Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, November 21, 1860, Image 4

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* vr- SiM oi Ut ha(. llcvujjJ thn Khi. m limit* ofilie Emuii , wiii.iu il * >a ot mck Mini s.nid, ami bi • ueiltli Uoao Herono futd forvi'l skies. which bail already given its two groat religions Ito the World, anew and imposing faith jhad been proclaime l by an obscure Ara jbian, named Mohammed. A youth of ge nius and piety, aliose early life passeed in Jeonducting caravans from Mecca to Da Imascua and Aleppo, had made him famil iar with the condition of the heroic but prostrate tribes of the desert. His pro ound religious sensibilities were shocked !>y the chaos of idolatries which paralized ind debased the intellect of his peojt.e. Weltering in all the corruptions of natural religion, Sahaism. of Judaism, and Grseco Syriac Christianity, they still yearned with tho dim traditions which had promised them a prophet wiio should fulfil! their tiopes of glory and salvation. On the live ly temper and fiery imagination of Moham med, these of his nation wrought, until tho caves of Mount Ilira, whither he often re tired to pass the night in alternations of deep thought and ecclesiastic prayer, the Rangels of Allah announced to him a sttper- I natural mission. God is one, God is iu- I finite, God is almighty the single thought 1 which pealed through tho depths of his I being like a voice from heaven, and with J that thought, shearing away, as with a 1 sword, tho wrappings of all subsisting creeds, he strode forth as the prophet of God. No sentiment of awful lioliners. as with the Jew, shaded to his perception the fierce blaze of the divine Almightiness; no tender reeling of infinite mercy, as with the Christian, responded to the soul’s long ing for sympathy and for love ; aud even ! the common*ethical elements of humanity j and the consciousness of inoral liberty were I withered in the intense splendor of his idea of God. It was the sun of tho East, . obining down hot ami unclouded upon the burning desert.— Goodwins History of France. “I know I am a peifect bear in my man ners,’* s*id a fine young farmer to his L sweetheart. *-No t indeed, you are not, | John, you have never hugged me yet. 5 You are more sheep than heat. A doctor uptown, gave the following prescription for a sick lady a few days 6 since—"‘A new bonnet, a cashmere shawl gland a pair of gaiter boots !” ■ The lady recovered immediately. ■ Romping. —Never find fanlt with gills ■very young girls in particular, if they ate ■decided romps ; but ho thankful the}’ have ■he health and spirits nocssary for romping. ißetter be a romp than have a narrow dies - find a sallow cheek. Miscellaneous A;’vcitlscmcnts. aw Saaufactnrer aiul Dealer In alt ’ KINDS OF FURNITU RE. MAIN STREET, MADISON, GA., BSPECfFOLLY inform* his friend* an I tin V publluMpnernily, that h* is n u w icceivitig hi ’KING STOCK OF FOitNITOK fr...n New York irt P ilUdolphia, which, *‘>g|.(||gr with his LARGE Home Manufactured! tire most ileairabln to male* se juris from, in the up country. His Stork cousiii j Large Number of nfl/Ul\U S ranging frotn #sß to STS ns wood. Mahogany, and Painted Wardrobes . iicwood and M.Viogmy Marble ton Wa'hsfnrnia : ny Lind Tall Post and Cottage Bedst ads; som y handsome Cent re and So*a Tallies, also Bled Inut Extention Tables. 10, 12.14 and Id feet lone QUAH.TT3TT3, the Set or single one; flat Stands, and Tow- 1 As; several Dn:-n of Mahogany Pari r Chairs: angany Rockers of the different Six's; Lirgean all Curie I Maple llnckera, with Cuh-- Seat and k; Curled Miple Parlor Chairs, nnd also tile Celebrated Cottage Chairs. I large number of Popular Cottasre Bedatseds, nF'without the Excelsior Spring B’d, stt ich**- 1 ;ie purohaaer eat desire. The SPRING BED farad at the VERY L-w Pnc of SIX DOLLARS. Alan, on hand, GILT am’ ROSEWOOD SIOCLDIIifiS different sixes, which can he cut snd put iogeth l FRAMES ol *nv sixe, at abort notice. . B.—Sofas and Mahogany Rocking Chain RHPAIPEin SHORT FOTICE, and all other FURNITURE aired with Nca'ness and Dispatch. The subcri returns hi sincere thanks for theliberal p -trnn heretofore bestowed upon him, and respectfully its a continuation of the some. liberal Reduction will be made on CASH RS. —Furniture Boxnd and delivered at*He MadiadV >t, to up or down the road, frre of charge.— ra at home, and from ahnad, resnpn'fully io id. * —Jne6h.lftfirt7n MATTES 3’ FITROGEYISED SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF *■ LIME. REMOVAL. FIE undersigned, Agent for the above Fertiliser, in consequence of its marked ess the past season, and thp grratly in red demand arising therefrom, has made igfcmcnta with the manufacturer for a i and full supply; and requiring greater ties for storage and other accommodation, aken the four story Warehouse as below, ■e he will be able to supply any quantity red, with promptness. He may heal 'd to express his satisfaction in view of Ect that of the numerous purchases mad bv planters, generally for thepu’pose iking comparative tests with other fertil nut one case has come to his knowledge our Fertiliser has not shown a decided •iority. Planters who have used Mspes* Sab ite, now make it their sol reliance, re ordering (to ne of them) as much as urns, for use the next season. This fact t* for itself. We have discover and a qua ! - ovcloped i’ the drouth, which was before lerved. via; its hygrometric power, or to ‘>sirh moisture from the atmos- Lwhieh obviated lo a large extent the unparalleled drought where it was used, {most other fertilisers were not only v.i!- i, bat positively injurious to the plant. Safety and profit as a mon-y investment, fe from the use of Hapes’ Phosphate, re jLvotd beyond question, and the experi * f the past saas >n, has established what ye, without hesitation, always asserted |that it it the only fertiliser reliable un- I circumstanceß or soil, mode of cultiva tßY and IMPLEMENTS, of the latest t i patterns adapted to Southern culti- Jvt barest pries. Mo. 8. Warren Block. Augusta, Geo t. aUg” -m. limiuiieons AivertWawai*, ~ X BPLKSDID STOUKU At Lowest Prices! I!E\KY jTo m \E, W at c li-.H a k er, Jeweller, A MO OPTICI IN No. 2:6 BROADS TREET, under the V 9. Hotel, aud opposite tlic City K.u.fc. AUGUSTA, OEOItGIA., Keeps on hand a select and beautiful assort ment of Goods, consisting of WITatJKS, JFKtFKLET, SILV-.R & PLATES WARE, Tu.n>cbpßs, Spaveroit's ‘ ‘ompasses^pt-Glas ms, for Mountain Use, and in -ihort every thing useful in his line of business oartieuUrlv SPIDOTAOIjIOS, IN GREAT V vRIE IV. •"'Fine Watches and Jewelry Repaired in the best Manner. _ [Mat ch 28, 1860 ly. Painting and Glazing, BY W. S. WAGNON. TIIE undersigned h iving hadseveral years experience in the business, is now pre pared to execute all orders in the best style, at short notice and on reasonable terms. Orde/s solicited and filled with promptness. Qrecnesboro Oa.. Sept. 12, 1860. —ty. FOR SA.LU. 7sr Ilsrrelsnf keen fieri Whisky ; •/ -O it irrels, OiJ Re* \hn'>nifilt,ll J 20 “ X Whisky; 20 • XX 20 XXX 20 Baskets IVarl Champaigns; 15 “ M ilium,s “ 150 Boxes Tobacco, of different brand* : by AI.SI), 250 Barrels Rectified Whiskey; 45 “ While Whiskey. Augusta. Apr. 25.1860 M L ALLEOUO. D R MOTT'S jgi|tf§Si PILLS^IRON. ~ - “ - • j] AN aperient and Stomachic preparation oil RON untied ot Ox vgVti anti Carbon by combustion it. Hydrogen, feancuoned by the highest Meuical Au thorities, both in Euffpe acd the United States, and orcecribed in their practice. The experience ot thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can be compared with it. Impu ities of the blood, depression of vital energy, pal mil otherwise sickly complexions indicate its mcce ity in almost every conc ivable case. Innoxi us in all maladies in which it ho<? been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in each o* lie followiu? co viz.t 1\ P pimtv, Nbrvous Affections, Emaciation Dyspepsia, Constipation, f)iarmhoka. Dysixtkmy Incipient jScrofulois Tubekcl-l •*is SALT KhEUM, MISMt.NNTHUATI N. tV HITE-, CHLOi!f-SJ w , Liver Complaints, Curunic Headaches. Rheuma tism, Intekmittent Fevess, Pimples on tub Face, &o: In cases of General Debility, whether the result o! acute disease, or of the continued diminution ol ntr voua aud muscular energy fowl chi onic complaints, me trial of this restorative has prore l successful to in extent whi :h ho clescrintion nor wiim ti aitcs-a iw.ii would render credible. Invalids so long b and nddeo as to have become forgotten in their ow n :i ighhorlmods, hove suddenly re appealed th the ousy w.rld as if jus? returned from pi ot meted tiavel 1 n ti d’sfßiit land. Sv.iriP very signal insiar.ces o? -• is k nd ar* aUesled f fernaiu sufi: icre, euiaciiteo %iv tin sos apparent inaramiqs, sahguim ous exhau* • ion, critical change#, and that complication ot n r v'ous and dyspeptic eversion to air . and exercise for which the physician has no name In Nervous Affect ions of All kinds, and for readout? familiar io medical men, the operation of this pre paration of iron must necessarify t>e salutary, for, unlike the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic without being exciting nd overheating; and genth; regular ly aperient even in the most obstinate cases of cos uven* AS without ever being a gastric purgative, or mi flic? in” a <i sensation. I is this’ latter property ahiuinsr others, which makes it so remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy for Piles, upon which it also appears to exert >i distinct and specific action, by diaj ersing the local tendency which forms thorn. . In Dyspepsia, innumerable as are its causfs, a sin* gle b<x oi these Chalybeate Pills has often sufficed for the fnost habitual caste, including thb att* ndent Oobtiyenks-s In unchei krd D?arrho r * # even when advanced to Dysentery, confirmed, emaciating, and apparently malignant, he effects have been equally decisive and astonishing In the local pnin3,Jos of f’esh and strength, dehil itatine cough, nnd remittent hectic, which generally indicate Incipient Consumption, this remedy ha-al layed the ala*m of friends and physicians; in several very gr.Atifving ami inter# srit.g instances. Io Scrofulous Tub rculosia, this medicated iron has bad far more than the good effect of the moaj, cautiously balanced preparations of iodine without anv of their well known liabilities The attention ms females cannot be too confidently invited to this remedy anti restorative, in ca*es pe cnli rl v affecting them. Io Rheumatism, both chronic ftnd inflsmatrry—in the latter, however, more decidedlv—,ii has be*n in variably well reported, both as ndeviating pain and reducing the swe'Hinge and of joints and muscleß. In Intermittent Fevers, it must necessarily be a great remedy and energetic restorative,and its prog ress in tfie new settlements of the West, will proba bly be die ot high renown and usefulness. N remedy has ever hern discovered in the whole history of medicine, which exerts such promp , hap pv, and fully restorative effects. Good app. tite c mplete digestion, rapid Acquisition of strength, with an unu-ual di-pr sition for active and cheerful exercise, iturned at !y folb w it# use Put up in neat flat metal boxes containin 50 pills, price 50cents per box; for sale by druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any address on receipt of th* price. All letters, orders, etc., should bead dressed to R. B. LCK’RE and Cn. General Agents. 20 Cedar Street, N. Y. October 10, 1860 —w!2?n. MAPBS’ SOIL-LIFTING PLOW! WJ lIKIV a surf-ice Plow is run at a depth v T of twelve inches, and a two-horse Soil- Lifting Plow follows, which is capable of dis rntegr.ting to a depth of fifteen inches more, there is a total disintegrated depth oftaventv- Mf-ven inches and those who so practice will find that they have another farm beneath that represented on their map. A smaller size of this Plow, one horsel thinner in the sole and rr ore dart-like in its figure, is an admirable implement for cultivating crops and will do t! e work of more than forty ine > with hoes. With the corn crop this tool iny run close alongside the corn, and to the full depth of twelve inches when the com is but three inch es high, and before the roots occupy the space between ‘he rows; this will lift the soil, move every com plant with the soil, for so slight a distance as no 1 to separate the particles from the roots, yet so completelvloosening'the mass that the plant may be picked up with the fin gers. This is more thorough cultivation than can be obtained by one hundred hoeinps, leav ing the soil in better tilth and cutting ot no roots. More than twenty thousand of these Plows were sola last year. PKICUS. One Ilorse $9 50 Two H0r5e........,,.......... 12 60 11 “ with cutter.. ...1400 Three Horse... 1400 “ “ with Gutter, 15 60 For sale by J. A. QUIMBY, Ho, 3 Warren Block, Augusta, Ot. fV.tnher 94th IMso.—First i/ay, 1861- MitreHaacaas AdrerUtcmcnlr. A Novell) itt lbt Ari WrW f I’HOTOGRAPU YlPo\ P6RCEL.UK. Stcured ty tenet patent i„ tb-United SUtet, England. France, trad iltlpiom. TDE AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHIC PORCE LAIN COMPANA, No. 181 Broadway New York, hAv;n£-ccurud their i.ovel and mart n ion* invention by American tend European |;atirnU, arc fully prtpar- Miniature Likeness of Persons on china, presenting all the attractive and advantageous fe,> tur, sos ordinary photographs thn hrilbtury njd finish of a water color .’rawing, and a hitherto unat lainrd quality of durability, by being rcttdwed as itnpeneh tble as the nutural properties of tho artietea upon which they are As the patented pr * of the Company enables the rrproductiuo of Photograph* not truly or plain surfaces, but upon such as are round hr of any de gree of irregularity—portraits can be rep, oditced with faultless accuracy, and'delicacy of rteJi„eaiio,i. upon Porcelain wares til any deartiptiou and dimer ? siou used us articles of luxury ot of household utili ty, such aj Urns, Yiffie s, Breakfast cups, Toilet Artl-’ eles, Ac.; (hereby securing* faithful portraits tend furnishing unique and exquiniie style of orEtfimeutalion of arg, •■ides in domestic use. In orcl.r to furnish facilities fur the gratification of the popular taste, and to meoWtbe warns of iho*e patrons of the Fine Arts desirous of having Portraits on Porcelain, the Company have imported from Eu rope a collection of superior porcelain -good*, manui ♦aofnred to their own orcer, which they sell at cost prices. As the American o>mpauy are owners of the patent right, nnd consequently the only parsons authorised to use the process, they have detwmiu* and in order. To afford People in every section off the Union •o opportunity to possess Portraits on China, to make the following prop, sition to Residents in the Country , who are unable to visit personally the Atelier and Gull cries in New York. Persons sending a photograph, ambrotype, or daiinerreotype lo the office of the Company in New York, accompanied by Five Dollars, Will receive in return by express, free or other charge, A richly ornamented Breakfast Cup and Saucer, With the portrait transffetred thereon. Ily transmitting a digoerreoiype and Ten Dollars. they will secure in like manner. A handsome French Vase or Toilet Arti cle. with the portrait reporduceo by the patented process. By sending a pair , f daguer noiypea aud Fifteen Dollars. they will receive in return A Pair off rich Secies Vases, with the portraits executed equal to miniature pain lings ; amt, in like mnnner, portraits cun be repro* duced on pore, lain wares or Vases off eee> y qualify off finish. •anging in price from Twenty to Ouc Hundred Dollars the pair. N H.— Be particular in writing iheadoiesa, town, Countv and S ale distinctly. Ali letters to be addie.sed to Manager, American Photographic Porce • lain Co.,’ * 781 Br adway, „ Naw Yuan. 3m October 17th, 1860. PLUMB & LEITNEK. Drug gilts 4* Apothecaries. 212 Near 0y V'-55f12\ Broad Post Street. °f lce - AUGUSTA GEORGIA. We respeetfully inrite the ottemiu,, of Mcrehnnta, PI inter*, and Physicians, to our iurge aud well as sorted stuck of 1 UmilHitfrattM Mitiicfnes! CHEMICALS. DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, And all other arficl.ein our line We fee! awmrc. that no house ill the Koith off r a *t rk -e.i : to ours m (iKNpi'li.NtSS ASD PUBITr, ALL OFFICIAL PaeptaATioasrwnng made in strict accordance wjih the Formulas of the United States I*harinacopein, “’itli the BEST MA TERIALS. and Wv THE PROPER WEIGHTS and MEASURES. Ourstnck of DEVTAL AND SURCIOAL IN-iTHUMENTS is full, andour arrangements with the best manufacture*®, for procuring supplies at the shortest hoQee, is unequalled. We are .and gents for the best brands in rhe country of White ’ end And Zinc White. The Finest Perfume y and rhoieest ARTICLES FOR THE TOILETTE In great variety mav always be found in our stock. We keep always on hand a large stock of the best brands of FRENCH AND GERMAN GLASS, Fir windows. Picture!? Frames. &c„ &s. FRESH GARDEN. GRASS AND FIELD SEEDS, From, the Beet Growers in Large Quantity, nt the Proper Season. 91 Feeling confident that yre can furnish our customers wiih the best articles, on reasonable' 1 terms, we respectfully solicit orders and pledge ourselves to fill them with fidelity and dispatch. If anv article should not prove to he pre cisely as represented, we shall feel thankful to have it returned at our expense* and the mon ey will be refunded. PLUMB & LEITNER. Augusta, Gx. September 26, 1860. _l v . DAVIS & BROTHER WE would robrace the present . oppot tutu ty to return our thanks t > our maby customers and friends lor the sympathy <x pressed and manifested for us on account of our misfortune of the 26th of March last, and would inform them, that we have huilt a coin -odious store on the corner where done business for the last fi-teen years and now offer for sale a complete stock of staple and fancy D>y Goods, embracing all the lates’ sty les and designs of Calicoes, Delaines, Pop tins. Silks ad Dcbaizes, Cloaks, Sbawlsand Dusters, Table and Towel! Linens, B 1 ck and Brown Homespun nf all widths, Boots and Shoes, among which we would call especial attention to our Double Sole Russet Brogans, made expressly for us. We hare enlarger our stock. Pocket and Table Cutlery, Hollow, Ware and ('rockery Ware. Hardware, fnmi Vast and Plain Steel, Sugar, Coff e, Sa't, Bag ging Rope, Molasses. Saddles, Bridles, Tracer Ac, In Short our stock embraces whatever fifteen years experience and close observation have taught us the wants of.ilie peoples de mands. Finally whatever we have fa for Sale m low si can be bought in any market. DAVIS A BROTHER, f? recti eshoto, Ot 94, IRAA fj*n SfLlyl ■tfe HrßrgfflTr ic 1 mmw*. EIS¥ & IfflEliu “ WHOLESALES DEALERS IN | Drhgs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oil Garnishes, Pt cut Medicines, &c. Main Street, Greenesboro', georgia. HAVE IN STORE AND TO Aiimvmi BY calling at Massey & * Ijißsdell’s Drug Store and 10.000 LBS WHTTE LEAD, FROM 7£ TO 10 CENTS ; 2000 *‘ SNOW WHITE ZlNtj’ ! 500 GALL’S. LINSEED OIL; 1 200 •• MACHINERY 1200 SPERM j 200 LARD I 100 • COLD PRESSED CASTOR OIL ; 40 SWEET 1200 “ SP’TS TURPENTINE; 200 ‘ 9* PER CT. ALCOHOL; 100 •• BURNING FLUID; 109 “ COACH-BODY VARNISII ; 100 • JAPAN 100 BLACK JAPAN; 40 <• PIANO VARNISH; 100 •• COPAL 100 •• LEATHER • 100 - ASPHALBUXE VARNISH; 100 TRAIN OIL; 200 •• KEROSENE 10 CASES CONCENTRATED LYE ; 200 , KEROSENE LAMPS; 20,000 CIGARS; 100 OZ. QUININE; 10 “ MORPHINE; PERFUMERY IN LARGE QUANTITIES ; almost everything else bel >nging to tho Drag ; Business, all of which we offer at ATL ANTA PRI j CES, and to wholesale purchasers we will sell Drugs. | Medicines, &c., at AUGUSTA RATES—freight ad ded. Every article warranted To be what it Is Sold For. And, as we are having manufactured for us, several new brands of Lead in large quantities, we can offer greater inducements in quality and price than ever before offered in tins market. Call and examine our Stock before purchasing eisO where, as we fell confi dent we can give satisfaction. [Feb. 16,1860. WIIEKE YOU CAN BUY GOODS CHEAP. Examin ing some samples of Pure WIiITE LEAD we tbink you will be convinced at once that it is a BETTER article than tlu r Union Lead, and can be sold for LESS MONEY. m DcWitt & Barrett s, U TAH 6 HARROW. - PATENTED 2ND MARCH ISSS The premium Harrow of-(hr em pire and (iOften Mountain States. The Harrow ffiat has taken the ilin, at every State and C ■nt.ty fair wlicle it hna been exhibited and Tested. 1 wish In inform th*e citizens of Greene and the adj< nin ’ CmfritH**, fiiat I have bought the “STATES RIGHr” to tfie above Ltartbw; and that I am manufactur ing them at PENFJELD GEORGIA, I have fifty neatly finished. I will sell the Harrow at $15.0p, or the “Fanrn ir. Right” for five Dollars Any one who can make a plough stock, can make one of these Harrows, ns they are verj simple in count ruction, except the centre piece of iron w hich is east. It however costs hut two 1) llm* and twenty five cents. A gen tleman who has used this lla'row snja, I would state for the benefit of the farming coiiiinutii'y. flint it is the most simple nnd complete pulverizer that ever was invent ed, 1 have or.c in use on my faiui (two miles from Auburn.) and I testify that it will (}o more work in one hour than a coni ■non “Harrow will in two, I tested *be Ilar- I'ow in hard soil, and in corn subble ; and I find it copies up to your statement to the very letter &c„ Any person wishing to purchase a Har row, can take it on his plantation and if it does not. suit hje may return it, ami I will charge him nothing. It is the very thing for leveling the ground, and breaking clods, consequently is invaluable in put ting in wheat. JAMES M. LANKFORD. October 24tli 1860. — ly. **- NOW IS THE TIM E TO COMMENCE FOR.MPEG CLUHS FOR THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, AND COMIC PICTORIAL Phunny Phellow!!! A Splendid Premium TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER!!! THE NEW YORK WEEKLY AND PICTOR A L PH UNNY PHELLOW ONE YEAR FOR TWO DOLLARS ft! .9- OH It TERMS TO CLUBS 1 copy one year... .$2, and the Pictorial Phut;- nv Phellow one yeur. - “ “ ... .$3, anil a premium. 4 “ 44 .‘ 4 •* 6““ “ 8 - “ sl2, “ •0“ “ 5, “ •* 12 *• “ ....$lB. “ “ Send for a Specimen Numlier, which is furn ished fuse, and contai is fa‘l particulars of PREMIUMS. S|KEBT A SMITH. Kditoss vvd Proprietors of the NEW YORK ” KKKLY. 22d B'lekniuu Street, N. Y. ‘November 7th 1860.—w3m. Fall aud Winter Clothing. A second supply just recoircd, and ruling at low prices toy WAKEFIELD MI'RKAY A CO. OohAer 17 JB6G—lin, * |>Li,\Ks of all kinds neatly * printed at I-F tbwttfßce, ft snort n-Wt IHAJtiOMM t: OJAIUI*; CMOLt HA! i. lm-o. This medicine has hern TH K NEVMt PAILINR TK TKP, TESTP Pan 6 PHO VPP op’-'-nv pyTKN'ru*RS experience ■ i AIM- SAFF-; A KCI.MQi.X ver.x edv for all Biiwki. mo:ASORMi NTa. nrAPKifftA, t iientery, ( ramps, Pains, Chdcra, CholL’ &<- ti \v m I.mjl lie * >r;* ov Hvo <; ‘b'dik, M the in st sever* Ciampa ‘u. stomach io Si*.: minitie®. ,\ ,i,,Ve cf ■f eufe tl.o |l:.-*rr ica and it in vor Constipate* •he bowels. On. dose wit! mfiufv way oi-e of merits. P ice on! t 20 C.-nts. Prepared by Thau. & Stow, 43 Bowerv. I oik. Ana BUxd in G by M ASSc ; v * Lotted*dl. (apr. 11th ’6';l v * June 11th 1860. w j D&. J. dl- MoLBA2f ; S Sn ngilu:jt*g iordial & Puriiiir. TUEhREA7KfT Iim FIr IXTHE WOiCLIJ. . ® os * BcHciiiM a m/iii ’ ” W§k w llglitfal Ccrdial EVER TAKEN. * ’“ rir "y * *cU,n tific *n<i Vem-tablt-cnin poilllit, prill'llrr(l bv Ihs . rtisfillafinn •>! Kuo's, ‘Ab— lm. ~3e Hi rhv nnd Hark. Yel Rex Jt * l“w Doek, Blood root, 3610fE l3kiilJS:ireii|.!iril|n, VYilo CherAfttr tilkiiie ry, and Dmdelion enters it* compound. Tin: entire active rem- dial principles ol each ingredient is thor oiighfv.x'racled by my method ol diddling, pro diieinif a d> lieiona, exliileridins* spirit, nnd the most infallible retnedv lor renovntinu’ the diseased sys tem, and restorins the su it, sufferingand dehililated IVVAIin to HEALTH H’ and StSKNOTH McLean's Strengthening Cordial AVILL EFt'LC UAH.Y CUKK I.IVER C<*'( PL \INV. DY PEi’SIA, Jatiedice. Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases ol me Kidney, and all Dmeises artetni; Inrni a Disorder ed Liver nr Stomach, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Inn ard files, Acditv or S"-ki essm Mie Siomach, Fuloessol Blond o the IL-a l,J)u ) Pain or Swimming in the Head. Palpitation oi tile Heart, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eruct .tinos, Choaking or Nuf oealing Feeling when lying down. Dryness nr Y- I lownesaof iheSkiti and eyes; Ntghl Sweats, Invnird Fevees, Pain iu the Small of th,- Buck, Che-t or S'de, endden Flush of II at. Depression ol Spirits, Fiighl ful Dreao s, Lan-ror |3vpondency or aur Nervous Disi a-e, Sores. r lilot- hi on the Skin, and Fever and Ague—... ( h II- arv’ F ver Over a Million of Bottles Have been s dd during the lust a x months, and in no instance has it failed in giving entire ealiefacHon. - Who then, will „uff r Irani Weakness or Debility wh. n McLean's Stkengthkning Coxdial will cure you. No language ea i convey an adequate idea of the immediate and almost nnracolnuA change produ ced by lakmgthisCordial in the disevwed, debilitated and shattered in rv.,u--y-iein, whether hri-lten and wn hv rx"es weak by nature, or impaired by sickness, the relax- <1 nnd unstrung organixa'iou is restored to its pristine health and vi• Ma - it'tf Pc soiii Or others coißcioiis fmabiliiy I rum whatever cause will find McL -ao’e S rengilieui g Cordial a Ih.m.ugh regenerat >r of the sysietn ; and sill who inav have m und ih-Misfires by luipioper tn"ulgenre, will find n this Cordial u ce-t. ~ , n d -pe.r), r -medv. To The Ladies. McLkan’s Stkncthknt.\ Cordial I> h •**▼ r*ipit and eurp for incipient e ssumpti.n. waives, Obtrur*.ed t-r D:!fi nit Vt nairatinn, Inso ntinmreof Urineorlornlumarv Di-e'iarg.- thereof. Filling ol tne Womli. Gul.liners, Fninimg and all Diseases in cider t In F males. , THERE IS NO MISTAK ABOUT IT. Suffer no lunger. Take il according lo Directions ll wili gtiiriuUie. atrsngitirn, aud invigorate vnunne caiiae ite b'oom of health to moqtl| your, hcek agsin evasT a urea u wiasAOTan m orvs satikfacvioii. FOR IHIUIREN. If your children are ai.kiy, punv, orafl eted, Me le-an’a Corpisl will make them hreithv.fat and ruliual Orlsy not tr It. sod vo.i will be convinced iris DELICIOUS TO TAKE. Catrrios - H-a are ot Druggi/t.or a- alert who msy try to palm off upon you *mte Bitter, nr Mraapari'fi ‘ia-h, wbioh they ran but cheap, hy aating If Is lo t .e-g'Sid, Avoid aoch men. Ask for McLnn'- Sirenglhen Cnrdlal. add lake nylhio*else, ll is the *l* rit* tpef Will pptAr'ifcs h.*.l thoroughly, a* it X* thyamc ttw*lr ( rrpgth. n the avstem. One l* hi is n'li'itl taken every morning tasting fs • rnrißin prveentlko fn- Chnl.fs, Chills and Frees, VdU-W F**. f,r any preuslrni dAt use.- Ills put up *s.KLSrtei.'Spaf: Mm4m| Os pat on the eortwrai Third led Pine A t, P WHf ** > $e aks tty Mswy Wed fapeemf 1 Pmcnt Fever and Ague^, from wM-h mankind suffl-r wr a Uirgo parcof the glob-, k> ike con. quomr ot a tliaeoaed action in tba ajrstotu, induced by tliu puisonmu tuiasm of vcgctahlo dc.- .v. Thii exhalation il cvolrefi In’ the action of float on wet soil, and rise* with the waters rapor f.o n it. Wliilu the sun is fallow the horiaon thW va por lingers near the earth’s surface, and the virus is taken with it through the lungs info the blood. There it acts as tin irritating poison on the Internal viscera and excreting organs of the bo*iy. The livcf becomes torpid and fails to secrete hot only this virus, lint also the bile from the blood. Both the virus and the bile accumulate in the circulation, and produce violent constitutional disorder. The spleen, thc‘ kid neys, and the stomach sympathize wßli the liver, land become disordered alio.’ Finally, the instinct of our* organism, ns if in nil attempt to expel the noxious infusion, eonccntrat-s the whole blood,of tlut body in the internal cxeretories to force them to fasLitfeut. The Woo I leav s the surface, and rushes to tnc Cen tral orgatis with congestive viidtmce. This Is tho Cttit.t.. Blit in this effortit-f.uls. Then the Fetkb follows, In which the blood leaves the central organs and radios to the surface, as if in another effort to ex pel the irritating poison through the other great ex cretory—the skin. In this also it fails, and tba ay*- tem abandons the at empt exhausted, wading for tha recovery of strength to repeat the hopeless effort another dav. These are the fits or paroxysms of Fk vtiu and Aouk. Snell constitutional disorder will of course undermine tho health if it is not removed. \Ve have labored to find, and have found, nu.nn -1 dote. He Sum to call at Masey &. LaiisileU’s and priiie their ■owls i..’ o- pnreliasing elsewhere! Ayer’s Auue Cure, which neutralizes this malarious poison in the blood, and stimulates Hie liver to it from the body.’ As it slioul 1, so it does cure thiVnlllielive’ disorder with perfect certainty; Atl‘it does more, or rattier does wluit is of more service to those subject to this infection. If taken in season it expels it from the sys tem ns it i.s absorb .*d, and thus keeps those who use it free from its attacks; keo'ps the system in health although exposed to the disease. Consequently it not only cares, but protects from, the great variety of af fections which are induced by this malignant tnfliP cnee, such as Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb, Or Masked Ague,PeriOdicd! Ileiiaache, or Biiious Head; - nche, Bilious Fevers, Neuralgia, Bncumntiam, Gout/ Blindness, Toothache, Karwcbo, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitations, Painful Affections of the Spleen, Hys terics, Colic, Paralvsis, ami Painful Affections of tho> Stomach and Bowels, all or which, when arising front this cause, will be found to assume more or less tho intermittent tvpe. This “Aouk Cur.E” removes tho cause of these derangements, and cures tho disease. This it accomplishes by stimulating the exerctorio* to exnel the virus from the system; and these organ* by degrees become habited to do this their office of their own accord. Hence arises what we term ncc/i ----at,on. Time niav accomplish tho samo end, but often life is not long enough, or is sacrificed in the attempt, while this “Ague Cube” docs it at once, and with safety. Wc have great reason to lielicviS this i; a surer as well as safer remedy for the whole elas* of diseases which are caused by the miasmatic infee t on, than any other which has been discovered; and it has stdl another important advantage to tho pab lie, which is, that it is cheap as well a* good, rSEPAItKi) UY * DR. J. C. AYER & GO, LOWP.M., MASS. Thick One Dollar vku Bottlm. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such n renown for the cure of every variety of Throat und Lung Complaint; that ijis en unnecessary for us to recount’ the evidence of its Virtues, wherever it lias been employed. As it has long been in constant use. throughout this sec tion, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever, lias been, -and that it may bo rolled on to do for their rvliv: 1 ail it lias ever been found to do. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, Tor all tha p-afposfS; of a. Purjitivo ygdmin t F‘>R ’..STIVE nkas; Foil titk CciiS OK ; Dvs^psrA: Foil <; • lon T.IK Cl ue of l-digestion; For H':.;uaciie; Foit the Curb op Dysentert; For. a loci. STOuxta; Foil THE C'VEE or r.ILrsiPEEAgJ For The Files; For the Ci'RK- Os For ai.e Scßorrsnoc* rtmmmt; For tiii: Cure ’ KiiecNatisw, us, S For Diseases ov tub Skim: For t;ui Cubs Os Liver Coaclaim?; For Dkocsv; . For Ttiii Ccui. ov iVTr:;”, ■Tuili**. am 9Ei,t- Rifr.i.r , Fob Wongs s For Tiii; Cyiin <>v Colt; “ >h A lfltiir.n’Vl Ue> ‘ Fon the n.;jn-: *’ aNecx u^ia; For l’L'uivvlXtv iit “'•‘Wire Thev are sugnr-coatcil, so flint the rn.i- t mif take them pioasadtly, and being purely vegetable, ao barm can arise from their nsa in any quantity. Pries 35 seats p:r Sox; Fiyj ftf SLO3- Great numbers of Clergymen,Tlivsicians, States men, nnd eminent parsonages, have lent ilieir names to certify the unparalleled uaei'ulness of tlieae jcine dics, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The agents below named furnish gratis our American Almanac In which they are given; with also full descriptions of the aluive complaints, an l the treatment that should be foilbwed for their cure, y Do not be put off by unprineipled dealers with other preparations they, make mont pro lit on. .Demand Avkit’sy and take no Olliers. Tite sick want the bet aid there is for tlrctn, and they should have ft. All our Uuincdicu are for sale by .-4 a k Ko, -,uc . ,< i riry ‘Vood,(ircrm'Abr*m. and D. Hightowi-r. VVnite P l ains. |ai<.f. ‘6 <l -<y. /mjsL MAimCOD, :l’ i¥ houLOSI. IlOtV BE?, OKED, Just published in a Sealed Ensrlopr, A LkCTUSE.iN Tits NATtJai, TKSATME.T ANDBAIIICAL cnssoFSt'UßM AT"gunoKA,i.<r S- ini. ai fVeukiicsb.S, ■- uiii Debility. Neryuuvhi-ss m and L.voluntary Emisviunv. pr.tilucioe Imp tci cy, Cui sumpti u and Mental und Physicu I) h'fifjr, Br ROB. J.CULVEIUVEI.L. M D Th.* ijrip'-rtAut. fuel Iliac ihe uwful cons* queners of ■fell a bus* may be effectually removed without inf.r na no dicires or ih- dangerous applications ot c u tics, inslrumems. it., dirai. and bougies, and otb. r < in pineal devices, is here clearly < , en..,iif t.uL and, and th a entitely new an i highly Hocees.fnl Iresim. t, ns e _ dopted bv the celebrate.: author, faljy . xj latncd, menus of whten < v, ry one is'i and tocurc hiinsrli perfect ly, end al the lenst pn-tit.|r cob!, Iber. by avoi ncn-irmi sol the and iy. This ler. lure will proven boon to Ihniianrids am* thoueands. Sent under real ni auv adilres-, pimr-rAin. on th* receipt ot two rv.stage lUmr, by>ssing DR IHJ C. KLINE M I).. 4SO First Av n. N„ York. P, s’ B .x 4.Wfi Anril 11.1*60-I r . HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADKI.PIIIA. A Eenerolent Institution established bySpecioll Endowment for the J.tlitj i.j the tori an A, Distress- ,flitted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseustt. THF owar.i Association, in view of the. awful destru. tion ■! hi man life canseo by* sexual diseayts, and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortnnstc victims o f such disc a set, by quscKs.srveral years m-nci erted their con iuline Surgeon, as a charitable aet worthy oh tl.eir ns me to open a Dispensary for-lhe treat, rnent of this class o’ disease*,in all, their forms, and to give Medical udrie gratis to all who,” apply bv letter with a description of their con ditiOn (wge, occupation, haliifs of life. Ar).and in cases ofextrettie poverty, so furnish Vedicine tree of charge. It i* ne> db** to add ihat the Association commands the highest medio iskil| of the age, and will furnish the most api rovid moderr ‘reaimentd The Directors of the Asso ciation to their annual Report upon the freat-- ment of sexual diseases, express the highest satisfaction witthbc has attended tne labor oftheir SurgconF thi i:,- nal weakness*iiw oses of the Kidney send Blad-. dr, Ac. and order a continuance of rite samu .'an for the ensuing rear. Valuable reports on Spermatorrhoss.aird oth r diseases >1 sexoal Orgnnsard, tl e new rime ■ties employed in the Dlspcnkaryr to the ■filtered inacalefi fcttei envelope., free of charge rwo nr 8 Stamps fot'postage rTH heaccrjtable. Address. Dt J Ssn.iiN Hote.nrpy. Aettrst -urgeon, Howard Aasc 2 hottfl flth s'., Philadalphta, Pa Bv **>r of the flAcc. ors EZRA E HARTWELL,iWi/enf. uHQ. Faircihi.ii. ;y m fnnv. IR’/P-lr Job tVork of nil kimls neaffy done at tlife oflithe.