Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, November 14, 1860, Image 3

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Sew tegnl AdvcrUiemnu GEORGIA. iincite Cuntv:—ffluru •, Twmias \l.<-ii|flt. A<liV. iij.-ii t6e Martha \Y,fa r dec’d. peti tion* tiie Court f Ordinary of said county. i for i)i tnisKory. These are tlifruJiirc in cite and admonish all |H*rsim concerned Iw show cause (if any i they have) why said A'tminislrati-r should not be discharged at th.- Court of Online- j rr, to be held i0 and tor said county on trie first tnnnday in Miv next, 1861. Given under my hand a: office in Greenes- Jboco November s'h 1800. EFGENIUS L KING, Ord’ry. GH-JflU-tIA, ( >'oCstt.—Whereas, Mac Wit lams. dminfa'rator upon the .\ute of M**. Harriet L.Unities, 4,-c ased petition* Itit t'ourt <f Ordinary of Mid county for hitters D; inissorv. Tit.-sr are therefore to cite and admonish all peraons concerned, to show cense (if any tney have) *hr said Aomin* ra'or should not he diaoharged at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for vvidooontr, <>■> th- first Vfond yin December next. - (riven under mv hand at offi :e in fGeer, -s l n’ >. iffis .frith* 4th !Wo BIT :E\IDB L. KING, tbd’y. noticb! GEORGIA, Greene County. “ill be sold at ll.e iale of Wil iliaui F. Lnckie l*ce’d. in said c< ut ty on Tlinrs ■ day 2‘.hh X \ember the pers* r.itl property be tinging hi the dilute of n. tl Dec’d consist ing <d‘ Corn, F t filer, W heat. Ilors , -tules, ‘Cows and Calves, one vokeol‘ ,: , pork hogs, and stock hogs, household ai tl kitchen furni ture, waggons, cart, and plantnti u tools. ’ Sale to continue front (lav to thiv until all is •old. ELIOTC. BDWT'EN, Adm’r ’ <4 tu. F. Luckir, llec’d. Novemner 7th IHOu NOTICE. ALL those indebted to me either by note or account must call soon and settle, as I aui t; iu nelletl to ltuve money to pay my debts. Take fair notice. k> IbYks and accounts may he found at the old stand, a> and in my übaenee Mr. W. Griffin is authorized to receipt for the •auie. ‘A C. SMITH tireenesboro Nov, 7th, 1860. f. For Kale. ILL be sold on the lirst Tuesday in he * T eeniber next in tbovity of • ■rcenothoro Greene Cos. Georgia, for distribution between the heirs of Craves Swann.n, ati act of land containing two hundred and thirty acres more or less adjoining the lands of illinin Ed mondson. Aouil a I lice.” and others situated about one mile from l 'oodv ! e. a Station on ■ the da’lroad lending ft- m Cnion Point to Athens. There is on the j.>u<-e a good framed fuel ing house with two *■ -ems the locatioo is .healthy, w ater ny person desir ing to purchase a .n.-uii farm in that Vicinity will dii well in “j,!! ;;. J •vooiine the premises. H. \V. SWAXSON, N tl - A VN'O.V, X‘N VUl.v. BHOi>Y EV vWS, lle rs at Law. N*ia a her 7th. 1.500. iCOlpl V, (irtes* fount). V i.L on/vor. ‘ isi.tod ichi jc- DtUUi Thv’d. fnju ■ ,t;*,i Cos lunar ianntkJia'.e pay ment, aa I ai-persons having cJuiuls *a and bi.ewh present them duty proven mi lie eudersigßA.j. £% liiU .Mli DctoV.u'r. ! Ja-ju.: i)ji..orj dec’ll. j K .VfKl.isrr Ist, ItOiO. tilMtdrlh S-ls. . Wiu, UV. ; Rceot'ilsoce with an j wder ot the Court of OiditiKi'y ot the ’ County of Greene, nu tin Ist 1 ueaday in ! J unitary next the following negroes be* J longing to Jeffrey Os 1* *ri. lt minor, i George 47 years old, .nil his ’.Cjfe.ll .l niet 1 4il yeoibilil. oint two chiidieti o;,. ,and them U \ old, sod the other 2 years old, ti.Jlie a 4-'* old, nd Edy u woiiMii 70 yi-ear* old. i c*ue fn ■ •.*: nay ..I sale. A A ll.UviiiATl, Gusnerio on 0. I’.lMot. K iveiiiUr 7t. L uO. OiaOlllrlA. GitKß\t4 C.. 1 MY —X-:iee w Itetttby given to all persons having de utaads against Welker L - 'wis, late of said •oUHtV deceased, to pr. sent tIMWk to lint properly made out, within the lime pre ucribe I hv lsvv. so as to show their eloirac- | ter fli amount. And all persons todeht-| ed to sai l deceased are ln-iehy r. cjuired t” make iuimi-dUte pavo.m. ( M W LEWIS. Ex hi’ of Walker L wis. Jiovestlfbur 7th. 18h0 —v\6w. EXi IPTOU’S SALE WILL he told on iln* 1(1 h day of De cember next all l tin* pensli ihl.. pr j*rty WliM>g<ng to the eHtatn*f tin minor ‘L-irs j aoes dec’d consisting of Col'll, w'oddcr. 0 its, Pelts, Wheat. 1L gs, (kittle, Mules, anil Horses, etc. etc.. I’* nils on tbe day’,—Sale to continue from day to day until ail is soM. Tift)K. F JANES JAMESR SANDEUS Exeeo'or-. o| A. JANES. November 7th, 1860. * —<#- Ltmd Far Stile. 1 i>ffer for sale iny tarn, lying in (he Coun ty <*i Greene, about six miles from Greem s boro neat’ Smyrna CnOrch, conf*iuing three hti mired ami seventeen acres. Taer •is o the place a very good dwell ing bouse and out booses msl* good Gui limne. Oin hundred acres of the land is in the woods. T ier are thirty acres tom land in cultivition on tbe plate It is a rery healthy location. Any fterinni de siring a small plantation will do well to call and examine this plae-- Letore porehas- idscwiierc. Persons looking at the land can he shown tby place by callipj’ on John W. Swan. WM A. MOORE, j NovetiJer 7th 1860 if. Candidate Far Titt Receiver, sc v V Et- - j ae.iuii l> am .i*e the mpin- >f F, 0 a inf U.. 0 fir the StSce of Tax K oue.vei* al die m .ta: i,g eiosiiiud toe Coun ty officers hi January dexl. ** October 17th —(f.,at.——a. ——as- Jt I—— CmidMttle For Ttt Keretver. *- JVe lire rfdlnestedßb i-.forni the oilers if W r '<'B>‘ oro.Mr. Err,.el t*. Morgan is a C . i li.fate i a. the office *sf Tax it. c. iv ca st I ? i suing ob eli oi in J >m-ti:y next. * , Mr, UaiCll W<Kslisoa| r viru u* i, aan -iWic.’ I*cw legal Advertltemrai* GKOKtiiA, (ixKK.vr. Coixrr —*V Imress, JOic Hoik, tepiiss tor LnUers of ‘ tuar <ti.isUi|> of the peism and prop ity of Arch-, hald 0. Criitchff.-ld. minor ehdd nndi-r four teen wars of agj of George Crutchfield, <tre< as-d. These are therefore to cite and admonish *S I t*ersons roie<, to 1* and spp. tr at tl a | tV.rr of Ordinary, in be In td in and for said county, on the fir-t nmnday in Oeeembrr next, Ito show cause, — if any they have—ahy aid Zetters sbon'd not then be granted. Given usd'ir my hand at office in Grcenes bero’ October 2!**b 160. EUGESII 8 L.KING, Or’dy. Greeae SherifiMale. WILL bt sold hefore the ‘’ourt If.,se door in the citv of Greeneshoro on the first Tuesdav in December next the following prop ert t>>->if. r, : Ttirpeaerca of L tnd more or leas, on which is a ffrist Jfill s-mated on T it'le Rive, levied on ;.s the pronertv o* P. J Tuga'e to satisfy a6 f* iasio-d ft-oro SSitdoe Inferior Court in favor of F< ars ,fe SwnnaOn vs. P. J. Tuggle, Propelty pointed out bv -md Turgie J-'IIND. ENGLISH, D. S. October 2(i'b ] *6O, Gieclie Mierifl* Stale. WILL be sold before the Court House door ji, t| t() c jjj of Greeneslmro on the first Tuesday m December next the fol lowing Real property: to-wit, tlie ILinsn and Lot in said city, known as the old Sail fort! Hotel, levied <>n as the property of Nicholas 11. Wilson to satisfy afi fa. is sued from Floyd Inferior Court in favor of C. C. Norton, original plaintiff, but now in favor td T J. Howling, transferred against said Nicholas 11. Wilson. Property point ed out bvT. J. Bowling. J. D ENGLISH. D. S. Gieenesboro’ Oct. loth 1860. NOTICE. GEORGIA, Greene County :—All per- Koimindebted to the estate of Daniel Mc- Donald dec'd. are requested to make im mediate payment thereof, and all persons holding claims against said dec’ll will pre sent them duly proven. Pi the undeisigned within the time presci-ihfil nv law. . W.M A. FLORENCE. Adm’r. with the Wi I annexed, of Daniel McDonald.dcc'd. November 7th. 1860. —w6w. JAMES It.too 14 •bo ests us t. amiou'fc a turn.-s a cand>- ■ v date (-r the ■.fftc* >t* T<x fitseistr nt the en*u- 1 btg cleclht ti fi. * stpla-tf SOIL-LIFTING PLOW! II lILAI . surtax* i*|* id ran at u depth | 1 t oi iv. lv. iiciies, and tfi-o jirrst- Soli t.itmig Plow toi', which is rsiuhl.i .|.s 'iit- “l tu g to a dcptii't.f tUleen inches more, ‘litre is a total disitiP'giatid depth nllwi-ntv seven ‘ those whoso practice will find that they htv# another farm beneath that itpiesei.ted on Lueir loan. A Soulier s x o ; this Plow, one. Imtstii Piiniuie in the* sole and • ‘ oie dart.-hke in its figure, is an vl-.iiiab e | unvletnrTit t'br euitivating crops ane. il do j i*-b work of more than witfi hut s i (A ub iliv oan crop this ‘nm nw run e’ear ! alongside the core. o**d to theTuil (jcp'li *! j t.,v< :vt- m. h* s a hen the corn is hot thr- o juch j i-s fiivtfi, inti % lore the : dots occuny the sp ice I ] ieiv ten h rose; *hi will lift tb- sol, -note ce-j cons plain with'the soil, for So-'ig’ t a isiauee as r.of to separata ice pa- tudi-s troiii ‘he r.kjtf , vet floicu'iridctelr loosemna I l ie tn-> hat the plant u st lie picked op anii rtieti .- ! , ihis is mwe tlmr *ugh col'vadon ‘ban ■ on i-e iihfoined hy one hood-, and hnciiiss, leav ! ing the s-'il in belt r tilth m.d cutting ot tn | ts. More than twer ly of these ■ flows were sold *s-t . ear. IMUCKS, ( >ue Horse. 9 50 Two li..rse 12SO ‘ ’• witn cnttei t4o<> Thr. e Hor-i-. 14 (Id “ “ with Guilt’ 15 50 For sale t.y . J. A. QUI • BY, No S ATaCrcn Ri tek, Augusta, •<#. October 24tb 1 ‘OO. First 18*51. NE W GOODS! f lE suhscrjHer h rehy respeatfiillv informs I his old customers and the public that In i has just opened an Entire new STOCK OF COOLKS at bis old stao-i (late VA". (!. Smi h’-) where h< ineil.-s th- ir attention. The Hoods consist o llrv omul , G'O.'e.’es, Hardware a large Id •<f Gtotii n ’, fi i ts. Sme-'s, t -. Ae„ ‘Aithou! dd-ofStur t .e cust in of rmhlishin y privat. - fenb) i* lor every act, I will men i state-tha’ I o.ll’ *>•’ t-asi v found, that I -#irv every rdc e offered to be new, (hat I will sell them ot rhe svu qla t:y at-d q lantity, as low vs any one else cao or will do it, and to one cmtoim r as lov as another, not cootraeting to sell e. trien leods ar cost. Holland see no .ni I wilt be obliged. W. GRIFFIN. G or.vrshoro* “DRY GOODS! Will. SHEAR, Would respectfully announce to the pittilic that ho has jut receiv^i litirge Additional Supplies, AXII HAS XOWJMASB, R'C Euibroidere-l irt-1 F nr:. I) e- ‘•II.K'; ‘u lyrior Pln| Xml Flj :re*kJtlck 811 Fiai„ -r-rt F<• ted M 6 IStlSami I> .L \I Nf>; Fum- Dlfo niti IJKPB; French K’ II UIDr.UiEa. Mtoiprfaing Mmd n, Veen-usages and Point Z-ce SE Ti’S, tu am l.adios’<’loth a ,tl V( 1 vet t T.O * K 4 *. n* thy tar* m n’vfi-s; j Ltl *-’ Lt v and Sab) Fn 3l* •f( NEB. ( I FF.S and TIPPETS- A *t|f> ‘*t[. >f L.thc*’ ‘£ i V .4, 0,1 ti ni vs ljrcd MUBAINS, fjr Ziuii* E-, t-,g litn see; \ eisi pi-te *<-soi-t-nvii! of % -S’RR” ; .clietf and P.i ti'-HRKTIN iS tod I 1-h and Pi ‘ii P s LIVKN + 6-t a 4 ti>-4 f).m sh 111 tPKRSj v> Bvnisk f VkL'l X i K NS m : t'Olte,t>S; ‘ s -•-# K elt Priotrn -*n ’ -.‘•riwdi-r.M T.fftLil ‘NO PI \NO CAA KilSe'-afsei'lcsQClLT'* tt him v UL ‘NKI ,TS. ofE>n jt at-dQ a!i>: a i-ig>: tiucru ;*( SLGtiU tIbAN'C sm R chSottd Factory PLAINS and KA*ti' i EY>; *<EUKGIA STLJTES; Cotiqp OSNABLR</8; And a Gnat Vari i v of Jther Articles for Family and Plantation Use, * ALL OF WHICH WII.L BE gbLD * * * \T 3PHE LOWESTPRIOES! The P*V*e rvq uvtad io toll and exuaioa the aswati^a*. Novaober 14th DM).—4f. m ‘ -- ■ * Legal A4*ertiewci. J'.j K*tit:if tan->vsGountv -H hereas “wi- VJT .a.n 8. It.via, and tvomlwin UrcuWivl thi IfSt Wnl end Test Hue St of Mrs Saiah W. i<o‘l*M.t. d.-ceased, prtitn n t.he Oviu't ofOr.fiiiary afraid county for Letters tHsmia-ory. ~ I'hiiee vre -fore to cite and admoniah all p-rs*.ns o.n ‘ertieil tiTshow cause (if any they have) why amid Executors should not be dis charged at trie Court of ‘drdinar’ to be held in anti forsvd county a* the second* Monifay in Jtmtarv lfifil. Giver, under Thy hand at office in (Jreenes-bom, -tiilv 6th, 1860. E GfiNIUS L. KING, OnlV GEORGIA. Gaea** Corayir.—Where*; •f.ihn hi Merritt and Tio 4 P. Atkinafife \ddif cistrators upon the estate of Levitt Mer ritt deceased, petition the Court of Ordinary t>f said county for Letters Dismi-sory : Thesy are therefore to e„U> ad admonish at! persons concerned. t “ .• ■’ cause- (if any they have) why said Administrators should n t be discharged at the tfonrt nf Ordinary to hie'held in and for said county on Hie second Monday in Jaonaio 1861. Given under mv hand at office in Grreneibem July sth, 1860. RU iENIUS L. KING, ovd’v. Georgia, gsemme Isiac A. s WUlmois, V liumistrator deboni non of the efWpWf Joseph Grimes, deeea ed, petitions tin Court of Ordinary of said county for Lette'p Ifism'RSorv : Tnee are theiefore to cite and adinon'sb all persons concerned, to show cause (if any they have) whv sai i AdministfStor should not he discharged at the Court of Ordinary* to he held ie and for said count: on the first Monday, ii December next. Given under mv hand at office in Greenesb .ro, June 4t ‘ 860, KOGENIUS L. KING, flrd’v. Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA, Gbf£NC Cocntv. -Bv virtue of sn .irdei o’ the C--urt ot Ord nary tor eai'! c umy, wnl be sold b-'f ire the Court Hmi-e door in Ml’Chel c.iuniy oil the first Tet*ay in D -r.-mh* r re at one lot <•’ land mint lining (2"0) two hundred hi and fity aer* s. Nr 2J7 two hundred and thirty seven, lymginih* ll'h eleventh Dstiict of o.tcinal'y EUrlv, no H'tchel o*>uiit\, brlonvinir to tlie Eslste ot Gjh’BGE flßiTTcnriaLO, D c'd. to rhiim said lot cf land wos drawn and arauted. Terms r.c ‘t>r day of Sale. JAMES BURK, A -nr. of Georg.- Cruiolifirid. D Cos.. O t J ’ I*6o w2m GEORGIGhsknx COOstv Whereas, Wiliiain Sv -le s. A iiii-i-trator upon tor mat* of T’- ciiaf A. Sand -r- dre’d. netiibMis t<> tbe Court ot Oioin-.-y ul s.i i .-.iutiiy it L-ie". f)MHii*sdrv ; These ar*’ tberr-fori to ci e a.el requilW'alt Tttroho conccnveii, show cause, (li any <W? hv-) why sai I Ad nil teir uor should not t>. dm- ha(%at the Court I Ordin-rv to h.* held in ami !’ sa i county on the. first ilioiidiy in Ap*il lira . 161 Oirr-n under *ny hand at ffi e in Go tiu shoro’ O-’toher Ist 1260, feOGENIUSL KING, O. i’,. 1 i- Notice for Leave to Sell Negroes. aept atiun will be rnade to tin Coin! 010- rdina rv of Grei tit* O.ouiny Georgia -t ih. fi-si regular term a*t-r ttio rxpira'lull of two m -nihs -rmn inis notice for leave to sell the beloiiaihg to the eaisttwuf Jr-w* Fiech, loir of said eu*ilv dt n a-ed lor the iieurSt -it httrs and on d'to—of >id'dcers*fd. 0. H SMITH, A “lir ot JcMv FillCtl. O t 31 1864.- 20, NOTIOB GEORGIA, G *■* CoPSTV “ Will he eol-t st th* |a e . esi tenor ot W “ter L” via, D c'd. in and rrUtn- IV, ,in To- Slr 13 J* •. t-6'. the personal |ir-per >y l-e'onoii.g io th- t e of said dec'rt. consia’tng i C.ifli. F etd-r, Sojca .if variotia kinds, ml <u*h j itjer •*.tn aaa found on farms,-and NRGRORi* m-d* r the Wilt. O-i 3 IS6ir -wsl. M. W. LEWIS, Ex‘r. Adiuiuistr tor’s kittle of Laint A Neiffocs. CT BORGIA, ‘'REENE Cot'Nir.—Ry virtue of M ,i,i order. I'r tui the Court of Ord i.u v •’ ~i -i s.uiity will !>e K"l*l Lcfortt the CoUTt II pan dour n mi the first Tues day in December next, within the legabhours oi suia. all tiie iiind ‘284 acres more or less, litv liinghig t ) t in* cstat s of'herwood ."vtutiley lc, ’<l Iving . n the witters of the Appiilttchee K'ver m s’aiil county, in the roservotl fork of the Oeonee and Ap|i:ilaelteo Rivers, ailjoiuiiig lands of Baldwin Copehm, M. K. SttrVaU, AVatson and others On she promises is a dwelling house and outbuildings. v . By virtue of the, same authority will also be sold before the Court Douse door in Oreene*- boro on the first Tuesday in January next ,1861 within the legal hours of sale, thofollow 'mg named negro slaves, belonging to the es tate of said SliorwiHsl Stahlev dec’d vil:— Bob about 65 or 70 years old, Willis about 26 Larry John about 2*4, Jagpb about IC, Philip about 14, R ise about 50, and Jane about 18 years old. Terms on the day of sale. * MOSKSF POSTER, ’dai’r. de bonis non, with the Will anagied of Sher wood Stanley, ilee’d Greeneshoro October Oth 1860. Administrator's Sale Will be sold before tbe Court House •Inorin tliis county on the first Tut sd y in December next within the legal hours of sab*, he Hotel property belonging to the. -state of John 11. Spellings, fate of this county (lce’tl, known ns the Willis-Il'.iel property. 1;. is conveniently situated lorn hotel is in good repair and has a stable connect**! with it and sufficient ground for garden and oilier purposes. Sold <mi a credit of twelve months. Greeneshoro Oct. 17tii 1860. FREDERIC C. FULLER. Adm’r. Utvyriiarmratv. Executors’Sale of Lund. U>( f tßi.l,\ Gkxks* t ’ot >y\ - Bv riiitie *f j t m *>rd.*r from ihe ‘’ourt of Ordiuery of said county, will besokl before t’ p Court House dtsir in Greene,sl*r.i, on the first Tuesday in De- tol>cr next the tract of land belonging to tbe estate of. Thomas Merritt dec-’d. timfiiin ing 4'l> a -res ‘id ire or ‘ess. lying on IjgjgaTer da Creek in said count y % about set en mil- s’ from Greenesboro, a li piling lands of Ain bn,- e Hutcheson, James Atkinson and others. On the prent&a is a dwelling house and i out buildings. There ar-* ulioiit 80 or lflO a cresoftlte land in the woods, and is well tins beretl, the balan<.i is . cleared and undei* goed , ■ fence, persons wi-hing to see the “'ace will . please cat on flenrv Merritt wmvTivi> on the place or on the undersigned. 1 Terms on the day *-f sive. J \MKS MWRRITT. Ex’r. ” ofTh imas %lerritf, dec’d This Octoligf 9th 1860 >ia. GEORGIA Ghgv—T*’ m .nti’s f it*- Ait) <n >t* Hiinduv in D t***i, npptican. n u <e !• ih‘ [*Ciiiri t() dinarv** r*>DiH c>niitC. for t* aliinr>D miV. Wild nit 1 (J * tm!-*, Ivinur ami liriM” n *liff r fiu rinii''K nf •hi*’ S ii**, hA'.mgrirfd t- e Rft te of James M. D ‘ >< *>*’ <’4i*l c im dp***T M \ R I \RE r O’ V’SOV A lm’t*. .1 V MES O IVI OS VWr.“ Gil *;>t-1% i RAMSAY & I aBAW, ■ Brown 3tone BuHding. opposite the Union Bank, and nearly opposite the Planters’ 1 Hotel - . “ ‘ Jlumista fweoroia. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF i Fashionable Ruailv-Alado Clothing, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPETBAGS, VALISES, &c.. Our Clothing is WELL MADE, and is of the most fa*lH *NarLB £iid. Ilav ing superior frcilhitw for m.vNi factckinh. th<*y will be sold CHEAP. Augusta, Ga. September 26, IS6O. 6m. * •. _ Xl j c jj M ad a H o n Velvet Carpets, ENGLISH ROYAL VELVET, 7 % Brussels, and Ingrain CARPETING-S. In New and Beautiful patterns just Ileeeived. Damasks of all Kinds, Lacs and Muslin Curlains j CCIMCP, BANDS, LOfIBS, &0. WINDOW SHADES, Floor and Table Oil Clotlios, M its, Matting*. Wall Papers, Boards, Ac. The Largest Stock ever offered, for sale by JAMES G. BAILIE & BROTHER, Importer* and Dealers. I*o3 BGOAD STlti.tT, AVbl STA, A, IS* Jitemiier, t2th, 1860. fmar. 30, 1860 ly kaufkkrTbaum & co. wumesms mn eeoDs EST ABLI STM K.\ TANARUS, 175. Broad Street X l 3 ri y. Under the Augusta Hole-1, Augusta, Ga. TIIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD liFSPKGTFULTY INFORM Merchants and Belm that they have just completed . their arrangements for the coming Full amtffVinier Season* Our Store has Keen enlarged to DOUBLE its former nix**, thereby making it the lnr * i gout Si:, r ,. in t|,*, Si’ATE OF (.LOULIAI Our . ‘'‘lii “ lii'-'h for \aiit-ty ot the ho st desirable Goods, is unsurpassed in tins State, wal ii, ev,., v respect compare favorable wflli any house either in Charleston, or any orhev Southern Qity % If is our intention tu establish a regular Wholesale Job bin House, ” 7 * SELLING EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, -dm. wingh ns an old fact, is the only way io Buy Goods CHEAP. Having a similar e tablislnneut 111 New York city, winch our Mr. I. K\t t-Ki-m is manager, it is easy to lie perceived that we have .Sepeiior Facilinea in obi,lining tlieLitest N’GV ELl'lErf as liny appoHiin in.nket. We would only ask the tavor of an PXHinillritiou til DU) kstDck Ulhl Ei'ICPS bfluiv tdsuwlli'iU fllid w<3 ~ wi, l prove tu the- ‘L'rttle that we can sell Uo. ,i h lolly as Clump ***M ttfficr Wholesale House; besides saving your time for further traveling, and many other expenses. just heoeived, Black ati* Cofercd C ARUMTERS ; SATINET. KentneVv JEANS and TICKS* Black and C -d .red OLO Ul ; KERSEYS. OSENBERGS (DENIAISi* ’ Georgia STRIPES. Marlboro’ PLAIDS and STRIPES’ ( Mb) ’ CALICOES OF ALL KINDS! a Mohair, Debegca. Cedestiali. Lavella Cloth. Barege, Del tinea, Bombazine, Alpacas, Delaines, Marellas, ALL WOOL Delaines, jgySJN GLISH 31 etu NO 8! Black Brccake SILKS; | Silk ROBES, POPLINS, POUARDS ; fancy and Piai-i S!LIv6 ; | India and China SILKS. ‘ Bt afru and White Sheeting snul Shiritntf! Irish’LINENS, i'atde COVERS. Table ( LOUIS; DIAPER II AV A klf 8 DOYLES, NAPKINS, TOWELS, BRILLIANTS, Marseilles QUILTS * „ E M BROIDERIES Hat RIHONS. CORSE IVelvet ItIDONS, FRINGES j .Morocco and Milk BELTS, LACES. WHITE GOODS, of all kinds. MAD IE S’ A XL) HISSES’ HOOP SKIRTS/ THlMMlxds. YASKEE -H so no as; nosnmy, „j ulo\ ’es <>/ a n /, m,ts. <■& BED AND NEGRO BDANKETS, &0.. &C. • Our Manufactory of Cioaks and Mantillas. The only n„„ i„ t!. S Hither States, fa in FULL OPERATION now • and we vft-ftir< to „ay that we can offer thcui Articles BE TTER finished, and more suitable somber” lAS I E. As i’fceap as any lYorlfirrik llonst*. * ‘Bis! ’'ive u* tl.e ploatetru of an early call, and convinoo yotusdves of the above facts; ’ . KAIIFFER, BAUM & CO. 175 and 177 Broad Street, J. i ‘ , • e Atigiizt|ffi*tef. Anguata, Q a . L. BtUl ‘ X. KALI’FEK, I\, V 2‘AI, rlfiG. fraay 2b, 1800.| v-alr * . Jm*’ lilt (irons Advei litimriilt | LI Mi I OR &ALK. WILL br.aolit tt *!*, ♦* **nrf tU to th i •* William A*k#*u mcM, Onj f*o ti ilt* Siuih f (m ntiln-Tu 1 iu tiit* c C*i t'T S.ivt !*4 emtau!.-* t a bui Mfd ii.i i*ury fi ur a n*s.sß4. it- r. ..r !•• a. il} ■v. * A*’ In# Huh hi-or, J*l. r. Hal l , Jusn* Sin ill# ni otlun i Jjfre .< “Ii uI; Iv ; • . i\i.‘ : r ct ! iyit trot Rrf'lani’ C*‘ek, ulnn** ‘l*friv ?>f %▼*• il jl ml wtli wifvr<l P rsuoi • Itolr *t Haiti tract of lanfl ran oMaio mnt inf*nnil*l< n CfiicvrMntf > r that they want by calling w t'#* wt;o 1 lives in ttie place. JO Hr A * % KFr. Ar.l ril M. MF.imiTT, E*’ir \VM. ASKKU. October 84, 1801 —aim. Vcw Goods! & Great Bargains!! AT HOWELL A N EAST’S The puWic are invited to call and inane?? H. & X’s. full nnd ’ carefully selected stock of Fall and Winter Ooodt. All that remn>n* on hand of previous pur chases, in Worsted Dress Goods, < Vloved Silks, Ac. will he sold at cost; in order to make man f.-r a fresh suppl v Oreenesboro, Oi-tfil'ier 10 ISfiO:—wfm, ! Jt/stso.V’s Mountain Herb Pills. Aw >v*. w** f. tvs*.nt ytiti with n pvrVft |ikvn-M of lV*um ••tiu-f *f n trit** *!” t|u* “iintttf** A**c XK*w.t, th * onoe rota) Vhi| will flinl a full ttrr.M.ut of ■> turn MU.I h\ U* tit utr I >mphtata nn*i Alntu.e*—lt* ta lm.l gratia; tW iht* for Ut**e I'ilU. Tl. inventor flml iitnuufucturvr-af • JimlmwiV \b-uu ,*M* M*?rh limm n|h*iii thi* g.mtvr |*H of Imk ) • *** tr-i vj* having vMtiwl nrmiv ►vviv rniiiftry i# 4h* Worl.l Ita |**nt orer six v*:ir% Klimnt’ ii*. Tu,s‘ t** of *hv tto-|;y M>>uiil m ills :tn>l of M*-xi*‘o, ;itnl it 11. > tht* • M<*r\YAl\ llkiih rule.” im P .liM-,n,.|. I 1 • iilti¥stitit iiectiunl *4 hi* t<! vvoltirv* thru )t<lt U . >•. I •u nr Ahiuu.c I‘Mtuphivt. ‘ jlttaf it i.-t an vutaMUhcii |cl x tlml all afiM# li .is ‘* IMPtIIK 81.000 l Ipß The lil'Mtl in tin* ota l 8t! whoti anv fmviic<t or ,-t bp’ j- Uiattar c**ta wixitil with it. it is lit : nc* ihnliHmjv.l iu •vt;rv orgNn of 1 lt* btniv Kvm v n*iv* fMh thr all tlm vital onjuns quirkly Wm)>lnNi. Th* will not ttigrst the Kwnl tterfeclly. Tht*"liver cense* V* H-crvie a sulHctencv of Ink* Tlwi nctiou of the Ih*m< t* ninl >t llit* cirCAth*tiuii is ta-hle. ‘lhv lon-ja breoure chtirge.l with tliv nmthrr ; hiiKt , * cmnfh—Minl mII from n sSighl inijunty t thf (vuntniu of lifo—tli* Hloo't ! As if you hnt| tluuwu *<m fiuth. for iostmice, in n fuirv sjumg. from which i Guy m-ttlet. ill a (V-w liiiiintcs the wliota com>v nf |tw str*-tu h**c.uui*s ilistm binl uuA tliscojort**!. As ly do-s ini |ni iv lil'mml fly t rvrry |.nvt. i . s’iftg hvltiiel. All thv |>a.syv> Is tvtnv .ti-tnictv.l, sn l tnihom the otatructhm is nouowi. thv laiii|t o f UHr sw.n o t. IhVsc |.itk not only jmi.fv the h|*wft. hut ‘ivgonviniy iU the secretMns of the body; they me, thttiefurv, uiuUJlai •• * OUHE POIt IIIUOVS mSI'.ARFS. I.ivvr t'oinj laint. Sick lh*nluche. fc. l!i> Au.'i ftil i-<(• MvAicine vxpvU from tin* hhmA the hhMvn x i*asi*. Mini render* nil thv lluota ntVil svvtetloiis nnv4 fliivnt, rh nring mol rvsii'citMtim; tl.e yitnl orgnus. I’tattssnt iiMjvvt), l.s It to lis, lh tt WV lire nhlv to | Uc* within your ivhcli n tuvtllcffie like the“ Mm .\\ U>hM l*utn.*’ tlmt will puss iltrvcily to tlie nfHi tv.l pn*ts throuirh the Moo.J mol'of the Je dv, mol cJiii'.f Uie suff.rvr to biightau with the tiu! ot heiiUTv eti hen | ih. JuJmoh's PiHs are the Best Hunt tit/ in * enn for the. following Conif/mnt* : II hv/ O'Uiplainl*. /Ki.ilitjf, lnn>,tnl UV i( £o #W ontt Ague, (\nrhuuh, “A’*** P m<>!e i'nnj luittU. Lumens ii t>iu, I'kfifit / , l'*YJs<J t ll>ltll(l: h‘t, I'itfSs r.*ti ivnrM#. (tvtl Qrtrvtl f*y.f cprto, lulhtfiuct Sttf'ltddrH Syrup tnarrhua, Jiijiamntdlb n, L m . Ihopsy. * • • • • GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE ! j fViiuilvs who vnlue health, vhouhl never he wilheul lliese I'ilfa. They purify the blood, remove otatnn’iu -u# • of all kinds, cleanse the skin of nil pimples and blntchva And Tiling tl a licli cohu of health to tl.e pule cheek. Mt” Ihv 1 1.1 lit* and Herbs of which these I'ill* are made, wvie discovered hi h very mifprl-iog why’ autoog thr TeKucwilSyW ti iliec f Aborigines. 'll Mvx vo. (h t the A'.ntauac of our Agent, amt you will lend with *h light, the very interesting a coo u lit it COiftlUs of tka ‘tihaat llKHM't.xa*’ Os the AatH's. , OhsH'vr,— Thr-. Mountain Halt Pills art put up in * Umulijul HVap/ivr. H>n hha conlain* 40 f ills, unit Mrhjtl at *45 tmls ;*r t*x All tniuint, fun<t tht tLmilutt f %tl. L. JL'D&UA and: CO., an >aih hit. D. Jj. JUDSON, & Cos., K O T.K VlWl>lt 1K T OKS, .. No. 50 I.connil Street, K t:w yoy k . JO- FOB BV ALL MKDIU.\E HEAUH3. •%% W M by ; .1 II Wonil, f . ro. 0 V VV 11 Want I xn irtoi', Ua Glnil* 16 06(1. ly. 110 S TETT3?fIIS ~ - pM Tlip pvoprieSar# nutLiuamifactiirerr of 11 Oft. TETTEII'S K1.1.151.T1 KD bTIIMACH lIIT TKIIS can tij.|.<-;il wiili I’vilvcr ooiifi.lomt ** pli.vaiciau and ciriz in* gcnrrnlh’ of .lie I niled S ates. boruiiHO Uil* aiittle lias iiiliiinidft U'|.u latiori licre olorc ntikimivii. A Mr’ ftiets npott (kit point will Nporik imho [joim rtul y llinn volumes of bare asseviion or Id jotting puflk#v. The cotisumin‘ini of ilosieilei lift ’ lets for ilielast year mnomiiihJ to over a liulf inilliuii lmlllesf, an i from its tmmifc:>l siindjr inciease in limes is evidem f lial ijtiriuo ilie coming year .lie consumpiion will lencli near one niiilion lmitles. ‘1 his immense aim uni could never Lave Leon sold but sos tlie rare medicinal pn pcriies coniaincd in die |irejmra* Cion, and ll.e sanction of die mini prfiiklnrut plivsicians in dioso sei lions of tile coiuiiv/ where die nviicle is Lest know n,- who imL only recommend flic llilicis to ilieir jiaii.ius, are ready ill nil limes tojiivc lesiiinoiiials lo efficacy iu all cases of sloluacliie deningclncul* and die diseases resulting Ihtieiiom. ’i'njs is liotn temporary j J idarity, obfaiued Ly extraordinary illoris iu 11/e way of inuo'f jiofing die ijualiiies of il:e Hillers. Inn a Solid esliinndoii of an iuvnUiaLlu no djcilfi:, Vvlilcl. is- Uesliued lo Le us fcmmrii g as liluc ilHclf. llosielier’s Sionuudi lliticis Lave proved a Godsend to regions where fever find ague and various oilier bilious c tu J fiiuls Lave Counted Ilieir victims ly Immlieds. To lie aide to Mate contideudy dial die... ‘Diners'’ are a certain cure for the dyspepsia ami like diseases, is lo Ihe proprietor* a riairte-of tin-, alloyed pleasure. It removes nil morbid,mailer from flic siom-i'ch, purifies <lie IJood, and imparls renewed viinliiy lo the nVi-voitH system, g ving il ■ lint fine and energy indispeii aide for Ihe resi million of heallli. Il ope rales upon the stomach, liver, and other mild y Lm powerlidly, and soon lesions them loiicondilion csseudnf lo die healthy of i lie fiutclintis ojf nit me. r.ldei-ly person* tuny use the I’iders daily a* jier direclHiiiM on die Lotdo, and they-will find in il aMftmrbiut prcidinrly ndapied to enlnlort declining year*, in il )•’ pleasant lo the pillule, invigoraiing lolhe Lowels, oxccllouAis a louie, . and re.iuveiihiing gem Hilly. We have die evi dence of llinn sands of aged loen niid'women who have exjieriem-ed the Lencdii of nying lids I'lejairiitioH while fuff- ring from stomach d rangeiai ntaand general dchiliiy; aciing under the advice of |ihysieLiiia, lliey Imve uLaudomd all detelerioua drugs and fairly tisled, l lie merits of article. A few trord.fsio Ua. gender sex. il.ere are Certain pet mils hni their cares arc so harassing. 11 in lunnr f ilum sink under lue li ial. ‘lhe rctalion oi’ liiodier cud. cliilil is so alisorLfngly n-iit'cr. that (ltd mother, especially if she Le young, is npl lo forget her own luulth in her exlteiuc nnsiely for her inf suit. Should the period of nisiK ruity arrive during die summer ecnsvn. (he wear of Lodynnd mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a neees-ity for a siinmlont io nct'.p#,. rai - the energies of the syaiem. anil eirilde the mother lo Lear uji under her cxluitsstiiig tiia'.a and iespoDMlbiliiieH. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the billers to nil other ilivigiiia- dial receive llio nnJoraenitni of jXy'si . Ciaus, liecause it is agrerttnle lo li e lasie ar well ns cefUin *o gh' peruiattc-itt iuct-earet’ of Lirii'y bireuglh. All those peisons, to whom we Lave paHicn? Jnrly referi-vd above, lo wit: mfleiera from fever ami ague, caused Ly niainria. dysenlery, indigestion, less of np-jptjie. ntij. pil (liseates or ilciangtnicmaof li e sloniach,. euperannuaiei! invalids, persons of sedi-ntaiy eccitpaiion. and nursing mothers, will Vo nsfdL I (heir own physical wcltare l y giving teiter's Celebrai) and Homsch Liners n irlifl. J CAUTION.—We camion the public again.t ns'mg any of ihe many jtiiiiaiions or coiiiuer feiis, Lilt ask for lli sri rTKij's t CCCCII ,i I n j StoMAi-u Uinruiamid eo i list cacti l.fiiile !u s I ‘on the melodic cap” roV*r>!ig ; Jnd | liafrl. xj. throuchout tho UiiiteJ Btls, Ac.iJ rica, and UvituiMf. A, -