Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, November 07, 1860, Image 4

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A Perfect Wife. EJumnri Burke, tha orator, was a man of p iris, n’.nl his beau ideal of a purfest wife is worthy of consideration by our tair friends. Mere it is: % , . * A perfect wife is li.-uiasoine, but it is not a beauty arisingfrom the features from complexion, or from shape. She has all three iu high degree ; but it is not by these that she touches the heart—lt is all that sweetness of temper, benevolence, innocuee sensibility, which a face can express, that forms bor beauty. Sh i has a face that just rouses your attention at first sight; i’ grows upon you every moment; and you wonder that it did not more than raise at tention at first. Her eyes have a mild light, but they awe when she pleases — they command, like a good man out of of fice, not by authority, but by virtue. Her etature is not tall—she is not made to the admiration of overy one. She has the firmness that docs not exclude delicacy— all be softness that does not; imply weak ness. Her voice is soft, low music, not formed to rule in public assemblies, but to charm those who cart distinguish a compa ny from a crowd ; it lias its advantage ; you must come close to bear it. To de scribe her body describe her tnitid—one is the transcript of the other. Her under standing is not shown in the variety ol matter it exerts itself upon, but the good ness of choice she makes Ilet politeness flow's rather from natural disposition to oblige, than any rules ou that subject, and therefore never fails to striko those who understand good breeding and those who do not. Exbbcisk.—Throughout all nature, want of motion indicates weakness, corrup tion, inanimation, and death. Trenck, in his damp prison, leapod about like a lion, in his fetters of seventy pounds’ weight, in order to preserve his health; and an il lustrious physician observes: —“I know not which is most necssary for the support ot the human frame—food or motion. Were the exercise of the body attended to rn a corresponding degree to that of mind, men of learning would be more healthy and vigorous,—of more general talents,-of more ample practical knowledge ; more happy in their domestic lives; more enterprising and attached to their duties as men. In fine, with propriety it tnav be said, that the highest refinement ot mind, without ininrovetrent of the body, can never pre sent anything more than half a human be • _ * mg. * * The Timid Man.— A timid man can nev er become great; if he possess talent, he cannot apply it; he is trampled upon by the envious and by the swaggering ; hobs thrust from the direct path which leads to honor and fame, by every aspirant who possesses more spirit than himself.’’ Miscellaneous Advertisements. . A. SHAW manufacturer and Dealer In all KINDS OF FURNITURE. MAIN STReKT, MADISON, 0.1,, YW fiSPECTFULLY informs his frienrts and the WIRING STOCK OF FOtnvi-ww jv„ ;n New York and Poiladelphia, which, together with his t-iRGE •STOCK of Home Manufactured, mike* hia Assortment the most desirable to make *o ifeeli iii jro-n. in the up country. His Stock consists ’ of < L>r'ge Number of * II Uit V (J S ranging from S4B t 0 .575 -R-nowood, Mihogiiny, *>•! Painted Wardrobes; ‘Rosewood and Mahogany M irhle top tVaahstonda ; Jenny Lind Tall Post and Cottage Bedsteads ; some ■very handiomeCentro and Sofa Tables, also Black •Walunt Eitontion Tables, 10, 12.14 and IS feet long. QUATITI3TTS, try the Set or sinzle one; Hat Stands, and Towel ‘Racks; several D.m nos Mahogany Parlor Cnairs; 4(ahozany Rockers of the different Sizes; Lirzo an.l •Small Curled Maple R ickers, with Cane Seat and •Mask; Curled Maple Parlor Chairs, and also the Celebrated Cottage Chairs. A targe number of Popular Cottage Bedsteads, with or without the Ezoelsior Spring Bed, att iched. as the purchaser mav desire. The SPRING BED * Offered at the VERY Low Price of SIX DOLLARS. Atao. on hand, GILT and ROSEWOOD SK 0 & L 0 fH ® S f different sizes, which can be cut and put togeth er in FRAMES ol any size, at short notice. ti. 8.-Sofas and Mahogny:Rocking Chairs nBPAiPun T SHORT KOTICE, and all other FURNITURE Repaired With Neatness and Dispatch. The subscri her returns his sincere thanks for the liberal patron are heretofore bestowed upon him, and respectfully oflcits a continuation of the same. A liberal Reduction will be made on CASH SALKS. , , , a, ~ Furniture Boxed and delivered at the Madison Depot, to up or down the road, free of charge.— Orders at home, and from abroad, respectfully so licited. —June 6 h, 1860 7.n. MAPBS’ KITROGEXISED SUPER-PHOSPHiTE OF LIME. o RBMOVAX.- TflK undersigned, Agent for the above Fertiliser, in consequence of its marked success the past season, and the greatly in creased demand arising therefrom, has made arrangements with the manufacturer for a large and full supply; and requiring greater facilities for storage and otheracconamodation, has taten the four story Warehouse as below, where he will be able to supply any quantity” required, with promptness. Ho may be al lowed to express his satisfaction in view of the fact that of the numerous purchases made of him by planters, generally for the purpose of making comparative tests with other fertil isers. not one case has come to his knowledge where our Fertiliser has not shown a decided superiority. Planters whohave used Mapes’ Phosphate, now make it their sole reliance, and are ordering (some of them) as much as fifty tons, for use the next season. This fact speaks for itself. W e have discovered a qua!- iy,„djayeloped in the drouth, which was before pherej which obviated to a large oxtoaUthe ~ . ~ Augusts, Qen ii #rtuber jo 1840. —w9m. Miscellaneous Advertilemcutt. heySy j. mm M? Watch-Alakcr, Jeweller, AND OPTICIAN Nm 236 BROAD STREET, under the U. S. Hotel, and opposite the City Bank. AUGUSTA, OEOUGIA., Keeps on hand a select and beautiful assort ment of Goods, consisting of VYATGKKS, JEWSLEY, SILVER & PLATED HARE, Telescopes, Sl’kvevoh's Compasses, Spt-Glas es, for Mountain Use, and in short every thing useful in his lino of business particularly SPEOTACLT3S, IN GREAT VARIETY. ScFine Watches and Jewelry Repaired in the best Manner. [March 28, 1860 ly. Painting and Glazing, BY W. S. WAGNON. rpUE undersigned having hadsoveral years L experience in the business, is now pret pared to execute all orders in thcjipjf, at short notice and on reasonable terms. Orders solicited and filled with prnfti|ptness. Grcenesboro Ga., Sept. 12,1860. — ty. FORBSALS. 7 S’ Birrelsof Uectilied Whisky ; •J 25 Barrels, Old Rvo Manongahrla ; 20 *‘ X Whisky; 20 ■ XX 20 >< XXX “ 20 Baskets Pearl Champaigns; 15 “ Mumm.a “ ’ 150 Bores Tobacco, of different brands; by ALSO, 250 Barrels Rectified Whiskey;* 4i “ White Whiskey. Aucusta. Apr. 25,1860. M L. ALLEOUP. ARTICLES OF EVERY-DAY USE. B. T. BABBITT’S Pare M'edU ctaal Yoa st. /%n from common Salt and Pure CreATTi Tartar. When used in Brc-d, Cake, Q 8 or Biscuit, it turns to gna.— like that from a bottlo ofSoda Water t --nml remains dormant in dough until it is aet in the oven, when the heit nuseg She pria ♦.>escapethr:\|if?h*ihe dou?*!i white b iking. The Bread, (jike, or and Biscuit is nntou’y verv Ijnrht but peffeetlv who|prme Where this Yeast js wserf yon will require about one qua-urr the amount of— -a shorteninrr Wlthordir.aYV Yeast.; It mav rrr\ i vl also be used for Buckwheat Cakes, Johnny I U G-i I •.!> kind-? if Pastry This Yen sf is put up only in one-nound onn'j.with check er rt d libel. Bed, White and no other is Genuine—beware of imitations. oo B T Bobbitt’s pureCoiicpnfrntefl Pot- 6° ash.— Warranted double thp s!r*n!rth of common Potash, and superior to snv Sapuu isl r in market, put op in ran3 of lib , 2ibs., and 3-bv6lb, and J2lbs. with full directions for an ,j makinor and Soft Soap. Ope pound will make fTfrron tralions of S >ft Soap. Jfo lime is required. Consumers will find this the cheaor.f t Potash in market. # 70 B T Babbitt’s Medical S ilcratna. 70 A perfectly pnreand wholesome article Iree Irom ell vieh tcnous mailer, so prepared that as the circular anoompanyinz the Sderatus will show,nolhingremainoin the breadwhen 68 baked but common Salt, Water, and Flour. 68 Pot on neatly in nnpers. 1, I 21b. and 1 4 lb. BT BabbitrsToncfintratcdSoft Soap. One Box costing one DoKnr will make 41) of hantls >me Sift Sosp hv simply li9 ~.ldinz boiling water. ‘*‘f and B T Babbitt’s Concentratnl Sal Soda. Anew nrtirle exclusively for the South. Sal Sod* or tVnehinfr .Soda cannot be ent South 70 1 uring w trm weather, as it de'iquescf Bor r 7f) I ineps. I dft nut, the water and put up the 1 Sal Soda in l!b papers, “warranted to stand the warmest clirnate;’* One pound is equftl to four pounds of ordinary Sal Soda or Wash * /JQ ins’ Soda—consequently it is invteh cheaper no —th,e dealer saves 65 per cent cn the freight, as he does not have to pay freight on water. Ask your storekeeper for T. Babbiti’a Concentrated Sal Soda in one pound papers. and B. T. Babbitt’s Hoap for Family l T sc. an d One pound of thi* Soapisequ and to three poundsnfordinary Fimily Soap. One pound will make 3 gallnneof bandaomc Soft Snap. _ . It will remove point, grease, tar, end staina ( 0 of all kinds. It will not injure the fabric; ,ni 70 the contrary, it. preserves; it. It will wash in har lor sort water. But little laoor Urequir - ed where thin Soap ia used. Machinists and Painters wilt find this Soap superior to anv 68 thing in market. If yoor Storekeeper dots 68 not keep the above goods, send 5 dollors by mail and I will send a packnKC of either ar tide, or an assorted box containing a part of each article, as vou may direct. Send the and name of your Postoffice, also the State and and County in which you reside^ithdjrcctions for shipping. Address „ A 1 B. T. BABBITT, <0 61, <l6. 70. 72 and 74 Washington 3ff, N. Y. 7f) A liberal discount tp Storekeepers. V July 11th 1860. * —wly. Good Times have come at tiast! One Thousand Seven Hundled „nd Eighty-Two Prizes! sl6. 800. NO CHEAP JEWELRY. FOUR CAPITAL FRIZ 8! b. n. absxlSbee & co ? s FORTY-NINHTH MAGNIFICENT CASH, WATCH & LAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION. WILL BE DRAWN AT FRANKLTN, IND.. MONDAY SEPT Olth, IS6O. Cash Prize of in American Cold. Horse, Buggy and Harness, S4OO. Splendid Rosewood Piano Fort Valued at $340 < 363 GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, All in Hunting Cases from SIS to $250 304 I'riaes In American Gold, $2,30, to SSOO. 280 ACRES OF FARMING LAND. Lana Warrants and American Sporting Watches. Number of Prises, • * * - -1.752 j Value of Prises, ----- 510,3u0 Tickets Limited -.-- • - 16,300 j DRAWING TAKES PLACE MONTIILT. j jy Every Ticket-holler revives a printed list o ( drawn numbers. free of charge. _ ty* AH piece in publm su-1 perinteaJed txeitisivwy by the 1 icki t-holdera. j 11 0 take great plreaure In referring *ll who are ! anxious for fnfonnabon roapectlng’ ur honesty, j 1 ,4 e, to any of tho tout- Miscellaneous Advertisements. I W. • -••^=y ty officers, Ptr-t asters, Kxgrcss Agents. Justi ces of the Peace, Merchant, Representatives andrjjenators of Johnson couotjyor arty •'tire in the various parts of the Union; **lo have attended our drawings. As the above- “named are personally acquainted with ns, and most of them have attended our nuiner us drawings, we wiR request all who wish to orthe safety of their inv ;siment to write to the above gentle^ Agents Wanted In every locality, to whonts the most liberal inducements are offered. ALLFKIZES PROMPTLY PAID. Single Ticket*, $1; Six Tickets 85 D. R. ALEXANDER, & CO. Franklin; Johnson Go., Indiana. luno 13th. 1860 wfirn. A Sovelly L; the Art World ? PHOTOGRAPH 11PON PORCELAIN. Secured by letters patent in the Unjtrd States, England. France, and Belgium. THE AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHIC FOACE mix con?iy.Y, No. 781 Broadway New Yorlff having secufed their novel aim Ingenious invention by American and European patents, are fully pH par-* ed to execute all orders fob. ; Mliilature Likeness of Persons on china, presenting - all the attractive and advantageous ft}.’. * turns of ordinary photographs the brUlancy and finish of a water-color drawjng, and a hitherto unat tained quality of durability, by being rendered bs, imperishable a3 Uie natural properties of the anicles upon which they are transferred. As the patented process of the Company enables the reproduction of Photographs not ouiy on plain surfaces, but upon such as are round or of any de gree of irregularity— portraits can be reproduced with faultless accuracy, andjdelicacy of delineation, upon Porcelain wares of anv description and dimen sion used as articles of luxury, or of household utili ty, such aj Urns, Vases, Breakfast cups, Toilet Arti cles, &c.; thereby seeding faithful portraits and furnishing a unique amtexquisile style of ornamentation of ar ticles in demesne use. In order to furnish facilities for the gratification ot the popular taste, anti to meet the wants of those patrons of the Fine Ai ta desirous of having Portraits on Porcelain, the Company have imported from Eq, rope a collection of superior porchlaiu goods, mnntljr factored to their own order, which ihcy sell at con| prices. As the American Company are owners of the patent right, and consequently the only persons authorized to use the process, they have determined ill order. To afford People in every section of the Union an opportunity to ‘passers Portraits on China, to make the following proposition to Residents >n the Country, who are unable to visit personally the Atelier and Galleries .in New * York. W Persons sending a photograph, ambrotypo,- or daguerreotype toll eolfice of the Company in New York, accompanied hy Five Dollars. Will receive in return by express, free of oilier charge, f,. A richly ornamented Breakfast Cup and Saucer, With the portrait transferred thereon. By transmitting a daguerreotype and TrnDolla rs. they will secure in liktr maimer. A hands one French Vase or Toilet Arti \vitb 0c pc>f trait reporHuoeft by the patented process. i ’ > seudi:.# tt jtair i fdagiu rreotype* .-u ‘-v, ’ Fifteen Dollars. they will receive in r- turn ® A Pair of rich Bevies Vases, with tlie portraits rxecuieJ equal to miniatme pain tings ; aud, in like manner, portraits cau he repro duced on porcelain wares or Vases of eveay quality of finish. ranging in price Irr.iu Twenty to One Hundred Dollars the pair. N. I!.--Ill: pariii ifarju writing (headdress, town, cuuutv and Slate distinctly. - - AH letters to he addressed to Manager, American Photographic Porce lain Co.,’ ’ 781 lir a-iway. _ , Naw Yulis. 3rri October 17-h,1860 C. DEiIING. 254 Broad Street 254. UNDEIjj, GLOBE HOTEL, Dealer in Fancy and j)< y Goods. I have anything you want, and at the lowest prices. Augusta, Ga., Sept. 26, 1860. ly. A’i. _1”: PLUMB & LEITNER. Druggiits Sy Apothecaries. ‘ AmSicEimcu. We respectfully invite the attention of Merchants, Planters, and Physiciuns, to our large and well as sorted stock of , * Unadulterated Medicines! CHEMICALS, DRUGS, „ PAINTS, OJLS, And all other articles in oar line. Wy feel assured that no house in the South can offer a stock sonerier to ours in Gesi.-ixexsss and Pl'iutt, all Official Prbpabatioss being made in strict acairdancs with the Formulas of the United States Pharmacopeeia, * With the BEST MATERIALS: mAhy TEE PR OPE It WEIGHTS nud MEASURES Our stock of DMVTAL AND SURCfOAL IX'TKI'M ENTS : ‘full, andour arrangements with the hot nia:rnfiicturers, for jiroeuriog -ni-nl-e- at the Bh. udest notice, is’unequalled. We arc Agents for the best m the country of White cad And Zinc White. The Finest Pe ltimey and Choicest ARTICLES TOR THE TOILETTE In great variety may always be found in our stock. We keep always on hand a Jargo stock of the best brands of FRENCH AND GERMAN GLASS, F-r windows, Pictures. Frames Ac. FRESH GARDEN, GR\SS * AND FIELD SEEDS, , j Fro n the Beet Large Quantity^ at I ‘ >eaton ’ 0 Feeling eonfnlcafq§iat wc can lurtush wit } customers wifit artic r <ST<, on roalmitrt'.io I term swo re.- 1 all j. On icit ‘udeT* iihd pltylge ourstflvUgp'Sln- • them witlHlniWv And diSJv.iu-li. P A uld net prom h‘ ls ore- * ci-iely as repr.?'tos. tveslvftli thankful \4> ’ hare it returne t af i>tir4l)> n ascf and the ihon? * I>• will be refund,.*-1. - . .rite' 1 <***♦ 1 PLUJLBk LRlTSlzn. 1; 1 ICx,ciMk<t. Kptjsm K 1860. gif. f BI.4MKH of all kinds neatly printed dn. | iht* ff!e*. si iu4 notice. BE SURE TO CALL AT MASSEY & LANSDELLS. taSSSf & LAHSKU \ WHOZiZSSAXiXj dealers xn Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oil ‘ Tarnishes, Patent Medicines, &c. Main Street, Greenesboro', georgia. HAVE IN STORE AND TO AH.H.1V331 10,000 LBS WHITE LEAD, FROM 7£ T#io CENTS ; 2000 SNOW WHITE ZiNO; j 500 GALL'S. LINSEED OIL; 1200 MACHINERY 200 •< SPERM 200 ‘ ‘• LARD 100 •• COLD PR PASSED CASTOR OIL ; 40 “ SWEET ! 200 “ SP’TS TURPENTINE; 200 ‘ - 95 PER CT, ALCOHOL; 100 •• BURNING FLUID; 109 “ COACH-BODY VARNISH ; 100 “ JAPAN 100 “ BLACK JArAN; 40 * PIANO VARNISH; 100 COPAL 100 •* LEATHER 100 •* ASPHALBUNE VARNISH; 100 TRAIN OIL; 200 KEROSENE “ 10 CASES CONCENTRATED LYE; 200 KEROSENE LAMP3; 20,000 C/IGARS; 100 ‘ OZ. QUININE; 10 MORPHINE; PERFUMERY IN LARGE QUANTITIES , . ■ ,i) Z* -Ts , ■■” ‘ a i •■- And almost everything else belonging to the Drug Business, all of which we offer at ATLANTA PRI CES, and to wholesale purchasers we will sell Drugs, Medicines. &c., at AUGUSTA RATES—freight ad ided. Every article warranted 1 To be what it is Sold For. And, as we are having manufachu-ed | or us, several I new brands of Lead in large quantities, we can offer j! greater inducements in quality •• ■•bpifee than ever i lyefiarf- oflerud m tins market. Oaii and v x.-vinine our i Stock before pnrchasiii,S’cdsewhere, as we ’ fell confi | dentvp.CSD give'satisfaction. [Feb 16, 1860. WHERE YOU CAN BUY (!odjjfejßE AP. m I BY calling ! Massey & Laesdell’s Drug Store Examin mg 6 son# j samples of Pure WHITE LEAD we think you will be convinced at once that it is a BETTER article than the luton Lead, and can be sold for LESS MONEY. DR. J. BOVEE DOBS’ itossull, visa. BITTERS, AHR made from a*putts and unadulterated W.tif, which is about doo> le the usual Mfcefil l '” of other JFities, and is it.i)orted by house in the United States. Also, ’front the foil wing valuable Roots, Herbs, &c., viz- Solomon’s Seal, hpike~.wrd,ComfrejJsm cuu'ib Flowers, (rentian, Vi iid Cherry Tree Bark, and B'.yberry. WE CMLLEYOE THE WORLD r -:.h - ; , ro PRODUCE THEIR EQUAL!!! IFe to have discovert* i som:- Roote ‘‘known oUv t,> ti e !.. buns of South America,’’ and a cmebu ‘all diseases which the flash, ia.hotf to,” % we dim to -.resent to -he public s'tfuiv vaiudbk- pfepa ration. which every intelligent Physiejun iu tho couutr will approve or and recommend. Asa remedy for LWIPIEST COSSISIPTIOS, .Weak dngs li.dktstion. dyspepsia, UUess ns'of the Nervous .System, Paralysis, Piles, diseases peculiar b- Females, Debility, and all , ■cases requit-imra fonm, they are For Sore Thnat, Mo m.mmori among the Clergy, they are tririV vfftmbb*. Ft f the aped nnd i- firm, or Tor per sons of a weak constitution—for'Ministert of the gospel, /lawyers, and All public “speaker—for Book keepers, Tailors, Seamstresses, Students, Ar tists, and all persons leading a Sedentary life, they will prove truly, bei efteial. Asa Beverage, they are wholesome innocent and and the taste. They produce all the exhilarating effects of Brandy or IFine without intoxicating; and arc a valuable rem edy for persons addicted to excessive use of strong drink, and wish to refrain from it.- They are pure and entirely free from the pois on contained in the adult rated Wines ad Li quors with which the country is flooded. , These Bitters not only (NJR s *! hat PREV ENT Disease, and should be used by all who live In a country where the water is bad, or where Chills and Fevers are prevalent. Being entire ly innjeent. oml harntl ss, they may be given freely to Children and Infants with Impunity. Physicians, Clergymen, and temperance ad vocates, as a., humanity, should assist in spreading thfew*truly valuable BITTERS over the ’and. and thereby essentially aid in banish ing Drunkenness, CHARLES WIDDIFIJEIdD & CO., Proprietors, 78 Will tan Street, Aew York. And soid by Druggists generally. Wholesale and Retail Agen.s fo|/ieorgia. Plumb £ ’ bitsbb. Augusta. Add also by CBABBi i Wfavf*. Greensboro. June 19 th, {jib. 12] wly. DAVIS & BROTHER WE would wbrace the present oppoituni tv to vetu n our thanks t* uur many cutotn‘ rs and friends lor the sympathy ex pressed and manifested for us on account of cur misfortilth’ an the 2fith of March last, and *wou'd inform them, that we have huiit k com modious store ou tjispeorner where we have done business for the lass fl years and now offer for sale a complete stocrt of staple and fancy ! i-y tf.mds, embracing ali the latest tt .yles and deslfns of Oaiieo. -, Delaines, Pop lins. Silks ad Dcbvzcs, Cloak*, S awlsand Dusters, Table avd Towel! Linens, Bl ck aid Rrown Jlonuspuh >*f -aH •. jcLL- BooUai.u Shoes, lin f 'Tit wh ‘*■ a * wohld H 1 f :.;.eci’ attention to our D ; made expressly f* e have ei.WfjtuJ otfr stock. Pocket and Table Cutlc-r), Hollow, Ware and Crockery Win. t IfaTß t arc, Iron, * ast and Plain Steel, .Sugw, Oaff, e, Haiti tyffg Rope. Molass"#; Mfißw, Ilyidle# 1 ric< 4c , In Shortpu.’ mock embraces whatever Ofteen years ear* ienee and <•!. observation have taught us the wants of the people* de mands, , Finally whatever wa havft is for Rale as low as caw be bought in any market. DAVIS k BROTHER. /Traoneaboro, Oct 94, iSdh, DLtlitmflEV! CHAMPi Clio’XßA! | j.iFi. biutj s ‘this medicine has k-.’’ i TH VvMrkv tUKa T,i,ED > ****** ;ind ruovsn t” n ’ tb'. ..ill- C.VBi'AI.V, SAFVS’ifI KSLIABiF rein edy for all bowel ok hang events, juakkiush Ttisentery, Crumps, Pains, Cholera , Cholic, A,-’ n.-w before the public. One or two doses of 20 drops, will euro tbo most severe crann.s j„ the stomach in 20 minutes. A single dose of ten cures the Diarrhoea and Hi* ver’cmistiDWies the bowels. One dose will satisfy any o 'ne of >ts merits. Price only 25 Cents. Prepared by Tkall & Stow, 43 Bowery, N York. And sold in G' een.-^boru by ’s.-jssoy & LiHwdeli. [apr. 11 th, ’6O-1 v June lliii IS<K), , y j^. DR. J. S*mt£t{u Bias surd-it 4 iiiood i*arliier, THE HBKAIKhfHKMftHI IJ|THE WOBL. • >qi w 1 1 jrfitrol Cordial ever taken. It is strictly a civn- ’ ftpoM tifin ami Vcgetublt com mITT. pound, procured bv the t * m (ti*iiil*tioa of ftuots, Herb* and Bark. Tel piSB / vf*. i ■ low" Duck. Blood root, befait taktagis .raapadiu .wii.i Cher after taking ry. anti Dandelion enter* it* compound. The entire active remedial p-foeudea of each ingredient is thor ouphiytxlroctetl by my method of distilling, pro <lM< ina delicious, exhilerating spiiit, mid the rnust iNr-Li ißi-g renjedv for renovating the diseased sys tem, and restoring the aick, eulferingand debilitated invalid to hcaltti and Stbbnotu. McLean's Strengthening Cordial WILL EFPiSCTUaI.IT CURE LIVER COMPLAINT. DY- PEf’SIA, Jaundioe. Chronic or Nervous Di bility, Dbcaeo* ol the Kidney, and all Diseases arising from a Disorder-, ed Liver or Stomach, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Inward Files, Acidity or Sickness of the Slomarh, Fulr,eaof litood ‘o llie Head, Duii Pain or Swimming in the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eruct itions, Choaking or Suf focating Feeling when lying down, Dryness or Y. I lownessof the Skin and eyes; Night Sweats, Inward Fevees, Pain in the Small of the Buck, Chest or Side, guddeo Flush of Heat, Depression of Spirits, FrigMr ful Dreams, Langor Despondency or any Nervous Disease, Sores or Blotches on the Skin, and Fever and Ague—or Chills and Fiver. Over a million of Bottles Have been sold during the last six months, and in n6~ instance has it failed in giving entire satisfaction.— Who then, will suffer from ‘WeakueEs or Debility when McLean's Cobdial will cure you. No language ca-i convey an adequate idea of the immediate and almost miraculous chanec produ ced by taking this Cordial in Ihe diseaseed, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by excess, weak by nature, or impaired by sickness, the relaxed and unstrung organization is restored to its pristine health and vigor. married Persons Or others consciousof inability from whatever cause will find McLean’s Strengthening Cordial a thorough regenerator of the system; and all who may have in ured themselves by improper indulgence*, will find n.tbis Cordial u certain and sperdv remedy. jrfj To The Ladies, r 1 MILkA.N’S StEa'OTHB:\tMG OoRIUAf? Is a sovereign and speedy core for ! INCIPIENT C SsmrTIOJJ, WrnTES, Obstructed r Difficult Meostration, luscontincnce of Urihtr or inffduntary Discharge Cl ereof, Falling of the Wvaib. Gr-ldineis, Fainting and all Diseased in cident ’ Female*. THF.IIBI4 NO MIBTAK ABOUT IT. Suffer no long r- Fake it according to Directions.! It s’ Mutilate, atrengtheo, and invigorate too and caaae he b .om of health to moodt yonrcheekagain EVEET eori-e n. u >■ sNrKn to otye satisfaction. FOR i im.PftEN. * If vnur ch llttn are si.fcly, punc, or afflicted, Me Lean’s Oorpial will i<mk ‘hen. healthy, tat and robust Delay no: atm mi ant. try it; and vonwi.l ba convinced IT IS DELiCIOCS TO TAKE Caution.— Beware ul Druggists or dealers who may try io palm off ujmhi you ayr.i* Bitter, or sarsaparilla Ira li, wbioh they can bp. cheap, by saving it Is jnst is good. Av< H snelr infln. Ask for- M. lyim's S.iviigtlien CJonbal, und lake nothing else. It is the oale remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly, n.4 at the same lii.ifjrtreugthrn the system. One tablrtpor ntitl'"km every morning lasting, is aerr'sin preveaiivtpfor Cholera, Chills and Fever, Yellow Fever, or any p* sualent dUesae. It is put up. in Urge botles. m Jy* .“'“‘’•"•‘■SlKß.. ad (• WHfrW ol thjafordlsl Also McLean’s Volrantr (m Id meat. Prineipal Depot on ths corner el Third nrd fine H t. ‘ lotto Me. For sale by BwO| 4 Laseirit Patent Medielnes, Ac. . ‘ 5 ‘< ’ r .-A . L .- - - Es T&T’tsi Ague Cure.’ Fort Tint SPEEDY CUBE OF Intermittent Fever or Fever and Acpie, Re mittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Headr.ct ;. and Bilious Fevers; indeed for tho whoF Class of Diseases originating in biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria uV ‘ miasmatic countries. No one remedy ir louder cit He-d for by the heofc sities of tbo American people than a sure and s:- cure for Fever and Ag io. Such a remedy wo ab now enabled to offer, with a perfect certainty the: will eradicate the disease, and with assurance, foe:. ! ed on proof, that no harm can arise from its use iu anv quantity. ’That which protects from or prevents this disor der must be of immense service tn tho communities where it prevails. Prevention is better t than *v •or the patient escapes tho risk which he must ip. violent attacks of this baleful distemper. “Ci ne ” expels the miasmatic poison of Pi axi> Ague froth tho system, nnd prevents th velopment of the disease, if taken on tho firs proaeh of its prehionitory symptoms. It is not tho best remedy ever yet discovered for this cla complaints, but also the cheapest. The largo q tity wo supply for a dollar brings it within tho rc. of every body; and in bilious districts, whereFiiV” and Ague prevails, ovary body should have it, ar use it freely, both for euro anil protection. It ■ hoped this prico will place it within the reach of id: the poor as well as tho rich. A great superio.-r of this remedy over any other ever discovered so the speedy and certain cure of Intermittcnts is, P . it contains no Quinine or mineral, conscqnentl;, : produces no quinism or other injurious cifeets wh ever upon the constitution. ... Those cured by If *5 left as healthy as if they had never had tho disease. Fever and’ Ague is iiot alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disorders arise from its irritation, among which uro Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blindness,Toothache, Be Sure to call at Masey & LausdelFs and price their goods hefoir purchasing c-lsr-whcre! Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitation, Painful Af fection of the Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis and Derangement of tho Stomnch, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on tho intermittent type, or lwcome periodical. This w Cckb ” expels the poison from the blood, and con sequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants, and persons travelling or temporarily residing in tho malarious districts. If taken occasionally or daily, while exposed to tho infection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Ilcnce it is even more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will over suffer from Inter mittent*. if they avnil themselves of tho protection this remedy affords. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FUtt'i.Y PHYSIC, arc -o rftwpmed that. disease .within tint range of 4teiraetin c.ui rarely withstand or evade them. Th.Jr penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and inv&orat-.- c cry V trtton of the human organism, cor r-.j...;.,,, jiS'Gisf its-.d netlon, and- restoring its healthy vitnlitlev As a consequence of these properties, tlm inv.-i’hl who, is ’ wed tie ,- u With pain or physical ii b.iitv isie! - sidn dto ti .1 liis health or energy rc sti>fHi'l:v a twtttedy at oiteo *o simple and inviting. , iiniy t!,) ;iuy cure the every slay complaints of ev- • lm.lV; ’nit also rimny formidable nnd dangerous •. ’ Tho agent below named is pleased to ."u-.-.e h --gratis my American Almanac, containing i; -i of tbcir cures nnd directions for tlieirusa :,i ’j• ■ iYi-iov. iti;r'complaints : Costivenrss, Heartburn, , r i;<j front disordered Stomach, Kauaro, Ifnii&stklh; Pain t and Morbid Inaction of the Sons . -loss t>f Appetite. Jaundice, and otber : In lian.ts, arising from a low state of this ’ ;i, elv or o'kia-uiilott of its functions. ! - a o. an vxirlli-nt alterative for the renova . nos tile M-ut and tin- restoration of tone and s'lcng-lt ;* til -y and. 11l debilitiUed by disease. ver’s Glierry Pector#^ ?n iii>: iuphj ci*ju>‘ or Catigli?, Cdllj, VtuL HoarsanffM, Crony, lhoacuiti3, lacbie.A w “uinptioa, nrxi lor tlie rallci’ of Couonaipliva paJouti iu ?-i* vaaeod ’ stagoi oc’ tbo Lise?. r ,a. So uile is the fa !d of its t; -fu!ne:*s, and so nun. r no are the oases of its tun:-, that iilmo-t v.-.y v -cllon t,f coiiniry ..::!h:uui!.i iu persons, publicly known, who havy!, vtfn..-!<>H-il fibril iiUdhing ..d .. n ilcspi ratc ills -ascs bi’ the lungs by to- use. Wh -u vuec tried, its suni :o. ity over ; -r, tifhcr eii'e! vs its kitt-.f is tun ajiptirint to v\ r oho and wi.cru its virtues Hie ktttfwh, tic Jiublc i oThrrg r iesimto wjmt antidote to employ .for tltt diwrr ssc g * :1 iiang:ii>t:s afiVeiions of the pubtiotiary organs iliat are incident to our climate. While m.jiiy i:.- forior rcrnciiic* tliru-t upon the eiunmuiuty- bate failed and been discarded, this lias gained friends sty every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted tin y Can nqyer.,forgct, and produced cures numerous •tad too remurkablu to be forgotten. ■ ; gV,:>;e PBLPAHI!!) BT DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL. MASS. For sale by 4. Henry Wood,Green aV,ro. and D. Hightoww. White Plain*. fib-iv. j aSta* — : kMiimL IvIANHOOD, now LOST, HOW RESTORED, Just published in a Sealed Envelope, A LeCTUREON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL Cure ofSpermATOßßtioßA,or Seminal Weaktteas.Sr*. ual Debility. Nervouencas and Involuntary Emistdona, producing Jmpotcncy, Consumpti n and Mental ami Physical D< bility. By ROB. .1. COLVERWELL. M D. The important fact that the awful consequence* of self abuse nry be effectually removed without int< r nai medicines or the dangerous application* of ties, instruments, medicated bougie*, and otln ikii pirical devices, is berc clearly demonstrated, aiw I e entirely new an I highly succeeeful treatment,’ a'a • dopted by the eclebrate'd author, sally explained, by mean* of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, end at the least possible cost, thereby av..i ding u!l advertised nostrum* of the day. This le-- ture will proven boon to thousands and thou.and*.. Sent under seal to any address, post-paid, or the receipt of two onstage stamps, by addressing DR. CH J C. KUNE. M D.. 480 Fir*t Avenue. N. * York. Pi at Box 4586 , Anril 11. 1860- !vv HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. Benevolent Institution established by Special, 1 Endowment for the Belief of the Siclaid * Distress* , afflicted with Virulentand Epidemic Diseases. THF ow-ftni ANSociation, in view of the awful destruction of human life caused by sexual diseases, and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by quacks,several years agorli-ccted their con sulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy ol their name, toopen a Dispensary for the treat rnent of this class of diseases,in all their forms, and to gi va Medical adrie gratis to all who apply by letter with a description of their con dition (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac),and in cases ofextri me poverty, to furnish Medicine Ijree of ehargiaggf, is needless tn add that fie Association comtttandn the highest medic:, sk if. of the age, and will mm *-•-. c. moderri treatfu r t Th? Director or the .'tsfo ciation f; their ant.nal Report upon the ir-at went of sexua 1 . diet -i-i s, excess the i y ;>.t fttsfaction w rthh* noecwAjrhicfchM attu <d e labor of their SiirgeohcYn the cure of m ti; - nai ;vcakneHß,diseasto of tt, Kidneys and Blad and order a continuance oi tbo saute plan for the enruiog year. Valuable reports on Spermatorrhoea, aud oth er disease* of sexual Organs'! mi, the new reme dies employed in the Diipin:- ry. -ent to the afflicted inscJed let tcienvelopeF,free of charge Two or 3 Stamps for postage will beacceptable. Address, Dr J Skilmn HoroiiTOK, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association,No, 2 South 9th st., Philadaiphja, D* I'y order of the Direc tors KZR AK)iA RT VV E LI., Br< sides, t iftY.i). iui.D. iiee’ry. fnov. 710 l Worker all kinds iifiitlv dom* at this office.