Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, December 05, 1860, Image 2

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[jjhii I’LAMKK.S’ WEEKLY.; W* ITKVKKS, Editor. It ,C L. rAT BILK. Publisher. iYj •iitirnssioKo’, koatu. ’'Wdai4a)r, Becembei 5, IS6’ . 1 Tra=rr--y-r.-qjg ~ -r======^-.fc^ :^ * agents. •'J. IP. AR- TrrrAS,.hite Plains, Ga. feisj. G. JLiwotr, Madison. P.*. andr AJ.LAC*,... Forsyth Cos, * pp* We call the attention o! the travel ling public, who •vuut good fate and com s tartnble lodgings, to the card of Mr. ffm. HlTJalloran, Proprietor of the Planter’s Hotel, Atlanta Georgia. I3T We call attention to the advertise ment of the Trustees ot the Greenesboro Male Academy, for a teacher, to take charge of the school tor the year ISGI. Notice IKotlce 1! Prof.ll. U. Tec kkk will address his fellow-citizens of Ureene County, on the political topics of the day as connected with Federal relations, on Saturday next the Sth inst. at 11 o’clock A. M. All persons irrespective of party, are nuwt respectfully invited to attend. Judge Longstreet for Secession. Judge A. B. Longstreet has written nil able appeal to the South to seeeade from the Union. He alludes to the rise and progress of abolitionism; thinks t lie fate wt the cotton States this moment m the. ►calcs!;. tliaM be jr j-lc would be happy, rich and prosperous if separated from the North ; would be ruined worse than any who have trod the eaitli since the. sacking of Jerusalem if they remained and were lolled into security by the fair promises of Lincoln, by the threadbare theoric upon the “glorious Union.” or by anything else. He then appeals to his country men to dis miss frorr. tltair nitida these glowing l:ar angnes and listen to a little common sense. That he would not remain under Lincoln, were he to promise to execute all the laws under oath, and they were, to repeal the ablioxious laws against us ; Jhat this people will still hate us and hate slavery ; that the Union is no more like it used to he than a zephyr is like a toruaJ'.r; that In would rather live under (lie despot ism el one man, than the despotism of a thousand Our condition in the Union will be worse than the Colonies. Our representatives will be ns dead men in Congress, We could have a bearing before Nero, but not before our masters. A Coasfrvative Voice from Massa chaicUs. Under tbis head the Columbus Times of the 24tli inst., publishes the following * extract from a letter written by one c.t the largest^manufactures in Marsachusctts : “While 1 have a good opinion of cotton, 1 do not feel like operating iu the present unsettled state of political affairs. We 4id fleet Win. Appleton, and if a little prudence enters into the expression him! action of your good State (Georgia) we •hail, in a little time, drier home, the wedge which hit* been entered ; and then Masa* chusetts will be redeemed from tin; hands of the “freebooters,” who now disgrace ns at home and abroad. You know that in tit# Ui"U your rights will he. respected, •iid.l know that there is yet cnnspvv.’ifism ■enough in the country to insure that jus liee shall be done the whole country. Do your duly and 1 will do mine, and when the time tor action comes, the free negro Sta'esof the North (which now dis grace us.) shall be’“brought into line,” <l wo will agree to fight them, and save you the trouble. 1 have strong hopes that the difficulty will yet be settled. Even now the so-called Republican party are inclin *d, (and in fact are) takin back steps —the battle is to be fought here among the conservative men of the North, and the feeling is, that we (tlie Webster men) Cai whip and outvote thirty each, of, -•(leaking BJneh Republicans. 1 cannot •xpress half the. hate and disgust 1 feel for Sumner and others who are the im mediate cause of this trouble. May G >d. In his providence, rid us of I hem in Ids own wise way. unite prayer of YOU ILS ITJLY It this is a fail sample of the spirit and deterirnation of the one million, six hun dred and odd thousand men iu the non •laveholing States who voted against Lin coin at the last election, then our position to tlm-Union ! s net so desperate as in any imagine. Washington, Nov.'tjO.— It is now cer tain that Secretary Cobti is to resign. Hr will leave the Cabinet in good feeling. The Southern members solicited him to ic main, and to go at the same time with the Southern members of Congress, who, it is confidently expected, will bolt ea m<issr. It is asserted in some quarters that .Mr. Cobb will not resign, for a time, from inn lives of policy. A caucus of members oi .Congress from the. border States, will be held to-morrow, with the. intention of hnv sng, at _ a subsequent time, a general can ! cU* ot the Southern members to confer in relation to immediate secession. Vice- President Breckenridgo. arrived to-night. It is understood that he favors the propos ed caucus. Hon. Eugeni** A. Nisbef far Immediate Srressim. —A letter to the editor dated Macon, Nov. 29th says Judge Nisbet, of this place, has announced himself in favor of immediate set oi and will maki a speech to the Minute Men on Friday night next. This is reliatde Uitnrimiion. JEj tcessire Modesty. —A young lady rr -esmtly stepped into a fancy dry goods stole aod called tor a pair of stockings, nddres •ing herself to a nice little •peecimen nl imperial spot, and mnuatached lip, tlint stood heliiud tl e. counter : “Haven't any article rfthat name, miss, j hat tie have beautiful hot, of silk and j Laura'altair—which do you ‘prefer ? and whet odor do you admire f” “Yaeng gentlrmnn,” she replied, “I ! tailed for a pail of itmhmifi I men a what j 1 fay. and If this shocks your modesty, you will excuse me. I know a tow-headed fellow oval the way who will sell tin a pair <# ttncfcittf*;” and with this remark dm left the young embodiment nl starch, hair and ramrod* ta recover at Ids Itasnro ft u, lUsbaah given la ais nifwti by I /.< the San (trowing Cold and Dark t— ) There ore now more spots <m the sun than i have Wen seen for many years; some of j litem are visible through a smoked glass to i ;he naked eye, Several stars—some of j them of great brilliancy, which from their i ascertained distance, must have totally , disappeared lr<m tire sky ;ud the qtw-s ----i tion bus bsen raised among astronotnerr, ; whether the light and heat of the suu are gradually fading away. As Ids would be | accompanied by the destruction oftbe ; plants and the animals on the eartlw it is rather an interesting question. The sun’s light and heat are diminished by the dark spots at the present time about one per cent .Scientific American. Sensible.—lt is Astonishing bow sensi ble some people talk. Listen : By taking your home paper, you en courage home enterprise. You get infruinliou concerning affairs in your own community which you could not get through a paper abroad. It is the medium through which you advertise to the world the nature-of the business in whi<:h you are engaged —thus ! bringing it to tlie knowledge of hundreds who w-ouid otherwise know nothing of it. Through its columns you gain a knowl edge of the business enterprises of otlrer men—of opportunities for profitable invest ments and of sellim: the products of your labor and euterpris ■ to the best advantage. Your home paperis an institution which the community cannot dispense with—an ; absolute necessity, which all admit should be sustained. Foolish Things. — It’s very fooish thing for a young man to think lie does himself credit by hanging round theatre doors, smoking bail cigars, and paying for ex pensive oyster suppers* in order to he cal led liberal” by a clique of youths as soft in the hi (tin as himself. It’s very foolish for a lady to be annoyed because gentle laetr do not always give her rite best ball of the street and the nicest seat iu the omnibus, It’s very foolish for a:i unfledged clerk to think he must buy extravagant gloves and cravats for every festive’ occa sion, because Jones, whose father is worth thirty thousand, does so It’s very foolish fm a girl to stay uw.ay from a party be came she has worn all her dresses, and can’t have anew one. it’s very foolish for a man to be extra fastidious about rose water diamond finger-rings, and scented pocket handkerchiefs, and then set society • t defiance with his snuff box and cigar case. It’s very foolish lor an old baclieh.i to attempt to darn his stockings without ,s steel thimble and a good stock of patience, or to venture where there are a dozen pretty giilb. A IVJiilf t’lcrgyiiian. W a TTY Mniutisit.v, a Scutch clergy man, was n man ot great wit and hunior. On one occasion he had entreated au offieei at Fort George to pardon a poor li-Uow that was sent to the Imliierts. The office! offered to grant his request if he would, in return, grant him the first favor lie w.-hM ask. Mr. Morrison agreed to this, and tin officer demanded that the ceremony of baptism should be performed on a puppy !’ e gentleman agreed to it. and a party i many ge.-.'letnen assembled to witness ib.v novel (baptism. Mr. Morrison desired the officer to hold up the dog, as was nec essary in the li ipti-in nf children, ntnl said : “Asian minister of the Church ot Scotland. I inns! proceed according to the ceremony oftliat Church.” “Certainly,” said tlie major, “! expect all the ceremony.” ‘ “Well then, in ajar, I begin with the usual question—Do you acknowledge your self the father of this puppy 7” A rear of laughter burst from the crowd, aud the officer threw tlie candidate for haptiwii away. Submission. —Trials not felt are easib borne.- Mr Peabody one day came in from a walk, llis wife said to him, “I have been thinking of tier situation, and have determined to be submissive and patient. “Ah. ’ said he, “that is a good resolution’ lei us see*, what we have to submit to. I ■i"iH make a list ot our trials. First, w have a Itotm— we w ill submit to. that. Second we have tlio comforts of life we will submit to that. Thirdly; wc have each other. Fourthly, we liavo A multi tude, of friends. Fifthly, wo have God to take care of us.” “Ah !” sai 1 she, ‘ pray stop, I will Bay no more about submission. The Resignations ’a the South. — Wash ington. Nov. 9.—The President has de termined not to till the vacancies occasion ed by the resignation of the Federal of fice -holders in South Carolina for the pre sent. Fuinre events will direct his course in this respect. His position in reference to other Southern States will bo the same. The two most important and honorable employments of life may both conic under *lie head of the single word cultivator —the cultivation or the mind and the cultivation of the suit Iu the tanner is included every species of useful knowledge’ with the fre quent use of our intellect and reasoning powers. Hidden Treasures. —ln the “Green Room” iu Dresden, whore for centuries the Saxon princes have gathered their gems mol treasures until they have become, worth millions of dollars, may be. seen a silver egg. n present to one of the Saxon queens, which whom you touch a spring opens and reveals a golden yolk. Within this is hid a chicken whose wing being tircssrd, flies open, disclosiiiga splen did gulden crown studded with jewels. Nor is this nil : another secret spting being touched, iiidded in the centre is found a magnificent diamond ring. So it is with every tint It and promise of God’s word—a treasrure within a treasure. The more we examine it the richer it be comes. Bit how many neglect to touch the springs — - • ■ ■■ i “ Ad rice to Ijadirs.- We are aware there arc many of onr lady renders who are c> mplnioiug of wenkneas and debility.— I litr advice is la go at oner and get sonic t Mr linn's Atreiigtliii.g Onlisl and |t|,tod Purifier. It la a delicious Tonic, and just the thing la strengthen and iu vigorale the whole organixafion acd |*u rifle tha Blood- Bi'l hdv< ni*mrnt in guctcf ouhmn. We have heard of asking for bread and j receiving a stone ; but a gentleman may be , considered as still worsely treated when he ! asks for a lady’s Laud aud receives her father’s foot ! • * W oman is like ivy—the more you are ruined the. closer she clings to yon. A vile bachelor adds: “Ivy is like woman—the more she clings to you the more you are j ruined.” Poor rule that don’t work both ways. The ffxygeaated Si tiers. Nature, in her great laboratory, has Sto red some remedy adapted to every disease which “flebh is heir to.” But it requires the investigialion and research of the phil osopher to discover and apply this remedy. Such research and investigation has sue ceeded in discovering a remedy for that most afflictive dispensation, the. Dyspepsia! With all its ler.aer and numerous evils ; and it may be safely asserted that until the ap pearance of the Oxygenated Bitters a ease of DyopopsU cured, was a rare experience in medical practice. Nov/ tinder the influ ence of these Bit tercat he rnha l to cure. the rare exception, failure Vo ewe. Read the following, which the subscrih er requests us to publish for the benefit of the afflicted • Au Obdurate ami In star aU Cssf Dyspepsia Cured by tie Oxygeimed Bitters. Fa Btits, N. Y.. Nov. 24. 1859. Messrs S. W. Fowls & Cos , B list Oil. For seven years past I have been afflic ted. most of the time severely, with Dys pepsia. It assumed the form of Biliousness Heartburn, mid Oppression after Eating, accompanied with severe pains in the stomach and constipation of the bowels.— 1 tried many popular remedied without avail, w hen, about eighteen months since, having heard the Oxygenated Bitters spoken of in high terms, 1 was induced to give the medicine a trial, if indeed it could be called w trial, for it required but one or two doses to give immediate relief. For weeks after I would suffer tin inconvenience from my old enemy, when onotber attack would give Occasion for a small dose of the Bitters; and hv the use of less than one bottle, 1 find myself effectually cored. I recommend it to all Dy.-peptics with confidence, believing that if a fair trial of it is msttc a permanent cytrewil! be the result. You are at liberty to use this certificate in any way which will promote the sale of your excellent remer'v. Yours, truly, H. A. BUMPUS. Preoarsl by SiKTH W KtHYLfc A G0.,80s ton, for sile ‘if ./ II ss-.v .Vootr, Greenes •ioro, and bv hcs.-H alt Umiksuis. 5..1.1 by and Oeiltrs s,B‘ r*ttr net; whine. —mlviriiAiirior in biiottie, ioleum November 7-h. —4 ■ aad Debii liy, All wbn suffer from weakness or deiiili ly. where there is a want of enerM . rhool.i at have recourse to JUDSttN”?’ HERBS PILL. They immediately pi rify the blood and *cf upon the niaiuspniip ot life, giving strength and vigor to tin system. Young persons ent> ring inn womanhood, with a derangement of if i functions; and to mothers at the turn of life, these Pills will 1-e most oiCcnciv’ s i,. correcting the tide ot life, that may be ou turn. Young and elderly men s iffcr in >; similar manner at ttie same periods, when there is always danger, they should there fore undergo a course ot rhis pmifyiue midiciue, which ensures iastiog healtfi. This great Household Medicine ranks among the leading nee sssal ies ot life, as it is well known t>, ike wurid that is cure, complaints other remedies cannot reneTi ; this fact is m estabished as that tin Bun ligfrfs the world. •Tudson’s Mountain Herb Pill* are sold bv all Ueab-rs in Mcdit-ioe. aif:cl7\f7 noTT-. -^ ;-jr The readers of the Weekly ar rr(|HrtlMt to notice >oe AitvntH, menr, in atiulhrr roluinn, of Ur J. Horrc ilnufe’ Imperial K :,.,- IliOrfo, for sslc in UreeuCtbnru t,jr Crt,f-’ am] Weaver.— They imve ii>cnt!jr been traicii ami itpprovwi hr on, of the lirsl Pnyaiciar* in Hit- Soulb, and ulthoujfh they hsre taco but few ee!cs tmiore the pc* plt of i-eorgia, yet you car, hv*r thiir praiae fiom nil see.- lions of ttl? Slate. Hrail the trsm-ritl ativcrlifrmcal See IVliai Afyr’sSarsapai ilia does for Derangeiitcidji of (he Liver. Stott’C*OSSlno. TallatlegsCu., Ais.,9lli Aug. *69. Du. J. 0. Am, Lowell. Muss Sib: I ‘akc iny prn to tell you what yuiir Saraeps ril la and Cathartic Pills hare done lor me. I had been afflicted with Lirer Complaint tor ais years, du rins whirh I was never well, and much or the no . very sick My lirer was sore to the touch, and tie Doctors said was congesuon I sutler, and Iron, sr.vt r. costivenesg and Diarrhoea ultimately. Mv shin nn. clammy and unhealthy; my eyes and akin often ret low. Occasionally I had a voracious appetite, hoi generally none at all. A dieadful sensation of op pression on mr stomach, with languor and a sensation of aickncM all over, kept me in anguish You cannot know how much I •‘offered from an inde scribable feeling of distress. The lontr continuance and this condition, witbou* relief, hsd worn in* out ao that I never especiedto be beitcr; bui reading in the Chrialian Advocate, of vonr Sarsaparilla, I com inenecd taking it with occasional small doses of your Pills, to regulate the Imreh at you direct. From the first it had more effect upon sit disorder than I supposed anything coul I have. | regained niy health rapidly, and now after eleven weeks, enjov as ■rood health and strength as any other mao. M>y the “Dispenser of all good” shower bVesiorn. on yoii Johv W Stott Penarrd hv IW. J C AYFRandCO F, w->'M ->. New Advertistemeals. Wo r requested to snnr.tuice the name of J. H English, as a candidate, for the office of Tax Oollcctnr at the rt slicing election for County officers in January next. December sth, 1860. jVeacher Wanted • Application for n Teacher to take charge of the Greelieslmro Male Academy will be received until tlie 20th f December. None need apply without satisfactory recomm ndation. J. W. GODKIN. J. E-JACKSON, c. a Davis. JAS BURKE. JXO. A MILLER. December sli 1860.—2 w. Roll on Silver Moon, Ktttdctbt* Lone rratfiler onkU War. I’O j PLANTERS HOTEL. ATLANTA GEORGIA. Where will be found maL ready < n the ! arrival of overv rrafit, Wli, Oil AM ORAN. Pihm A. lUfK POLE a R|). Bup.t, Dcesmbar Hilt |Mo.i4is, New Adve.tiseuieuttt. Rev. Joint H. Rt-itiNPhixpliiUfi, HI aim* farmreJ ai Ga. The subticribers offer to ti:e planters of j this and other counties the now patented ! Fertilizer ot Rev. John W. Rkiu. which it will bo.seen from the certificates of Dr. Sam’l. Oi.K.W, R. C. Damkl and Ai.kkrt Kino, all these excellent farmers, togeth er with that of tlie inventor is superior troni the productiveness it communicates to land, aud the low terms at which we can supply if, to any other now accessible in market. We propose to engage in the: manufacture bt “Rev. John W. Reid’s Phosphate” in Greonesboro Ga. and will tunush it at the place of manufacture or ship it at the buyer’s expense to any rail road tor the educed price ot thirty-five dollars cash per ton. This fertilizer is the result of much pa tient investigation hy Mr. Rci-I. who has been experimenting for several years in pursuit of a cheaper substitute for the present costly manures of commerce. Thrtt he. him attained the object of his search tier experiments recreated in the certificate's appended to this notice attest: and to them we invite ?he'£erioua attention of every planter. The known charscter of the invent or, and (be good reputation sustained by R-.e authors otthe others must prevent the public from suspecting any fraud in their recommendations of this new man me. We wish to bespeak orders for the next cotton and corn crops, and will make in stant provision for filling every one with which we shall be favored. The earliest applicants shall be first served, and we so licit those planters who wish to try for lift, zers to send us orders forthwith. The sooner they do tlie Letter for them and for us. JAMES L. BROWN. JOHN C. REID, Certificate of J. T. Walker. Philomath Ga. Xt.v. &tb IS6O. I herein certify that I have been acting us overseer for the Rev. John W. Reid, during the present vonr “and that on the 11th of A-prii last 1 Miperiiitendcd the planting of about five acres id old ttun red upland iu cot'on, upon which Mr. Reid's fertilizer was put at :he late of 200 lbs. to it acre. 1 left iu all, five rows unmanured, designating them hy stakes. The cotton iu the manured rows came up two dn\s in advance of that in the others. At the time ,it our severe drought, commencing about the la tof June and continuing through two or three weeks of July, ;he manor, and cotton I ;ul so (listaticdl the other that the former seemed at least two or three weeks in advance, and all through the dry weather it kept its color, and remained green anu tii inisliing. nor did it shed its squares like that to which’ the fertilizer had not ht.twi applied. About the middle of Julv. sometime before the cotton had completed i*s growth, i foiim; iluo in r!ie n.e.mned rows each stalk bud on >r afmof tlnee lin es the number of bolls sod ,ies as Moy one ot those in the rows sS.>rked al the eiiii—l have kept curcfutlv .te lie picking tioiii the two rows of each, ■uni jus* at this time the amount obtain’ and from tfie two m::..tried hr ii.tibb-d 1 e i[ Oif.titV pies ■ ’ : v. , the dispiopoition v. iii uc stiff lame in favor of the fertibzi r when ::l] llm cotton js gafheretl in. In coiic.ttsK u 1 state that rows were culiivaled alike j longb ird and hueii the same number of t ; ’ i-s. J-T. WALKER. Certificate of R. C. Daniel. Philomath Ga. Nov. 12th ISCO. ! hr rein c'trify tiiat l have seen li e cotton of Mr. R-id which has been spoken ‘ot it) t!i“ certificates of lon.self, ami of Messrs. Gienn, Kug aroi Walker, 1 fint.k the ferriitaer of Mr. R.-id and r!;e yield ot ti,e. liinu’ on winch it wan put to double its usniii amount. I have tried the. on turnips and tiu<! it pr( to iliiodf’s Phosphate, or any other comutereiai manure which 1 have ever cxpcihnented with. ROU T U. DANIEL. Cert finite aj Dr. Sam'/. Glen. Philomath. Oglethorpe (> Ga. N.,v. Ist 1860. I hereby certify that 1 have noticed at different stages of its growth some cotton iff the Rev. John W. Reid’s, manured hy a fertilizer, compounded by himself. A fair test was made by putting on -ihoet two hundred pounds per acre.'and leaving some rows at different plnci-w not maitrmed—am) nil hough it was a very dry season here, mid mnnuie made but a poor show ing, vet 1 have no hesitation hi saying that tin crop was doubled and perhaps will turn out more than double the iinmnntired part SAM L GLENN, M. D. Certificate of Albert King. Philomath, G. Nov. 9th IS6O. I herein certify that on tlie 12th or 13ili of last July I saw some cotton of tlie R.-v. JolimW. Reid, upon all of which except five rows his fertilizer bait been auulieil. The manured cotton in my opinion was at least three, weeks more advanced than that in the rows not manured. It also look ed fresher and greener^imr did it appear to lie suffeiing from the drought like that which was itnmamired. And m.y examination oftbe same cotton to-day convinces ine that the rows on which the fertilizer was put will make twice as much cotton to the r<.w uwihe others. ALBERT KING. Cert finite of Her John W. lleid. Philomath, Ga.N.iv. 10i* iB6O. I certify tlint the statements of M s-.-h King. Daniel- Gii-im, Simpson and Walk cr, are in the main correct. ThM* gentle i men only ‘.isagree in opinion as to the dti fercuce of yield between the initiitircd and unnianured rows of cotton up m which the ixpeiiment with my fertilizer was made. In everything i Ise instonnl. their certify c.ites corroborate each other, nod I real ti-iii them, pniliculnily t! e aM<“ii<<n of Mr. Wulkei my oveiseer ssv s thaf tlie fertili zer wio put on the laud at the rate ofktfti iifi, to the acre. JOHN VY. REID. November 2fetih iB6O. ■ S—iQW.e— II 1.1 the tnarr.ege nf M'm Wheal, of Virginia, an editor b >ped that Iter path I •uiglil lie fiowenf, and that site mlgbt tiev er be thrush*J lijr her liiisban4> MIkCLLL lACOI'S. Thk AmALOAMATUtA (<F LaXIITAcIK*.— There is b growing tendency in thi age to appropriate the most expressive words of oilier languages, a:d utter a while to iucorp rat them into our own , thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek, signify ing “for the 1.-***!,” is now becoming popularized in connection with Mr Spald ing’* great Headache remedy, but it will soon he used in more general way, and the word Cephalic will become as common as Electrotype and many others whose distinction us foreign words tins bean worn ; away by common usage until stray seem j “native and to the manor born.”- ’ardlj Realised. Hi ’ad ’n ’orrible ’cadache tbis hafter noon, baud I stepped into lira hapotheca ries hand nays hi to tba man, “Can yon hense. me • fan Vndache ?” “Does it hache ’nrd,” says V. “Ila-xceedingly,” says hi. band upon that ’e gave a Cephalic Pill, hand ’|Kn me Viior it. enred me co quick that I ‘ardly realized I ’ad V.l an ‘eadache. t Tt~ llkadaciik is the favorite sign by which ns'tare makes known any deviatio:i wliftlever from she natural state of the brain *ni viewed in this light it may t>e looked on as a nafegiiaid to ginotice of disease which might otherwise escape attention till to late to be remediedi; and its indi cations should ncvvi b neglected, Head aches may be. class.tied under two names, viz : BvHiptniiuiic and Idiopathic: Svmfo matte tioiVtach* is exceedingly comtnot! and is the precursor of a great variety of discuses, sinoiig which are Apoplexy. Goat RiteiKualiaui and all febrile diseases. Iu its imrvoiis form it is sympathetic of dis ease of the stomach constituting sick head xirhe. of In patic disease constituting bilious headache, of worms, constipation and other disordeisot the bowels, us well us renal and uterine r.ff.ctiouK. Diseases of the -beait are very fu-qneiitly attended with lieadat-hes ; Ai mtniii and plethora are al so afiections which frequently occasion lieadnche. Idiopathic Headacbe. is also very common, being usually distinguished jby the mime of nr reruns headache, sotuo ! times coining on sudden v in a state of up. [ p.-i ciilly sound health ami prostrating at j once the mental mid physical energies, and in other instances it comes on sh*w!v, heralded by depression of spirits or ncerbiv ,ty ot temper. In most. the pain I is ill the ti out of tin- bead, over one or bath • eyes, and sometimes provoking vomiting ; uiid’ f tliis class may also be named Aeti j rut gin. j For the treannent of either class of I lleadaciie the Gepbalir l’iils have been ! found a sure and sale u-hihlv, relieving the | most acute pains in a f\ w minutes, and by I its subtle power eradicating the-diseases of i wbic’n Headache is the. unerring index. ( OiiaiiyFit!o)l 0T f 6-Sli v^lo'^SS. j No one ot the “many ills flesh is ‘•<■• to” .is so pieValenl, liitlc lo.da, f i l . ami SO UHl?b neglected m. ('osTivcncsa. Off*? J l.'Hj sit (.'/iD’lr’SSfi/.'S, >f* -Si* . r s'V.’ -4 t V | habits ; it is regarded ns a s leg Ur /,l --u-iier ; i t too iitti” eoiisrqiiouce to uxcivU aEi'. ‘'tub li. leulity it is ti,„ pn-curs -and t- .■■■■-] ■:. of Ji.-ny f> the most••■ f! , • _ • ■ ■ -Li's, ••,.riy erai.'i !” >i wilt bung iii* suffcier to an tin I timely grave. Among the lighter evils of j widen costiyeriess is rhe usual attendant are , Head .die, h'o'tie, RiiemiVat'sui, Fat:! i Bteiiih, I’tles and others of like nature : w i.ije a i o.g tiuiu of frightful dis, uses such I as dalignant F. vers, Ai.cetses, Dvserit rry. ; Diart: cm. Dyspepsia, Apoplexy. Paialvsis, | liystcii.-. Hypochondriasis, Melartcivolv ’ aim Intimity, Hint indicate their presence .n the system by this wlnrmmg sympto.e. i Not uufi:t-.qu(mtly the tiiacasos iiami-i! o?ig -1 iia.'e in (.•otjstjprttioTr. I, r on a,u iu (i'*:.s iicj,s -'Xistetic.e vi:,tv;<‘, |A,< j. ; i fadicuied ist an esily stage. Fior-. !! ! these Can.-ide.r.itiiims i* follows that the | disorder soutd receive immediate, attention ! whenever it occurs, and no person should | neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on ! toe first appearance of the complaint, as then its timely use will expel the insidious appronihes of disease and destroy thisdan geiousfoe to human life. ty CURE KervousHeadache liy to- ii eofto- s Pillsthe •:erj.-,,jie s>tsi ku oi her toils or Siek Iltaa, die lnv *e prsv. r>- ted; sin it i.: if, cotiin nt of •.ti ant, k io u.mJi! ti c ittfu in pjin a tl( j mss >)t b ib’! • c h- y ■ -Tom f-M in t. ,si-ving th- Kasim slid headache la v. l.eti einies * ~ i( e\ '•( g. ‘Uiu ipo-j t':e bo-re's,- r i no\. mr Cox'ireels* F< r hi tinny Jim, ■'tudnis. Pi lira's K- *, s, Mid t! is- ns it sedentary hdi /* ‘l ev aie valuable ass J.arat ,e ,'m- ■'•n'letf Do up. \tite, t-i-.t-g to„e no: tty-ir t , the •!*•*. iv. nntl f. mi! ♦ • Mol i g .1... i.s,|,ajj, fssticity uoii sti-ng b t ibe s ! c-i 1 >vs. m, Ttu I’mi/UtPILLfn. it e res-itl .f •og it VI sto sHoti arm firmly co.afm*. • kfithn in, hsv-if! 1.-itn ,i us*nm-v ve;ir -ior 11 e i 11 ir , ■ . ■ / v ■ pr-v iii.’,, ai •i . r. o, v rl a v „| an. I-not efi j-an ami sass ii. .. f Ul Huvfurhc, whc'lei ,j. |; j n j j( “• root -y-.t,m - from a derange.) s’.itoof th*- stomach. Ill*, sreemirfiy v geti.h’c i, thrir com pozm , Sidney h. tuljsn at sf ii.„„s with p.-rbef *• ("•• ot e-t i( .ny . ... „| • let, and the -cue cf , v ,j, c ,„tde taste rtndsis iltu.y to „i„., u i t t. r ft,.,,* to eh el ten. UKvt Alii- Gs *•. iT -i IP ifio.i hi V’ tittins li-v: ii,- iatufeg y,.„, -/y *p (!•■ gmi *.- (t--x. -H.lov |(r.,gist *..! all other M (t AII x -si)l be H<*nt m -.ii prepaid 'i rs C -*jit of the PRICK II CCNTI. AU orA+** U bmiH m. HENRY 0* SPALDING; 4| Crdrr Strast, Nv* -Yoi k, Kttra'w 21st IMO.*-4n, JUiMcilnuesu* AdvaitlKOtruw. DH. J. BOV EE I)ODS r VtRI. . BITTERS, Ars composed of* pure ad uus-iuiterstrd Wine, cumbind with Bat berry, Solomon’s .9en!, Ccmirey, Vvild t’hvir. Tice lisik, Spikcr.srd, Cam viomile Floscrsjznd Gentian They are manufactured, t-y Dr. Dali himself who*is<i cx-ierienced and success'ui Physician and hence, sbold not Ira sia .-ted among the quark nostrum-, which flood Die couiury, and siraies'. ~ hich rhe Medical ftot,as:on so pr-j.idi-ed. These truly valuable Bliters iutvu not been fairlv before the public for ona year, undyct there Is a heavy- demand fur i ietn from a l parts of the Union. Dr. Friuk, No. 30 Peat 63th Street, New York, fjy- : “I have been prastly ben*fitted by cuing Di* Doits’ fTme Bitters, and am now using tticm (ri-ily and socccssfully in my practice. Asa medicine for Females, I consider them un< quailed.” Dr. Gm-rdesey, No, 18 West 23d Stree , says . “I have used Dr. Dens’ JFt.xs Bitters in my prafitiee. end in Cries where a tor, c is required 1 consider them nsun>assed, and xhcerlutjy recommeit tl.acn as a vatiiab’e Family -if.di cine,” Dr. Mtaehr-i 1 i r of Fk lida. ssys . “Farseveral veers I sutieredaU the hovfrirm nf 0 lro iia Dys.ieda. I iMeda’f other remeffiew withom av-.ii. 1 diaardedpr(judice.,and used Dr. Dons’ W ink Bittkiis, w hich have greatly benefited me, nJ I bt lieve wit! cure me.” M-. G. M. Wea-'ev of Albany, N V, says: “>ly wife was -inking rapidly withc-msuinp. rr-n; the heat physicians in Albany anu New Yo,k city p-.vnoiiiiced her cav C hopetess. Sh ustd ]>)-. Dons’” ink Biitikx. aid is ru:ed.” M,. J. B, Slates, of Nev. aik* N. J , say. : “ Jfy (laughter was extieu.ely ili; she . had been attended by four > f our best phvs cisna tier d-sease was ti flamnmficn of the “Bowels w n.ich luvt produc- and extrema debihity. list cwse was cm idert-d hopeless by all who saw tie”. Afr-eni recomui -n lad Dr. Dons’ Wise blT'vs ; she used them, and is weti.” J/*. B’ fialu, Klitor of trio Burner of Lbjht, in Boston, says : “Dr. J. Burn Dons’ IFise B.ttlus hava cured a •ot Piles ot tho worst and obstioaxo- C'l.-v -ai-ter.” A (Usiiftgu’Sid ftdy of Mobile, Ala., writing t afe r*fi fv-cUlt, MV* “t w->ld afivis yon to hse Dr. J. B’ vcu Dob-’ Ixi'.-sttj. Wi>s bmiss. T iis-ri •to m, aud cntmiii, r thorn .> tdcssirg to onr -.v ” W •: ‘ght write a small vo'enro, and then ‘on (I (.of xivy ona ‘om oof the • . siimo.aaG in our j' l - S;:a, as t(> ti l- ( 1 rite- xr these V tltt'.l- V Silt- IS. but V.v S ill ,-rly S!-.y that i.h y ait approved'cf 1 y our hi at Pi-ysiriirr.i, •are doing much good in ;*ii ; art ~f the u.urit'y ‘ and v-n-iici ly nl S' l : (Hic’o 1 ta try ihctim C HAUL KM KfD>HFt*M> A CO., P monitors, 78 William Street, Neio York. A let said by Dn.qr.-i-.ts ‘*cu-*aib:. Vi hoiesafe 4tul Ko : ail A;., r.ts far G- orcis Plumb A l bitvkr. i> ir-i. N’nvemb-r 2Lt. iP6O [i.r. 12] ...iy. I.OUn, AT TUfS! A’ O 15 h APiK£ ue cat.iyi, .ihL-rsmu stmtsw For twi-3.w, . I 1 w-Kor.’ :r: .vre'l ■ ia..-.ja; s * i-’ Aucht’ hy spccai Act th: i ue* EV.VS? Tls ?*r. , !i l i Z-.: r SZ,‘. CAPITA l PBTSEE^gfrSC4 i'.Kcfs .*•♦: Halves. Qi .v r.K-, am. Tmnyr r Ptws., 2F,TVBiisch SAiJ-.Ti.-S;.- tit tiie Oity Dt‘Savf;::j vgia.. CJ?..SB io?\ ij ? fy j { *,.a :y Hi to hi- Drawv l>c< h Lh es l!>-t. ?-. it-1;-:-,.i i,.. c HH, tv h: !>/ ;v, ;faa.-J 4 jiKUCit!,:-. IKa iw# S6IMKW J| 1 it, 0 a'* ti 800 J “ l!),(Jil, j_ a•• SHO u. IKJ l “ stnilili, lII.UO01 a• 4(10 IV Sg J 5 tmij ; i ism j 2 .. 3( >, Bte , ;utt 1 “ iMWi- * “ 3Oil is 3 oil l | 10 1 “ lOji a>* ),tS ft J “ ‘AOIMI is a.llOO Fio •• 75 nr, 7.6,.0 ‘ ’* ‘.aOu ’ 100 •• 5a arc 5 Ontt l* ! 0 I 1 4 <’! *3 Sint,, wt 2-. 001 P a. aid -J 6iu*i Frizes Anjl to $375,000. WILL BK n*f A Vi N Til IS MON t 11. rKurirresaiaMii,’ Vsrasurs si.'J h, ,iru hi i"r-<- ml. ••twine • •** -I <i, it,. ri-l : CcViiti air ol V.rk.%, *„(|s IT hole. Ticket* S0 D ! ‘-AM/fY ’ ili . ” 16 M* 0 - ‘ 2.1 “ __ I6S. i-- m ljt ; f THE HOLD HIND! / ALL FRIZES AND NO BLANKS THREE NUMBERPLVN! tVliKh ’uk. i> (tlafi- ~ii .-v- i.v W-.(lftti„;,v tialuf day iii ItitO 73 Number, 13 l?rnwii Ballots. I Piisr.of tit,.oo, I I'i-(*cf f ii, o • “ °f 4MM I “ us 2..7S ■MI “ “t ♦I 75 r 7MM la “ of I J.-i nr .’.wm 41 “ of 112 50 si, x 6M) 16! “ of toil , rv ldßftt. 6-' “ of 2V sic. 1.‘25 6’> “ of 20 are |,3o:i 65 “ of 15 ,rs 975 65 “ of 10 •-, tsn 1.-IO “ of 9 -rc 13.: Ml 27 040 “ nl 5 .-ft; 135 -40 f-3 660 •* of 1 jr-i 4/t fiao 77..76 Fi-ize* A-nciiraifc- la #256 Ml Wlict4! Tickels !JA, Shaft 6 in Pn.portion. IN GBDKMNi; ID DK <?fItTFFI* •AlK>—Ei-I•• i| .mmrj m .nr adfiresi- tor Ifo i. *("■’ •r- - r.-d, m* ret •pfre h, fi (l:. v i| i„ r or . W*te ‘ tie tin- •nil fforrt.isi'Tr c.-i crave t*. ci’iio.* ■>■ in r fi.’ii’- iti y umy <{•*!• riit-fisi ilia*n mi,--'c-i/ ,i,i - it, will b< reel (. Fair* ti s a ltt:,u- rijaiely (f-, r :hr <!**, *|.(ii Alt e -ui milcuiiin, ssrtclli r i Li!mh-s( ft Irri- t--r I’iekHt or Oniiii-iit ... t-i t , g t . hr rticcr.rl to McKI.VNKV Nut ember 4. |1 0 ly S.r*, „,h. fie Tit Collector. Tins aubacribi-i licrchy itiitinituco* to hiv friciida niid the public that ho is a ratidi date for Tex Col looter at the oi.siifi.g eje. tion. and r-specifnily solicits tlitufate* > f Ilia fellow citizens. ELIIIU HALL Greenesboro Nov. 21st )810 —tiw. Witit k Plain*. Nov. 20tl. iB6O. Mr. K itor; yon will |i|ee dntionnea *> name as i-atuli latr for Bod also a reqoest that Tax paver* be prompt in paving their Tax the first op (lortuiilty as th* time i* About out, IS. (J. ALFRIKNOk November 21m, J 760, ‘