Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, April 03, 1861, Image 3

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From Texas. Galveston, March 22.—The Legisla ture met on the 18th. The House and Senate took the oath of allegiance, a few members taking It under protest. # Gov, llonston and the Secretary of State retired and surrendered up the ar chives. Houston has issued and appeal to the people, denouncing the Convention. The latter passed a substitute for the army bill, raising only one mounted regiment. The “Kansas Famine’ Horror a Swin dle.—lt appears, by the Leavenworth (Kansas) Herald, of February 10th, that the heart-rending stories of “titty thousand starving people in Kansas,” “cattle and hogs starving to death,” “women and chil dren perishing for want of money and means,’ etc., etc., is a “gigantic swindle,’ and the Herald , in a column of facts and specifications, argues that the real object ■of the money and provisions obtained from the East is to influence votes ir. favor of Gen. Pomeroy the leader in this move ment, who is up for office. Such is the Herald's statement,and that paper repeats it and challenges denial. A i Curious Freak of Nature. —There is -jtJitff*ro. t j, e es t a te of Dr. Hamilton, late of this place deceased, who was formorly black but is now of taw ny white color. We understand that it occurred gradually in this way : small white spots appeared, and theso enlarged until they run into each other and spread over the entire body.— Rome. Courier. Ratification in Louisiana. —Xkw Oh leans, March 21. —After a lively debate, the permanent Constitution of the Con federate States was ratified to-day, by a vote of ayes one hundred and one, to nays seven. Major Anderson Ordered to Kentucky. —An official order has been issued which finally disposes of the subject, of the eva cuation of Fort Sumter. Major Anderson has been ordered to Newport (Ky.) Par racks, as superintendent of the western ‘department of the army. As this is an official order, the evacuation of Fort Sum ter may he considered a “fixed fact.”— Baltimore Sun. Aloney Won by a Dead Man. —At Koe tlien. Saxony, recently, a gentleman en gaged in play at a faro table and died in his seat, His death was not discovered until his money, by’ being left on the table all the while, had won a heavy sum. A law suit resulted between the banker and the dead man’s heirs, which was decided in favor of the latter. % • Prospects in New YW^.-There, .inn l” imj.”- pUJSpHIffB in New y‘ anything like activity in business New York correspondent of the Phil ■mhdphi i Ledger, after speaking of the falling off of §2,557.429 in foreign imports, lust, week, adds : “These figures tell their own story. And if it need any additional illustration, it may’ he Imd by a walk down Liberty-street, and most itkei’ tlumnighiarns in that -neighbor hood, where the wholesale dry goods trade is tr ,nsncfed. On almost every ware house may he seen a little placard an nouncing “lofts” to let, at low rents, and net (infrequently, the entire house. The marble-faced stores which were erected in Liberty street, between Broadway and Greenwich street, during the flush times, a few years ago, have proved a melancholy investment. To-day, there is scarcely one of them. 1 am told, that could not be pur chased for cash at about one-half the orig inal cost. A little further’ up town—in Murray, Warren, and Chambers streets— there is more, business doing, and real es tate is suffering less depreciation—yet, even there, the vast falling off in business is, in a variety of ways, painfully visible, dt is idle to deny that the foreign impor ters are g'eatl v alarmed lest this state of things, bad as it is now. is to be aggrava-’ .led by tli(’ Morrill tni riff and the aotieipa-j •ted competition from the seceding States, It is also true that not a few of them are making arrangements to transfer their business to tin- South. Politicians, for partisan purposes, may pooh pooh those things, hut they are tacts nevertheless.” An Awful Conflagration Defeated. — The Pittsburg Dispatch learns from a ro- Jiable source, yet can scarcely believe it possible if possible, that a congregation in Youngstown, Pa., were lately edified by a discourse against the sinking of oil wells, on the, grouuds that God intended theso oil deposits for some great general con flagration, or other purpose, which was be ing interfered with by the well-borers. Singular Case. —A young man named William Ilaminel, residing near Pottsville, Pennsylvania, and who for four years past lias been so lame from rheumatism as to vendor locomotion without thn aid of •”mrrctiefi'fnvpffssihie, rose on Thursday last, and to the great surprise of all who* saw him, walkod away from his house without crutches. It was subsequently ascertained that lie had suddenly become a maniac through the severity of his sufferings ; the same cause which had restored him the use of his limbs deprived him of his reason. He was removed to the Insane Asylum at Harrisburg by the Order of Odd Fellows, of .which lie was a member. A one armed man was asked by a wo man bow he camo to lose his arm. He, promised to tell her if she would not ask another question. She agreed, and he said it was bitten off. As lie went away, she said she. wished she knew what bit it A Wedding. —The, Rev. Isaac Rosser of the Methodist. Protestant Church, an old pioneer Methodist preacher, who is now in the SOfli year of his age, and Miss Sarah Clii'ds. aged 60 years, wore united ii the Ifoly bonds of wedlock, a few (bug, ago, by the Rev. ,J. R. Turner- ail of this eit y.—Atlanta Confederacy. “Como here, my little lad,’ said an at torney to a boy of about nine years old. “A case is between the devil and the peo ple—which do you think will bo most like ly to gain the action.” The boy replied: “1 guess it will be a hard squoeze, the peo ple have the most money but the devil has kke most lawyers.’ * Itiew Advertisements. AMBROTYPE S. The undersigned would respectfully inform the Ladies and gentlemen o Greenesboro and vicinity that he has opened his GALLERY over his Jewelry Store, and feels competent to give satisfaction in this line as well as ir, Watches and Jewelrv. J. P. ASILSTBOM Greenesboro March 1:1th 1801. —'lin. FOR SALS. “1 KT Ttirrelsof Rectified WLiTsky • i ♦> 25 Itarrels,Old Rve Manmigabela ; 20 “ X Whisky; 20 “ XX 20 “ XXX •20 Baskets l’earl Champaigne; 15 “ Mamm.s “ , , . 150 Boxes Tobacco, of different brands; by ALSO, 250 Barrels Rectified Whiskey; 45 “ White Whiskey. Augusta. Apr. 25.1860. M, L. ALLEOUD. Fifty cents per 100 lbs. will be paid tor all bones delivered to the subscribers. JAS.L. BROWN. JOHN 0. REID, Gicenesboro Nov. 14th 1860. —ts, NOTICE. ALL those indebted tome either by note or account must call soon and settle, as I am com pelled to have money to pay my debts. Take fair notiec. Atv Books and accounts may be foil ltd at the old stand, and in my absence Mr. W. Griffin is authorized to receipt for the same. W. C. SMITH. Greenesboro Nov. 7th, 1800.—ts. BE SURE TO GALL AT MASSEY & LANSDELL'S. fiMSSi'tf H IJiSIiILL a calling BRtGGUTS & POTtt&GARIES. op at Greenesboro’ Ga. g Massey • _ ~ ■ ----- “ j & Dniffs. Medicines, and Chemicals, Lansdcll's ° ’ Dru „ PERFUMER\ & TOILET ARTICLES. ps Store PAINTS, OILS, SERGEONS’LINSTRIMENTS, 4c. AC., and Main Street, Greenesboro’, georgia. g * ! Exaiuill- Have removed one Door South of Messrs Howell & Nonry’s. ; - , increased facilities at command they beg to announce that i j||r they art better able to give Good Bargains than ever before. To > their already extensive stock they have made large additions and intend keeping at all time.ea supply adequate to the wants of this f MIIIIC and surrounding counties. ” To our old friends we return, rahiiy Thunks for their liberal pat- SillliplCS ronage and extend an invitation to all to try us before buying else- ■ where lor we arc determined to please in price and qualities, of Fill C R„puiar Patent Medicines wc offer on accommodating terms. WHITE Sirsaparillas.— Ayer’s, Bulls, Dennis, Guysotts, * Compound ■ Georgia Sarsaparilla. ; I EAR Louies. —“Aromatic lonic & Alterative, J, Bovee Dodd’s - [ Witte Bitters, Hostetter’s, Bliss Remedy, Sanford’s o # ...think Liver Invigorator, Oxygenated Bitters; McLean’s Cordial, German Bitters, Holland Bitteis. g-s- ■ Pills. —Ayer's Brandteth’s, Becurth’s, Cooks, Calhoun’s, ££ jtMl Champions untibilious, Champions Fever & Ague, - Clark’s Female Pills. Strong’s, Jayne's, Peter’s, Win be Wrights M ‘s, LcidyAs Leroy's, Shalleubergers, I , . Wilson : c . . I O convince* l Cough Medicines.— Ayer'.- * in Pectoral, Jayne's Expectorant, jS , Wistavs Balsam of Wild Olieriy, Wood’s Syrup of j o© <it OUCC - WTI Cherry, Roger’s Liverwort & Tar, # ieoland ! , ,i •* { , _ ’-loss Mixture. j ® mat 11 lb a Liniment- . —Arabian, Mustang, McLean’s Volcanic Oil, Perry Davis’ Pain Killor, British Oil, Railways Ready !~t “ Li I Relief, “Instant Relief. | & . , Vermifuges. —Dead Shot, McLean’s Vermifuge, Fahnestocks, article Frey’s, Jayne’s. gS . | Buchu. —Hembold s, *Brodies. £* mail mt, Miscellaneous. —Soothing Syrup, MoMunn’s Elixir, *Consecrativs ,>3- , Balsam, Jacob’s Cordial, Life Drops, Queru’s Cod go Liver Oil, Wood’s Hair Restorer, Mrs. Allen’s Hair Restorer, Jaynes Ague Mixture, Jaynes Al- Lead, and terative, Benzine, Spauldings Prepared Glue, Jew . David’s Hel irew Plaster, Daily’s Pain Eradiiifctor, |: cau Sanchez Specific, Thoris Extract, Tarrants Ex sold for u t- , ... 3: < Those marked * we manufacture and warrant their genuine LESS ness and efficacy in Diseases for which they are recommended. For a slight commission we will procure any remedy which || MONEY. any person may order that we do not keep. . Greenesboro’ Feb. 13,1861. “'’ WHERE YOU CAN BUY GOODS CHEAP. DRY GOODS! WM. SHEAR, Would respectfully announce to the public that ho has just received Large Additional Supplies, A.XR ms now ox mm t Ricti Embroidered and Fane, Bras SILKS; Superior Plain arid Figured Black SILKS, Plain md F'g (led MEBIN.OS md- GiILAINKS; Fancy Ottoman REPS; French EVtliUOl comprising and uslin,Wafenciennes and Point Lace SETTS, of elegant styles; Ladies’ Cloth and Velvet CLO AKS, otthe latest styles; L.dies’ Lynx and Sable Fur VIO I'ORINES, (?UFFsand TIPPETS;. A large supply of Lidias’ VII l IFb4; flLld E.nbrndared for L (dies Evening D’e ses; A complete assortment of HOiSfIBRV'; !sn, Saxony and Shaker FZkVNNEZS- Bleached and ■Brown SURE ITNO/S’ md S IIR.ITN'OS;’ 12-4 Linen StIEETIN(7sv Irish and Pillow CaS ll IJft'BNS; SO and 10-4 Damask DIAPEKA Dam ask *T ABLE CUHV/S; Damask NA KINS and DOY EA; Rich Printed and Embroidered TABLE \ND PIANO COVERS; Marseilles QUILT'S; Whitnev BLN KHTS. of F.vtre <iz- ud Quality; a large assortment of NEGRO ILL AN K • E'l’S; : lid,mond ’actor PLAIN’ , >\ki t ‘EYo'; .r.ORGJA STRIPES; Cotton OSNABURtfS; / A Hi, <i ix iv iii j.. iv of Other Articles for Family aud Plantation Use, • / ALL OF WHICH WILL BE ?OLD’ AT THE LOWESTPRICESI The public are reqaestel t > call and examine the assortment Novunber l*ith I.Boo.—tf. New Advertisements. A BFLBKDID STOCKI~^! At Lowest Prices! HDKUm Watch-linker, Jeweller, A N II I O P T I C I .A .IN No C 36 BROADS I’REET, nndvrthe U. S. Hotel,and’ opposite the City Honk. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA.* iCeeps on hand ji select and beautiful incut of Goods, consistingpf WATCaKB, JKWRLRY, SILVER A PLATED WAKE, Telescopes, Sukvbvor’s CompaS!":s, ks. ior Mountain Use, and in short every thing useful in his line of business particularly SPEOPACIjES. IN GREAT VARIETY. Fine Watches and Jewelry Repaired in the best Manner. (March 38,1800-ly. IM. A. COE, DENTIST. HAS returned to Greenesboro for t e purp:se of practicing Dexti# TKV, and would respectfully invit* all who may require Dental Operation ; to give him a call, or persons so desiring may ted at their residences. Dr. C. hopes, by the character of his operations, his reasonable pri ces and his gontlemanly treatment of all who. may favor him with a call, to merit and obtain a fair share of the operating perforned in this section. A superior quality of Tooth-Brushes, Tooth Powders &c., kept on hand. J3F“ No charge for exuninntion and advice, i entists Supplied with Teeth, Foil Instiiu mexts, Gold Plate. & c. December 12tU 18(>0.—fun. New Advcitisemetfts. $310,000 Worth of Farms, AND Building Lots, IN THE GOLD REGION OF VIR j ,GINIA. (Culpeper County,) is to bo di vided amongst 10,200 subscribers on the third Wednesday if every month, Sub scriptions only ten dollars each ; nnehalf down, the rest on delivery of Deed.— Every subscriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from SlO to $25,000. These. Farms and Lots are sold so cheap to induce settlement, a sufficient number being reserved the increase in tbo value of which will compensate, for Gie ap parent low price now asked. Ample se curity will bo given for tlie faithful per formance of contracts and promises, anc promises. (SF More Agents are wanted to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal in ducements will be given. Some Agents write that they are making 200 dollars per tnomli. Tor full particulars, Subscrip tions, Agencies. &c., apply to. Stamp to inclose E. BAUDER. Port Royal, county, Va. RAMSAY fc LaBAW, Brown Stono Building, opposite the Union Bank, and nearly opposite the Planters Hotel Jlugusta Georgia. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF Fashionable Ready-Made Clothing, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, &e., IdP’Our Clothing is WELL MADE, aud is of the most fashionable kind. Hav ingsuperior facilities for manitfacti'kinu. they will be sold CHEAP. Augusta, Ga. September 26, 1860. 6in. RT CII M a (In 1 i o n Velvet C a rpets, ENGLISH ROYAL VELVET, Brussels, Three - Ply and Ingrain CARPETINGS. In New and Beautiful patterns just Received. Damasks of all Kinds, Lace and Muslin Curtains, CORNICS, BANDS, LOOPS, AC. WINDOW SHADES, * Floor and Table Oil Clothes, Mats, Mattings, Wall Papers, Boards, Ac. The Largest Stock ever offered, for sale by JAMES G. BAILIE & BROTHER, Importers and Dealers, 805 BROAD STKITT, AUGUSTA, HA, March 6th 130*ly, KAUFFER, BAUM&CO: MDILISMI ®©D®S ESTABLI STM E\ T ANARUS, 175. Broad Street 177. Under the Augusta Hotel, Augusta, Ga, THE UNDER SIGN D VCIIB ESPECTFULTY INFORM Mcrehailts and Dealers that they have just completed their arrangements for the coining Fall and Winter Season . °ui ‘Store has been enlarged to DOUBLE its formor size, thereby making it the lar gest Store iu the state of Georgia i Out Stock, which tor \ ariety of the most desirable Goods, is unsurpassed in this State, will, in every respect compare favorable with any house either in Charleston, or any other Southern City. It is our intention to establish a regular i. H /9 h oles a. 1 e Jobbing* House, SELLING EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH. Which, us an old fact, is the only way to Buy Goods CHEAP. Having a similar es tablishment in New York city, which our Mr. I. Kalffbu is manager, it is easy to be perceived that we have Superior Facilities in obtaining the Latest NOV ELTIES as they appear in market. We would only ask the favor of an examination ol our Stock and Prices before going elsewhere and we ’ will prove to the Trade that we can sell Goods fully as Cheap as any other Wholesale House; besides saving your time for further traveling, and mail}’ other expenses. JUST R£2 O £3 XVE X> , Black and Colored CASHMIERS ; SATINET, Kentucky JEANS and TICKS- Black and Colored CLOTH ; KERSEYS, OSENBERGS, (DENIMSI • ’ Georgia STRIPES, Marlboro’ PLAIDS and STRIPES. ‘ CALICOES OF ALL KINDS! Mohair, Det>CTo9, Cedestiali, Lavella Cloth, llaregc, Delaines, Bombazine, Alpacas, D‘dallies, Marollas, ALL WOOL Deiaines, ENGLISH MERINOS! Black Brocake SILKS; Silk ItOBES. POPLINS, I’OI'ARUS ■ Faucy aud Plain SILKS ; | India China SILKS. Brexvn and White Sheeting and Staining l Irish LINENS, Table COVERS, Table CLOTHS; DIAPER, DAMASKS , HOYLES, NAPKINS, TOWELS, BRILLIANTS, Marseilles QUILTS. ‘ EMBROIDERIES Hat RIBONS, CORSETS; Velvet lIIBONS, FRINGES ; Morocco and Silk BELTS, LACES, WHITE GOODS, of all kinds. MADIE& AND §! IS SES’ HOOP SKIRTS! TRIMMINGS, YANKEE A OTIONS ; HOSIERY, and GLOVES of all hinds. BED AND NEGRO RDANKETS, &C., &C. Our Manufactory of Cloaks and Mantillas. Tteonly one in the Se4Uhor£t|tes,iß in FULL OPERATION'nb# pafid'we venture to say that we can offer**^ Articles BETTER finished, and more suitable Southern rAOTiuiAs Cheap as auy Northern Hon&f, Just give us the pLeaeure Os an oarljr call, and convince yourselve's’ of tln> above facts:’ KAUFFER, BAUM & CO. 175 and 177 Broad Street, J KAIiFPPn 1 “ Under the Augusta Hotel, Augusta, Ga. L fIAUn A iigimrn, CM I KAI PPEI# y 22d,-1860. , fmny 2b 1860.| —wlv j * P 3 ’ New Advertisements. NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned not to j trade for tlie following notes, which were j stolen from the subscriber the 4th to [ wit, one. made pa} able to J. A. Hurfell, by Lewis Trope for eleven Dollars dated ! September ISSB, and due ono day after I date, one given by A. D. Henry, payable ! to J. A. Hurfell ior Twenty Five Dollars ] and 87£ cents dated sometime in Decem jbr 1860. Ono on Cornelius McCarty, j due six months after date for Twelve Dollars dated in March 1860, and made payable to J. A. Hurfell, one ! on Wm. J. Maxey, payable toJ. A. Hur fell, due ono day after dale given some- I time in December 1860 with a credit of Four Dollars and 50 cents on the back of | it, and ono on J. & 11. A. Barnwell for ■ Eight Dollars and 75 cents date not rec \ ollcctrd. Any information respecting the above notes will bethankfily received. J. A. HURFELL, Pcnfield Ga. Feb. Cth 1861—ts. <9 MOUNTAIN HERB k jit (i r in y| Herbs, Barks and Bonis gjJ Minerals and Drugs. Ik $ MOTHERS TAKE HEED! B mi IV) you when iI)--rving M** uno:tT aoiiona of your chililrvn, eotwider ihm il nmy )>• m •ffft tliHll nun* i (L;l ailF;- L- iliem In n : t* ijflN out of t*ti tin* ntn-* *f tli *iifl*r Biy *r’o iilm..-Ii ‘ II /-/.M/.v, M A.. If g HEADS OK FAMILIES pi MI Vi ihl Wt Vrt'ir h *-i. in -■ • r r ‘JX\ y**u in dL U jcdsox’s worm n:v A SAFI AND 111 ASA \ 1 IFF! I• K Wt ‘RMS. (Ly 11. V mneh r ;.„d -„f.T i 1..* •..JHL htivt* it alwuy* in tin* hou-o A li ll lt* m\t its l*:th. wliih* noting without dvltiv, nx\-l VMU !>• giving Ww NOr.WAfX HE HU iinim diatfly. you will not only -•*- ‘lie ctiild m ton 4 V, |> and tmlitius illnoss. and much A 1 min hilt also f-i-l h:|.|ii**r ill knowing that you have lIIIJ don** your duty, and perchance nti%*d its li!. FJk This medicine is combined purely of i HERBS AND ROOTS | tl',l NOT A rARTICI.K OK nf||| /iValomcl or iilincvalJE M IS USED IN’ IT. No mire filthy Y*-nniriijjp will be u-ed by Ir'Ji thoH who once n-e tiii* Ti-a. The only active principle of all other Vermifuge* nnd Worm M'll Kill*if is M K KC( It Y . HDM (j GIVE NO & yip O I B O 3XTAJ ‘:J YODR CHILDREN. 1 UC tlii> simple. Safe. VegelaMe Medicine. llti.- Worm Tea was discovered in an uiiumiM vjjj|r| . w:t\ among the Wilds of Northern Mexico— a || ji full account of it you will find ill our Almnnars. BF- M J Ask lor iln- ‘ ‘iTeiit. nod when you hate read it. M*nd it to vjjlr; Jt’’\ ‘our neigh hors, that thev inav also know of and l! I) lw lUtv.l I, v tins t.KKAT ‘UFMKIIY ! fcV y* .11 DSO.VS WORM TEA y KILLS WORMS, Wj. ’ I Vcri-r Harm-—’s I’lrnsanl (o Takr. Nil® jij til l’ \ PACKAGE - PlilCE iii ITS. ||| (lil)] niISKRVF.. Alvt.-n* find the Name nnd Sijfna tun* of H. I. .lI'DS.iN .V Cfi aud tlie portrnit fTl| “f Tnmit, on each package of this Worm Tea. vjijF jTh B. L. JUDSON & CO, H SOLE PROPRIETORS,^ 50 Leonard St, New York. fit ’’ J Jinfioi , s Worm Ten I* sold ly one v •>A(c -. A *‘i very \ llln&;e, mill <&*£■*) V {■< .• £ >y DntupMs. SSLTi} Sold by J H Wood, Grecncaboro, G V Platt f|* W H Ward, Lexington, Ga. GJuue lh, lb6o, ly HOSTETTEK’S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors ami manufacturers of HOS TETTEIUB t'EEKBIiATED STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United States, because the article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A lew facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hostetler s Stomadh Hit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest titcudy increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rats medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, nud the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of’ the country where the article is best known, whir not only recommend the Bitters to their patient 1 *, hu 1 ore ready at all times to give testimortials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting llicrelroui. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting (lie finalities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, w hich is destined to bo ns cuduring us time itself. llostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaint* have counted their victims by hundreds. ; l’o bt>, able to state confidently that the “Bitters' - are a certain .cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of uu alloycd pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and impartbrenewed vitality to the nervous system,, giving it that toue and energy indispeii-abld lor the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly hut powerfully, and soon restores t hem ioacondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nnture. v Elderly persons may use the Billers daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent ns n tonic, nnd rejuvenating generally. We liuve the evi dence of thousands of aged men and wonikrv who have experienced the benefit of using Hit?'’ preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements nnd general debility; acting under the ndvice of physicians, they have abandoned nil deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this nrticle. A few words to the gentler sex. There arc certain periods when their cares arc so harassing that many of them sink under the trial; The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly lender. Hint tlio taut her, especially if she be young, is apt to forger lier own health in her extreme unxicly for her infant. Should the period of maternity nrrivc during the summer season, the wear of body and tniud is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up tinder her exhausting trials nnd responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Hitters to all other invtgora tors that receive the endorsement of pTiysi- I duns, because it is agreeable to the tuslc nr we]l ps Wlttiti tt> give n permanent meres;:* of bodily strength. • * All these persons, to whom we have parlietM larly referred above, to wit: sufferers ftem fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite. undU nil diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, nnd nursing mothers, will consult: their own physical welfare hy giving to Hos tetler’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters’ a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public against! using nny of the ututiv imitations or counter feits, but ask for llostt:TTk*'s Cst.r.ssATitn” Stomach Bittkiis. and sec that -each bottle Was the words ‘‘ririji Hostetler's Stimtncli Bitters'’ blown on'the side of the bottle; nnd stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature l is on tV label. <* **’ Prepared and aold by ItOBTBTTEK * SMITH, Pittsburgh, Fa., and sold by all druggists, grocer*, and dealers gensraltsr throughout the United States, South Ame rica, and Oorniauy. tale hrJ. 11. IFood, •Irccneshoro, TEA HTappgn, Whit* I'lglna, (Aug, Is'flo-1.