Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, October 17, 1860, Image 4

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IVJLYBKI)K qumsftg. A Dk ill. fellow was asked by an old lady to read tlio. newspaper, and taking it up, began as billows : Last night, yesterday morning about two o’clock in the afternoon; before breakfast, a hungry b ly about forty years old, bought h big custard for a levy, and threw it through a brick wall nine feet thick, and jumping over it, broke his right ankle oft above the left Khce, fell into a dry mill pond and was drowned. About forty years after that on the same day, an old cat had nine turkey goblers; high wiud blew Yankee Doodle on a frying pan, and knocked the old Dutch churn down and killed n sow and two dead pigs at Boston, where a deaf and dumb man was talking French to his aunt Peter. The old lady took a long breath, ex claiming—“Du tell!” A Damper. — Father of a family (wri ting to a young spendthrift in answer to a demand for his daughter’s hand.) —I am extremely sorry I cannot accede to your request for iny daughters hand, but I tell you what I will do for you. If I catch you round my house again, instead of dis missing you with my daughter’s hand, I will see how you relish my foot. nr “Won't you cut open a penny for me, fatcr ?” said a little girl, when she carr.e home from school ono day. “Cut. open a penny ! What do you want me to da that for? asked her father. ‘Causa,’ said the little giri, “our teacher says that in every penny there are four farthings, and I want to see them.” GP The fellow who “broke loose” has gone into partnership with the ono that “broke the news,” and they anticipate do ing a smashing busiues. A young apprentice to the shoernaking business asked his master what answer he should give to the often repeated question, “Does your master warrant his shoes ?” “Answer, Thomas, that I warrant them to prove good ; and, if they don’t I'll make them good for nothing.” GTX egroes have sat as members in the British House of Commons. One was named Dyco Sombre—a very appropri ate name. The other, who was a member fir many years, was John Stewart. Their money bought the election. They were not disting lished for ability in any way. —..- .1 Conundrum. —What is the difference between a quarter bushel of fuel, and a bird of the long-bill species? One is a peek o wood, and the other a wood-pecker. .1 Coat nf Ann* so ■ a Hogue. —Two posts .* (a idant ; one beam crosianl ; ono rope pendant ; and a rogue on the end on't ! GP Tlio loss of goods and money if of ten times no loss ; if you had not lost them, they might perhaps have lost you. BP A miser undertakes to make the most of everything, liy making no use at all of anything. A gentleman who had a had memory and did not like to trust to it, wrote in his memorandum hook —“Must be married when l get to town.” Miscellaneous Advertisements. ~ A. Ihlw ffamfactnrer and Dealer Jn all KINDS O F FURNITURE. MAIN STRRKT, MADISON, GA., RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public ijenerally, tbst ho is nuw receiving his SPUING STOCK OF FURNITUR from N- York and Pnilitdciiiliis, which, together with his LARUE STOCK of Home Manufactured, mtk-s his Assnrtment the must desirable tnmake se lacli mis [rom, in the up cuun'ry. Ilis Stuck consists of aLi-sre Number of BUKI US ranging from 838 to $75 It memo (, M.itnxany, and Painted Wurdrobes ; and Mahogany Mirble top Waabstnnda ; J ?noy L ; nd Tall Post and Cottage B**deteada; som r very httu aud Sola Tablet, also Black Walnut Eitention Tables v 10,1*2, l i tnd 10 feet lon QUARTBTTS, by the Set or single one; list Stands, and Towel . Rack*; scrrral D iz-n of Mahogany Pari-r Chairs; Mihogany R.x-k ra of ihe different Sizes; Lirgeanri 8 11,11 Curled Maple Ruckers, with Cane Seat and Hwk; Curled Miple Parlor Chairs, nnJ ulso Ihe Celebrated Cottage Chairs. A tar re number of Popular Cottaire Bedsteads, with or without the Excelsior Spring Red, attached, as Iks purchsier o,av desire. The STRING BED is.,tiered at the VERY Low Prie- of MX DOLLARS. Ais i. on hand, GILT and ROSEWOOD noor.a i e a s Os m’xp*. which can b* cut nnd put logeth or in FRVMESot snv sis**, it abort notice. N. 11 —'■vfui nnd M;hosr*ny Rocking Chair* RRPAIPEin A r SHORT FO TICE, and all other FURNITURE H -paired with Neatness and Dispatch. The subscri be retue>is his sill iere thinks for the liberal patron aro heretofore beat.,we I u|.on him, and respectfully sin its a eontinu.Uton of the V llh v ral Redaction will be made on CASH SALKS. ——Furniture Rokhl and delivered atihe Madison*. to yo ap or d*w tht’ road, free of ch*r?*\ O- tern at bo n . au I from abroad, respectfully a > June #8 h HtfO 7 n DAVIS & BROTHER WOULD inform their friends and thepub iio that they hare been driven by ‘the lW to J/r. Norton’s store where they offer for sale at the lowest market prices, their usual assortment of goods consisting in part, of U tunets, Trimmed and Untrimmed; Neo pilitAU, .1/ Chip and Straw Flats; French Lice JUntillxs and Points, with and without capes; Colored and Black Bvroge Shawls ; Jaokouct, Organdie and Barege Robes, from four to ten Flounces, from $2 to f 12; Printed AAwnsand Muslinfroiu 121-2 tosoc; Nausook, Jackonet, Afml and Swiss Muslins, Piain and Striped, from IS to 60 cents; IPu Collars, Muslin Trimmings, IFrt.Bands, Twisted Silk J/itts, Zinen, Cambric, Plain, llemst'tihedand Embroidered Handkerchiefs, from 10 cts. to $3 00; Hosiery, Hoop Skirts, from 50 cts to $2 60; Hats of all kinds; Boots, Shoes, Clothing; Hardware, Hollow IFsro Iron, Steel, Nails, Bugr, Cuts.-e, Molasses, Salt; in short what ever the wants of the people demand. AH of which we will sell as low as can can be obtain ed in a iv market Thei.klul for he Iliteralpatronage heretofore bestowed on us wo hope oar friend* will take the trouble to visit us st our nsw location, wbprs st will supp'y their wants on as favor sh|# terms as any uonse In the tilt. DAVIS k BROTHER. < ‘rasiieaboro, ApHI IS, ’W I '. (jw M lr| I Miscellaneous Advenfsemeuis. x spuksduTstooki i At Lowest Frices! 11E\RT j7OSBOR\E, AVaieli-.Baker, Jeweller, AND OPTICIAN No. ‘Jtf UUOADSTREET, under Ihe V. 8. Hotel, and opposite the City Hunk. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA.. Keeps on hand a select and beautiful assort ment of Goods, consisting of WA-TSKES, JBWKLaY, SILVER it PLATED WARE, Tklescopks, Scrvetob’s Compasses, Spv-Glas es, for Mountain Use, and in short every thing useful in his line of business particularly SPBCTAOLBJS, IN GREAT VARIETY. Fine Watches ard Jewelry Repaired in the b-'st Manner. fMarch 28,1800-ly. Painting and Glazing, BY W. S. WAGNON. rrVIE undersigned having hadscvcral years _L experience in the business, is now pre pared to execute all orders in the best style, at short notice and on reasonable terms. Orders solicited and dllerf with promptness. Grtenesboro Ga., Sept. 12, 1800. —iy. FOR SALE. 7 ST Birrelsof Rectified Whisky ; •J 25 Barrels, Old Rye Manongxhrla; 20 • X Whisky; 30 “ XX 20 •• XXX •• 20 Baskets Pearl Champaign tie; 15 “ Mumm.a “ 150 Boxes Tobaccii, of different brands; by ALSO, 250 Barrels Rectified Whisker; 45 •* White Whiskey,’ Augusta. Apr. 25. 186-1. Af L At. LOUD. ARTICLES OF EVERY-DAY USE. B. V. BABBITT’S Pure Medicinal Yea st. Manufactured from common Salt and Pure OO Grearn farter. Wlicu used in Cake, 68 i) rl km,it, it turns to gas,—ltke that from a bottle ofrfoda Water,—and remains dormant in ‘be dough until it is eet in tlie oveu, when the heat causes the gas to escape through the and lough while baking. The Bread, Cake, or and Rtscuit is not Ter y but perfectly Wnoisome. Where this Yeast is used you will require about one quarter the amount of shortening need with ordinary Yeast. It may 1 ” also he yaud f„ r Buckwheat Cakes, Johnny 7U Cakes, and all kinds of Pastry This Yeast is pot up only in one-pound cans, with check cred label. Red, White and Blue— noother is Genuine—beware of imitations. to u f Babbitt’s pureConcentratcd Pot- 68 A*u.—>Warranted double the strength of common Potash, and superior to any Sap n ---ill’*r in market, put up in rans of lib., and 3lh-, 6!bs, and I2ib. with full directions for ftn( j makinof Hard and Soft Soao. One will make fifteen gallon* of S )ft Soap. No lime ia required. Consumers will find this the cheapert Potash in innrkei. 70 B T Babbitt’s Medical Saleratus. 70 A perfectly pure and wholesome article free from all deleterious matter, so prepared that as the circular accompanying the S ileratus will show, nothing remains in the bread when 68 baked but common Salt, Water, and Flour. 08 I’ot up neatly in papers, 1, I 2:b. and 1-4 lb. BT Babbitt’s Concentrated Soft Soap. OncßuX costing one Dollar will mahe 40 . gallons of handsome Soft Soap hr simply . an “ adding boiling water. ‘ “ * D “ B T Babbitt’s Concentrated Sal Soda. Anew article exclusively for the Smith. Sal Soda or Washing Soda cannot be sent South 70 during warm weather, us it deliquesces or 7Q melts. I dry out the vater and put op the 1 Sil Soda in lib papers,“warranted to stand the warmest climate.’’ One pound is equal to four pounds of ordinary Sal Soda or Wash rjQ ing Soda—consequently it is much cheaper po —the. dealer saves 65 percent on Ihe freight, as he does not have to pay freight on water. Ask your storekeeper for B. T. Babbitt’s Concentrated Sal Soda in one nound papers. and B. T. Babbitt’s Soap for Family FBc. t „and One pound of this Soap is equal to three poiindsnfordinnry Family Soap. One pound will muke 3 gallons ol handsome Soft Soap, „ U will remove paint, grease, tar, and stains f 0 of all kinds. It will hot injure Ihe fabric; n 70 the contrary, it preserves it. It will wash in hard or soft water. But little iaoor isrequir- • ed where this Soap is used. Machinists and Painters will find this Soap superior to any gg thing tn market. II your Storekeeper doesgg not keep the above goods, send 5 dollors by uo mail and 1 will send a package of either nr tide, or an assorted box Containing a part ol each article, as you may direct. Send the aud name of your Postoffice, also the State and sod County in which you reside, with directions for shipping. Address _ A B. T. BABBITT, 70 61, G 6, 70, 72 and 74 Wsshinston St., N. Y. ?0 A liberal discount to Storekeepers. w July llth 1860. —wly. Good Times have come at uast! One Thousand Seven Hundred ..nd Eighty-Two Prizes! sl6. 300. NO CHEAP JEWELRY. FOUR CAPITAL PHIZ SJ and. a. MkisxAißEa & ers FORTY-NINHTH MAGNIFICENT CASH, WATCH & LAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION. ‘TILL r.K DRAWN AT FRANKLIN, IND„ MONDAY SEPT Olid, 1860. Cash Prize af SSOO in American Gold* Horse, Buggy and Harness, S4OO. Splendid Rosewood Piano Fort Valued at $330 363 GOLD aud SILVER WATCHES, All in Huntiug Cases from 818 to 8250 301 Prises In American Gold, $2,50, to ssllO. 280 ACRES OF FARMING LAND. 385 Sets Sterling Silver Ware. Land \\ arrants and American Sporting Watcher.. Number of Prizes 1,782 Value, of Prizes. ..... $16,300 Tickets Limited to .... . 16.300 DP.m*U TAKES PLACE MONTHLY. HT Every Ticket-hoi ler receives a printed list of drawn numbers, free >f charge. A# All drawings taka place in public, su perintended exclusively by thsTickrt-boldvrs. REFERENCES. i 0 ink* greet pleasure in referring all who re j auiiotie fur informal'on rsapectingour honesty, h'l-’r * | romptil t |c, t|. ‘ ( i„ ,n T f D„ coon- Miscellaneous Adverilncments. ! ty officers, Post asters, Express Agents. Jusii- j ees of the Peace, Merchants, Representatives , and Senators of Johnson county, or any of the < numerous patrons in the various parts of the ! Union, who have attended our drawings. As the above named are personally acquainted with us, and most of them have attended our nutnr us drawings, we will request all who wish to satisfy themselves of the safety of their ini .stinent to write to any of the above gentle ncn. Agents Wanted in every locality, to whom the most liberal Inducements arc offered. ALL PRIZES PROMPTLY PAID. Single Tickets, $h Six Tickets 86 I). R. ALEXANDER, Sc CO. Franklin, Johnson Cos., Indiana. I one 13th, 1860 w6n>, 50,000 Copies already Soldi EVERYBODY’S LAWYER AJiD COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, BY FRANK CROSBY, OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAIt. It Tells You Howto daaw up I’ahtkeiisiiip Papers and gives general forms for Aorekments of all kinds, Bills ol Sale, Leases and Pet tions. It Tells You How to draw up Bonds and Mort gages. Affidavits, Powers of Attorn ey, Notes and Bills of Exchange. Re eeipts and Releases, It Tells You The laws for the Collection of Dibts, with the Statues of Limita tion, and amount and kind of.. rop orty Exempt from Execution in eve ry State. It Tells You How to make an Assignment prop erly, with forms for Composition with Creditors , nDd the Insolvent Laws of every State. It Telle You The legal relations between Guar dian and Ward, Master and Ap peentice, and Landlord and Tenant. It Tells You What constitutes Libel and Sian der, and t e law as to Marriage Bower, the Wife's Eight in Prop erty, Bitcrce and Alimony. It Tells You The Law for Mechanics’ Liens in very State, and the Naturalization Laws o ! ’ this country, and how to comply with the same. It Tells You The law concerning Pensions and how to obtain one, an ‘ the Pre- Exemption Lavs to Public Lands. It Tells You The law for Patents, with mode of procedure in obtaining one, with Interferences, AssignmetUs and Ta ble of lees, It Tells You llow to make your Will and how to Administer on an Estate, with the law and the ri quirements there of in every State It Sells You The meaniug of Lav Terms in general use, and explains to you the Legislative, Executive and Judi cial Powers of roth the General and State Governments. It Tells You How to keep out of Lav, by show ing how to do your busiues legal) thus saviug a vast inr unit of prop trty, and vexatious litigation, by its timely consultation. Single copies will he sen; by mail, postage paid, to Every Fanner, Every Mechanic, Every Man of Business and Every body in Every State, on receipt oi SI.OO, or in law style bind in? at $1 26. SIOO9 A where, in selling the above work, as our terms to all sneh are very literal. For single copies of the Book, or for term to agents, with other information, apply to o’ address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 017 Ainvout £ireet. Philadelphia, I’a Jul 4th, 1800. —wltm What Everybody Wants. THE FAVIIIT DOCTOR: CONTAININ') Simple Remedies, Easily Obtained, for the Cure of Diseases in all Forms. BY PROF. HENRY S. TAYLOR M. I). It Tells You flow t attend upon the sick, an how to cook for them ; how to pr, - pare Drinks, Poultices, &c., and how to guard against infection from Contagious Diseases. ft Tells You Os the various diseases of Chil dren, and gives the best and sim plest ra de of treatment during teething, Convulsions, Vaccina tion, TFiiooping-congh, A .1/vasles, It Tells You The symptoms of Croup, Cholera InfaDtum,Colic, Diarrhea*, Worms .Scallcd Head, Ringworn, Chicken pox, &c., and gives you the best remedies for their cure. It Tells You The syßiptomsof Feverand Ague and Bilious, Yellow, Typhus, .Scar let an other Fevers, and gives you (he best and simplest remedies for their cure. It Tells You The symptoms of Influenza, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Dropsy, Gout Rheumatism, Zorn f bago, Erysipel s, &c., and gives you the best remedies for their cure. It Tells You The symptoms of Cholera Morbus J/alignaut Cholera, .Small Pox. Dysentary, Cramp, Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys and Ziver and the bost remedies for their cure. It Tells You The symptoms of Pleurisy, Aiuinps Neuralgia, Apoplexy, Paralysis, the various Diseases'of the Throat Teeth, Ear and eye. vnd the best remedies for their cure. It Tells You The symptoms of Epilepsy, Jaun dice, Piles. Rupture. Diseases ol the Heart, Ilemarihage, Veneral Diseases, and Hydrophobia, gives the best remedies for thd cure. It Tells You The bust and simplest treatment for wounds. Broker. Bones and Dislocation, Nprains # Lockjaw, Fe ver Seres, white swellings, Ulcers, whitlows, Boils, Scurvy, Burns and Scrofula. It Tells You Os the various diseases peculiar to woman, and gives the best and simplest remedies for their cure, together with many valuable hints for the preservation of health. The work is written in plain language, free from medical terms, so as to be easily under stood, while its simple recipes may soon save you many times the cost of the book. It is printed in a clear and open type; is illustrated with appropriate engravings, and will be for warded to your address, neatly bound and pos tage paid, on receipt of $t .00. .SIOOO A YEAR"^“’„ h ’- where, in selling the above work, as our induce ments to all such are very liberal. For i ingle copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher No. 617 Atnaom -Street, Philadelphia, Pa. July 4tb, 1860. , —w6m. LEAN DER (T DEM ING. 254 Broad Street 234. UNDER GLOBE HOTEL. Dealer in Fnney and Ih y Goode. I have anything you want. an<l at the lowest firices. Augusts, He . Nrt*. 26, ItfrO. tr. BK SURK TO CALL AT MASSEY & LANSDELLS. m\sm & lmsdil!! 1 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN f Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oil \ Varnishes, Patent Medicines, &c. Main Street, Greenesbcro’, georgia. HAVE IN STORE AND TO ailhividi 10,000 LBS. WHITE LEAD,’ FROM 7£ TO 10 CENTS ; 2000 SNOW WHITE ZINC; 500 GALL’S. LINSEED OIL; 200 • MACHINERY 200 •< SPERM 200 <• LARD 100 COLD PRESSED CASTOR OIL; 40 “ SWEET 200 •• SP’TS TURPENTINE; 200 < PER CT. ALCOHOL; 100 •• BURNING FLUID; ; 109 “ COACH-BODY VARNISH ;. ! 100 “ JAPAN I 100 “ BLACK JAPAN; ! 40 *> PIANO VARNISH; i 100 “ COPAL ! 100 •• LEATHER - 100 •< ASPHALBUNE VaRNISH; j 100 •• TRAIN OIL; 1 200 •• KEROSENE “ ; 10 CASES CONCENTRATED LYE; ;200 KEROSENE LAMPS; ! 20,000 CIGARS; 1100 OZ. QUININE; 10 *• MORPHINE; PERFUMERY IN LARGE QUANTITIES , Ami almost, everything else belonging to the Drug Business, all of which we offer at ATLANTA PRI CES, and to wholesale purchasers we will sell Drims, Medicines, &c., at AUGUSTA RATES—freight ad ded. Every article warranted To be what it Is Sold For. I And, as we are having manufactured for us, several new brands of Lead in large quantities, we can offer greater inducements in quality and price than ever ! before offered in this market. Call and examine our : stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we fell confi ! dent-we can give satisfaction. [Feb. IG, 18G0. BY calling at Massey & Lansdcll’s Drug Store and Examin ing some samples of Pure WHITE LEAD we think you will .be conviuced at once that it is a BETTER article fhau the Luton Lead, and can be sold for LESS MONEY. WHERE YOU CAN BUY GOODS CHEAP. FOR SALE. A Valuable Residence in the City of Greencsboro’o KNOWN a the REED PL \C. The House con tains lour Rooms, two of tben well plastered, with a Portico and Flower Clai tleD in front. The lot I’otitttiiie eijr acres of LAND, more or less. On the premises is a good Kitchen, with three Rooms, a joo*i Smoke House, Wen House, Carriage House, Lirge Woik fcrnop, liarn, Stable, and all other neces sary out HuiMing*, nil framed arkl of the best route rials. Als ,as good a Well ot W..ter as cn b* found in ihe City. The Garden is large aud planted with choice Fruit Trweaof all kinds. Any person wishing to purchase property in this city a^uiild do weil to coll soon and examine the r* mines, as it will be Bold low tor CASH Apyly to G I. HEED, Greenesboro, Ga., August Ist, lStr> —wtf. DR. J. BOVEE BODS’ - IMPERIAL BISK. BITTERS, ARE made from a pure and unadulterated Wine, which is about double the usual strength of other ITincs, and is imported by only one house in the United States. Also, from the foil wing valuable Roots, Herbs, &c., viz- Solomon’s Seal, Spike-nardjConifrey.Cam omile Flowers Gentian, Wild Cherry Tree Bark, and Bivberrv. WE CHALLENGE THE WORLD TO PRODUCE THEIR EQUAL!!! TFi! do not profess to have discovered some Roots -‘known only to the Indians of South America,” and a cure for “all diseases which the flesh is heir to,” but wc claim to present to the public a truly valuable preparation, which every intelligent Physician in the countr will approve of and recommend. Asa remedy- for INCIPI NT CONSUMPTION, Weak Zungs, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Diseas es of the Nervous System, Paralysis, Piles, Diseases peculiar to Females, Debility, and all cases requiring a Tonic, they arc UNSTJH.TASSED! For Sore Throat, so common among the Clergy, they are truly valuable. For the aged and irtirta, or for persons of a weak constitution —for Ministers of the gospel, .Lawyers, and all nubiic speakers—for Book keepers, Tailors, Seamstresses, Students, Ar tists, and all persons leading a sedentary life, they will provv truly bericC .ial. Asa Beverage, they are wholesome innocent ar and delicious to the tacte. They produce ail the exhilarat'T.g effects of Brandy or IFine without intoxicating; and are a valuable rem edy for persons addicted to excessive use of strong drink, and wish to refrain from it.— They are pure and entirely fr’ e from the pois on contained in the adult-.-rsted Wines ad Li quorswith which the country is flooded. These Bitters not only CURR butPREVENT Disease,and should be used by all who live in a country where the water is bad, or where Chills and Fevers are prevalent. Being entire ly innocentond harml. ss, they may be given freely to Children and Infants with Impunity. Physicians, Clergymen, and temperance ad vocates, as an act of humanity, should assist in spreading these truly valuable BITTERS over the ‘and, and thereby essentially aid in banish ing Drunkenness CHARLES WIDDIFIELD A CO., Proprietors, 78 Willian Street, New York. And sold bv Druggists generally. Wholesale and Retail Agents for Georgia. v Plumb & T/kitnrk. Augusta. •Sold also by CrabbpA Wi Avru. Greensboro. June 19th, 1860. (j*n. ]2j wly. Maw Hides. ANY quantity t (Joed Itav Hides received t the Orawfordville TAN YARD on the usual terms by C, A. BEASLEY. Crawfordevllls, 8> pt 19— lir. ■ >LA MM* of all kind* o'ally printed st Iff ikmiffler, u spar: net***. 1)1 Alt KIKE A! CKAIftP! (IIOIJHV! ‘ LIFE drops. This medicine has been THE NEVER FAILING THIRD, TESTED Mid PROVED - KKV,Knr ■ --- by ten teaks experience to ue trie only CEUTAIX, s.tFra"fi reliable rein edy for all bowel derangements, diakkikki Disentery , Cramp*, Pain*, Cholera, Cholic, Ac.’ now before the public. One or two doses of 20 drops, will cure the most severe cramps in the stomach in 20 minutes. A single dose of ten cures the Diarrhoea and it n ver constipates the bowels. One dose will satisfy any one oi its merits. Price only 25 Cents. Prepared by Tuali. it Stow, 43 Bowery, N York. And sold in O een.shore by Wassi-v ,t Lansdell. fapr. 11th ‘6“-!v ‘ June 11th 1860. _ w lv ’ DH. J. EMcLEAIfS Cordial & Rloorf Puriiifr. THKhRSATKSTBEIKDT I> THE WOULD. JpP Tlost Pc livings ‘ Bsfhlfiil Cordial m ®Yer taker. Ijiii It is strictly a scicn- |®ijSjg AWM tific and Vegetablecona UUT ffmMl pound, procured by the Swj jpll riiniillntion of lion's, - H ' :rby an<l Bark * 1 1 low Dock, Blood root, ikrOretaklll&Saraaparilla.Wild Cher .liter taking ry, and Dandelion enters its compound. The entire active remedial prfneiples of each ingredient is thor oughly fxoacteri by my method of distilling, pro ducing a delicious, eahilerating spirit, and the n,ost infallible remedy for renovating the diseased sys tem, and restoring the sick, sulferingand debilitated INVALID to HEALTH arid StHEXGTH. IKclriiii's StreiigtliciiiiiK Cordial WILL BV’FKC ! TALLY CUBE ijver complaint, dy.-pepsia, Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases o) ihe Kidney, and all Diseases arising from a Disorder ed Liver or Stomach, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Inward •*iles. Acidity or Sickness ot the Stomach, Fulncssof Blood to the Head, Dull Puin or Swimming in the Head, Palpitation of tiie Heart, Fullness or weight in Ihe Stomach, Sour Eruditions, Choaking or Suf •ocatirg Feeling when lying down, Dryness or Y> l iowneasof tiie Skin and eyes; Night Sweats, Inward Fevees, Pain in the Small of the Back, Chret o> Side, Sudden Flush of ll< at. Depression of Spirits, Fright ful Dreams, Langor Despondency or any Nervous Disease, Sore3or Blot.ucs on the Skin, and Fever and Ague—or ( lulls and F. ver. Over a Million of Bottles Have been sold during the last six months, and in co instance has it failed in giving entire satisfaction Who then, will suffer from Weakness or Debility when McLean's Strengthening Cobihal will cure you. No language cm convey an adequate idea of the immediate and almost niiracnious change produ ced by faking this Cordial in the diseaseed, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by exeess, weak by nature, or impaired by sickness the relaxed and unstrung organization is restored to its pristine health and vigor ittiirticd Persons Or others conscious of inability from whatever cause wiil find McLean’s Strengthening Cordial a thorough regenerator of the system ; and all ifho may have in ured themselves by improper indulgences, will find n this Cordial u certain and speedy r tnedy To Tl Ladies. McLean’s Stexgthenoo Cordial Is a sovereign and speedy cure for incipient c ssumption, whites, Obstructed ..r Difficult Mengt ration. Inscnntinence of Urine or Involuntary Di-charge thereof, Falling of the Womb. Giddiness, FaintiDgand all Diseases in cident to Females. THERE IS NO MIBTAK ABOUT IT. Suffer no longer. Take it according to Directions. It wilt stimulate, strengthen, and invigorate voir und cause the bloom of health to moiirlt your herk again EVERT BOTTLE IE WARRANTER TO riIVK SATISFACTION. FOR CHILDREN. If your children sre sickly, punv, srofflicted. Me Lean’s Corpitl will make them healthy,'stand robust Delay not amoment. try it. and vou will be convinced IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE. Caution —Beware ol Druggirtsnr dealers who may try to palm off upon you some Bitter, or sarsapnrills traah, which they Can buy cheap, by saving It Is just sa good. Avoid such insn. Ask for McLean’s Strengthen Cordial, and taka nothing slse. It is tha oaly remedy that will purify tha blood thoroughly, and at tbs same time*lrengthrn the system. One lablsspoonlul taken ersry morning fsaling, is a certain preventive fur Cholera, Chills and Fsver, Yellow Fever, or soy prsuslsnl dldesss. It is pot up IB large holies. Pries only 91 par bottle, or sis pottle. g|, J H. Mr I.EAN, Mole PronHeu.r ol this Cordial. Also McLean’. V.desnir Oil L'menl ! Prinnlpsl Dpn(nn Ibsroryisrot Third and Fine h t, •t Istiii M Fur gals l#f Msstpey and L'Mddil Pfffeaft nrdieißci, Ac. Fever and AgueT” from wfdch mankind suffer over a large part of lbs globe, is the consequence of a diseased action in tha system, induced by the poisonous miasm of vegetable decay. This exhalation is evolved by the action of solar heat on wet soil; and rises doth the State tv tupoi from it. While the sun is below the horizon this ta> por lingers near ttie earth’s surface, and the vims is taken with it through the lungs into the blood. There it acts as an irritating poison ©it the intemai viscera and excreting organs of the body. The liver becomes torpid and fails to secrete not only this virus, lint also the bile from the blood Both the virus and the bile accumulate in the circulation, and produce violent constitutional disorder. 1 c spleen, the kid iv ‘vs, and the stomach sympathize wnli the liver, and become disordered also. Finally, the instinct of our organism, as if in nit attempt to expel the noxious infusion, concentrates the whole blood of the body in the internal cxerctorics to force them to cast it out. The blood leaves the surface, and rushes to the ecu- Iral organs with congestive violence. This is the Chill. But in this effort it fails. Then the Fever follows, in which the blood leaves the central organs and rushes to the surface, as if in another effort to ex pel the irritating poison through the other great ex cretory —the skin. In this also it fails, and the sys tem abandons the Attempt exhausted, waiting for the recovery of strength to repeat the hopeless effort another day. These are the fits or paroxysms of Fe ver an u Ague. Such constitutional disorder will of course undermine the health if it is not removed. We have labored to find, and have fonnd, an an tidote. Ayer’s Ague Cure, which neutralizes this malarious poison in the blood, and stimulates the liver to expel it from the body. As it should, so it does cure this afflictive disorder with perfect certainty. And it does more, or rather does what is of more service to those subject to tills infection. If taken in season it expels it from the sy tem as it is absorbed, ami thus keeps those who use it free from its attacks; keeps the system in health although exposed to the disease. Consequently it not’ oiiiy cures, but protects from, the great variety of af fections which are induced by this malignant influ. once, such as Remittent Fever", Chill Fever, Dumb, or Masked Ague, Periodica! Headache, or Bilious Head ache, Bilious Fevers, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma; Palpitations, Painful Affections of the Spleen, Hys terics, Colie, Paralysis, ami Painful Affections of tha Stomach and Bowels, all of which, when arising from • ‘his cause, will bo found to assume more or less tha ir,ci""itte!n tTpi. This “Ague Cure” removes tha causcof these derai. s 'cri- ntd - “>‘ l cure® <he disease. This it accomplishes by stimulating the cxerctorics to expel tiie virus from the system; and these organ* by degrees become habiteu !’ f!° Ibis their offleo of their own accord. lienee arises what v” rt R' nrl acca motion. Time may accomplish the same enu, but often life is not long enough, or is sacrniOfd in tho attempt, while this “Ague Cure” does it at once, and with safety. We have great reason to believe this is a surer us well as safer remedy for the whole class of diseases which are caused by the miasmatic Infec tion, than any other which has been discovered; and it has still another important advantage to the pub lic, which is, that it is cheap as well as good. PREPARED BY DR. ,J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price One Dollar per llottlr. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is en tirely “unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been employed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this sec tion, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, • For all tho purpose” of a Purgativa Medicine. For Costiveness; For the Cuke of Dyspepsia.; For Jaundice; I For the Cure ok Indigestion; For Headache; For the Cure ok Dysentery; I'or a Foul Stomach; Foil the Cure ok Krysipela*; For The Piles; For ehe Cure ok Scrofula; For all Sokokulous Complaints; Ton the Cuke ok Rheumatism; For Diseases ok the Skin; For the Cure ok Liver Complamt; For Dropsy; For the Cure ok Tetter, Tumors, and Salt rheum ; For Worms; For the Cure ok (.out; * For a DtsNKtt Pile; For the Cure ok Neuralgia; For PuRIKYING-THE liI.OOD. They arc sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive cast take them pleasantly, and being pnrdy vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. Price 25 cents per Box; Five Boxes fbr SI.CO. Bft” Sure tn . all, at Masey & Lausdells and price their Mot- purchasing elsewhere! Great number) -of Clergymen, riivsiejnn*. States men, am! eminent Jii'tsoiiages, hare,Sent finer n v.uer to certify the unparalleled useful tie of tin e rem- • dies, but our apace here will not permit *'c in-r rtiuri of them. The agents below named furnish Krett: :.ur Ambß'cas'.w’ iu winch they lire given; w. also full dose.iptim-s of the above complaints; amt the treatment that should Ik* >’ > low-ul ftp tle-ir ns Do not be. putotf by utiprfnrtp!. i Oi ah rs at.-hotaer preparations they make more profit on. D-mutui AVer's, ami take no others. The sick want the host an! there is for them, and they should have it. Alt our iiemedies are for sate by For sale b\ J. Henry Wood.Greonesb’ r. . p*.< D. Hightower, VVhite P'a ; ns. |*p.l,- 6 f> . mitik XUANKOOD, IIOU LOST, HOW RES I OKED, Just published in a Sealed Enr elope, A LbCTUREONTIIB NATURE, TREATMENT AND HADICAL ! cub kok Sperm atobbiioka , of Sfiuinal VVenbn*w,S,i ----| ual Debility, Nervousness and Involuntary Eoii.t-Pions, I producing linpotenc.y, Consumpti u and Mental and | Physical Debility, Ry ROB. J. CULVERWELL. M D The important fact that the awful consequences of self abuse may be effectually removed without inter na! medicine* or the dangerous application* of c u-- tica, instruments, medicated bougie*. and orh* r em pirical devices, is here clearly deinonetrut* and, and th& entirely new an t highly successful treatment, a h a * dopted by the celebrated author, sally explained, bv means of which every one is enabled tocure himself perfectly, and at the least possible cos'., then by avot ding all advertised nostrums of the day. This lec ture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal to any address, post-paid, on the receipt of two oostasre *tan)p, by addressing DR. J. C. KUNK. :M ]>., 4SO First Avenue, New York, P'B* B*x 4556 Anri! 11. 1860-1 y. HOW ARB ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by Special Endowment for the Belief of the Bicland Distress* ,afflicted with Virulentand. Epidemic Diseases. THF : oward Association, in view of the awful destruction of human life caused by sexual diseases, and” the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by quacks,several years agodiiected their con sulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treat, ment of this class of diseases,in all their forms, and to give Medical adtic gratis to all who apply by lettei with a description of thefr con dition (age, occupation, habits of life. Ac), and* in cases of extreme poverty, to furnish Medicine, jree of charge, It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest medieaiskilt of the age, and will furnish the most approve Jr moderr treatment The Directors of the Asso ciation in their annual Report upon the treat*, ment of sexual diseases, express the highest satisfaction witthhe success wMfeh has attended the labor of their Surgeons in the cura of setn nal weakness,diseases of the Kidney sand Blad der, Ac and order a continuance of the same plan for the ensuing year. Valuable reports on Spermatorrhoi a,and oth er diseases t sexual Orpnnsai'd, the tests reiser dies employed in the Dispensary (tut to the afflicted insealed lettcrenvelope'.free of char* > Two or 3 Stamps for postage will hi acceptable. Address, Dr J Skillik lloioiitox, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association,No. 2 (South Dih s., Philadelphia, Pa hr order of the Dncc tora EZRA E HARTWELL, President. fj 80, FAIRr, Sec'ry. Jnnv. lß’/UMy Job Work of all kinds neatly done at tbit* office.