefore to cite and admonish nl; persons cone* rnetl, to slmw rauee— if any they have—why said Administrator'rh<hld not be discharged at the Court of be held in and for said couity on the first Monday in August next. Given under my hand at office in:Ghf?eneborr, Jan uary 10th, 13G0. EUGENIUS L. KING. Ord’y. Administrator’s Sale. BY virtue of an Grier from the Court of Ordinary of Greene ccur.ty, will l>e sold on the Ist Tuesday in September next, the Court House dwr in spring Placr, Murray county, between the legal hours of sale, One lot of Land containing One Hundred am! Sixty acres, kro vn and Jisti.igu-shoi a3 lot number two hundred and thirty-nmc (239) in the 36tb District md'Snd Section of originally Chero kee now Murray county Sold as part of the real estate of Nancy Gresham, deceased. STERLING A. GRESIIAM, Adm’rt.J • July 12th USO. ~GRKEJfE SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold before the Court llcuso door in the city of Greenesboro, on the first Tuesday in August next, the following proper ty to-wit: One Negro Boy named Charles, Lev ied on as the property of Wm. 11. Rhodes, to satisfy a Justices’Court fi. fa. from Taliaferro county. fiftStb District G. M.—Robert Newsom vs. Wnr ll Rhodes. Levy made and returned to ma bv Thos. Stanley Constable. July 3dv*iß6o. 0, C. NORTON. Sli’ff, Notice. GEOR-! -Kitvs CyusTV;—Will be sold qefore.tne‘ ‘otirt House door in Greenns boro on the first Tuesday in August, next, n por tion of the land belonging to the estate of Lit tleton Mapp, deceased, adjoining the lands of Jas. Jackson and Wiley Wright. The portion to be sold contains between 20 and 30 acres.— Sold by virtue of an order of the Court of Or dinary-. LUCRETIA MAPP, June sth, 1880. Admr’x. NOTICE. TWO months after date, to-wit: On the first Monday in August next, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinnrv of Greene county, Geor gia, for leave to soil all the real'estate belonging to the estate of William F. Luekie, late of said county deceased. ELLIOT C. BOWDEN, May 25. ’6O. Adin’r. of W. F. Luekie. dec. NOTICE. ” Two months after date, to-wit: On the first Monday in August next. 1 shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Greene county, Geor gia, for leave to sell all the re:ti estate Itekmging to the estate of George Crutchfield, deceased. JAMES BURK, May 2*l; 1860. Adm’r. of Geo. Crutchfield. NOTICE. . FTIWO months after -late. t>-^it: On the first Jl Monday in August next. ! shall apply to the Court <>f Ordinary of Greene county, Geor gia. for leave to sell nil the negroes fo'longing to the estate of Peter Clark, late f-mid count’s l.veased. WAHtX* SKITII. Adm'r. * V rt'itH. *'.*\ I . r P.-tsr t’ljtrk. St-M ?IHcellam:<ms AdvertiKciitciit*. ARTICLES OF EVERY-DAY USE. B. T. BABBITT’S P aro Hcdieuul Yea-st. Manufactured from common Salt and Pure (J$ Cream Tarter. When ured in Brend, Cake, or BisruU, it turns to like that from a bottle olSodu Wat#*r,--Hmi remainsdortnaiit # in tho dough until it in a tin the oven, * hen the hrftt causos the ga* tx* acnpe through the and dnnafh while baking. The Bread, Cake, <*r and .* B ecuit is not only very light but perfectly nulßOWtf Where thia Yeast is uactl you will require about one-quart* r the amount of shortening used with ordinary Yeast. It may ( U also be used lor Buckwheat Cakes, Johnny i v Chlccn, and aft kinis ot Pustrv Thia Yeaa* is put up onty in one-pound catu, with chcck red label. Rod, White and Blue— no other la Genuine—leware ol iiuitatioiia. _ 68 b T BabbltUrpuret'oiieuiitraled Pot- 6<S ask.— Wurrimicd double Hie alrcngth of common Polsah, aiul superior to any Bapon lfler in market, put up in ran* of fib., an( j 3lbr, Gibs, ami 121b3. with full directions for on( j making Hard and Soft Soap. One pound will make fifteen gallons of Soft Soap. No lime iB require!. Consumers will find this the clioaptct Potash in market. / 70 B T Babbitt’s Medical Halcratus. 70 A perfcbtly pure and wholesome article free from all deleterious mutter, so prepared that as the circular accompanying the Sderatoa will show, nothing remains in the bread when 68 baked but common Salt, Water, and Flour. 68 Potnpneatly in papers, 1, 1 2lh. and 1 4 Ih. BT Babbitt’)) Concentrated Soft Soap. One Box costing one Dollar will innhe 40 gallons of handsome Soft Soap by simply , adding boi!’" l * water. Rn<l fl Tablet’s (Jerccntrateff Sal Soda. Anew arficte exclusively *or the South Sal Soda or Washing Send cannot be ‘“'B’ ou 'b 7f) during warm weather, as It p"’iqoe9cr* * ((j 1 ineils. 1 dry out the water and pu. ”P the Sal Soda in lib papers,“warranted to gf&ti,. tliewarmest climate.’’ One pound is equal to four pounds of ordinary Sal Soda or Wash r?o ing Soda—consequently it is much cheap) ren UCI —the dealer saves 65 percent on the freight, as he does not have to pay freight on water. Aak your storekeeper for B. T. Babbitt’s Concentrated Sal Soda in one pound papers. andß.T. Babbitt’s Soap fer Family Use. ami One pound of this Soap is equal to three pounds of ordinary Family Soap. Ouc peund will make 3 gallons of handsome Soft Soap. • __ It wiil remove paint, grv'KC., Ui,aat! S‘a:n? 70 cf ah Lihus. it tt-ill not injure the fabric: on 70 Ihc contrary, il preserver it. It will wash in hnrd or soft witter. But little laoor is requir ed where this Soap is used. Machinists and Painters will find this Soap superior to any -68 thing in market, li your Storekeeper docs (jg not kei-p the above goods, send 5 dollors by road and I will send a package of cither nr tide, or an assorted box c ntaining a part of each article, as vnu may direct. Send the and name of your Postoffice, also the Stale_and and Contity in which you reside, with directions for shipjdng. Address . B. T. BABBITT, 70 61, 70, li and 74 Woßhinston St., N. Y. fQ : , \ liberal discount to Storekeepers. July llth ism vie. /Afi MANHOOD, HOW LOST, HOW RESTOKED, . Just ’ ■published in a Sealed Envelope, A IjSCTtIRBoy.TIIK NA I UKIt, TUKATMENT AND HAtUCAL Ctmnor'SeEßMATdßßiiqsA,or Seminal Weakness,Sox Debility. Nervousness and involuntary Emiseiuns, producing Impotcr.oy, Contumpti u amß Mental and l’hysieal D. bility, ■Ur HOll. J.-CULVERWELL, M D. The imp wtant fact that the nwtul coiisequcnecs of self abuse may be etfeetu illy removed without iut.r na! imdicires or the dangerous a))plieatio:i'sofc us. ties, instruments, medicated bougies, and other em pirical devices, is hern elrai ly demonstrated, and the entirely new an l leghly succes.-ful treatment, as a .dopted hy the celebrated author, hilly explained, by means of which mry one it ensi led tocorehimself perfectly, end at the feast ]>ossiblc cos', then by avei ding all advertis*d nostrums ot the day. This lec ture will prove a boon to thou .ends and thousands. Sent tinder seal to nny address, pa in. on the receipt of two postage plumps, by addressing DR. TH .1.0. KLINE. M I)., 410 First Avenue, New York. P t B,x JW Aotil 11. ISVIv. K BUFFER, BAUM & CO. immi mu mm Under the Augusta Hotel, Augusfa, Ga. Would inform tlieir many customers tlmt their STOCK OK DRY-GOODS, ■ And everything belonging to theii line is complete now, iu every respect. A look through out Stock and prices will always effect a pmcliaso. Ours is the OXLY HOUSE that has a RESIDENT PARTNER . .bvT, - ‘ ■ ‘ ’ s \ . ; f in the Northern Markets, whose main business it is to bny the latest Novelties as they make tlieir appearance. Wc are therefore en abled to offer something new every week. OIIR PRICES hardly need any further comment. “Small Profits ami Quick Returns” has always been our motto, from the time we commenced business, and we shall strictly adhere to it. OUR MANUFACTORY IN Cloaks & Mantillas, - Is the FIRST and ONLY one established in the Southern States. We only offer but a well made article and save our customers from Twenty-Five to Thirty per cent. Out (it the many cheap articles wc sell, wc would name a lew ; Colored SILKS, Splendid Quality at -75 . cents worth fl 25. * < Superb “ “ 1.00 - *’ 1 50. Foulard SILKS nnd SILK LAWNS 37i •• 62*. BAREUE ROBES at $6 to 8.00 * 12 to 15.00 COLORED BAREGES at 25 - 50., Fast COLORED LAWNS, fine Quality at 12A “ 25. ORGANDIES, at 12A “ • 25 LAWN ROBES, H 50 amt up. LAVILtIfeA CLOTH, anew Traveling Stuff at ’ 12J et?. Fast Colored PRINTS, _ at to 10 “ Linen TOWELS, al 75 cts. per doz. Real STEEL Ext. ifKIRTS, 30 Rings ■ at -il on. . * •• •• 20 •* at 1 00. Large Sizo MARSEILLE QLILI S. at 1 75. MANTIf.LAS, ••> $1 50, 2 50, 3 00 and up. DUSTERS in all the different Materials Sinn Styles, etc.,ec. • Our Stock —Embroideries, Ribbons, Hosiery, Puntajoon stuff*. HomeHimiis etc., wo offer extremely low. KAUFFER, BAUM £ CO. yUx o* monte • T KPER MMiJ'HTA IfOTfn,. (UGUSTA.- G A !HiM'rliitHv<Nix Advcrtinfutcn**. % MOBNTAIH HERB j^’ mm ini Hi-rhs, Barks and Hoots A* VKItSfS 1% Poisonous Minerals and Drugs. aJ J# MOTHERS TAKE HEED! 5 f| A !*'* Vf*’ tth “rvi'ttr J.f illPAit nrlittua of IFIL .4UM “ r <**' l*l!** ct.itsi*:* r *l * * il iiiat nif*ro f'ij mi.iv ( Ittil.c that .itliirU 11 if tit Y In nillf j^| My\ - ran*** t.f tit*, litilo isiitTt*r- Vs NiHfiitoit i.t H'ijUMS, i n’t .-fisnuxl l* t U >*ire JPk l'/.'Ati In. xl'jlpl q M:\rn. OF FA Mi'Ll KS V Jh not li-t jjtiir • a utr’, wlit’ii \t* {•rrsi'til -iu , t *’m jkTj y JVUSOS'S WORM TKI A SAW ANi> r 1.1-ASA NT H*KK I'R.\Vi*f:\:. j ly H"* nnifh I.**tr*-r i*tiM it N<* i*. JPk -4S •'** D ,t I dwVt in 14. A iil'lr •If |j* \-l ( ~\¥ iali-ii a .*lfjit! iy Lt l *'i ill may otr'l *.• tl*. < }j) •* i*.’ l wivil*’ artliur witho-tf .N-Tnv. >.ml ffV . vy tfivitu Hi*- Vr STMS TfßKfl 7T.-I in....** Wk f*s*t* 1% . will nI fitlv iivp li** rlsiM it long (|. {r ♦kUli tnlioii* illnt'-w. And Tttfir.s* II much >xprr..*-. | > 4: if) bin . faj l>:t pjiit-r in Km “Min* r.m Jiatt* flk lon** your - mitv*! ita lifv. p* . j TIN. ■ i< *.l>ur**l> us ‘ i HERBS AND KO^Sjf m-t a i-..r:TUT.i: or I’ 4 a. ’ Calnmcl or itUiuvnl'lf USED IN IT. Fy ‘■ X '<J nuf fit.’.,- Ytrmifiijf- ml! >• un-.l l \ j rnjß. -.‘iv >. nv • T*n. Tli** l*i ii r'id*’ of 1 1! GlllPr VviUJ • 1 ‘ tid ‘V.irin [j ill : y ..iii-ih ... .n kitt* v n ri,ir -0 Ci V C N O Pr ■ VTP O I S O N J Q y ft 7 TOTJE CHILDREN m A i*<*‘ ,c Mod cim*. llii- \\'s> mi ii"i .o ilist-tivt-l**-! in Vn unusual !;ir! ‘t.-tt hi.n'p-; (It*- \\ iIU of Nort]i*-rn Muxlyo—o M >!j full Ft’ritnii tfi ii vfftt: wiM tind in .fir .\lmina<F. HMr ij for tin* *• H-wue •/ Tiln Alwuir,” of tb** y m *it. and tvlmn you lutvi* whA it. o**ml i< t. j'r ‘'mi- itt'ii:Mnrs, that tjwv ihav h!<*. Know ! itml i&v! y . furt dby !!.*> fiIII!AT LI.MKI-Y ! WK ** jr ixon’s troiiM tea Uj Q KILLS WORMS, ft ’'jr Vevi'r 11-irmt—’* lTeasnnt la T.-ihc. ‘t-’ i;et a r 11 kick- pkici; -in itw jj A. o|*.fi';:vr —Ak:<vs find tb*’ Vgtm* rml BBt . •!*. *.f K. f. Jl fS N ,V <’.. Ain! tit*’ po: Iru it fT|| of T+* >•’ *t* *-:rh t.f tliif Vnitl! Tt'?t. ■ .If jl' 1 H. L. JTJ'.'SON & CO., p*’ fy 3O L E P ROPRIETp RS, ■■ j SO Loonard St. Nov<’ Toric &/’ .Tit*!.-*.•* M'tum Ti‘ is iniM !;• aim* ‘ ; .Jf ■k r Ivn v VJ!*wf*. inl * , KOI? SAf.F’. f(Y J. Henry Wood. Greenesboro, G. V. l’lalt & W. H. Ward, Lexinjflofi, Ga. June 6th, 1680. —ly. lHiiiePilaMettyy A dvcrusrmrafs. NEWS! NEWS!!” (iRASP SCHEME I'#m ltk. GEORGIA STATE TX-OTIuHT. IWcKIHIBIEir & •'O., .Tivjci uifjevg. Authorised by special Aot of the Lvgiaiatura PRIZES. 3/ore tn in one Prize to every tugs, .Tickets. CA PI TALPHIZE S BO,OOO . Ticket# ©tily $lO Halves, Qcarteks, a hd Eights Ph^portion. Tobr Drawn Each Saturday In 1860. In the Citv of Savannah, Gcorsiti. Class 68, to be Drawn Aug. 1680. Class K 4, to be Draw n Aug-. 11, I860:, Class 85 to be Drawn Avg 18, IP6O. Class 88, to be Drawn Aug. S5, 1880. Magnificent Sobeme. 1 P’z offi ‘,OOO is f 60,000 j 60l I Ot-O are (GOOD I•• 2(),00P ia 30,000 I 10 “ 6(!0 are 6 o*o 1 “ 10,000 ie 10,0001 2 •• 400 era B<*> 1 6.000 ie 6000 | i <• KV are Mi 1 “ 4.000 i. 4,000 i 2 •’ vOO at* 400 t “ 3 OwO i. 3,000 I 50 150 are 7.600- 1 “ 2.000 is -2.000| It)} “ 100 are to 0 0 l ‘ i. 1..-.0” | 100 ** 95 are 9 6pn l ** 1.100 ie 1,100 V's SS are 8 500 , AI’I’ROXLMATION I’BtZES 25 lIH frizes amounting t 0... . $212,110 95.828 Prizes Amt ir/r to $886,04# WILL UK DBAWN THIS MONTH. O.BTiFie.RFs or PACKaass will be gold et the fc. . lowing rates which is t(ie risk ; Cetltfieatc ot Packages of 10 Whole Tickets gtt) “ ” 10 Half •< .•> “ . “ It) Quarters “ 15 •’ “ 10 l'.ghth “ 750 XiOOK AT TKXS ! A STLENDIii DRAWING ON Tlio Three \umbcr Plan;■! Wliielt takes rlaee erj ,-voir Wednesday „ard Sit-u ----dav in lSf ,B 1 Capital Tru-e e's g -3,o tie 1 Pr’re of 4,600 1 •• of 4.00c -1 • of s.ooe • 1 •• of P, 1-71.33 10 ■’ of 7-8 ere 7.000 4” “ of 17’- are 7 000 50 “ of 125 are ,*,260 J 5!) •• of 80 are ‘20,720 64 ■* -of f>(l are ;t.JO(t fit -• of 30 ere 1.!)2e 64 “ of Ware ! 2slr 5,633 “ Ol in are :0 3iO 2.8,224 “ of- 6 ere 14|,1t( 34 412 Prires Amounting to £ 281,4hL 76 Whole Tickets @5, Shares in Proportion. IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFI - the money to oup for the ticket! ordered, on receipt of which they*'will bn for* warded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will ba to purchasers Immediately after Ihe drawing. All communications strictly confidential. Orders f<>£ ’Fioketa or Cfcr li tic r. br Mail or Ex press, to be direct rd t>7 MrKINNEJ atiri CQ. November 2,-W'9 ly Savannah,-fin. LiOSMtETTER’S STOMACH BETTERS, /7>r t*o cure nf I'yif- •"*/ •, f Jjt"t •*/ A tfT •!"// t \,m flit lint* /com ci fns*r'>*<t nturiutn of the S\nn.uh r ft*} welt. f>rd>Jtty ijru'npv. }>y*cut'ry. Colic, Choltni .if-■ chut, re. Tn vi< wof iljp f:\ot that every nibi’r <*f CTle lmu.Tn family i* m<re<t: l-’s* pome of the hove <*omj.lni% i ■=. • other **ntl>tn'rw ii life, wl*u?h, by Ihe ?u*sUhiv2*‘ o$ > V’-itl* ( \ Tf*ho f cohitiion they mny S* a 5 !- f*> to regulat* tilin’ of •.ud. wi<l vyfth he nssinraneft of a £*• i t-nie, “*o jv pop co.iio nt health. 7n orW l-.i neoor.’p-N <h t.hi dt ~!tvT object, tUii tine eoiir>e to p ?-w cvrutinir, t hat which will n^turv-i 4titof hiu£* Hi t<h M hazard of yitel **troiglli aiui 1 itV ; forthiaeud hr. Hi*U*U*v has ijitroduced to this orwiiitjy * prefer * lion. called HOST K I ! KT:‘S PTOM ACK HITTKK3, which at th’m .lav* is m*i a ro*v* medicine, hut one that Ton !>•':a trid for y<-ar, giving Mil Ufatmou to nil *vho lotv-* t.s#.d it. The fiiit<M fmwerfiiHy upn the Htomaeh, bowel* arid liver, r<*t<V£ tiieiu to a healthy and vigorous fu*4 thtiH ly the trsM>se procc# of ufttirre, eaf>fi tlie to trur*; oh over tXtintoa, <lys*-nKry or tt-ix, 0# gwraliy contracted uy myt ftett-U'rs, and caiidovl f>viniplj*fUiy toy th#ehango of walk* s.nd diet, will be speedily regeWtcl by ; brief use of'this ration. Tiyspepsiik, a dipcaft') which is probably more preralem when taken in all ila vurim forms. tiiau any other ; the cause of which mat always be attributed to derangement* <t{ tn dii<tv* live organa, can be without. fail hr using liOSTKTTEH'S STOMACH Btf "I HUS n a pur Jirf'cHofw on Ihu bottle. For this disease every phviieian will (worn mer\d liitu-r. cf tome Vmd. then vhy no! tie n articlo fcrnn-n robe infallible 1 i. .’ors eennti-y liave ili'ir Bitter* ae i pre ventive of disease, 9 >1 strengthening of. tlo Bj’stem in genera and Smong them alb there is not tn be found a more healthy* people than tlie Germans, from nhom this preparation emanuled, based upon scientiSa exp-riinents which lias attended to advance the destiny of this great preparation ii *k medical scale of Science. FEVER AF3 AGUE. TiiU trj-tng d4 - ** rclentlww grajp on th# txxiy of xn*A, rMuci.*, Jjn U merft sha/km In ft vhbrt fpaoe of tbttft* and rwvfertn* him and mentftlty uwtoift. can be ftnd driven from the hMy by vhf of HOSTFTTP.UV? HFNOWNRD BiTXBRSc Fuller, any of th ho*- ftaUd duwieai can nt be rontmrta<i f.Trr<oWrt't any ordinary condittone producing them, ts thn hittm* .r* tued ft 9 dJreotior.r. AM at Jt nrX?ber ereai* * nftu*& nor offende the j.atate. and rende J nnoaem* •nry any chanye of diet or IntefrnpVon to nrwfi pwe # •uHf.bat promo fee found fleer* ftM healthy the oncpUlnt ia th§ removed M> peedgy m to <*” tlfteut with the production of a thorough end perma nent cure For Persona in advanced jroara Who aro stUTcrtn* bum as erhvbtod wMtitoUoa mu) •nflrm tml/. than Bitten are Isvahistle w a nston ttve of etrenfith an 4 vlaor, and ooads ont/ la tc trim, to ha appreciated. *nd to a moth* while nonlne. thaea Btttan ue Ind jp.nsat ie, aspecialty when the mothar's noarfjhascrt ts Irivtegaate to duaanOi of the chCd, cenmjueMly her stratveth mart jdal i. and lure tt Is where a good tonic, swh as Rustcetee’s etosueh Bitter* Is needed to impart ton pofarp Unmsto and vigor to the cyjum. LuA'm should ly a!t msana try this remedy for all case* of debility, end before w doing, atlc your phyj'.eUo, aha. If he Is soquahated with toe vtrtaas of the HiStn, *sl rmoatnead t>...-r use la all ease* of veutnao*. firTlOSf. —W caution the public against using any of the many irniutjona or coun terfeits, but ask f<.r firirsrrea’s Ctttßßsnj, Stomach Birmtu, a*.‘ me that each bottle hue the worOo “ I>r. . , : U*.U tt. fV Stuftmeh Bitb ro” blown the aide of the hottle. ar U stamped on the rre fuloc cup coan ripg th* , eork, ar.d übseree that <>ur uuU<gruph figea ture is n t'.B KL.I. ’ 1C I’ffpsrrd and tuU hp HOST>TI 3i SMITH, PHUUrgb, Pi., sad said hr Hi nmjmtoa, urarsrs, sod Hastoss ream Hi thrssgboet Ihs rni'sd fsssita, Smi'T ImerlM sttd G<-rmsr. SCO VIL A MEAD, i M W tilil.MNh, M„ 11 Itulotmlc AfanU. For in if< r-iutlei’n hr ,T, F, Word, Wh*ta ("Tiua. I 7 T P V?bi**rr fA -r VW-V-l