The graphic. (LaGrange, Troup County, Ga.) 188?-190?, April 11, 1899, Image 4

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J 5? <M<S» dfoCtzi Personal Paragraphs Piquantly and Pleasantly Put Items of Local Interest. 44 Spring Unlocks The Flowers To ’Paint the Laughing Soil.” And not even Nature would allow the flowers to grow and blossom io perfection I without good soil. Now Nature and people are much alike; the former must have sunshine, latter must have pure blood in order to have perfect health. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures blood trou- ' bles of all sortH. It is to the human system what sunshine is to Nature— i the destroyer of disease germs. It never dinappointt. - , Poor Blood -“The doctor said there wen* not seven drops of good blood in my body. Hood's Sarsaparilla built me up and ■Mm me strong and well." -o mh-. E. Bitoww. 16 Astor Hill, Lynn, Mass. Dyspep&ia, etc. “ a complication of troubles, dyspepsia, chronic catarrh and inflammation of the stomach, rheumatism, etc., made me mlyernble. Had no appetite until I took Hood's Sarsaparilla, which acted like maple. lam thoroughly cured." N. R, 1574 W. 14th Av,, Denver,Col. Rheumatism "My husband was | obliged to gi' < up work on account of rheu- I mutism. No remedy helped until he used Hood's Siu sparilln. which permanently cured him. It cured my daughter of ca tarrh. I give it to the children with good results." Mrs. J. S. McMatu. Stamford, Ct. Jfccd'A SaUabaiif/a Hgchl'B Pl|la < rre liver I Um. ll*« n<»n jrrHiHtnu and only I'iiitiHrti * to in kt* wit '■ Hood'a S.<r»upariilu. ■ 111 * WI. -• . WMI I ■ - • -»IM ■ Destroyers—Jones—You n .« to uor b i afraid to place that book in the hands of your child ren. Smith—H’m! I guess you don't It now my children. —Brook- lyn Life. » When you nsk for Dr. M. A. Simmon* Liver Medicine, see that you get itund not some worthless imitation. Wlvit Sue Meant—“ The idea of her having the nerve Io claim she first saw the light in 1878.” “1 would not judge her 100 harshly. Pprhaps she meant the are light.”- Indianapolis Journal. The smallest tilings may exert the f rentes! influence, DeWitt’s Little airly Risers are unequnled Tor over coming constipation and liver troubles. Small pills, best pills, sale pMls. Brad field Drug (Jo. W. S. Hendon Hogans ville. Prediction Verified —“I see there is talk of a Plough Trust with a capital of $60,000,000.” “Well, huveti'l 1 been telling you right along that they would run this trust business into the ground?”-Chicago News. Mothers w ishing st-mt henllhly girls should give them Sinnnons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets as they ap proach j liberty. W i.sted Time. Miss Topnot— Isn't it too bad about this book?| Miss Panhandle—-Why, what is I the m liter? MissTopnot—Why, : I didn't discover until 1 had tin- ’ ishetl it that I had read it before: —Dei roil Free Press Petil Perry, of Columbus, Gm., suf fervil agony for thirty years, and then eared nis piles by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve It heals injuries 5 like magic, i'rndtield Drug Co. " s Hendon, L'oganrville S loncing Him -George—Jim BlufLm told ne« thin his wife j makes al 1 her ow n b mnets. Maud Well. George, would you like to have a wife aho was such a dowdy that she was neve’’ known k> get a seat in a crowded car— Cleveland plain Deal' r. La Grippe i» again epidemic. Every frecautioii should be taken to avoid it. ts specific cure is One Minute ( ough Cure. A. J. Shepetd. publisher Agri cultural Journal and Adviser, Elden, Mo., says: "No one will be disappoint ed in using One Minute Cough Cure for LnGrippr.” Pleasant to take, quirk to act. oradUeld Drug Co. W. S. Hen don. Hogansville. “That's a curious car load,”! said Machester to Birmingham as the two stood on the platform and looked down the aisle. “M hat’s curious about it, except tint all the passengers are wo men?” “Well, where will you find mote curiosity than in a car load of women?”—Pittsburg i Chronicle Telegraph. Enthusiastic Young Miss— I “To think of you being a real j literary man! I do so long Io I know how you write things. | Can't you explain it?” Vener able Hack— “It is the simplest thing. You have a mind suita bly prepared. You get an idea. The idea being introduced into! the mind causes fermenttition, during which a seurn rises to the , top and is carefully removed, leavi ug a residue of clear i bought. i This you bottle up for your own use. The scum you sell to a pub lisher. ” —Li fe. ! Never saw .so many new goods* i at Seay Bros. There is one portion of the ho man body which continues to it> crease in size throughout lif<v! and does not, cease with the al-I taininentof maturity. This i.-sj the crystalline lens of tike eye. Dr M. A. SiinmeUK Liver Medicine * clean* the Complexion. |gives- Botijnn— cy to the Mind, cures Headaehe, Reg ulates Stomach Bowels and Liver. Menstruation made Regnihr and Painless. and Pains in Sides, HAps and Limbs cured by Simmon* Squsw Viae-i Wine or Tablets. A black lioness has lately been added to the collection of' ani mals in the Jardin des Plantes, in Paris. Lions of this color me found only in the interiojrof the- Sahara, and are scarce- even there. Derangements of Menstri ai Func tions produce Miscarriage. Swutnons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablet#- correct the derangements. Mr. S. A, Ftickler, Editor ,if the Mi canopy (h'ta.) Hustler, with his wife and children, suffered terriHy from* LaGrippe. One Minute Cough Our* wm the only remedy that helped them. It acted quicklj. Thousandn-of ot Iters* use this remedy as n specilic for La - Grippe, and its exhausting after ef fects. Bradfield Drug, Co. W. S. Hen- ‘ don Hogansville. Helmholtz’s bruin has-been exs amined by Prof Haiisetminn of Tienna. It > eighed 1.440 mes, above I lie average, but lent t a remarkable weight. The oo»- volutions of the brain, howevtx. wereexl.rii H-iliiiarilv complex',. Rheumatism Cured., My wife has used Chatiil>«*laina tilrin Balm for rheumatism with great :vi*ief 1 and 1 can recommend it as a splendid 1 • liniment for rheumatism and other I household uses for .which we- ll»ive I found it valuable. —VA. J. Cuylar, Red Creek, N. Y. Mr. Guylerisone o 5 the leading met -1 chants of this village and one of the ■ most prominent men in this vioiniily I W. G. Phippin. Editor Red Creek. Her i aid. For sale by LaGrange Drug Co. Mr. Borkcdak of Norway, an- ■ nounces that t lhj sun is. burning I out more rupidly that* is usually ! believed and ihat mtS-ss sotn< ‘thing intherferes oar grand-; children wili see its extinction. Mr. Mohn, also of Norway hur. checked Mr- Borkedal’s ralcula.- tions and finds them correct. I These are dniigewus times for the health. Croup, cold and throat troubles lead rapidly to consumption. A bottle of One Minute Cough Cure used nt the 1 right time will pwerve life, health snd a large amount of money. Bradfield Drug Co. W. S. Hendon. Hogansville. Mrs Jessie K D-ivids-m. Tn 1 apoosa, Ga., writes: 1 find Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine a splendid remedy for Torpid Liver, Indigestion ami Liver Troubles. I was a wrcack and tired of , living, but by its use lam a well wc > man. On Prince Schwarzenbergs; game preserves in Bohemia 106, j 604 wild animals were killed during the last season. They included 2.161. dear 265, boars, 27,519 bares, 39,712 grou ; a and 1 ! pheasants, 6.657 wild gr»*se and 'ducks and 29.446 ' noxious’ nui iiials, among them foxes, otters. ‘ ibidgers herons and hawks. In 1888 niy wife went East and was attacked with rheumatism. She re-1 ceived no relief until she tried Cham berlain's Pain Balm. Since that time . we have never been without it. We find it gives instant relief in ruses of ; hums and scalds and is never failing, for all rheumatic and neuralgic pains. I —D. G. Brunt, Santa Yn» z, Cal. For sale by LaGrange Drug Co. All doubts us to lite Burial j place of Turgot Louis XVi’s Ign ut minister of iiit.ince luvci b 't-n reMJoVed by the OfH-nilJg ol the |ofiil> in the eli.i|H i i attached to the l.euiim-c hospital, >n Parts.' H‘s coftin- w.i-. found, together! with those of his ht-r and two 1 others of ihr Limny. in excels ’ lent pres rvn < ion. THE VH TO WIN I WO3IIN. A man must! fight t<> win a woman, ft i» not always atduel with rapiers that he must engage in. Sometimes it is a struggle which on the fnrface appears to be fa»- more peaceful tiawi any battle at arms.- It isn’t the soldier onlv who r-- he brave, hi eu need courage to succee ivwhere in life. A mechanic or a farm ■ <l9 "grit ’• jin his soul ns wo!l as on i . hands, tn t whatever line of vwirk am- -ailed vpun i ■ to make his way- irt th -Id he nvut I show pluck, and steady. vering deter mination if he expects .a aud bald a worthy woman’s aiR-ctiu.. , A woman judges a man from appe-- ances. If he is energetic lorciblc doesn’t always stop to reason why. bUa i, i • I 1 Moks like the Spanish senorita at her win dow and applauds the man who f«hta bravely. He may *>rn, he may lose but i he must never dag ; Ira must fight A man doesn’t aiAsavs do himself justice. - He may make a hid. showing wiasi he i really isn’t to blame. Il is common to say •f a man who is rmtd and incapable that he is "white livtdf” Sometimes tiia is literally true, yeb-not any reproacl »to-a . man either. Mwty i iuan with a wave, willing heart sea- his* work acts at times like a lazy "quitrer,” jest because his liver is out of order. It is Hie commonest kind of a disease. A man doesn f-khow what is the smtter with him ; he feels all the strength and energy oozing onttof him ; he can’t work ; he can’t eat; h » can’t sleep ; he canrt even think clearly. HM la*** heart and courage and flesh; pr< tty. -oesi he feels San his lungs. w The <ncton*. call it consumption and prescribe 4Qng - peetties. But what the man needs is mnedicine to go de rp down into the foun lotion* of the iron bile; dear the poison out-of hjs blood , walre up hia». liver, purify, revitaiare and bui’d up hiw. system from the for.ndation ■st jne. Ho needs Dr. Pierce’s tiolden ?.ledir al.Disco's, ery which has cured innumerably cases ofi>'| obstinate liver cmapl lint whie’.r. the dco tors diagnoMdas luwpelt-ss coas.*nption. , The work of this snasterfui " 'Jfcscoverj^”'' begins at t ie-very-, corner-store, of life is- I the stomach, and nutritive organism. It gives appetite, nanrishment, rich blcfad, | healthy, s did flesh A cough .is only a symptom , there are other things that make the cough ; they must got r:4 of first, the .-ough tuny be the la A thing '«go •wav. Ijn Weiee’s niarvelgst* “Discov ery h isn tschiupspecific ; bug st does more i than asy< such specific cat., ever ds. Itt‘ aweeps out of ite blood a.'l:the foaltdU ease-gems that lodge in the lun rs and-, originate consumption ; it '«als up the.-delicate tissues and imbues the entire system, with strergth and! active energy Tlr« fact is» well esta" dished Jirat ti» "Gciden Me-.ical Disco*ery” cures weak luug>. bleeuteg from huigs, rbstitiite-, lingering esmghs. laryrgitis, leonciucis, thr aat diMsnic. and ki: died aCSctious.of th'* air-passages, whirl, if neylecttnh 01 I badly trexfied. lead u > to eommunrtion' . h'duuy thonaaads of we<l established litres ! of: such <2Ses are reported by. the most j trustworthy vitixens. Many oS tin-sc cases i had been, pronounced? consutnpl-.out—and hicurabie —bv the best loext phydeians | before the sufferers rjornraemjud thu-wse of : i Dr. Pi*sce‘s Golden Medical Disciwery. ’ ’ Dr. ihcree’s Favorite Ptescraption is ' teccxynzed e-erywliere as Mie g*va.t<st of : nerve- auu strengtl* buildew for wak aud •ihtv? women. Hi# " Pleasant Pet’ets ” are acknowledged as the mouk perfect uat mat laxative ever prescribed. Oat of his lifetime expseJartceas a prao ; ticing physiciau and professor of physict- j ®gy. Dr. Fierce has co:spiled a Wonderfht tliousand-page book, illustrated with evtr •roo drawings ard several colored places 1 It is entitled the Peobit’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, and ts. a complete family medical library in we volume. Nearly I seven hundred thousand copies wexe sold ' at si.?o each. Dr. Pierce considered the , profit on this sale warranted hitn in issu- i rng a free edition, and a paper-bo«nd copy will no* be sent absolutely free for the bare cost of mailing, at one-ceat stamps, or in heavier covers for 51 stamna.*Address World’s Dispeasnry Med ical Association, 663 Mair. Street, Eufialo. N. Y. Only one copy wid be seat t* one family U should be in. every fMkUjr ig , the Wad. | L™ iICASTORIA I For Infants and Children. PASTORIA I You Have i * l * Always Bought Jfcbfegetable Prepara^onfor As- ■ . sintilatingiteTtodandßegula- ■ , g ting the stomachsandßowels of ■ Beal’S th© g t I gjgnatuje I PromotesDigesUon.CheeTful- ■ /J lip nessandßrst-Contains neitta- ■ Z >a f Opium,Morphine floryfineral. ■ VI NotNabcotic. ■ /wi A*/- ■ 1 If 1 jttxJmna * 1 A perfect Remedyfor Conslipa- K 111 (I tionT Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, ■! WormsXknvulsions.Feverish- ■! Ip y n|| nessaidLoss OF SLEEP. ■ K/* |OU liaVj FacSnndr Signature of ■ (Always Bough! - I-" ICASTfIRIA .■ 11 I 11 I CBWTAUR R<W Y*OM CtTV. t - ■ ■ 1.1 I 1,1,1 ■■ ■1.11,1 ■■■■■■l. . ■■■ ’ I WORTHLESS GUANOS I I HOW J*-AKNKIh AMKI’KOI El TED ■ !• UO)1 MJMi BY iBE STAI E-lAWS i ANALYSIS IS BROYIDKD FOP Uuinmtaatonar - O. It. Sl-vvn* I‘oiuii- O»»4 l||«l I’ilirr* Sll-llld I'utSv t«> I bxmtrt S'r'vkwt y» Qpr‘iirs.— Hdw are the 1 jrmers pro taMurU...rwii -?t ur.- «* gu.i n< m and. w uui *tvp*<*»n . e taxi't*>t*i n.iVrt -Mir guano a»u.« z-*o and pguocre m.-'i *t;nn>u <-.nn »!*rtriug <he-.- u- < re We nave >u },»v .H>r rbp:;i i >r*nt was «•» tnu.l'Uerl SO !>(«.(«« tm- interest of tilr f:fr*>.nr*, ,»n i imirti iHioruMiion orn*. | i subjeo* p*r:a:ni ;g to ii.ttm i inu-r<.-w*. Un«v n.ue pres « laws wturh govern the sa*r» ot cuaiiMercial ztrij-lcw, 1; uai-j- m-muia .rarer* or >»in ipuuuMT* woul ratienii. ;o sell spur* tu articles to th* farmer »of this >*a'.e. i'na,« uvitoiiwMSM p ,ict » upon tha» n»te i oi t«<’iilzrrw *v adeqt ate and oft such curuMcu-r :i44 r--n:errit uihm** an , inituo-'.s*!.titty-.* to puss ,»ff sboddyr goo.:? up» iuj jwvttiser. Is is tr» dial , ZUPHUI Hl Uaar flr.ire M) Mli alien rep | resent t «ruu higaer than ti*;r guarantee, bv. j tue farmers are runoh to 'statute torrlbeir gullibility m ' •sing fttar grunted rhat the->>od.s urt* i wttut therx are repr«* nied ley overzeiil mis ag- ixes \Vnvii. uriners jay no ut-! 1 lention th j ran tees* that ar>J printed <*othe sks- of t-v-oy brand, ii. j 1* tut 'ritual:, if u*y ure mweived as ta i its Vai 3© ; i'he list? requires that emrir I sack r-uaib haTo th- bric.d printed upon it, a itfti,giving tb**aua v siwoud the gzui’- cute* o 8 e.itn Ugrv.i’vufl that gi*-s 'G maka-uro the toari amoiuftier plant flood. j l 01 .tuurso strru* mo nthon >hovs’,d be . kivrbi to the idtiuuuuv ami ■ uoa iM maxiratxui, she mauufacrur , ei>ury tt> irivexMietxght *4 em_h Aigredi- tot- so go ab'nv* the autuimum. guaniu . w, was s<< aieet tui* rvquirsmeuta of th*-aw, tkrreture t4> mminaum guar- ■ artiee is use ouly ?hlng t-s which w. Wan'd p*. attomLu,. A;t<r the goods are imrchuaed. trims the Luu com-sioths rescue m. both the- parcha»?r and seder. I’ne i*w reqitxnr, the uaiumacturer tu regisfcrsr the uainiu of the goods, the | nai,» O; »ne juauu. iKturer, the p*ace v huee utauu-'wCiured wd the guarantee i of what aiuwsn: of ptam food witn this d»p&. -ttnen, before they sell or offer for , Sak‘ any «>' their branda A ter the I bra.ids are r >g, .sersd, u» law requires tbo nianuf ,c:..;.eni to give tUo COli:mu . sior.arof ,vg oslturi uori.-et ea.;h dar fW«»ry of g<i ~ia a.J i orcotiaigued ■A par.nt.-, in th;.* ««■ to give the | tianies ot liie pur*»M c > ao-n g«’. i t aud I wht re. rtirf tt >». -is »r :i be delivered, « ■ ■ ■■ ■< that every sack oothM directly under ine eye of the cotuniiisioiier, and hr (Min-send inspectors to-tiibi the different Imtids in ail portions <x the state. The samples arc taken- by inspectors au4 taa seaied by them ami sesw to ih*» ctxa ini'Siouer. They are ruen numbered aui-i recorded in this ofihe and seat te the cbeiuisu The .■'tuiEs chenu*t na»- L|rzes tiiese goods, ami tiiev are renmM* to the coinmi.-sioner by number. Tiiew reports are tneu rvconied, and go M make up the budetim whicn is- eem M ever? one from wh««t u* ww taken and ro-uil wn-> ask for them Be- > sides tins jiian of procuring samples, 1 have issued a cinrtrhir letter through the newspaper* of Georgia stunug, that ’ if any person dmwred a gfiecial auairsir of ins guano, that if he would, send me a request, L would- send an ni'pector t« get a *atn<>ie of ibe coods and make aa analysis of it. Ttov law r<-quires that if the-e<»iu<uis»u>rrer sends in a sample to the state etietuLsr, it must be takeu by a sworn inspector, and only from un broken sacks wr packages As son ar the chonnss cimu auaivze these goivis, the results are eenr directly to the per sons for whom made. / Under the Ellington law. every farmer --an demand that a samnie shall lie taken of the goods he purchases a* the time of the delivery tor the party from wi*>t» be bu -s ins guanos. Toil itouiplv suall betaken bv bo h the seller ami baver. delivered to the ordinary, f and he wili seal it in ih- ir presence mnl ' make a its-or-i of sumo. If for any reasoa rhe purchaser beliews that his crop it not betrcnied by the t»e of said fertilizer, heeaa have the ordinary to send the -am ple to the state chemist >or analysis, and if the g-ixxis do aot come up to th* guaamntee. the purchaser need not pay for them. Tuns y-»a see the many pre cautions thrown sr.-und the sam of this article of comiwerce (1.) Register the name of the manu iaeturer. where tu.muia turetl, u une ot brand un i the amount of plant food said brand enntams (2 ) Purchase tags for same, and place them <>n tho sacks (3 ) Norify the commissioner of agri culture »>f every t-aie or consignment. Give name and audress of each pur chaser or consignee. All of this luiorination is required t* i be given, gild is riled and recorded. Should they fail to do this, the sexier not only subjects himself to noncolieo non for the goods, but aiso to proseettr tion for misdemeanor. I propose as commissioner to give op portunity to the farmers to protect themselves from the dishonest dealer, as well as to protect the interests of th* honest mauuiacturer who complies, with the law.—State Agricultural £>epart ment. We make Lady and Fancy cakes today. | Bakery.