Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, December 19, 1860, Image 2

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*UE t'LA\Ti:i!N UEKhIA. ■ !* ROUX W- .HTEVE.KS, editor. v C L. PITUK H, I'iibtisher. GEORGIA. . Wednesday. Deccnbei 10. IN6O. AGENTS. •T. V. A if. Teens VV hit's Plains, Gu. j pSxj. ti. f.iouov Madison, “ Ailrutiou. Orsen Rifles will meet’ at their Drill Hoorn on Thursday 20:h lust.fat the hour et 2 ndock K M. t By order of Philip B Robinson, captain. F. C., Orderly Sergeant, Have*)oil lo Dollars lo invest? lload the advertisement of E. Bander iuithis imAiu. We received a circularj ac companying the stiver!isement stating the bject for selling these lots of land, to raise money for*l*oii Royal Female? Semi nary. l Oters of Greene. We call the attention of our readers to the Announcement if Philip Clements for Tax Collector, and the proposition he makes to pay hack oue third ol the a mount he receives for discharging tire du ties of said olKce. We think it h liberal proposition. a ■■ ’ - At a large meeting of the citizens of j Oreemt # OoniJy, held at the Court House on Thursday last, for the purpose of ltom ioating candidates to represent the county in the State Convention, to be held at Mllledgeville in January next, the follow ing named gentleriien were nominated, to wit: The liev, Dr, N, \f, Crawford. Cel, It, J Willis, and Dr. TANARUS, N. Poullain, Good feeling prevailed throughout thr meeting. iy A telegraphic dispatch from Wash ington Dec, loth gives reliable information from Jtliilty Socthern Congressmen, that the argument (ortho Union is exhausted. They say to their constituents he no lon ger deceived for the snb-ty and honor of Southern States cannot bo preserved in the Union “the Republican party are res olute in their purpose to grant nothing that will, or ought to satisfy the South.” frctlilars and Fri 1 iid, Tito year will cotno lo a close and r. New vear have commenced before we ap peal be ire our readers again. We wish you all a happy Now Year and that you will|contimie reade.s of the “Planter’s \\ eckly,” Our cretlitors ate- requested to come for- nud pay all they, owe tot, as'we must meet ike demands against us. Como be willing to divide with ns, as we could not foci that our conscience was clear, in the Christmas, unless wo Imd divided what lit •*le money we have received with our prin ter ami Devil. We thank our patrons lor the aidex by them, we know that von have had some cause to led that; you might have been servet\ better, but wocau Ma .V ||tat we have endeavored to serve yon fuftwßuy, we hope therefore vou will still continue as ’ it shall ever he our inntto to try fWtssei've you bet ter in the future than we have ever donfe t in the past. Deaf and Dumb Asjlnm. TV e have received the report of the Gobi- j missiouers of this Institution to the Legis lature. The people of Georgia should do all in their power to promote the prosperity id ; this Monument of the noble spirit of oirr ; Legislators to Eduetilo this •unfortunate ; eUstuDy so doing they are raised from \ ” The Justices of tliir Inferior Cmirijare required by an Act of the Legislature to inquire if there are. any Deaf ami Dumb in their County who are not able to educate i -thetnaelvo# and use their influence, with the parents of any such children, to send -them to this school, and the fact that they are not to pay lor their Schooling. •ißdffC Harris and the Grand Jury. Our readers will notice in this day's is kuothe highly complimentary, hut deserv ed expression of roapect which the Grand Jnrr, at the close of his labors on Saturday last, paid to Judge Iverson L. Harris. This compliment is especially flatter ing when it is remembered that the Grand .Furr is composed of highly intelligent gentlemen, many whom a-e political op ponents of Judge H. and doubtless with the knowledge of the fact that lie is a candidate for the Judgeship to be tilled by the popular vole, on the first Wednes day in January next. We are liappy to know that the action of the Grand Jury is heartily endorsed bv the Bai and People -< f llibb County.— Tch-gra/'k, Extract from Present meats of Graatl Jury, Panel Xo 2. Bibb Superior | Uurl JSov. Term, 1830. ‘•Wq**nnot pci mil \ our Honor to take leave >f>u without an acknowledgment of the uniform courtesy which has been ex tended to our body, and an expression of <i>tr high appreciation of the fidelity, promptness and ability wirh which the onerous and complicated duties of Hie Dench have been discharged by vott during tbc present week. Soma of us have served j often on Grand Juries iu this and other l counties of the State, and have heard j charges from many of our most distinguish- j cd Jurist*. but wc take pleasure in saying that for ability, comprehensiveness, and every other requisite which adorns the Bench, your'v was the oldest Vs have eror listened io. We sincerely trust that , Georgia may long be h.niorod by having ‘ your invaluable services, fa the Judiciary, I and)our family and frivuds enjoy your! society t a i{h old n*. JAMKB W. j ARMSTRONii Fhkiimi-, William D, Heath, L'ulrn Mulbolland, I Julios JVter, Ansl.y 11. Wyelie. f|wi< 11. Barker, ► >tutrl t''hanihh*>. I James B, Uama, John C. I'liMuae, J Jiivii J, timer, Jotrph H Hiulibv. I'boems J. Mill, I iueit 11. Mutdork, J Hiram M, lintUay, Ikv II ftba<p, flifkei J.Oefrr, Jahu Harris. rjHnrf >••* Xjtfc* —. j t Joseph Willi*, Thomas .S. tireen. i Bur well Parker, Alfred H. Coat?. j 1 certify that the foregoing! is it true; ; extihct from the Minutes of i i Court, December Ist, 1 SCO. A. to. ROSS. Clerk, j ’J he above was clipped fronpt lie Macon ’ Telegraph, and scut to us bvGen. S. P. i Myriek of Midway Baldwin County Ga. i Who. among other deserved compliments, | thus speaks of his Honor Judge IvKBeoN • L. lb: Bills, who has so faithfully and hon orably tlis-diarged the duties otn Judge of the Superior Court in the. Oelnulgeo Oir- enh for tlie last two Terms. | In saying before our readers the above ecu piioients, and the extracts we intend to make from the letter Accompanying their, {which we publish uptn our own responsibility, as the letter *as entirely private,) we do not wish to dnparage the merits of the Honorable gcutlc’nn who op poses Judge Harris, in the eAu’.n’ elec tion, and at the sumetimo wish to say that we heartily endorse, and cxtcn.-l to his lienor Judge Harris our mite of praise as gratuitouSly as the above, or the follow ing extracts Intve done; nod would further more say, that in our opinion,|the position held by Judge Harris, since last January, cannot be better filled than by replacing him in it alt the election ill January next. But we .oust beg pardon for digress’ng so far fn-ut what our readers expected would j come next, arid we will now give you the aforementioned extracts: “Enclosed I send yon a notice of the charge of Judge Harris, by ihf Grand Ju ry of Bibb County, which I Wish you to copy in your paper. The Judge is one of the vety best men in the world, and 1 am anxious to have him elected iu Jan;, he makes one ol the best of Judges, and I do honestly think ho ought to have been elected without opposition. 1 have known the Judge from my boy hood, nud am proud of him, in every sense of the wo 1. T could say much move in hi? bebn'fbut lii-i't deem it worth while. Jopiin n g Tickets yo u will Jo me u favor hr pining his mime on them, and any node. mu wi.-.y take ( i him and of the not ct* ! sei.d yi’ii. will l.e, thankfully re ceived by one ib i! will <i er appreciate such kindness.'* We make another extract from this let ter, which wo take occasion to let mu readers know that we fully enthuse, and adopt as our sent intents throughout. “In this election 1 do rot think that anything like parti/ ought to enter the mini’s of the people.” I'olitieal Meeting;. Many of the citizens of Gfeeno County : having according to a previous notice as sembled on the 14th ins*. in the Court House to nominate candidates as delegates to attend the State Convention, called Hon, Judge Thomas Stocks to the chair, and appointed Hr. N. F, Powers, Sec retary. A committee, on motion of James L. Brown Esq., was appointed by the chair man to report business for the meeting, consisting of the following gentleman, viz : M I'S'is. James ]j. Brown. Jno. C Reid, j William JNeary, B. It. Crnbbe, and B. E. Spencer. The committee having retired prepared tiie following preamble and res olutions: which on lection of Henry C. Weaver Esq., were read by Mr. John C. licid, when the report was received and j enthusiastically and unanimously adopted. Whereas we a portion of the citizens of Greene County have this day met agree ably to a call sometime since made on tire secession party of the County to convene | for the purpose of selecting proper *t'audi | dates for the office of delegates to (be p ---| preaching Suit", Convention, and whereas j large ineetbg of the other citizens of isaid comity having met yesterday for the same purpose, nominated the Rev. Hr. N. ! M. Crawford, Dr. Thos. N. Poullain, and •! Col, Richard ,T. Willis, and requested us of j this meeting by a resolution to eo-operate ! upon the said ticket. i lie it. Resolved, Ist, That said ticket | nominated by the said „ citizens being • evowediy a compromise ticket, and composed of u hi representing ail the differences of opinion in reference to the present momentous question of our rights in the Union, or our indepen dence out of it, and in consequence not fully expressing ihe opinions of this meet ing on this question, yet for the sake of harmony, and for the prevention of the heated strife which would inevitably en sue upon a division in the County over delegates we will rord'udhj strike hands with the citizens of yesterday s meeting in the cordial support of said ticket. Wo express our deep concern that the first mentioned gentleman in this resolution should withdraw his declaration not to he a candidate. As there can bo no di vision now between the people of the county, this gentleman can find nothing in I the canvass to offend his ideas of propriety. Resolved 2nd, That’ as we have such confluence in the three gentlemen mention ed m tin? first resolution, that- we propose uoinstructions for them. Resolved- 3rd, That it is the unanimous sense of this meeting that wo cannot sub mit to the rule of Lincoln, and that Geor gia should secede from the Union before the fourth of March iu concert with as many Southern States as will co-operate with her. Resolved i/h. That the Planter’s Week ly the True Democrat, Augnstn Constitu tionalist, and all papers friendly to the sen timents of these resolutions be requested to publish tlie proceedings of this meeting, i W. G. Delony, Esq., who had been pre i vidusly solicited to address the citizens of j Greene Comity, was then introduced to his j audience, ti whom he made a few very appropriate lemarks. JIo had been te- 3 nested to make a speech so that he might. ck*nd and explaiu the views and princi ples of what is called the secession party: . and to restore unanimity where there were I some apprehensions of discord; hut this j nrreasiiv was obviated as many of the Citi ! Kens il*o day previously, in convention, j ntiminsted three gentlemen, Rov. Dr. N. M Crawford. Dr. Tims. N I’oullnin, and) I 001. Uiehard J. Willi*, tits are consider ed by all uartu * true iepres< -illative men | with Southern feelings, and patriotism. I and iu every way yotiqietetit to act in the ’ approaching camegtiuii in devising menus 1 and plana whereby (be rights ami motor ol j our n.<bla rttata may lie iirnterti and ft**u tin* | uimiarifg aggres-i .ra < I Black Rrpni !i ■•ti*. at>d praouited fi*'m the tui"u won * - ; sequence*, which must ensue, if tli.federal ‘• | government be administered by a Repuhli i can President, such, m Abe Lincoln, who jis the ejtp'oiiHrt of abolitionism and who : s ! bound by his antecedents to misconstrue j the constitution, and to emancipate the slave. ‘ . The noisliiirtiim of the day previous to our eonveatiew was like pouring oil on the troubled water* and is ‘Considered a com promise. wliictl root wkh the acquiescence of all parties. Such being the feelings of our citizens Mr. Delony considered it un- necessary to make such an address as he designed, but nevertheless his remarks were very pointed and eloquent, and were applauded. He urged the people of Greene who have common origin, interest and destiny to leave on record what their pos terity wiH rend with pride and not with shame—to make known by resolutions, by words, and by actions that they will not submit to Black Republican rule. The speech being concluded, on motion of Jmnes L. Brown Esq.j committee was appointed bv (lie chairman to notify Rev. Dr. N. M. Crawford, Dr. Titos N. Poullain, and Col. Richard J. Willis of the ratifica tion of their nomination of yesterday. That committee consisted of the folk wing gentlemen, Messrs. James L. Brown, Hen ry C. Weaver, and John C. Reid. There being no other business, t he Con-, vcation, on motion, adjourned sine die . Judge Thomas Stocks* Chairman. N. E. i’oWHEs, Secretary. A large meeling_ of the citizens of this County irrespective of old party findings and alignments was held at the Court House, ouqthe’ 13th inst, and organized by | calling Johi! t*\ Zimmerman Esq., to the j chair and requesting WM, Weaver, i F. C. Fuller, to act as Secretaries. Alter various 6ucgost;o i)S frout OJ.. % P. Xing, fetiin i Durham, Esq. Prof. U. 11. Tucker and others in reference to the most judicious mode of proceeding in the nomination of suitable candidates to lepre sent the County in the approaching State Convention, it was moved by James L. Brow’n Esq. that the citizens present nom inate candidates by acclamation -aiul that Dr. N. M. Crawford, Dr.'l', N, Pool Inin and Col. 11, J. Willis be those inmum cs, which moticni prevailed by a large majori ty, whereupon the chair -announced that, i Dr. N. M. Crawford, Dr. ‘l', N, Poullain, ami It. J. Willis, Esq*, were the candi dates of the Convention. Judge Stocks then briefly addressed the Convention in support of the nominees, Ilis remarks were an index of Ins patriotic and conciliatory character and of his et forts in the canvass to promote harmony and unanimity among the citizens of the County. - At the. conclusion of Ids remarks on ino tion of f*. It. Walker, Esq. it was resolved that the proceedings of this nieoring be transmittm; to the meeting of the citizens of tin? county to aosc.iinle at the Court House on Friday next with a request that they concur it possible in the above nont i nation. The meeting then adjourned: J. F. ZIMMERMAN. President, W, M, WEAVER, F, C, FULLER, fc>, ci.etaries, Tile Sloaaing Mollifi. Do you see, near the wall of the cbnr cbyaid. that female h.rni, sitting on a stone and as. motionless as tlie t tone itself t Wild and neglected, leeks of gray hair fall down over lu-j; shoulders : ihe wintis play with her torn and fat text and garments. She is old and stiff, but not from year? alone* Go not ciddlv past ; ghe her a mite. It is not hmgthat she will trouble yon. Behold he. cratch ; behold her dyiigeyes; behold the pain round her silent mouth. When tore si.s she there / i Because she cannot Le oW-wheje. She is —her heart is—wiiii iite graves of her j children. 8-nxow for her children has; made *bo lighted V •"*'<% os and the light j of her mind dun. Biu? marks not when; tiie airninti leaven fall around her; she knows not when the spring breezes melt tiie snow on the tomb.-; but eveiy day thither she goes, equally c.dui. equally iu.sensibht to the tilings mound her. No oi>e knows tier ; no one* speaks to her, and sLe speaks to no one. Bbe has, neverthe less, one object; she waits—for what ? Death. During long years site has seen graves opening round her; hut the still sits in death—in the iniust of death, ami waits.— Frcdcriha Bremer. Bociors In olden times, what a ie**venco was associated with the name of doctor ! A doctor was a man who by education and practice acquired a reputation which made him an object of universal respect. He had about him a retiring modesty, a digni fied air—a Solon-like aspect an ldemeanor. When lie visited of our fathers how suddenly was the wiuridied liberty of juvenile speeches hashed into silence How the domestics any girls of sixteen would stare ! Wind a peeping and squin ting all about the house to see the Doctor ! But times have changed. Now the name of “Doctor” is as e> inrnou as that of Colo nel, or Captain, or Major. The cage•:,.en is no longer indicative of prefund s, i. ;.iific learning, or elaborate study of ib<* heman system. When a gentleman isc, o ! to you as Dr. Ko-.tnd-so, it j, ■ .r,p.- ; : /,• j to tell whetherhe is a jfaf'er, a j>ui.v.<n. | der, a inngiciau, a dealer in m ago 01:1: Jijgi a physiologist, or a phre'nol .gi*r. Tiuu and change have completely rubbed stiei cty of its staid, dignified, and oldfasliioned “doctor. ’’ ‘ Ci f W'a-kaess aad BebllUy. All wlio suffer from weakness or debili ty, where there is a want of energy, should at once liavn recourse to JUDSON’S HERBS PILL. They immediately pu rify the blood and rt ct upon the mainspring of life, giving strength and vigor to the systAn. Young person*; entering into, womanhood, with a derangement of the functions; und to ntotfcara *t the turn oil life, those PiHt wtll be most efficacious in i (•■erecting the tide of life tht*may he ou * turn. Young and elderly tuerv suffer in 11 similar manner at the same periods, when there is always danger, they should therc-H fore undergo a course of tbit purifying’ midieiue. which ensures lasting health. I Ibis great Household Melo*ne ranks’ among the leading nee satariuf % life, ai j it is well known to tbajwnrid it eures j ♦ ■•inplsiui. nllirr miisini'i cannot roach ; i tills fart is as well •>**! an that eh* I <a light* the world 1 V * To Consumptives. THE A't*erli*r, Ii tv inf btftiu Mtorri lo heallb in a f.n week* t.r av> y niniple rrindy, af*cr hr iag-aulTered.DTerat ysarsiriih a p>eta lung after lion, a(d that dread diMata, Omi*U>ii|>WO<i—in ui io >a to ill*kw koown lo hi* fallow itifleeer. the inaana o*’ aura T > *ll who deaira i. be will •>>nd a copy of the pre tcriptfn u*d free of charge, with Ilia direction* lor prepnriiiifatiil uain? the a*inc, which lliry will find a Seat Cent forCokacxmoS. Asthm i. IlaoscntTia, and. The only object of iho adrertiaer in eending the Prescription is to bene .It the afflicted, and spread information which he rottceiees to he invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, a* it will cost them nothing, and miy prove a blessing. Parlies wishing the prescription will please add res < Bar EDWARD A WILSON. WtHiamsbargh, Kings C-vUOts t New York. October 17th H6O ly. SPECIAL NOTICES. Sir* The readers of the Weeks y arc rrqueatrd to notice trie advertisement, in another column, of Dr. l. RovetPods’ imperial VYuia- Ki t**r, for sale in Greenetboro by Crabbe and^YGarcr.— They have recently been tested and approved hy on. of the hist PhysicJuDS iu the South, and although t-pry bare been but few weeks before the people ot Georgia, yet you can hear their praise from all sce lions of the State. Read tbe general advertiettneui. See What Ayer’s Sarsapaiilla<lfA for of the Liter. St >TT’sCaossis, Talladega Cos., Ala.,9th Aug. ’69. Di. J. C. Ayes, Lowell, Muss.— Siu: I take my pen to tell you what your Sarsapa rilla and Citbvtic Fills have done lor me. t had beenafflictoil wirt Liver Complaint for eix years, du- ring which 1 was never well, and much of t,he time very sick. My liver was acre to the touch, aod the Doctors slid was con yestion I suffered f rom ae.verc co.stiveneM and Diarrhoea ultimately. Mv skin was clamruy and unhealthy; my eyes and skin often yel low. Occaeiouaily I had a vorarioui appetite, but generally none at all. A dreadful sensation ol op presslbn on my afintnach, with lansrnor and a gloomy sensation of sickness all over, kepi me in anguish.-- w ...... irnnw how tuu?h ] suffered from ah pic . . . .* SCdbkble furlin'* nf Kjst'Xi. Im . u g f'.'IVH uct- ■ this conttUion, with.,ul relief, ha'l worn me cut so that T never expected to be better; but rending- in the Christian Advocate, of yonr Sarsaparilla, I com rticoerd taking it with occasional email doses of vouv Pills, to regulate the bowo'a as you direct. From the first ii had more effect upon iuv disorder than ! stipp isefi anylhing could have. I regained my health rapidly, and now after eleven weeks, enjoy as good health and streiglh r.s any other man. May the “Dispenser of all gnotl” shmver blessings on von John W Stott. P,-pared by DR. J. C. AYF.R and CO.L- well Mass. Mew Advertisements. THE JUDGESHIP OF THE OCMULGEE CIRCUIT. I beg leave to inform the voters of the Circuit that I am a candidate for re-election as Judge on the 2nd day of January 1861. IVERSON L. HARRIS. Milleclgcville, Dec. lf)lh IS6O. Fair Notice t Dcbtms. All those indeted to the. late firm of Da vis J- 1 1 nsou &Cos. for 18u7 and 1858, who do not pay up before return day is out for March Court, will be. sued without dis ciitniuatmu. W c mean what we say. W. S. DAVIS, W. G. JOHNSON, C. A. DAVIS, Dec. 19th IB6o.—Sin. (taiutidatc for TnaCoSlector. The undersigned proposes to be a Candi date for tlioffico of Tax Collector in the Comity of Greene next January, upon the following terihs to wik: if elected T will pay one. third of the income of the office to the county, and give security to the county for said payment if inquired. Colne friends in your yiutm-ests, duiit be surprised at the above, what few dollars L have are hard earned. Pill LIB CLEMENTS, Dei*. 10th 1860. GMEYS SHERIFF SUST Will be sold before the Court house; |do r in the City of Gfcei re shorn on the : first Tuesday in .1 m.iutiy next hetwi on ihe ; ! legal Lours of sate by order of the luiVii j I or Court the following property to wit; i 13 Jars Pickles i Gails, 2 do do qfs, \2 j B its German Bitters. 20 do Elixir o: Love, ;9 do Blackberry bsandy, 3 do schnapps, 9do wine, 19 do St Juiten wine, 7 L uge Gb-tssJurs, 12 small (b> J; rs, ] quart Jug and 4hinten's. i tin sugar box and do, 12 Decanters do, 2 Blit Pilchers, S setts scales and weights. J box Ginger 1 do soda, :i Jo Cuba six cigars, 1 Stock Lock 1 w . > en fauset. 29 sugar boxes anil Contours, 2 tin pans and do, 1 Powder Canister do < 1 Lot bottles and do, 1 tin Cover bucket, j 5 Globes for Lamps, 1 sheet,. 1 Pillow and ! Case, 1 bedstead and hatchet, 1 Slate- aim j I Lemon squeezer, l writing ib-sk and Contents, 1 Prestons Book keeping, 1 hay brush, 1 small looking Glass l 1’: b.llanC'* scales, 1 Lot tin Measures, and Candle slick.-, I stew kettle, 1 sngir scoop I I merest book, 1 bung Borer, 1 Kckii wuy and harness 1 I,- t Corn, 1 hdi I*o - 1 Bureau, pine side bond, 1 Clock, 1 double barrel shot Ghu. All Levied on as the property of Mai tin A. Chandler to satisfy an attachment in fovor of Lain black & Cooper again-d -aid Chatidkr. C. C. NORTON, Shcsriff, I.)ev, 18lISiiO, j *HO,W© Wirtli'if SrW, r w AND Building’ Lots, IN THE GOLD REGION OF VIR I GIN J A (Culpr-jicr Couttly,) •* to be di j vided am.o.gst 10.200 sub •ilj.vs on the \ third Wulitrmlai/ of every -nun'll, SuL >(•-, (i* ions only ten dollars each; onciiah down, the rest on delivery of Deed.— Every .uihscuber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging iu value from “810 to $25,000. These Farms and Lots are. sold so cheap to induce settlement, a sufficient number being re .server! the increase in the Value of which will compensate for ‘he ap parent low price now'asked. Ample se curity will be given for the faithful per formance of contracts and precises. ne promise*. 13TM* ire Agents are wanted to obtain! subscriber*, to whom the most liberal in ducements will lie given. Some Agents j write that they arc making 200 dollar* per ! month. For full particulars, Snbscrip- J tions. Agencies. See., apply to. Stamp to iiicloae K. BALDER. Port Royal, county, Va. i bkORblA, Greene taunt). 4 LLperson* indebted to Jiiiu< , o Boon Boo'd. i f|L are requested t*> make iuiiae<litite puy ’ meut. and all persons having claim* against said demise I will presem tluni *bdy proven to’ the w4erdgu*L IIIK tM K BUNN, Ea'r. of James Bonn, des'd | ’ V<a*twherlsf. tWi •Yew Adve.Usemeuu Rer< Jehu H . Sfid's FkosphAir, Hun- ‘ facturcd at Cirfritrsboro* lit. ’l'lie suhscribera offer to the planter* ot this and other counties the new patented Fertilizer ot Rev. John W. Unto, which it will be seen from the certificates of Dr. Sa.m’l. Gi.knn, R. C. Daniel and Albert Kixti, all these excellent farmers, togeth er with that of the inventor is superior from the productiveness it cotninunicntes to land, and the low terms at which we can supplj it, to any other now accessible in markot. We propose to engage in the manufacture of “Rev. John W. Reid’s Phosphate” in Greenesbmro ’ Ga. mid will turnisb it at th* place of wiannfaatnre or ship it at tha buyer’s expense to any rail road for the teduced price of thirty-five dollars cash per ton. Titis fertilizer is the result of much pa tient investigation by Mr. Reid, who has been experimenting for several years iu pursuit of a cheaper substitute for the present costly manures of commerce. That he, has attained the object ol his search the experiments recreated in the certificates appended to* this notice attest: and to them wc invite the serious attention of every planter. .The known character ot the inventor, and the good reputation sustained by the authors ot the other* must prevent the public from suspecting any fraud in their recommendations of this new manure. We wishjo bespeak ortlertqfor the next cottou and corn crops, anti will make in stant provision for rilling every one with which we shall he favored. The earliest applicants shall he first served, and we so licit those planters who wish to try JVrtili- I era *“ Bf, ud us orders forthwith. The sooner they tiotne oeticr rot il.CII; AUw us. JAMES L. BROWN. JOHN C UK ID, Certificate of J. T. Walker. Philomath Ga. Nov. 9th 1860. I herein certify that I have been acting ns overseer for the Rev. John W. Reid, during the present year and that on the lltlt of April last I superintended the planting of about five acres of old thin red upland in cotton, upon which Mr. Reid’s fertilizer was put at the ra!e of 200 lbs. to the acre. 1 left in a!!, five rows tinmanured, designating them by stakes. The cotton in the manured rows came up two days in advance of that in the others. At the time of our severe drought, oommencing about the la*t of Jane and continuing through two or three Weeks of July, the tnamimi ----- -- - f cotton lad so distanced the other that the former seemed at least two weeks iiiyii!vance, and all through the dry weather it kept its color, and remained green nniß flourishing, nor did it shed its squares like that to which the fertilizer had not been applied. About the middle lof July, sometime before the cotton had j completed its growth, T found that in tin | manured rows each stalk had on it about three times the number of bolls and squares as any nno of those in the rows stacked at the end—l have kept carefully separate the picking from the two rows of each, and j ns* at this time the nmonnf obtained tVeio the two lniii uriHi Las doubled the qr.iiO.ty picked tiie other two, and the. disproportion will be still more so s of the fertilizer when all ? Uw colton is gathered in. lu Contusion 1 state that all the rows wore cultivated alike plough ed and hoed the same, number of times. J T. WALKER, Certificate oj It. C. D<imcl. Phii.Rmath G.\. Nov. Earth IS6O. j I herein certify that 1 have seen the I cotton of Mr. Reid which has been spoken |i t in th certificates of himself, and of I Messrs. Glenn, X>eg and Walker, 1 think tiie fexilnwr of Mr. K*'i<l inveeasuti tin? yield of the Isj-d on which it Wits put to double its uswa.l arotnmti. 1 1 1 awe trieii the nuumr on tnrnips-and tsnd it prefi fable to Rhode’s Phosphate, oi any other commercial niattiuv which 1 h- ve ever experimented with. lIOB'T C. DANIEL. i>ttfic,tie of Dr. Sami. G/ehn. PiiiM'XAVir;Oglethorpe Cos Ga. Not. Ist 1860. , ri by certify that I have noticed at .i.< :i r.t Magog of its growth .mc cotton of the Rw. Jehu W. Reid’s, o,**timed by a fertilizer, by himself A tsir rest was made f,y putting on about two hundred pounds e. uppy, and leaving some row* at different place* not manure,!—and although if was n very dry season here, and fnanuie niado but a poor showing, yet i have no hesitation in saying that the cr*qi was doubled and perhaps will turn out more than double the unr.mnmed part SAM E. GLENN, M. D. 1 Ci Hijlcnte of Alba / King. Pmu. M.VTH, Gn. Nov, 9tl, IS tip. I herein certify that on the 12th or 13fb of lasi July 1 saw some, cotton of the Rev. John W. Reid, upon a!! ot which exre.|J live rows hi fertilizm had I apfrlicd 1 i*e maunrcii eottm, in my ripuJon waa ai least three week-, tie,re advanced that, ilmt in the nuv* not manured. It also look 'd fresher .ir.ii greens r, nor did it appear I •be suffering from i lie drought like that which was tin manured. And ir y examination of the same cation to day convinces me. that the rows on which the fertilizer was put will make twice as much cotton to the row as the others. ALBERT KING. Certificate of Rev. John \V. Reid. Philomath, Ga. Nov. 10t'* 1860. I certify that the statements of Messrs. King, Daniel, Glenn, .Simpson and Walk er, are in the main correct. These gentle men only disagree in opinion as to the dif feronco of yield between the manured and j umn,-inured rows us cotton upon which the experiment with my fertilizer was made. In everything else material, their certifi cates corroborate each other, and 1 reaf-’ firm them, particularly the Assertion of Mr. Walkei my overseer say* that the fertili zer was put on the laud at the rate of 200 Ibi. to tho acre. M JOHN W. REID ’ November 28th 1860. BLABKI of all kfoda esatly fitllM ft 4 | rht • tf* ttotvl 9ws&, nwoiLumwiit. I IIK AMALUAM AT*ON t*V Lwui't,;Kt There is a growing tendency in this ar*. to appropriate the most expressive Word* ol other languages, and after a while to* inoorprnUe them into onr owUj thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek, signifying “for the head,” is now becoming’ popularized in connection with Mr Smfld iug’s great Headache remedy, hut it will soon be nsed in a move general wav and the word Cephalic will become as common as Electrotype and many ljt | lers svh distinction as foreign words has been worn away by common usage until they seem “native and to the manor born.” ’aril* Rralifed. Hl j* ’ Vadache this hafter noon, hand. I stepped into the hapothtea ricshand say, hi , 0 „ (r man. -Can vou lu’asein.ofan e.dache/ ” “Does it haehe ard, says e. “Hcxceedinglv,” says hi. hand upon that e gave Cephalic’ Pill, hand pna me ’..nor it cured me so quick ,h *t 1 ardl Y tTalized 1 *ad ’ad an ’eadl i,e. FTHeaiiache is the favorite sign hr winch nature makes known any d**vi,,.,j Jj whatever from the natural state ofrho hii.m and viewed in this light it may bo looked on as a sategaard to give notice of disease winch might otherwise escape .utentioo til to la o to he remedied; and it* indi cations slionhl nevei he neglected Head aches may be class,fie.l imTler two nani.-s, viz: Symptomatic andldiopathic. Sv-toto matu- le attache is exceeding! v common and is the precursor of a great vai.c-y „t diseases, among which arc Anonloxv. Otiut’ Rheumatism and all febrile i„ its nervous term it is sympathetic of uis case of the stomach constituting met, head ache, of hepatic disease bihout headache, m worms, constipation and othet fVisortlers of tite bowols, as well as renal and uterine affections. Diseases of the heart are very frequently attended wirh’ Hcadaohes ; A'nseiuin and plethora ure al so affections which frequently , occasion headache. Idiopathic Headache is also very common, being usually distinguished by the name of nervvous leaden hr, some times coining on suddenly in a state of ap parently sound health and prostrating at once the mental and physical energies, ami in other instances it comes on slowlv. heralded by depression of spirits or acerbi ty of temper. In most instances the pain l is in the front of the hi-ad,over one or botli‘ eyes, and sometimes provoking vomiting under this class also be named .Xrr r algid. 1’ or the treatment of either (flash { Headache the Cephalic Pills have boon fonnd a sure and safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains in a few minutes, and b\ f its subtle power eradicating the d>se-i*t oj which Headache is the unerring index. Constipation or fostiveiiess. No one id the “many ills flesh Is Vir s is so prevalent, so little nndcistpod* mt so much neglected as Costiveil e?s (R'cii originating in carelessness, or habits ; it is regarded as a i • di*|: of too little eonsequericc to cxiitu while in reality it is the j.-reru'.'SOr twit', companion of awyy ,„ v t***} ‘ •mgeio".. ..tsetses, ami unless rally tvintW’ oaiec! if will bring the sufferer to un timely grave. Among t|„? which costiveness is the usual Headache, Colic, . Breath, Piles and ethers <1 like n .to ■ ‘vli'le f. lortg train of frightful as Malignant Fe'ers, Al-cl;.-:’ Dy 3,-..;..-. Diarrho?,;. Dyspepsia, Par -j r-.u-, Hyslvib:, Hy poihondriasis, M. 1 iniin.h* and insmity, first indicate tl: *ir pr--s..c’?s in the ej ictvrn by tliis olarv i : ‘ £ -* mpiooi. Not unfreqiietitly the ifiseii.--* - ..rnt inat<-in Constipation, hut 1 .- on :• In dependent existence unless ib imm is eradicated in an early stage. Fi-om afi these considerations it fidlows that * disorder sould-receive immediate aitn.tion whenever it occurs, and no person -’u-olri neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills Bp the first appearance of fin- ajt then its timely use will expel to. * Tf'iJ approaches of disease and destrov geiousfoc to Inmuiif life ■ h: jsr cur 4a. CURE ‘Spfei NepvousHeaifLdie 4 ■S3- Sr CURE ,f MfeSCla Cilms* By the useof tHes- PHIsU =*;.-&;i>d . i,t*s*-k. of Kerr out or fit it U-iylncl- nut U. - ted; ,;r.d J” takes at rfce t~* .- ..j ... I :r, mtsek :tMediate lehel f> x l fix.’ C,* ‘*iii ’ ‘• •• ;.cd hex *‘i*io .# I'll in :-moving tl.- A'mittr and Baubiche n * i*ieb fores e* ire x ~„}j , f They .-,t i,tie upon ti.c fiov.ti*. -,xi... i ing Cox'heitettn. y-- * males, and aif'p .-rsoii* of mdent/fy ie-intn, n.ey *r vsluabb- •*> s.<| u dor ■ p wli*ip h t M "p/vcrd<aU rJ relieved a rrktamajfcit dm sartf Headache, B ffrtilill." tthiufA\ H. t M#mi system or r>|ow ajMpgi gtLwj^*>, They are entire 1 , y the* er n -and uny (pMkcn cl si tit>*s with i pvrfict safety *Mu WgklT|ij||aii , cl*r gi of c’iet, and the absent* flr tmflMh t irtedh tnrte renders it tn*y to mindmto i tiiren BMW A KB OK <, be genuine have t.rei*iflHt£#Viof I nAy C. Sps dirg on each It x,| [l Medicines UfUgS ' St * W *4w 1 in A K* will be sen <>) on re mine ii iwirti. -•> A f o-dsrs stuiulilt c addOMM ‘ to 4* fVrVr 8i Vrv .’tfibev ?ld J4iff,- t-n f