Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, September 19, 1860, Image 4

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“Evarv one seems to love yon,” snid‘o gentleman to a little st’il. 4 11 they • she replied, snsiki g ; aviso I Ijvc tit’ii itH.” Ah! ip-vor lidjiiiii* seeking • | deeply bidden gems <t witiui. ‘‘Hr;,- ; upon n truth inure rare and pure ;tor a loving and ki.idiy nature.’like sweet mu sic, awakens kindred echoes- It possesses the power of winning the love it freely gives. There is no harshness tliat Iyc cannot soften, no anger that a gentle word will not disarm. Grcphic. — We find the folio wing old hut clever picture of a town hoy in the Lowell Courier, of the 4th iust : ‘■The other day a hoy came tearing! round a croner with his rags fluttering in tlm wind, his face smeared with molasses, and a shingle flourishing in his hand, while lie was slioution to another boy. about tl e size of a pepper-box, who stood nearly quarter of a mile down the street: —“0 ! Bill! Bill ! ! Bill ! !! —get as -many boys as ever yon can, and comn up the street round the corner as fast as ever you can. for there's a big large liogsit of lasses bus ted on the pavement : busied all to smash! Cmgregtition Surprised. —ln n church in Spencer, .Mass., a few Sundays ago, while the people, were engage,d in worship, something unusual occurred. It was at the communion service, and just before the. sacrament was offered, a man in the back part of the assembly rose, and delib erately passing up the aisle to the table in fro it of the altar, seized one. of the sacra mental goblets with olie hand, and the large silver pitcher with the other, filled the goblet wit wiit”, and turning to the, audience, coolly, drank it off, and returned to his seat. The rear, er may imagine the ‘‘surprise” of that congregation. A school-master in a Western village, where the custom of “boarding” prevails recently received a notice from a Dutch matron that she would eat him, but-coukhit’ sleep him.’ He will doubtless be careful not to ventifro within lief reach, “Charlie, my dear.” said a loving moth er to hopeful son, just budding into bieeoh vs, “Charlie, ray dear, come hero and get some candy.” “I guess I won't mind it now, motion” replied Chariot ; “I’ve got in some tobac co.” Tom Tit remarked to us the other day that the Ohio river had a remarkable long face. v llow So?” wo innocently inquired. “ Why, it is twelve hundred miles from its head to its mouth.” llalloh, driver, vnur wheel is going round.” sang ont a little itrehin to a cart driver, who was driving furiously through ihe street the other day, Carty pulled up j.ud looked anxiously, first on one side and tiien on the other. “You needn’t look, now, it’s stopped!” coolly added the provoking litile rascal. Among the curiosities disrovere ! bv tho census takers is a pretty little girl of fifteen ip the southern part of Munson, New lorn who I n< a husband one hundred and seven years of age. I meat so have told you of that hole,” B.sid an Irishman to his friend who was w.lking with him in his garden, and tum bled into a pit of water. “No matter,'’ says I’,it, blowing the mud and water out of his month, “I’ve found it ” Miscellaneous Advertisements. A. SHAW Manufacturer and Dealer in all KINDS O F FURNITURE. MAIN STREET, MADISON, GJ„ Respectfully inf- rms his trip mis m<f the publi, grene'siiv, ‘hsi he is now receiving. nis SPUING STOCK OF FU it NIT CUE from New Y,„k .mI P utmtelpina, winch, (neither with Ins LARGE STOCK of Home Manufactured, in.ik ■* his Assiirtim ot the most <l, sizable tnmake sc tactions from, in the up coumry. Uis Stuck consists Os a L rare Numb, r of BUR AUS ranging from S3B to $75 HiScwoort, Mahogany, nntl Paint, and Wardrobes; Rosewood u<l Mahogany Marble (op VYashatunris ; J-uoy Lind Tall Pu-t and Cottage Berisb a,'s ; some very liandsorneCentre and S,da Tables, al.-o Black Wab.u* Extention Tables, 10, 12,14 ,nd lit feet long. QUARTBTTS, l>y the Sot or sinelo on* 1 ; Hat Stands, and Towel Racks', several Dunn of Mahogany Pari-r Chairs; Mahogany Ruckers of the differ, m Si* a; Liraeand Km-ill Curled Msple K-,ck,rs, with Can- Seat and Back; Curled M-iple Parlor Chairs, ,nd slo ihe Celebrated Cottage Chairs. A large number of Popular Conacre Bedsteads, with or without the Excelsior Spring lb-',’attached, as the puchajer roav desire. The SPRING BED it offered at the VF.RY I, >v Price of SIX DOLLARS. Also, on band, GILT nr< ROSEWOOD MO'G LDI Ka 8 Os dilTercnt ai*es, which can be cut and put togeth er in FRAMES id any sisr, at short noi co. N. B—Solas and Mahogany Rockiny Chairs H.-E?PAIPEr AT SHORT VOTICE. and all other FURNITURE R-paired with N -ainese and Dispatch. The sub-cii -1 ber returns hia sinceie thanka for theliberal patron aye heretofore bestowed upon him, and respectfully solicit- 4 contimuti, nos the same A liberal Seduction will be made on CASH SALES. Furnituro fijx-rt and delivered ailhe Madison Depot, io eo up or d„wn the read, freertfrherev.— Orders st home, aod from ahr- ad, respectfully no licit, and Jure 6 h. ISfiO 7 n DAVIS & BROTHER WOULD inform their friends and the pub lic that they have been driven bv ‘the fire” to ife. Norton's store where they off. r fo’ at la at the lowest market prices, their usual assortment of goods consisting in part, of B >nnot. Trimmed and UotrimnP-d; Nio palitan, Aftrsaile'-, Chip and Straw Fists; Fremh Lice A/mtillas and Points, with ail without capes; Colored and B ack Barege Shawls ; Jacko’.iet, Organdie and Btrege Rot,e°, fiom four to ten Flounces, from $2 to $ IS; Printed L wnssnd Muslin front i2 1-3 to 50c; NansooV, Jackenct, J/utl and Swiss Muslins, Plain and Striped, from 18 ,o 60 cents; W.\ Col'ars, Muslin Trimn’inre, IFrt. Bands, Twisted Silk M itts, jtnian, Cambric, Piai , Hamst tchedand Emhrbidcred Handkerchief*, ‘ram 1) cU to $1 0; Hosiery, Hoop Skirts from *0 cts lo $2 60 ; fl*u of all kinds; Roots. Shoes Cbithinir; Hardware, Hollow IFire lion, Steel, NH, Si%ur, Coffee, Molasses, Salt; in short what ever the wants of the people demand. A>\ oi which we of I sell a* low as can cau he obtain ed in any ma>ket Thankful for •ha liberal patrenete heretoiore bestowed on *jt we hope our friends will take the trouh! ) to visit ua at our new location, . where we will enpp'y their wants on ee favor. ’ able term* as any bouse in the e<’v. HATH & BROTHER, April Ik I*6 >. (mii Yi-lvl Miscellaneous Advertisements. XiADZSSS* DRESSL GOODS! WAI. SHEAR HAS received Uis Summer Supplies, embra cing a splendid assortment of LAMES’ DRESS GOODS! Among which are French Organdies and Organdy Robes, of new and elegant styles; French Printed Lawn and Jackonc-ts, cf new and beautiful styles; Rich Paris, Silk Barege Flounced Rohes; Rich Fancy, Plain Black, r.d Black and Purple Grrnackne Flounced Robes; Facov Summer Silks and Plain Black Silk Grenadine? ; Lidies’ Lace. Silk an ! Barege Mantillas, of the latest styles; A large assortment of Articles for Andies’ Traveling Dress- s ; Ladies’ Barege Anglaiae £uits of beautiful Gyles ; A full assortment of Goods for Ladies’ Mourning Apparel ; Cnntbrie, .1 ckonet, Nair.sooY, Mull, Swiss and Tarktan Muslins; J ickonet and Swiss Inserting* and Edgings, and Worked Muslin Ba- ds ; Ladies’ Embroidered, Ilem-St-tched and French Lawn Handkerchiefs; Ladies’ Rich Lacc and French Embroidered Muslin Collars and Unders'e-. ves ; A complete assortment of Ladies and Misses’ Hosiery, of the tnos*. approved make; A large supply of Ladies’ Hoop Skirls, of new and most approved styles ; With a ‘urge assdilntent of STAPLE GOODS, For Family and Plantation Use. All of which will be sold at low pri es. The a'tcntion of the public is r( spectfully invited to the assortment. June 13, lSfiO-tf. ARTICLES 01*’ EVERY-DAY USE. B. T. JB ‘iBBITT’S P nv:o Uodlloiaal Yeast. Manufactured fiom common Salt Pure Cream Tarter. When used in 8.-e and, Cake, 68 or Biscuit, it turns t > jras,— like that ln*ir a bot tle ol'Sodu Water,- and remains dormant in th i tntil it is st t in tl.e oven, v\ S en the heat causes the g-aa tescape through the and riougrh while baking. The Bicod, Cake.orand Biaemt is not only, very light but perfectly tvholsome Where this Veant is need you will require about one-quart* r the amount of A s * mrlen it'£ uted v ith ordinary Yeast. It may rjr\ iyJ aln be os< and lor Buckwheat Cakes, Johnny * U Ck‘*s, and all kinds of Pastry ThisYtast it put up only in one-pound fans, with check <red label, lietf, White and Blue— no other Q is Genuine — Leware of imitations. B T Babbitt’s parcConccatratet! Pot-D^ ash. — Warranted double the strength of cntnmufj Potash, Rni superior to any Srp - I fir in market, put up in rare of 12b , Sibs., a ud 6ibs, nnd 12 bs. with full di** ction.s for anc * making* II rH and Sft Soap One pound w’ill make fifteen gadttDr^of S *ft Soap. No l'nu? in r q Tito I. Constimers will find this the cheaper t Potfleh in market. 70 B T Babbitt’s Medical Saleratus. 70 A perfectly pure and whoheome article free from all deleterious matter, so prepiir* and that as ;he circular hcuoitipanying the S di ratus will show, rx*thing remains in the bread thtn 68 baked but c. milton S -B, Water, and F our. 68 P"f tip n< a'lv in papers, 1, 12 h, and I 4 lb. BT B ibbltl’s Concentrated Soft Soap. One B x eostinjr hup Do'iar will tnabc 40 , gallons off a?>f's me Soft Soap Lv simply . cn< * adding boilin'/ wter. aoc * B T Babbitt’s Concentrated Sal Scfla. A r.ew h’M* exclusively or the South. ?al S hM or Washing Soda cannot be sent South 70 iun'ig v.’sirm \v<a her, a* it deliqu<Bc*e or 70 jiielts. I dry < tl* th* l v nter and put up the * Sil So?a in Hb papers, “warranted to stn*i th* warmest rhinal**.’* One pound is equl to foi r ?• unds of ordinary Sal Soda or Wash in? Soda—cmiseonently it is n uch cheap- rpo - the <1 uler eaves 65 per cent on the freight, as bed *es not have to pay freight n water. yiitif stor* keeper for B. T. Babbitt's fl’’Cert r m*l Sd S ‘d< in one round paper?. and B,T. Babbitt’s Soap for Family Use. and On* pound of t* i* is equ*l to three pounds of ordinary Fimily Soap. One p und will ivnik* 3 ualltme f handsome Soft So*p. 70 ‘f aii kinds. It will n t injure the fabric; • 70 t*e contrary, it preecrves it It will wash in hurt! or soft wHt*-r. But little hi nor is'equir where tin’s Sap i? used. Machinists end |* inters will find this Soap superior to any -6$ t’ninfir in market. If your Storekeeper does gg ’ not ke< p the above good.'*, rend 5 dol ora by mail and I ‘*ill st n*l a pack c of eith* r ar tide, or an assorted box C- ntdou p a part of tech ern’efe, as v* u may dir ct. Send ihe an 1 name of your Poatofflce, also thv and and County in which yen reside, with directions forßh'ppiogr. Address A B. T. BABBITT, 70 64, *6, 70, 72 and 74 W-ahinston St .N.Y. i Q A liberal discount to Storekeepers. July 11th 1560. —wlc. Good Times have come at Last! One Thousand Skybx Hlnui.ed .no Eighty-Two Prizes! sl6. 300. NO CHEAP JEWELRY. FOUR CAPITAL FRIZ S! D. E. AhExIMKR & aa ? s FORTY-NINHTH MAGNIFICENT CASH, WATCH & LAND DIPT DIS i’RIBL’riOA. WILL BK DRAWN AC FANKLTN, IND., MO AD AY SEPT Oltli, IS6O. Cash Prize of SSOO iu American Gold. Horse, Buggy auJ Harness, SIOO. Splendid Rosewood Piano Fort Yaincd at 0350 363 GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, All in lluntiug Cases from SIS to $350 301 Prizes in American Gold, $2,50, to SSOO. 280 ACRES OF FARMING LAND. SSS Sets Sterling Silver Ware. Land Warrants and American Sporting Watches. Number of Prise#, ..... J. 782 Value of Prizes. $16,300 Tickets Limited to 16,300 DRAWING TAEKsTpUCE MOSTOIT. HT* Ev- ry Ticket-hoi ter receives a printed Ink of dr*n numbers, tree • ( charge. wr aim rasing* take phe* in public, su pt rintLinlcd esclusi.eiv b| ttt* Ticktuliolders | RKEKHRYPES. IF. take great phteetire in re faring alt *bs are 1 •nsfiHi* for lnf>.ißition respecting our homily ■ bitS’Ro k •, #o sny of thv coon. Miscellaneous Advertisements IT officers, Po t asters. Rxpr, fs AifeotH, Jasli CC'S ol trie Peace. Vferchsr. -, Re;.r.*vntativ• and S- nators of Johcson count , <•, say oi inc - ■meious patn n-in th-- ui us ; ar-s cf U Union, -vho hav. aiundvd our drawing*. A the above na-n-d are personally adjnsirt and with us, and most of ti-em have attended our nuin-r as drawings, we trill request all win. wish to satisfy themselves of toe svf- ty of th-ir int .jtment to write to any of the above gentl. - en. Agents Wanted In every locality, to whom the most libera) inducements are offered. ALL PHIZES PROMPTLY PAID- Single Tickets #l’ Six Tickets $4 D. R. ALEXANDER. & GO. Franklin, Johnson Cos., Indiana. Tone 13th, ISflO fim. 50,000 Copies already Sold. EVERYBODY’S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, BY FRANK CROSBY, OF THE PHILADELPHIA CAU. It Tells You Ilotr to daaw up Partkeksdip Papers and gives general iornis Ii Agreements of all k nds, Bills o Sale, and Pet hols. It Tells You Flow to draw up Bond* and Mort gages. Ajjid it its. Power* of Attorn ey. Notes *uti Bills ot Exchange, Re ceipts and Releases. It Tells You the la*s lor iho Collection cl Bahts, with the Statues o. Limita tion, and amount an-i kind us rop . erty Exempt from Execution in to e ry State. It Tells You How to make an Assignment prop crly, with forms for Contpo itinn with Creditors, tint! the Insolvent Zaiesof every State. It Telle You The legal le-ations between Guar dian and Ward, Master and Ap peentice, ai:d Landlord ana tenant It Tells You vYInU cohs.iiutes Libel ana Sian der, and t e law ns to Marriage Bower , the Wife's Right in Projt trty. Bivorce uiui Alimony Ft Tells You The Law lor Mechanics’ Liens In every Stale, and t: e Naturalization Laws o’ this country, arid ,ow t” coinpiy with the same. It Tells You The law concerning Pensions m and how to tibtain one, an the Pre- Exemption Laws to Public Lunds. Tt Tells You The la-v for Patents, with m >d< of proc dure in obtaining one, with Interferences, Assignments and Ta ble if Fees. It Tells You II w to make vour Will and how to Administer on an Estate, with the law and the r quirenients there of in every State Tt Sells You The meaning of Law Terms in general use, and < xpiains to yi u the Legislative, Executive and JwU cial Power* ot rntn the lionet*! ar,d State Governments Ft Tells You How t■, hup out of Law. by show ing how tc-io your legal, thus saving a- vast amount of prep ertr, ano vi-xatii-us liiigntion, by its timely consultation. Single copies w ill he sene t,\- mail, postage paid, to Every Farmer, Every Mechanic, livery Man of Business and Every body in Every State, on receipt oi SI.OO, or in law style b ed imr st $1 55. 81009 A YEAR where, in selling the above sink, as our ter- s to all snc'i are very l-lcral. For si-pi-copies of the Book, or f„r terms to agents, with other inforo ation, apuU *o or ad dr, ss JOUM E t’OTT’ H, Ft,higher. No. (>l7 S,n oa S reel. Pidiadatpliia, t a. •T’ll 4th, 1800. vrtVo. Hhat Everybody Bants. THE FAMIIT BOCTOD: COSMIMXO Simple Remedies, Easily Obtained, fur the Care of Diseases tn all Eonns. • BY PROF. HENRY S. TAYLOR M. I). It Tells You llow t ■ attend upon the sick, an . Bow to -- ok tor to in; how iopr - } are D. i ks, Poulnees, Hi .d how te guard against infection from Contagious L) teases. It Tells You Os the v.rious diseases of Chil dren, and gives the best ano sim plest m do of treatment during ■eetiorg, Coneulsions, Vac iua tion, W ..ooping-cough, & M< a ales. It Tells You Tne symptoms <.f Cr- u ~ Cholera Infantum,Colic. Diarrl oe*, *Vorms Snaked Head, Ringw.-in, O’-iekei - pos, &c., and gives you the best remedies for their cure. It Tells You The symptoms of Ftv.-rand Agu, and Bilious, Yellow, Typhu-, Scar let an other Fevers, and gives you the best and simplest remedies for their cure. It Tells You The symptoms of Ii fiuerzs, Con sumption, D > spepsia, Asthma, Dropsy, G ,,u Rheumatism, Amu bago, Ely sipei s, kc., and’ gives you the best remedies for their cure. It T. 11s You The symptoms of Cholera Morbus Jfdignatit Cboleia, •'■mall Pox Dysentery, Oratnp, Diseas, sos the Bladder, Kidneys ai o Ziver and the belt re’uedns for their cure. It Tells You fbe symptoms ofPiemisy,d/umpß Neuralgia, Apoplexy, Paralysis, the various Diseases ot the Throat Teeth, Ear and eye. and the best remedies for tneir cure. It Tells You The symptoms of Epilepsy, Jaun dice, Pii-.s. Rnptuie. Diseases of tne Heait, licmstihage, Venera) Diseases, and Hydrophobia, ~iv. s the best remedies for thei cure. It Tt'.ls Y..u The best and simplest p catmi nt for wounds. Broker. Bones and Dislocation, £p: aiu , Loci>jaw, Fe ver Sites, whit- swellings, Ulcers, whitlows, Bods, Scurvy, Burns and Scroful ■. It Tel!s You Os ibe various diseases peruiia to woman, and gives the best and simple-t remedies for their cu'e, together with many valuable hint.-, for the preservation of health. The work is written in plain language, free from medical lei ms, go as to be easily urdc - stood, while its simple recipes may soon save you many times the cost of the book. Ft is printed in a clear and open tip^-; is illustrated wiih appropriate engravings, and will be for. warded to your ad res, n. atiy bound and pcs tage paid, on receipt of $’ .00.’ 81000 A YEAR where, in se ling the above work, as our induce menu o all such are very liberal. For ingle copies of the Book, or /or terms to agents, with other information, apply to or addreaa JO'IN E. POTTER. Publisher No. 617 (Sanson! Ah ice t, Philadelphia, Pa. Jal a 4 ill, 1860, -—* dm. Notice DA. N P. PO'VRRS, having been burnt out has hd to get an office elsewhe'e. is nor at ying in the house formerly held j by l>r, Latimer, lv, P. solicits the patronage of those a ko may grant It, and who ar witting to pay f’ t Is ‘ BE SURE TO CALL AT MASSEY’ & LANSDCLL zias y ’a Lawny,,! WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Drags, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils. Tarnishes, Patent Medicines, &c. Main Street, Greenesboro’, georgia. HAVE IN STORE ANT> TO ARRIVEi ! ! 110,000 LBS WHITE LEAD. FROM 7* TO 10 CENTS ; j 2000 “ SNOW WHITE ZiNvJ ; 500 GALL’S. LINSEED OIL; 200 MACHINERY 200 •• SPERM 200 *• LARD 100 •• COLD PRESSED CASTOR OIL j 40 •• SWEET 200 •• SP’TS TURPENTINE; 200 * 9** PER CT. ALCOHOL; 100 •* BURNING FLUID; I 109 COACH-BODY VARNISH ; j ioo “ japan 100 BLACK JAPAN; 40 • PIANO VARNISH; 100 COPAL 100 “ LEATHER - 100 • ASPHALBUNE VARNISH; 100 “ TRAIN OIL; 200 KEROSENE •• 10 CASES CONCENTRATED LYE; 200 KEROSENE LAMPS; 20,000 CIGARS; | 100 OZ. QUININE; ! 10 “ MORPHINE; FERFUMERY IN LARGE QUANTITIES, And almost everything else bel mging to tho Drag Business, all of which we offer at ATLANTA PRI j CKS, and to wholesale purchasers we will sell Druo\s, ! Medicines, dec., at AUGMJriTA KATES—freight ad ded- Every article warranted To be what it Is Sold For, ! And, as we are having manufactured fox* us, several j new brands of Lead in large quantities, we can offer greater inducements in quality and pidce than ever ! before offered in this market. Call and examine our I Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as wo fell confx ! dent we can satisfaction. [Feb IG, 1860. BY calling at Massey & Lansdcii’s Drug Store and Examin ing some samples of Ture WHITE LEAD we think you will be convinced at once that it is a BETTER article than the Union Lead, and can be sold for LESS MOSEY. ! WIIEKE Y'OU Ci‘.N BUY GOODS CHEAP. GR33N3S339RO’ MALE AUADBJiY.. II” iT.E, open tho I'itU iust., under the * t enurge of Air. Crawford J. Reese, of Madison,Ga. J. W. GUDKIN, An rust (!h, IBGO-3w. President. KOI! SALE. A Valuable Residence, in (lie City of Orccuesboro’* KNOWN till REED PLACE. Tuc House con iett* aiotir R-hui s, two ot tlu.n ‘il plaitercfl, wuii ,1 PorticoULti Flower fiardt uiu Lont* Tr lot contain*rtx icrcn ot’ LAND, more or !*■*. Oi. the prcintrfb ir a /*t/cl Kucln r* with three Rooms, a Smoke H ose, Hen Homto, C*rrutfftf !4ou*e, Liry> VViMK St,Op, Btfn, Stable, and ail other nece.s sary out Bull ! rials. Als ,as jj*od a Well ot VY.ter as can b ! t urn! in the City. P. cG v eri is large and planted i tv lit choice Fruit Trwsot alt kii-da. \ Any person wi.-hing i*> porrhase property in this I ci‘y .* , uul f i t o wed to call soon atid * xaiuittc the i i-r* as it w ill be a Id low lor CA>ll. j Ajiv yto G i- REED, j G* ecues.ioro. Os., August IS6'> —^tf. Dll. J. BOV EE DUDS’ IMPERIAL WISE. BITTERS, ArlF. :i.a from pum and uroidulie’Sted Woe. whioh .* about r.ouile the usual stiengtuof other IFnus. and is imported by only one house in the United States. Also, from the foil wing valusole Rents, Herbs, Ac., V'Z- Solomon's Seal, hpike-nstd.Con frey Csm mn'le Flowers G ntian, Wild Cherry free Bark, and B vhetrv. WE CHALLENGE THE WORLD TO PRODUCE THEIR EQUAL!!! IF <l. not pioless to nave discoviieo some Roots -‘known only to the Indians of S uih America, ’ aid a cmc fur “all diseases winch tne fl u -h is heir to,” bur we claim to present to the public a ruly va uabh preparation, whi- h every intell gent Physician in the counir ll approve of and recommend. As remedy for LVCIPIiKT COXSIIMPTION, Weak Zungs, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Di.-ea.s~ es ol the Nervous System. Paralysis, Piles, Diseases peculiar t> Females, Debility, and all cases r> ou’vinsr Tonic, th v a r e UNSTJHPASSBIJ! For Sue Throat, so common ainu. g the Clergy, they are truD valuable. ftr the apt and and u fi; ta, or fer j e 8’ ns of a weak constitution —fur Ministers o: the gospel, Z iwj era, and all public sp aker —for Book keepers, Tailors, Seainstrisses, Students, Ar tists, and nil poisons leaning a sedentary hie, they will prt v tiu'v be tfi ial. Ah a Beve-ape, they are wb Mesome innocent a* and d-hei ns to the taste They product all the exiitlatat'ug rffe ts of brandy or IFme without inti’xicaliitg; st'd are a valuable rent edy foe sdutcri (i o rxce s> ve use of -trorg d'ink, and wish t< refrain irotn it.— They jtve put t nnd entirely fr e frutu the on cont’iarl in h. i.d'i’i-rrt. i vvincs t dLi quors with which thi c tiptiy is .. These Bitter- no’ only (TUKr. iiut P'.EVE V 1 Disease,and should be. us<d by all who live in a country where the water is bait, or where Chills and F v.-rs ire previlent. Being entire- Iv inmct nr ftd harnd ks. they may be given freely to Utiiidr< and Infants with Impunity. Physicians. Cleigym-n and tempi ranee d ---vocat’ h, as • aetol humanity, s < u and as. ist in spieadng these uu v variable fill I hits over the ‘and. and thereby essential t aid in banish. irg lt,i kettoess CIIAHLK.iI WIDDIPITLD * CO.. Proprietor I, 78 Willtan Street, S*>r York. And aoid ny Drug/mt* *•< rally. Wholesale anu Rfiß Agen s for Georgia Pu’*n A I rircta A ifinta. Add aDo by rgraari Wravra Orsen.b ro Jot- iah. IBa. (in. \t] wlr. | BLANK* Os all kind, nralt y rented t j •hist'rtW'", n #an notiee j SOUTHERN DRUG HOUSE. STILL OCCUPY TRKIR OLD STAND; O/.-osit? tub Plants'.,• lloveii. N„ 3JG, Wharf tttev ConstardU- keen “n bttrid ntie of THJ! St ARGISST STOCKS IN 1 .ME SOIiTUEUX COUNTRY! Cos. orist! ,g Every Aniete nt f p Drug and Fancy Goods Trade, ALL OF Whic’r fltP.y will sell AT NEW YORK PRICES. Price Before Fon Bay Ansnm*. G .. J;<mmrr I'lib 1 Ol CLOCKS, WATCHES 1 i w I'l ® y j FJNHE unilersignod would to ipcotfux’y jgL Jl inform the citizens of t is ■ ieiniry and the public in general, that iie lias xSWw Iteltiriied to (<reenevhen<, and will constantly keep on hand a well lclot ted stock if Clocks, Watches 4b Jewelry, and will sell lower than ever. Call in and try him. ttf-Lr. Clucks, W atches and .Jewelry, also, r.Et’AißEnas heretofore nt the old stand* J. P. AIILSTKOM. Gu , M>v 31) 186 1. if. J. * & 11.4. K f f.Y H’gJjLZ. MANUFACTU HEHSOF Saddles. Harness, Trunks Ac., Ac ’TY_ r . JJ Yii penuainoii ly esiaolishid > themselves iii the Toytti of Pen r-.iiK...). rin-l ‘t he’ arc n roe- int of a Fine Lot of Materials. and will constantly keep on hand a good assortment of . Wagon. Coach anl lliiggv Harness of THEIR OWN and the NORTHERN MAKE. LST 1 All JOBS put up in tho most work manlike manner of the best material 15P* Repairing done at the shortest no tice. f Jan. 1,1860-ts. A ma-’.NQIO STOCK!’ At Lowest Prices I RETRY J. OSDORAE, Watch-.H aker, Jeweller, op rYcam , No 256 BROADS t Rr.Er. under ‘he U. S ilotel.ami O *!D*rit. tilt* Cliv Rdftlr. 1 AUGUSTA, OEOItGIA., , Keeps on tia. tl a selict and bva.tilul a s'Jt tnent of Goods, cons’sti'.gof WATCEBS, JI^WKLEY, l SILVStt is PLATIiIJ WAKE, Tr.L’ SC EKS SttSVEVOK 5 ‘,o)fP ,SSKS. ‘rV-CLAS- I ss ‘or Mou-tath U--. and in abort ( Very* thing ua- ful in hi- lin- of buent ss psTtirn rty m PEO TAOLES, l UtiK \ ( V UUKI y. Fine WBfch'-s and Jewelry B< rair<d in the H vtMr- n-r fM*r. t 2>< iPfiO 1 . nuaoiKEt! CHAMP! CIIOLIBA! 111 in.(h - Th 8 med'eine has been Tl,e „y,! * ■’ rAlUMi TKIEO, TEST!D and I’KOVED by ten tkaks experience ■ .iiAiw. SArra-d iiemaui.e r-m ed? for aft bowpl iiB'iANorMEST*. Diakmiioea, Dinnttry , Cramp* , Paine, Cholera, Ch •lie , 4e. wsv huiart Ike|ioti|ii> One <>e (uo iJomr of •20 drepa, will cure the most severe cramps in the stomach in 20 minutea. A sinsle d"se o r - | ten cures tl,e Diarr <e% end It n- ver constipates I the hnw Is, One dosn will satisfy any one ot * Ita merits P'le only *5 Oi-nta. I Prepared by Thau. A -Tow, 42 Bowery. { 1 N Tors. And solfl in O eeneeboro by Va*e*y I ! & Lanedell. fapr lltb, .*00*!?. j June 1 jth I j,. Patent Medirinea. Ac. Fever and Ague, fro-n which mankind softer over a large part of the 1> lo!v, is the couaisfilctS-c ot a tliscnscii action in the system, invlueed bv the poisonous miasm of vegelatilo decay. This exhalation is evolved try Ihc anion of solar heat on wet soil, and rises with the watery vapot from it. W hilc the sun is Imilow the horizon this va por lim?er near the earth’* surface, ami the vim* is taken with it throwgb the lungs into the blood. There it acts its an irritating poison on (lie hnenml viscera mid cxiTcting organs of the body. Tle fiver becomes torpid and fails to secrete not only Ibis virus, hut niso the bile from tile Mood. Moth lire virus and the bile’ aecninßlate in I lie circulation, and produce violent.constitutional disorder. The spleen, kl® ne-'s, aDA tt*e atomaelt sympatbize with the liver, and lieeome disonlen'd also. Finally, llic instinct of our organism, usrfin an attempt to expel tlie noxious iafnsion, i cmecntnucs the wttole bloo.l of the besiy j,,- lbe intenial exeretories to force them to cast M out. jl, i Mood feavcs-tlwr surface, and rushes to the cen trai <.*rguns with congestive vioietve. Tliis is tho ‘j list >:> this etfort if fails, l iirn the Fever , i, -V: j, * which the Wood Ha vea the central organs |„ i _ ’i ies .'o tli<t*wrfaee,as if in another effort to ex* niTliie i.Titat. ! ' , o tlw&ttghiflu’ omer great ex -1 .o’ - -ill e s!-in s h ‘ails, and the sv ,‘n ihandons the extamatwl, wa.tmgfcr Die recovery of strength *%*s?}£* OTWtfl.oi- T’hnyA MT. frto’ pIYTIMJ) SIR. - * 6f TK-- vFft ASil Vrifu S mli wilt of eour “ undermine 5hC V.'e have latiored to Had,. n “ an* Ayer’s which neutralizes this malarious poison <u lJi and stimulate* the liver to expel it from As it should, so it does euro tliis afflictive with perfect certainty. And it does more, or 1 ZtL does what f3 of more serricc to tliose subject to t-** infection. If taken in season it cxjiels it from the sys tem as it is absorbed, and Dm* k-cp those who use it free from Its attack*; keeps the system in health exposed 16 the disease. Consequently it not only cures, hut protects from, the great variety of af fections which arc induced by this maligna"t iiiflii -ace, such as Remittent F-'Vcf, Chill Fever, Dumb, or Alaska! Ague, rcriodlcalHeadache,or Bilious Hoadr nciie, Bilion; Fevers, Neuralgia, Bhcumatism, Gout, Blindness, Toothache, J araehe, Caiwrh, Asthma, Palpitations, Painful Affections of the Spleen, U,tov tarics, Colic, Paralysis, nn l Painful Affections ot Shp? Atomach and Bowels, all of which, wheo.ii'feius frqpt, this cause, wilt lie found to assume move or less the intermittent type. This “AoCK €*SS?‘ MUMaw-thtt c-msoof tiiese dersugements, and; cures the disease. This it accomplishes by Btiina('a;thg.tlie exoreiOiigx to expel the vints from the systearptwiT. these organs’ by degrees beco'ne habited toi odtec of their own accord. Hence susses what wc-temr. acrli tnat.'oa. Time may nccomptWfc the wnt er.A, hut often life is not long: enoughysr is nwriOredi in the attempt, while this •‘AGtattPCltit”'ttoes-jhatence, and with safety. IVe liaivc grear-roasao tofs'lSirse this i* a surer as well m safer istacdiy fine the wtarft- e! as* of diseases which are eu’iset by tin.*Hflawemthrinfec tion, than any other widcii has- !v eia<fiscasrer-d'; and it has still another important advantage-k> the pub which i<, that it is cheap a.; weSiias got!i rnr.PARF.D uy DR. J. C. AYER &i CO. i. o -.v i: r. i., mask. Pr.tcr, O.vl Dollar rxi: Botsle. Ayer’s Oherry Pectoral. has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and bung Complaint, that it is eti t’relv unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has b-on employed. As it has long hern in constant tt ; e throughout this sec tion, we need not do more than us.-uro the people its quality is kept up to the host it ever has liven, and that'it may l>-j relied on to do for their relief all it Ur.-; ever bee-n found to do. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For all tho jrcrpaaw of a- Purgnthro Kodicino. Foil CosTiVF.NiiSs; For tuk Cure ov Dyspepsia;- Poiv Jar;stock; • Top. the Core or IsiiioestioX: For lleaiiaciie; For this Cure ok Dysentery; For a Foil Stomach; For tih: Cure op Fkysipllasj. For Tub Piles; - For the Cure or Sckukela For alt, ScnoKULivtis Pompl.unts;’ For the Cere of Kiikl/Ratisu; , For Diseases ok the Skin; For the Curb of Liver Complaint; For Dropsy; For tub Cure of Tetter,Tumors,.anu SAi.r RiIEPM For Worms: For the C'lrb of fiourr For a Dinner Pill; For the Cere ok Necrat.gia; FoRl’L'IttKVfNO THE BLOOD. They are sugsr-eoated’, so flint the most sensitive rant take them.pleasantly, and being purely Vegetable;no* harm can arise, from, their i;ne in any quantity. Pries 25 aty psrßax; Fir?-3bgc*.&r SJ-00. Great numbers of Clergymen, XBtyviifflwi*: Statin, men, and eminent personages, have lent t(u :r num .** so eertifytlie unparalk-led aHefUuv*s-6 these n-m - dies, bat our space hen; will nut P’ i - tr irn- ioser’ v t of tiicnr. The agents lielmv mitned fi!Tiiisli',cref <>■* American Ai.m.ana<c in which.they are given; w i> also full descriptions of tin- a“+.Te ‘ <n;>lainls , l the treatment tlmt should lie followed for itieir < u . IV,not he put off by unprincipled dealers wiifi oth- r preparations they make more profit oh. Dunne I Aveh's; and take no others. The sick want the 1, t aid there is for them, and tlwy should have i.. AU our Bemcdio* are for sain by For snilo t>> J . Henry Wood,GrernrsV r’- and D. H gbtotver, White F’a'ns. fittil.- SfflFfeL ISSikNHOOB, nou HOSV RESiOItEI),, Just published in a Scaled Enrrfojte,. AIitCTCRK ‘N THE sA I ttsß, I K*TM*.'V AZVasMCit cuaKO**SpßßMAToßasA,or B-.ifiioftl kne^s,B* x~ UHI Debility, nh nt Involuntfiry E*iiii*rior, 4r(xtuciiiic Imp >tenry, Cumiuinpii n and Meutal and Physical D- biHiy, JJy liOII i CULVERWELL. M D The iiUjjor’ tm lac’ i.tiai the nwlulens* queue- sos self abuH* irmy be cifcciuvHy renuve<f without inti r mii in dicires or iJie 4?a ics, instrument*, medirtth-d n-f otWfcrnv piric*l d4vic*'N, in here dearly <em.iv trut i rbe enlirely new an • h g-hlv sneers ful as fc dnpK'd bv the eelebr* er nuilior, fnlly rxplA?ncd, br menus t>f which rv r? one eiwbltn tocorehlirinefr rfectjy, nd at th” Ich*! po r-it-le then by avoi ding: nil udvriti*■•! fu“trun s>l ilie Tf<is lec.- •ure will pr'vc * bon to Uimii*?lifts ftm’ tboiuand*. Sent imcfi rbcal n any add'e* - , on t.o reodotof iw.i zlnge! bv :ufdr> SHioer DR. • H J C KI.INR M I) . 450 F g Av • u-. New Yrk. P n H x f Wfi i o 11 HfrMv. 110 AV ABD ASSOlfi TTilf, PHILADELPHIA. A Benetolent Institution e*fi>Mith*if byfii.alat Endowment for the Jcli*? ‘ f ,ne & Dhtreee- ffflietet, hrvtentand, Epidemic Jeiieatft. T'lF owarit AKSf CtattOfi’ jn vir-w of tt e< a a’fiil (JcEtraa-iau f human Ufa caused b\ ;Kaa| diaPRN.K, at'd the d'.ccf’MoPP p 1 £’ tke’d upon the unfoitun ,te vict of gueß dieetkee oy quacks,Several yea’s etted their eon -u.-tlng Surgeon, as.a charitulle net wor'hy of” tl.c-ir name, to open a for the treat mi nt of this elas- ot dtseaaes.fn nil tßeir and t<> eive Medical adtic gratis to all who apply by’ letter nith a description of their con •iiion fge, oi-cbpstioo, > shit, of Dfe, Ac) and m cns.i'S of extreme poverty. •<) furnith Medicine. jree of charge. It tie dl. ss to ear! if t tho \s*ociation cormnands th* liignest m>ui<en nb tlj and tfl'. age, and will furnish the tnOS’ np ir>vd tiiuderr t eatiuent. The Ditctfoi's nijhe Asso ciation to their annual Report npoa tho treat* natit of sexual diseases, expris the t.igtrsl. satisfaction wit hhe snreess which has attended the labor oftheir Surgeons In th< cure of sent* nal wcaknera,diseases of the Kidneys end Blad der. Ac and order a continuance of the same plan for she ensuing v<ar. v” - Valuable reports on Speimstorrhoi a,and oth* ■ r iisesAesof sexual Urp; nsirui, tle title reme dies employed in the Dispensary, tent to the nftlicted imealod letter envelope l ,free oi chsrge Two nr li Stamps for postage will h< acceptable. Address, Di J Skii.lin lloi oiiton, Acting; Surgeon, Howard Assm ittion.No. 2 bouth liL st., Phi.adoiphis, Pa I y order of the Btrte* tots KZKA K II All I VA ELL. Pr-sident. fjp.o. I'aihchii.d. Sen’ro . fpoy, Ijl'fiß-ly Job Work of all kinds neatly done nt this office. lie stint t > call at Masoy & Lansflell’s atnl price their .goods before purchasing elsewhere 1