Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, October 10, 1860, Image 2

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Tin;.humias umiv., BOLIN W* BTBTEM, Editor. f L. PATRICK, Publisher. GREEXEBBOBO’, GEORGIA. Wednesday, Octobct 10, 1860. AGENTS. f. F. & It. Tpppas,. .. .. .W hito Plains, Ga. Be.vj. G. 1-iddon, Madison, J.B. Wallace, Forsyth Cos, “ Wc call the attention of our readers to j the advertisement of Messrs Howel’ &; Neary. We know these geetlcmen will ! •do what they say in their advertisement; so if you wnnt cheap goods call on them and makeyour pnrehases. Bee also the advertisements ul j. A. Quim hy, and Dr. Mott, in thisissne. City Items. Our merchants have made their fall purchases, and have returned home. The Messrs. Davis, have moved into ♦heir new store, which is the largest' store, ! wo hesitate not to say in Georgia, in no ! larger city than Gree.iiesboro, and we | think it challenges any, in its structure, ! tai-te, and conveniences ; i: is 105 feet in 1 depth, and 65 feet in front. The store of Mr. W. G Johnson, will 1 ho ready lor him to move into in two or three weeks. This building, is about 80 ‘feet in depth and 35 in front, and presents an appearance in consonance with our city, not surpassed by any other storo in the place. Messrs. Winfield, Jackson & Cos, and Mr. Johu F. Zimmerman are going to build Fire proof buildings win re the old store Mr. Johnson is now occupying 6tands, and where Mr. Zimmerman's Giocery •Btore stands. There has alto boca several other im provements made recently in the business portion of the city, such as repairing paint ing Si c We would not forget our Churches, “en 1 passant,” whose •‘spires” point to Him. who inspired tbo hearts of the people to riouate so liberally to their construction. We think that Ga. boasts not of their ri vals, in taste, beauty, and magnificence, in any of its interior cities and towns. The private residents of our city have also been engaged in the spirit of improve ments. several buildings have been moved and renovated, and Mr. Wm, 8. Davis has had anew, large aiuf pretiy residence built in which ho now lives. So reader, you see that we are rot al together behind the age of advancement. Voters of Greene. We forgot to call the attention of our “loaders to tho announcement of Garrett Wood bam, in our last issue. Mr. Wood ham is known to the most ol you, having served you many years in different ways, always, so far as wc have heard, discharg ing hut duties faithfully, he is farther more known to be a dependant man upon the income of tlid office lie seeks. 0T The. communication from “An Ogle thorpe, De.ifmute” wo must refuse to pub lish, as i would require sometime to cor rect i .Vatic! it is not such a picco as wo would like to pnLiis’i from any correspon dent. We hope that our correspondent will try his hand on a literary, or scientific subject, and not foci ofi'endud at our refusal to insert his communication. Cheering. A Bubhciibci who wished his paper changed writes thus: “Tbo advertising columns, in which I Cud the names of so many of my old-friends and acquaintances. Thu chaste and ele gantly written Editorials, and the taste'v and uneqnaled selections, renders the •Planters’ Weekly.” to we, one of the most interesting ait'’ welcard Papers, that 1 take. I hope it will not be long before it begius its weekly visits to me again.” Temperance Champion. Tho first number of tho Temperance Champion has been deceived at this office. Wo wish the enterprise sucees c , and that much good may result from the efforts that may be exerted in behalf of this great, and nobfe cause. The Champion ‘is pub lished at Atlanta Ga, for the sum of One Dollar and fifty cents, in advance, per annum. Address, W- G. WHIDBF, Ed. & Proprietor. Death of lion. I. T. livin Speak er of the House of Representatives of Georgia. Our exchanges communicate the sad intelligence of the death of this noble son .f Georgia ou the 27th ult. Caused by Ids jumping from the steamer, Bayou, City, t'npt, Forrest, a regular packet plying be tween Galveston and Houston, whose boil ers liad bursti-d, Pr. Dupree and Miles W Lewis These gentlemen according to their ap |Rintment, entertained a number of the citizens of Greene, with speeches for their ehoico of the candidates for the Pressiden ey on la6t Saturday. From what we have hcaid, their speeches were courteous to their opponents ; as they said they came “bolding iu their hands the Olive-branch of peace.” Agricultural Fairs in Ga. Clark Cos., Ga., Fair, at Athens, from tho 9th to the 12th of this month. Planters’ Club of Hancock Cos., Ga., Fair, at Sparta from the 16th to the 20th of this month. Georgia State Agricultural Society, Fair. AtAtlanta, from the 23d to the 27th of October 1860. Agricultural Clob of Lower Georgia, Sixth Annual Fair, at Savannah, (Teu broerk Race Cfftrse) on the 22nd of No* v.inbir, 1660. Cotton Planter's Convention of the State of Georgia First Ante*) Fair, to be held - for Ihtco weeks, in the city of Macon, be gtnrnng on the first in December, i 19* 0 tdr Head the prospectuses ofihe Daily \ I It reorder and Federal Union in this issue, ! n nd send down your names in time, if you j intend to keep posted with the proceed ’ mgs of the Legislature. , A\ bile we are on this subject wo toko 1 occasion to remind the Editors of tho “Federal Union” not to forget to put our paper on their list of exchanges, nr we • have been informed they did last year. There arc two other Dailies that very I respectfully asked us to publish their Pros i pcctines for which they promised to ex change with us. We received several numbers of them, but from some cause they have slopped their visits to our sanctum, one of said papers, is published at Atlanta j Georgia, under the of the “ Southern j Lunfcdcracy. l’lie other at Augusta Ga. unde; tho name of the ‘* True Democrat.'’ Now we do not pretend to say that a j weekly paper ought to expect a Daily to J exchange with it, without some boot on j the weekly’s side, but we do not like to j see men promise that which they do not j Intend to perform; even if they consider I the consideration upon which their prom ise was based, no consideration at all, neither do wc like to see men ask savers of others without bestowing, at least a “quantum meruit.” in return. M’liy Dont you Write Some Editorials? We arc frequently asked tbo above question by our readers, and they have suggested several subjects, such as Gara balili, Gen. Walker etc. In reply to these suggestions we have said “that we jan clip from our exchanges articles on tho above subjects so much better than anything we could write, that we d.fer writing on any of tbese subjects, if we wore so disposed, to give place to our selections.” But thoy sny, * wc have shelves full of these things already, we want something new.” We confess that when thus accosted we are placed in a dilemma, for wo wish to do our dety 60 far a6 tho power in us lies, and can but feel that some of our readers dont think we are weilding our pen as much as we ought to d<*. While at the sametime we are restrained from writing for fear that we would get in the habit of spining out long effusion-1 utterly worthless, just to have it said that we wrote Editorials. Wo are aware that we could write, Edi i torials on several subjects, but wo find that benefit by writing is not so easy a mat ter. Jlid-Jlc (iforgia Medical College, We liave received a pamphlet an nouncing the First course of Lectures of the above named Medical College ; (char tered by an act of tho Legislature iu ?559.) located at Griffin Ga. The Session trill commence, on the first ntonday in Noveu: - ber, and continue four mouths. One ben eficiary from each Judicial District will be received, free of charge. We take groat, pleasure in recommend ing this institution to the Southern Student of the Medical profession. You will be sur rounded by tlie principles of your birth, and from what we have hoard of Griffin, you will be among a refined, and enter prising people. You will not have to sub ject yourself to city “bon-ton,” besides you can get hoard from three, to three dol lais and a half a week. Go young men and patronize, your own institutions, and you will ho braver and better men. lion. Henry It Jackson This gentleman on last Monday, made a ‘speech in support of his favorite Candidate for the Presidency. Mr. J. is a speaker possesssingallof the elements ofan Orator, and on this occasion enlisted the whole attention of his audience favorable to the cause lie has espoused But many could not stand the opinions ho expressed, and ns 1m came to each of the candidates he. was fighting against In his chain of argu ments, they would leave the Court-room. 1 was informed that he had quite a small crowd when he finished hisspeecli ; and I heard the opiniuimi expressed (by a Doug las-man) that lie did not make any Breck enridge men in old Greene by his speech. A Lawyer is t ever so mischievous as when lie has but little’ practice; nor a physician as when lie has a good deal. If the abovj k true we think that peo ple had better look out just about now, else the Lawyers will do a great deal of mis chief in this vicinity, but wo are glad to say that the Doctors have not the same chance, as we think they aro doing but little practice at this time. Cos)muuicat4l Mr. Editor, A vote was taken on tho up train yesterday, betwcon Augusta and this place; with quite a number of Alabamians ou boatd. The following was tlie resiiD: Bell ••••27 Breckenridgo 11 Douglas 7 Old Greene The Reason. —A cynical in lividual, on reading a pathetic story in ona of the pa pers lately, noted in his memorandum book ns follows : Somebody whistled. Teach er calls up big hoy on suspicion. Big boy cotnes up and holds out his baud, sullen and savage. Noble little boy comes man fully forward, aud says, “I'm tho boy what whistled, sir,” at the same time ex teuding his hand. Teacher simmers down, and lets ’em both off. (Mem : Noblo lit tle boy thought teacher wouldn’t lick him if be told tho truth, bnt knew the big buy icon Id lick him if he didn’t) aud tint's the! 6cret of all that sort of thing. I# - Two thin shoes make one cold ; two i colds one attack of bronchitis ; two at-’ tacks at brouchitU one mahcgaiiy coffin. ESP An indiKrMt'pnrso.i w like” an un , tralori letter, which every one may read. I fait which is eeldont worth reading. Graphic. A co? respondent of Me Charleston Mer cury writing under the “nom deplume” of Tourist gives a friend of his the following as his idea, of tlie long route in the Mam mouth Cave of Kentucky : To give von my idea of it, is just to blind fold a man, and lead him along ever piles of cobble stones, then over high and irreg ular piles of granite rocks for a mile or two —then down to the wharves at Charles ton, aud over all the piles of produce along shore—then make him creep through two or three iron boilers—then up the lander of a ucw five-story building, and walk him over the, rafters—then down into some > dark cellar where you Lave to walk bent double—ribeji down to the docks again, and along the wharves for half a mile, put him in a leaky skiff of a very dark night, row him over the river and back again, and after being well muddied, with wet feet, let him climb over a few more hills of sharp granite stone, and ther.—return him back through tho same process, and he will have accomplished the long route ! My friend said he would never try that route in this world—but he started on the trip, nevertheless, the next morning!” Native Wines. —Dr. Henry H. King, of Greenesboro, Ga., has very kindly sent us five samples of Native Wine, made by Mrs. King from the Grape (Bland’s Madeira,) tlie common Bullacc, and the Blackberry. The Grape wine (labelled “Maderia, 1858,”) is really a very fine sam ple, and if it were offered in our markets, would speedily become popular. It con tained a little sugar—added, as it always should be, before fermentation—but not enough to destroy its vinious and slightly astringent flavor. It greatlv resembled fine Maderia, without the strong taste of brandy always more or less perceptible in the foreign wine of this class. The other wines were also very palatable and pleasant though mostly too sweet for our taste The success of our Greensboro friends should induce others to cover the old red hills of Middle Georgia with the leafy vine and clustering Grape; and we trust the very general interest in tlie subject of Vineyards, now so rapidly spreading, will be productive of the host, results to the cause of temperance and home industry.— Sou'hern Cultivator. Obituary. Dr. Alfred Poi'i.lain, of Georgia. ‘’Death, rigid lord, hath claimed the lieriot clay, While the youthful soul hath gone to take his heritage.” Inadverting to the delt.ise of the late Dr. j?iil'LLAi.\, wo cau pour the homage ot our admiration and respect, extorted by the integrity am! worth of his character without being conscious of the slightest trespass upon tho most rigid attribute of justice. His departure lmssevered so man v ties—interrupted so many deliglits-witli drnwn so many confidences—left such an a tilling void in the hearts of friends, and sue. 1 * sense of desolation among associates tnnf, while we bow to the decree of Providen f.c, our griefs must cry out m sincere lan. etl'.arions. His charac.’t- v “' iis ever high toned, chiv alrous aud_', and remarkable for uncompromising firm ness. Them was at u him a tenderness of gjpi.'ng o fei ce and \vt a fearlessness we cadu *- portray. It gained confidence when it s.u'Vlio l least to seek it, and repressed arrog.u, ot? )>} con founding it. In paying this feeble tribute to tin. farme ry of a good and amiable associate, we lighten the load of sorrow created by i, - loss, and adorn rim grave whe e he slum bers with a wreath woven by the. undis guised affections of tlie heart, emblematic ot hia life—a simple chapter of Truth, Evening Bu/lclii Phil., Pa. G. W. A. Colton .Tla hct. Grf.kxsboro Oct 10ih. Prices range from 9to 10J cents. Charleston Oct., Ch. Prices from 7 to 1 ] A cents. Augusta Oct. Bth Prices from 9 to 11 cents, sales 914 bales. Savannah u,ct sth. Middling 10 10j, cents Middling-FAHt, li cents. Daily Federal Union. On Wednesday tho 7th clay of November, the First Day of the Session of the Georgia Legis lature, the Proprietors of the “Federal Union” will begin tho publication of tho “ Daily Feder al Union,” which, they say. shall be a correct Record of the Proceedings of both Houses ot the General Assembly. Terns One Dollar tor the Session. Address, Houghton, Nisbet, & Barnes. Milledgcville Uu. Tlie Recorder. It is our intention to issud. again * Daily Recorder during thu session of the Legisla ture, first No. to appear on Thursday, the ML November—the day after its meeting, Our Daily of the last session bespoke its own praise and met its and was an lmlx of what may be expected at our hands ag in, as vre expect to have the aid of our orm-r able reporters, Messrs. Marshall and Miller. We shall give as full, if not fuller reports of all of interest that shall be said and done as heretofore, and expect to send the paper elf a* the close 01 each day, with that day’s proceedings, also containing the latest cuirent news 01 tne diy. We gave last session the most lull and im partial account ot the debates in the Legisla ture that appeared, but weie Dot repaid our expense. \Ve shailnotwithsiauning make on more effort to see whether the public desire such arecord ofthe pr.'ceedings of thj A-isvis lature and is disposed to sustain a Daily Legis lative paper here. The jiriceof the for the session, is $1 —that m advance—but atr fie in return for the lab or bestowed. Post Masters and others who may enclose us $5 in advance, will have a No. sent gratis Will oiu bieatbren of, tie prtss be so kinu as to insert and call attention to cur Daily ? R. M. (Jnjtr 4 bon. GP* Not long since I culled upon some lady friends of mine, and was ushered iuto the parlor by the’ servant girl. She asked what name she should announce, and i, wishing to take them by surprise, replied Amicus (a friend). She seemed at first a little puzzled, but quickly regaining her composure, she iu the blandest manner possible observed, ‘What kiud of a ruts, sirt” 4 South Carolina toast: ‘ Wornan — To her virtues, we give our love ; to her beauty, our admiration ; and to her hoops we givoi—way ‘ ‘A ec.tempornry inquires if the young la dies of the present day are fitted for wives. A much more important inquiry is, wheth er they are fitted for husbands. Dr. Wistnr’s Balsam of Wild Cher.y. In the whole history of Medical Dis coveries no remedy has performed so many or such remarkable cures of tlie numeroasaffectionsof the Throat, Lungs. and Chest—of Coughs, Colds, Bronchi •fs. Influenza, Whooping Cough Croup Asthma, or of Consumption itself, as this far-famed, long-tried, and justly celebra ted Balsam. So generally acknowledged i is tho superior excellence of this remedy that but few of the many who have tested its virtues by experience fail to keep it at hand as a speedy and certain cure for snd den attacks of Cold —fully believing that its remedial powers are comprehensive enough to embrace every form of disease from the sligliest cold to most dangerous symptom-of pulmonary complaint. From FRANCIS A. HUSON, Esq., of Kings ton, ga. Kingston, Ga, April 5. 1860. Messrs. S. W. Fowls & Co,— Gentlemen:—[think your prepartion of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry is the lest remedy for Coughs, and for all Plumonary Complaints extant. Expe rience, after years of’ trial of it among my friends and in iny own family, has de monstrated this fact. My wife, who suf fered seme three years since with a distres sing pulmonary difficulty, writ CURED by this remedy after all others had failed. I have, therefore, cause to strongly recom mend it. Being well known in various sections of this State, you are at liberty to use this in any mannei which will promote tbe sale of the Balsam, and consequently relieve the sufferings of the afflicted. Yours, truly. FRANCIS A. IIUSON. VS**Caution to Purchasers. The only genuine T Viator's Balsam has the written signature of “I. Butts*’ and the printed one of the Proprietois on tho outer wrap per; all others is vile and worthless. Prepared by SETH ‘W FOVV LEX- D0.,80s ton, and for sale by J. iluxtiv Wood, Greenes boro, and by nearly all druggists. Sold by druggists and detiltra gom rally ever? wlitio. Set- advcilist ii.eut in ui.other tutiaun. October, 81. —4r. Much Las been said of the Eastern Es eulapius labors for the sick; not one half lias yet been told of the indomitable per serverance of this singular man. Imbued with the conviction that Scrofula is the parent of disease, he has been years enga ged ;n searching the boundaries of the earth, for its antidote. With vast labor has he Canvassed the products of sea and land, through both continents untill he has discovered that con.lunation of lemedials winch expurges this human rot and cor ruption from tho system. This new i iven tion we now offer in our columns under the name of Ay Bit's Sausapbili.a, al though its vii lues are from substances far more active mid effectual than Sarsaparil la. Mercantile Journal. wlm. Dr. Perry's Vermifuge or “Dead shot’’ for Worms. —The most successful remedy extanf. The exceedingly small quantity of this mtdicine requited totest the exis tence of worms, and to remove every one of them, as well as the musus in which they are engendered from the system, without tlnfaid of any other purge, dud usually by a single dose, together with its certainty of effect, constitute it one of the most valuable discoveries of the ago. Its speedy operation in all sudden attacks, us convulsions, colic, fits, or spasms, gives it a’u unrivalled -superiority. Prepared and sold by A B & D SAXES, Drm Jh hit., JO‘t button Street, iV i . Sold also, by J II r'ood, and Jjruyyisls yeiur liy. We have j ’at learned that McLhan’s StIUINOTHKM.Vt! t’l'R DIAL will (Mile the various diseases jm. “'olent among Children. It is necessary every parent should keep a supply on hand, and tv ?*en required give as directed. Try it—it isp ’easai.t to lake. See advertisement in another “plunin. Judsoii’s mountain Herb Pills. llow strange a >d wonderful it oiten to us that a medicine composed of simple tnOv. u tain herbs and roots, should socertainly seaich jut and cute disease. llow surprising that the Indians should know and preserve so long and well a s cretthat has escaped tlie scinch of the greatest physicians the world has evet seen.— t’rue, the ancient inhabitants of JA xico were a-trange race, found t.y the Spaniards Lvitig in large cities, and allowing (or ‘heir strange customs and religion as well civilized as their conquerors. If the words of a w l iter of some celebrity, “They have perished rota the arti*, their cities are gigantic piles of ruins, their Kings aud Princt s so might in their life, sue forgotten; their ruins and their medicine are •done left.” The united testimony of intel ligent persons is, that Jadson's Mountain, llarb Pit’s are the most successful medico c :: o the world in curing disease. l-W~ Judson’s Mountain Herb Pills rr sold by ■•til Medicine I) a'rrs. [Sent 12 Ur.. * ■ —— SPKGIAL, NOJTCKfcj- SST” The renders of (lie Weekly arc requested to novice tne advertigtment, id unuihrr column, ut Dr. .1. iioree Doas’ Impcriol Wine K.tiers, fur esle in G e£neboro by Crabue aod Weaver.— They htiva recently been tested anil approved by one of the Drat Phyeieiui s in the Souih, and although they hare been but few weeks before the people l Georgia, yet you can hear their praise from all sec tions of Ib’eStVC. Kvad the general advertisement. See What 4yer’s Sarsapai ilia does for Deraugeuients ofthe Liver. Stott’s Cbossino. Talladega Cos., Ala., 9vn Aug. ‘69. Da. J. C. Area, Lowell, Muss.— Sib: I ‘ake my pen to tell you what your Sarsapa rilla and Cathartic Pills have done lor tne. I had been afflicted with Liver Complaint for six years, du ring which I was never well, and much of the time very sick My hver was sore to the touch, aud the Doctors said was congestion I suffered (rout sever, costivenesa and Diarrhoeu ultimately. ,Mv skin was clam hit and unbsaltby; uty eyes and sk n cfien vel low. O'casinnally I bad a voracious appetite, but genersltv none at all. A dreadful senaatjon of op. presainn on mv stomach, with Isnguor at.d a gloomy sensation of stekness all over, kept me in anguish Youoannnt know bow much I suffered from an inde- ‘ serihahle feeling of distress The long cf this condition, without relief, bad worn ine cut so that I never expected to hs better; bat reading in tlie Christian Advocate, of your Sarsaparilla, I com menced taking it with oreuinual small doses of your i Pile, to regulate tbs bowels as .you direct. om the first It had more effort spun my dieorde: than I sunn wed anything oould have. I regained my ‘ health rapidly, and now aflar eleven weeks, enjov aa j good health and strength aa any othar man. May I tha “Diapenaer of til good” shower bleanfngs on you . I Jonn W. SroTT 1 r-fwrsl by ttl J C AV RR and (O. Is.well Mass Kew Admtiseiueiits LAND FOR MIE. WILL b’ sold t rri’ at** wile* fbr to tbs tiute of William Ar*kt a dic'd, üb’ ut ev • mile's South of Gre€nCrfb. ro* in (mvi.c Cos i y, Sii-t laid contain* t*t liunjted wd ti-irty *.ur 234. ipi rt* or lcs, arljo niup !*•• tondi* if Am bros lltiu hi.--on, John H*li, James Smith ami otl r. I here • h ■ n ace* of rich boHout laod on paid trict lyicier oi It rlilatHt Cr.-ek, about thirty cie> ol wood bind well timbered Persona wishing to look at said tract ut land cun obtain any information concerning it that they Want by calling on the umiersiarnad who lives on the plac e. JOSHUA A>KEU. Agt. for B HI. MERRITT, Ex’ir WM. ASKEU. October 3d, IS6O —w2m. \evv Goods! & Great Bargains!! AT HOWELL,A- KEABY’S The public are invited to call and inspect H. & S’b. full and carefully selected stock of Fall and Winter Goods. All that remains on hand of previous pur chases, in Worsted Dress Goods, Colored Silks, &c. will be sold at cost; in order to make room for a fresh supply Greenesboro, October 10 1800.— w2m, D MOTT'S igssiiij FILLS IRON. AN aperient and Stomachic preparation of IRON pun tied ot Ox gen Rial Carbon by cotftbuaticii ii* Hydrogen. k Sa:.e' tied by tlie f ii/he.-.t Me icai Au thorities, both m Europe m and the United Siaus, and prescribed in iheir practice. The experience ol thousand* daily proves that no preparation ot 1* on can be compareJ witli it. Impu j*itic-s of the bleoJ, depression of vital energy, pale and othciwiae sickly complexions indicate its ntces sit? in almost every* conceivable cane. in all maladies in which it has been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in each ol the luliovvinsr compiaiotH, viz: Iv Pmsility, Nervous Affections, Emaciation. Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarrhoea. Dvslntbkt, INCIPIENT CoN>UMPTION, SCRUFUnHS TuBLRCIL MS, Salt Rheum, Mismlnstkuati n. Whites, Chlorosis, Liver Complaints, Ciisonic Headaches. Rheuma tism, Intermittent Flyers, Pimple* on the Face, &c: In ca?s of Gei cral Debility, whether the result ol neuie disease, or of the cNmumied diminution of ner vous and ihu-colhi* energy in in chronic compUiug, oue trial of this rcstoraiive bus proved sticoesrdul to an rXitmi vvnu h no description nor written aMesia ti.n would render crtdiblv. Invalids so long bed ridden as to have become forgotten in their ov n m igtd-oihoods, have suddenly re-appeaiei in Hit oust* world as i? jug! returned tiom protracted travei in a distant land. S Hue wry signal iiianmces of hi.> k nd are attested of tenia e stillt ieip, t iiac:ntei victm-s ol apparent niarasinus, sanguim - us exhaus tion, ci meal i hnaes, and that coinpliCa ion oi n* r vous und dyspeptic Bverai n t. air and exercise lor xvinc’i ti*e phy.-Tvistn has no name lu Nervous Afi'cCtinue ol uU kind*, and for realms familiar la> medical m< ju, the oj*< ration of tins pre paration ol iron must iMce.-ou-hy be saiuturv, for unlike the old <.x <!• s, i: is vigorously tonic without being exciting ltd m trh: ai. ; and aemly; regular ly aperient even in the most obstinate esse* of cob iiveneKjß without ever U iug a gastlie pu-gative, o t inflicting ad **gicuhi’ sc-nsacon. I is tbis latter ) vvs- r:y a.mms? oiberx, vt !ic makes it so v-morU<*biy ifh t-iuil and p<rni>(in remedy for Files op-oi which i* a!s • uppe**.- t. u rt >i ('is inct and spec ilk* aclim, i v cispeloing tiir lot*. 1 it ndency which ioru.a *h*Mii, In Uvi.pop.4n, imiutni ruble as ire ifs n s ; rj* gle box ol ir • e CnalybcHie P:*i has oii< n suffi.ti, fur the oust li.thiiua, ca na, including i .n: u tlt imn • CoftTIVfc.NL 6. Ir uni-bev-kvd D i-rbo* a, <v. v. when r.dvanced 1. Dya-nleiy, c.orfirmed, tmaciatiog, aid appareody inoiigeanJ, he have U.e.n rqu liy and astonishing. In the loe •! j> ciiH, I >ss of nnd fiv > iigth l < eb ! jfuting ••Otigb, wild ica.iilriit her- ic. :n-iira i ’pi< n* (J.-iisotnptioti, ntm *v i .*• : i ’.veo ib< ala>m ol Irie.nds and .a itveiu. vcy gratifying and -trti rrsiit-g ii aiauce*. In Scrofuluti tub rrulosu, this medical* and ir>r hlB had far more than the eoud el ect of the cautious y balaoccd f re.paraii• *i;# oi iodine v ithotil any of toeir well ki own halulitn *• ‘Hit atu.ut.iou off mules cannot be too fcntly invited to this hemeuv ami n EkT-’RATive, in pe c <ir'y aft* ctmg them. Li hiit uin itisin, hutii chronic and inflamab ry—iu th- 1 Inti*, r, t.owever. nur dcidetily—u has be- ni- - variably a* el? repmtfft, h /<*i a-* ** *I • viaiitig pa'D. at <l reducing tat ew ?l;n in: tis uessol the j -inif and mum'b e. !n intci’en? P- v rs. ii ncc searily be a gre-i remedy -uml <>.,(• v * j:• rest< rat<ve,and i*s |t*es ;n ti e Le ■ artilemeujs of the Weal, \*ili probu blv b-.* • !* #t retiowi! ur-d as. N ri iii’-i'y has t Vt-r be*-u discovered \u ihe wliole history o rocoicitre, which cnitls such prnmp , hap py* 8n > sully iCfcior-it.v** ef'cctd. G tod app life c wiplcie ( ‘.gielion, rapid a< t} :t<otim> of H'rcugih, wi 'b ‘;n unu-ual*liivp simn lor active and th*.r!ul exeicwc, i i.nird i.t |y foil *,v its use. I'of up in neat flat metal bt-xes containin 50 pills pru'c 60edits p*r b .\; fur sale t*y druggist* non dealers. \\ di be sent me to any ald revs on rcce'pt ol the price. All b itera, onUra, etc., should be ad dreaaeu to R. J}. LOCKE and fV General Agents. _ , * 0 Ce:>ab Stheet, N. Y. O tuber Ji\lb6o W’2rß. MAPJ3S’ .MTBOCEJiISEffSTPEB-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. REMOVAL. P*|AHE undersign and, Agfnt for the abov. 1 Fertilis-r, in cont cqui-nco ol its <; ai kti success t.e past season, an . the gr. at v ii - creased demand arising tbcefrorn, las Kaci anangeu'tnts with toe mat.' f,r a aigo ind foil supply; and r.q'iinng grt-ate facilities for stoiage and ottieraceotiiioo.lj.ti.-r, has taken the four story Wattbo- ce as be!o < litre lie vi-ili be ah eto supply an) ijoa itin required, with j.r mpiniss. ii- may li.wcd to eXprt s hi- mtisfaclio i in view ol the iant that <>( ts e numerous pu. basts made of him by planters gene, ally tbr ihcpu-pcse o tuaii ng!ve tysifi with other (ertil isets. n- t one ease has coins to his knowledge where our Ft . lisvr has no. shown a tleci.ed sup ri'tity Planters who rave u*ei Mm pea’ P ius.phat • w make it their sol nlitoce, ind aie O'dor;ii_ so col them) as much as fiit) toi s, lor u e the mxt season. This fact Boca s for itself. V* e have diHcovered a qua - ity, devilopid in the drouto, which waabcioie unobserved, vz; its h g'ometiic | ower, or eapacit*, to a wb niofrture from the attnos phe e, wn ch obviated to a ia>ge extont the !a! unparalleled drought -here i. was w. tie most oth.r eitiimeiH were not only v..1-ueless, ueless, but positively injurious to the plant. The sale'j- and profit as a n on*> investment aris ng from uie use of dap. „ phosphate, t nor | laced beyond quy t.on, and ihe exp n encc of tl.e past s.'ason, has establish'd wr ai w e have, ittiou’ iusiiauon, ai wy , a.-s neu for if, that it the only fertiliser reliable un der a!) ci'&emaunctg or soil, m de of cultiva tion, and ofweatbtr. The undersigned is also prepa-ed to supply any description of AGRICULTURAL MA- C INERY and IMPLEMENTS, of the latest improved patterns adapted to Southern culti vation, at lowest plies. J. A. QUIMBY, No. 3. Warren Block. Augusta, Geo. October 10 1300. —w6m. Job Work of all kinds neatly done at this office. Legal AdvertiM'ineiits. Adiuinistrutor’s Sale of Land & Neictoes. Georgia, Okeene coiniv.—By Time of an order from the Court of Ordinary of i.d county, will be Bold before ti.c Court House door in iireeuesboro, on ihe first Tues day in December next, within the legal hours of sale, all the land £BO acres more or Icrr, be longing to the estate of Sherwood Stanley dec’d. lying on the waters of the Appnlacliee River in *aid county, in the reserved folk of the Oconee and Appaiaoiiee Rivers, adjoining Jar.da.of Baldwin Copelan, M. K. Stovall, AVatson aid others. On the premises is a dwelling house and outbuildings. liy virtue of the same authority, will also ho sold before the Court Pouse door in Grccncß boro on the first Tuesday in January next 1801 within the legal hours of sale, the*follow ing named negro slaves, belonging to the es tate of said Sherwood Stanley- dee’d. viz: Bob about 05 or 70 years old, Willis about* £0 Larry John about 24, Jacob about 10, Philip about 14, Rose about 50, and Jane about 18 years old. Terms on the day of sale. MOSES F FOSTER. • dm’r. do bonis non, with the Will annexed of Sher wood Stanley, dee’d Greenesboro October 9th 1860. . , PLUMB & LEITNER. Drug gilts Sf Apothecaries. Broad Post Street. Office. AC GIST A GEORGIA. We rappc*(nlk invite the attention of Merchant., Planters, and Physicians, tuour large and well u&- aorted stock of CnaduHcrated Medicines! CHEMICALS, DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, * And all otlirr articlre in oor line. We feel assured that no hous • in the Smith ran off r a atnek anneiior to mtrs in Gknlinknkss and Purity, all Orrictau Pa ae a rations lieing made in strict uccordaucs with the Fort- ulas oi tliu United Stales PliarmacopoeLa, (Vi th the BEST MATERIALS,au<\ bv THE Pit OPE it WEIGHTS and MEASURES. Our Htoek of DEVTAL AND SUEffICAL l WEN ]S i* Jail, afidour arrangements with the best imvnnfncturerß, for ppoeuriug at the shortest notice, is unequalled. \Y> arc Agents for the best brands in tlio country of While catl And Zinc While. The Fines! Pe.feiniC;y and Choicest ARTICLES FOB THE TOILETTE In great variety muv always be found in our rm-k. tVe keep aiwnt son hand a large stock of tii In-.'l Urn mis of FRENCH AND GERMAN GLASS, I’ ** windows. l*ieiu res. Ft nines, &e„ &e. FRESH GARDEN, GRASS AND FIELD SEEDS, brom the Best. (,rovers in Larye Quantity, at the Proper Sc.aoii. Fee-irtg eoutiduiit that wc van furnish.'our •us -..-liters wiih tlie best artiv on was uJUtie t uir. we resjieetfuliy solicit orders ami idetlgo •,U;. elves to till tiicm v illi ,'itJt itj anddiejoiliTt. l au iirti-So should ii'-t ja-.-ve t” bo ju-e ----cs i. {> es. vitei!, we rhst •‘•.t-el t! tiiikinf 10 oif rctuineti at t e*r OA^iODSi, and tiic mn . will be jcfunded. PI. I ‘it n & LEI ’1 HER. Augusta, (! t. September 20, ls(J0. -Iv. Great furiosity, (Ve bar. one of t e greaicsi cu-i. siiiet end most r luatde iiiventioDA in tl.e known world, forwtiicli WK want agents .v.r,where, FtH p-rtieuia-a avui •• EK. SHAW and ( LARK, liiddeiurd, Aiaim,. Ovlti>ef 31, I Nfiij - w3t. hooiTilUrimi N O BLANKS!!! GRAND ALL PRIZE SCHE ME let Octolieu, iseo. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY. McKINNEV ft CO. lUnnaKeiK. Authorize!! by spec i Acs ol tlic'Lc^iniittiire EVARV TICKET A PRIZE, CAPITAL PRIZFS6O,COO. Tickets only * J lo ’ il ALVES. QCAKTEKS, ANll ElflllTS IX PkOPOItTION. To be Drawn Ear Ii SalurCat In jsoo. In the City of Savannah, Georgia. CUv !12. t he Diuwi) < et. C, ]BOO. O'e-t- V t. to be Draw r Oct 13, ] Class Ml tube Draw | O-t 2'!, *8(i0. Class W 5. to b Drawn O t 27. 18t>0. A.laffuifrent Scheme. 1 of 6 .0111) IR Still 0(10 1 0 , ) |.| (i |5 ’o,ooft t* St.fojf. I 2 “ SOtl nr. * | i.tifl 1 •• OOUOi* lit t<oo ! 2 “ 400 me s- U I•• 5 000 is 6 COO | 2 “ M> it,. tilt, I 4*flo i- ,0i O 2 ■* rito i c 400 I “ 3 ‘HI i 3,000 1 |o'* ■ iooo t •• 2,oo!Rts 2 COO ICO .. 75 7 * fil ,; I • !*60!1 is ;,.vc* too ... 4,. , r „ SOM, V- 000 V z s-t.l 200,'let •i-3 Ode, *> J. . , . z 5 „ MMj Pi izes Amt iug to $375,G00 WILL BB DRAW N THIS MONTH. CraTiricAHiti or Pacaaoeß will be gold at the foi lowinsr rate* wh'<-B i the rjpk : Cei t'ficate of Packages of 16 Whole Ticket! ft6o “ “ 16 Hall • 40 “ “ 16 Qoartera “ 2o “ f 16 E'Kblb *• JO. THE GOLD MIND ! ! ALL PRIZES AND NO BLANKS ’ ON THE THREE NUMBER PLVNf Which take* place im ev t AV.dnesday and Sator day in I^6o 78 Number, 13 Prawn Ballots. 1 Prtae of s‘j6 Coh t Prize of 6 O’ 0 1 “ of 4 00” 1 “ of 2 i7tt 40 “ off 1 76 are 7,000 44 “ ot 126 are f.,000 40 “ of 112 60 are x 600 162 “ of 100 are 16 200 65 “ of 25 are 1,<;26 b i “ of 20 are 1,300 65 “ of 16 are 975 65 *’ of 10 are 660 4,i 10 •* of 9 are 43,290 27.040 •• ot 6 are 136 200 ,3,680 “ of 1 are 42 680 ■■ m - 77,074 Prisen Amountirir to # 296,606 Whole Tickets 83, .Shares in Pmpurtion. IN ORDERING TICKETS OB CERTIFI CATES ticket, ordered, on ol which thrr will hr warded by Srst mail,. Purehaaera ran l-ava tkkdft ending in any ftp ore th> j may deaignale. The list of drawn nnmbara and priara will ‘ha ten* l norrh .aera l.nmedi.l.le attar the drawing. All ‘Mftui.anMatWMMttrirtl, eanßdtnKal. Order* toe Ticket# nr C.rttlW-.taa. ha Mail Os F.a. pee... I# he dtreeted e M'KItNBY amt fO (f iiemt’ i J, P 4 1/ b.’aaaals Ue-