Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, September 26, 1860, Image 3

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! ‘"-JLI.T I“■■L —i. . ” Sew Legal AdrrrUMaeiii Ci IDRGIA,Gaun CwiiT.-WiMina, JUrt I •*•'* fplM Sw Lr tier. | (iiiartliaiHhip f-r II Irtjr Md K chant M. Irby. (l.'pbaua —undar iutirtm yraranf agr —vi Thmnaa F. Irby, il*c*ed. >—Tu*S ar ihmbn to cite and admonish, ail |*r taonne I, In br aad appear ai the Court of Ordinary to be bald in aod for aaid rounly on the I'd M aday in November nex, to ahow cause (if any lby has. ) why aaid Letters should not ♦ kan lu apaafasl vt iw p, savst g” I > Given under mr hmd at oflloe in Greener boro, -.Sept. lib, IW ECGEFICS L. KING. O-io’y. ■ Administrators Sale. lVT*irtua of on Order from the Court of X> Ordinary o ffreeoe county, will be sold before the court house door in fereeneshor /, oa the first Tuesday in November next, all the lands, 800 eight hundred acres more or less, belonging to the estate of William F. Luckie, deceased, lying about nine miles East of <7reenesboro on the waters of South Ogechee- On the premises is a good Dwelling house, al>, a good gin house with cotton screw; and all necessary out buildings. There are about 300 acres of land in the woods, and upwards of 100 acres ot bottom land, Plantatiou in tolerable good repair. Per sons wishing to see the laid will call on Jihn D. Sears, who lives on the premises, or on the u idcrsigaed. ELLIOT C. BOWDEN. Adin rof Wm. F. Luelie, deceased. KxecutorsSnit'. IN accordance with the last Will, and Testa ment, of Herod Irby late of Greene County Georgia, deceased, will be sold before the <7ourt j/ousc door, -n Greenesboro, Greene •County, within the legal hours ol sale, on the first Tuesday in November next ; the following named negro slave'’, the property of said de ceased to wit: Charles a man, 72 yearj old, Ned a man, 69years old, little Ned a man, 25 years old, Jinos a boy; 19 years old, //ender fon a boy, 16 years old, Nathan a boy, 11 years old, Berry a boy, 6 1-2 years old, LVesy a wo man, 60 years old, H annah a woman, 37 years 4bld, and her two children, Sally agiii, 4 years **ld, and Greene a boy 2 1-2 years oid, also Em ily a girl, 11 years old, Lvny a girl, llytars ofd, Caroline a girl, 10 years old, and Jinny a girl, 9 years old. Sold for the benefit of the heir* of said estate. Terms twelve months •credit, small notes and approved security, ISAAC A. WILLIAMS. Exr of HEROD IRBY, Deed. ■September 19th 1860. NOTICEf HAVING sold my entire interest in the Mercantile businrgs to Messrs. Winf : cld. Jack-.ON k Cos., 1 nturn my sincere thanks to my friends and customers for their very lib eral patronage, ai.d ieel confident that one and all can be accommodated, on very liberal terms by cal'ing on my successots. My Books, Notes and Accounts will remain at the old aland for the piesent. All those wishing to set'le, can he acromuiodated by calling, “in my absence,” on Messrs. Wiriield. Jackson A 00., who will attend to this part of mv busi ness for m* W. C. SMITH, August loth. 1860. (’opartnerliip Notice. Wri th iiiiders : gned, having formed aco oartiK-rship for the purpose ot carr ing On a g m-ral DRY-GOODS t Vtl N GROCERY BUSINESS, j An l harat Im> gbt the entire M rcantile inter- j m Wm. C. Smith, wou’d inform our f> it-nds ! plot lira public, that, in order to reduce our j present wtm-V of G mis. s.. as to uiako i com ; Far at Lit ge stud Choice Stock this Fall, will aril anything tha* we have on hand . *i piese-t a> a l>ry Small Advanre on 5 Y Cost, i ’■ a til occupy lie old sand of Wm. : a\ Hmilh, ( riitd nnr New Biiik Store in com |deted) We hop.- that all will avail tliim fr o of one ol the Best Opportunities tier OiTcrsd to Buy Goods Low, We utter • this inducement, and if you trill go clsvw er and day muii i*i;ici;s, |t >|'t idaoic an One but jour seven. We gi list, that h* close and strict attention to busi- | aies* t<> taeiit at l-.-a.-t a liberal share of your j itatro i WINFIELD, JACKSON k CO. JAS. W. tVISKIELD. | J. T. PORTER. L U JACKSON. | U R. CK.YBUE August loth, I'tiO. DISSOLUTION. iTJT JE firm of Crabuk k Wkaveh, was this X day disso ved by mutual consent. The Clothing Business jn will be carried on by Messrs. Almanac, Porter k Cos. We hereby tenderour sincere thanks to our friends and customers tor their very liberal patronage, and would •so'icit for uur successors a continuation of the same. OR ABBE * WEAVER. | August 15th, 1860. Copartnership Notice. W!, the undersigned, having formed s co |iartnership for the purpose of carrying oh the CLOTHING AND Furnishing Goods Business, And having bought Henry C. Weaver's interest in ‘he old firm of Crahbe k Weaver, would infirm our friends and the public gen erally, that we offer Extra Inducements in the vale of what goods we now have on hand, our object is to reduce the present r-tock, as wo intend tJ offer one of the UrgeM aad Beat Stocks of Clothing and Furnishing Goods. ever offered to this community, we intend to make this a BUSINESS OF ITSELF, and therefore our stock will be complete.— We hope that by strict attention to busi naan to merit e liberal share of your patron age. UR ABBE, PORTER k CO. ■. B. CRAMS. 7 L IB JACKIN’. JL T. PORTER, I J W. WINFIELD. August 16th, lanq GUNS! GUNS! G- TJ IST S! sss&& Beetle teas. Biles Pistols. I will +> all work entrusted to me with neat noe and <bpatch, .*i reasonable terms, and * errant it, tff* Hits ms * C<tU. Shop over /. P. .Utintif Jew-lry store. r. MAHKWALTKR. . •Id'v M, !*<& ♦ • New. Legal NOTICE. ALL perißMi. indebted to the Estate of James M. Davison, late of said county deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims against said deceased will present them duly proven to the undersigned, within the time prescribed nv law. VARGARET D'VISON. Adm’rx, v JAMES DAVISON, Adm’r. September 3d, 1860. —Gw. NOTICE. GEORGIA, Gkeenr County. —Two months after date, to-wit: On the first Monday in November next, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said countv, for leavelto sell a portion of the real estate belonging to the estate of William D. Maddox; deceased. VALENTINE D. GRESHAM, ) v . MARSHALL K. STOVALL, ( re ’ Angust-30th 1860. —wtd. Administrator’s Sale. GEOGRGIA, Greene County.—By virtue of an Order of the Court of Ordinary for said county, will be sold before the court-house door in Greenesboro’ on the first Tuesday in November next, all the lands, —690 acres more or less—belonging to the estate of George Crutehjield, deceased, lying about eight miles east of Greenesboro on the Powelton Road. , On the premises is a good Dwelling Douse, also, a good gin house and all other necessary Out buildings. About 250 acres, or more, is in the woods: the balance cleared and under good fence. Persons wishing to seethe lands will please call on Mr. John Crutchfield, who lives on an adjoining place, or on the undersigned. Terms on the day of sale. .JAMES BURK, Adm’r. of George Crutchfield, Deceased. Grecnesboro' , September \t. 1860. GEOBtiIA, (irccnc County. WHEREAS, James W. Jackson, Guardian of James D. Champion, petitions this Court for Letter of Dismission from said Guar dianship : It is therefore ordered that all persons concerned be and appear at the Court of (Jrdiuary to he held in and for said county on the first Monday in November next to show cause (if any they have) why said Guardian should not then be discharged. Ordered further that a copy of this rule lie published forty days ill terms of the law. A true extract from the minutes of Greene Court of Ordinary, September Term 1860. EUGENIUS L. KING, Onl y. SALE OF RE4L ESTATE. BY an Order of the Court of Ordinary of Greene .-ountv, wi 1 be sold on the first TUESDAY IN (iVEMBER next, before the Court House in Greenesboro, Greene County. (if not previously sold at private sale) the ,'raot of Hand lying on Little hiver, in said county, whereon Col. Absalom -sanes formerly lived, and now belonging to the two Minor Heirs of A. Janes, deceased, containing about (2**so) Tfrent -six Hundred and Fist acres. Said settlement of land is one of the most valuable in Middle ffcoig’a, condfciing a very’ large prop *rtion of bottom land, in a high state of cultivation, and also a large pri por tion of wood and. The improvements on tl.e pi ce are arl! that could be desired for planting or farming pur p >ses. The p’antatnn is in first rate repair, lutverv particular. Pcri-hns desiring to pur chase won and do well to call a; and examine.— Mr. A. K ng on the place will show all the points to any one desiring to purchase. Sold for ilic puip* se of division. Hr£T” Terms.—One Third payable on the 25th of December ltstiO, One Third due on the 25th December 1M51; and One Third payable on the 25tli December, 18(52, with interest from 25th December, 1860 on the two lest payments. Any futtber information can be had by ap plying to Mr. Albeit King on the place, or by letter to either of the undersigned, at Pen ii-.ld,‘<reorgia, THOMAS P. JANES, i ... _ JAWES A. SANDERS, I r ‘ x r - September 3d, 1860. Grci iut Sliei ifl’s Sale. WILL, be sold before the Court House door in the city of Greencsborp on the first Tuesday in October next, between, the legal hours of sale, the so lowing property to-wit: Two hundred acres of Land, more or less, adjoining lands of Dr. B. P. Carlton, James B. Part and others. Levied on as tho property of It. A. Newsom, to satisfy a fi fa from Greene Superior Court in favpr of H. M. Holttclaw vs It. A. Newsom.- Property pointed out by said Newsom. J. D ENGLISH, D.Sh’ff. August 29tK, 18GO. , , NOTICE. G GEORGIA, Greece County.—Two months after date, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave tb sell a portion of tho real estate belonging to tb.Res tate of James A. Moody, deceased. ELI AS'B. MOODY; Ex’r. of James A, Moody, decease 1. August29th, 1860, NOTICE. ON the first Monday in October neit I will apply to the Court of Ordlnnry of Greene county, Ga„ for leavo to sell the negroes belong ing to my ward, Mary A. Parrott. M. IV. LEWISj Guardian. July 24th. 1860. td. notice! T -- ON the first Monday in October next I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of Greene county Ga., for leave to aell tha negroes of my ward, Jeffrey C. Parrott. *•* A. A. JF.RNIGXN, Griardian. July 24ih, 1860. —td. Execwtor's Sale. WILL lie sold before the Court-House door in the city oi Greoneshnro, on the first Tuesday in October next, withiu the legal hours of sale. Three (300) hundred acres of land, m&e or less, adjoining lands of Stephen Jackson and others. Also, Forty-two (42J) and one-half acres of land, more or less, adjoining lands of J. IV. Smith and others. J. W. SMITH. Ex'r Aug. 15, 1860. C. SMITH, Ex'n, NOTICE. GEORGIA, Greexe County.— All. persons indebted to the estate of William D. Mad dox, late of aaid county deceased, arc requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said deceased will pre sent them duly proven -to tho undersigned with in the time prescribed by Law. VALENTINE |). GRESHAM, l t . MARSHALLK.STOVA’ L, t txr *• of Wm. D. Maddox, -I•vended. August 11 tb, 1860. —--trfhar. •* Executor’s *lnle. • LL !e sold before the Court-House door ▼ v in Greenesboro, Greene County, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day tu October next. One tract .r nairel of land containing (335) Three Hundred and Thirty-Five acre*, moir r less, ly’ng on tlif waters of Sboulderlnne Creek in said county. Slid In aeeordanoe with the last Will and Tes tament nf Herod Irby, 4vi**l, for the benefit ot the heirs of said do-cased. Terms on dev of sale. 18A.1C A. WILLIAMS. j Lentil AdvrHisemenls- GEORG I , G uebx * Coorr - W here** W il liam S. Dsvis, and Goodwin T. Myrick, Executors of Ihe last WiJL and Testament of Mrs Sarah W. Rowland, deceased, petition the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned te show cause (if any they have) why said Executors should not be dis charged at the Court of Ordinary to be bold in and for said county f n the second Monday in January 1861. Given under my hand at-, office in Grtenei.boro, Julv sth. 1860. E’ GENIUS L. KING, OrdV. i GEORIA , Greexe Oocxtv.— Whereas, ! Jvhn C. Merritband ‘Ehos. J. P. Atkinson Administrators upon the estate of Lovitt Mer ritt deceased, petition the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory; These are therefore to c.te a-.d admonish all persons concitned, to r ow cause (if any they have) why said Administrators should m t be discharged at the Ponrt of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the second Monday in January 1861. Given under my band at office in, July 6th, 1860. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Gbeese Couxkt.---Whereas, Isaac A. Williams, Administrator de bonis non of the estate of Joseph Grimes, deceased, petitions the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause (jf any they have) why said Administrator should not be •iischarged at the Court of Ordinary to be held .ihand for said county on the first Monday in December next. Given under my hsr.d at office in Greenesboro, June 4t'i 1866, EUGENIUS 1, KlNG,’Ord’y. T! GEORGIA, Gbefxe County.—Whereas, Is ac A. Wil iarns, Administrator upon the estate of Mrs. Harriet L. Grimes, deceased petitions the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show canse (if any they have) why said Administrator should not be discharged at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in December next Given under my hand at offiio in Gaeenesboro, this June 4th 1860, EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Gheenk County.—Whereas, Sunuel A. Howell, Administrator de bonis non, with the Will ennexed, upon the estate of McKinney Howell deceased, petitions the Court of Ordinary ot aaid county for Letters dismissory : These are therefore to bite and admoniph all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to show cause (if any they havr)whv said Administrator should not be discharged at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said countyon the first Monday in November next. Given umjeriny hand at office in .Greenesboro, April 2nd, I3t EUGENIUS L KING, Ord’y. Cv EORG'A. Gheknf. County.—Whereas, Freder -4 ic C.> Fuller, Administrator upon the eslute of rtlrhh f). Willis, deceased, petitions the Court of Or dinary of said county for Letters Disinissory : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindrcdsiid creditors of said deceased, io show cause (if any theydiare) why said ..Adminis trator should not be discharged, at the Court ol Ordi nary to be held in and ter said county on the firs* Monday in October next. Given under my hand at office in Orecneaboro, March tjtb, 1660. EUGENIUS L. KING. Ord’y. GEORGIA. Gueeke County. —Whereas, Wi Ilia n W. Moore, Guardian of Austria Howell, now Austria Mapp, peti’ions this Court for Letters Dismissory from said Guar dian.'-hiji; It is therefor ordered that all persons con cerned, bo and appear tit the Court of Ordina ry to ho held in and for said enmity on the first Monday in October next, to show emse (if any they have) why said Guardian should not then be discharged. - Ordered further thait a copy of thiß Rule be ! published for forty days in terms of the few. A true extract Jrom the minutes of said Court. Augustadj turned term i860,, EUGENIUS L. KING, Or’dy. CITAT XOnT STATE OF GEORGIA,) In the Court Greene County, j of Ordinary. To June Hutcheson and her husband James Hutcheson: WHEREAS, a paper purporting to be the last Will and Testament end Codicil ot Sarah Walkbr, dece&scd, has been filed in this Office: and, whereas, Jiamticl R. Walker the ExciJiitor/iu said Will, hag petitioned this Court that the said Will ana Testament and i Codicil may be proven in Solemn form, and that the Legatees, Devisees and Heirs at -Law be cited for that jmrpose ; and, whereas, Jane Hutcheson, wife of James Hutcheson, a Lega tee named in said Will, resides beyond the lim its of the State of Georgia: These are therefore to cite and rCf'\’ire O ie said Jane Hutcheson aud her has\j-„'a James Hutcheson, to be and npnea-; at the Court of Ordinary to lx l held Vu and for said county of Greer*’ on‘.lie first Monday in November, Eigh i teen Hftndred and Sixty, (the same being the <li y fixed by the. undersigned for tiie’probate of said Will) at the Court House in the City of Gro'nesborough, at 10 o’clock, a. ji., to attend upon'said probate, and to show cause (if any they have) why said W ill and Testament and Codicil sh mid not -then be proven in Solemn form. Given’ under my hand and official signature at Greencsborotigh, this 30th day of July 1860. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ordinary of Greene County Georgia. August Ist., 1860. —w9od Admlnlutrstop’s Sale. GEORGIA, County.—By viitue of an Order, from the Court of Ordinary of said county will be sold before the Court-House door in the city of Greenesboro, on the first Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours, the following Negroes, to-wit: Ade line, a woman about 22 years of age and her threeobildren, to-wit: Sebron about 6 years of age, Martha about 4 years.of age, and Mary about 18 mouthsof age, and o e old woman named Winny, about 66 years of age. Sold £ the property belonging to the Estate of Peter Clarke, deceased, fur the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMES SMITH, Adm’r. of Pet.r Clarke, deceased. August l fc th, IScfi. —tds. NOTICE. Two months after date, to-wit : on the first Monday in October next, I shall apply to the Court nf Ordinary of Greene County, Geor gia, for leave to sell all the real estate belong ing to the estate of Thomas Merritt, Sr., dec’d. JAS. MERRITT, Ex’r. of July 26th, 1860 Thou. Merritt, dec’d NOTICE. ~ TW• months after date. to-wH son tire-first Monday in October next. I shall apply to tho Court of Ordinary of Greene County for leaveto sell the real estate lielongingto the es tate of John If. Snellings, deceased: FREDERIC C. FULLER. Adm’r. of Jno. H. Sncllings, dec’d. Greenesboro, July 30th, ‘6O. - - --iWirfcE. T riV WOna mths after date, to-wh: < u th* first I. Monday in October next, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Greene County, fit., for leave to rail the Real Eta*e and Negroes belonging to tho estate of Sherweo) -Stanley, ( bouae.l. M V, FOSTER, Adm’r. IJ* Vai non the-WiH annexed of Sher 1 *m.i sih ft’ niseMlaoeons Advertisements. SOUTHERN RIGHTS^ MUCH has lieen said of late about South ern Rights aud Southern Trade, espo -1 eially since the Charleston Convention, You can now, “show your faith by vour works.” J. W. WINFIELD, Offers for sale HARNESS of all kinds, made in this city, out of the best Southern material by a i Southern man and he will give a Southern war ; rantee, for all work done in his shop. lie is j prepared to make, to order, anything from a threat-lateh pf a Bridle to the finest Carriage Harness. ISP* Call at his shop in front end of Brother Copelan’s Livery Stable and you will be waited on by a Southern man. G. W. GROGAN, reenesboro, May 15. [feb.22-lyj Agent. Raw Hides. ANY quantity of Good Raw Hide* received at the Orawfordville TAN YARD on the usual terms by C. A. BEASLEY. Crawfordsvilla, Sept 19—-In-. BLANKS of all kinds-neatly printed at this Office, ac snort notice. RAMSAY <fe I/aBAW, Bro wn Stone Building, opposite the Uniorr Bank, and nearly opposite the Planters’ Hotel ’ a, ’ •iugustaosfweorgia. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF Fashionable Ready-Made Clothing, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, &c., BT Our Clothing is WELL MADE, and is of the most fashionable kind. Hav ing superior facilities for manufacturing, they will be sold CHEAP. Augusta, Ga. September 26. IS6O.— ~ Gm. M adalion V elvetCarpets, ENGLISH ROYAL VELVET, Brussels, ‘Three-Ply and Ingrain O A. RPETIN GrS. In New and Beautiful patterns just Received. Damasks of all Kinds, Lace and Muslin Curtains CORNICES, BANDS, LOOPS, &C. WINDOW SHADES, Floor and Table Oil Clothes, Mats, Mattings, Wall Papers, Boards, &c. The Largest Stock ever offered, for sale by JAMES G. BAILIE & BROTHER, Importers und Dealers, 205 BROAD STREET, AVGUSTA, GA, September, I2tb, 1860. fmar. 30, 1860-ly BAUM & CO. MT li©Dl ESTABLISTMENT, 175. Broad Street 177. Under the Augusta Hotel, Augusta, Ga. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULTY INFORM Mei chants and Dealers that they have just completed their arrangements for the coming Pall and Winter Season. offir Store has been enlarged to DOUBLE its former size, thereby making it the lar gest Store in the SjATE OF GEORGIA I O ur which for Variety of the most desirable Goods, is unsurpassed in this State, will, in every respect compare favorable witli any house either in Charleston, or any other Southern City. It is our intention to establish a regular Wholesale Jobbing H ouse, SELLING EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH. Which, as an old fact, is the only way to Buy Goods CHEAP. Having a similar es tablishment in New York city, which our Mr. 1. Kauffeii is manager, it is easy tube perceived that we have Superior Facilities in obtaining the Latest NOV ELTIES as (hey appear in market. We would only ask the favor of an examination of our Stock and Prices before going elsewhere and we will prove to the Trade that we can sell Goods fully as Cheap as any other Wholesale House; besides saving your time for further traveling, and many other expenses. :o:: O ; ; o JUST RECEIVED, Black and Colored OASHMIERS ; SATINET, Kentucky JEANS and TICKS- Black aud Colored CLOTH ; KERSEYS, OSENBERGS, (DENIMS) • ’ Georgia STRIPES, Marlboro’ PLAIDS and STRIPES. CALICOES OF ALL KINDS! Mohair, Debeges, Cedestiali, Lavella Cloth, Barege, Delaiues, Bombazine, Alpacas, Delaines, Marellas, ALL WOOL Delaines, ENGLISH MERINOS! Black Brocake SILKS; I Silk ROBES, POPLINS, POUARDS ; Fancy and Plain SILKS ; | ludia and China SILKS. Brown and White Sheeting and Shirting! Irish LINENS, Table COVERS. Table CLOTHS; DIAPER, DAM4SKS DOYLES, NAPKINS,/TOWELS, BRILLIANTS, Marseilles QUILTS EMBROIDERIES Hat RIBONS, CORSETS; Velvet RIBOXS, FRINGES • Morocco and Silk BELTS, LACES, WHITE GOODS, of all kinds. MAD IBS’ AND HISSES’ HOOP SKIRTSI TRIMMINGS, YANKEE NOTIONS: HOSIERY, and GLOVES of all hind*. BED AND NEGRO BDANKETS, 40., fcC. Our Manufactory of Cloaks and Mantillas. The only one in the Soutlior Staten, in in FULL OPERATION now ; and we venture to say that we can offer those Articles BETTER finished, and more suitable Sonthern TASTE, As Cheap as any Northern Hanse. Just give US .the pleasure of aw early call, and convince yourselves of the above facts: KAUFFER, BAUM & CO. 175 and 177 Broad Street, J kii rrm Jader the Augusta Hotel. AugutU, Ga. |‘* , taa.Ca I H4I ITXII. . V August ?2rd, JM6 (may 23, W>.|* wlr miscellaneous Advertisements. PLUMB & LEITNER. Near Post OOfccc Corner, Broad St. Augusta, Georgia- WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Pare Medicines, Chemicals. rugs, Paints, Ml. Glass, Perfumery, Brushes, Fine Toilet Articles. Surgical and Dental Instruments, Warranted Garden Seed tfe., Sfc. Our stock is perhaps the most complete in the city, and our articles for purity are not sur passed by those of inv concern. Sept. 28-ly. PLUMB k LEITNER. Painting and Glazing, BY W. S. WAG&Oft CIIIIE undersigned haring had several years X experience in the business, is now pre pared to execute all orders in the best style, at short notice and on reasonable terms. Orders solicited and filled with promptness. Orcenesboro Oa., Sept. 12,1860. ty. f^sAsli <Q MODSTAffI HERB §j| minijJ 2ft Ucrhs. Harks aud Roots dy Poisonous Minerals aud Drugs. MOTHERS TAKE HEED! 0 Dt TfMi w!itn rht*rviujf the un*ay *ctlus .f ifflL clilrit-iu wutulrr U*t it ntnv b* ‘||P than * liter** < luitw* uiTTicfs In niue out >f ten. the rsu.M* f the litile Miffer il ‘ij *'■ i H'C'aVJi.S', <:hv i,\i ::J Itat <>nte i/Qvktd Ht. 2 HEADS (IF FA.HII.IES fc| Cos cot Vs CLii-’.cn a-Sn, when t,rebt (jtjlq HU JI DSOVS WORM TEA f$ A SAFE AND PLEASANT CURE R'R Wf RM iL'J on ’ nmr * l k , ‘ s(, ' r **f*r wouM if ho to hv Si Hlw iyA in tin* haus. A little *lely U,III i wheu * eliilO is tsken il! may often J>e the cai>e iJjji] of itn !enth. while tteline without <!e!av. ami KD Wyj by vivins the MUIXTALX UKKIi IP A ‘itm n e IHu AM dint Mr. you will not only suve the child a !**a* (rip hud tetlioua illuess. am! yourself much m h hut. also feel hsiitjtirr in knowing that you have Ry llyf .lone your duty, aud perchance saved it* li'e. Pflk TliSs medSciue in combined purely of. MtlW IjHERBS AND ROOTS® AfcJ NUT .1 PAKTia.K OF Pjh SfCalomel or itlim-ralfjS ■ti I-S USED IX IT. fijl) if;T, v„ ii’orc filthy Vermifuge will be used by mfyj fr J ’ho* who • :••• u-e this T*a. ‘Hitt only nctlvt priiKtiplu *f nil other Vermifuge* aud Worm Him ‘Jjy filler* in .V K It C l K V . (f i ni v e n o Hr VF O I & O nM (i tu k p YOUR CHILDREN. B VJ Vo* Pui.N S'?mh, ?aife. Vegetable Medicine. Till** Worm To.* w> vflisrovered hi an nnufunl vj[ in t';, w:;t nmoiig tie* Wilds of Northern Mi xico—h AA . full recount of. il you .will find in our Alniauius. ESr H A..k for4he ** ttwt'e rs Tttlii Almall'ie,” of the fJT-|i j Agent, and wlu-ji y u have read it, semi il. *• on n*'l'_'hlMrs. tli.?t thev nviv ids** of adK; Ij: i hv eilrt and by this 4IiKAT, REMEDY ! V.M DSOX’S \VOl>l TEA Vj %} /vl 1. LS,WOII 31 S, ft V it v;r ll uw-’j Fl'asant <• Take. V f| CET A Pin-ACi: PinrL -25 ITS. is l . or TANARUS! VI — fiii.l !f.” Nnm. ,n<. c: ".1. ’J.J f i. .Il IsIN A t 11.. Hill] 111.. In iruirfnll “•? •■’ 7‘• j : ..f (Ins iVtey Tea. Tjljg Jljl l B. Ti. JVTBON & CO. ft/ 1 gAOLI PilOP RIET O RSj O A;j 50 Lscuard St. New York. fW .iml.'iii'ii IVmtn ‘Ten Is cold 1y ,[il ™ fcjM*,.? In iTny lillngc, ivml Sold by J II Wood, Grcrncsboro, G V Platt arp ff II Ward. Lexington, Ga. GJune 16, 1660, ly. HOSTETTER’S STOMACHJITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of 1103. TKTTEHS CELEBRATED STOMACH LIT TEIIS can ajipcal with perfect confidence, to physicians and citizens generally of the If nifeyA States, because the article lias attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speuk more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning pufferi'. The consumption of Hostcttcr’a fifovuafh Rit ters for the last year amounted, to over a half million bottles, and from ‘ tt3 manifest windy increase iu times poit is evident that during the comin” year the ‘consumption will roach he a; O oc miHion bottles. This immense umourt Could never have been sold but for- the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend tho Bitters to their patients, but are ready at nil times to give testimonials to ita efficacy iq all cases of stoinnchic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. ’ - This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts iu the way f trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which ia destined to be ns enduring as time itself. Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters have proved • Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various otiier bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To bo able to state confidently that the “ BH+ers” are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a, source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes u!l morbid mutter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tODe and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organa, mildly hut powerfully, and soon restores them to acondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters duily as per directions on the bottle, and they tviJl find iu it u stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent us a tonic, i and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi ! deuce of thousands of nged men and women * who have experienced the benefit of using this l preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting raidc!* the advice us physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and burly tested ihv merits of this article. A few words to tlm gender sex. There arc con ain period* when their cares are so harassing that many of thorn j link under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that thu mother, especially if the Tie young, is apt to ) forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, llie wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant (p Recupe rate the energies of the system, and unable the mother to bear up under tier exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of ‘physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taster as well as certain to give a permanect increase of bodily strength. All tlioje pet sons, to whom wc have pnrfieu iarly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and aptc, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stotnaeh, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetler's Celebrated Stomach Kilter* a ■ i ini. CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter feit*. but ask for Hostkttku’a O-t.MBATfcn Stomach Uirrms. and see that each hot tie bat the word* “Dr. J. Ilostetter’s Stomach Kitten** blown on 4he side of the l>ott!o, and stamped on the metafile eep covering the cork, sod observe that our autograph signal tire inott the label. T Prepared and sold by HOBTi-TlfcXl U satiru, PittotMirgii, Pa., and uotd by all dyuggiala, grocers, and dealers lenomliy throughout the United States, Btruth Jkfee* nca, and liermau;. For it'l kr J. 11. 8001, * r*naebore, If l it Ttppen, P**ing fAug, 15, ‘fi tl*