Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, August 15, 1860, Image 4

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Lights aid Shades. The gloonveat day hath gleams of light; The darkest wave hath white foam near it, And twinkles through the cloudiest night, ( Some star to cheer it. The gloopiest soul is not all gloom ; The sadest heart is not all sadness. Aud sweetly darkest doom Shines some lingering beam of gladness. Deiyiair, is never quite despair,* No* life, nor death, the future closes'; And’round tl* shadowy brow of care Will Hope Fancy twine tlicir rosos. Seeing the iklipse. The following is tho experience °f a highly respectable citizen, otgood charac ter, in searcAi of the eclipse:— Got up at 3 o’clock Wednesday morn ing. Looked for the sun, but couldn’t find it. Concluded I was up too early. Went Jo bed. Got up again at half past five. Saw something they called the sirrr Lopked red. Went down town. Sun looked whi ttor, and bright as a tin pan. Thought I would gfi hpmo and get breakfast. Notic ed the breakfast room looked dark. Open ed the blinds, when it looked lighter. Seven o'clock. Wont down town atm'iti. Sun shining very bright. Tried to look at it, but eoulan’t. Thought I would take a glass. Took one. Smoked it. Thought I could see better, but wasn’t satisfied. Didn’t sec any eclipse. Eight o’clock. Took another glass, thin (ring it might be a better one. Smoked. Gould see a patch on the sun’s face. Grew bigger. Took another glass —smoked. Looked first rate. Half-past eight. Things did’nt look right, but could see something.— Thought the trouble might be in the last glass. Took another. Saw tho biggest kind of an eclipse. Saw the sun arid the moon. Took another glass and looked again. Saw two suns. Smoked, and took another glass. Saw two suns aud two moons. Took another glass. Five cr six suns and ten or fifteen moons, all mixed up, and seemed to be dfttuk. Nino o’clock. Couldn’t see much of anything. Concluded I was sun struck. Thought I would go home. Saw an om nibus; nnd thought I would get in. Turn ed out to be Swarts’s wliat-d ’ye-call-it. ‘ftied alfothcr, and got in. Went home in a coal cart. Thinking eclipses are hum bugs, besides irmking people have head aches. AuTcdolcs of the Census. The incidents connected with the taking of the census would fill n volume of large dimensions, could they bo collected and related as they occur. In one of the wards of this city, along the river, in which quite a namber of families inhabit a single tene ment, a Scene occurred which exhibited the desire of the person answering the questions to appear well on tiro roeord.— The person interrogated was a woman, and the following answers were elicted : Census Taker. —"You hove given ine the name of your husband, will your please inform me as to his business?'’ Wife.—••And be sure I will, if such is your wish.” Census Taker*—'"l iis necessary, madam to enable me to make up a complete re turn.” Wife.—"My husband is a merchant.” Census Taker.—" What kind of a mer chant ?” Tire answer, rather staggering the man of pen ngS paper, judging from appearances. Wife.—"A commi-sion merchant, to be sure.” Ccftsus Taker.—Not yet quite satisfied. “What kind of a commission merchant 1” Wife.—" Why lie sells omnge6 along the wharf on commission.” Another singular incident was the fol lowing : The census taker called at a house npon which a sign had been placed staging that the business of fashionable dress-making was carried on within. The census taker,'on entering, was confronted a man, and he proved to be the hus band of the dressmaker. After all the questions had been ar.wcred as to names, ages, fee., he was asked bis occupation, to which be replied, “that be was a dressma ker.” The census taker informed him that he wanted bis own and not bis wife’s f ecupation. The answer was as follows: “1 atn al dressmaker as well as mv wife; she fits the dresses and I make them.” An old lady from a temperance village, lately attended a party in town, where, of oourso champagne was served, and was prevailed upon to take a glass. Sim drank two, when, smacking her lips, she ex claimed : “Well! it may be a wicked drink, but its good!” FOR SALE. IW J? Barrels of Rectified Whisky ; I if 28 Barrels, Old live : 20 •• X Whisky; 80 •• XX *• ♦ 20 •• XXX rt 20 Baskets Pearl Champagne ; . IS •’ Mumtn.s “ ISO Boxes Tobacco, of different brands; by ALSO, 250 Barrels Rectifted Whiskey; 43- •• White Whisk'y. Autrusla. Air 25.1860. M. L ALL EOUIX DAVIS & BROTHER WOULD inform their friends and the pub lic that they have been driven by “the fire” to Mr. Norton’s store where they offer for sale at the lowest market prices, their usual assortment of goods consisting in part, of Bonnets, Trimmed and Untrimmed; Neo politan, M area ties, Chip and Straw Flats; French Lace Mantillas and Points, with and without capes; Colored and Black Barege Shawls ; Jackonet, Organdie and Barege Robes, from four to ten Flounces, from %t to (12; Printed Eitrns and Muslin from 121-2 to 50c; Nansook, Jackonet, Mull and Swiss Muslins, Plain and Striped, from 18 to 60 cents; JFn Collars, Muslin Trimmings, IPrt. Bands, Twisted Silk Mitts, Linen, Cambric, Plain, Hemstitched and Embroidered uandkerchicfe, from 10 cte. to $3 00 ; Hosiery, injpp Skirts, from 50 cts to $2 60; Hats of all kinds; Boots, Shoes Clothing; Hardware, Jlollow Bare. Iron, Steel, Nails, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Salt; in short what evtr the wants of the people demand. All of whieh we will sell as low as can jan be obtain ed in any market Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on us we hope our friends will take the trouble to visit us at our new location, whe>* w will eupp'y their wants on as favor able terms as any house in the city. DAVIS * BROTHER. Oreeneahnro. Apifllh ’SSft •fln*f>l| miscellaneous Advertisement*. UcCOKD, HORTON 4k WALTON, WHOLESALE DEALERS I.V Groceries Generally. Cor. Broad nnd Campbell Streets. AUGUSTA, GA. Z. m’COUD v J. W. lIOBTOX, BOBT. WALTON, JR. August*, Ga., March SSth, 1860 6m. SOUTHERN DRUG HOUSE SPEARS & MGBLT, STILL OCCTPI TfIEIK OLD STAND, Or* POSIT* THE I’IAXTEBS Hotel, No ; 316, Where they Constantly keep on band one of THE LARGEST STOCKS IN THE SOUTHERN COUNTRY! Comprising Every Article in tbe Drug amt Fancy Goods Trade, ALL OF Which they will sell AT NEW YORK PRICES. Price Before Ton Buy. Aug’usta, Ga., January 10, h, li6o. PLUMB & LKITNKR. Near Post Office Corner, Broad St. Augusta, Georgia. WHOLESALE D SALE US IX Core Medicines, Chemicals. mgs, Faints, Oil, Glass, Perfumery, Brushes, Fine Toilet Articles, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Warranted Garden Seed !fc„ Sfc. Our stock : Apcrliaps the most complete in the city, and our articles for purity arc not sur passed by those of any concern. Sept. 28-ly, PL UMB & LEITNER. FAN MILLS. rjNHE subscribers havefrr sale MON TGOMERY & BRO’S., Celebrated Wheat Fans, That will clean a bushel per minute. Also, TAFFLIN’S Horse Powcis nnd Threshers, loq ‘ire of J. CUNNINGHAM, or HOWELL <fe NEARY. N. B.—Customers wanting grinding done must have it in the ifills the first of the week, reenesboro, April 18,1560 ts, J. C. SOUTHERN RIGHTS^ T%,ff UCII has been said of late about South- Jct JL era Rights and Southern Trade, espe cially since the Charleston Convention, You can now, “show your faith by your works.” J. W. WINFIELD, Offers for sale HARNESS of all kinds, made in this city, out of the best Southern material by a Southern man and ho will give a Southern war rantee, for all work done in his shop. 110 is prepared to make, to ordeh, anything from a throat-latch of a Bridle to the truest Carriage Harness. IfcgrOall at his shop in front end of Brother Copelan’s Livery Stable and you will lie waited on bv a Southern man. G. W. GROGAN, reenesboro, May 13. [feb.22-lyl Agent. FAIR NOTICE. TUB Books of our Store and Harness Shop are in the hands of J as. W. Wii.lifid, to Whom payment must be inidr; our means are o> limited to give longer indulgence, our Cred itors are wanting their money.— We therefore give each, and all,, fair notice that after a reasonable time, we will use the most cfflctual means to wind up our Books. We hope therefore you will save us trouble and yourselves expense. WINFIELD & PORTER. Feb. 22d 1880. fitn. Good Times have come at bast! Two Thousand Thkijh Hiwdi.hd Eighty Prizes! sl6. 800. FOLK CAPITAL PRIZES! A. L ALtiXMBEE'S FORTY-EIGHTH MAGNIFICENT CASH, WATCH & LAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION. WILL BF. DRAWN AT FRANKLIN, IND. MONDAY AUGUST 6th, 1860. Cash Prize of SSOO in American Gold. Horse, Buggy aud Harness, S4OO. Splendid Rosewood Piano Fort Valued at $350 3G3 GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, All in Hunting Cases from $lB to $250 ‘272 Prizes In American Gold, $2,30, to S3OO. 200 ACRES OF FARMING LAND. 419 Sets Solid Silver and Double Plated Ware. Patent Self-Winding and American Spring Watcher, Gold aud Silver Vest Chains, Bracelets, Ac., &c., Ac. Number of Prizes 2,180 Value of Prizes, $17,500 Tickets Limited to 16,500 DRAWING TAKES PLACE MONTHLY. pr*Every Ticket-holler ieccives a printed list of drawn numbers, free of charge. fST* All drawings take place in public, su perintended exclusively by the Tickt t-holders. REFERENCES. I take great pleasure in referring all who are anxious fop information respecting my honesty business promptitude, c.c-, to any of the coun ty officers, Postmasters, Express Agents. Justi ces of the Peace, Merchants, Representatives and Senators of Johnson county, or any of the numerous Agents in the various parts of the Union, who have attended my drawings. As the above named are personally acquainted with me, and most of them have attended my numerous drawings, I will request all wbo wish to satisfy themselves of tbe gfety of their to write to any of the above gentle men. Agents Wanted in everj locality, to whom Ike most liberal Inducements arc offered. ALL I’KIZES PROMPTLY PAID. Slagle Tickets Six Tickets |S a. jTaLexander, Franklin, Johnson Cos., Indiana. lifne IXik, IMS wfim Miscellaneous Advertisement*. “clocks, watches AND jiwgiim THE undersigned would respectfully £5” inform the citizens of t'.is infinity jpTj nnd the public iii general, that ho has Returned to Greeuesboro, and will constantly keep ou hand a well selec ted stock of Clocks, Watches & Jewelry, and will sell lower than ever. Call in and try him. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, also, rei'.uked as heretofore at the old stand. J.P. AII(.STROM. Greencaboro’, Ga., May 30, 186). ts. 50,000 Copies already Sold. EVERYBODY’S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, BY FRANK CROSBY, OK TUB PHILADELPHIA li A I!. It Tells You Howto daaw up Paktxersihp Papers and gives general forms for of all kinds, Fills o Sale, Leases sad Pet tions. It Tells You How to draw up Bonds and Mort gages, Affidavits, Bowers of Attorn ey, Notes and Bills of Exchange Be eeipts and Releases. It Tells You ’the laws for the Collection Os Dob's, with the Statues of Limita tion, and amount nnd kind of top erty Exempt from Execution in eve ry State. It Tel's You How to make an Assignment prop erly, with forms for Composition with Creditors, nnd the Insolvent Laws of every State. It Telle You The legal relations between Guar dian and Ward, Master and Ap peentice, and Landlord and Tenant. It Tells You What conslitutes Libel and Stan dcr, and t e law as to Marriage Dower, the IPZ/e’s Right in Prop erty Divorce and Alimony. It Tells You The Law for Mechanics’ Liens in every State, and me Naturalization Laws o’ this country, and how to comply with the same. It Tells You The law concerning Pensions ni:d how to abtain one, and the Pre- Exemption Laws to Public .Lands. It Tells You The law for Patents, with mode of proc* dure in obtaining one, with Interferences, Assignments aud Ta ble of Pees. It Tells You How to make your Will and how to Administer on an Estate, with the law and the r quirements’there of in every State It Sells You The meaning of Law Terms in general use, and txplains to v< u the Legislative, Executive and Judi cial Powers of toth the Gene: a! and State Governments It Tells You How to keep out of Law, by show ing how to do your busines.- lcgalv thus saviug a vast amount of prop ertv, and vexatious litigation, by its timely consultation. Single copies w ill be sent by mail, postage paid, to Every Farmer, Every Mechanic, Every Man of Business and Every body in Every State, on receipt oi §I.OO, or in law style b.nd in? at $1.25. SIOO9 A YEAR7 ri^t.„ k bt” where, in selling the above woik, as oitv terms to all such are very l'leral. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, applv to o> address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 017 Sin 1 o n S rcet. Philadelphia, ■ a, Jul v 4th, 4880. —iv fin. What Everybody Wants. THE FAMiIT DOCTOR: m CONTAINING Simple Remedies, Easily obtained, for the Cure of Diseases in all Foriiui. BY PROF. HENRY S. TAYLOR M. D. It Tells You llow t > atiend upon the sick,’ an i how to ccok for th. m ; how to pr - pare Diioks, Poultices, Ac, and how to guard against intection fri m Contagious Diseases. It Tells You Os the v rious diseases of Chil dren, and gives the best and sim plest m‘de of treatment doriiw j ccthir g, Convulsions, Vac tion, BTooping.cough, & M asles, It Tells You The symptoms of Croup, Cholera litfantum,Colic, Diorrhcei, Worms Seabed Head, Ringwnrn, C-ickei— pox, &c., and gives you tbe best remedies for their cur e. It Tells You The sjmptonisof Fev.rand Ague and Bilious, Yellow, Typhu-, Scar let ant other Fevers, and gives you the best and simplest remedies for their cure. It Tells You The symptoms of Influenza, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Dropsy, Gout Rheumatism, Lum bago, Erysipei s, &c., and gives you the best remedies for their cure. It T. 11s You The symptoms of Cholera Morbus JTJignant Cholera, .Small Pox. Dysentary, Cramp, Diseases of the , Bladder, Kidneys and Ziver and the best remedies for their cure. It Tells You The symptoms ofPieurisy.A/jmps Neuralgia, Apoplexy, Paralysis, the various Diseases of the Throat Teeth, Ear and eye. end the best remedies for their cure. It Tells You The symptoms of Epilepsy, Jaun dice, Piles. Rupture. Diseases of < the Heart, Hemarrhage, Veneral Diseases, and Hydrophobia, gives the best remedies for thei -jure. It TtMs Y..u The best and simplest treatment for wounds, Broker. Bones and Dislocation, Sprain 3 , Lockjaw, Fe ver S reff, white swellings, Ulcers, i whitlows, Boils, Scurvy, Burns and Scrofula. It Tells You Os tbe various diseases pecnl;a>- to woman, and gives the best and simplest remedies for their cure together with many valuable hints for the preservation of health. The work is written in’ plain language, free from medical terms, so as to be easily under stood, while its simple recipes may soon save you many times the cost of the book. It is printed in a clear and open type; is illustrated with appropriate engravings, and will be for warded to your address, neatly bound aad pos tage paid, on receipt of SI.OO. SIOOO A YEAR where, in Se ling the above work, as our induce ments to all such are very liberal. For: ingle copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTFR, Publisher. No. fil7 &insom sStreer, Philadelphia, Pa Julv 4ih, 1860. —Wfim. NOTICE. DR. N. F. POWERS, having been burnt out baa bad to get an office elsewhere,— Be is now gt ying in the house formerly held i by Dr. Latimer. Dr. P solicit* tbe patronage of thoee who mey grant It, and who are willing to pay for it. ‘ BE SURIi TO CALL AT MASSEY’ & LANSDELt/Sv mmci & Mirem, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Cli rnicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Patent Medicines, &c. Main Street, Greenesboro’, georgia. HAVE IN STORE AND TO AH3SXIVEI 10,000 LBS. WHITE LEAD, FROM 7h TO 10 CENTS ; 2000 “ SNOW WHITE ZINC; 500 GALL’S. LINSEED OIL; 200 •• MACHINERY 200 *• SPERM 200 “ LARI) 100 “ GOLD PRESSED CASTOR OIL ; 40 “ SWEET 200 •• SP’TS TURPENTINE; 200 0 J I'ERCI. ALCOHOL; 100 •• BURNING FLUID” 109 “ COACIi-BODY VARNISH ; 100 * “ JAPAN i JOO • “ BLACK JAPAN; 4o “ PIANO VARNISH ; 100 ” COPAL 100 • LEATHER ‘ 100 - ASPHaLBUNE VARNISH; 100 “ TRAIN OIL; 200 - KEROSENE “ 10 CASES CONCENTRATED LYE ; 200 KEROSENE LAMPS; 20,000 CIGARS; 100 OZ. QUININE; 10 ‘ MORPHINE; PERFUMERY IN LARGE QUANTITIES , And almost everything else belonging to the Drug Business, all of which we offer at ATLANTA PRI CES, and to wholesale purchasers we will sell Drugs. Medicines, &c., fit AUGUSTA RATES—freight ad ded. Every article warranted To be what it is Sold For. And, as we are having manufactured for us. several new brands of Lead in large quantities, we can offer greater inducements in quality and price than ever before offered in this market. Call anil examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we fell confi dent avg can give satisfaction. [Feb. 16, 1860. BY calling at Massey & Lausilcll’s Drug Store and Examin ing some samples of Pure WHITE LEAD we think you will be convinced at once that it is a BETTER article than (be Union Lead, and can be sold for LESS MONEY. WHERE*YOU CAN BUY GOODS CHEAP. •50 REWARD. RAM A WAV in v |Ui.*atin on ll.e 22.1 ol July last, mv Negro man He is about 85or 3G years old, of dark complex on, ab.'in feet high, and weighs about 180 pounds ~r inure, H : a thought toV running between Oreenos boro.nmJ I,iwrenee*’ Mill ou the Ooooco ryjei. I trill giro the afr-ve riNpr-’ to any one “ In, i.l Udire him in the Groene Cmtoty J il or deliver i.itn to roe. \V.\l. EOWIrVNDSn. March 1 till 1361. ts. _ DitTl. BOVEE DODS’ IHPKRI VL WISE, BITTERS, AriK mg lo from a puie and ttn-dui.crated JPirif. which is about dou: 1 a the usual strength of other TF;ms, .r.d is iiri oi tul by only o:tc house in tho United, States. Also, fr. m the foil w ing valuable K “ts, lieibs, Ac., viz- Solomon's Seal, h'l.iht -l i;:d,U. tt fut ,Cain om lo Flowers 6’ ntian, Wild On try 1 ret Hark, and Biyherry. WE CHALLENGE THE WORLD TO PKODLCE THEIR EQUAL!!! JFe do not profess It) have discovt red some Hoots -‘known only to the Indians of South America,” and a euro for “all diseases which the flesh is heir to,” but we claim to present to the public a truly va’uable preparation, which every intelligent Physician in tie countr wll approve of and recommend. Asa run edy for IMCIPIKNT Weak iungs, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Diseas es of the Nervous System, Paralysis, Pil.s, Diseases peculiar to Females, Debility, and all cases requiring a Tonic, th-y arc XT IS” S URPA S 2S DEJ X> I For Sore Throat, so common arao: g the Clergy, they are truly valuable. For the aged and it Ana, cr for pe sens of a weak constitution —for Minister! of the gospel, Zawyers, nnd all public sp aker.—for Book keepers, Tailors, Seanistt esses, Students, Ar tists; and all persons leading a sedentary life, they will prov. truly bet cfh ial. Asa Beverage, they are wholesome innocent and and dicious to the taste. TbtSy produce aM the exhilarating effects of Brandy or IFine without intoxicating; and are a valuable rem edy for persons addicted to excessive use of strong drink, and wish to refrain from it.—• Thay are pure and entirely fr o from the pois on contained in the adulterated Wines a-d Li quors with which the.countiy is flocJed. These Bitters not only (70RR but PREVENT Disease,and should be used by all who live in a country .where the water is bad, or where Chills and” Foyers are prevalent. -Being entire ly innocent ond harrohrs, they may be given freely to Children and Infants with Impunity. Physicians, Clergymen, and temperance ad vocates, as ai act of humanity, should assist in spreading these ti uly valuable BITTERS over the ‘and, and thereby essentially aid in banish ing Drunkenness. CHARLES WIDDI FIELD & CO., Proprietors, 78 Wil/ian Street, Xeu> York. And sold by Druggists generally. Wholesale and Retail Agents for Georgia. Plumb & Leitner, Augusta. .Sold also by CrabdrA Weaver. Greensboro. June 19th, 1860. [jan. 12] wly. COPPER LIGHTMNIi ROD TOM. PA MV. AUGUSTA, GA WE arc now prepared to furnish this cele brated Rod to all who miy want a good and cheap Rod—which his eight times the con ducting power of new Iron. For partic-darssee circulars. Orders solicited and attended to promptly. Agents wanted in all parts of the State. Protect your Live* nnd Properly. J. F. Zimmerman, Esq., is our authorised Agent at fJreepesboro. fur soliciting orders Ac. atthat place, at bis establishment a model of the Rod cen be seen. 8. B.CL ARKR, S. T. AO 8. November 1 1,18*0-6m DIAKKIfatt! CHAMP! ( tiOLUt i! i LIKn. DKOI’S. . Tii 8 medicine has beer) I THK NKVKft FAILtMi TKIKT, ‘! ISII I) fIU.I ri*",y D r .HBWFPY i Uvt.N .e-US experte,,;. t< be tue ‘finy*, ‘A : aiX'. seven and i;, 1.1 ,UI rein edy for all rowel reuangemfnts diaruikea Dysentery, Cramp*, Pain*, Choi , a, Ch die, &<•’. now before the public. On • r twe* dews of •20 drops, will cure the m-st never’ cramps in the stomach in 20 minutes. A single doss o‘- ten cures the Diair! !s and it ir-ver eon-tip,,t< s the bowels. One dose will satisfy any one i ib OfritS. Price only 2-5 Cents. P.i pared by Tk'all it Stow, 4 !) PnWerr, N York. And sold m Greeiv-sbo.-o bv Wa-s<y & Danse] -11. I ipr. I ltb ,’6 June 11th 1850. ~My. DE. J. H. McLEAN'S Stmigllunliiff lordfa!& (Wood Purifier. THE GREATESTREMEBY I ’ THE WORM). t T?list Delicious.^ ll,glu ful Cordial Ic is strictly a scien- ftSSspH tific aod Vegetable com BSBr j>ounH, procured by the ayi distillation of Hoots*, m| I <w Dock, Blood 1 ©*♦ Mow taUnftsHrMdpariUfi, wan cinr \tUf taking. ry, and Daidelion entca coinp on.d. Toe putnc active remedial p- fneiplea of each bvirred’en* tho* oughfrextracted by my method <•( . I : lii* lt- p'<- tfuring a dcltciouj, exhilruto*tr- piri* ;. w! iln. inflliirlk remedv for rcnovutinj; ifce U ‘-j uit -*■■■- ton, airtl.tcstorin? the sfrk. sutfVaring’fcn. h-‘ii f INVALID t* HBALTH Uiui STI* ENGTII. Mel ean*9 CordhiJ WILL *#rtC:UALIY CURE LIVER OOVJFLAINr. DY-PE SIA Jaujsdice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Dtoale* the Kidney, and all Diseata nriamar /mm a Piaordt-r ed Liver or Stomach, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, I ivmri Piles, Acidity or Sickresa ot the Siomiwli, Fulureact Blood o the Head, Dull Pain or Swimming in the Hoad, Palpitation of the Heart, FuJlih js or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eruct *ti n-*, Cttoakin * i.r Suf focating Feelinsr when lying down, Orynewi or Y< I lownesH of fhcSkin and eves; Niiht Sweats, Inward Fevers, Pain in tlte Small of the Huclr, Chest or Side, Sudden Flush of 11-*at, Depression o! S.critri, Fright ful Dreau a, Lanifor Despondency or him N -Disiase, Sores cr Dlotohra on tho Skin, and F- r and Agu**—or Ch ID sn<* F- v r • Over a Million of Borticg Have been sold duringr the last ’x ruoiithr, hml in ii * io*idnce has it failed in giving oi.iire s4lie{boion Who tlir.ri, will suffer Irani Weakness or Debility when McLean’s Strengthening Cordial will cur** you. No language ev convey an adequate idea of the immediate and almost miraculous change produ ced by taking this Cordial in thcdieeaeeed, debilitated andhattcreri nervous system, whether broken down by excess, weak by nature, or impaired by sickor***, the relaxed and utidtruug organization is restored ft* its pristine health and vigor. Mat-licif Persons Or others conciousnf inability from wbtcv.r c*n-') ! will fiod McL"n’. SllwnjiiuenioK Ci.rdial n iboroup-l, i regenerator of me ,-ystem; who mav ru e I, ! ured ihemsclvia by in proper moul-enceii, * ..l fine’ ‘ n this CorJiai ii ce-t-An and tpe-dv r;medv To Tli Toadies, McLean’s Stenothenino Coruiai, Is a •overeipi. a id ape- ily eoi r IWCiriKNT C XSDMI TUS', w:!.i. s Obtrurte t or DilficuK Menßiraiion > tin, of Urine oi Iniuluntary Di-c'iarge I'ie-u' i . Pallin. •’ the tVomb.TJiddineaf, Fainting and al• D.scaj’ cident to Females. , . THERE IS NO MISTAKii A hOh . ’T. Suffer no-longrr. Take it according t . Dlreeliom i It will slinm'ne, £‘r-njthfn, ai,o nvit, >mt vou an . cauc ite bloom of health to inoodt yoardbe.'k aain. EVER V BeTTi.l! II W\BRAFTEn TO OI VK SATI-EoCriGS FOR CHILOREN. If your ehildrrif are lirUy, pin- , oreffl rted, Mo Leun’a Corpiil wilt make ihein heai'f. , in t nnd r ( ,b;;.; Deluy not aomm-nt. try it, and von will be r n viii-tr! IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKF.. Captioib.- . Beware of Orugt-i.laor may try to palm off upon you wmie Hitter, or aai saparill'u trarli, wbieh they ran ho - cheap, by •aylnu it ia jni as {food. Avoid sort) men. Aak for McLean'. Sirengloen Cordial, and >ake nolbiua’ elae. It jg tt,* oalv remedy that will pur.fv Mi* oluod tlmrouffldv, and at the game the aygtem. One tableapoonlul laken every morning la'in(. t, a certain preventive for Choietn. Chill* and Fevr, Vellow Fever, or aay prenalent didesgg. It ig pm up io large bottoa. I’rioe only gl per bottla.oraix pottlra gfi. J. 11. McLLAN. Saif Proprietor of this Cordial, Aim *vn> Tdragle Oil l.iment. Priuelpal Or pot nn Sib enrner nl Third and Pip* S.t, I St feuf. Me. F<>r tale by S***V7 O” L<nrfetl. Ttilcac Mrdlpinco, Ac. Fqvqt and Aguer fn>m vrtif ’ nikhtind ruiT-r over a large part of tho g'.t'lx*, is the cwuaequefay of a dfacaacii ai tiutt in tho system, IncutvJ by the poiayno umiasm of vegouhlu derny. Tills exhalation ia evolved Ity the notion of Kola* heat on wet soil, and riser with the watcrv vapor from it. While the sail is helow tlte horiton this vn-- por lingers near the earth’s surface, ami the virus Is tskvil with it throiuth the iunca Into tho blood. Tii-re it arts aa an irritating poison on tho Inlemai v:-..-vy and excreting organs of the hotly. Tho !ivor !•. ‘ tunes torpid and fsilg to secrete hot only this virus, hut also the bile from tbu blood, lloth the vims and the bile accninnlate in the circulation, and produce, ’iolent constitutional disorder. The spleen, the ‘ * ni. vs, and the stomach sympathize with the liver, and’ beoctne disordered also. Finally, tlte instinct of our organ ‘em, as if in an attempt to expel the noxious infusion,’ concentrates tho whole blood of the body in :!te imititalexcretories to force them to cast itouL The flood leaves the surfage, and rushes to the c*n tr.d organs vrifli congestive rioloncc. This Is the C:t : t.r— But hr this effort it fails. Then tho Fkvk followin which the Wool leaves the central organs and ru itiß to tho TO: taco, us If it* another effort to ex- - r K ; the Irrltr.tiog pdison through the other great cx i tetorv—the skin. In this also, it fails, aSld the sys tem abandons tlio attempt exhauktad, waiting for Uir recovery of stmitgut to repeat tll’o Hopeless effort another dav. I hesi'. aro the tits or paroxysms of Fe v*.;t AXI) Aocu. Such constitutional* disorder will of course undermine the health If it ts aAt removed. ‘tVe have labored to fly I. and have fouhd; an an- Jote. * - Ayer’s Ague Cure, . which neutml'zc* this malarious poison ia the bipod, end stimulates the liver to expol It from the body-, A it should, so it does cure this afflictive disorder vrljß perfect certainty. And it does more, or rather ttrv what is of more service to those subject to this infection* If taken in season it expels itfrora thesys t it. i as it is absorbed, and thus keeps who uso it ;>:o from its attacks; keeps the system in health although exposed to ike disease. Conseqnontly it aot cnlv cures, hut protects front, the groat variety ot af fo-lions which aro itulucod by th: malignant inftu-; . act-, such as Remittent Fever. Chill Fever, Dutali, of .\tasked Agtt ‘, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Head ache, Ititiou-i Fevers, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gotft,, UiinUncss, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitations, Painful Affections of tho Spleen, Hys terics, Colic, Paralysis, and Painful Affections of tho Stomach and Bowels, ail of which, when arising from this cause, will be found to assume more or less tho intermittent type. This “Ague Cure” removes the cause of these derJingcinonts, and cures the disease. This it accomplishes by stimulating the excretorics to expel the virus from the system; and these organs by degrees become habited to do this their office of own accord. Ilcnco arises what wc term aceti • a'son Time may accomplish tlte same end, but rp,’' n iSfi, *„ not long enough, or is sacrificed in the nMcmot witiio J'is “AoubOukb” does it at once, w ? t h safety W’a Have great reason to believe this t surer as well as sate.’ nnnedy sot- the whole class of diseases which are cause.. v , 1 miasmatic infro tiou, than any other Whi. k has licen discovered, and it has still another important advantage to the pu>>- lie*, which U, that it is cheap a-*> a 3 rnEPAREi> BY - DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS.'* Price One Dollar t'tit BoTty-if. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such n renown for the cure of every satiety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is cn t're’y unnecessary for us to recount the evideneo of its virtues, wherever it has boon employed. As it has Jong been in constant uso throughout this sec l -t, wo need not do more than assure tho peopla | ,-.'i n-ia’Hy is kept up to the best it ever btu I wen, and tn.'t it may bo relied on to do for their ruJicC j a'.! it has ever been found to do.. ! Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, i For all tin purpose! of a Purgativs Madiciuo. i Fox COSTtVEKESS; Fort the Cube of Dvsfemia; Fob .lAUNbtofi; Fob the Cube of Inuioustiok; Fob Hkadachl:; Fob the Cube of Dtsexteiit ; Fob a Foul Bto.u.:ch ; Fob the Cube of FkvsifklAs; Fob The Fills; Fob the Cube of Suuoplla: . For all Scuofulou* CoJtn.AtKTS} Fob tue Ci f b of Rntoi.Ti*st; Fob Diseases of Tn.: Slits; Fob the Curb of Livek Comflaint; , For DbOpst; Foil tbe Cure of Tetter, Tumors, axo *Ai.r* bheui: ; Fob Wo-|ts; Fo* the Cum. or fjoerr; Fob a I>iNS,:it Pill; Fob t:ik Cube ok Nlurai.g ta ; Fob. Fcbif xiNd the lifcoou. TheT a: t sagsr-cwifcd, sh that the mowt sensitive esn take tHoi” p!cK.-orttly r and’ being purely vegetabh ,no ; harm can wise#ron Htoiruso in any quantity. Pric 26 wat* per Bore Fiva Boxas for 31.00. j Great nuß>ers #f dctgymeii, Physfenwis, Stan*. men, and cmii ent personages, have lent their names ’ to certify the t iporaUbfCd asefuitwss of these retnv -1 dies but our S. uns kere;wlll not permit Hie inscrtioiv lof them Tho a rents belbw named furnish grat.s cue I America!* At*.-MAC'JiI which ts. w arc given; i also full dcscript o> of the nb.ivn complsinU, and tho treatment tha. t'ol.i.wvd for tlir car.. I>-> not be put off by igtri*fpKaf/U.-ar wltfrota. rt I preparations they ) mkr* more-profit on. il-ruan l. ! Aveb’s, and take no Others- ’Oie H-k want tlte Skst. ! aid there is for them, and theyshoald have it. All our Remedies at* for salw hr’ For sale by J. Hen-w ‘Voort, GreenesH rr.n*ii l> Higittoa ti. While P.'gjn*. ]>•).’ .• fl ‘-Ir; TO CONSUMPTIVES ARP SERVOES surrsßSijas, Fl'ltlß • til'stitittr, ftr sevtra! stars a roai- J. dent of ‘sia, discovered while there, is simple vogetiH’e * emedy—a aura Ottre for Con snmption, Attfima, Biorichit ia, Coughs, Cold r and Xenov* Debility. For • :.e benefit of Con sntnpliveH and .Vernons fUtffervrs, he i. willing ><j make the -am- jrilili-. To those will <l. sir it be will send tho Pre j sort, tint., with i’u i d.reut,onß, (free of cl^n/e); ! also n sample of the niedicine, which tli%“aill i fimi a beautiful oaihitiatfon of Nature’s sintpla | herbs. Thosedt-s-ring the Remedy can obtain : it by return mail, bv a hi cessing J. B Cni HBKR", ♦ HOT l Mi 1 PSIYKiCIAX, No. 4>9 Sroadway, M. Y. Be sure to call at Massey & LansdelVs and price their goods before purchasing elsewhere! SiOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Jvatitytioii at tab linked by Special * Endowment for ll.c J <luj <J </ l)itrec. , afflicted with Virulent, nr<l Epidemic I)incur *. TIIF O'aril At sociatior, i \Ur- tb( ,., awful destruction of>.nr J#l( j,f e by disea-sis, and tbe < , . t *ct- r *icr.s praaticedt upon the unfortunate vi.cim* of aoch diseases by qiiactts, several \c j-k apof .feted (heir con sulting Surgeon, v a, char italic act worthy of their name. tODpea t f hspensary for the treat meat of tiii.s mast or diseases, in all their forms, and to give Metical ndtie. gratia to all ti ho ] y by bttev -fth a description of their con* < ion (ago. oecrjJMion, habits of life, ,vc). and 1-1 -ate., of extreme {werty. to furnith Medicine urea of charge. It and. ss to add that the Wocialion ommands tin highest medical skill •)< the Age an. wi 1 furnish the most apf roved motlctr tre .‘met t The Directors of f.b*Ass ■ fat:on i. tieii annua! Report upon the treat . i:t ..f sexua’ - ‘■<***'■", express the highest s- t. ifie.’t n ‘ h tb*. su. ee ■ which has attended the labor of “Vlr Surgeon;,’ in the cure of sem • !jr- aknesft, diseases of the Kidney a and Blad dr, &c U "d r ider a < onttrniancesof the same plan for t*. eneuirg jtnr. Vein able report*&y Spermatonho* a, and oth tr diseases of sexual Organs, and the new reme dies employed in the Dispinsary. rent to the afllicted in sealed letterenveJopei-,free of charge Two or 2 Stamps for postage will beacceptable. Address, Dr J Skim.iv lloioiito.v, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association. No. 2 South 9th s'.., Phi ad&lphiii. Pi; ! y mi. rof the Direc tor* K/.KA K HAhtTVV EI.L, Pruident. Gko. Kairoihi.d. Sec’ru, fnov. Ift \ftfl-ly Jolt Work of all kinds neatly done at this offie on short notice.