The graphic. (LaGrange, Troup County, Ga.) 188?-190?, April 11, 1899, Image 8

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Dr. Henry R.Slacl A ChrmiMi Office and Consultation *■ Practice Only. Dll L. D. niTCHELL. ZSZEZW'Tie'TS Thornton Building, LaGrange . , . Georgif ! ’ T* r )K. A. J. i l Gi.LE PH\ SBIAN AM* .M KhE<»> m .r* Ornu M >*•«* hn*|J‘i«(F ii A. J. BOYD. j ( « mjks’T h>k LiMM te j ♦ »»niH r.i <i ym r• y I* * »<’• hcp Hi 11 ip , Jl’ut il’il tn*. L. Bradfield, ; AItTORNEY.AT-LAW. ! ComAutions : a : specialty i Uflo’e in Biwllield Building. w , LaG rnngv. <>R. , Fv * W. C. pa RK Attorney And Counselor At Law, LaGrange - - - Georgia. Rr|>»<fM’niin<r American Surety Companv. VtSORiMEK EaUly, Quickly, Permanency Restored MAGNETIC NERVINE •Mee lovirre Inaomiua, Fit*, Dixiinm.*, HvMrria, i Kervou-t Dvbihtv. Lott Vitality. Seminal I.r«««a, i Failing M-tmory -the r-.uh of Over-work, Worry I Mrkne.i Error* ot Vrutb <n Over-lndulgenea rrlce bO< and tl; 0 boner Sb. For qi»ic«, positive .nd lot me rr-i'ih* in Sev.a’ tV-nk’i. •». im- «n 3 ! <-• Vttalkv use YELLOW L»SFL SOCIAL JmN. I atreneth will five Mtenath and tone to every |*i’ •»*.! « jwtmimmit cure. ChcnpeM and beet toe ’"ill* *:» nv retail. go r —A bottle o’, the famous lapanee. Lirot FtJ*rdi will be <iv.ii with «»' b®” or mere •< M»| I Beeic Not vote, free l.wtlonlv bv t F«»rr«ll & Bark*. * ON w o ’ Have your plumbing done right by L. M. Sim rii Plumber and Tinner.! Have yolir Plumbing done right by L. H Simril Plumber and Tinner Schaub’s new Photos at 50c per dozen are the newest things out. Schaub’s new Photos at 50c per dozen are the newest things out. Iltii rib?« agony if canned by Piles,' Burna anti Skin Diapaaea. Tlieae nr* •r"mediately relieved and quickly cured • try Do Witt's Witch Hotel Snlve. Be ware of worthless imitntiona. Brad- j fold Drug Co., W. S. Hendon Hogana- 1 Wille. Thu Mowjuito will Rood be to prevent his hill.—Ex. Spring has come, so has Schaub’s new stock of picture moldings, cheaper er than ever. ----- -. “Pitts’ - * II Carminaiivn ♦ *»«w Mr »«*r'« Ufa.” £ ** LAMAS & RANKIN DRUG CO. J I can not recommend Pitta" Car- g ■“native too strongly. 1 must say. J ( I owe my baby‘a life to it 4 a I earnestly ask ail mothers m J I have sickly or delicate chtkkaa Just ? I to try one bottle and see what the A result wiH be. Respectfully, j» Maa. LIZZIE MURRAY, < i Johnson'a Stat'on. Ga. g J i 1 An m/M £y aM OrerwAaAa. g | /wmug ««eomt. J "wAMMMartaA A Golden Opportunity. I Grasped by a Young Married Woman of Shelbyville, 111.. Just in the Nick of Time. ; _ ■ ¥ C »‘ 1 i ijk (7& JfW Q r'O \'3L ' 1 OWwfe' ■ TO *• • >*' ■ > 1 V v \ x MRS. WAKEFIELD. Women, like men, are divided into two classes; one that is prompt to act and the other dilatory. The former class carries off the trophies in bus iness, lo ’o and war, while the latter bears the burden of disappointment always. 'The good woman whose portrait appears above had arrived at a condition physically, where prompt action was necessary. The drafts upon her reserve force had been too great and physical bankruptcy was imminent. It was Impossible for her to sleep, and if women cannot sleep they have reached the beginning of the end. Mrs. Wakefield had grown worse under the doctor’s care and hope was fast departing, when she was recommended to try Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine. She acted promptly on the rccom meudation and received the reward of her prompt action, in renewed health. Women frequently suffer for months and even years without complain ing or making their sufferings known, and the result is liable to be a sudden collapse. As soon as the first evidence of weak nerves is felt Dr. Miles’ Nervine is indicated and may be relied upon to give quick and lasting relief. One bottle taken in time often effects a cure and the first bottle is guaran teed to benefit or money will be refunded, by the druggist of whom it was bought. “New and Startling Facts,” an Important health phamphlot, mailed free on application. Read Mrs. Wakefield’s statement: Shelbyville, 111., March 28,18«5. • “I was in very poor health and my symptoms gradually developed into nervous prostration. I suffered greatly from nervous headaches, and attiinea was unable to attend to the slightest household duty. Sleep at night was im possible, as I had spells of nervousness when I had to get up and walk the floor. The least noise would startle me, in fact my nerves were in a ter rible condition. I was recommended to try Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine and purchased six bottles of tho remedy. The first bottle did me so much gV»o that I toek the second, and I can safely say it is all it is recommended to be. My appetite is much better; the nervousness has disappeared; I can enjoy a good night’s rest and I have gained health to such an extent that j I would consider it folly to look for a better remedy. I have also used Dr. Miles’ Pain Pills, and they have given me much relief. I found them a sure cure for sick headache.” Mrs. S. Wakefield. Sold by all Dru<rl*t«- Book on Heart and Naevas. Free by Dr. Mile* Medical Co.,Elkhart,lnd. Dr. Miles’ Nervine - ~ Subscribe for- - LaGrange GRAPHIC. SI.OO per Annum. * PIKE BROS. Contractors an d Builders and Dealers in ‘ ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL Estimates furnished for all kinds it vork. Give us a trial. We have just put up a first-class COHIT And can grind your corn on short notice and in best man ner. M. M. S. POULTRY FENCE /\7 \h zxz > < r1.r1.0. iIX-Pm zvt^ A \zV7?ll 27 Wk J®tx fi-S-ASAS < Sz-£ 7"v~Z'v~7 Vy'vyvlV tftfc- / ' -dr //, - - Vz-v-K-Tn m Patented July at. [TRADE MARK.] Patented July *. iSfty. Cn OED HE MT OAVIlin Requires no top or bottom rail and only Xas OU I tn utnl. unllnu. many posts as the old style netting and makes a better fence. A full line of Field and Hog Fencing, Steel Picket Lawn Fencs, Gates, Posts, Rail, etc. Write for full particulars. UNION FENCE CO.. DeKalb, 111. Southern Office, No 68 S. Forsythe St., Atlanta, Ga. EL CL Butler, M tinii ta<«i uitsr ol Gecrgib Long Leaf Yellow Pine Lufflbot CAh SILLS AXL BBIBSE TIXfEIS A SfECIALTY. Mil j Al nIcnWOGB, BOOLY COUNTY, GKOHOiA . r .,»r>ria- »• VA.<llsT'V Kino's of Building Material. News and Opinions • - OF • - National Importance. The Sun. ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, hv mul ----- $6 a vear Daily and Su'd.v by ms;l $8 a ve:F The Sunda Sun Is the Greatest Sunday Newspaper in V'e World. Price 5c a copy. By mail $2 a y ear. Address THE SUN. New Y.rk 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE HItJ J 1 L J F Jll I J i ■ 1 ■ R L ■ r* J *■o6 • • Trade Marks Designs f Cormrmhts Ac. Ahtoso MDdlnr » iketcte and daaoiption may <aloklr aooertain onr opininn fraa whether aa invention if probably patentable. Coaunoßiea- Uana atricUj wnS.tantiaL Handbook on Pataata sent free. Oioeat acaney for (ecar>n< patents. Catan to taken throurh Uenn a Ga. receive racial notit, without ehartM. in the Sejantfie Bnericaii. A h'-.nOoo’neir iUasUatoA wwokiv. larweet Mr eolation of ear aaaoUSe taarnal. Tw S 3 a year: fear Months. (L BaM hr ail newoSeaJom. SUBSCRIBE NOW I-'OT2 THE SAVANNAH JOURNAL THE SEW IHIW PJPffl And Save 40 Per Cent. Yearly [By Hail] - ss.o® Six Honths -- - - j.oe Three Months -- - 1.5a One flonth - - - - .5a Invariably in Advance. ADDRESS, JOURNAL PRINTING GO., Savannah Georgia. ( IUU. .Hit.. Ukrt- - kaWXESZSCSIM Skin Diseases.' For the speedy and permanent cure <1 tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Chane berlain s Eye and Skin Ointment W without an equal. It relieves the RAr ing and smarting almost instantly aid its continued use effects a cure. It also cures itch, barber’s scald head, sore nipples, itching paM chapped hands, chronic fi&re eyes afll granulated lids. Dr. Cady’s Cenditiaa Powders ly horses are the beat tonic , -blood aadvcnßifaga. Friee, 36 costs. £r LaGra«f« ©rug Ce.