Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, October 03, 1860, Image 4

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poiuriir. ill* mj. ..j ;.4 TUt is no lida.t so steep'd in sin, Within a world like tins. But wliut can find some memories, To iiil its depths with bliss; To shea aromiti um Hg“t °l iuve, Throughout the deepest oil, To fiuil within its .ehambeis wide, A place tot; lifve to dwell. As flowers scent tiie evening air, With sweet and ties'i perfume, As they expattd behtre the suit, And in their beauty bloom ; 80 in the heart, however rude, Tho light of love shall gleam. And by its rays give peace to all Beneath its sunny beams. There is no heart however bowed By sorrow’s crushing weight, But what has felt within its life A far more happy state ; And which lias memories ol the past, To love and call its own— The joys of which it would not change, To fill a monarch's throne. There is no heart however steep'd, Within tho depths of sin; But what lias some secure retreat. For mercy’s entrance in; Which joys to take the sting away From sorrows’ gloomy hours, As tho bright suu the dews does take From off the enrly flowers. An Irishman had been sick a long time and while in that state would cease breath ing, and life be apparently extinct for some time, 3ii be would come to again. On one of those occasions when lie bad just awakened from bis sleep, bis friend, Pat, asked him: “And how’ll ye know, Jimmy, when yer dead ? yer after waking up every tin e.” ‘ Bring mo a glass of whiskey and sav “bore’s till ye, Jimmy,” and if 1 don't rise and dhritik, thou bury me.” . An Irishman was one indulging in tin very intellectual occupation of snekbm eggs raw and reading a newspaper. 11. some mischance he contrived to bolt a lie chic ken. ’l'lie poor bird chirruped as i went down bis throat, and lie vert politel’ ■observed. “Bo the powers, me friend, you spoke a little too late ! I3P“Mr. Jones, don't you think mar riage is a means of grace V “Certainly; anything is a means of grace that leads to repentance.’ Exit Jones, working in the leal of a broom handle. A Traveller Puzzhsl —A distinguished foreigner who was stuping at one of our best hotels, found some boiled Indian corn op the table one day at dinner, a dish to which he. was unaccustomed. Following the examples set around him, lie ate off the corn, and liking it much, he passed the cob to the waiter and asked to have smite more corn put on it. The waiter was wag gish. and he look the eob and returned a fresh ear, so the traveler knew he lad done just right.— Ra*ton Herald. If a woman could talk out of tho two corners of her mouth at the. same time, there would be a great deal said on belli aides. Miscellaneous Advertisements. A. SHAW tlnnufacttircr and Dealer In all KINDS O F FURNITURE. MAIN STREET, MADISON, GA., Respectfully mr rms his friends nd the public.genemllv, that he is nmv receivint? his SPUING SIOLK OF FUiINI TCIiF. -V. m New Ynt ami Pnila.lelphia, which, together with his LARGE STOCK of Home Manufactured, mak ‘s Ilia Assortment the most dt3ahle to make se lections from, in the up country. Ilia Stork consists of u Lirge Number of Bint A US ranging from S3B to $75 Tlsewood, Malmernny, and Paint*cl Wardrobes; Rosewood and (VJa’'Ograiy Marble tot* Wn-lisutr ds ; Jenny Lind Tall Post and Cottage B>-datade; ‘ome ▼ery handsome Cent re and Sota Tables, also Black Walnut Extentiou Tables, 10. 12. lf%nd Ift fee’ lunar. QUARTETTS, hy the Set or sinsrio on* ; Mat Sta ds, am* Towel Racks; several Dozen of Mahng*\v Pul * Clairs; Mahorany Rockers of the different S!z ; L rgeand Btnall Curled Maple H-iclora, with Can Suit and Back; Cur!e*l Maple Parlor Chairs, n l ul-o the Celebrated Cottage Chairs. A largre number of Popular Cotta ere Bedsteads, •with or without the Excelsior Spring’ B**t, attach* and. as the purchaser mav desire. The STRING BED Moffered at the VERY b'w Puce •.f SIX DOLLARS. Afeo, on hand, GILT an ROSEWOOD moo r> o 13? a s Os different o ; xes, which can te cut ntvd put togeth er in FRAMES ol any six*, at abort nonce. N. B. —Sofsa and Rooking ('hairs 3EtEPAIPR r* AT SHORT ForiCE. ami ail other FURNITURE Repaired with Nmjtncis an-l Di.pairh. I In-auberti ber return* his sincere thank., for the liber,l p.trnn aue herctifore beetiiweii U|hui him. and reapecifully eolirits a continuation of the auric. A liberal Reduction will be made on CASH SALES. Furniture Boaeil and delivered atlhe Madison Depot, to go up nr down the road, free of rhnrg-e.— Ordi r, at home, and from ahead, respectfully li.itcd. -June 6 h. ISfirt 7 n DAVIS & BROTHER WOULD inform their friends and thepnb lic that th -y have been driven by ‘the Are” to Air. Norton’s store where they offer fo s;)e at the lowest market prices, their usual assortment of goods consisting in par!, of B lime's, Trimmed and Untrimmed; Neo politvi, J/irsailes, Chip and Straw Flats; French Lace J/uitillas and Points, with and without capes^ Colored and Black Barege Shawls ; Jackonct, Organdie and Birege Rones', from four t<> ten Flounces, from |3 t > #l2; Printed L wh and Muslin from t2l-2t050c; Nanaook, Jack-met, J/uil and Swiss Muslins, Plain and Striped, from 18 io 50 cents; TFm, Coliars, Muslin Trimmings, IFrt. Bands, Twisted Suk J/itt*. bitten, Cambric, Plai , Hemstitched and Embroidered Handkerchiefs. f-<)in 10 ets.4o 00; Hosiery, Hoop Skirts, from 60 cts to |j 50 ; Hats of all kinds ; Hoot*. Shoe--, Clothing ; Hardware, Hollow WVc Iron, Ste.l, NaH*. Sugar, Coffee, MoUm- s, Salt; in short what aver the wanta of the people demand. A I of which we will sell aslow U can can be obtain ed in any market Thinktol.for • be liberal patronage her.-to'ore beat >wcd on ua we hope our friend* will take j the trouble to visit ue et our new linat on, where we will sttpp'y their wax's <*i ea isvnr. I able terms as any bouse I” the e<*r. D.VTI* * fROTUPR. weeweahorn, April 18,1080; o*x yr 11 miscellaneous Advertisements. a sToiyn iii Prices! UE3RYJjToHBORTO, Watch-Maker, Jeweller, A S ft OPTIOIIN No. 2’ 6 BROADS i RKE7, under the U. S. Hotel, and opponite the City Bank. AUGUSTA. GKOIIGIA., Seeps on hand a select and beautiful assort ment of Goods, c insisting of WATGHIS, JEWKLHY, SILVER £ PLATED WARE, Telescopes, Sukvevok’s < ompasses. Bpy-Glas es, tor Mou'itam Use, and in short every thing useful in his line of business particularly ESIFVTZ! O 3? ACLES, IN tilth'A I’ VaKIET V. Fine Watches acd Jewelry Repaired in the h. st Manner. [March 28, 1860 ly. Painting and Glazing, B y W. S. WAGNON. f £ NilE undersigned having hadrever a! years a. experience in the business, is now pre pared to excreta a 1 orders in the b,-st style, at short notice and on reasonable terms. O ■ !-rs solicited and flii-d w : t’i promptness. Grsenesltoro Ga., Stpt. 12, 1860, —ty. “ Ffra sa.iiSL <■* Btrrelsuf H-cntie.l Whisky ; i * 1 25 Darrels, t)!ii Rve M oiongihcla ; 20 “ X Whsky; 2 i “ XX 20 “ XXX 20 Cask-ts bit’ I Chunpaigne ; 15 “ M ii m m ,3 “ 151 Boxes Tobacco, of different brand*; by A!.MI, 250 Barrels It-'rt fieri Whiskey; 45 *• Whit* Whisk* y.'. Augusta A r ‘35 1860 M. t, AI.T.F.OUO “aetTolesof every-day use. B. T BABBITT’S P uco Medlletaat Yeast. M innfacinrcti fiom common Salt and Pure (J3 T ip- r. Wiien im Brc and, Gak* ,68 or H.nruit, i t ’*os t Hkc flint from a bjtile of So H VV atrr,--’and remainsdormaot in tin li)Uih until it is set m' 1 ” oven, when thereat rails’.* the £r3 I m scape through the and while bakinj/i Ti e Bead, nr and Bidcirit is not only vury light but * erectly wholsome VVhierr ihia Y‘ aat is uso.u yi*u will r* fjtiir v about one-quat-t-r the amount of— fs'i'rtenii!? iticd * ith ordinary Yeast. I rtov i U .iMo be for Buckwheat Cakes, Johnny (U <* *!c- and all kindsnt P .-’*v ThiaY'nst is put up only in *>m* pound cas, with fheck* ♦ red i l Ued, White ami Blue—noo.her m G -itnine— I ewure of imitations. IIT BaiiMU’s pure ConceittralefS Fot-^8 ash. W,trianud tioulde. ih- sirtng'h of t’ Gi'nt .u Parish, and *uprrior to ooy t*. p *o ill r :• .i Ki‘i, ’i Uj> •'. * .4 11 i 3;ht, (""><, m l2 ‘-s wish hi-1 d’r ctots fr ar|l j a ‘ a 1 ...r fj 11- i u,,| SftS ;i ‘ 0-o pm’ l •a ill fiake ftf' l .*rn grad-.ns of Sft Soap. No Ime is r-Tjiti’ f* I. Consumer* will find th<s the ctieanff t Potssli in market. 70 BT Biibblit’s Medical Saleralns. 70 A perfectly pure and wind’ some article free from !! delfiierinus matter, n>p-r‘d thftt as tho circular nwompinying die S h ratu3 will sh- I nr, nothing remain* in the bread hen 68 but c intiw>n S It, WtHf r, and F our. Gu P t tion’ iiMv in papers, 1, I 2‘K and I 4 lb. B T B'lbMtUs Concentrated Soft Soai'. I) i. Ii X roat'ntr one l?o ’ur will niflhc 40 , gallons of * anf?s mo Soft Soap hv simidy . an.i i,,iii„ L , w „ tP r. nnrl 1! T Babbitt’s Concentrated Sal Soda. Anew ;*ti*■ I *■ exulo-ivi ly to thoS.-uiri. Sul S.Hj or WashiojySoda cannot be pc ; South 70uri n cr wtirm w u her, a* it deii a “ r 7O 4 inrW I fUv :ut th- * ator and nu* op the Sd S .a in I b paper.®. “ warratdt’d tostunn die wirnipsirtinnit.” Oh* pound >s oqul to f..r o -unds of ordinal y Sal S<tda or Wash poiiief So'la—conreonentlv it ip r ur.h rhnnp> OO A. fho and :der paves 65 p°r c*nt on llu* freight, ° aa ho and cm not h ive to pav frriirlit. in water. Ask y itr stori k. rper for B. T. Bdibiub Conoentr-Hed S 1 S >d-A in one round prtprrp. and 15. T. Babbitt’s Soap for Family lsc. n „ i o**r jt.Hti'ti *>r t.t i- S ‘ nhtqu.l t.: tlurc rnii.'iis. i'.rd'nnry Pui'ily Soap. o<te p- und will lint. 3 gnllon9"l l a'.ds*iiiic Sot’ So-p. it ivi I rcm"vs pain', srrrnse, Inr, sitd s'aui* 70 fall kinds. It will rr t ipjttrr the fahrir; .m 70 tim onntrnry, it prerervas it It will wash in hir’ nr sn r t tvnt; r But Hul. Incur tu'equir e 1 w hom this S sp is used. M irhinists-tnvl p. inu-rs will find ilia Soap f-nprii* rln any. BS thinsr in marki t. It vmir Star k<. par rlorp(Jg U not keep tl;c altovo goods, Fend 5 dol'ora by mail nad 1 u ill **. nd n parka • rtf rithrr nr tiol*-, or an paFortrii box c nttiinit e a part (1 mch article, n-> v. n may dirt et. Send tho and rain** nr your Poatolfice. also'h” S ate endaiid County in whirP yen reside, with directions f.r slipping. Addiesa B. T. BABBITT, 706!. ’6. 70 72 -in t 74 *V .a ■i-cton St . S. Y. f 0 A tibiTal dueuunt to Rt.irrlu cprrs. July 11 ih 1860 —wl V. (food Times have come at nasi! One Thousand Srybx llcmu.ko Eighty-Two -Prizes! $lO. QOO. NO CHEAP JEWELRY. FOUR CAI IT U FRIZ S : a. H. ALKXIXDESt & GO'S FORTY - N S NHTH MAGNIFICENT CASH, WATCH & LAND CiIFT DISTUIBLTIOX. WILL UK DRAWN AT F AXKLTN, IND . iiIOADAV SEPT Oltli, 1800. Cash I’rizc of SSOO in American Gold. Horse, Buggy anil Harness, S4OO. Splendid Bosnvood Piano Fort Valued at $350 363 GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, All in Hunting Cases from 818 so $250 301 Prizes la American Gold, $2,30, to SSOO. 280 ACRES OF FARMIXG LAUD. 335 Sets Sterling Si ver Ware. Land Warrants and American Sporting Watches. ! Number nf Prizes, ..... 1,782 Value of Prises, ..... 816.300 Tickets Limited to - • • - - 16,300 BMWIXfJ TAKES PLACE MOXTHLT. FT fiv-ry Ticket-hoi ter rscivt-s a plaited list m drswn numbers, free ••( charge f|T All drswings take pi ice in public, su- I pern.tended cxc’ueivrlv by theTietut-h-ildcrs i REPKTEXCIB. IP telts great plessuvr in rsfri-rl* g ‘II who sie miiiitui> tc> r Inf ’ nsßt'<i'i r|c(if*g*Hir horn **ty, I t-Ttilnsa promptitude, Ac, t<* any nf ths eown- * miscellaneous Advertisements. y officers, Po-t Expr ss Agents, Just’ cca at tne Peace, Merchants, Bup’.-s* ntativ anti nators of Johnson count t, *ra*’ ot *t rpttnerouspatr. ns in tit va-t u- parts of t U'tion, whoftav- atten. . and our -i ittri: rs A tiie above nam'd ate person i ly BCt|t;ii 1 •vith us, and moat of them nave att iu-cu ot_: ‘tuui-r us dta-ings, we wdl teq ‘-st an w ■ wish to satisfy themselves of ti-e s*f‘ tt ol th mt .jiment to write to any of theabovi geutf i.en. Agents Wanted in every locality, to when: the most liberal inducements are offered. AI A, PRIZES PROMPTLY PAIL). Single Tickets, $1; Six Tickets $5 D. It. ALEXANDER. & TO. Franklin, Johnson Go., Indiana. IrTTtr 13 r h, JO.ubO Coiites already Sold. EVERYBODY’S LA WYE R AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, Bl’ FttißK CKOSBV, OF TIJU PiiILADELPIGA BAii. It Tells You Howto Oaaw up Pauthersiiu v Papeks at.d givisgeneral loru.s f . Ague, ments ol ail k nds, I iu.h o Sale, L> are.", and Pet Lot a It Tells You flow toiirvv up Bonds iud Mort gage* Ajltd •vits, Toiceis <>i AUcl'h eg, .Vote* -uid /Jillsoi Exchange Ue cc/jjls “t.d -Releases. It Tells You L•. c hits for the Collection ot Dob's, with tne Statue* 01 Limita tion, and amount ana lend of ro; rty Exempt from Execution in cvi ry State. It Tci's Yuu How (o make an Assignment [ v p crly, with burns lar Compo it in with Creditors, mid the Insolvent Laws of ev-ry State. Tt Tello You (Tic legal leiationsbetween Guar dian and Ward, Muster ana A/j ----pcentice, und Landlord ana lean it It Tells You IVhat constitutes Libel and Sian der, and t e law as to Marriage Dower, the Wife's Right in Uroji erty Divorce tend-Alimony It Tells You Lite Late lot Mcchanis’ Liens in tve-rv State, and t- c Naturalization Lairs o’ this country, and cow to comply with the same. It Tells You The iaw concerning Tensions tw and how to obtain one, an ti> Pre- Exemption Laws to Tnblic Lanas. It Tolls You The la- for Talents, vtitn in ti ff proc dure in obtaining one, M 'ih Interferences, Assignments at.d Ta ble if I'etS. It Tells You (1 w to make your Will and how to Administer on. an Estate, with the law and the r quireuients t hen ol in every State Tt Sells You The meaning of Law Terms hi general use. and ■xp tuns to v< it the Legislative, Executive and Judi rial Towers o totb the tiencta! aid State Gmernments It Tells You How t” hep out of Law, by show ing how to do your busines legalt thus saving a vast mu tnnt <>f prop ertv, an>l v-xati ns litigation, l>v -ts timely c-•tr.-uitaUon. .Single copies w ill I e set- 5 y ntfltl, j( S a,. t paid, to Eery Farmer. Fury cl inic, Frey Man of Easiness art] Every body in Every State, on receipt ni SI.OO, or in law rttis b:nd tn r at $i 25. Vl/1 AO \ YIJ \ D can be made (ty. enter wf""*’ dx 1 IJ/1 ii pii.sing men t very where, t;i stllm-r the above wto-k, as out te.m s to all such arc very !'S. ii. For sinpl” copies ol the Book, or for tt ni to agents, with other intor-'a ion, to <c address JOHNS POTlf H, Pub.tsher, NtX 617 <Sm- o a reet. I’niUdulphia, *a. •T't> 4‘b 186'b . “tin Wiiai Everyboity Vfauts. THE FAMIL~ DOCTOR: COSI'AINI.VO Simple Remedies, Easily Obtained, forth* Cure of Diseases in all Forms. BY /PROF. IIENItY S. TAYLOR M. D. It Tells VHi Ilow t attend upon the sink, an ho-v toci-uk forth m; how to ;-r • pare Dribs, P.-.ultic-w, &r.., and in*w Li guard against infection from Col; t sgtous I ii.syHi-es. It Tells You Os the various diseases of Chil dren, and gives the best and sim plest jri do id” Health i t during •ect; eg, Com uistiis, Vac. in a tion, IPi.ooptiig-cmigh, .1/. asles, It Toils You The symp'opt- ■ t Cr. n , Cholera Infantum,Colic. Diarr: ce -, Norms .Scal ed lle id, Ringw rn C ickei pox, &c., au-i gives you the best remedies tor tu> u euie. It Tells You Tin s i. pituusol F> v rand Aeu and Bmlous, Yellow, Typhu-, Scar* le ari other Fevers, and gives you the best and siuipiebl remedies for tbeir cure. It Tells You The symptoms of Influenza, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Asibm-, Dropsy, Qiu Rheuuiatism Znui bago, Eiys pei s, &,r. } amt g.ves you the best remedies lor their-ei.ue. It Ti lls You T iie sympioms ol Oltoleia M rbus J/dignint Cholera, Nmall Pox D_. senlarv, Cramp, Distas. sos tin Bla-tfb r. Kidneys and Ziver and the hett remedos for their cure It Tolls You 1 tie symptoms of Pleurisy, .1/iiuips Neuralgia, Apoplexy, Pat an sis, the various Diseases ol the Teeth, Ear and ey e. end the bed remedies for t .eir cuie. It Tells You The sy mptomsot Epi epsy. Jaun dice, Piivs. Riptuie. Diseases of I e lleait, ID in .rrhage, Venen.l Diseases, and Hydrophobia, t -iv. s the hist remedies forthei cuie. It TtU.i You The best and simplest treatment for wounds Broker. Bones and Dislocation, LoCtjaw, Fe ver i’ r.s, white sw. iiniirs, Ulcers whitlows, Bods, Scurvy, Burns and Scrofal >. It Tells You Os ih various dis-ares pccul'a to woman, arm gives the best and simple.! remedies for their cue together with many valuable hmt.- for the preservation of health. Too work is written hi plain language, free from medical terms, s i as to be easily u- de - -to. and, wh le its simple recipes may soon -ave ni l many times tne cost of the book. |: ig printed in a clear and open type; is ill si rated wiih appiopiisle engravings, uml will be for warded to your ad res--, n- at'y bound and pos tags raid, on receipt ol $’ .00. *IOOO a veaic£* where, in so Hag the above work, as our induce Hunts to all such are verv liberal. For ingle copies of the Book, or for term-; to aeenU, with oin-r information, apply to or addn-as JO IN’ B. PDfiFU, Publisher No. 617 liLtisini .Stieei, i’hi adelphit, Pa. JuL 4th, IW. —wfl’o. Grppnpsboro Fcronlo foilogr. r I ‘HE nezt 8. saion of this W ll known |q. 1 atit'Hiou wII non r • goth w an kbit awl ouuipkte cor p* f T'e%<-hera F. C. PULLER. Fre'iy. ***** nf Truatees, BE SURE TO CALL AT MASSEY & LANSLYELL'S. iMma & WHOXiBSALIS DjSAXiHRS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Faints, Oils. Tarnishes, Patent Medicines, &c. j! * ’ ’ Main Street, Greenesboro’, georgia. [HAVE IN STORE AND TO 1 A8.R1V33: r t 110,000 LBS WHITE LEAD. FROM 7i TO 10 CENTS; 2000 o SNOW WHITE ZiN ; 500 GALL’S. LINSEED OIL; ; 200, •• MACHINERY h 200 Si'Eli.M i 200 •• LARD ‘• * j 100 •* COLD PRESSED CASTOR OIL ; i 40 “ SWEEP j 200 •• SP’TS TURPENTINE; 200 • FEE CT. ALCOHOL; 100 •• BURNING FLUID; 109 “ CO A 0 H-BOD Y* VA R NISH ; 100 •• JAPAN 100 <•- BLACK JAPAN; 40 . - PIANO VARNISH; 100 <• COPAL 100 “ LEATHER • j 100 •* ASPLIALBUNE VARNISH; |; 100 “ TRAIN OIL; 200 KEROSENE •* 10 CASES CONCENTRATED LYE; ; 200 KEROSENE LAMPS; 20,000 CIGARS; 100 OZ. QUININE; 10 MORPHINE: PERFUMERY IN LARGE QUANTITIES , And almost everything else bel mging to the Drug ! Business, all of which we offer at ATLANTA PRI CKS. and to wholesale purchasers we will sell Drugs, ji Medicines, &c., at AUGrUBTA RATKlS—freight ad ded. Every article warranted To he what it h Sail Foe. I And, as we are having manufactured for us, several | Dew brands ot Lead in large quantities, we can offer greater inducements in quality and price than ever before offered in this market. Call an 1 examine our . Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we fell eon fi ll dent we can give satisfaction. [Feb 16, 1860. BY calling | at Massey & Lansdell’s j Drug Store and Examin ing some samples of Pure WHITE LEAD we (Link you will be convinced at cucc that it is a BETTER article than the Tnion Lead, and can be sold for LESS MOXEV. wiiE’ E YOU CAN BUY GOODS CHEAP. FOR SALE. A Valuable BeslUenrc ia the City af im ecMirshoro*. KNOvAN *ll.- RKK> Pii.lCE t’> II - i,Vi 6 iliUt K M r., lAO of iio .n V!; . I ’• i •A- ! It . P r lOi>ai (i Fl‘ w < if trdtll Hi I ‘Hi!. I oii'aii f s’x vcre'.Hof LA %D, or !’>>. O - tio pie.iiii-t;r tt- ;i tfiiut! Iv ic.lh i*, wih thr* e It-<•!>, * KOU'I S.ijwkc II ms* , H t House, Garri*#- tlou^F, ! L-t'gL VYot k St op, U iru, anti all elite srtry iu iliiil-t>ng;Sy It ('rtmitl -uuf <*l tf.t*b**sl ioli*- nats. Als ,ms g<oi a Well of W *er c*t n f. u.oi m th* Vy. T.c Oar <? ih !a.g ** w tii choice Kinii Ti c * a of all kind*. Any person wi.-hitijz t” p *rrhait- ; r.prr?y in , ” 1 ’ ci:y I-oul-l io yvi‘i to call aon i"‘ xamioo the or* as U will be B Id Uw lor i A -11 Ajiviy i<> ~ ‘ E ,V >> G-s'toro, Ga., August l^C* DR. J. BOV BE DOBS’ tMPKftiAh SiSK. BITTERS, AilFi ma from j; pure and mi duDerated }[ r n#\ which is about double tho üßL*a : stfigth of other TTims, slid is jn poitcd by onlv one house m the Unite and States. AU<\ irum ’ !m* f“ll wing viz* ?*olo uoitV- s t el, pkt-oaid,( ■ n fit) bau- Aui le Flowers G fitiun, ‘Mid ( h ify Tret dark and B ) berry. W E CHULEYGE THE W OULD To P;I>UCR THEIR EGUAL!!! TF <l.l not proles sto have iliscovi red some Root? •‘Known on‘\ to the Indians of 8 mb Ann riea ” a n d a cure for “all diseases winch the fle-his heir to,” b u > we claim I<> present to the public a ‘rut}- va uabl, prepa’ atum, whi< h .■Vetv it.tell sent f’hv'i.'inn in ti e wII *PP".IV. • I fl. <1 •eootnme (I. An re'u.etly lop IXCIPI / .Vl’ COSSI MPTIOJi, Weak ium.’*, It.tiip'stion. Dyspepsia, Diseas es ot tie N. tv us S> >' m. Paralysis, I’il.s, Disease- pecuhai t Debility, and all c*"s r ijh I ‘lic a Tonic, tb y are TJ IST m u JrL3E*j£. 33 23 X> 1 F,„ Sue Throat, so common amo; g the Fierce, they aiv trulv valuable. Ft r the ;u t <1 and it tl• in, it for pe sons of a weak constitution —for Vf.n.-t*r* of the gospel, Lawyers, ami all public sp aker —tor Book keepers, Tailors, Seamstresses, Students, Ar tists, and all prisons ‘leaning a sedentary life, they will pr. v tru’y be *ft ial. A s a Beverage, thiv are wholesome Innocent aid and •.Itcii us to the laste They produce ad, tin exhilarating *ffe ts of liranliv or intoxicating ; nrd are a valuable rem edy for person *itl i.eted *o eX' ’e■ Jutlj use 0 1 ■triH.g d’ir.k, and wish to retrain from it.— They as. pure and entirel fr e Iroin the p is- \ on contained m ‘b. idult rat'd l ’ inea ad Li out.t s Wit It ll'cll the C n Titty IS ho. ded. Ihese Bitter-not on I. 6'Ult k hut FKLVE NT [ Disease,anti should bt t std by ail who live in a country wb. re the water is had, r w hue j Chills and F v ‘ ar. previlmt. Being entiif ly iunac, nt •■<< barrel >s. toey mat be giv. ii iret-iy (O C'hi t’.t* r. n! Ir.l .1.l- w tt. Imp ntty. Physicians, Clergt in-1> and te".p ml vocates, as a act **t hu nanitv, s’ Mi and in spread r.g these tiu v valuatjie B 1 I I bits over the aid, and tl creby ee-. ntiah) aul in banish, ing |>- if keuuess CIIAKLI S WIODIPIFI.D A CO.. Prouritton, 78 Will tun Sheet, Sew Yorh. And I*4 •hi by Drug-'sts g> m rslly. Wholesale ano Be'all Ag.n s for < Borgia. Pi.oia .fr ’ rirtrsa A'lgu-ta. /(•11l also by i Ramie t W ai ru (Jrevnb >ro Ji|o- fifth, i Mo. y. |if j w|y, . Plnnler* Tak ■j /* , ar /|iVYd. ItcHtfiuiiny Bugging: lo.oOu 11. Hale Hope in Stora. ami fur aaia aa low aa can ha had lr ‘in toy J market. DAVJKA BKOTIJKR Auf. 28, —wit ! DOa nuT i: CSIAIIP! CtlflbkKA! ; ii iic, in in /■ Ih s medicine *as l.ctn j THI '.'; ,,L,N<; TitiKb, TESTinnnd i-kovkd n v - v tin yin ns experience I* “ •A ‘ x S IFF :|- and KKI.'AIII E l'( 111 I l;d ‘b- •>'! B'livsi, f)K':Vni'-M-NTrl /ji*e’i,fent, f-ntruj ;* friing, Ch l, r. i ‘.‘d<" (’ ‘ In- < bn- or two does it! 2U <! ■ |>S, will cure the rn ‘St s< v.-te. cramps ii’ the stom-ioh ir. 20 mimces. A stntrh: o', te . cures the l">rr -i and It u v. j-cit.stipates tho bowels. One dose wtf satisfy any one o its merits P'lCoo d*’ 2d Cunts. P.epire'l by ,f imi.i. A ‘row. 43 IV.wrry. N York. Ami sold -i, G eeii .*! ?0 bv y A Lausil 11. f-tpr. lit:-, 6 - v. ■Tune llth lSfiO. -v.iv. jTh. : tiviigiiH uiusf i or Hal& Biood t’liriu r. THBGRFiATESTItEMEDV IX THK li'OltLT ,nu hie jiiljr Most and liglttful Cordial EVER TAKEN. Ii 8-trirtly a .?i. n* titic and VeffeijiLl c< in poiiri**; prtjcunil by me II Vhv nr “ Hark ‘ Yc-/ AS, ./ I ‘k\ Dock, Hb.i.,l • in>t, Mcr takin&s,,r. il; ct.. r Utcr taking rv, aui D'lidelior enfert* H 8 • f*inp’ iin<L TL #jo, > acl vs rm* <fi.-si pllcu-Ifs* ot erl i greditnt isfbor ooffhfv x’ract cd by my moh-d ui •ii-t’llirjr. po •1 nr in *2 n <}• lirious I’Xfiibvnt’nar ?pirit, an’ ih most inf a LMBi.K n-mi'dv br renovating Ite difcnurd eyis |tc is and • s’- rin-’ f lit* mck, MiHVriii*and *iel>il i* a * j I'T.AI.IIi t • HEALTFf >1 (1 STRENGTH Mr I can’s Mrrugtlirniiig Cordial WILL EFFI C UAL. Y CUKE UVRR iM HI. %IN I’. DV Jnin H e*’. Chronic or N'e vtms D’ b litv, Di-eas. a >i D-. Ki'hi V, and all 1):.4u s s u rising Ir*in a and Liter or Stomach, hyspepsi*, II irtb'oo. I iuj.rd li f .\* ili'v oi 6 k’ itie Shinto, b. Pcit i h.^oi H id •t!p II h . I)o 1 P till or Sw m uinil in the Hn ol P Ipii .iion ot t. l-art f Pd liit'M rr wefeh in Die > o*n fh,S‘*4ir Kcuct ii n-. Choakin ? -r Sof* O'-ti ol’ F r ; !i.’ wffii yii yd- w . Dviucse r Y I hiW’ H'Xi.l Ilf* ski-I and eves; Ni.’lu Sweats, I ,wnrd F ve . Pj’o in ‘he Small ot’ th lluck, Che- o- S <!#*, : i• ‘c Fio- fII nt. D*"preß ion of Sc Fsigh*- ul D • * s, >r t*cv or am N vou* l)is S -re- r Hint h on the Skin, arid Fever .•n.i Ago -- • i h II '’ F v r Over a Hilliou of BoItU $ Have been a Id iiumii itie ludi xn* olio, and in n ir lias it io t ivi jr e tire ttuiir.laC'ioti Wh * hci , wll -off r from \Veko#->- or D biiit* wll I) MuLza N S ’-IRKNG rIEMNG COODJAL Will I UT* you. N . uingua c • coniey an aif quite idea ol the oim>-diate nd almost mtrarnlouA < hause piudn reed by talc og thinHoidwl in the dideaaeed, dotilits<L <i olid -*natter**l n- rv- ti- -y -tern, whether l#n ke and wn bv x* e** weak ty * at >r*', ><r impaired by air the r* ax l and its pri-tioc heaftn and vt.*o ilia i‘d Pc suns i Or other* roncioo*. f i-.atmiiy lr>mi wfia'evFf cause | vvili find McL hii* S reiigflu*ri gCord:al atb r utrh i regenerut r .T io* system ; and all who may t av* n- U’ - cf ih*’inelv’(* by no.i'Ote r ifi idpt rirj t MbjjJ in this Corna* u r<> t .-m and -p*>d inoly. To Thu Cadies, McL can’s Stknhth km\g Cdruiai. I• h ,v. r.'tfc, a •<! *y , ut*i* ‘or ISCIPIK-T 0 \wUWI’Tf N, WIIITIg Ohitriii*'l t|l :!i nit \| , s-fHlion lime rtlin-lire of Ui in.- ~ 1 I r.ilum-.r. [)i c 1 Hr,e- ilien- l, F iliinu of l* GcMiue-n, Fili.iiiiu al n.ica-c. in cidiM I 1 V in *l* - THERE I- NO Mistake A ROU i IT li.iig r. I’ 2c 11 iti-curdio* to l>i o,:'i ,nu ll w.ii h in.iila-v. *'r.-. p, n,/i ioo i rid ’* 1 e b'.'iim ol • caiil, ... moil t your lirrk n -nin. vrtair ■ tii ki* r mv .ATi-rxcriun. I-OK OH'I, III! EN. If VOU- thilib. I, | aV, pH, ~ r til 10.1, Me lj .ii’* Co- pi.i will mill- I tic ii i tirptit.i, ‘..1 ..til r tiii.t i IM.iy Ml. • 111 n .ir it. .il Uhl W Imconvin .and I’ WlltL l IOC- IO UKK Cwctiuv II k'l'tr *I o if. y I ry it, p.i,.ii ,(| ~ ii p|,o B .|—ip ii | •••li. wiii. Hu / . nil 1.0. r]i,wp, i.i .pm uit i, jii-i Ar id .net A.k f.,i M< L-.ui’. S I'm,atl-eii C udial. mill ‘*ki. noil .ia *<> |. t|, r I wy tun*'; in. i will i>. t,(. ml •li-,ruugt,ly l I i da. tl.. .biii. tin.*../.,i K ti„ u lt„ av.irio. | Oil*Mill’ w oon'ul mk, ii mi ry iu,,ri,iii ii.lh.g. la j fain pr r Vrflf tv* fir- ia, Oi-hj. .oil Jf|'V*f, J 7> how Frxr.or any pr< uiltni dUea.i |i iai utup! it Uigr* bin a r | l'i a only (I pr burtla, of ala porila. f|, J 11. Mcl K\S. lila I'niyririw ol ilia Cwilitl. Alan McLarnn'a Volant/’ Oil f, 1 n-ant- Principal EVpoi on tha < muur ot Tl'rd end Pint HI, i ** lAltl M . Ti/f aula by fifiarry and f.wnadr'l PHtent Modktiß.s, Ac. iTcver and Ague, ■V ,■„ v.'Tit.-Ta mmikilKl *u(Ter over n large purt of the , ; ,!) ', 1, ;!i cons, queme of u tCsciwwt action in tho - ‘.-stcui, iisluix-u bv the poisonoos iiiinsin of vcgctalilo v. Tiiis exhalation is evolve! by the action of ir beat on wet soil, anil rises with the watery rnjioi it. NX’ till - the sun is below the borixon this va 'nr Ungers near tho earth’* surface, ami tho virus A taken wish it through the lungs into the Moot!-. There it acts as an irritating poison on the internal viscera anil extreting organs of the botiy. The liver becomes torpid and fails to secrete not only this virus, hut ;,lso the bile from the lilooil. Both the vinw and t'uv bile a ‘cumulate in the circulation, and produce violent constitutional di-onler. The spleen, the kiii n vs, mil the stomach sympathize with the liver, anil become disordered also. Finally, the instinct of our 1 onanism, as if in an attempt to expel the noxious ,Ufa non, I'onrentnUes the whole biood of the body G tiie internal r Jtcretorios to force them to cast it out. Tiie Lfoo.l loaves the surface, and rushes to the cetl t’-d i rgati ■’ with congestive violence. This is tho i tjm I','it in this effort it fails. Then the Fever ‘V'ow’ /u which the blood leaves the central organ* to the surface, as if in anotiicr effort to ex-- n j -,v p'fson through th” other srvat cx~ eretovv’ t’ e s" in - * !l th)> also it fail.*, and the ay*. ‘”i ’ ..iTan.lons tb.’ *tanifi*texhawte;l, waitingftwf tfiw iccov “V i'-’ s-is-n-.-io to> repeat the bopekss- effort T-o!b< “il-iv These W ltc fttt or pni'OWf.'.smK Os pE- V .-.i an’)’ V-L Sue ** rovrsstitof iorrti® disorder wilt of course undermine the haaßh if if is not removed. We have labored to finu, “ Ayer’s Care, . which neutralizes-this malarious poi ‘vwht flic blood, and sliniulatcs tiie liver to expel it i ."'brodae body-- As it sitouid, so it docs c irr this udlica. ‘ c disorder wit!i perfect certainty. And it does more, ‘ n fDlhcr does what i* of more service to those subject infection. If taken in season it expels it from the -T* S J tem as it is alisorb and, an 1 tints keeps those who use it free fro n its attacks; keeps tiie system in health although exposed to the disease. Consequently it not onivcu.'cs, Imt protects from, the great variety of af fections which are induced by tiiis malignant influ cnee, such as Remittent Fiver, Chill Fever, Dumb, or Ai i. ke I Ague, Periodic..! Uca lache, or Bilious llcad aeho, llllious Fevers, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, (Tout, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, lbdpitations, l’.tinful Affections of the Spleen, Hvs t ‘t'ics, Colic, Paralysis, mid Painful Affections of the*, .stomach and Bowels, allot'which, when arising from tiiis cau-e, will bo found to assume more or less the Intermittent type. This “Auue Cure” removes tho cause of these derangements, and cures the disease. This it accomplishes by stimulating the excretories to expel the virus from the system; and these organs bv degrees become habited to do tiiis their office of their own accord. Ilcuce arises what we term accli mnl'cn. Time may accomplish the same end, imt often life is not long enough, or is saeriiiccd in the attempt, while this “ Ague Cure” does It at once, un i wit ii safety. Wc have great reason to believe tiiis i a saver ns well as safer remedy for tiie whole class of diseases which are caused by tiie miasmatic infec tion, than any other which lias been discovered; and it ims still atiollier important advantage to the puli !'• , which is, that it is cheap as well ns good. rRUr.VKED 1!Y DR. ,T. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Prick Oxe Do:, per llomii, A.yor’s Olierry; Pectoral j..,.. • for itself sneb a renown'for the cu"c of every v ‘ ‘of Thrfvt end l.nng Complaint, th-t* .• ‘.“A'l'incc"--''. • u> to recount the cv'iderrce of i-’t virtues, wherever il 1 ‘> ,<m employed. M* l-ts Jon b-n in constai.t u= A throughout tins secs t'.n, wo nte.l not do more than assure the pcoplo 1 i s fi-ial tv is at up to the best it ever has been, a , i t.i.d it may be relied on to do for their relief i ad it has ever been found to do. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, Far all the parpodOT of a PargatiTO Slediciuo. ]* >u Costivexkss; Foit rut: Cuuk ok Dysi’El’Sia; F<>H .lAI Xltll u: For. thk Cure ok Ixdicbstiox; For llkauaciie; Fon the Cure ok Dtsentkrt; For a Four. Stomach; For the Curb or Ekysh-ela^ For The Pii.ks; For the Cure ok Scrofula: For all Scrofulous Complain-.*; For the Cure ok Rheumatism; For Diseases ok the Skin; For the Cure of Liver Complaint; For Dropsy; Fon the Cure ok Tetter, Tumors, and Salt rheum; For Worms; Fon the Cuke ok Colt; For a Dinner Pill; Fon the Cure ok Neuraloia; For PuitiKYixo the Blooh. He sun*, to <;V, i at Masev k Lansd sill’s and price their goods purchasing elsewhere! They arc sugar-coated, so that the mosts: nsitlvc run take th” ‘i pleasantly, un l being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their us.; in any quantity. Pries 25 esats psr Six: Fiva Bexss far SI.OO. dreat numbers of Clergymen, I’iiysic-ans, vi* t, and eminent personages, have lent lie. ir names to ccrfv the unparalli led ti-Tulncs* of th.r. re me. - lint onr space here will not p rmit the insertion of them. The agents Inlmt named furnish gratis onr AMtit tcAV y \i.M.vx*c in tvtticit they are divert; wi'.li a’..> fa:! descriptions of tie’ n'xive com plaints, if t th 1 iv alKCttr. that r’mut.l he hil'.ov -d lor their rn: . i>i no: lie put off iiy unprincipled dealt -s wi;h o’h r pr-pm-uion . tiny Make more prolit or. l> mat. I Avr >:’s, and take no ode is. The sick went th e he. I .t:d there is for than, mui th-.y should h ‘.ve it. All our Uoinedies are for sale by For sain by ,1 Henry Wood Greent sV r. nni 0. HgMmrer Waite P*a ; i'. |to ‘ fi (, .lv, mAWHL'ob , B~’ IlO* LOS r, HOW RES ‘ OKED, Just published m a Settled Knnlope* A L'iCTL*HK)NT!IB'A URK, TRfcATM T AND lIADK'Af, CUH- OFSi'KNMAT ‘BKTIO>A,ir S UltlfU W 1 1* n* -*,K X u.i Dub I•y Nt*i v ihii -s nr and I Ernis ion*, pr- ;mvn Imp triicy, Cot:6Uiii|>*i n ami .Mental unci Pbveicai I) bdity. Mr ROH. .1. CULVEKWRLL M D Tbr* important fact that th* awful i net g of eelt aim** may be i'lVriu illy removed without irit*r •: in dien es or the <la"g'r.. us applicativ eofc - - tics, iusfrtimt'tita, uipclthlml b uisi*-8. nub orb* r * rn pi* teal device, is * prr ob-itrly f'eto* ti*trnf and, and the ’itely n* n h’ghlv f Itr Htm*nt, ns a and. pT.-u |,y the ei'lw r - e 1 miflibr, fallv •xr la red, l.y iiifoiiH t f wbico rv-ry • f.e m not I* and tortne *>itn ai d.l rfectly, nd at th, least po >ii-le cos', lhr by avoi ‘i **tr a*l adveitis- and u*-irurr sos flu* and y TH* lee.- •jie will pr* vr. boon to thousands a tfi*-iif>ar ri*. iSuiif uird* rseal f *nv ad-’roa-, pfMT ptin. on H reoH v~ itvo -ta/ro -tain **, by addr- ssint? DR, * H .1 <\ KUNE M f) . 430 Fir** Av • u . y, w V rlc P s R v 4.Wfi A i T| ISf> • Iv 110 WA RD ASSOCIATION PHiLA DELPHI A. 1 I>i I’crolcn’ Institution e*bM>hr<i VyPjucial Ai.doif inert t for the t tliij of the A ilaid bielreen . afflicte>! irir/i lira lent and Epidemic Diheitme. flffilF owai'f Association, in vir-ir of the.. JL HAful dm‘.nic’’on <>f I unitn life caoseo by ‘•••njul distasos, nod 11-- deceptions pi a, tis s rj, upon the ..nfortunMe v’Ct<ns of sus h dimoses bv qipicKS,several j s a c ae< ci ei ted tiieic con noltink Surgeon, as n charitable act worthy o( tl.cir name, t-.topen a f>M i r'sr (< r the neat merit of this cloy- os diseases,ir> “11 their four s, and to give Medical udrie /j rut in i< ( airl.o apply by letter * ith desciiptisin .f their con ition (air*-, ompnt nn, t shits of I fn Ac) and in cases of extreme poverty to furnish Mtdicit r jree of charge. If. is t c d!> ss t. sod tint tic tosociailon cotmunods lb highest medien s 1 il ( of th age, and wi i hellish t‘.p itioh’ p, n ,and tlioderr *<!itni<-tit Tt<. Hire, tors of the A>;o ciutron i,i r*w-ir sin its 1 Kepnf nporitle tun'- merit of sejtoal diseasi v. ■■xpm ti e tio esl mfrfctfot wtl hd< success *i je|,).. afriitu ttio labor of tticir Soicm.i.s i th< cine “I • i nal weskntsa l*ees s fi< Ktt:t.e> f- |{ sd. d"i, Ac a r <: oi.ii i ioo<'iiuaoc< ~ s.c. plan f r the in p > ■ si. Valuable i (h Sp<r nvstoii {. sa. and if. • rdUees. s -x' ig na-iff', o .<,• rent (lies eriiphiy. din (hr |f|p |J .yit to i) ( afflide'i in’ ale itic i rneht|e>,<r*e o< ri sipi Two “> !i s taui| sf< p- so gc P| l.< , i | fshh * Adilr. us. 1t,,/ Skii.ijs Mot onr,.*, Ac r g Surgeon, llowsid Aso> slioi .No. il >ou|t Vh •*., I'hi.adrflphts, Pa I y order .>1 dirjtup tori KZtA B IIARI Vk F.1.f,. /', :d,vt Uko. Fair, ifii.n, Srr’ru. fw„v, Ift', Job Work of all kindH neatly done at tliifi office.