Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, September 19, 1860, Image 3

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New Legal Advertisements. g < F.ORGIA, (;*! CoctTV.—Whereas, Hart C. I ” A Pt-ek applies far L Her* <i|. Guardianship for Jolmi H trbj and Richard M. Irby, Orphan# {intUr lonrtem y+mit of spe—of Thames F. Irby, deceased. These are therefore to cile and edition ith, all aod singular the kindred aod c/edii„ißof said deceased. . tube and appear at the Court pf Urdinary to be held in and tor said county on the Bret Monday in Nor cinber next, to show cause (if any ib*y have) whj uid lyallera should not then be granted. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro, Sept. 14 b, 1800. . fcl'GKKll'S L KING. Oid’y. Administrator* Sale. BY virtue of an Older frotn the Court of Greene county, will be sold before the eoun house door in frreenesboro’, on the first Tuesday ir, November neat, all the lands, 830 [eight hundred and thirty acresJ belonging to the estate of William F. Luckie, deceased, ly. in; about nine miles East of Greenesboro on the waters of South Ogechee- On the premises is a good Dwelling house, nlt>, a good gin house with cotton screw; and all necessary out bjildings, Ther,. are about 300 seres of land in the wood* B nd upwards of 10 J acres of botton land. Plantation in tol rable good repair. Per sons wishing to see the > ar d will call on John I). Sear?, who lires or the premises, or on the undersigned. EfoUOT C. BOWDEN, Adiu'r jif JFi. F Luelie, deceased. ’ ‘ Executors Sale. IN accor^4 nce with the last Will, and Testrt m /'it, of Herod Irby l ite of Greene Cbuny /•f*‘.dfgia, deceased, will be told before the ’y’ourx 7/ouse door, n Greenesboro, Greene <7ounty, within th>- legal hours ol sale, on the first Tuesday ip November next ; the following named negro slave l , the (ropeiiy of said de ceased to wit: Charles a man, 72 years old, Ned a man, 69years old, litt'e Ned a man, 27 years old, rtmosa boy; 19 years o'd, //ender ■eon a boy, 16 years old, Nathan a hoy, 11 years old, Berry a boy, 5 1-2 years old, GVesy a wo man, 60 yearn old, 7/annah a woman, 37 years old, and her two children, .Sully a girl, 4 years old, and Greene a boy 2 1-2 years old, also Em ily a girl, 11 years old, /. my a girl, 11 years oid, Caroline a girl, 10 years old, and Jinny a girl, 9 years old. SolJ for the benefit of the lieira of said estate. Tertrs twelve months credit, small notes and approved security, ISA AC A. WILLI A MS. Exr of HEROD IRBY, Dec'll. .September 19th 1860. n otlceT HAVING sold iny ot.lirc interest in the Mercantile business to Messrs. Winfield -Jackson & Cos., I return my sincere thanks to my friends and customers for their very lib eral patronnge, and feel confident that one and ■all can be accommodated, on vi?ry liberal terms by cal'ing on my successes. My Books, .Notes and Accounts will remain at the old stand for the present. All those wishing to settle, can be accommodated by calling, “in my absence,” on Messrs. Wii.field, Jackson & 00., who will ait‘lid to this pint of mv busi ness for mo W. C. SMITH. a n;. isoo. Ooparineihip XoiLv. th- undersigned, having aco v T partnershii for the purpose ol carrying n#g nernl DRY-GOODS BUSINESS, An t having bo gbt the entire Mercantile inter- | •*> of Wjt, C. Smith, would inform our friends and the public, that, in order to reduce our present stock of G ods, s. as to make tooin For a La ge and Choice Stock this Fall, will sell anything tha‘. wc havo on hand at press t at a Very Small Advance on N V Cost, We will occupy the old s‘and of Win. <\ Smith, (until our New Brick Store is com pleted) We hope that all will avail tbcin ;'elv- nos one of the Best Opportunities Ever Offered to Buy Goods Low, We o.Ter this inducement, and if you will go elsewl ore and PAY lilOH PRICES, D m’t tdain • any one but yourselves. We t’iist, that h> close and strict attention to busi ness to merit .i least a liberal share of your tiairoi ge. WINFIELD, JACKSON & CO. JAS. \V. WINFIELD, I J T PORTER, J, H JACKSON | U H. CRABBE August loth, iB6O. DISSOLUTION. riNHE linn of Chabbe & Weaver, was this J. day dissolved by mutual consent. ‘fitc Clotliing Business -j n future will be carried on by Messrs. ChauSe, Porter A Cos. We hereby tenderour sincere ttianks to our friends and customers for iheir very liberal patronage, and would solicit for ur successors a continuation of the suite. CRABBE A WEAVER August 16th, 186'b Copartnership Notice. WE, the undersigned, having formed a co paitnership for the purpose of carrying oh the CLOTHING AND Furnishing Goods Business, And having bought Henry C. Weaver’s [interest inihe old firm of LVibfce A Weaver, , would inform oft friends and the public gen erally, that we offer Extra Inducements in the sale of what goods we now have on hand, our object is to reduce the present ctock, as yre intend t • offer one of the Largest and Best Stocks of Clothing and Furnishing Goods. ever offered to this community, we intend to U “ k BUSINESS OF ITSELF, nd therefore our stock will be complete.— We hope that by strict attention to busi ness to merit a liberal share of your patron- CRABBE, PORTER A CO. (I R CRABBE. 1 LB. JACKSON. J.” T. PORTEII. I J. W. WINFIELD. August 15th, 1860. 875 REWARD.” RAN A WAV from my plantation on the 23d of July last, my Negro man JS frank. Ha ia about Sior 16 vaot oW. of dark compkxioa, aiijut six ifet high, anil .cigha alswl iiwira Ha i thought to he ranging between Ureeuc* • tmni and l,.wre*e*s‘ Mill tb. Oc- m.r wttfgive *h atw* rewaru tn any “!* rr in ,h - iir ~ n ’ wvSmJS? : Much I lib-I'M** f Iftt Legal Advdrtiacnleato fkOTICB. ALL person* indebted to the Estate of Janies M. Davison, late of said county deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claim* against said deceased will present them duly proven to the undersigned, within the time prescribed ny law. MARGARET DAVISON, Adm’rx, JAMES DAVISON. Adm’r. September 3d, 1860. —6w. NOTICE.- GEORGIA, Gkeenf. County. —Two months after date, to-wit: On the first Monday in November next, application will he made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell a portion of the real estate belonging to the estate of William D. Maddox: deceased. VALENTINE D. GRESHAM,! v . MARSHALL K. STOVALL, ( rs ’ August 30th 1800. —wtd. •Administrator’s Sale. GEOGRGIA, Greene County. — By virtue of an Order of the Court of Ordinary for said county, will be sold lieforc the court-nouse door in Greenesboro’ on the first Tuesday in November next, all the lands, —GOO acres more or less—belonging to the estate of George Crutchfield , deceased lying about eight miles east of Greenesboro on the Powelton Road. On the premise! is a good Dwelling House, also, a good gin house and all other necessary out buildings. About 250 acres, or more, is in the woods: the balance cleared aud under good fence. Persons wishing to see the lands will please call on Mr. John Crutchfield, who lives on an adjoining place, or on the undersigned. Terms on the day of sale. J AMES BURK, Adm’r. of George Crutchfield, Deceased. Greenesboro' , September Ist, 1800. GEORGIA, Greene County, WHEREAS, James W. Jackson, Guardian of James D. Champion, petitions this Court for Letter of Dismission from said Guar dianship : it is therefore ordered that all persons concerned he and appear at the Court of Ordinary tube held in and for said county on the first Monday in November next to show cause (if any they have) why said Guardian should not then be discharged. Ordered further that a copy, of this rule be published forty days in terms of the law. A true extract from the minutes of Greene Court of Ordinary, September Term 1800. fcUGENIUS L. KING, Ord’y. SALE EOF REAL ESTATE. BY an Order of the Court of Ordinary of ireene county, wi 1 be sold on the first TUESDAY IN OYEVBER next, before the Court House in Greenesboro, Greene County. (if not previously sold at private sale) the L’ract of Land lying on Little River, in said county, whereon Col. Absalom Jar.cs formerly lived, and now belonging to the two Minor Heirs of A. Janes, deceased, containing about (3'!50) Twent,-six Hundred and Fifty acres. Said settlement of land is one of the most valuable in M : ddtc Gc ctg'p, containing a very large prop;rtion of bottom laud, in a high state of cultivation, and also 1 a large p-opo:- tion of uo:d and. The i'nprcvcr.-.ei.ts on the pi >c arc all that could be desired for plant! g or farming pur poses. The p’a:.tation is in first late repair, in every particular. Pci sons desiring to pur chase wou’d do well to c.ll ad examine,— Mr. A. King on the place will show all the points to any one desiring to purchase. Sold for the purpose of division. T*nas.--One Third payable on the 25th of December 18G0, One Thi.d due on the 25ih December I‘6l ; and One Third payable on the 25th December, 1862, with interest from 2-ith December, 18Gb on the two last payments. Any further infoini ‘tion esn be hsd by ap plying to Mr. A belt King on the place, or by letter to either of the uuders gued, at Pei - field, G'eorgi.i. THOMAS P. JANES, ) „ , JA ’AES A. SANDERS, < “ x ,s ‘ September 3d, 18G.I. Greene Slterifl’s Sale. WILL be sold before the Ci urt House door in the eity of Greenesboro on the first Tuesday in October next, between the legal hours of sale, the so lowing property tt.-wit: Two hundred acres of /.and, more or less, adjoining lands of l)r 15. F Carlton, James B. Fart and others. Levied on as the properly of R. A. Newsom, to satisfy a !i fn from Greene Superior Court in favor of H. M. Hoi tael aw vs R. A. Newsom. Property pointed out bv said Newsom. -J. I). ENGLISH, 1). Sii’fF. August £9th, 1860. NOTICE. G GEORGIA. Greene Cocntv.—Two months after date, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell a portion of the real estate belonging to the es tate of James A. Moody, deceased. KLIAS'B. MOODY, Ex’r. of James A, Moody, deceased. August 29th, 18G0. NOTICE. ON the first Monday in October next I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of Greene county, Ga,, for leave to sell the negroes belong ing to mv ward, Mary A. Parrott. M. \V. LEWIS, Guardian. July 24th, 1800. . _td. NOTICE. ~ OX the first Monday in October next I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of Grceac county Ga., for leave to sell the negroes of my ward, Jeffrey C. Parrott. A. A. JERXIG W, Guardian. July 24th, 1800. _td. Executor's Sale. WILL be *<>hl before the Court-House door in the city of Greenesboro, on the first Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours of sale, Three (300) hundred acres of land, more or less, adjoining lands of Stephen Jackson and others. Also, Forty-two (42 j ) and one half acres of land, more or less, adjoining lands of J. AY. Smith and others. J. IF. SMITH. Ex'r , Aug. IS, 1860. C. SMITH, Ex'rr. NOTICE. Georgia, Greene Covxtv.—ah person* indebted to the estate of William D. Mad dox, late of said county deceased, are requested to mako immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said deceased will pre sent them duly proven to the undersigned with in the tinio prescribed by Law. VALENTINE D. GRESIIAM. > , MARSHALL K. STOA’AI.L, j hsr *’ of Wm. D. Maddox, deceased. August 11th, 1860. —w2iu. Executor’s sjitle. ’ sold before the Court-llousodoor \Y in Greenesboro. Greene County. Ga.. within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day in October next. One tract or parcel of land containing (335) Three Hundred and Thirty-Five acres, more or loss, lying on the w ater’s of ShmilderlKmc Creek in said county. Sdd in accordance with the last Will and Tes tament of Herod Irby, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terut* on day of sale, ISAAC V williams. 1 August I'Mli, IRfVH. Executor. I.rgnl Adverlixeiiteni< GEORG! GximComr - Where#* Wil liam S. Divio, and Goodwin T. Myrick, | Executors of the last Will and Testament of | Mrg Sarah W. Rowland, deceased, petition the j Court of Ordinary of said county for Lctteis j Dismissory: These are therefore to cite and-admonish all persous concerned to show cause (if any ibey bare) why said Executors should not be dis charged at the Court of Ordinary to be 1-tld in and for said county on the second Monday in January 1801. Given undirmy hand at office in, July Cth. 1860. E ‘GENIUS L. KING, Ord’v. GEORGIA, Greene Coi-ntv. —Whereas, John 0. Merritt and Thos. J. P. Atkinson Administrators upon the estate of Lovitt Mer ritt deceased, petition the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory.- These are therefore toe te ad admonish all persons concerned, to ow cause (if any they have) why said Administrators should n t be discharged at the Conrt of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the second Monday in Januarv 18G1. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro, Jolv fith, 1860. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord’j. GEORGIA, Greene douxKY.— Whereas, Isaac A. AVilliams, Administrator de bonis non of the estate of Joseph Grimes, decea-ed, petitions the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show .cause (if any they have) why said Administrator should not be discharged at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in December next. Given under my hand at office in Greenesbnro, June 4t i 1860, EUGENI US r.. KING, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Greene County. —AVhereas. Is ac A. Wiliams, I dminis’rator upon the estate of Mrs. Harriet L. Grimes, dcc-aserl petitions the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons conctraed, to show cause (if any they have) why said Administrator should not be discharged at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county, on the first Mond yin Given under my hand at offioa in Gaeenesboro, this June 4th 1860. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Gheene County. —Whereas, Svmucl A. Howell, Administrator de bonis non, with the ‘ Will ennexed, upon the estate of McKinney Howell deceased, petitions the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters dismissory : These are tlierefori Incite’and admonish all and singularthe kindred and creditors of said deceased lo show cause (if any they have)why said Administrator should not be discharge ! at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and lor said county on the first Monday in. November next, J Given under my lntui at office in Greenesboro, April 2 ;d, 1800. EUGENIUS L KING, O, d’y. GEORGIA, Gbeene County.—Whereas, Freder ic. C. Fuller, Administrator upon the estate ol Sarah I). Willis, deceased, petitions the Court of Or dinary of said comity for Letters Dismissory : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindted and creditors of said deceased, to show cause (if any they have) why said Adminis trator should not be discharged, ut the Court of Ordi nary to be held In and for said coun'y on the first Monday in October next. Given un.jer my band at office in Greenesboro, March oth, 1860. EUGENICS L. KING, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Ghcxe County. —Whereas, Willia n W. Moore, Gumdian of Austria Howell, now Austria Mspp, petitions this Court for Letters Dismissory from said Guar dianship: lc is tm refer ordered that all persons con cer jved, be and appear at the Ct-nrt of Ordina ry to be held in and for f aid c< nnty oh the first Monday in October next, to show c use (if any they hi ve) why said Guardian should not then be discharged. Ordered further that a copy of this Rule be published for forty days in terms of the law. A true extract from the nrnutes ofsaid Court. Augustadj urned term 1 EUGENIUS L. KING, Ot'dy. CITATIQN. STATE OF GEORGIA.) In the Court Greene Couaity. )’ of Ordinary. To Jane Hutcheson and her husband James Hutcheson : WHEREAS, a paper purporting to be the last Will and Testament and Codicil of Sarah V\ nlker, deceased, has been filed j n this Office: aud, whereas, Samuel R, V\ alker the named Executor in said U ill, has petitioned thin Court that the said Will and Testament and Codicil may be proven in 8-. Jenin form, and that the Legatees, Devisees and Heirs at Law be cited for that purpose; and, whereas, Jane Hutcheson, wife of James lleteheson, a Lega tee named in said Will, resides beyond the lim its of the State of Georgia: These are therefore to cite and require the said Jane Hutcheson and her husband James Hutcheson, to bo aud appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county of Greene, on the first Monday in November, Eigh teen Hundred and Bixty, (the same being the day fixed by the undersigned for the probate of said Will) at the Court House in the City of Greenesborough, at 10 o’clock, a. m„ to attend upon said probate, and to show cause (if any they have) why said W ill and Testament and Codicil should not then be proven in Solemn form. Given under my hand and official signature at Greenesborough, this 30th day of July 1860. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ordinary of Greene County Georgia. August Ist., 1860 —w9od Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Greeks County.—By viituc of an Order from the Couit of Ordinary of said county will besold bvforethe Court House door in the city of Greenesboro, on the first Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours of sale, the following Negroes, to-wit: Ade line, a woman about 22 years of age and her three children, to-wit: Sebron about 6 years of age, Martha about 4 years of age, and Mary about 18 months of age, and o e old woman named Winny, about 65 years of age. Sold g the property belonging to the Estate of Peter C'a'ke, deceased, for the benefit ot the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMES SMITH, Adm’r. of Pettr Clarke, deceased August D-tb, 1860. —tds, NOTICE. Two months after date, to-wit: on the first Monday in October next, 1 shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Greene County, Geor gia, for leave to sell all the real estate belong ing to the estate of-Thomas Merritt, Sr., doc’d. JAS. MERRITT. Ex r. of July 20th. 1860 Thos. Merritt, dec’d NOTICE. TW O months after date, to-wit: on the first Monday in October next, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Greene County for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the es tate of John 11. Snell I tuts, deceased. FREDERIC C. FULLER. Adm’r. of Jno. H. Sncllings, dee'd. Greenesboro. July 30th, ’GO. NOTICE. rBT WO months after data, to-w it; on the first JL Mond ttf in October next, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Greene County, Ga., for leave to sell the Heal Estate and Negroes belonging to the estate of Sherwissl Stanley, deceased. M. F. FOSTER. Alm r. ile bonis non with the Will annexed of Sher w *<d Stanley, dee’d. July 24th, 1860 Dllseellnneons AilveiliwineiilN. ; SOUTHERN RIGHTS. j T V I'CIl lias lss'ii said nf laic aisait Soutli | 1Y JL cm Right* and Southern Trade, espe cially since the Charleston Convention, You can now, “show vour faith by your works’” .1. W. WINFIF.LD, Offers for sale HARNESS of all kinds, made in . this eity, out of the best Southern material by a Southern man and he will give a Southern war rantee, for all work done in his shop, lie is prepared to make, to order, anything from a throat-latch of a Bridle to the finest Carriage Harness. 8@“Call at his simp in front end of Brother Copelan’s Livery Stable and you will be waited on bv a Southern man. G. W. GROGAN, recncsboro. May 15. [feb.22-ly] Agent. Planters Take Notice. “I I? I'll”!Yd*. Best Gunnv Lagging : JL 10,000 lbs. Bale Rope in Store and for sale as low as can be had from any market. - DAVIS & BROTHER. Aug. 22. 1850. w4r ARMSTRONG & WILSON,” Havinc determined to close their business, propose to give all, who arc willing to patronize them, the advantages of She p”>fits on thetr entire Stock of Goods by Selling Yfcom at dost. All those wishing to purchase Sjiring, Summer. Fall or Winter Goods, would do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as cur pro position in all eases will be v Strictly Adhered to. We also, propose to sell our Store-House and Lot, which is decidedly the best Stand in the Town of Penfickl. All those that are in arrearcs in settle ing their accounts, are respectfully requested to settle by Note if thev hav'nt the money. ARMSTRONG & WILSON, Penfield, August 2nd, 1800. —w4m. RICH Madalion Yelvet Carpets, ENGLISH ROYAL VELVET, Brussels , ‘Three- Ply and Ingram CARPETINGS. In New and Beautiful just Received. Damasks of all Kinds, Lace and Muslin Curtains. CORNICES, BANDS, LOOPS, &C. WINDOW SHADES, Floor and Table Oil Clothes, Mats, Mattings, Wall Papers, Boards, &e. ‘J’he Largest Stock ever offered, for sale by JAMES G. BAILIE & BROTHER, Importers and Dealers, 205 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA, September, 12tlt, IS6O. [mar. 30, 1860-ly KAUFFER, BAUM &Tx>. ~ ESTABLISTMENT, 1?5. , Broad Street 177. Under the Augusta Hotel, Augusla, Ga. :— :t)p—:0:—:o:—: the UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULTY INFORM Merchants and Dealers that they have just completed their arrangements for the coming Fall and Winter Season. Our Store has been enlarged to DOUBLE its former size, thereby making it tlio Ihr gest Store in the StATE OF GEORGIA ! Our Stock, which for Variety of the most desirable Goods, is unsurpassed in this State, will, in every respect compare faverahle with any house cither in Charleston, or any other Southern City. It is our intention to establish a regular Wholesale Jobbing House, SELLING EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH. Which, as an old fact, is the only way lo Buy Goods CHEAP. Having a similar es tablishment in New York city, which our Mr. I. Kaifkbr is manager, it is easy to be perceived that we have Superior Facilities in obtaining the Latest NOV- 1 ELTIES as they appear in maiket. We would only ask the favor of an examination of our Stock and Prices before going elsewhere and we will proveto the Trade that we can sell Goods fully as Cheap as any other Wholesale House; besides saving your time 1 for further traveling, aud many other expenses. JUST RECEIVED, Black and Colored CASHMIEItS : SATINET, Kentucky JEANS andTICK 4 *- Black and Colored CLOTH; KERSEYS, OSENBEUQS, (DENIMSt-* Georgia STRIPES, Marlboro’ PLAIDS and STRIPES. CALICOES OF ALL KINDS! Motmir, Debeges, Cedestiali, Lavella Cloth, Barege, Delaines, Bombazine, Alpacas, Delaines, Marellas, ALL WOOL DelaineN ENGLISH MERINOS! Black Brecttke SILKS; I Silk ROBES. POPLINS, FOUARDS • Fancy and Plain SILKS ; | India and China SILKS. Brown and White Sheeting and Shirting! Irish LINENS, Table COVERS, Table CLOTHS; DIAPER, DAMASKS, DOYLES, NAPKINS, TOWELS, BRILLIANTS, Marseilles QUILTS. E M BROIDE RIES Hat RIBONS, CORSETS; Velvet RIBONS, FRINGES ; Morocco and Silk BELTS, LACES, WHITE GOODS, of all kinds. MADIES’ AND HISSES’ HOOP SKIRTS’ TRIMMINGS, YANKEE NOTIONS; HOSIERY, and GLOVES of all hind,. BED AND NEGRO BDANKETS, &C., &C. Our Manufactory of Cloaks and Mantillas. The only one in the Souther States, is in FULL OPERATION now; and we venture to say that we can offer these Articles BETTER finished, aud more saitable Southern TASTE, As Cheap as auy Northern House. Just (rive us the pleasure of an early call, and convince yourselves of the above farts: KAUFFER, BAUM & CO. 175and 177 Broad Street, l/nder the Augusta Hotel Augusta, Ga f* £!lr£ FF ' U ’ ! AniriiMß.tiii I KAI FPKK Y V L BAITW \ Aiipit |mnjr 20, ■ i v Ulierrlluiacou* Advertisements. PLUMB & LEITNKK. Near Host Office Corner, Urosid St. A tigusta , Georgia. WHOLES A I.K -OBALKRS IN Pare Medicines, Chemicals, lugs, Puinls, (Ml. ilrt*. Perfumery, Brushes, Fine Toilet Articles, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Warranted Garden Seed ,sv., tfc. Our stock is perhaps the most complete in the city, and our articles for purity are not sur passed by those of anv concern. Sept. 28- ly. PL UMD & LEITNER. FAIR NOTICE. THE Books of onr Store and Harness Shop are in the hands of Jas. W. Winfield, to whom payment must be made; our means are ‘0) limited to give longer indulgence, our Cred itors are wanting their money.— We therefere give each, and all, fair notice that after a reasonable time, we will use tin most effectual means to wind up our Books. We hope therefore you will save us trouble and yourselves expense. WINFIELD & PORTER. Feb. 2'2u 1860. flat. TOR SALE. K IJ trrelsof Rectified Whisky I SJ 25 Barrels, Old Rve ManOngahela : 20 “ X Whisk v -2d “XX 20 “ XXX 20 liasktta I’earl Chumpaigne , 15 “ .Mumm.s “ 150 Boxes Tobacco, of different brands; 6y AhSO, 250 Barrels Rectified Whiskey ; 45 *• White Whiskey. Augusta. A; r 25.1560 M L ALLEOCD. Greenesboro Female College. trillE next Session of this well known In 1. stitntion will open on the 30th inst., with an abldaad complete corps of Teachers. F. C. FULLER. Sec’ty. of Board of Trustees. Greenesboro’, Ga., July hth, 1860. —ts. junso.y* s Mountain Herb Pills. A none, we present you nitli a perfect liken*-.* at Ifzuco, a chief of u tribe *-f the strange Artec Xaltott, that once ruled Mexico.- You will find a full account ..f him and hit people in our J'amphlet* and Almanac*—to ffratm, from the Agents for these lUl*. Ihe i men tor and manufactnrer of “Judson’s Moun tain Herb Pills ” has spent the greater part of hi* life in traveling, having visited nearly every country in Hm world, lie spent over six years among tlie of tue Rocky Mountains aud of Mexico, and it w.i- tint* that Ihe Mountain Hkrh ruin*’ were dlxinend \ interesting account of his adventures tK*n% um .il Hi| hi our Ahuanac and Pamphlet. It Is aa eslabliahcd fact, that nil disea-c- urfjv lasPtitE Blood x The blood is the life sand when anv foreign <r uuln-Wl’l.v matter gets mixed with it, it is nt once to every organ of the body Every ueive feels the |-.isoir. and all the vital organs quickly complain. The stomach will not digest the food [>erfectly. The liver ceases t-i secrete a sufficiency of bile. The action of M>e Mew I iu weakened, and so tlie circulation is feebfe. TW become clogged with the poisonous master ; lirtw**, a cough—and all from a slight impnrily at the fiuntaiir head of life—the Blood I As if you had thrown ‘unm earth, for instance, In a pure spring, from which run a tiny rivulet, in a few minutes the whole cotir-e of tle stream becomes disturbed’and disenfored. As rui. Klv does impure blood fly to every part, amp leave imsiiug tMdiind. All the passages become obstructed, and unle-s the obstruction is removed, the lamp o f life soon .lies out. These pills not only purify the blood, but regeuerniv .->ll the secretions of the body; they are, therefore, unrivalled as a CURE FOR BILIOUS DISEASES, /.iver Complaint, Sick Headache, kc Thin Anii BiH-i t Medicine expels from the blood the hidtten wed* ol di ease, and renders all tlie fluid* and secretions pure aud fluent, clearing and resuscitating the vital organ*. ♦ Pleasant indeed, is it to us, that we are aide to place within your reach, a medicine like the “ Mountain Pius,” that will pass directly to the afflicted p.-iru through the blood and fluid* of the body, and im.i-c the Rufferer to brighteu with the i!uh of beautv nod health. JutfSOU'S Pills are the Best fitmnty in ui>S encefor the following Complaints: lined Complaints, Debility, Inward Weakness, Coughs, fiver and Apue, Liver Complaints Colds, fi’.niale Complaint:; Harness of Sju itt. Chest Diseases, Headaches, PH*s, Costiveness, Indigestion, Slone and Grant. Dyspepsia, Influenza , Secondary Sying Diarrhoea, Inflammation, toms. Drojtsy, * * * * * * GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE! Females who value health, should never tie without these Pills. They purify the blond, remove nlwli iiction* of nil kiuds, cleanße the skin of all pimples and blotches and bring the rich color or health to the pale cheek. £s* The Plants and Herbs of which these Pills arc made, were discovered in a very surprising way among the Tezucan*, a tribe cf Aborigine* in Mexico. <H lit** Almanac of our Agent, and you will read with di light, the very interesting account it contains of the tiifKAT* Medicine” of the Aztecs. Observe,— 'Die Mountain Herb Pills are pul ♦//• in a Beautiful Wrajtper. Hack box contains 40 pi Us, and /.Voul at 25 cents per box Ail pen nine. have. Ihe tit nature e B. L. Jb DSOiS T (£ CO., on each lux. B. L. JUDSON, & Cos, | SOLE PRO PH IKTO KS\ No. SO Leonard SI reel, A - r. IV YORK. W FOH SAI.K IIY AI.I. MKIIICIXE IK.W.KILS Sold by J H Wood, Gre ncabnro.-G V Pla'tanp W II Ward, I,rxin<r!on, Ga. CJttne 10, ls6o, ly HOSTEITER’S STOMACHBITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of lifts TKTTKI”S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal with perfeci confidence 10 physicians nml citizens genernllyof ilic I. tided States, because the article lias attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully limn volumes of bare assertion or hi; zoning puffery. The consumption of Hostellers Stomach Bit ters for the last year amotialed 10 over a Inilf niilliou bottles, and from its manifest steady increase iu times is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but lor the rare medicinal properties contained in tlie prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of tlie country where the article is best knows, who not only . recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy iu all cases of stomachic derangements and tlie diseases resulting Iherclroin. This is nota temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters. Inn a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, destined to be ns enduring as time itself. Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious Complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the “Bitters” arc a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors u source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach,-purities Ihe blood, .and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving-It’ Mint’ tone and energy iiidispuusnhlo • for the restoration of health. It operates upon-, the stomach, liver, and other digestive organa,-, mildly hut powerfully, and soon restores them . toacoudition essential to the healthy discharge, of the functions of nature. Elderly persous may nso the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will tiuib in it aßliuiiilaut peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to Ihe bowels, excellent ns n tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from slomncli de rangements and general debility: acting under, the advice of physicians, they have abandoned nil deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A lew words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink tinder the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, tlml li e mother, especially if she l>e young, is apt 10. forget her owu health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Mere, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of Ihe .system, and enable the mother to hear up tinder her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mot tiers gene rally prefer the Hitlers to all other invigora tors that receive Ihe endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedenrnry occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Ho* tetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial CAUTION.—We caution the publio ngaipst using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for Hustkttkb’s. t'et cscAii i) Stomach Detritus, and see that c-ush ieltle has Ihe words “Dr.J. Jlostettcr'. Stomach lllilet*’ blown on the vide el the bottle, :. l stumped on the metallic cap covering tlie cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label - Prepared and told by HOBTETT EH A SMITH. Pittsburgh; Pa., and sold t/ rij druggists, grocers, and dealers general:v throughout the Unite! Btatos, 3r.:th Are rice, and Germany. For fete hv J. II B'ond, <-reene*lnro. TF c 1 Tapptp, White Plain. | A'lg.US. ‘no t j