The graphic. (LaGrange, Troup County, Ga.) 188?-190?, April 18, 1899, Image 4

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Me World. Personal Paragraphs Piquantly and Pleasantly Put Items of Local Interest. “Durability is Better Than Show/' The wealth of the multi millionaires is not equal to good health. Riches without health are a curse, and yet the rich, the middle classes and the poor alike have, in Hood's Sarsaparilla, a valuable as sistant in getting and main taining perfect health. It never disappoints. Scrofula “Three years ago our son, now eleven, had u serious cane of scrofula andcrysifH lan v'.lty dreadful sores,discharg. Ing and Itching constantly. He could not walk. Several physicians did not help for Sixteen months. Three months' treatment with Hood's Sarsaparilla made him per fectly well. We are glad to tell others of it." Mas. David Laird, Ottawa, Kansas. Nausea " Vomiting spells, dizziness and prostration trou >I»<1 me for years. Had neuralgia, grew weak and could not •leep. My age was against me, but Hood’s Barsnparllla cured me thoroughly. My we gh' increased front 125 to H 3 pounds. I am the mother of nine children. Never felt so well and strong since f was married as J do now." Mae. M. A. Watkks. 152!) 33d St., Wnsir.cwton, l>. C. Eczema "Wc h.d to tie the hands of our two year old son on account of eczema on f.icr and limb.-*. No medicine even helped until we used Hood's Sarsaparilla, which soon cured." 5! ns. A. Van Wvck, 123 Mont ornery Street, Paterson, N. J. vaMaparifig _ t’lih cure !tv«.- ill - -. •«... irritating nnrf cii > < ..<,i .rim t-> I -I»Ub I- •<'< hiir»Hniir*'la. Miss Bettie Render retbrnpd home last Tuesday after a delightful visit to Mrs Michael Cody, in Montgomery. * Miss Ethel Dal lie returned home from Greenville last week. When you nnk for Dr. M. A. Siinmona Livei Medicine, see HiM you get it and not some worthless imitation. The many friends of Mrs. R. G. Dix will learn with regret that she is quite sick. Tim »tn sliest .things may exert the frentPHl influence. DeWitt’s Little Earlv Riser* are unequaled for ov“r emning eoiistipalioii ami liver troubles. Small pills, boat pill*. safe piJls. Brad fi Id Drug Co. W. S. Hendon yjllv. After ft delightful visit to friends in Atlanta, Miss Nell Callaway returned home last Tuesday. Mothers wishing stout healthly girls ghou d give them Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets ns they ap proach ] liberty. Mi . En< eh CAllnway is now in At lant.r mi a visit to her mother Mrs. j Banks. Pmil Perry, of Columbus, Gm., suf- • sered ngonv for thirty .venire, and ll.ea eared his pilM by using DeWitt’r Witch iiaim Salve It heals injuries like magic. 'rudtleld Drug Co. « b Hendon. • ngansville Mr. W. G. Park and family left last i wee’:. l< r Felluun, tin., where they will , upend f.oni? time. Mr-' Je-sie R. D’vidicm, Talnpnosn, Ga . write*: 1 find Dr M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine it splendid remedy for Torpid Liver, Indigi'-tion and Liver Trouble* I wa* a wreuck and tired of | living, but by its u#c I am a well wo-| man. The many friend of Mrs. W. S. Stnnely t’.re pleased 1" know that she is greatly improved and is now convales cent. La Grippe is again epidemic. Ev» ry ■recantion should tie taken to avoid it. fu »nei-.nceure i* One Minute Cough Cure. A. L Shem-j-d publisher Agri cithijtni J.iiirmil and Adviser, Elden, Mu »nvs: “N< o.w-will bsdisfippomt ed in u-mg One Minute Gough Cure for LnGrippe.” Pleasant to taka, qurek to Bt: c • radVld I’ni. Go. W. S. .ten don, I kganaville A gr.T.t nvtnj of • ur people went ' dojKn to Columbus ’.asi week to attend , the Epwor.h league convention in that, city. Mr T. S. spent Wednesday ( in Atlanta. 'flvse •re d <>; <us times (or .the h» n tn Group. <«ld »• i>d thrdht trouble* lend rupid'y t<» >< uiption. A b-Hle Os One -finute Cough Cure used m the right time will v« - ™ Me. a large amount of money. Bradlleld Drug Co. W. S. Hendon, Hogansville. Mrs. Bober s grou of LaFayette Ain., iw’.id our c’t; :• o. -il hist w«vi . 'Zastrous “My friend.*’ said the weather prophet man to u gloomy look ing farmer, '‘th** trade winds j seem bent on our destruction. The condition of the Barometer suggests the presence of a most malignant and deadly atmospher ic phenomena. The lunary al traction upon the earth exceeds all past records, and defies ex plunition from our most learned astronomers. Yesterday, at the semi-annual convention of the International Scientific and Astro- ( ’nomicul Association, it was unan ; imously predicted that the ninety days succeeding April Ist will be attended by the most fright ful and disastrous down falls of rain ever ” The sentence was never finish' ed. The speaker was laid low j by a heavy blow from a fist knot I ted and hardened with toil. This I was fallowed by a lew mattering] of “trade winds—semi Annual—| • spherical—scientific—nation a*l— j sociation. That’s what’s the . matter now,” he went on. j fellows al'ways gettlw* togefttyer t and lookin’ at the weather and callin’ it names. Cro) dnrn >». i But I wouldn’t er knocked 1m i down if he hadn’t said somotfoing ; ’bout rain—'zutstrous rain acid I ain't got three rows of cofb planted ” X. An Iloaeat Medfsine for iMs-Gi-impe 6*wrge W. Wnitbof South* Gnrdiner Me., says: "I h»ve hud tl»r w»r*t coeglH cold, chills xnd grip anti have tnlteiv lots of ti-nsh of nn oveount Hur protlt) to the vender. ChMMlweimitf’s Couglbreinedy is tht* only ti»irvg ihtvt has dbne uny go.>dlvHi‘atev<ir. I'hav - usedlune fiO-cent bcCtib, awd'ttie'ohilhk cold' nnd grip hnv«*»l> tail im I *>«-- gntftuihte the tmramfiwturDns- of a» honest l medicine.” For hh 1» by A» Gnrnge Drug Co, Mr..Sanfordleft Ixm- Tltaww <lay to rvMiine hi* sttldieMi nt nH»»- Bkrh uolngieallsohool in ItWntn. Dr M* A. Siintnen*- L>ivev* »iled;>rne cleans theComplexwcx; given*- ><«g»nn cy Vo the Mind, i tirw-B! <udsoile, Reg ulates Stomach BtSvwit mnd liner. Miss Chrrte \Viili.w«w left lhef' week for A-tlai»t» when- Mik*»will A)«t«d some tinMf,. the-gin**! of: Six Dr» Meustimation n.guU und Pnielexs. and Prtinwn Side*, Hips and Limbs cured by Siiaimtavns Stytaw Vine Wine or Tlib’els. Mrs. W..R. ttan-Atel-1 aflr-r a visit tu her mother, in n*Awnw*<l hontx last Thunuiay. I)er*ngDnienl-« of Menstrual Func tions produce urinate. SiiantcAis Squaw Vine Wiin*-or Tablets vorrxet the derangement* Mr. Virgil E Dalite., returned last week, from it t int toGiaiiuuvilbv Mrs-. M. V. '/.and: iis- in .Vdy ntt«. the guest wf f.rien*£k-. ■ Mr. 8. A, Fhoklmv Editor of tje Mi i canopy (Ehu'hllftHUUfr. witl, b.n wife ■ and duldrarw suffe red te* rib from. LnGmippe. k)v»H Winnie Omqyt Cu-re we-.* the only ikhtucMv ihtma. ■lt acted qiuiokl&w ThoiiM nd&.hf oth us* this w«wd»; ws g apg .'iiic* for i Grippe, atwi i-tr. *»xh *ustinp 5 .after -ef fects. Brndfiie4l Drib, Co. AV. S. Hen don lIogHVWV' tfft Mrs. Julstd. R- "Lane rot trw'd to. her home in Maecftt last week.. • re ■, i n i— w i,i w®i ■■ ■ Mr. J. !■'. Mobley of ilo. was i in our town Wednesday. Rheumatism Cured. My wife Las- used Chu.utb ad lie? Vain Bn hit fur rheuiuatis'Ai *ttk and I can w.muiiruJ!; d as n splendid linimeht (0‘- vliet»»r*li -m n*-d other household uses Utf which we 1 found it VJtluablw—\V. J. Caylor, Red (keek, N. Y. Mr. Gu'lqr isifoh of lh» lending nwr- I ehanU of this willsge and uiieoKihe most prominent men in t lji viotitily.— W. G. Phippin, "Editor Red fhvek 11- r aid. For sale by LaGrange Drag Go. . ■ For A camera and stand 2 head • rests and a good br rusher for sale all in good end Ap-dy to I Mr. W. I). Fowler al the. Tom' limsa® Gallery. When travel lux Whether on pleasure Lent or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syi jipof Figs. asits acts | most pleasantly- and effectuahy ] on the kidneys..liven and ipreveniinu fevers,, headaches,-i 'andothiu lorinsol sickness. For.l sale in 50 cent bottles by all lead* r ing dr uggikts.- Manufactured-by | the California Fig SyrupCo.only. Mr, M. It. Kirby rotwrnml to<« • Grange las! week. Never saw so many new goods at Seay Bros. In issb my wife went East and was • attacked with rheumatism. Sha-ro*- ceived no relief until she tried Cham bei-lniii’b Pain Balm. Since that L ute.- we have never been'-without it. We find it gives instant relief in case* of burnt* ami scalds and«is never failing for all rhi-uinetic and-xieuralgic pains. —1). G. Brant, Cel. v ot btik- by LaGrange Drug .Co. Eat o oil Gbiathie at Freeman M THE WAT TO WX I WOIDI. A man mustfight to win a •woma-w-. It is not always a duel with rapier* that he must engage inc Sometimes it i s a stt aggie which on the surface -appean. to te -far more peaceful than-any* battle iat arna.- it isn’t the soldier only dbo tntr <t be brute. Men need courage to saecee- nywEsrein life. A mechanic or a tirme*. n . eels "grit ” in his sonl as well aaaon F.u hands.- la whatever line of Work am ar- * calledapsn to make his way in th*- wv rid he. must show pluck, and steadyi - -»••*« verinmjjeter minatton if he expects t wi u and haid a worthy woman/s affectivu A woman judges a man from appear asces. If he .is energato.- art d forcible. su« doesn’t always stop t* reaa jn whjy Sac Hl ,/j' Ay*' looks like iht-Spawis*- i lenorila ntherwiis dow and . applxMvU 8* e mat* , who figtau- I bravely., He tnaji ana ,he r»iy lose•; btat i he iwust never ta must fight A man itovanW ultiwait i do b Miself just tee, i He may uialre. a: tars shov nag when* ho realty isn't -to Jilanw. It is ouitnon to way. of a man •'-■hwrisstwadd and incapable that' 1 be is “ white JittaMi.” So’wotimes thia ife literally . irtMvyvt Wt any reproach, taa, ' man either Mfttty a a willing hoafeGa tas woraf .acta at timer <i like a lazy "quittrer.* Just 'ftgwuse h ft liver-1 is oni o f Older/ it’s the < auunonerZ«kindJ I <d a disease. A man -taeswik tanore- u raft is the- matter with him ; ha feels all h* strength and i energy oc-ung -asstof he can’ft work; i be can't • at; he ®n"t sleep; he carkteven think cloudy, He loses aturt and cou-rage I and fleita psrftty soon he feels ultia his , lungs. toctors c4l. it consumption { , and pre.»cribei tang spec But what the man uuadft medkinato go drepudftwn j into tb*-fcwi«l*ti<<<vi cd .the trouble; <jiear the puison «at of his blood - wakeup his liver, piarifje revitalise and buttdiup his systeta, frcMg the fovsdation fteaes He > needs->*i Merce’s Gohlen MedieaLDiscov ery v filch has cured ftnutuerkglft caaes of ; obst aAe Aver whifih. tile doo- , to» s Mfegjmnsed as utxrvwnnpsion. T'tt, wank of this-masterful “-Dihoovery” begnft- aft the very eomeratune Os life ia the. s.otsMch aftd jntritivft organjsm. It giwft nonnshnKnh rich blood, henlhyr,. voUd flesh. A co'agh is only a synt.itxsna; there are <fthe<' tiurngs that rathe 1>« cough . they wu*tj be- got rid of Jinfc. the cough nay be the 'hst thing to ga ] arety. Dr. Pieice’s marvalnua "Diseor ery '* isn’t a lung specific ; but it does more tilam any such, specific c*B ever do. It ■weeps out of the blood, all the foul dis waese-genns- that lodge w the lungs and S aciginate consumption ; it heads and builds I' ap the delicate tissue*, and jmbues the j entire syste® with strength and active f energy. The fact is well ea/ahlished that the “Golden Medical Discs.very ’’ cures weak lungs, bleeding fron* lungs, obstinate, i lingering coughs, laryngitis, bronchitis, throat disease, and hiadred affectiona of the air-passages, wtach, if negWcted or badly treated, lead! up to eouMamption' , Many thousands of well established cures I of such cases are reported by the most I trustworthy citizens. Many of these cases bad been pronounced consumption aud Incurable—by the best local physicians 1 before the s;tfierets commenced the use of 1 • Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription i>. reeognized everywhere as the greatest ci. twerv* and strength builders for weak arid ailing women. His " Pleasant Pellets ”41 e acknowledged as the most perfect natiqral laxative ever prescribed. Out of his lifetime experience ns a prac ticing physician and professor o*‘ physiol ogy. Br. Pierce has compiled a wonderful thousand-pa,<e book, illustrated wit* over 700 drawings and several colored plate*. It is entitled the People’s Commcjj Sense Medical Adviser, and, is a complexe family medical library in one voliime. s Nearby seven hundred thousand copies were sold at $1.50 each. Dr. Pierce considered the pro St on this sale warranted, him in issu ing a free edition, and a papee-bound copy will now be sent absolutely free for the bare cost of mailing, 21 one-cent stamps, or hi heavier French-cloth covers for ti •tamps.*.Address World’s Dispensary Med foal A ssoc’.ation, 665 Main Street. Bufialo. K Y. Only one copy will be seat to one femily. It should be in every Shfoily h the Iliad. AN OP! EN HETTTER? To mothers; . WE A*« ASSERT! NG I* THE COURTS OUR BEBHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE 1 JSE O» THE WORD “ C ASTORIA,” AND* ■■PVlflrwrS CASI 'ORLAJ* AS OUR TRADE MARK. . x, DR SAMUEL PIP3IER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of *CASTORIA;” the same that \ has bomte and does now bear ' 071 eueiy the fat-simile sig natifss of wrapper. This is the original “CASTO RIA ” which has been used in the homes qf the M othei raf America for over thirty years. LOOK CARER JLLY at the wrapper and see that it io the Hod you have c dways bought on and has the signature of wrap- jper. No one has authcrity from me to use my name except The Centaur Comf any, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. Jfareh24,lß9B. A J Jo Not 'Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substi .tute which some druggist may offer you A (because he r aakes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of 1 vhich sven he does not know. “The Kin d You Have Always Bought"* BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The I und That Never Tailed You. ▼HC CtHTAUI, COMMIT. TV MWMMV *TMait.'B*W V»M «T*. 1 : BIGCLEBOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value— Practical, JgiS: s.. Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive—Hand- somciy Printed and Beautifully illustrated. < - By JACDB bigole V / C HORSE BOOK 1 7 i Common SenseTreatiae, with ovw ■** W \1 74 Uluatrationa ; a standard wonk; price 50 Cents J No. 2—BIGGLE BERRY BOOK / , \ * ro F te s FOitt*-read and learn how; f I 43 Cf 401 ** I’’‘e-like 1 ’’‘e-like reproductions of all leading I J 'arteties and 100 other illustrations. Price 50 Cents > A I No - S-B’GGLE roultry book < I I ;y i 1 ,“^2. u , t , , ’ o . ul,r v : . tl ‘ e l » st I'ouitry Book in existence ; 5 , ’ i ’ 1 / Price al tretcis : with >O3 other illustrations. { I I No- 4—BIGGLE COW BOOK <r X 2 r r— J W» Al , l about Cows and the Dairy Business • havine a oreat T jc£J* Seci'STthT? , l fe ' Hk,rfpro^‘ ,ction "°^ aoh < x* “ ecd - * th lia other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents \ F S ~BWLB- SWINE BOOK V T4F7* fw‘lSe n .^ 1 11. 1 MoK’rßwetHng. Feeding, Butch ~ ‘ Contams over «o'beautiful half- .5] ' | _ ‘ones and vther engravings, ftke, 50 Cents. W \\ I .ireurnque.oneiual.usefnl-vou never \ are haeia. I "** !d “;* hcni —«° practical, so sensible. They ) -* - f «“ / >->FARM JOURNAL < L S*T“f ?’uK' U . an<l nu ‘ 8 ® is «t ft i'• M ye«« qnit-after u .h^.s^?dl?' < lOWl OWn ’ the ° f th f BIG( ’ LE and the FARM JOURNAL I 5 ■ (remainder of "Sqq. iqqg- loci ioao i tc\any nddreas for A DOLL Asa BiLL**’ a * VIU seut b T marl ♦ / i? cucs.r. JEMKIMS. ’ Address, FARM JOVRIHAI. ■ .. I’UILADELPHU. | e JAPANESE F> £ i c IJRE : ■•. ZEvS <> < .^ hfcs, l "l>*“lvs ol MPUMna and t\v. " *M9( IJml.weat. A never-foCiaa -arse tor pi’— cede, which <3 p, ntu », f? ,d t4f4n resllt{ . j lolcarh, ;yfuewessarv. Why -mfere. WtO tewibi, a * r dtetrvcaiCTste* in eacl , - * **«. 6 : C , 2F’b^-jmml ''oc« t oscsh3£<btnts. **” 1 th '®«£na*« little Pellets win with a st box . .5 more <x Pile Cure otic-s-Ths c.knu wwnFaaaw Jafanesb P:lf i. ‘ Ucsalec&ly by F & Burks. - ■ —-- : Spring fcvs come, so lias Schaub’s, new stock of picture utpidUngs: cheaper than exxr. Spring has has Schawls new stock of pictjtije m old i n cfepapQx j FA-RMERS’ WIVES or any other ladies who wish to work ■ Cai Earn Lois ol low wonting for us in spare time at hoiae on our cloihs. We offer ,yo» a good chance to make plea, tyi’ of spending money easily, ia leisure hours. Send 12c far C'Joth and full dlieciions for work and commence at once. Cloth sent anvwhere. Address r Winoosk tCo. (380-Cl Boston D»wC F ■ Mfg Dept. 71 HiNDIPO ‘ 3-fj g? 2 *. ,ES^ S var ■ ITT ofMo ' 1 e"eTc- u?JI Sl.. t s all drains a3 “'Uy nn IC« L,V r ' ( S of I S ,: «‘ - off 1» •«->d -nA ’ uo ”' '" '< 'Um 'O-« t c: ‘ rt ‘Co v <r V.-uil nl ■ *1 <lrr .n G r'l’, Sze lo shrunken orjrai..3« lihevvniJ l l ' s,, ? ess /'Fo i 'riage. ,'sisn CTS ‘R -y DR. JEJUi b Hal-Ka, FOtJ *