Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, November 14, 1860, Image 4

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— ~ r A TtrsH>* H mi* ‘UTI- H.l |sw:uaJ b<**itl ins ulw*; vsuj es orange blossoms up m her Uc J upo i fear bank Uw richest kiutl <>’ (ISd*. U-r j favor Stood beside her with wfci Ui;U an -. 1 dickey clean. The Inst win* twenty one | years otd, the first w* ftvenleeu. The parson's job was over. Every one had kissed the bride, and wished the young folks happiness, and danced, and laughed, aad cried. The last kiss had been given, and the last word had been said, and the happy pair had simmered down, aud sought the bridal bed. Chapter 11.—She stood beside the wash tub, 4 with her red hands in the suds, and at her slip shod feet there lay a pile of dirty duds. Her husband stood beside her—the crossest man alive. The last was twenty-nine years old, the first was twenty-five. The heavy wash wag over, and the clothes hung out to dry, and little Tom had stuck his finger in the dirty baby's eye. Tom had been spanked and supper made npon a crust ol bread, and then the bride aad bridegroom wont grumbling to bed. TUB K.NI). Such it man. —Who is rich? Ho who is contented with Ins lot. Who is happy 1 Ho who-loves every body. Who is honored 7 He who pursues the even tenor of Ins way . Who is good ? Ho who has the fear of God before him. How easy then to lie rich, happy, honor and, and good, iiu! yet multitudes, in striving for these blessings, take the very steps tbat’are sure to deteat their objects. In getting rich, they find no end to theii desires. In striving for happiness, they hate everybody, who does not follow in the steps they ha vs choSen. In gaining honors, fthey push themselves forward, crowding aside tbo most worthy, until they have outstriped themselves and sink. In their desires for goodness they forsake the aonreo of all good, and hug tho most evil passions to their bosoms. Thus is poor feeble man. He labors for what he can never obtain and at last dies with vanity—al) is vauitv—upon his lips. Tho simple path is the true p ith. The humble walk is where Heaven’s blessings are showered. They who are meek and humble, live nearest the truth, aud receive the richest blessings. •'My son,” said an affectionate mothoi, to her son, who resided at a distance, and .expected, in a short time, to bu married, you arc getting thin’—Yes, mother, he re plied, I am; when I come next, I think you may see my ribs. miscellaneous Advertisements. ~ A. $H A W ■anufacturcr and Dealer in all KINDS OF FURNITURE. MAIN A'KBKT, MAUISON, GA., RESPECTFULLY” informs his frienla sol the public generally, that he is now receiving m- SPHINO STOCK OF FUitNirUlt from New Yti k •id Philadelphia, which, together with his LARGE STOCK of Dome manufactured, uak*s Sts Ysaort nnnt the most <l, sirable to make e ---le:tiin, Irom, tD the up country. Bi* Stock consist, *f aLrge Number of B ’J it kU S rsngiog.froin S2B to 875 Aisawood, Mahogany, and Painted Wardrobes ; Rosewood and Mahogany Morrhle too Wa.iis unde ; Juoay Lind Tall Post and Cottage s3rltr'*r| ; om vary handsomeCentre and S i's Table*. al-o B'ack Walnut ExtentionTables, 10, 12. 14 m l IS feet long. QUARTU T? T3, by the Set or tingle one; Hat Stands, atn< Towrl Hacks; aereral Dura of Mahogany Pirl r Cna'rs; Mahogany Rookerx of the different Sixes; Lirceann •mail Curled Maple Hxokr-.r*, with Can Seat and Mack; Curled M iple Parior Chairs, and also the Celebrated Cottage Chairs. A large number of Pooutsr Cottage Bedsteads, with or without the Excels! >r Spring B—t, ,tt ich-d. M,the purchaser mav desire. The SPRING BED toeStrd at the VERY TANARUS, >* Pries of SIX DOLLARS. Also, on hand, GILT am ROSEWOOD siononiss Os different i*e, which can be cut and put togetlr W in FRAMES ol anv si*e, at abort notice. N. R.—Softs and. Mahoguuy.Rocking Chairs m3 PAiPEi r TSnORT FOriCE, and ail other FURNITURE Repaired with No.ilneeaan I Diapateh. Th- sub-M-ri bar returns hia sincere thank* for the liberal p itron •V* heretofore bestowed upon him, and respectfully olicits a dbnlinuati m of the aoae. A liberal Reduction will be made on CASH SALES. Furniture Boxed and delivered at the Madison Depot, to Sfo up nr down the road, free of charge,— Orders at home, and from abrad, resoee.tfully so- I edited. —June 6:b. ISfiO 7 n. MA.PBS’ NITROSENISED SUPER-PIIOSPIIATE OF * LIJVIEL RB MOVAIi. PTY.IE undersigned, Agent for the above I. Fertiliser, in consequence of its marked •aejess the past season, an 1 the greatly in crease 1 demand arising therefrom, has made arrangements with the manufacturer for a hwga in 1 full supply; and requiring greater Facilities for storage and otheraccommodation, has taken the four story Warehouse as below, where he will be able to supply any quantity required, with promptness. Ho may be al lowed to express his satisfaction in view of the fast that ol the numerous purchases made of him by planters, generally for the purpose of making comparative tests with other fertil isers. not one case has come to his knowledge whore our Fertiliser has not shown a decided superiority. Planters who have used M a pcs’ Phosphate, now make it their solo reliance, and are ordering (some of them) as much n fifty tans, for use the next season. This fact ■peaks for itself. W e have discover* and a qua tty, developed in the drouth, which was he lor, unobserved, viz; its hygrometric power, or capacity, to absorb moisture from the attnos er, which obviated to a large extent the ta unparalleled drought where it was used, while most other fertilisers were not only va! unless, but positively injurious to the plant. The safety and profit as a money investment, arking from the use of Wipes’ Phosphate, rt paw pUcod beyond question, and the experi ence of the past season, has established what for it, that it is the only fertiliser ‘reliable un d;r a'! circumstance* or soil, mode of cuittva- I on. and ofweather. Too 40 lorsigned ta also prepared to supply | ft:v <! ‘-• of AGRICULTURAL MV I G IIMSItT and IMPLEMENTS, of the latest improved patterns adapted to Southern culti v iti<>", at luwcttt prices. •I* *%• VpvXJipß * • No. t, Warteo Block. Anguata, Oto. OetiW IB IMO. -wfim. IllisceMauroaa tdrcrtiwineuif. a s? j-AvxJmS IsrouSi At Lowest Prices! amv j. o ma e, Watcii-.Haktr, Jc we Her, O P tVc I IN Sy. 336 BROADS TREET, mat- r ibe U 8. flolvl, and au-wwite the City Bonk. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA., Keeps ou uai.d a select and beautiful assort ment of Goods, consisting of WATGttES, JEWBLHY, SUT£g k FLATED W.IBI, Telescopes, Sckvsvok's ompasses,'pv-Glas ss, lor Mou itain Use, and in snort every thing useful in his line of business nartieuiarlv BPHOTA CL33S, IN GREAT V kHIEIY. ’ Fine Watches and Jewelry Repaired in the h:st Manner. [March 28,1800 ly. Painting and Glazing, BY W. S. WAGNON. r FktTE ndursigned h iving hadscveral years 1 experience in the business, is now pre pared to exec ite all orders in the best style, at short notice and on reasonable terms. Orders solicited and filled with promptness. Grtomtboro On.. Sept. 12,18*10. —tv. i,. v- -i | H 111 I FOR SALE. .T Barrels of fl-rrrtie<! Whi*ky ; I +3 25 W *• X Whisky; 20 XX • 20 • XXX 20 Baskets P#?n*'l Chavnpai^ne; 1.5 •• M'Jtnm,* “ 150 Boxes Tobacco, of different brand#; by ALSO, 250 Barrels R-'ctifiv'd Whir-ke?; 4 “ .White Whiskey.* Amrimta. Apr 25.18*0 . M L. ALLEOUD. XrITCLES OF EVERY-DAY USE. B. T BABBITT’S P upc 34 J odlle£njU Yeast. n _ Manufactured from common SaUand Pure 08 Cresm When used i* Cake, gg or Biscuit, it turns t j —l’ke that from a bottle ofHo ta Water,- and remainadorfriant in th l *, dou/h i ntil it is set the oven, hen the heat causes the eras toescape through the and doii*rh while baking. The Bread, Cake.orand B'scuit is not onlv very tisfhr but r>er f 'enlT wholsorne Where this Teast is used yn will require about one-qua*ter the of shortening used ithonlinarv Yeast. I* mav i \7 a!o be ua*d for Buckwheat Cnkesj .lofinev TU Ctkrs,and h 1 * kind-of Pmtry This Yeast is put up o- iy in one pound ren*, with rheck label. Whitp tind Blue— is G umine—beware of indtatkflfa. Babbitt’s pnrcConcentratcdFot- 68 A *n.—Wi*fHnd -th* s r-n*r*b of common P *tah, and sops rfr to ont S p o isl r in market, put tip in fans of 11b , 21b*. # and 6'hs, nnd 12 bs wl h h\W for _ f making H =rd and Bft Snap One pouiv* will make fTft*rn gfall >ns o 8 >ft S<iap. No lime is required. Consumer* will find this ♦he cheap**** Pofnehln market. 70 BT B.ibbltt's Medical Salcratns. 70 A oerfertfy pure and wholeßoipe a'-ticle free from aU del* terious mater, so prep ir dthat sith® circular acminp?nying the S leratti# „ 0 -wHI show, nmhint* remains in the bread wh*-p DO baked hut. o iin't'>n Sal*, Wither, and F J our Pt on ci a*|v in papers. 1 1 2’K and 1 4 lb. BT Bibbltt’sConcentratcdSnft Soap. On IV x costin/ >ne Dollar will mhe 40 of f >aG<*B me Soft Soap bv simplv and irtd*n<T *■*.'?!;ryw w***er. * * and B T Babbitt’s Concentrated ?a! Soda. A **ew a-fi.'lr f or the South. Sa! S dA or ishit.jF fto la cannot be Reo Sooth Y 0 birintr warm w ather, an it deli iuesc e or *7A T I'v ib- ater rnd put up the 1 v Stl Soda in l!b papers, ‘warranted to at rno _ the w--rrnesi cl|fii-ytr/’ One pound is eqnnl to f >ur rounds of ordinary Sa! Soda or Wash noi ifS'il i -co*no tne- |y it is rrmo-h cheaper no the and ash and e* n.>’ hove *o pay freight on wafer. \*k y-mr *rolcveper for B. T. Babbitt'# CJonoeotw’ igri s >! S )do in one noiird papers. andfi. T. Babbitt’s Soap for Family Use. and y,tn.i,i of this S'-*p is , qu.,l to thrp© pmin ls ‘f iriiinary Fnnily Boa|i. One p will rn ik, i i.',1l -ns nf Ia ids.lire Shtt 8-xip. m -It wi'l rem nr paint, grease, tar, and s'fin* < 0 ‘f ‘*'• f’ will nni injure the fahrir; ~n 70 the contrary, it preserve* it. It will wush in bard ar sn't water. But liul, Isnor ia requtr e l where this Bap ia used Machinists and P ii.-ers a-ilt * hjs Ho.ip superior to any gg ihin? in mark. r. If your Storekeeper does {JO not k< p the above good*, fend S dol or* hy mul and I .vill arnrl a parkai eof either a"r tie'e, or an assorted box containing a part of each article, as vou may direct Send , the and name of your Postoffico, aleo the S?te Counts in which von reside, with direction* for (hipping. Addreee B. T. BABBITT, 706*, 66,70. 72 and 74 YVaehineton St , N. Y. 70 A liberal discount to Storekeeper*,’ v July llth 1860 wly. —i • flood Times have come at uast! Onb Tiioiisand Sbybv .nd Eighty-Two Prizes! aoo. NO CHEAP JEWELRY. FOUR CAPITAL FRIZ S! . 8. ALKxIiDEa & CO’S FORTY -NINHTH MAGNIFICENT CASH, WATCH & LAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION. WILL BE DRA WN aT F'MVKTJN, INH MONDAY SEPT Oltli, 1860. Cash Prize ol SSOO in American Gold. Horse, Buggy anil Harness, SIOO. Splendid Rosewood Piano Fort Valued at $350 363 GOLD and SILVER WATCHES. All in Hunting Cases from $lB to $250 304 Priies In American Cold, $2,50, to SSOO. 280 ACRES OF FARMING LAND. 385 Sets Sterling Silver W are. Land Warrants and American Sporting Watches. Number of Prizes, - - - • 1,782 Value of Prizes, .... - $16,300 Tickets Limited to - - - * * 46,300 DRAWING TAKEsTpLACE MOXTULT. pp Every Ticket hoi ler receives a printed list nf drawn number*, free 1 charge ngr All drawings take place in public, su perintehJed exclusivciy by the I'icktt-holdera. REFERENCES. W* take great pleasure inreferring all wbo are Mniousfor information reapectingonr honi y, I Idiihtrwfionptlhid', ft**, to ay f 4* Cont* AdnrtlwatnM tv cdlcera. Po t ater. Kpr.■£ Agent*. Juati ce* l the Puaca, iterchatits, Hup,tsn arfiv a and donators ol Johnson iduply, <•* any ■ iht numerous paGuns in thu vari. u* parts of .tAe Union, who have aitendm our drawings. As the above named are personally acquaint,d witti ; us, and most of them have attended our i:u'ur-us drawings, vre will request all who wish td satisfy theuis -ives of the safety of th,ir int suaent to write to any of th* above gentli .Agents Wonted In every locality, to whom the most liberal Inducements are offered. AIJL PRIZES PKOMJPTLY PAID. Slagle Tickets $1 Ml Ticket* t). R. ALEXANDER. A CO. Franklin, Johnson Cos., Indiana, tune I3th. iB6O w*m. A Novelty I tbr Art World 1 PHOTOGRAPHY TPON PORCELAIN. Secured hy Utica patent ia the United State*, Eogiand. France, and Belgium. THE AMERICAN PHOTOHRAfIIC FORCE. LAIN COMPANY, No. 781 Broadway New lork, having secured ihair novel and ingenious invention by American and European patents, are fullv prepar ed to execute all order* for. Miniature Likeness of Persons on china, presenting ail ibe attractive and advantageous to., lure* of ordinary photographs the hrillancy and flniah of a water color rirayriog, and abitbert,. uuhi tainrd quality of durability, by being rendered a imperishable a* the natural prop, rtie* of the article* tinfin uhirh Ike* - *-■ r. -• * j Are viutiftermt, A the patented proceas of the Company enables the reproduction of Photograph* not only on plain surface*, but upon such a* are round or of any d-- g,ee of irregularity— portrait* can be reprodneed with faultless accuracy, of detlneation upon Porcelain wares of any description and dimen eiou used as articles of luxury or of household uiiii ty,such aj Urns, Yascs, Breakfast enps, Toilet Arti cles, Ac.; thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing a unique and exquisite style ©f ornamentation of tr uck# in domestic use. In order to furnieb facilities for the gratification of the popular taste, and to meet the wants of those pat rone of the Yine Arts oeeirous of having on Porcelain, iho Comp my have imported from Eu rop a collection of superior porcelain goods, manu, factured to their .wo orcer, which Ihay sell at coat price*. A* the American Company are owntre of the patent light, end consequently the only nut holiierl to use the proc es, they have determined’ in order. To afford. People in rvrry section of the Union an opportunity to p>ese*g Portraits on China, to make the following pm, w.tionto Residents >n the Country, ?eho are unihte to visit personally the Atelier and Gnl/eries in New York. Person* tending a phot, graph, an brotype, or daguerreotype to.theolGce of the Company in New York, acconiponieii by Fire Dollars, Will receive in retuth bv express, free of c.lbcr r.lrj(F, A richly ornamented Breakfast Cop and Saucer, With the. jtortrait transfer red thereon. By traasenittieg dnguerreinype and Ten Dollars. they will secure in like in.nner. A handsome French Vase or Toilet Arti cle. with the po< trait reproduced by the patented ProcCtt; By senditig u pair . f dagorrreotvpea and Ffteen Dollars. they will receive in r tori, A Pair of rich Semes Vases, with the portraits executed equal to miniature pain ting. ; no t, in like manner, portraits e'en be repro, ciuce<J on porcelain ware# or Vases of ere>y quality of finish. ranging in price from Twenty to Cue Unndred Dollars the pair. N. B.—Be particular io writing the adrireea. town county and Smie distinctly. All letters to be addressed to Manager, American Photographic’ Porce lain Co.,’ 781 Hr a • w October 17th,1869 ”** W LEANDER C. DEMING. 254 Bfogtl Street 254. UNDER GLOBE HOTEL, fflfcler in Fancy and D/y Goods. I have anything yon want, anti at the lowest prices. Augnsta, Ga., Sept. 26, 1860. ly. PLUMB & LEITNER. Druggiits ■ Sf Apothecaries. AIGIiSTA GEORGIA. W* respectfully invite the attention of Merchants, Planters, and Physicians, to our large aad wall as sorted stock of Vnadulltratetflletlicißes! ft. CHEMICALS. DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, And all other articles in our liue. We feel assured that notionsin the 8 >uth can off r a et"ck superior to our* in Geshissms An Pcbitt. *tt Opvicisl PasvxaA-n ,as h-ing made iu atrict accordance with the Fort,oils’ of the United States Pharmacopoeia. •Viththe BEST MA TERIALS. and bv THE PROPER WEIGHTS and MEASURES. Our stock of DENTAL AND SOROIOAL INSTRUNtENTb and our arrangements with the best manufacturers, for procuring supplies at the shortest notice, is unequalled. Wo are Agents for the best brands in the country of YUiite cad And Zinc WWtc. The Finest Pe.funie y and Fboleest ARTICLES FOR TIII3 TOZLKTTK Iu grea* variety uia” always be found iu nut stock. We keep always ou hand)* large stock of the best b-and* of FRENCH AND GERMAN GLAffS, F t windows, Pietu-et, Frames. Ao., Ac FRESH GARDEN. GRASS AND FIELD SEEDS, From the Best Gravers in Large Qu-...ti'y hi the Proper S"Uon. J Feeling oonfident that we can furnish our customers wi h the best artio es, on reas tnnblc term*, we ro-a?,-f ully so icit or.lor, ami p’edge ourselves t > ui them withtlde'Uy and dispatch. If an. artole sh >ul<4 fl"t pnive to be pro-, oiselv as represented, We shaM feel thankful t have it returned at our expense* and the mon ey will be refunded. , PLUMB k LEITNER. Augusta, Gi. September 26. 1860. _jy, Blanks of *ll fund* neatly printed at ftwt’Bee, * tetvt node* BE 3UBE TO CALL AT MASSET St LANSDELL'S. :Httsr & wiiii WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oil 1 Tarnishes, Patent Medicines, &c. Main Street, Greenesboro*, georgia. HAVE IN STORE AND TO arhivbi 10.000 LBS WHI’ITJ LEAD, FROM 7* TO 10 CENTS ; 8000 SNOW WHITE ZINC; 500 GALL’S. LINSEED OIL; 800 •• MACHINERY ” 800 • SPERM 200 •• LARD •* 100 *• COLD PRESSED CASTOR OIL; iu SWEET 200 *• P’TS TURPENTINE ; 200 * PER CT. ALCOHOL} 100 •• BURNING FLUID; 109 “ COACHVARNISH; 100 M JAPAN 100 “ BLACX JAPAN; 40 • PIANO VARNISH; 100 COPAL f *■ 100 • LEATHER • 100 - ASPHALBUNE VARNISH; 100 *< TRAIN OIL; 200 *• KEROSENE “ 10 CASES CONCENTRATED LYE; 200 KEROSENE LAMPS; 20,000. CIGARS; 100 OZ. QUININE; 10 <• MORPHINE; PERFUMERY IN LAROE QUAN PITIES , And almost everything el<e bebngitirr to the Drug j lltwines3, all of which we offer it YTL IXTA P'tt j CES, and to wholesale pßrclwser? rc will sell Dra<rs, Medicines, t&c., at V Uvl U' -- : • V t* i l'-S—h'eiglit ,id- I ded. Pi very article w trailed To he it is Srtid Far And, as we are having •'•an iCipture-'i for is. several new brands of T i si> ri - qnaru ti s -ve can offer printer imlucements ;m q.i dity *aj orice than ever i before offered in t .aw.-w t. Call and examine our ~ Stock before purchasing rle'>w .ere, as we fell confi i. dent we can give satisfaction. [Feb 16,1860. II ‘ n¥ calling at Massey .. -fSB * ipasdfli's Drug Store and Examin ing same samples WHITE LEAD we think you will he convince-: at once that it is a SETTER ij§| j article than the Lead, aat can he seid for LESS MOXET WHERE YOU CAN BUY GOODS CHEAP. DK. I ls<)\KK I'Uiw UIFXRUL ißsg. BITTERS, A .HE ma i*. ‘rtm pur sfa n<l i IF:(M *b ,-* - aholK .inal-le. >l* ■ StreC'Af of other IF); es, and is lmpot ted V ftijh one house in the United Stun**. Also, from the foil wing valitMtie R -r>l, Heihf, Ac., vis- SeloiHOnV Seel, bpike-ti!d,l\>iifr-y,l arn oriole (Hower*, G- ntian, Wila l h irrj Tree Bark, and B-vWrrv. WE CiiAILEIHiI THE WORLD TO PRODUCE THEIR EQUAL!!! W..- do not prohtrtt to Imve tiiwirto re aom Roots ••hMnm only (,! the frrdtarm rvj Suith Amerir*,” And a euro for'•11 dist-ams which the flesh is heir to,” hut we cinitn to present to the public trulyVßUtable pretuHWtk.n, which ewerr iut#Jlifet Physician m.* e emttttr wilt approve of and leCOWl'l,*.#. A* e*fiwdy for WCIPIFIW’ COIBfiPTMm, Weak iun*s, IndlitMßton. Dyf**P“h. es of the Sere-Us System, Paraiyk*", Pit**, Diseases peculiar t > Pematw*, Debility, and all casi rMinn in* s Tnnie, th’ r are tj r s xj n.i ® X3 x>: For Sore Throsst, so common twin- 4 rh< Clergy, they are truly raln-ihle. Per the ay td #nd,inflrta, or for |-e sons of <. weak censtitutioir- —for Minister, of the g-*te', Uswvers, end ail public speaker—for K-.nk keepera, Tailors, Seamstresses, Snider, ts, Ar tists, aitd all persons leading a sedentary life, they wilt pro* tm’y be> tfloial. Asa BtT. a*r, they are wholesome innocent a; and and hreiotis to the taste They produce all the exhilarating effects of lirandr or TFioe without intoxicating; snd are a valuable rem edy for persons addicted to exce stre use ot -trong drink, and wish to refrain from it.— They are pure and enfrreh free trorn the pois on contained rn the adult rated Wines ad Li quors with which the country ts flooded. These Bitters not only CORK but P/iEVBNT Disease,and should be used by all who live in -a country where the wxter is had, or where Chills and F. Tern are prevalent. Being entire ly innocentondbarmV i-s, they mav *W giv-n freely to Children and Infants with Impunity. Physicians, Clenrymet., and temperance ad vocates, as a- act of humanity,'Hitnuld assist in spreading ‘heseA'ulv valuable ftlfl’EßS over the and, snd thereby essential *d in banish iog !••in kennesv _ 4 CIiARLI WIBBIFICLD * CO., Proprietor*, 78 Wdlian Street. AVtr Ynrli. And siad v •ug"My^nerallj. tfhok- sale end he’ll#\*en s for I‘vvgia j Pi.uhib and ’ vuntett A- ‘eu ts. Arid also b . .iuwA ’.V/av-h dr “t. ‘mm, Juuji l->, 8# •• |jtt. )2j ,^h. DAVIS^&BROTHER j WJ E would tt.birec— tn. ‘lit .:•,• t-w : TV |r tetu n sfttl tjgfr.h “V customers -unti > i'-ofi"’ <t- x i-ressod tpid rett'-ii-reted ’ii’ u o'-I our misfortuni j*’ . • 2 1 ’- 1 ‘ Mat wou and inform ‘ • ‘ hav. •odious stor r • tier vhe<e done bnqne si- t;* ii t-cr . •• ; ns off L-r fur m! . * c tool* e ‘tec •' • and fancy I): yti ■h, niSracio. ‘ : i>. and di-sii; j •’•my*, D;. tns Silks ad itch.- z ■ aks. S’ *is r.l I l uster., Tfl i amt b: l-’oeii- t'l i Irown Hoiiesf n > * id’hs, B lots v S’-nes, am ’ w’Uld,r II .wtc : ” atUniivn to w h hi - S ■ 1 • < *• . dtado T|>r *‘l’ T “ - our • (*k Pocket ajU||i *•’ e.-.le ‘ i^J*••, • f*d. a Wire and ilrocke>T Wire <’O Ir • as* and Plain dceel. ‘**i!;u r . fl* ff •* t. tt-t ----gingJlone, Alolsse| f.d.ies, B-ftl.s ’ rac. - Ac , In Snoef oar Stock crtdintctts idfcati’V. r fifteen rear-’ i-xpei itAee, r|ps ■ *b;’; rv ali;; , s iur* t incht udbe* #fm> of the p np - d-j ■oand , Fina ‘y whatever we hare i* f t Suit as low j Mean te 0 inacy marksr. DAVIS 4 BBOTHER. | |MPiilsrti.B*H,iW Q * f Whlia! CfUHPI CWbM RA! t.iri: iimiim’ •. Th** uiedlm* hn orn ™ r |>piV,,Vv‘” ‘ T, a> f '. TXSTXBMid pnovsb j *>V Tr.N YkaHS >■ I i ‘ • ‘IAX. HKl.itm. r I edv for *ll BOWKL Rl>r,FwrKni EMUKWHO - j Itinenterp, C*amf f Pain*, rholer*. In r .|U (ir o. ,) „* it; <J’- Jjv. villi * r*- *!•♦ m at s,rtn- ctvwjis in tbr stu u-tef) i;: &t ui’iuim A smirhi dtK> e ’f-. tv, cum* t| e. Tltrr vt l*d it IPifer the b<w<ts. <#*.■ dm* wd rvviof, any one c’ merits POoe only 2f> O-iiK. Pmp.irvl by Thau, k sow, 4* Bnwmy. N Tivk. And sold in G- t-en. st*>,o by 4 Lsnsd’ U. Opr. 11th, ‘#,-'y. ‘ Juno llth ISflrt. %v j, DR, J. hfc'rastbf niiRT f tiruJa* 4 Piirrkvr. TnP#RSATKSTKLK?>ri.\TIH tA.NUrtiE Tlosi Delirira* * i AWf> Ilghtfoi. Cordial BVE* TAKCn. It ia Strictly a wtes- W>g| tific. ami Xesvurbh emu ponnrt. proeumd hv ih MS dintllrtinn ..f ){ .*, XyCj H-ri r nrt dark Td Kb I Os*, ftl *xl ‘SIkK UJiillfrSamai.arilla. Wil Cher ifltf ttkiil, r. ■! D'Dilrluri rufrra its Tt<c rniir act vc rr.tnidiai prfi ei| l ot -HC ti ingrcilirnr is tho’ n iphn , s raefed by iny Tm-th- and ot iU-tiltin*-. pio tiH init a drlictiiu-, rxtnleratine spirit, ami the invillibl* mmcrtv tr rrrontin-! tha dirraswl sv-- trii., and r. an rin - the *i< k. autrcringund Udiilitatc oTAuri aiAim and Stickotii Mel van's Strcngtlicning Cordial will erme uali t cobk IIVF.R (JO WW.ONT. I)Y PE ! ’SI \, Jaundicr, Chronic or N'e-rou* Di bdity, Diseaac* i the Kidtn V, and all Diaecva arising lrm a Diooritr, ed Liver-,r Stomach, Dyapepaia, H-urlburn. Inauril Piles, Ac di'y or S'cki eaa ot the Snunach, Fulncuo Blood otl e Heat, Dull Puin or Swimmingr in tin- Hoad. Pvlpnation o'’ the H art, Fullness or wtisb in the Siomach.Sour Eruct -ti. n-, Choakintr or Sof ocatmf Feeling when lying down. Drynesa nr T l iownessof ihaSkin and eyre; Ni?lit Sweats, Inward Frvees, Pain in the Small of the Back, Chest o, B'di. emtdeo Flnrb lit H at, Di-prrs-ion ol Spirit*, Fiighi hi! Dreao a, Lanaor Despondency or anv Nervou- Distase, Sorest r Blot* bra on the Skin, and Ferei and Aitu< —m ( h II- am’ F vr Over a iUillioa of Mottles Have been a >td the laai x months, and in n-> intnre ha- :t tailed tn riving eotire sati-fae'in - Wbit ihei , will -uff r from Weaknehe or D hil'tv yrb-n McLsan's-ruaNOTHiatso Cordial Witt , ur you No liinguaje Cl cm ACT an anqua'e i>lea ol the immediate ul slmoai miracnlou- change prudu cc'lby tak” jr ttiiaCordial in thedivsereil, debilitate and battel. and n- rv-,u-> ty teip, whetlieii nr. ken tl bv , x ess weak ny nature, .-r imaaired by aicknea-. tile relax I aim r f unit ia reaturcu t<- its pri-tiue hesif vto l . vigor lu ittl Pe *os O’ a. It> ,C4* a liitin Ai't-pTfT CMif; W I, hi’ * (■ q Cf*i ? h r ug*. | fUlt • * . -V •!<! ; A;l - ’ n Vt* ti I ii* 1 tf.w V hr t roi’ ■ fflirpi, aa r l fi n lirs - uiri r mdy. 1 The Ladf . Mr-TiCA-N*- eK viITHBNtNU CORUMI. T. *•■ .*e • .*■ .1 ape v • ore so f|f ’ll : -UMIVI ■. WHITIS 1* :> ’ S ‘1 S’ration InaCii • n'nreoj ■"■in--.:- f c arv- it.ere,f, F mg o! <, - im-.- i Fatr.img and all Dm-avaain f!IR .-sadfO HTAK ABOUT IT. ’.it - > ‘-- f eit according to Direotin-ia -r Lil.. n, and invigorate voo ann i *o mou-tt your Seek again ■ -i ‘ w ren ro mve ATi-r action MVd < IIILDRCN. If >oo es k'y, puuv, nr fl.ciarl. Me L an’- • . ,o k Ihem bealibt, aland r, bu* ley tv’ ■ i f it. ai.d von w’ ; lconvin*llt • i- L if "IOUS TO TAKF. f'strrios h aa- u D ugttiet- or r|* a'era hounay -o t-ai-j If I|iir f'Hi •>me Bill’ r, or saraeprritla aah s in,-v •an tuv cheep, by gating It ia ji,-t fr .0. An id ocb men. Ask for McLean's j.S -eoL-t’ eu Cordial, sndaalte notlong e'ae Ii ielhe iv remedy ‘Osi will purify ‘hr hi. mi >h ruughlf, -I. and | tbe *ametit>e**i-..oclbi o |hd*evtvm O-ie (ahlea ‘Oiiii'ul lak r* ry iro-r-.lag laadn/. i ■eeriain pr*ven'ive fi oieia O ibis and F-(r Vet h Fe*l r,or an ■ ‘ ll.ilygl dlteaae llf*i*tu>f, n large b mm * # * * Sf Ji# f*r.,prfir ltttMf I* fWtiifll VcU.r/k V*mu Oil f JPf Priogty. l thecornerol Third Fin* At, i over and Ague. from krli'vh mankind suffer over a largo part of tbs gio'n*. is the cutiscqucutv of adisvAK'd ui&ion In tba ay ate ;ti, i.iduced by tlic poisonous miiism ot vegetable dee:iy. ntia exliulation is evolved by the action of solar heat ot* wet soil, and rise* with the watery vapor fro in it. While the aun ia bdow the horiion this va por lingers near the earth’s surface, and the virua H taken with it through the lungs iuto the blood. There it acta as ail irritating poison on the internal viscera and excreting organs of tho body. The llvee becomes torpid and fails to accrete not only this virus, tint also the bile from tbe blood. Both the virus aiul the bile accumulate iu the circulation, and product violent constitutional disorder. The spleen, the kid neys, and tho stomach sympathize with the liver, and become disordered also, finally, the instinct of our organism* as if in nn attempt to t xpcl the noxious - infusion, concentrates the whole Mood of the body in the internal excretones to force them to cast it out. The Mood leaves the surface, and rushes to the cen tral organs with congestive violence. This is tba Chill. But hi this (-iron it fails. Then the Fever follows, in which tho blood leaves the central organs and rudies to the surface, as if in another effort to ex pel the irritating poison through the other great ex cretory—the kin. In this also it fails, and the *y- ‘ tem abandons the attempt exhausted, waiting for the recovery of strength to repeat tho hopeless effort another day. These are the fits or paroxysms of Fe vkb anu Aoee. Sueh constitutional disorder will of course undermine the health If it is not removed. \Vc have labored to find, nnd have found, an au- Bo Sun* to call at Masey & Lansrtell’s and p;rico their .goods before purchasing; elsewhere! : dote. Ayer’s Ague Cure, . which neutralizes this malarious poison In the blood, and stimulates the liver to expel it from the body. As it should, so it docs cure this afflictive disorder with perfect certainty. And it docs more, or rathar does what is of more service to those subject to thi* Infection. If taken in season it expels it from the sys tem as it is absorbed, and thus keeps those who us* it free from its attacks; keeps the system in health although exposed to the disease. Ccm.scqncrtry it pot only cures, hut protects from, the great variety of af feetions which are induced by this malignant fnflU-’ - - - o-mittent Fever, Chill Fever, Damn, ox sucu a., „ ‘—he. or Bilious wsL Masked Ague, Periodica! Ueuua,... , , ache, Bilious Fevers, Neuralgia, Khcttmn.._; “°uf, Blindness, Tootlmehe, harache, CaMrrli, Asthma, Palpitations, Painful Affections of the tcrics, Colic, Paralysis, and Painful Affections of thx Atomach and Bowels, all of which, when arising front this cause, will he found to assume more or less the intermittent type. This “Ague Cure” removes the cause of these derangements, nnd cures the disease. This it accomplishes by stimulating the cxcreloriek to expel the virus from the system; nnd these organ* by degrees become -habited to do this their odlce of their own accord. Hence arises what we term uccli viation. Time mav accomplish tho same end, but often life is not long enough, oris sacrificed In the attornm, while this “Ague Cure” does it at once, and with safety. We have great reason to believe this i ■ a surer ns well ns safer remedy for the whole data of diseases which arc caused by the miasmatic infec tion, than anv other which lias been discovered; and it has still another important advantage to the pub lic, which is, that it is cheap ns well ns good. ritCI'AHKD BY y >’ DR. J. C. AYER & CO LONY];!, 1., MASS. Prick Oxh Dollar per Dottle. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral has won forhself such arenown fortho cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is en tirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been employed. As it has lung been in constant u<c throughout this sec tion, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up'to the best it ever has been, and that it may le relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, Yar*U tits purpose) of a Torgitire Medicine, Foe Ostivknkss; For the; Cure or Dyspepsia;. For Jaundice; For tee €utx or Indigestion; v For Headache; For Ttt Cure ok HvskmtkuT; For. a Fort. Stomach; For the Cure ok Kitrsfg.-.LASi For The Fl i.ts p For the Curb ok Shuottla For all Sckofui.ous i'ojcyi_u.srs For the Curt, ok BHECswnss*; i For DtSEASKS OF 151 c. 3sIN, t Foie *iik Cure of Lives ColrUixi'f J; y. “ For Dropsy; For the Clre of Tetter, Tt stoxs, and 3aj,t rheum; - * Foit Worms; For the Cure of Coer; For a Dinkms Pill; For the Cure of Nui ralota; For Purifying hie Blood. Theywee sngar-poatod, so that the most sensitive *tr take them pleasantly, and being purely veg- table, no kamean arise from their use in any quantity, hat tl mat* per Box; Five Bozos tor SLOG. Great numbers of Clergymen. Phy.efHnns, ?i*fcs. men, and eminent personages, have lent their names ko ceetify the unparalleled usefulness of these rem*. dies, hat our apace here wil! nut permit the Ilsr-rthiT of them. The agents Jvlow natneit furnish gratis our American Almanac in which they arc given; with •Iso full descriptions of the ithove complaints, and tbe treatment that should he followed for tjio'r erne, a fro not be put off by unprineiplwl dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Di irmnd Ayer's, and take no others. The sick want the best •id there is for them, and they should have i:. All oat ttemedies are for sale by Fin -RUsoVd t nry Wood, fecen-s’ -ro.Md D. Hightower. White P’avns. |p.i.- flfr-ly. /‘tftUL MANHOOD, HOULOSr. HOW KEs. OKED, published in a Settled Kneel ope. A liEUTcaaoRVHR A trsx, rai.ATMv T and labical C1 T * KOK SrSttM ATORHBOK A, ur S llltl'B W.kIMS-Sg}- X un Debiiny N'-rvi'U>i est .ii and luvniuntaiy Rnus-ioi.a, jirnrincina liiip tency, Ciniauiiiiiii u and Mental ami Physiea I) bilitv. By ROB J CCLVEBWEI L. M D The iin,) cl u,i fact Hmi the awtol • • n>, qiii ncs ot •ell aboa- insy be effeettjsffy reii.oTcl wiihuut inter ns 111- die-res or Ih* danger) us epplirntnu eof e Uf tic, irnstruiDen'R. in* dicated bong hr. ane ! oilar rm |iirtCHl devieer, is bere clcnrly riellumtrul. d.axd th entirely ne an highly succer-tnl treamu nt, as a Copied by the eelrbra'eu author, sally • xplained, means of whicb <■• ry cue is i and locurebljna.tic perfecily, nd ai the least po-sible C'J*’, then by s*e*-” ding all arirertis-d no.tiunis ot the d*y This far... ‘ure will pn tea boon to tll••■|ef>lldr an JbnucsndiK, Sent under real u> any ad,l-es*. pueT-PAiD. on tha receipt of in .stage -iatnn. by arldr. asing DR. * H J C. KLINE M D. 4Sn Fi*> At■. n-. Ttrm York. P s Bot 4.WS A *l II l*fi” lv. IfOWAUD ASSPtIATIVN, ~~ Pill L A HBLPIf IA . Jh lien etolent Institution e*t-hli*hfn by Special Endowment for the J tlitj >j the It laid Distress ,‘ifflir.ted with Virulent at ii Eptthm’c Diseases. f|'l K osrnr- ■ ciatiop. it J’"‘‘ • I k .fu- ilep'riip- or- rbiimat- fitv ’Xjr! di-ex- af:G tite di cepfti t • on ti e nfr.r-iin -te Virtue.* rtf am 1 d|>> t,Y qtt’er.KS-s. C;U vea-e .tr'-'ii ectpd ti.efl ■ -uh-n ‘ii gien, ;•..- a eharit. ble net mml i tl.r c name ti. open Lhapeneary . .•>/ m. tit. j{ thi *ll llixiV’fcrt’ i .-nut ff'v. Medical ntltir grafts to alivk ti dy H tt'n- ith a<h crip)),,l uffF.irc ilior (:.f , (ccepitini -,! ■• f life. Ar) sf •n csr'k o’ x ! re-,< j.Tt efv t fur nit: MtHitit . jree of eha tpt. It med! t.. t;.t •• , A*l*<ict’- i .re-lifjhiD<ls * > “ .-'<•-’ ft edits:)4 of ihc *trc. aid viifTut” e’ apt n\< moderr ♦. ui-Tt .Tin I jx tfic ft *tetat!on tn #• it sty >irl,K- p • *!>*• tr . - nient of Fexjtal di.--e e, X|.:.f|Pl.- : l-ipl •<•• satisfaction wilih-< ut'c.e* M • {.’ ui stU-l tbe labor ofihrir S'. t t , m .< oji nl weaknets,discs- k < f tVi, Kidti* . P . de, Ate and order a■ ‘ t tipuauce < f • -eiyp plan |e*r the en- nit.g v< ar. * Valuable reports or Spermatorth,.. Vt*. r diseases l aexoßi <rg: nsvttl, mtw ren t Jits rrnployed in the Diapi f>srty *t tto tb afflicted Inseslet lettet cnrelope-.frte c.l rlatg. Xtro or SBtampgfor Address, Di J Sdfci.tK Hoi ljitor. Asiiirg ‘iurgron, Howsid Ase atipr.No. 2 houl 1 fiib s'.. Phi tdalphts, JPn I j ordtj of ff*i\e <i* FZR.I K IIA HI WFI 1,, h stdev l Gro. Ser’ry. fnov. Ift'fP tv JoL, WorJt 6f till kinds nriifly dom