Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, September 12, 1860, Image 3

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ll Plt.-.T*’ Weekly. Pievwus to niv c niiectlnn *5 n pupil, i witL Anirlnai fer the | tiotl of till) Dual'and Dm: 1). ‘!s L.'-]"ipti j h .Mr. O. I*, Finuu, 1 waeju statu oi ignorance and HnrknrM. tlurirg mv ear-j ly childhood, 1 could lu-vi r lie taught by neither my relatives, nor friend*, lion- to [ read and write, on account of niy deafness ! and dumbreß from jnv infancy. Because , tkey were not acquainted witlt the lan-! gunge of plain signs and the dial*and! dumb alphabet, I never knew about God, and llis Son Jesus Christ, and a'l Hi- i works, I was twelve years of age. In 1850 I set out for Cave Spring that is in Fioyd Cos. Georgia, with my brother, and when We reached there, we found the Asylum o pleasantly situated ns to incline me to r unain there for education rather than at home. My brother left there the next day for home, I was i., company with the daf and dumb pupils, ;.t)d their good and kind teachers u school, 1 was very much interested in seeing them together spell ing on their fingers and conveying their ideas by signs during the school tune, 1 never saw the like before. .My kind tea-sh ir gave me a manual alpliaW and at fi.- st I tried to learn how to spell it on mv lin gers. Soon after I could articulate, as rapidly as a boy speaks, I made rapid JiTOgress in studying and learning the con attraction of llio English language, and discipline and continued under instruction six years, I have the pleasure of reflecting upon tlie good advantages. 1 have securer, since the beginning of my education in the Asylum, it I nad never been con ltected with this noble institiftoii, I should have had a life of darkness and been ex posed to temptation and ruin. How grate ful I ought to feel towards God, my kind Heavenly Father, for his having led me into a life of light. Many deaf and dumb boys and girls have been to As\ lum to bo relieved and enlightened and prepared by •education for useful nets and happiness while, many others are still ignorant and •unhappy. A Dbaf axu Di:a Mute. Hr. Lipscomb. We see it staled thal Dr. A. A Lips comb, of Tuskegeo. Ab., has accepted ;ii : Chancellorship of me University oi Gksor gin. The ,V O. Adrocatc says of him : •‘Few men of ins age have done r.s much for the Christian culture and Social t>uie of Alabama as Dr. Lipscomb. He is a model College president and College i’r.oacLer. M ny nun thirt ,;;c ..'..0 r,t;- * * * *'■ n nun • 1 . • ‘I equal to mm in t- SV ;,, ' r ..-uc k.uowi edge .pert tiniog tn so:-!j p.miihins ; but for #'<i!ig and enlarging. in the udmifc of students the ideal and vuine. af e lucatiou ; tor that iuspiraftoi) and'unction oi Lnstrac* | tiutt which ninths wiry ttuiii a gn-pel, i and every lesson a means of grace ; for taking liei-dj'nnto the. stn itn.t Sock over which the llujy Ginat hath wide him overseer} 1 >r showing forth in. own Manner and spirit ili.-u m id,-i of C iristi.iu ’.do which sdiould he tSi-.; object ol all st it. lent * ; for obh..Toting the Hues be t w *:f . s" and religious, avoiding oil illness in die one, ;.ml cant an .1 p!m r:yism in (Jie oilier, and .making ml life a bean nf ul psalm of service to God ; in short, for the relight-.i the beatify of holiness, the •life ;tml power,’ of ejn .•aHon, wo li.-ive never been assort-ited • ith bis equal. II it thoriusUtHl ion to winch iie g,,’on should that lie Isas “this treasure, ill ttu (-.irtheu ves-e.!.” ;ind that vessel a very trail one. Jlo should bo IVesiuent bu! tint a I'rofessoi for his body will not bear it. Talking to the. Prince. —-Tips Canadian j mrunls are giving the I’iincc of Wains •sonic, lessons in politics, which probably may set him thinking seriously, it the pur pose of his visit is to see about establish ing a vice royalty. The Hamilton Times, 11,1 silting of his intended \ bit to the United Slates, remarks'; “A valuable lesson will the y >ung Prince learn from observing the prosperity ol that people whom his ances tors drove lo rebellion. He will see, bow little a f/cu and energetic people really depend upon princes ; limv easily they can b- dispensed with; mil how wise it is tdbijn-use with them when they misuse <he prerogatives which are cut rusted to them for the people's beualii.'’ Fratn the evident approval of tlie example referred to, it is evident that, the writer could have no loyal scruples against following it if the same necessity existed. SxonA ‘he Mitiau. —O ir friouil, Colo nel Lochrnr.e, delivered an address at the late commencement of the Reform Medical College, at Macon—-the concluding ro fnarks of which are so universal in their .application that wo transcribe them. The -Colonel said : “Asa means of resisting the temptations of youth, I would only repeal j* long entertained conviction that young -lien should marry early in life, and ‘com mence its cases with some loving heart to lean upon, and the inspiration of some soft .sweet voice to nerve him for the eanfhet •of care into which he enters. Let her bo no painted butterfly to lead him along the (lath of pleasure ; but let kii dues warm mr heart, affection beam in her eye. trath cling to her lips, and above all let her intel ligence he linked with religious convi toins. With her, life’s darkest hours will brighten with hope,its worst fortunes be met with coin age, She will bring heaven to earth, to cheer yeti with fit* promises; and even through hwteara will rise a bow of hap tines* to spue wotir future, and betoken a righter to-morrow for vour fortunes.”— Trot Drmcormt. Sards’ Sahsaj-aki ia.— The ordinal and gonuin* article for polity ig tin b..>od, for aerofulous and ulct-rous afi* ebons, nr.d for a'l dreams* in whitth s-truepeuU* is recommended by the Faculty. This vmuv lopreparsrionop er tea simultaneous!? upon the Stomach, the •Jirou latum, and the Bowels, and ■ gently stim ulates, while it dnsengsgi's and expels ‘rom the -ytem all that is irritating amt prrjudi-1 clai to b,4-ly health, being pu tly it j ia pcrf-otl harmless in is op ration, tfietnoM | delicate persons may take i at anv t jin is with perfect \ - IWptrel i„,l gell ly An ,t D S.IXDS, ■ Dr*g,itl, 10 Fo'lni Strett, X So and l*\ bjf J II HU.I, %*l ItraagitU generally. A negro buy being sent by bis master to borrow a pound >f Uni from bis neigh bor, (lias delivered Ids message : “Missutf maasa sent me nber to boriow or beg a pound of bog tallow. He *cd lie goV do uht sour up in do pen fatten em; be gwiiio t* kill her day before yvaterlay, an lie come over .week lor Inst iui pay all you owe n* “*• New. l-cgnl Advertlaeincms ~T~~ ~ ~~ —y J ftOTICjK, | 4 >-I- ‘. iid .o h* Y. talc >f Jamw I I •'*. it.ivi- a,, iate of said crunty -ea-ei, I I are reque-te-l to make immediate payment, and I nil ‘having claim- against said deceased will present them duly proven to the undersigned, ! within the time prescribed nr law. MARGARET 0 ‘YISON. Atlra’rx, jamps davison, Admr. September 3d, 1800. —Gw. NOTICE. GEORGIA, Gkecnk Cotsjy.—Two months after date, to-wit: On the'first Monday in November next, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to “ell a portion of the real estate belonging to the estate of William D. Maddox; deceased. VALENTINE D. .I'ESIIAM.) v . MARSHALL K. STuV.iLL, ( I ’' s August dUtli 1860. —wtd. Administrator’s Sale. EO3RGIA, Greene County.—By virtueof X an Order of the Court of Ordinary, for said county, will be sold before the court-house* door in Greenesboro’ on the first Tuesday in November next, all the lands, —ti'JO acres more or less—belonging to tho estate of George Crutchfield , deceased lying about eight milts oast of Green -sb to on the Powclton Road. 0a the premises is a good Dwelling House, also, a good gin house and all other necessary out buildings. About 250 acres, or more, is ji the woods; the balance cleared and u -dor go< and fence. Persons wishing to see the lands will please call on Mr. John Crutchfield, who lives on an adjoining place, or on the undersigned ’ Terms on the day of sale. .1 MES BERK, Adm’r. of Gorge Crutchfield , Deceased. Grrcneshoro', September W, 1850. GEttlHilA, Greene County. \AJ lIEUK.Vs, .fames iV . Jackson, Guardian IT of James D Champion, petitions this ourt for Letter of Dismission from said Guar dianship : It s hre fore ordered that all persona con-erncd iie and appear at the Cos a t .ford-nary to lie held a and f.n- said county on the first Monday ii November next to show cause (if any they have) why tsAid Guardian should not then he diseaargi'd. Ordered further that a c opy of this rule be pub is,ie.l forty day's in terms of the law. •V true extract from tho minutes of Greene C u.t of Ordinary, “epteitiber Term 1860. LUU vNICS L. KING, O <l y. SALS or 118 l L E STATE. BV an O.vlc: Os .the Court of Ordinary ol • reene ounty, .7* 1 be sold on the firs; iUE.DA’i IN OVEMIit Ii utxt, before the ‘’curt House in G cce.cboro, Cree/l? County i..'-sale) .rset of Laid lyii % •• Lilt'; River, n. ‘ ‘ eoufit/, vrhei.ioo C’ok A'-s.rhm <’ esformitb In ved, and ‘now be hw.ging to the t*o Minoi i of. A. Jam.:, ilict-asid, cmitulnii g nb-.Bt j i2-5").'ii rsix 1.1 and red aid r.fty wires, s,!■; -,ut!ls:nu;:r oi Uu 1 is one of llli most vaiunbL i;i M edit iVtotg.r, a vcr. ■i c rop ; tf-i'n of bottom land, in a high Vi&io ■ f culliv&ti.jr, snd a’.£o a !u-'ge pr< por tion of aoed ad. j file i : pf-orsu-.t. (, 6n Ike p! . e -ire ill tint 1 epul i be liesti-e ! |.r pian.i g or .(arming pur p s-ns The p a-tati’ ii is in fii‘t fs!e re pair, a tv, rv pa: t’.cii’ar. I’utoniß dishing to j-ur ’i i.-e vrou •! ii- ne'l to i- .1 ad iX.inoiu-. — Jr A. o>i itie place ill -how ail the ~,d.-its t>a- y oi, - desiring to purchase. So and or he pU'p-is -of divisloi.-. i-4?~ funis--me<l pnya'le on the •25. hos Dec-mber Istifl, One l*f. ltd due in • .• 25 h D.ce.;b<! i 6'; ‘end p ! >e Thlj-d ■ ni jxoie on l- •• /• -Ail, ie< eet.-ee, 1 tni‘2, will, ’ .. ..- .*•„ h “. *: 1 -:.Su s, e", oi t'. j av • i ;.V iu* vru it^. Any in fti. r h.fotsb .4>n can be luu; by ap | ply log Air A At: G King on ‘io piece, or by J tester to cuhsr of the uad rs g red, at fei.- Ia id, G.-oruis. ■ T-iOMAS P. JANES, ) .. ... j J \ MES A. SANDERS, ( ~x‘ ” ! September :J 1 c(i ‘. Urci-uc khciill'* sale. WILL be su'd I t-forcthe C.,urf 11. use do;-? in the city of Greene .-boro on the first j Taesdav in October nexi. be. tve-ui tho ’egul j hintrs,-f -ahvthe fo-lowing. pro) ortv t> --.vit: Two hundred acres of 4an-l, more or le-“. j a Ijyin'mg'iVids of Dr IT. f Carlton, Janus 15. i l’ait and others. Levied on as the property'of | it. A, Newsom, to satisfy a ft f from Greene ! Superior Cburf in favor of H M •!**• law rs iR. -\ Ni'ws m. Pi- | i-rtr i o.nted tint bv -a and ! Newtom J i> EN iLlall, IK - ii’ff- August D'Jth. 18d0. notsci:. G GEORGIA,GkebneOocnty —Twom ntlis after date, I shall apply to tho Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell a portion of the r al estate belonging to the es tato of James A Moody, deceased ; > ELI AS 11. YQODY, Ex'r. of -Jaines A, Moody, deceased. August 29th, l--G!k ~ NOTICE. ON. die first Monday in October next I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of Greene county, Gil., for leave to sell tho uogreos belong ing to my ward, Man A. Parrott. M. AV. LEWIS, Guardian-. July 24th, 1860. —td. NOTICE. ON the first M inday in (tetober next 1 will apply to the Court of Ordinary of Greene ! county On . for leave to sell the negroes of my 1 ward. -Jcifi cy C. I’arrott. A. A. JERXIG vN. Gnardhm., : July’24th',’ 1860. —td. ExecutaC* Sale. \\7 1 IT ke sold bet lire the L'ourt-H. use door * * .ii/nie etty of Grceaexhoro, on tho first Thiv<lify in Ott ober -next, within the legal hours of sal-, Threo fdpi >) hundred acnxs of land, more’ I or less, aiffoip'ng lands of Stephen Jackson and j o lets. AK Forty-two (425) aud one half ia- e- of land, .more or less, adjoining lands of •J. W. D uith aud others. J. IT. SMITH Per j Aug 15.186A’ C. SMITH, Ex'r.r. jtJ NOTICE'. GEORGIA. Greene Count?. —All persons indebted to the estate of Wiliam D. Mad dox, late f saW guinty deceased, are requested to make immediate pay incut, and all persons having claims against said decem-ed -w’l pre sent them 3u’y proven to the .undersigned with in the time JVC* -ribed In Law*. VALkK riNK D. GRESHAM. V r , MARSHALL K. rTQVA L, t *** *■ m” in. ft. Maldnx, deceased. ‘ August tlth,-lSCt).’ —krlhn, j— . . .. Ct- . —.- —. _ i EiecKlr’s * le. I %X7ll*lbe s dd before the Court-House door ! I If in Greencsbcro, Greene* County, Ga., within the legal hours of rule, on the first Tues j day m October next. One tract or parcel of land containing (J 35) Three Hundred uiWl Thirty-Five acres, more or lose, lying on the j waiters of SboulderlKuic Creek in said county, 8 -Id in accordance with the la-t W 111 and Tes tament of llurod Irby, deceaooil, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. ‘Perrus otnlaT of sale. ’ WAAC A. WILLIAMS. Anut T*tK. 1 hoc. Ft sen (or. Lrinl Alverfiteinpnis, GEOii',l , nr.x: I'orxTV - bi-rr** IVii lia h S. Dei-, sod <j,todiii T. .Mi rick, | Ex<fiiiors of ihi-lisr AVi-1 and T .-t .iiu-nl of i Mr*'’■trail AV. Rowland, deceased, jictitun thp Court of Ordinary of .-aid county lor Letters Dismissory: These arc ther forc to cite and admonish all persons concern, and to Show cause (if any they hare) why said Fxecutors should not be dis charged at the Court of Ordinary to he 1 eldjn and for snM coar.ty -n the second M >nd yDx •J.vnuiry 1301. Given mid-, r mv handle office in Graincibc-ro, July sth, IS6O. F, GENIUS L. KING, QrdV. GEORGIA, Gkeesk Cointy.—Whereas* John Li. Memit iindTbos. J. P. Atkinset Ad oi istrators upon the estate of J ovitt Mer ritt deceased, petition the Court ofOtdinatv 0 f said county for Rutters Di-mi>Sor\ .- TANARUS: ese an- therefore t> c<e a dadn-ofibh ah oeraorts cone, rm il, to o - caost (if any they ‘aVe') Why said Administrators should n t'b discharged at tie Court of Ordinary to be held in arid for said cour.ty on the second Monday •'n January 1861. Given under my hand at office in Greene* boro. Julv sth, 1860. < EUGENIUS L. KING, (Jrd’y. Georgia, gbuhxs Cobkey.- -vvh. r,a-. Isaac A. Williams, Administrator dt boni. noil of the estate of Joseph Grimes', decea eii, lefrtions the Court of Ordinary of sai i county orßctte:s Dism ; ssory: Tnese are therefore to cite and admonish all ersons concerned, to show cause (if any. tin y have) wh\ sai i Administrator should not 1 e (iicbarged at the Court of Ord-narv to he hole i>- and for said count on the first Monday i:“ fT>;-nib-r next. Given under rnv hand at office in Greenpsb iro, June 4t 80b, EUGENICS r. RING, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Giiekxe CouxtV.—Whereas Is ac A. VTi! iains, dminisGator upon he estate of Mrs. Harriet L.Grinles, dec ase<- netitions the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons cone, r-ed, to show cause (if any they nave) why said Administrator should not be liseha-eed at the Com t of Ordinary to be held in and for said county, on the fi-st Mood yin Dernnber next. Given under mv ham: ,t offi;:- in G u'enrs’o *•>. thk June 4tit iB6O. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord’y. /~1 EORilfA, Gct'ENi ChI'NTT. - Wberras, S rmia! Ajl A ti n; .-ll.'AJniii.istrcMe Ce !) n -non.wiili rhi Will ennexed, upon iheestao- of Mi Kinney flowell leceaswt, pet ti n- the (i.jurt of Oroiuarjr ol sai ! euuniy lor L tiers (i sini-sory : ‘tliese are therefon incite and adinon-sfi nil. and -Jugular die kindred auderedrln- sos said-lecra-ed Cos show cause (il any they bnv-) >h. said Administrator should riotb-. diai-.n.irje I at. liieTonrt of Oniinnry to In- held in and lor said county on ihe first Monday in Xi.eeinbi r next. Gi*en linger my lini i at i ffiee in Greenesboro, A,ml *2 mI, H ;t). I'IJGENKJS Is KING, O iVy. (< r.Ol{(i A, Ghkenk County ~ Wherf-tift, Frt-fier i- V Fuller, Aiitiiinigtrrttor upt.-n the fftnto <•: \V;}?!•*, tieae-M. fl, p ruins thr C u r t of O lim ‘* r '* Qv f r 1/ tiers l};Dfih?o- y : TJ./s’ art to c.t n { adinoni b. Ml hi m- ;k I (* creditors c l said '**#<•• naf H o.Tio.v cor,f (if any \ hl V -ate) whysaM A fintMr nior wlionld u i hf d-.t-herpi ‘h ut.theCourt of n-tu to b ‘ fit-ill T inut f r sMtl C*'”JP7 OH t! e fir?- Monci y Octub ‘ r - cxf ‘ in, u r,)\* hani at f> ,r i c m Miner, ( ‘ Ll'C-WV* L KING, Or >,\v. (4 ORGIA. gbkkne Cor!..-y ----71 Will in TV. Moore, Giardian of Aastri j Howe!!, now Austria M:pn, j efi'ions this Cou ts.., L-.Ujrs'Di.::i'rsoev freta •md Guar j .lian-hl) : Hist, refer oide-ed th t all persons coo eer: . he nr.d a; fer i t tt-o C( on <1 Ordii.a- ! rv to i.e field in mid :'„i-: it'd c umy on th< first Monday in Ooiol-.rr next, tosin.w c Ji’se (if snv n e;: h;.v-)’wtiy said Guatdiar. sl.i-ulcnet thei be discharge'll. U’ der< (i butfeor that it cojir of this Rule he .mbi-sl'C'l TANARUS: ! I*. davs i- teems oft; e law. A u. - x i. • is in the m-rtuu-s o 1 aa'rti Ccun. A>2-rue a j ,:r*'ed tern* ‘b(i*>. i.UJEXH 8 L. KING Oi’dy. CITATION. STATE OF UEOitWIA, 1 In the (Tu.t Urccnu County. | of Ordinary, i To June nu‘.ch:t?n and her hatband James j Uutche-iO;,: ! t> paper parpmTi.g fg U- t!.c I ! r la.-.f VVill und IVttaaieat and Codicil o ! Sarah V a Ike.*, iT. cased, ha? been filed in this o!Sc?: and, who-easy tfamttei I?. • Talker the mu'..''! lixcctit it* in raid ill, has petitioned tUV Court that the said Will and TiMlainent and .Codicil mqy he ji. t,M;ii in S deinn form, and that the Legatee..;, Devisees and llairs at Law he cited for that purposes; ami, whereas, Jane il u';-lii\-;i >s, wise ii diiniCs lluiehosiin, a lega te-’ nmned in sa-vi .y .ill, fosides t>ey- n<t the;J;iiit ils -of the state of Georgia t These arc t{n reibre to cite and require the said Jane lint boson anil her husband James Hutcheson, to he and appear at the Court of Ordinary tube held in and for said county of Greene, on the first Monday in November, Eigh teen Hundred and sixty, f (he same being the day fixed by the undersigned for the probate of said Will) at the Court House in the City of Greencsborough, at 10 o’clock, a. .., to attend upon said probate, en*l to shew eansc (if amythey have) why sad vs iff and Testament and Codicil should pot thon be proven in Solemn form. Given under my hand and offieml si’gnatiire at Greom+boroetrh, thisSOth day of July IBod EUGRXIU-S L. KING; Ordinary of Greene County Georgia. August Ist., 1860 —wOOd Aiaijiistrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Cum nk Cm MV. —By vidue of an <),dcr fr im the Couit of Drdiin jry of said c nutty will !)•■ soldb forethe Court House and or in thu city of Greenesboro, on the first Tuesday in October next, w ithtn the fecal hours of sale, the foil wing N groew, to-wit: Ade lioe, a woman about 22 years oftfegc and htr tiireechildren, to-wit: Sebroii about (! v.ia's of age. Mart 1 a about 4 pears of age, and Mare about 18 months of age, and o e old w oman iiHtned Winny, about c 5 years of age. Sold £ *he property belonging to the Estate of Peur C a kc, deceased, fir the benefit of the beds and creditors of .-a and dec-used. Terms made hre>n on the day of tale. J \M&* SMITH, Adm’r. of I’et r C.arke, and. c sstd August 1-th, 18i;0. —tds. NOTICE. T wo moatha after date, to-wit ; on the first 1- Monday in Ortolier next. I shall apply to the Court pi Ordinary of Greene County. Geor gia, for leave't rsell all the real estate belong ing to tho estate of Thomas Merritt,- Sr , dec’d. JAM MERRITT, Ex’r. of July 2th, 1800 Thus. Memtti'deeM NOTICE. ,f|t H O months after date, to-wit: on the first : X Monday in • Hitnlier next. I- ‘shall apply to I the Court “f Ordinary of Greene Connty for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the cs- I tate of John 11. Snellings, deceased. FREDERIC CHI LLER. Adm r. of Jnp. 11. Snellings, dec’d. Greenesboro, July 30fh,’80. A j £ a. i NOTICE, i r after date, to-wit: on the first I. OWober next. I slmll apply to the Court of Ordiuany of tireKe'County, Ga., for leave to sell thu Real Estate and Negroo# belonging to the estate of Sherwood Stanley, deceased M. F. FOSTER. Utn'r. d* benit non with the Will annexed of Kfcee- 1 wvod Stanley, dss'd. —July 21th. IBOA Miwrttanr*u Advrniremrutit. SOUTHERN RiOHm MUCH has boon said of lute übmt S-,utli eru Mights rtii 1 Okuliliern Trade. wj.- ciolly since the L uarkGion Convention, V'jtt can now, “show your laith bv vour works.” J; TV. WINFIELD. Offers lor sale HARNESS of alt kinds, made iu this city, out of the best Southern material by a Southern man and he will give a Southern, tear rantee, for all work done in his shop. He is j prepared to make, to order, anything -from a throat-latch of a Bridle to tho finest Carriage | Harness. ItayOull at his shop in front end of Brother Copelan’s Livery Stable and you will he waited, eg,by a Southern man. G. TV. GROGAN, reenesboro. May 15. [feb.22-ly] Agent. FAJN MILLB7 f|T H £ subrcribeis have f--r sale MOA 4GOMERI A BRO S., Celebrated Wheat Fans. That wilt cfei-n ‘* bushel per r inu'e. A so, TAPPUN’S Ilorte Poueis ami Tlircsliors, luq ire of J. OUSTINGII AM, o r HOWELL <£ NEARV. N. B.—‘’ustomers wanting grinding dons must have it in the Mills the first of the week, reenesboro, April 18,1860 ts, J. C. ARMS 7 I v RONG r & WILSON, Having determined to close their business, propose to give all, who are willing to patronize them, the advantages of tho profits on their entire Stock of Goods by SMJbia- Them at Cost. All those -vlsliing to purchase Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter Goods, would do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as our pro position in all cases will be Strictly Adhered to. TVe also, propose to sell our St- re-House and L it, which is decidedly the best Stand in the Town of I’enfield. All those that are in arreares in scttle j.ngfhejr abMuhtw, are respectfully requested to settle bv Note if they hav’nt the money. ARMSTRONG & WILSON. Penfi-M, August 2nd, 1860. —w4m. NEIV CARPET STORE. Gr. A.T.Xj'SIJES Cftj Bno^TTßra Direct liftpoters of all kinds of C ARPETINGS. ■•••■ Mailings in ail Widths anil Colors Manufactured £'r|tet Lining, Imported Door Mats lings-, Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Curtains, Curtain Materials, Cornices, Bands, Loops, Ac. WALL PAPE HI KG IK CHEAT VARIETY, All of which we will sell at the 3•;v cti market j-.i-ieos. Terms cask. Patronage solicitf-*;- 205 BUOAD STBIiET, AVGUSTA, GA, SPlarpets made up with dispatch, [mar. 30, isgo-Jv ci:' kauffergbaum &~co7 Ws\§lEMl% IU? ®®l®S E.STA.BLI STM EAT, 17v. Broad Street • 177. Under the Augusta Hotel, Augusta, Ga. —: TWE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULTY INFORM .Merchants ami Dealers that they have just completed their arrangements for the coming ; : . _ , Fall ami Winter Vernon, Out Store has htn enlarjre.l to DOUBLE its former size, thereby making it the lar gest Store in the STATE OF GEORGIA ! Our Stock, whiuli for Variety of the troSf desirable -Goods, is unsurpassed in this State, will, in every respect compare favt'rnhle with any house either in Charleston, or any other Southern City. It is our intention to establish a regular Wholesale Jobbing House. SELLING EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, Which, as an old fact, is the only Way to Buy Goods CHEAP. Having a similar es tablishment in New York city. Which our Mr. 1. Kauffeii is manager, it is easy to he perceived that we have Superior Facilities in obtaining (he Latest NOV- “ ELTIES as they appear in market. We* Would only ask the favor of an examination ofourStoek and Prices before going elsewhere and we will proveto the Trade that we can sell Goods fully ns Cheap as any other Wholesale House; besides saving your time tor further traveling, and ninny other expenses. JUST 3EL 3H5 023 I V 331 U , Black and.Colored GASHMIERS ; SATINET; Kentucky JEANS and TICKS’ Black and Colored CLOTH ; KERSEYS, OSENBERGS, (DENI MS) • ’ Georgia STRIPES, Marlboro’ PLAIDS and STRIPES. CALICOES OF ALL KINDS! Debcges, Cedestiali, L-lvelia Cloth, Barege, Delaines, Bombazine, Alpacas, Delaines, Marellas, ALL WOOL Delaines, ENGLISH MERINOS! Black SILKS; Silk ROBES, PQPLINS, I’OUARDS ; Fancy and Plain SILKS ; India nnd China SILKS. Brown and White Sheeting and Shirting! Irish LINENS, Table COVERS. Table f LOTUS; DIAPER. DAMASKS, DOYLES, NAPKINS, TOWELS, BRILLIANTS, Marseilles QUILI’S. E 31 BROIDERIES ’ Hat RIRONS, COR SET 6; Velvet RIBONS, FRINGES ; Morocco and Silk BELTS. LACES, WHITE GOODS, of all kinds. M A DIES’ AND HISSES’ HOOP SKIRTS / TRIMMINGS, YANKEE NOTIONS; HOSIERY, and GLOVES of all hindt. u BED AND NEGRO BDANKETS, &Ci. &C. Our Manufactory of Cloaks and Mantillas. . Thuonly-on* hrthe Souther States, is in FULL OPERATION now ; and we venture to snv tliat we can offer these Articles BETTER finished, and more suitable Southern TASTE. As Cheap as any Northern Hoiim. Just rive 4>s the pleasure of an early call, and convince yourselves of the | above facte; - KAUFFER, BAUM & CO. 175 and 477 Broad Street, Under tbe Augusta Hotel. Augusta, Ga. f | Angntta, Gu I KAVFPEB W. V August 83d, IWSO. fmsy 29, 1860.| —wly | • niscplluufous Adverlis. niruts i PLUMI) & J.KH NKR. KcAr Post Oilice Corner Broad fil.. Augusta, Georgia- WUOhKsAhF. UKAI.KBS IN Pore Medicines, Chemicals, i ug t, 1 til ;t, (11. C?m, fer'amcry. Crushes, Fine Toilet Articles, Surgical and Dental Inslrnments, Warranted Garden Seta At., 4'"- Our stock is perhaps the most complete in ’ the city, ami our articles for purity a e not sur i passed hv those of anr Concern. I Sept. 28-1 y. PLUMB k. I BITS’EII. ‘FaYR'NOTICE.” TIIV Books of onr Stoic and Ilirness Shop are in the hands of J is. \V. Winfield, tc whom payment must be nude; our means r<- tor limited to give longer indulgence, our Cred itors are wanting their money We therefore five each, and all, fair notice that after a reasonable tim \ we w,il use ti■> most effectual means to wind up our lawks. We hope therefore you will--are us ‘roolft and yourselves expense. WINFIELD A Km ITB. Feb. 22d IS6O. dm. ~ FOR SAM. 7f? Darrels of K-rnhed Wsiky ; • J 25 Barrels, Old Htt* Mirifit>gih*la j ‘2O • X Whu-ky : ‘2O “ XX 20 XXX - “ 20 Baskets Pea-1 ChampAigne; 15 “ Mumm,B “ 15) Boxes Tobacco, of different brand* ; by 0 ALSO, 250 Barrels Rectified Whiskey-; •45 Whit* WLiftln y. Aucriißta A-r 25 Iftfio M L ALLEOUD ” GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! fTMIE undersigned has put up a shrn for tin JL purpose of Jinking and Bepairins Double Guns, Rifles & Pistols. Twill do all work entrusted to me with noat ucss and dispatch, on reasonable terms, aid w irrant it tiSP Give rue a Call. Shop ovo J. P. Aiilstroms’ Jew.-lrv st- re. IF. if A ’ill WALTER. 1 ffreencsboro’, July IH. 1860. —3m. * ft jrso.v> .<* Mountain Herb Pills. Ainvu. wo present von with a perfect* nt : tis a tribe of the atrange Axbrc Dnt once rul**| Mexico. You will find a full am unit of him a ul his in onr I’ninphlrt* nnd Almanac*—to !>•• Ji ill gratis. from the Agents for these IMII*. U'o ijivtttjli.r nnd inanufacturer of *• Jurison** M.m.u taio Herb l*ifl>4.” lia* spent the givstor fiul ot hi* liiv in •*i i v-l nir. having v inker I nearly every In the . wi‘;M lie spiMi t over *ix years isnmng I lie ]inJ-ao- .| tan Rocky M •untniuA awl of Mexico, and it w t* *1 H* ‘ Nf ‘UXTAIv liKKH ITIU” wore iliscoveied- A >--.y inte.-w-ting account of his>c!venttm>il tlirrv yot wil f. ‘ n our .Vlt;i:i; c stud l’mpliict. I is an estullidiK. fact, that nil dhriiscß nr** sis tn IMPUKE ftI.OOD I The U*k*l is tin* life l aiJ il when iy foreign er ttvhrt hhy mnUvr g*ts tnited with it, it in at uco dita-tR nh (. ‘•very organ *f the body Every nerve the JWtiMiu. mi l all tin* vital organs quickly complain. The efoms- h wid not digfst Hie food perfectly. The liver cr:tn* sverete a stifliciency of bile. The action of tin* Itorl in weakened, ami so the circhlation is lit*Me. The h.ig* become clogged with 4)‘ iwlsonbu* tnatter ; lienee', : rough—and all from h al'ght impurity at the fti.ntiun head of life—the blood! As if you had thrown *; earth, for installed, in a pure spring, from which ran e tiny m ulct, in a lew’ minutes the whole, course of the stn-ani becomes distirb<*d and discotore*!. As qui.-l. d‘M*s impure hloml fly to every part, and leave’ Its slii g liehind. All the pas:<jige.s Income obr'.rocted, ai'd itnWsg the obstruction is removed, the lamp o f life Bonn dii“ oit These pills not only purify the blood, but regeu. run nil the secretions of the body; they are, therefore, t/ifi i>. it cat :* s a CLUE FOR lULIOUS DISEASED Fiver Complaint, Sick Headache. &c. This Medicine expels from the blood the hidden >*•*!*, dis ease. and renders all the fluids and secretion* pure ami 11 ueiil. clearing and resuscitating the vital organ*. I‘lfcusant indeed, is it to us 1 , that we are aide to nUre within your reach :i medicine like the “ MoTnVain ihou 1 l.t>\ M that will pass directly to the nliTicted .part*, thisnigh the blood and fluids of the body, and rWn *• tiie siilteier to brighten with the fluah ot bvnuU a: <i health. Jut Ison's Pil!s ure the Pest firm city in exist ence for /ht following Complaints: n frw Complaints, lability. In tim'd HV.tKiw, C “ : .fiS t Ihtr an<l At}"*, lAver Combining Pntiale (hmjdaints.Loinias nj Hpititt, f'herl Diseases, J/eiulachns , f't'/n, f'nslirencst, Indifitslion, Nl/mt and /h/sf)e;i>ia, Inf Diana, tStonulary Sym p Dianhtxa, Injlammali •, turns, Ihvpry, * * * * *, * GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE! I * males who value health, should never be wtlh. nt tliese I'iitH. They purify the blood, remove obstructa*. of nil kinds, cleanse the skin of all pimples and Vlotci <.* Bud In ini: ihe rich color of health to the pale cheek. Iff* The I'bints and Herbs of which ihcs .I ‘ills nh*. wete discovered In n very eurprising way* the TexiX'iinis, n tribe ts Mexico. g-i t) c Almanac of our Agent, and you will read tin* very iuterexiinff aecoui.t it Ct nlnins of the ~U i:kav Mrphink” of the AxUcs. Observe, —The Mountain Herb Pitts are pul up in a llxtuliful Wrapper. F.<-th Ixx an tains 40 pilh, and Ifnd at ‘Ft caps per ix-r. All (twine, have Ike sv tuil/itr *? 11. /.. Jl'D&oS ts CO., on each Gx. B. L. JUDSON, & Co n S O I.K I’li OP H I KT O Its. No. 50 LoontiMl Street, a k ir rojiK. es- FOR S.W.K UV AI.I, MRDIONE NUI-FR* -gjj - S I I I,* J IpJVoo.l, Gre nr*tioi-o. Cl V FlV’ ci p W MVn t. Xii.gto... Ga lfi. 1-60. lv. SoSTETTiSK’S ST@MAO£BITTEi3. The propriotofs and n.nnuf.ittt.revs if Ji(>F TEl't'Eit'S riJXBlt-VTEI) STO>I.W:iI HIT TGI.S can appcnl with, perfect confiilcnec tn pfiySletiiiis met OlUi'iis gcncrnlty of thct.-nimi tones. b*causc the ui lieie Ims ntluiuol nrepti !it ion herein .re unknown. A few fuels nj-oit ti,!- point will tfpeiiU rf.orc 1 ,wi lli.liy i1,.,n volumes of Imre nsseiiion or til zonii g puflvrjr. The consumption of Hos'icitc'v g ,STot.u.'li I ii tci-s for the last year mtioumeil to over a hiilr niilliou lioftles, ami from iir manifest suaily increase in limes past, it is evident ilnil di ring the'coming year the consianlifion will feich near one tuillinqj bottles. Tli s iinim-ui-eatmiiiut ti-uhl never ittive licen sold hut for tlie rnro ti.edicinal pr potties contained in fVe piej.ora tii a, Ami ihe sanction of ibc must pronaneia physicians iu'those sections of the eottutry where the article is best known, who tint only recommend the Vilters tn their patient#, Inn me ready at all times to give testin.onmis to ii# efficacy in all cases of Stoiimphie nml the diseases resulting thcietpom. Tiiis is not a tempovary |n.ptdari(y, dilaine I by extraordinary efforts iu the.way of trim - peting tlic qualities if tbe Bitters, ImC n solid estiiiiatiou of an invaluable nitdieine. which is destined to tie ns enduring as time itself. Hosteitor’s Siloiiiacli Bitiers have proved a Godsend to regions whore fever nnd ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hufidrrds; To be able to state confidently that tbe “Bitters'’ are n certain cure for the Uyspepsift ami liho diseases, is to the proprietor# a source of .un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid inmntr from tne stomach, purifies tire blood, and * imparts renewed ritaiii y to the tiervons system, g ving it that tone and energy indispfchs vt ** for the restoration of Iveallli. It operates upon the sidifiaolt, liver, and ether digestive ot g uts, mild v Imt. powerfully, and soolf restores lliem to a condition eSKcnlia! folltc healthy discharge of the fnnetions of untrue. - Jlldorly person} may use Ihe liittcrs daily ns per directions on the bbltld; and they will tiud in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted lo ocudot t declining years, as pleasant 10-tlie palate, invigorating to the bowels, execllent nr. a tonic, and rejuvenating genernlly. IVc have the evi dence of tliousands of aged wen and women v ho have experienced tile bfnelit of tlsiug this pi-ejfitratjoti while mflVting from sfotutusb do rangeni! tits nn,d general ilebilily: net lug iti<Ws the ndvieo of pliysioinus, they Ini vs abandoned nil deleterious drugs amh ijhfy. tested’ I'ip merits of this articte. A few w'Ordl U> toe gentlerae*. There are certain periods vfMu t- eir cares are so hniMSMtig that t on y of (hi m sink ‘mder li c trial, ‘ihe relation of jßoiher end child IS -o ah. ••rhb.ply It od.-r, th.-i too mother, especially if she he young, tt.jijt to forget her otvrt If.tilth in her exitnae anxiety for her infant. Khouhl the pet hid-of hiatr rnify arrive daring Ihe sntnnter season, tlitt V-ls ar-ol’ body and mind is generally eg;;Worsted. Here, tliea, is a necessity fora stimulant to rwtipo j-ato. the energies of the system, tMidenabie t-h to lioar up under her exhausting Ufa'# nnd rcsponsihilities. Ntirsihg inotiiet genor rally prefer the Hitters to all other ilivigora tijrs that receive the <udorsemeiit off jaj>.- tians, because it is agretahlo to'the ta'sfii ’ri< vveli ns certain to give a fevumi’etit Ijjn-ifnse of l.odi y strength. ’ “ All those pet sons, wa'Lnrc partfer.* larly referred above, -o wit: snflcroin f’roni fever nnd ague, embed by malaria, dinvrlia. dysentery, indignation, loss / iippt and ail ditxsisea or tltivingemenjs'of the stoßmeli, Bup erannuattil invalfcls, pertlfnwof icikijtary occupation, aj j iiiu iitig motfieri, v. ij} consult ! their own physical welfare by pivjng.Hi Iliilr, . teller’s Gclebratcd Stomnch Litters a triuh CAUTION.r-lVc eaniion the public vying mi if the many S’liltiflions cr coutuer feits, hut ash ids Ifi'.sA;TTi;tt’#'Ciatl-ltvf.r.w Btojiac liiTTrrs. nnd ice that each bottle hne ihe words ** l>r. J. Hosletfer’s b’tomncli Bluer*'’ blown* on tbe fe d* of iix histt!e-, and StfWj'i'd on ihe metallic cap covering ill* cork; amt observe tuat our auuigraph tignat are 1n on the hibol. 1 * * * / £#r Prepa’td end sold by 15CCTETT S3 GXITU, ii.Uburgu, Pa., end eo.U by all drugplt; . fcToser*. nod dealers t enoraliy throughout the Ucitod Btotoc, Couth Ante-’ rtba, tad Oercitny. ! For f*t kv J, 11. Hood, Grrenetboro, TF A iiT*pn H hit* I'iain*. [Aug, IS, ‘HO-Jp.