Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, August 01, 1860, Image 3

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Tkt Uin. Tli* l- iin of the Unnatitutinn, wo pre- Mtmo noorly oil men in tuo Suutli, dnin to U perpetuated. !t is the bond of m lathers, and as their children, we will maintain it. Hut do*the dangers and agi tations which now shake the United States, arise from the. Union of the Con stitution f If it does, then the work of our fathers in moot inadequate to onr times. We maintain, that these dangnts and agitations arc the re*nil, not of the Constitution they transmitted to us. but ot its overthrow. The Union it estatdisli ed. does not exist. Usurpation and en croachment have drawn into the vortex of Federal power, interests, which were never intended, hy tins Constitution, to ho embrace,il in its operations. The Gen eral Government, undvr the sectional liredoininaucc and policy of the North, tas become omnipotent in the laving and appropriation of the taxes; and now stretches its authority over slavery in the South. The Constitution, under such usurpations of power, is virtually abolish ed—and the Union it established is vir tually dissolved. Hence the dissatisfac tion ill the South, andthu conflict between the North and the South, which must end, either in the Union of the Constitution be ing restored, or in thu -South being des troyed by the sectional despotism of the North, under the auspices of another Union, established by power on the one side and subjection on the other. Nor is the test of the true condition of the South, very lar off. The elections next fall, must settle the question of Northern pre dominance—-of a complete sectional des potism over tin* South, or of yet another chance for Southern deliverance. As things now are, the probability is that the Black Republicans will sweep the North, and command the Electoral College in the I'residctitial election. Now, in such a coalition of things, is it truthful—is it politic, in the South to dev I iu professions of devotion to the Union ? Will they prepare the people of the S(Wth, to resist the sectional despotism of the .Black Re publican party ? With a full knowledge, 4*l the fatal effects to the South, of llie possession and control of the FenO'i'i internment by ‘he. Black Republica*,'*’ nnn . boli!iui-t of tin- North, do not such profcSs;i' ,ls inevitably tend to a submission in their rtrje I Ought not the people of to be aroused ton full iaon£<f the nerils which hang over them, Miidke prepare- 1 to l.'oet them, and to con* j (tnil Lbejr own 1 II hat is now (the Vi .ihui J i. It is a Union wifi, the Northern StaJ. 2. if is a Uni-Mi with the Northern States, wlie have uulili- and the Uot.stitlltiou in tko Slave Luyk. ,‘t. It is a Union \\ i: i■ the Niirtlu'rn fStates, who, for twv ity years, have kep,* tip in Congress an agitation against South ora slavery. 4. It is a Union with the Northern States, who have determined to exclude the Southern people from settling, with their slaves, in any of the Territory of the United States. it. It is a Union with the Northern Stiles, who have organized their tertiona/ power, to tide and govern the Southern States, a their interest, ambition or fanati cism shall requite. 0. It is a Union with the Northern {States, who have overthrown the Union .and the C institution, and have substituted iia ■* tte-a 1, a Uni m liavi g their despotic iiower, the Sole criterion of its terms and Siinitations. 7. It is a Union with the Northern (States, in which a party predominates, whose vital principles hostility to Afri v:an slavery uu the Snath ; and whose poli ry it is to extinguiah it. 8. It is a Union with Tariff plunderers, win*, by the Tariff h oys of the Federal di iveruinent appropriate the. property of the Southern people to their use. and .make them their tributaries. • I*. It is it L'uluii with Treasury pluiwW ro, who, by unconstitutional appropria- Atmw, drain t luj Treasury of the United States tor sectional enrichment and aegi'atidisemont. 10. Briefly. it is a Union on the part of the South with Iter bitterest revilers, bat jts. oppieHsors ami enemies. Now, that any man in tl e South, who realizes the truth of the above positions, .can lore or reference the Union, as it ex ists—is mi utter itnphssibility. Lying lips may utter praise—aud a cowardly heart jmiUM'rfraui its murmurs; —but the mean est political slave must bate a despotism which scourges and threatens to destroy iiitn. I,o ve and bate, are not tinder nur control. God has so constituted the hu man heart, that we 67<a love only i chat it lovely —aud we must hate wljat is morally wrong and detestable. Wo do not wish to judge others harshly—hut it does ap jMiar to us, that no one in the South can I are or rr retrace the Union as it exists .: hut one who is at heart an Abolitionist., Matty may tolerate it, under the hopeof reforming it. Many may remember and ! love it, as it was in past days of usefulness jnd glory, when it was the Union of the \ Constitution. But now —ns it is oir with- \ out the Constitution — with its furious sec tionalism, and its anti-slavery fanaticism aud policy at the North—the .ouly fcel mgs in the South which it can rationally inspire, are those of distrust, fear, con tempt or hate. If you have still hopes of reforming it, and of again reinstating the Union of the Constitution- -say so; but to accomplish your object, you must con demn the Union as it is. If it is worthy of your devotion—why reform it I What are all your, opposition and complaints, but hypocritical ravings, lor factious euds? —rCkarlcsto Memry. strike amoug the bakers iu * -.Savannah continues, and one or two of „t,U$ ‘kern have been arrested for attempt r to. < c#taieu disturbance. The best reme dy for bakers’ strikes is comprised in the .four word* heading an advertisement in the ficpyilicat —“Makeyour own bread.” Stuart liljjott scuds to the Jiei>*hhcan a communication, in which be toast* ibo .Bakers browner than their bread, as fol dowa •• Toast. — To the blessed memory of the beloved King J’har.uli. who not only imprisoned bis Chief Baker, huf hanged tlie d—d rascal besides. -n r The Port- Uoyal raihead mealing takes place at Barawef Court ll*use, • Monday the OtJ* of Legal AdrentieacMi ("IFOSGI.V Gann Cwstt—Mr*. Mils -rrl llatMua n I iwwf Dirimi, Jr., if 1i- e f-> l.i tiers Administration upon the estate Ol Jsr.:cs M D>viou. late of said county, deceased: 1 1 rs* >r thereto: eto rile and admonwh, alt and singular me ittu-lred and creditor* of eatd deceased, - k’ lx ml > |>p. ar at tlir Court of Ordinary to be held in ai.d Sir .-aid roomy ou the flrsv M >nd*y in Sep leuiber next, to show cause (if my iky hare) why sshl letters should not then be granted. Giren under mv hin t at offi.-e in Greeneshoro, July Jh. I9SO. EUGENICS D. KING. Ord’y. NOTICE j t|N Wo months after date, to-xri: on the first JL Monday in October next, I shall apply to ; the Court of’ Ordinary of Greene County, tlrnr j gin, for leave to soli all the real estate belong ing to toe estate of Thomas Merritt, Sr., dec’di JAS. MERRITT, Ex’r. of July 2Gth, ISO') Thos. Merritt, deo’tl ~ WOTICF,. TW • months after date, to-w : t: on the first Monday in October next. I shall the Court of Ordinary of Greene. Coni, ty for leave to sell the real e ‘ate belonging tu tire es tate of John 11. Sneliings. deceased. FREDERIC 0. FULLER, Adin’r. of Jno. H., dec'd. Greenesboro, July 30th, ’6O. CITATION. STATE OF OEOKOIA, 1 In the Court Grrene County, j of Ordinary. To .Tone Ihitchceon and her h tsband Jume Jfetcheoon: IV’ IIF.HKA'L a paper purporting to be the * * i'. ‘ M i.i tiiui Testament and Codicil ot Sara: a>. o•, and- t ;.sed. has heeu liletf in this Office; ;: vi-:-rc:i-. Samuel R. ‘* a I her the named 1. ■: ■ r. t lii, lias petitioned this v'.-u; ii. u ,i,<- and w ’ ill and Testament and Codicil may be proven at Soleiim form, and that the Legatees, Diviuecs and Heirs at Law be cite 1 for that purpose; and, whereas, Jane Hutcheson, wile of .lames Hutcheson, a Lega tee named in said W ill, resides beyond the lim its of the State of Georgia: Tl: .0 arc therefore to cite and require the said dree Hut tic.- >a and her husband James Hutch-.- -ti, t in* and appear at the • ourt o! Ordinary lo be •-el'* ... and for said county ot tti*.* ne, on the first Monday in Nnrembcr, Kigh - a Hucdioii and ixty. (the same being the : y iixe l by ti e undesigned for the probate t.i said Will) af the f t cot House in the City of Greenes! rough, at 10 o'clock, a. m., to attend upon said i ‘"obite, and to s'u.w cause (if any they have) why ‘aid ‘ til arid Testament and Codicil should ■! boo yen in Solemn form. Given ua.l-r n,y baud and official signature -•tGrccaesl .rough, this3oth day of July 1860. EUGENII’ * L. KING, Ordinary of Greene County Georgia. Aug.'st Ist.. 1860 ’ —wOOd Gi?E KXE SHERIFF’S SUE. \\J ILL beV 01 '* <Vuri ' ll use door \\ ~jpy ;<>t Gj-imnesiwro’ on the first Tuesday ‘ * ‘bei next, between the usual hours ~*f i&.'i.H -.v:u; r v One va.act ‘in toe I, ’ nvS P>hcM:‘ren ting on Va rt street. f ’ 11,1,1 ru ‘‘* niug back ab-mteighty fwt, ty"* thf> Shops of Dr. Wm. L.'M. Hat. v ‘ s ! a,n Morgan—Levied on us the propo ‘ l ’ 1 ‘ ’ ll l^. nl A. Wilson, to satisfy two Justice Lourt fi fas from the 148th Dist, G. M., —one iv..’ , ° Vv.'lson & Callahan vs. W. A \\ ilson,. in f.v or of Thomas Callahan vs.’ W. A. V. , s ” n ’ le*w rL'a'lc and refined to me by Levi >. °' s ’ t'onstaliu*. C. < . NORTON, Sh ft. A at the same time and plaec: One Sewing Machine, 11 R.'ggv Whips, 4 Sides of Harness Leather, Id pieee,'of Leather, 5 Horse Collars, l P!i Trass- Chain. J . ‘2 Pieces Patent Leather, 1 Lit t! a _ , Ido Ruckles, 6 Papers Silver Tu - rets. 1 i. s ;f J’ttd lloo.'s, 1 Lot Swivels, 1 do Shaft i u ;s, I <i i RrodoOn Hnnners, 1 do Bridle IL 1 J,.Tncks,l Paper St-revs, 26 Pair Ilames, on La os Old Bu-kle , l Lot Old Harness t B:., riles Harness baddies, 1 J-"t Harness Trimmings, 2 Saddle Pads, 1 Can spirits Tur peo .rtc, 2 1 ansO.l, 1 Keg white Lead, 1 Can lila ‘k'lvg, 1 Lot Flax and shoo Thread. 1 Lot fl'eSing, l Lot of Buggy one Jn.l doz t'attagc (/hairs, levied on as tho property of Jesse Barnwell to satisfy afifafr an Greene Superior Court, in favor of Sherman,'.Jessup & Cos., vs. Jesse 3. Barnwell i It. J. M,vssey.— Property pointed outbv tt. J. asscy. JN'O 1). ENGLISH,‘O.SL ’ff., at tlie fame i'm ■ and place: One gold I'ru-hiug Mill, culled a Chillinn Mill, pompoa-’d oi‘ iro'i, aud weighing about len thouranv’ pounds, also the Mineral interest of the Gold Hill fining Company, in One Hundred and Sixty acres of l and in said county, and for me! (y occupied and worked by aid Company for gold mining, which interest % the balance of. a Lease for seven years held by said company The above property levied on as the property of said Company, to satisfy u fi fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county iu favor of Sarah Podard against said Company. property-poin ted out by Dr. R. S. Williams. * JOHN D ENGLISH, D, Sh’ff .fuiy 2Gth, 1800. VkriLL be sold before, the Court House door if in t!ie city of Greenesboro, on tiie first Tuesday in August next, tlie following prfmer tv to-wit: ‘One Negro Boy named Charles, -Lev ied on a* the property* of Win 11. Rhodes, to satisfy a .lustico-” > nri fi. fa. ft* mi Tal afovro county, tiifith District 6 M.—Robert New -m vs. \V*in H. Hnodes. Levy made and returned to me bv Thos. Stanley Constable. July Sd, 1800. ‘C. C. NORTON. Sl.’ff, GEORGIA, tHrecnc County, .4 LL persons indebted to Sherwood Stanley’s i'V estate, are requested to make inline ‘ ale payment, atciaif per, us having cWm* agirnst said estate will preNm: Ciera duly proven * the Uridcrs'gned w :h : n the *iue prescribed ny law. ’ F FOSTRR, Adm’r. i lc uonis no, will .lom-xed, of Slierw ‘ lev, deceased. —Fuly 24tb. 1860-6 w. NOTICE. j ‘ WO uv •: to after date, 10-wit* ou the first * Monday a f igtober next, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Greene County, Ga., tor leave to sell the Real Estate and Negroes bel.mging to the estate of Sherwood Stanley, deceased. M. F. FOSTER, Adm’r. de bonis non with the Will annexed of Sher wood Stanley, dec’d. —July 24th, 1800. NOTICE. ON the first Monday in October next I will apply to tin- 0--u- toi Ordinary of Greene eounty, Gn., for leave to sell the negrooa belong ing to my ward, Maw A. Parrott. M". W. LEWIS, Guardian. July 24th, 1860. —td. > ~ NOTICE, rpWO months after date, to-wit: On the first I Monday in August next, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Greene county, Geor gia, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of William F. Luckie, late of saia county deceased. ELLIOT C. BOWDEN, May 25• ‘GO.’ Adm’r. of W. F. Luckie. dec. NOTICE. ■ ■.r TWO months after date, to-wit: On the first Monday in August next, I shall apply to the 0 nrt of Ordinary of Oreene county, Geor gia, for leave to sell all the negroes belonging to ’ the citato of Peter Clark, late of said county i deceased. JAMES SMITH, Adm’r. I May 2ittk, 1880. of Peter Clark, dat’d I nmM of all kinds neatly printed t i L# i jm; sottca. Legal AdverUteiaenU* GEORG IGxskxk Oocxtt - Whereas Wil liam S. Dteis, and Goodwin T. Myrick, Execntois of the last Will and T : mtalneDt of Mro Sarah W. Rowland, deceased, 'petition the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letter* Dismissory: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persous concerned to show cause (if any they have) why said Executors should not be dis charged at the Court of Ordinary to he I eld in and tor said county on the second Monday in January 1861. Given under my hard at office in Grttnei.horo, July 6th. 1860. ... j K GENIUSL, KINO, Ord’y. Georgia, grxfwb cot-im.—where**, John O. Merritt and Thos. J.P. Atkinson Administrators upon the estate of I.ovitt Mer ritt deceased, petition the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismi-sory-; These are therefore to ctp ad admonish all persons concerned, to s ov cause (if auk they have) why said Administrators t be discharged at the Conrt of Ordinary to he. held in and for said county on tl-c second Monday in Jauuarv 1861. Given under my hand at office in Grcenetboro. July 6th, 1860. EUGENICS L. KING, Ord’r. GEORGIA Greine County. —Whereas, the estate of Jesse Finch, late of said county dee’d, is unrepresented; Th esc are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to lie and appear at the Court of Or ditiary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in August next, to show cause (if any they” have) why the administration of said e- tale, with the Will annexed, should not then be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court or in some other fit and proper person, in terms of the stnutc in such case made and pr-'vl led. Given under niy hand at Office in Greeneshoro July 2nd 1860. EUGENICS L. KING, Or-l’v. GEORGIA, Greene Cocsrv.— -Whereas, Isaac A. Williams, Administrator de bonis 7>on of the estate of Joseph Grimes, decca ed, petitions the Court of Ordinary of sai 1 county tor Letteis Dismissory: These are theiefore to cite and admonish all rirsi.iiK concerned, to show cause (if any they have) whv sai ) Administrator should not be discharged at the Court of Ordinary to be ht)d in and tor said countv on the first Monday in December next. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro. June 4t’ !BCOj EUGENIUS f , KING, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Greese County.— Whereas, Is ac A. Wiliams, ‘dminis*raM>r upon the estate of Mrs. Harriet L.Grimes, dec ased petitions the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory. These ate therefore to rite and admonish all: persons concerned, to show eanse (if any they have) why said Administrator should not be discharged at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county, on the first Morrd yin December next. Given under niy hand at offise in Gae&hesboro, this June 4th JrtMto.’ F.UOF.NIUS l- KING, Or(fy. 1 (-N EOttGIA. Oft r.\k Coontt.- Whereas, S .muel JT A Hue: A’ Imiiiirtralor ,lc !> nie non, with lar Will ennex*’ , P the estate of McKiiiuey Howell ili-ceased, (ft ti-.n-the C'oort of Ontiiiary of “said county lor Letters ihsiriwaorv : ‘I tiese arc therefort incite and a<linon**h all and singular the kindred and creditors of su'd deceased to show cause (if any they Irivr)* hv raid Administrator should not be disc.hireel at. the Couit of Ordinary to be held in aud Inr said countv on the first Monday in X avetnbi r next. ttfve't under my hand at office in Grrenrsbore, Aprd 2nd. 18H0 EUGENICS I, KING, Ord'y. <"1 EORG’A, Grresk Ooitnttl—Wliereas, Ereder \ ic C. Fuller, Administrator ypnn the estate til 4“- fi JV Willis, 'deceased, petitions ttie Court of Or dinar *>f said CouiHV for Letters Dismissory ; “ “ti ■* -re therefor! to cite and admoni-h, all and sin ‘Ttar ‘ kindred a8 creditors of said daaeawd. Singular anv v bey have) why said Admiyis- : Wator sl'ouTd no S ,-d/.t th ? eCourt of o?di narvtobeheid to .’ltd for .‘-d county on the firs. Monday in Octob, ‘ i'ext. in Oreenesbom. Given under my “ai o a nm. n ~ March fitb, IS6O. EUi>ENIUL. KING, Ord y. GEORGIA, Gkskns Ct. txr y.’-Whereas,Mor rison, Exwutor nd fc'ary ~.. of the lost Will and Testament ol Nathan AtkV dec., petitions the Court of d*ilinat, T of asid couv . for tellers Dismisspry ; These are therefore to cite and ndjrtov *u perrons concern'd, to show caos*. (if ny they bi'\’e)whT Mid Executor und Executrix should not be dleitisrenl 1 the Court of Ordinary to be field in and .‘crst'Ul cona tr on the f)rsl Monday in August next. Given under mv hand *t nlfiee in Green whom, ‘sir nary 10th, I slit: EUGENICS L. IC’NG, Qrd y. GEORGIA, Ghkenb Coom-ri—Whert-Ac. Niebolns M. Jones, A'diiiioistrator upon the exte'eof Jess* S. Jones dee., petitions the Court of Ordinsr/ 'l ®aM county lor Lettm PWniisaory : - These are therefore to cHea’nd stlmnnish *ll py rTOn ’ j-oncerned, to show rau-e ms any they hsre— wfiy ss id Administrator should not be discharged at, the Ci.vrt of Ordinary to be held in and for said com ‘y on t.'t* fie** Monday in August next. Give n under my band nt oflire in Oreeneshorn, Jail, uary lOlh, JStiO. EUGENICS L. KING, Ord'y. Administrator’s Sate. BY virtue ol An order from the Court of Ordinary of Greene county,, will be sold on the Ist Tuesdav in September next, at tlie Court House door'in Spring Place, Murray county, between the leg 1 hours of sale, One lot of Land containing One Hundred ami Sixty ■teres, kno vn and distinguishes a3 _ j°t number two hundred and thirty nine (28^.1 ,n *be 3Gtb District ond 2nd S action of origina.' l v Ohero kee now Murray .county Sold as part of the real e -t ite of Nancy Gresham, decease,'. STERLING A. GRESHAM, Adm’r. i •In-. 12th 1-1511. . . : I NOTICE. Two montlis after date, to wit: On the first Monday in August next, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Greene county, Geor gtu, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging t > the estate of Goorge Crutchfield, deceased. JAMES BURK, t May 26. 1860. Adm’r. of Geo. Crutchfield. NOTICE. OX .he first M uday in October next I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of Groene county Ga., tor leave to sell the negroes of my ward, Jeffrev C. Parrott. ’ A. A.JEIiNIGtN, Gnardian. July 24th, 1860. —td. Notice. Georgia, Greexe Col-ntt. —win be sold befora the Court House door’ in Greencs boro on the first Tuesday in August next, a nor-’ tion of the land belonging to the estate of Lit tleton Mapp, deceased, adjoining the lands of Jas. Jackson and Wiley Wright. The portion, to be sold contains between 20 and 30 acres.—t Sold by virtue of au order of. the Court of Or- LUCRETIA MAPP, T . June sth. 1860. Admr’x. ■*■-, Lumber! Lumber!! Lumber!!! THE subscribers having recently purchased and fitted up on Dr. Griffin’s plant ition, five f5) miles east of Wpodville. one of Messrs. GEORGE PAGE k CO.’S Patent Portable Mills. Will furnish the public with Lumber in any quantity at Cne ($1) Dollar per Hun dred, CASH. * We will deliver Lumber at Woodville Dapet for fS.KO per thousand. For further inlbrmation address us at Wood ville, Ga. E B. MOODY k CO. July 11th, 1860. —4L tireeucsboro Female College. rpHE next Session of this well known In- A stitution will open on the 30th insi., with an able aid complete corps of Teachers. V. C. FULLER. Sec’ty.. ‘ of Board &f Trustees. Oreenf.born’, Ga., July Mh, !890. —ls. ntec*llaaes i4vNiMaenls* ARTICLES OF EVERY-DAY (JSE, ’ b. t. babbitt** Pure Modi ciaa l Yeas t. Manufactured from cort.tnoH Balt and Pare 68 Crwuni Tartar. When qeed in Bre-d, Cake, £8 or Bjacuit, it turna to gas,—like that from a bottle olSoda Water, anti rernainadormant * in the dough until It in aet in kite oven, when the heat causes the gas to escape through the ■atari dough while bnkitij£ The Hired, Cake, orand Biscuit is (jot njtlv very light but pcrtectly j . wlioiaonie Where thi* Yeaat is used you will a> require' about one-quant r the amount of shuirteniog used withordinury Yeai. It may I v also be used lor Buckwheat Cakes, Johnny I U , Cskes, and all kinds ol Paairy This Yeaat ia pul up one pound cans, with check ered label. Red, White and Blue—no other ia Genuine—hewarwof imitationa. IT Babbitt’s pare Concentrated Pot ssn.—Warranted double the strength of common Potaah, and superior to any Snpou iflerfn market, put up in rana of lib., 2lbs., and * ,b *’ ®* b *> ** lbs - with 101 l directions for >n< j making Hard and Soft Soap. One pound will make fifteen gallons of Soft So?p. No f'me is required. Consumers will find this be cheap, (t Potaah in market. 70 BT BubbiM’s Medical Saleratns. 70 A perfectly pure and wholesome article tree from all deleterious matter, so prep-ir* and that as the circular accompanyiug the S derat its will show, nothing remains in the breed when. 68 baked but common Salt, Water, and Flour. 08 I’utnpnrally in papers, 1, I 21b. and M lb. B T Babbitt's Concent rated Soft Soap.. One R,-x coating one Dollar will niahe‘4o gallons of handsome Soft Soap by simply . adding boiling water. B T Babbitt’s Concentrated Sal Soda. Anew article exclusively for the South. Sal Soda or Washing. Soda ennuot be cnt South 7A during warm weaHher, as it deliquesces or JQ ‘melts. I drv out the water and put up the Sal Soda in lib papers, “warranted to stand the warmest climate.” One pound is equal to four pounds of ordinary Si! Slds Wash po ing Soda—consequently it ia much cheaper /o —the dealer saves 65 percent on the freight, as he docs not have to pay freight on water. Ask ymir storekeeper for B. T. Babbitt’s Concentrated Sal Soda in one poond papers. and B. T. Babbitt’s Soap for Family Ise. an d One pound of this Soup is equal to three pounds (-.(ordinary Family Sonp. One pound will make 3 gallons ot handsome Soft So-p. tl will remove paint, grease, tar, and 70 of all kinds. It wrill nr.t injure the fabric; ou 70 the contrary, it preserves it It wilt wash in hard or soft water. Bill little laoor is requir ed where this Snap is used. Machinists and Painters will find this Soap superior to any -68 thing in market. It your Storekeeper does 68 J not Iter p ‘he above goods, send 5 dollors by mad and I will tend a package of cither nr tide, or an assorted box Containing a part of *ach article, as vnu may direct. Send the J and name of your Postolfice, also the State and and County in which ynu reside# with directions for shipping. Address ’ B. T. BABBITT, 70 61, f!6, 70. 74 and 74 Washington St , N.Y.jQ A liberal discount to Storekeepers. July 11th 1360 —v le. MANHOODp HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED, Just jiubfislicd in a Sealed Envelope, A LkCTCREONTHK JiATORK, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CitEKorSi-ERiiAToßirWoeA.or Seminal Weakness,Sex ual Debility. Nervousness and Involuntary Emissions, nrotlncinff’linpotency, Consuinpli n and Menial and I’byeical !)• bility, Bv ROB. J.OULVERWELL. M D. Thi important, fact that the awful consequence* of self abuse may be etfectually removed without inter nal iiu ditires or the dangerous applicationso(c us tics, instruments, medicated bougies, and other em pirical devices, is here clearly dotnnnflraUd, an<J tbe entirely new an I highly successful treatin'nt, as a dopted by the celebrated author, fallv explained, by means of which everyone is enabled to cure himself perfectly, slid at the least possible cos', ther, by avni ding all advertised nostrums ol the day. This lec ture will proves boon to thousands and thousand-. Sent tinder seal to any address, post-said, on the receipt ol two wetsge stamps, by addressing DR. CH J. 0. KLINE. M I)., 480 First Avenue, Now York. P st Box 45H6 , A,nril 1). IS6IVJV. KAUFFER, BAUM & CO. yisisir m mis’ mss Under the Augusta Hotel, Augusta, Ga. Would inform tlieir manv customers that their - y STOCK OK DRY-GOODS, And everything belonging to tlieit line in complete now, in every respect. A look through onr Stock and prices will always effect a puichnse. is the OXLY HOUSE that has a RESIDENT PARTNER in the Northern Markets, whose main business it is to buy the latest Novelties as they .make their appearance. We are therefore en abled to offer sontoihin v new every week. OUR PRICES hardly need any further comment. “Small Profits and Quick Returns” has always been our yotto, from m the time we commenced business, and we shall strictly adhere to it. OUR MANUFACTORY IN Cloaks & Mantillas, • f • * * ■ -”* * •** ’ , Is the FIRST and ONLY one established in the Southern States. We only offer hut a well made article and save our customers from Twenty-Five to Thirty per cent. Out of the many cheap articles we sell, we would name a few: Colored SILKS, Splendid Quality at 75 cents worth •*1 25. * * Superb “ “ 1.00 ■ *'. 1 50. Foulard SILKS and SILK LAWNS 01} “ “ . 02.}. BAREGE ROBES at $6 to 8.00 “ 12.t0 15.00 COLORED BAREGES at 25 “ ** ‘ 50. Fast COLORED LAWNS, fine Qualify at 12* “ . 2A ORGANDIES, *t l 2 i “ -A 25 LAWN ROBES, *t *1 50 and up. . rLA VILLA CLOTH, anew Traveling Stuff at 12} ete. Fast Oolored PRINTS, at 6to 10 “ Linen TOWELS, 75 cts. per do*. ReaVSTEEL Ext. SKIRTB, 30 Ringa at *1 50. • •• •• •’ 20 •• at 1 00. Largo Sise MARSEILLE QUILTS. at 1 75. MANTILLAS, at $1 50, 2 50, 3 00 and up. rUBTERB in all the different Materials ana Styles, etc., ecf. Our Stock —Embroideries, Ribbons, Hosiery, Pantaloon Stuffs, Homespuns etc., wo offer extremely low. KAUFFER. BAUM £ CO. m, t so. , mo-1,. I'.vpFk iporeni untfi. aTtousta. at. MimeellHNPiMi* AdverllMMrntii. jSßßnPßpßSjjafrjwEßm tr / o', V'vl * jinso.Y’s Mountain Herb Pills. Ahovb. wr prvßfnt yu with |*rVct Tpm>, a fhit*i of it tribe th* ptmng* AtVc Nutton. Hint onrv rtj!rl Mfwiro. Voii will flntl n full niv.iiit .*f him nut! hit |.**e>|>lf in our I’Miniihlpt* nti Aim.tunc*— t* l>* bud ffrutin. spun the Aff*ntN ft*r th*>* I’illn. Th* inventor nmi manufacturer of ’* JufJw>n’*t Monti Uin lfrb I’illn,” ban #|**nt th* ri enter |-rt .f liin Ilf** in ir relink, having viniteti nemrijr ever? country in lit* wimM. !!• spent over nix years tumm? the ltuli*n of the Kooky Mountains nod of’Mexicn, atnl it wm> thu* IJ-t th* *• Mul'.ntai.x Hkkk were iltooveresl. A *y interval Ins’ account of his adventure* there, you will 1it,.1 iu our AhuknMC ami I'antpit let. It la an Mtablinh*! Tact, that wit diiewnn* arise ft. in UHPCttR OLOODI TheblßOtl la Iho life! and whenanyforeijenor mihr;!‘’.y matter gets mixed with it, it ia nt one* •iialr ilutd ’t> every orran of th® body Kvery nerve feels the |. •ltd all tue vital organs quickly ‘complain. The *to:ua.-h will not digeat the food perfectly. Tite liver ceuat'a U> secret* a nufttciency of bile. The acli*n of the liewrl is weakened, and ao the circulation ia feeble. Hie Ittnga become ologged with the poisonous matter ; !?nice, a cough—and all from a alight impurity at (he fimitnin * head of life—lit* Blood ! As if you hud thrown ‘tmiv tarth, for instance, in a put* frdm which rnn b tiny rivulet, in a sow minute* the whole course of i!v stream become* diaturbed ai>d diacolorewl. As juicily does Impure blood fly to every part, and leave it* aling behind. All the passagea become obstructed, and uit!**a the obatruction is removed, the lamp o’ life diea out. These pilla not only purify the blood, but regeneiß’e all the secretions of the body; they are, therefore, unrivalled as a OURS FOR DIMOt'S OISKASKS, l.lver Complaint, Sick Headache. A;e. lliia At' llHint Medicine expels from the blood the liidilen M-eds of • 1 i**- easo, and rendera all thefluidannd seerelhata pure and fluent, clearing and resuscitating tin vital Organ*. Pleasant indeed, is it to ua, that we are al<i*’ In p?re within your reach, a medicine like the “ Mot nt.on Hm.-h Plim,” that will pasa directly to the alllicte! part*, through the blood and fluids of the body, nod rpu > Ute sufferer to brighten with the flush of beauty ,od health. - Judton' Pills are the Best Remedy in rs itb ence far the following Com plain th: Doml Complaint* , Debility, Inward II Couch*, fhxr amt Ague, I.%trr Cntn/>1 a into, Coids, tbnaU Omffaint*. letumem •/ii*. Chat Diseeua, Jfeadaehet, /’ Cotfivenc**, Indigestion , Sl/<ns and Gravel. Dyspepsia, Jnjluensa, fltcondary Symp Diarrhoea,’ Jnjl*mmaii-.n , tons. Dropsy, * * • • e • GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE ! , Fcmalea who value health, should never he without these Pills. They purify the blood, remove ohslrpctiona of all kintla, cleanse the akin of all pimples and lAotrhva and bring the rich color of health to the pale cheek. •ST Th* Plant* and Herbs of which the** Pills are mad*, wer* discovered In a very anrprislng way among the Texucans, a tribe of Aborigines in Mexico. (Jet the Almauac of our Agent, aud you will read with delight, th* very interesting account it contains of the •* t>kkat lfKDtciMß” of the Ax toes. Observe,— The Mountain Ilett Pills are put up in a Beautiful Wrapper. Hath txm contains 40 tails, and 7.V/li| at 26 cent* per box All tenuine, have the nujualuv* * B. L JCDSOX& in, on each lx. a L. JUDSON, & Cos . SOI.K PROPHII'.TOI! S, No, 50 Leonard Street, A’A'lf YORK. MW FOR SAI.F. BV AM. MEDIUMS PEAUaw. “S3 FOR SALK BY J. Henry Wood. Greenesboro, G. V. t’latt A W. 11. Ward, Lexinffton, Ga. June ffth, 1860. —ly. . _ . i . „ . a . j. m— z —x-a. —a—i ... Stincellnnrom Adrcrtisementa. NEWS! NEWS!! GRA.\D SCHEME FOR AL'O., I MO. GKOHGIA STATE LOTTEIH. ncKIXVF.Y 4c CO.. Bannsero. Authoriw;d by special Act of the Legislature 25,828 PRIZES. More tnan one Prize to evert/ t<ro Ticket*. CAPITAL PRIZE,S6O,OOO. Tickets, only *lO U ALVES, QCABTERS, A Nil RIGRTS IN PllOrOltTlO*. To be Drawn Each Saturday in ISSO* In the City of Savannah. Georgia. Cass 85, to be Dtawn Aug." 2, tPflO. Class H, tube Drawn .'ug. 11, IbflO. Class 85 to he. Drawn Avg is, I8fl(t. Class 86 to be Drawn Aug. 26, 1860. Maarixtliceut Scheme. 1 P'. o: 60,000 is 860,000 j 50l I Out air |6 I'M I•• aO,IXV> ie 20.000 | 10 •* #OO are •00 l “ 10.000 ia Itt.fOO | 2 *• 400 me tk* t •• soooia ft 000 | 2 “ 30'aie qiSt l •• 4.000 i 4.0(0 | 2 - yio art 40H- I “ JIKOD 3.000 I 60 •< 1M are 7 Duo l •• 2,000 ia 2,000 | 10- •• lot, are 10 A 0 I I\VIO ia l.Mki | 100 •• 90 ure 9 0,0 1 *’ 1,100 ia 1,100- 100 •• 85 are 8.60 APPROXIMATION PHIZKS 25 4IN Prizes amounting t 0.... $212,140 ‘>5.828 rrixes A tilling (o SBOB~O4O WILL lIE DBAWN THIS MONTH. CRTirio4Rrs or Packages will be aotd at tha fol lowintr rate* wbii'li is the riek ; Certificateal Packages us 10 Whole Tlckita B<W ” “ 10 Hall “ S •• “ 10 Quaiters •• IS •• 10 Eighth •• 750 LOOK AT THIS! A SPLENDID DRAWING ON The Three Number Flan ! Which takes place mi .'Vrv Wrdneatlav and ftatur •lav ih 1860 1 Capital Pfire of , SII,OOO I Prize of 4,600 I•• of • 4 000 1 •• cf 3,00 I of !, 171.29 10 •• of . *7OO art ‘’ 7,000 ■ rtf ‘ ’ 17'. are 7.00 U 50 of 125 are .- 4.2*0 259 • of 60 are 20,790 64 “ of . 60 are 3.200 64 •• of 30 ara 1.920 64 “ of < ‘2O are 1,9841 5,632 •• of 10 alra , *6.120 28,224 “ ol ‘5 are * 141,U0 34,412 Prizes A,nountino. to. $881,48120 Whole Tickets *5, Shares in Proportion. tN ORDERING TICKETS OR. CERTIFI CATES.—EncIose the money to our addrcßß lor tha tickets ordered, on receipt ol which they will lie tor warded by Hrstmall. Purchasers can have tlckita ending in any figure they may designate. ‘l'he list of drawn numhera and prizes will be aent to purchaaera immediately after the drawing. All communications strictly confidential. Orders for Tiokels or Certificates, hv Moll or Ea press, to he direotrd to McKINNEY and CO. November 2, 19;.9 ly Savannah, Oa. HO.jTETTSR'S STOMAOH BITTERS, For /.',(■ a/ />vep, Wt; .Wravei, J'ii(hduitry. of Ji>netiU f .ur juy Rite,,*. . , pi .C*uT%Tiiflint, iri.i"; fr .0 and 1100+1.1 ’ if. the’ Sloui'teA or iUnrrUt. ;>>’ .iu.w.j I fdm,.. tyier/ti'iy ‘VLtyC’AWem Jferltks, vn. In rU-w of tb fart dial ‘W-rv .nvmlwr -4 Uie huma’ i* niureiw 1 a >• Iq:.iO of die aimve remplainis, ls i 1 u>- rvutu -vaWi- other conditions In life, wlueh, by tin- n'i'sisiancv us a litlJc kuuwl-sD* ur * x-reise of eonimon sens*, they may 4r aids an to r.'K'ilate their liabita of dirt, and viui the assistance of a good Untie, w-enre I-T ----manent health- In order to aCcotn|>!,tali ihia deair-d olij.-cf, llio true course to yn--ue is. c-rtain.y, tlmt which will produce a natorai state of dtiugs at tin least hazard V atn ngtli and life ; for this end Dr. Hnabdlaw baa introduced to this country a ntvpqm lion cnlled HOSTETTI'R'S SI'OMAOH BIT TERS, a-bieh at this Jav i* nol’a nv medicine, hut one that haa lieeii tried f,w y.-ai's, giving smiafaction to all h hav* used it. The Bitter* operate powerfully upo the stomach, bowel* and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, aad thus by the simple proc.-.s of sthoigdianing nature, enable the pysteia to triumph over disease.. Diarrlttitn, dYsent.ry or rtwx, so gsmerally epntrafted by new’ settlers, ami caused principally by the yhunge. of water and diet, will b.) apeslily regiilnted by • brief use of this preparation. l)ja|i#j>sia. a diacase Which is more preyalvni when taken in nil its various forma, tlitua any other; tlie cause of which mar al way* ba attributed to demttjjwmetita of the diges tive organs, cau Ik- cured without fail hr using HOSTETTKIi’3 STOMACH BIT TERS as pcr directionn on the bottle. For this disease every physician will recom mend Ritters of soaie kind, theii why not use .an article known to be infallible t Every country linve Bitter* ** a pro renuVi of disease, r and strengthening es the system in’gcnef*., and among them U there is nut to be found a more healthy people than the Oermana, from whom this preparation emanated, based upon scieatifie experiments which has sttended to advance the destiny of this great preparation in u medical scale of science. FEVEE AND AGUE. TUs trying and provoking disease, which flee* E relentless grasp on tha body- of man, redueus, Jjn So a mere shadow In a abort space of Ume, aod renihrtn* htm physically and menially useless, ean tw deMMed and driven from, the body by the ate of UOSTETTFJt'f KKNOtVNKD BITTKR3. Further, any of the ahOoa •Sated dljeaaea can not be contracted when nxposed la any ordinary condition# producing them. If the Bittern are used as per directions. And an R neither creaSea nausea nor offends the palate, nod rendering onnvcee nary any change of diet or InterruptleD to asaal pus suits, bat promotes sound sleep and healthy digssHoa, the complaint ia thus removed as speedily ae le MW gtotent with the production of a thorough aud panus nent cure. For Ferton* in ad vane and yean Who are euffeeing from an enfeebled constitution aed tofirm body, these Bitten are larelueble ee a rcetera Sire of strength and rigor, and Beads only to be trie* * to he appreciated. And to e mother while nursing, these BlUen ere lirliepeoeaUe, eepeciaßy when the’ mother's nourishment ia Inadequate to the demands es the child, consequently her strength must yield, and hen It le when e good tonic, each ee MoetetScrV Stomach Bitten if needed to impart temporary aWeagth and rigor to the system. Ladles should hr ail mease try this remedy for ell eases of debUSy, and before ae ’ doing, nek your physician, who. If he if aeqaefeieff \ with- the Thtoee es Use Bitten, 9I recommend their net In all cases of weakness CIITIOY.—We caution the public against oaing any of the many imitations or eotra ter felts, but ask for Hnsrcms’s On.zaaAtTii Storjacn Bittess, m'’ tea that each boule hoe the words “ Dr. . Hoetettcr’s Stomach Bitts-re” blown to ’Jte aide of the bottle, and atamfuxl on the moUllie csp-jDovering the cork, and observe that our aulngrapb signs turn ia ou tbe labtd. ifr Prepar'd aid told kj noSTITTRt * KBIT*, Pitta*argh, Ps., aad teid br all * HregglkU. grown, aad deaien geadrgllf thretgheit Hit la It'd Mate*, Caaada, Sntb laser Ira aed Cermhny.’ SCOVIL A MK AD, sMif.r.Awu, t. * WlisirsKle Agtdis. For tale in i.'rceneiilw ro hr J. H. Wood, * hit# Plains, by T. D. Hightnwsr.rAug.TflO-Ij i