Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, December 12, 1860, Image 3

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w. Legal %4vertlraent GEORGIA. Ghimcxk Cunntv Whirr- i n* Mrs. Hahrinn Brown W. B; n ,r„n I v j IVck, apply fr ti-ttpra of MniftiMnitioifj upon the E>*ate <f V*|irtin# Brow,, dfre’,l- | ritwr are t., ch and dmm’ W*’ all and MjijT'.ilar lljc i„i cre.i ‘ itor* of chi.l <WfL to l„r and appear at the Oo.trt.of OrHiiiary. to ire held in .and for : “*M county, on the swo .and ninday in Jan nary next, to *lmw cause (if aov they } have) why eni.l letters ahonhl not then Im* grratiled, Given under iov hand of flee in (ire.'Wbhoro this 3rd day fD cenij'or 1860. KtBjRJffBR 1,, k i NO. Or’dy. WOTIOIi ~ Application will hs made to the Court of Ordinary of Greene County Georgia at the first regular term alter the expiration of two months from this notice'fur leave, to i*ell the tract of land belonging to tlie es tate es Samuel B. Daniel, late ,f said coun ty deceased, said tract adjoining the lands of John ColcJnugh, James Watson, estate of William If. Ellington deceased &c., for the Vienefit IH the iicirs and ereditors ot said deceased. ■.. ! ,i- JOHN W. REID, Adm’r. <>{ Samuel B. I *aitiel, dec’d. December sth IS69—2m.’ Per Sale. WILL fce sold on the first Tuesday in I)e cumber next iu the city of *treenesb>ro ‘Greene Cos. -fleurs-ia, for distribution between the heirs of Graves Swanson, a tract of lund •‘containing two hundred and thirty acres more or less adjoining the lauds of v ” illiani lid * mondsou, A-Hutba Greer and others situated rai, mt one m'l.j ir on vVoodville, a Station on vthe Railroad leading from Union Point to - Athens. There is oil the place a good framed ill'.veliiag house with two rooms the location is Stealthy, ‘Yater excellent. Anv person desir ing to [lurohasc a small farm ir. thr. 1 vleini;*- 1 will do well to call examine the premises. S. W. SWANSON, . X. 0. SWANSON, NtNOYMX, KIIODY EV *NS, •Heirs at Caw, N iJe-aUer 7th. 1860. fiKdsUH, :*?.■'• rituafy. a i.l.p. r resipß Voted to Jamas Dunn Dec’J: A are r.viiie-ted -.0 make , itteiit, and ” persons si ‘■ rm ~'t n. eis agaiiin Kai-1 deafrtsed v.ill pr v sont them duly j.ruven to the u ndef signed. -UtWVM Jt- ttITNN, F-<‘r. of jiiiH?s Btitut, deo’d. V.ivemlver lt, Vfiiitt. *”SOT!CE. AH persons iodetbted to Greene 11. Thompson either by notes or accounts, since the year 1856. up to the. present date, ave reoueeted for the last time to. f,a ward Hod pay their notes and accounts, n* I have extended mv credit uvJtU Ur raitw infancy. Tbose who do not call soon and settle will find their account* in tin officers hands for cofb'Otion. Renienihsr Idiave given fair wnriung io nil noth’ an- rr.i'mphd ‘&L. G H. THOMPSON; Gteet-esboro, Nov 28i!t IB(>o—tt. CHfiil|k SnJf* ’ he sold LT S accordance with an ord-rn* the Court .of Ovtiioary of the t'fnc-'.tv oiA-- ••!<*. <>u t'n Ist r ••- “W I,U-W “• -f4V. v: f n-tt minor. i.-,iy‘-*7 yc-as WU.-un ! his wm> H arru’t 4*j w ..v ••!■,, -jo.t !*• (is! ’n-ifone ot tirem , ~i,| j,, <-..(,*•r g s oM, 4js.i’ ..* 15 y. at old. wswi - ; ... • 1 Uis ... t he. ••i.l ■> ■M s. JERN.IG AX. i:,., a. <’ Co.rot. jt wf'-tbet -7:b. ill ;i V. H i.v.*-". C o n ■■■"/ —Nniiee:, ..yjy bv-.v^h” g;,-eii ! *> -U ;..• J i: ■’ AVaiker L-wis, i!f vl said count / dee, ivs.vd- to present-ftbem properly •uo-'b’ “'i;" 1 ” -lie time |‘>e serih- 1 i by !,,.•/ to-show their cbruc ter ait , amount. And nil p-v-mus imici.t ----d to said tiecitased are Ifdrehy reijmred to make iniu) iiute payment. id. AY I II'.VSS. FiCr.. T.f Walker Lewis. X-v-mber 7*h. 1360. —AvGw. LiS • Cl T•;.!{'.B SAK.K WtfiL he -id “!< the 10th day of Do -eemWr next ail ,and the perishable property .heloui’ng a. (he e-. .to of tin- minor Heirs of A .1 , o** : i consisting of Core,. g.,d|ijj,f t.i,aiait,-j > .- as. Woest. Hogs, 0 fit tie, *Ol i|re o.iinne fvf..n day to . Til )A v. TANKS. J VdES R SAXDERS F.xi'cators -d A. JANKB. Navetnber 7tj>. IS6O. Teueksr Waited, Application foi a T.i.vl’er ‘.at,ike el .urge el tbn fire *.e.lui!p,M:ii A. demy, will be received ••*> of) I'ycv; 1 el > Non.* .......t apply wtf eot satisfactory recomu! bviitiou, - ••. ,T \V CODKIN. .1 K J\i KSGN. C A DAVIS TVS m'RKE. j ■vi, A MILLER, j D-'-veiid e ■ t C 'e- • -w HQ! on Silver Moon, •4 v :•!!*? SB hIS #af* . V.. ■r ’.. . •> V. RS HOTEL. . ii k'ORGfA. \v !*..!•.. •, bf t, woU r<>:i’y ttii the V. > H 1 Oil AX. Pfop-. ’ <>- i- win • . r i ortitMivrK. ftj;: v, . i v ‘ !•>—■ r-1 to b-. ’ih yy L .Jf ‘V*H ‘*V ■ tVv f **• *!▼, A ft* t b*V , 3 .. olttwv * ■; . > i,..t vvi-ri’ imor alfce :■ ! ..v. *•'. f rx-‘ ” *** ‘” “” “ ‘ ’ ■'f'••truitie nwwMi i. f i-v, 4. t;•.• * ,i! *•,!> * | 1 r,.f, ~ ,vHtv lit* . r•¥.3.V ~■. <!. !>. ‘’ |l* Htwf > t .rW (*■“'*• a>x<MHTJ3, <* Tnc ■ ■'*. , in. *Khiiuif j *<’• * H 6 1- * tnWi fc** r§<Sr#r<** b* ihc*haW<*, j >*i Im* &*<>**£-’rjr #*4*l*%** #tll *rv b*<£ 4 ! II f J 1* s ,if>■ >i **r* ;♦*> |*’4r till J A£* n : fc*r KfHVIfW V WIOO.V. W iSUtH*** tW; jjfi, | Klft(t NfV Tort. ITit w, Leifiil Adverlliementi. t'L-)RGIA, tJreene Countv:—Where-1 as, I'iiflMu M. Famhrongli, Ade, r. upon! the es'ato of MaVdo Wi’srn peti- 1 tine.s the ‘blurt of Ordinary of said county, j for Letters TRanisiWy. * * rintf.a are therein re to cite and admonish | all persons concerned to show ennse (ifsnvi they have) whv'snid Administrator shnnld j netfbe diseliHrged at the Court of (Ordina ry, to he. held in and for sskl eonntv on j the first monday in Afav next. 1861. Giver. ~<* >cr my band a; office itt Greenes h,iro Novr: ! ~v 5(6 TSUO. ECGKNi'Cd J.. KlNt'f. Or-lVy. MOT*€g7~ ALL those imfebtod'Vi ine either lor note or I aco .uut must e*!l s,H,n and settle, a- 1 am c m peiled to have m-.ney to pay my debts. Take fair notice. >.y Books and, account* mav l>e found at the oid stand, and in my ahscncrM-. tV. Griffin is authorised to receipt for the same. . W. 0. SMITH. Grocncsboro Nov. 7th, IB6o.—tf. Administrator s Sale. By virtne of an order frntn*the Court es Ordinary of Greene County Georgia will be sold before the Court House door in the City of Greenesboro on the first Tues day in January r.*xr, the Stevens Track .of I.and, containing one hundred and nine ty and a half acres, (190)), belonging to the estate cf George Crutchfield dec’fi. About 90 acres is in the woods, the balance is cleared and under good fence. The place is pear Smyrna CiIVRCH on the Powelton Road, about 8 miles from Greenes boro. Persons wishing to see the. place will call on the undersigned or on John or Robert Crutchfield. Terms on the day of sale. JAMES BURK. A,Wr. of George Crutchfield, Greenesbero Nov 28th ISGO. Tax Collecsor. * The subscriber hereby announces to bis friends and tiie public that lie is a candi date for TJlx Collector at the ensuing elec tion, and respectfully solicits the-votes of his fellow citizens. ELIIHj IIALL, Greenestano Nov. 21 sr 1860.—6 w. We-ere requested to announce the nanro ot'J. 11 English, as a “eniiylklate foe sh.- office of* Tax CoHci tor at the ottsueing clection f>r County officers in January December sth, ISGO. White Plains. Nov. 20th 1860. Mr. Editor; you will please announce my name ns a candidate for re-election’, and also a request that Tax payers be. prompt in paying their Tax the first op portunity as tjie time is about ont. B. 0. ALFRIEND. November 21st, 1760, Cttudidtita FiM’ Tax Bcceii'cr, ‘V K ai--‘ requestc ito oimn'inice the name of W.n T. Dister. as a caadldate for office of Tax Rjetiiver at the eri-aiing election for Coun ty oßu-ftni is—January next. October 1 Ttli 1860.-v-tf c . ■ fajii’idale Tx Recfivcr. We ere rr )U'wml to :•’.(>rm (by v t/'rs oi’Greeuo :L’t .'?••. U •• ‘•!> C. iV-fe Candidate lor lisp office ‘ii aX H ■■ -eivt vat the suing elect! >o in J.infiavy next. iiier 17 1860. -td. ,*t. ~ ? • ■% \j.i :ii’•.in, 11 | .v’ ’* Ui. io ttiy'va’.ersiH !'*’ >■ ‘ is -'thpilcful t-r pe-ir ■itr Ir. ■ .li J&[ I.J ,!• Clii. • pie T. B ceiver a! .bo • he -viti lertlwir •apasri lor ihr s*t-ne e!Eoi;.. at, tli* r.i xt Wcclnu, ot . >:*h i(- .<■.- ‘li -: m “laif in .! n,urv. O <ae.- 3 im-;JiU i v : * • *- S- V ‘fit 1 ’ ■ y : ■■■ m ■R -a ir--fn vs i e >i**.:e;a*u .■ . t . r.s :. rMi..*’ : •- y ‘ ■'* ‘ ■■ “ ; ina * ib.'i: Pi hi S' —‘-V Pcs: s<. |-*5 fj-tf ‘ l ot Riilc. 1 offer for sale lying iu the C onn tv of Greene, about six miles from ‘.j ;•<■,<• i:c>- boro near Smyrna Citurp.’,,, contahiing, three hundred and seventeen iPtc:, l*nere is on tlie I'aCe a very good dwell-i iog house and bouses and a good Gin house. Or’e hundred acres of the land is in the ‘ V >>B:'S. Tliero are thirty acres of bKP in .and ill cultivation on the place It i* a very healthy location. Auy person de siiing n Hinall plantatiou will do well to v ■■Jl and examine Mils plain: before pure! as iog elsewhere. Bersons looking at th'< lutd cm he shown tile place by calling o: John \V. Swan. KM. A. MOORE. November 7tb IB6o.—tf. set — * Would JttJpoctfiiUy nimouuco to the public tlmt he Ims just received -V- **-tfk** > •<■ “Large Additional Supplies, * AXDIUS SOflfOX HAS t>, 2# K'O-V 0-.> • ‘V,-. ■■ • ‘ : ‘f>’ tN •> . and ;: L.‘> • Ur'. '•'*<. f-.fV*b >?'MUMTV>j v. .•••• iiring ,siu#f ijtj* SgTt's, <i i r.t J ■*• X’ * • V . >i Vflvt-t vTiOAKS, “t t'f’clls.U'r Ptybs; , , ■/. •••* L diSijiii Fu- Vft itid'AKS (.LI-LV r J TlQrEToj’ A iiij j'i <•!’ Lxis *’ .fi.t Ifu •>; &> •! Iji mi!l y\ ;*.trtJS£lS >% •r L tlvc-ir,” „ A o.T‘ pi Us ss>rfueiit of ;.l Wfif.R” ; A cV-. Sa ‘> iv r;i r TL \NN ••'/;>• Bl'ius}if| and Bro-xn HHUKTIK • V and Sii I I.TINT ■<; • 3.4 n SH fc>. ITS 6V, Irish an i Polo t.’ s ■ VftN st t if! t<M !.m < i>l Dim.A ‘PAULS tA,-> //'; it •• V \ K X . ii, :“ • .>• Rscl. PriMr” r, K re.l XI>- PIAJfO.COV'KitS; I’LT;'; Whi'ni-j BL *. XKKTS. of EIUI *■ it>; ntDOigv >t >.;iu ULANiv- 1 R;3*wi.a Factory gLjtfXS mul K A’ft *EY. ♦iKUItOIA Co#S f'SVABUR<?S; j - And aGhiit V,iiir!\ ufO . br I Family anti Plautatfq'n Us<% ALT, OF WHICH WILL !SKi?lL> ■;vr TUB LOWESTPRITKBk 1 T>h> arorn, tt.rn nT eunjae th eiv-rtiamt r. W HU IWU.-tt j Legit! Advertisements- NOTICE. ~W GEORGIA, Greeno County<—All per-1 sons indebted to the estate of IfMiiei Me- | | Donald dec’d. are requested tojHike ini- I raedtate payment thereof, and ,-Bl persons j ! holding claims against said dec’d. will pre- | ! s*nt them duly proven, to the undersigned i within the time prescribed t>v law. AVM. A FLORENCE, Adiu’r. with the YYi 1 annexed, of ltam-l My-Donaln,de'#d. . November 7tli. 1800.—w6w. Kmatsi's Sale. Will be, sold In-fine the Court floese J door in the city of Greeneslh ro Grtf-r *f | County, on the. first Tuesday pi Janfiliry next. one iialf acfe more or less, at or r>nr the Steam Mil! at, Woodvi.te togHbeiyyvith the, imjiroveinents (oay Dwi liiug house and kitchen) as the property of Janies A. Moo dy Dec’ll, and sold by order of Court of said County teims on the day- of sale. •re E. B MOODY, Ex’r. of J. A. Moody, Dec'd. November 14th iB6O. NOTICE. GEORGIA, Greene, County :—Two months after date, to-wit: on the second monday in January next, application will be made t..’ the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging t.o the, estate of Daniel McDon ald, late of said county deceased. WM. A. FLORENCE, Adm’r. with the Will annexed. November 14th 1860.—2 m. - —in , 1 NOTICE. GEORGIA, Greene County—Tr.’C monlint aftex date to-w;t, „ n tite second motplay iu January next, I shall apply to t’ae Court ot Ordinary of said comity, for leave to sell all the seal estate and Ne urons belonging to the Estate of Mrs. Sarah Walker dec’d. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ad for division. SAMUEL R. WALKER. ‘ Ex'r. lYtlkes 9th E-GO. — p CN nOffGI . iasiuxit County - A fiereas vYit- Ts iiam-3. fltvis, and < food win R Myrick. Mx.-oun-i's ot the list WilLuad fwiitnt ot ’fi‘M Sirty.', W . Ko vlanf-, deetftsod, dWi'jr.n the Oomt .if Ordinary of said county T.>> Letters :li ■ S •I; . Thneb ;hi: ;h -r: fore to cite anti attmonish all persons cotiremed to show ejj.iise (if , any they have) wf.v srb! oxetfYtbis should not be <i,s ChatKedatfthn Court of Ordifiar to bo : t’d in .ind fi.r county n the in iav in .Etui •ry i'Gl. Giv/n nnJv.r'ifiv hand at jfufsin UiN-fcite.-iidro,-tidy sth. ISOO.’ 4 ‘ R L- KjNG. Ord'y. GBOHGIAs Grrbnr t-’op|S—Wh rms, •J ihn O. Merritt an i TtinjWt*. Vtkinn \d ni nrs upon tim l.eviu Mer rill and lo oiKi'd. p"f.iti'in the of Ordain'y of ssid county for Lett-vs l>Wni-sovy : T■.*.*& are tJu-ef-re roe te admonish alt persons concfrned. t.v o ‘ came (if any they t.sii'i “In sa.'i tdiniristretors *)K*iiVd n t be disci.(ifL'i’d st (in-f.Jonrtof Ordittari to h held in sod I'.rSßid county on ti e seetoHi M >tda\ in January 1861. Given under mv hand ■ at oB* in Gr<ene*hore. dulvto'". 1860. K.I t GBNHJB L.fffSCi. O vJ’v. f: •:;)(??;’ \, <I. revs t'oes-rv —Will rare,. W-tham ... FtiJitr.r yfvu. UK mair of T . niflftX. Ska.|i • ■ .iee’.l. i“ ; i tie ‘ :.'Art of Orilinu.y >.l , i. i)s mi.-.o - >* r <|-. refiir.: lo’elje a 0 wUtrt ell [icrsons -. 11 .i re,': isow c-at a-, Tff- any tii.-V lo'V ) *Uv •:? • ‘. . Ir-i'lia - Si. Old I Ml .1* dis. hsff'lt at lie C i-i i lir.tfu i*v to be held iu a• >• ts- -ir.: c.,...-'y n-i ijn- ito .1 i Wf! Apyl *i, ISCI <;;•.•(.. -ftyW-oat a’- ofli >’ m ISrt+oest'ori. 1 Oelotii r i ;0. . * t, gtXri. Ord'y. f.*aifhUtc *'mr fd-s Rtpcciyr-r# We are roquesird to .inupunc- the of Thomesl\ A'kir.son as a tMndidate I fiii’ the office of I’,'tx Ricdtver, at the en vawi.ig lection, fyj. yoffiiity officers in Juim ■ ry re-: i. Ere,-,7-■ . !860. k!in ifPs S!c. Will he sold ’before, the Cbutri Ho>',. • door in the (’on-'ty of Gleer f, u ‘‘.e rs ( Tuesday in J entaVy nett, the W^l .Ireursof s::ie. a negro y., ffmited Dorfcl: about forty-five of age, nmi of ripi k eomplexiou, a.i;., :i negro wdioan named Marti) l ', ah'otit thirty five years old ami her id'-'.id Adaline ahout sis years old. levied V>ti as the property tis Silas M. Eclu Is. by virttie of a fi fa issued frhni Tali.-.fei .< Stipe i'.r Court, m favor ofShm'l. Fttifey Adm’i igain.-t tiairl Evbols Win. Heard and T’lios. •V. l.vqfe. Executors, and tivo fi fas issued fr, in Greene Snpeiior Court, one in favor . ‘ Janie. I Wakefield, ami one in favlt rof Jose; ‘• Rutl'-ge against said Echols. Pro per! v nciiiteu cmf by the’ Defendant. J! D. ENGLISH, h>. S. Greeiuslaoo Nov. 28th ISGO. Setv l,rjai Advertlsemcnti. j G CORGI.1, Gscenet.'oeSTV:—Two o<>:.ihs -•dter date, to wit on tt.c tist ro : **e-. ‘ it. F ibruMy next, J shill ape’v to (tie Court iot p.'dL.arv ot rs: ’ u:,t•-. f.i* lesv-i to sell I the !*.••! Msfs'.e iv i i.g : rg to ‘the Estate of i Jotl R. • Invoi r and c’j, | • wm. *>. CiU'-NEY. Aim’-. ** 01-Jocl R. Cidvers. Novernhe- 13-h. • Adnitinct a.uCx, Safe. I “ llrdtr ar i;i n riftoe. Luo. Court ot <‘n | d’rvsrv • f Groove ‘Cpiinty, Wi:i te *(6d j | the Ocuri Rbure fn the T *,!• o’ (ivennesh. .-a I'Gr; vne C.,i:e.tJ- (: f c ha*i ‘I re ?• in e,• , arv next 18 ot 20 C"i.tisfii,g of Im n, w, •>!?!', hors and (Jbihtreu sold xs the j proti.iity ofCtmilfS L. Mathews dec’d ms> .•>’ wh .nr are joung a J likr'v. Terms on Jd.v of sole ’ W. ‘L. BTR V!N, Adia’r November, ITGi I^CO Jost Meceweda A choice lot of Family Groceries and Confectionaries wldcli we will sell rert; low for the CASH. ARMSTRONG it WILSON. Ponfield Ga. Nov. 28th ISGO.—2w. ’ - , M.AISSAY <fe taBAW, •• -,’ . j . ’ ** : Brown Stone Building, opposite the Union Bank, and nearly opposite the Planters’ Hotel E-m. I 9 Jlugmta Georgia. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF Fashionable Ready-Made Clotliing, II ATS, CArS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES.-isc., ■’ S ; I Clothing is YS ELL MADE, and is of the most fashionable kind. Hav ing superior facilities f ;• m ■,\UFACTt kino, they will be sold CHEAP. , Augusta, Ga. .September 26. ISGO. 6m. M 51 and alio a Velvet Carpets, ■ ENGLISH ROYAL VELVET, ts t f • , •; j -’C V. ‘; ‘ ESmss&is, Wliree-tPifg and Imjgrmn CARPETINGS. In New and Beautiful patterns just Received. Damasks of all Kinds, Lace and Muslin Curtains, CORKICS, BANDS, LOOPS, &G. WINDOW SHADES, Floor and Table Oil Clothes, Mats, Mattings, Wall Papers, Boards, &e. The Largest Slodc ever offered, for sale by JAMES G. BAiLIE & BROTHER. Ctßportm imdDeahis, 20$ BitOAfb STRUCT, AFGFSTA, GA, ‘September, 12th, 38GO. finnr. 30, 1860 ly .K• •vUFFER~BAIJM & CO. WI ISIS S-i il. Ilf •f'|| 111 E 8 T A B-LIS T 31. RA T ? ■3 -7?. Broad Street \77. r-iH would rkspkotfulty inform --Lxl'Tiunbi EUti i'-Cftipfs that tliey have just completed their arriingements lor tite coining - Wall and Winter Season. / Our Store Laa been enlarged to DOUBLE It-r former size, thereby making it the lur ,BLore iu the S'j'.'iTE OF GEORGIA J Cur Stock, which for Variety of the most desirable Goods, is unsurpassed io tins State, will io every respect compary fovoruble. with any house, either m Gliarleston, or any other .Southern City. It is our intention to establish a regular - ‘ ”, W®h olesaie Jobbing House, SELLING EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASLL Which, as an old fact, is the only way to l)ny Goods CHEAP. Having a similar e.s tabliijhmeot in Nc\y York city;, which onv Mr. 1. Kacfkku is manager, it is ensv to be perceived that we have Superior Facilities in obtaining the Latest NOV- * EL t lES ft* tt.ey r;.( :r m.ii ket. Wc would only ask the favor o4’ an ex'uuiuatiim :>1 Stuck an.l Price* before going elsewhere and wo wi!l prove t . to- Tiade that we can sell Goods fully as Cheap as o„y “n!,,;,Wholesale H ume; besides saving your time tor fur: a* r (r.avoiiug, and many other ex ponses. c ;; o: : : *7 ~VS 4S “J? IFL 23 0..T3 IVI3D B’ “k ami q.l ire:| GA SIIMTERS ; ‘SATINET. K-ntnekv JEANS and TICKS. B ao: ami (. dm OT.OTII; KERSEYS, OSENBEROB (DFNIMSt Georgia STRIPES, M rlhoro* PLAIDS and STRIPES. ’ CALICOES OF ALL KINDS! Mohair, Lftvella Cloth. Barege, Delaines, B azure, Alpacas, Delaines, Marollas, ALL WOOL Delaines, ■K iVGLI SH MERINOS! Black I? r,ere SILKS; Silk ROBES, POPLINS, POUARDS • l-aucy an > IT, SILKS ; I ,and, and China SILKS ARDS ’ i- K 5. :w,n anil White Shetitfag apt! SSE-rGuff • s wixr- E 35 BROIDE KIES j U i r.VSv^: U i k .1 f i; r . S i InT , B Velvotreßl FRINGES; LI-.LACES. Will|!K(rfrs., faHDn,-;. \ MAiISS A D . .■'•. J/i'.G mOP SKIRTS’ TAfWMTYGS Yl \TrP Aor loss ; HOSIERY, and G LOVES */ afUiinds. YA!iK£n BED AND NEGRO BDAXKET3, &C., &C. Our Manufactory of Cloaks and Mantillas. ‘rUi.-ftly •>> !■) S “ittl.r 5i,.,., i, PILL OPERATION no* ; nn.l wo ronlnro mm tt'pn ii , Uh 1 1 Lli {l ***h*<l more Biiitable I . lASIh. As (heap as cay Noriheru Home. •WoccVurt' ’ ° P ,<!Mwra cf nn R " r ‘. v call, aud convfnco yourselves of the KAUFFER, BAUM & CO. i/oanu i//Ptroan birp.Ai J. KU PFSK, l . 1 j niscrlltitsccMk A/vertlirwcufi. | * Vi* r.vp r p mj.\i t/ k daEu* ■TVILLb* sr.t ’ **t ; ri*- a tc *r,K\ the Lind lx!cecm!? 4olwrcl of tTiilwui A a!-. t:n dic'd, abi-rteeven . tni . - Sulh or in Qresne Ccr.tity, S.l JrdH contains pvo hiiiujred etui thirty four ftcfes, *2?4, or lesa. n<Uoinincr tl’t* Iftnda of Am- I iir s * llutchii on, John fT'iM, .tawr** ?jnith nri?rtbrr3. J There ten uv es ri'h bottop'. !nd cn eai*l tract | lyin*ror ‘efc, about fhirfy acres of ; J %iid nreif timbered Persona vishiiif la look nt raid of'land nu obtain anj* D, ( r ft ati n conc**rr-ipff i It that th: y want by callihc *0- • c nihkpjtirmit wt .j i lives thr place. JO HPA A EtL A "i r ter J? M. M UT: R t TT, Jix’ir %VM. ASKEC. i Oco! tr IS6) w2tu. Xew Gaeds! & Great. Bargains!! j&.rr K9MELIA XEABI ? S The public are invited to call and Inspect II & NV. full and -carefully telccied stock of Fr.S Winter (iteedt All that rernahv’ on haml of previous pnr <’!> cr, in WnrsteJ Dress Gco'd.--, I’offiird Silks, &>•. will be sold ntectst; in order to e\ake raosa fin - p. fresh supply. tareena-noro, .Ootolmr 10 18C0.—vfCm, I orsoSsjvit ‘■ rdmmi i ..'‘..j.’ “ If fi *fnTTttt*i\*rv rttr-rs j j ii JUit iPa.. iitre.D ■■■ i.i t‘ T |t| jl Wmrn p- ii i* re li. aii s* 9H a . 1-EL. Rods ■■ m iHI y’ r : -L.33!>:;5 Mhiorals and Rruj*.fljj| ¥, MOTiiatS TAKE 1SE0! 9 jl I'd vom d’.i vrr ; o’ tin* uiv n-tv t fimi-t < f °i’ f-'UiV n. i( ii-'bit-r 1 1*;%f I; on-’- hi- tit**?** r'^lH ’;-f lhiß u*'."A'lp ‘■ v fid.'\-Jr tbv'n? ,ji :n’tir /| ‘ f:i-;ft-u**k t< r *♦?. tin** * iiji* blfk* ►ulßm** V ’■ * . * s •’ oa.timV t,J vtfrt ~'f\ mm OF FAMfUGB P-> tu t• t vettr rM’ Us-n S'ttTrt-, w!i**n w- t‘-*t*‘ r ; 9.H .tfi ftiE ref a s..:’K .isii ui.i as.inv i t uk rn I VI jfi rT’Aiv ttn.'-b, better a nil 6itrr utuM It bt* lii |f\ ■ VTb * v i\ in lb* l.ufl . A litrb* tlni.tx • yf, H , “b.-n n lUtiM is often by.tho raua At'’ j H Vs U M-WliTi* ‘wf’hnitt d<!;iy, aA jf / V] ji givir.g iiti n*V7\i/.y wnui n\t *„•-.<* p . ■ At.f <b ‘i-U . vr a will mt unit *nvt bt* otft’W .1 !mg Vl , * I^J I ’ :! •-* *. b '#V iK tit's*. iftittn)| : . <2* j jj** ,Hj ij; ij-Wlt iilM./evl Laf.pii-r in V*u lutf ■ iWs - vi> ‘ ’* :l U* • ui*'! jtrvcbiin.-v ftiiiCU iu b.a. rjh ***s Tbj.' is .ih ‘?L.’!iic"iß vf’ L B smm md RooTsil ff.y NUT A OF I /fvikalonuf cr lUintraliv I IS- USED IN IT. Nrt uniiV fil’fix Y riuifngn ml! W \i<iml l>\ f \I M vl;< niict* .uve I hi* 1* h Thvßntv :*.**? y, ,*,*W fVvvijtr “ 1,,f “‘““’g £). sci V K N 6 wjp> o x oaSarSn (! ) • to F r \ O TBU2 CHIIDSEN. £ A l’ 1 "* ibl- S’lnnl*. Sife Mt'illctno. , ‘U;.n \V>i’it IV 1 \\ri6 ilm ou*fcA in n untjistjHl v:i\ tin t: g ‘fit* W ‘M. t.f No.‘lj rn Mrv I*o —f I f'*P • crrntif t.f U v<>u wi.l fitul in *-pr |g!jf | K a.-k fur tin* ” AVfvac •/ Aim ni i-U n.ti| *'■+s ‘ and, ttiul wiivn v v I'.mVo ii. F*r.l if d*, jf - ;i r tu iji’ lmt-8, tUnt thv m ‘■v pDi> know ttl nmi /SO j .it cutoil l-j iut.s GIG .ii V4>Mfei-‘Y 1 1 JI*?)SGN?B WO it ft! TIM •i-b f; ‘j ‘ K7LLSW OItM S, pfv ‘• I Veter ll..eras—to fi;nsr.nt to Take. v vi l | y CUT A i'U'E'.liK- PRICE 5.1 CTS. m.!-i|iT_/.l*,n |>> •■•,O ar.l St:m fir 1•, *1 ‘ii’.* i*t U. !. . FI ,S.N N’ *VL. nut! Un? (st'Diii; r r |^ ’ ‘ f •>•'. “ti- !i ) tif ill’s WiM’Ul Ku. v]• . ! Ts j b. z. raz~ic.iT & co„ f: J 1-j S’ OLE FROPft f£ T O r.’S, SO Irfwmari fit. Kw Vork. .Tu'T.ii:.’* Worm Tee |.. * li! U; ‘• f, (’ fi u r Af; itl t .i ny \ lllo^t 1 , ur.d tTU-w. hy ah ttg* A m Sold by J H Wood,.Grserteboro. C V W II *VaU"Lexington, Ea. GJnut 16.. H6O, I>-.’ * ECsoSiTTSS’S SISSIAraiSTTiBS. The proprietors and nmmifaettivevsof lit S TIiTT l-ilt’S CM Li ill RATED STOMACH HIT TEXK can appeal with perfect confidence ro pliyHiciimcmiU pciicmlly i i’ (ho Lniteil Suites, because the avticle has nttninSd tiVepu tiuion heretofore unknown. .A tew facts upon this point will speak more pokerfutiy limn Volume#of bat e assertion or 1.1 .zoning puti'ciy. The ccusmuptiwt of’ liostetieu's Ston.aUi liil ters for the last year nnuniutod to over a halr inillion bottles, nmi from its manifest Steady in crease iu times past-, it is evident licit during the coming year the consumption will teach Eear onc luHluar bottles. Thin immense amount could never have been sold but for the medicinal pr parties contained iu the fnepnni tiou, and the sanbtion of the. most prominent pliysUittSH fa tiioso sections of the Country wiies'e..tlic,n'l-Jjcle Jipßest known, who nth uuiy vccoutme.nd ti.e bitters to their paiivnis, out tvo ready at all limes to give testimonial to iu CtliWCj in til CtUOS of ftvntofhlCATcratigi r.iei.d# and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is not a temporary pi {Hilarity, dbfalitud by extraordinary itforts in dev. yet In m peting the qualities f tiro Hitlers, bit! a rot id estimation of on nu dicitie. width is ilcstined to boas enduring r.:s time itself. Hosteller’s gtmmieh Jfiitets have prox'H a Godsend to regiotts where (ever and npiut and various other bilious comflatuts havo Counted their victims by Isumiiwds. Vo t.o nido Io nmi! Confidently limt the -.iiiiir-s” are aetcriiiia cure for tit*’ Dyspepsia nmi into diseases, is to tite proprietors a sourco of un alloyed pleasure. I t removes ail nmi bid nniiier from the Btoinneii,. ‘purifies the bioo l. rnd imparts renewed vitality to t be nervous s;. at cm, giving it that tone and energy imtikpen u !e for tiiC restoration of iieaiib. it ojierntes upon the stomach, liver, mid oilier .digestive organs, mildly hut. powerfully, and soon lesion s ihi i.i loaeondilion essential Io the lo:u 1 1 h£dIacharg< -of (be functions of lßiltne. Elderly persons may use life Hitler* dally as per directions On the bottle, and liny v,ill nmi iu it a stimulant peeuliaily adapted to coiuio.t declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, . invigorating to the bowels, eveelb nt as a louio, and rcyitvemiiiiig generally. Wc :1...- evi dence of thousands of aged men buu r umen who lmvc experienced (he benefit of using tl is preparation while ntff. ring from stomach and - genera! debility ; acting t nd.-r tiie advice of physieir.mi, they bine abandoned all deleterious drugs and I’aiily tcsied i , merits of this avticle. A few wordo to H•> gentler sex. Tltese are certain periods when* their cares are so harassing that many of tin in sink under ti.e trial, ‘ihe H-ititioll of mother and child is po ÜbsorMngly under, ih.-.i the mother, especially if site 1 e young, is apt u> lorget her tiivu hialtlt in it r eMieine nlt.'.ic'/ for her itifanl. b'liould tiie period of Uiatrvii; j arrive during the ftimmcr season, the vcar"of 10-dy mid miiidit gtiteraUy aeprnvatod. Hvre, Ihett. is a neces-ity for a atimulnut to rreuj - rate lltc energies of li e r\ n'em, and ei able tH mother to hear up ttn ier Icr < ;;• fii: :i;:,(_• ’rio s and ix"-ponlbi!lii ;s, .’.u .kri’ j. oilim - pwo.- rajly prefer the I itter* to. i’.'.C. hr 5; • ,ota tors that receive the < Bdot -erm.ii! of liras, t...•(• Oise it is c-i •.il* to the . # wHI ns ecriaiit io give , pi. nr n.. ; i ii aou cf bodily Strei!g!,i. Ail ii ti-v persons, to whim vre i s•a purlieu larly re'frfiHi above, ft,ire: rybeU’ i tiOot fi v,r r.trd iiguy. euo cd.ty-iajdaria, rrl e’a, dis iitery, j|!-ligt*!?ir,*ii-."a of f.yj.-etitr. ji.| alt Uir’ : : s or dm .D f a.cum .of, li.u . 0.,c1, *it{” - J iitv.'dpht, perm™ of r-iieiilary otcttjwitioii, oiiri -'i; mot <■■■”, will n I'-tH , their own jdysfc::’. welf-re iy piling’ to i-'on ly tor’s t'i ii bint'd fit. nif cli 1 itset “ nil,!. mcr i ( We rmuimi ti.e j-nblfe ngi.inst using any of ihe many indirth.t! or eoi.t.'cr frits, but t'.sl. for Hosrrnras i.'uigviim*. and ><e ihnt t-.-teh battle hit** tiie words “Ih-.J. Ho-tittu's KiMioudi J'inci ■ ’M blown on Ihe side of the buttle, am) t >.: eda OH tin! metallic cap core-ring it.- cerk. •nd 1 olmerv*that oorouu-Nt .pit >.t, i ,*■.: isoo . • j label IS • rts-a-r A #tf* I?JIC3TZrTBJ! n BHITIT, PitU burgh, Tit., ‘ : 'd*i!<b!^^L i. |